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This recipe is submitted by Nino Almendra of iCookonboard.

Prep. time: 5 minutes
Kneading time: 10-12 minutes {I always use electric dough mixer onboard.}
Proofing time: 1-2 hours 1st dough raise, 1 hour more to raise the formed
Pandesal dough
Baking time: 10 minutes {or a little more until golden brown}
Oven Temp.: 200C
Difficulty: Easy but need some practice!
Makes; 48 piecesGood for 24 crew
You will need;
1 kg. all purpose flour/bread flour
2 Tbsp. instant yeast
1/2 Tbsp. (1.5 tsp.) fine salt
3/4 cup sugar white granulated
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened {kept at room temperature for an hour or softened inside the
microwave for few seconds.}
3 pcs. med. size (60grms/each) fresh eggs
1.5 cup water, room temperature{a little more or less}
*For coating, enough bread crumbs to cover each Pandesal dough.
Place flour, yeast, salt and sugar in the dough mixer, run on slow speed for a minute to blend
Add the softened butter, eggs and water. Increase speed to medium-high and knead the mixture
for 10-12 minutes or until smooth and elastic. A good mixture will have blisters on the dough surface.
Either brush the bowl or rub the dough surface with vegetable oil and place it back into the
bowl, cover with plastic film wrap or a damp cloth and let it rise for 1-2 hours or until double in
bulk. Punch down dough and divide into two.
[Here's how I do it] *Sweet Dough Recipe on the link has a complete photo tutorial.
On a greased working table, roll out or flatten the dough about 12 inches wide. From one end, roll up
the dough to make a 12 inches log (bastn). Keep aside your 1st dough log and let it rest while you
handle the other. Divide each log into 12 and cut with a dough cutter. Place Pandesal dough on a bread
crumbs covered tray. Add more bread crumbs to cover all Pandesal dough. Transfer Pandesal dough on
a clean baking tray(No need to grease the tray). Pre-heat the oven to 200C. Let the Pandesal dough
raise on a warm area for 1 hour. Baked for 10 minutes or until golden brown.
Serve hot with your favorite blend of coffee. Enjoy!!! ;)

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1 small honeydew melon / rockmelon

1 cup sago (tapioca pearls)

cup sugar

cup water

1 cup canned coconut milk with tsp salt



Boil sugar and water in a pot until the sugar is completely dissolved and becomes syrupy. Set
aside to cool.


In a separate pot, boil at least 7 cups of water. When the water is boiling, add sago and cook
on medium-high heat until mostly translucent ( sago will dissolve and becomes gooey when
overcooked hence the visible white dots). Also, keep stirring to avoid the sago from sticking
to the pot.When the sago is cooked, drain it over a sieve and rinse it under cold running water.
Set aside.


Use a melon baler, scoop the flesh out. Alternatively, you can dice the melon instead.


Keep half the melon portion for later (for serving) and blend the remaining portion using a
food processor.


Mix the syrup, sago, melon and coconut milk in a large serving bowl. Chill before serving (note
as the mixture chills, the consistency will thicken a little).

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3 cups
1/4 cup
2 teaspoons

All Purpose Flour

Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
Baking Powder

3/4 teaspoons
3/4 cup
1 1/3 cup
3 pieces
1 1/2 teaspoons
5 teaspoons
1 Tablespoon
1/4 teaspoon
1 cup
1 cup

Softened Butter
Vanilla Extract
Liquid Food Coloring
White Vinegar
Baking Soda
Chocolate Chips
Icing Sugar



Preheat oven to 190 degrees Celsius.


Combine flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt. Mix using a wire whisk until everything
is incorporated. Set aside.


In a separate bowl, beat the butter using an electric mixer for 3 minutes. Gradually add the
sugar and beat until you have a pale yellow mixture. Add egg one at a time beating 3 minutes
upon each addition. Add vanilla extract and food color and beat for another 3 minutes.


Mix in the flour mixture a half cup at a time. Be sure that the flour mixture is well
incorporated into the batter.


Combine vinegar and baking soda and add to the batter. Mix for another 2 minutes.


Add in the chocolate chips and mix using a wooden spoon or a spatula.


Refrigerate for at least four hours or overnight. This is an important step. Like breads, we
want our batter to rest. Cold batter is also easy to work with compared to room temperature
sticky batter. So be patient.


Sift icing sugar in a bowl. Scoop the red velvet crinkle batter batter using a 1 ounce ice cream
scooper. Roll it on the icing sugar and place on a baking pan lined with baking paper. Slightly
press the batter and bake for 12 minutes. Remove the batch form the oven and let it cool on
the pan for another 5 minutes before transferring onto a wire rack.

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Lumpia wrappers (12 sheets), refrigerated and separated.
3 large ripe bananas, peeled and quartered
1 cup nutella spread
1/2 cup cold water, for sealing
Oil for frying


If lumpia wrappers were frozen, thaw them overnight in the fridge or on the kitchen counter.


Carefully separate each lumpia sheet apart. You will only need 12 sheets. Stack them covered
with damp paper towels to keep them from drying out.


Place lumpia wrapper diagonally towards you. Spread about a teaspoon of Nutella at lower one
third area (about 3 inches long), then place a banana on top. Spread another teaspoon of
Nutella on top of the banana.


Place the lower corner over the filling, tucking it under the banana then roll once.


Fold both side edges over the center (to resemble an envelope) then continue to roll until you
have about two inches left.


Seal that last edge with drops of water, the continue to roll until fully sealed.


To fry the egg rolls


Heat oil in a pan (375 degrees F) over medium heat.


Working in batches, place 3-4 rolls in the pan, fry for about 2-3 minutes on both sides, or until
rolls are crisp and golden.

10. Transfer to a plate lined with paper towels.

11. Repeat frying process with the rest of the rolls, adding more oil to the pan if necessary.
12. Serve while still warm.
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3 c Sweet rice (sticky rice or malagkit)
3 c water
1 can (13.5 oz) coconut milk OR coconut milk from 1 medium sized coconut
1.5 c brown sugar


In a rice cooker, mix sweet rice and water. Steam cook. Set aside


In a big wok, mix coconut milk and sugar. Bring to boil on medium high heat. Stir


Reduce heat to medium once it starts to boil.


Boil for 15 minutes or until the amount is reduced by half and the consistency is thick or


Add boiled rice slowly. Mix thoroughly.


Reduce heat to medium low.


Continue stirring . The secret of Biko is in the constant stirring. Do it by scooping from the
outside the mixture around the pan in one direction.


Biko is done when it doesn't spread too much when left without stirring.

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Puff Pastry:

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

100 ml of cold water

220 grams butter, chilled

pinch of salt

1/4 tsp vinegar or lime juice

Custard Filling:

1/2 cup butter

2 cups evaporated milk

5 egg yolks

3/4 cup sugar

1/3 cup flour

Sugar Glaze:

2 cups sifted confectioners sugar

tablespoon vanilla extract

2 to 3 tablespoons boiling water

Custard Filling:

In a heavy saucepan, place the butter, evaporated milk, egg yolks, sugar and flour.

Stir to combine, then cook the mixture on a low fire stirring constantly to prevent scorching.

When the mixture has thickened, remove from the heat.

Sugar Glaze:

In a medium mixing bowl, put in the confectioners sugar and vanilla.

Stir in enough boiling water to make a glaze of spreading consistently.

Puff Pastry:

Cut around 40 grams of butter, melt the butter then chill the remaining.
Make a well in the middle of the flour mixture and add vinegar or lime juice,
melted butter then pour in the water. Mix well, knead the dough a little bit.
With a rolling pin, flatten dough into a rectangular shape.
Place the chilled butter in the middle and fold the corners, right over left, making
sure to seal the edges.
Do not handle the dough with your whole hands, only with the finger tips, this
way you are transferring little heat onto the dough. Roll and flatten the dough into a
rectangle, we suggest that you roll it on top of a large tray, this will keep the dough
cold to avoid the butter from melting inside.
Put the large tray with the dough on top to chill butter inside the dough. The
reason the dough is being chilled is to make sure the butter is not absorb by the
dough, by the time you finish this process your dough will have a thin sheet of
butter on each layer.
After 10 minutes, remove dough from freezer, fold again right over left and roll
and flatten again with a rolling pin to form another rectangular shaped dough.
Repeat this process 4 times. Cut into rectangle shape.
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Bake the dough for about 10 to 15 minutes or until
crust is golden. Cool completely.

Cut puff pastry in half to insert custard filling.

Pour glaze over the top.



8 10 (200 grams) button mushrooms

1/2 cup of water

1/2 cup of all purpose flour

1/2 tsp of garlic powder

1/2 tsp of salt

1/2 tsp of pepper

1 egg



Wipe the mushroom clean with a paper towel. Do not rinse them off with water.


Cut the mushrooms into quarters. If they are smaller mushrooms, cut them in halves.


Pour the water into a mixing bowl. Next, crack the egg in add the all-purpose flour, garlic
powder, salt, and pepper. Whisk until everything is well combined.


Add the breadcrumbs to a separate bowl.


Place the mushrooms into the liquid mixture. Stir until they are well coated. In batches, add
the mushrooms to the bread crumbs and stir until they are well coated. Set them aside on
wire rack.


In a pot or deep fryer, pour in about 6 cm of vegetable oil. Over medium heat, bring the oil to
350F. In batches of 6 to 8, place the mushrooms in. Deep-fry them for a minute and half or
until theyre golden brown.


Set them aside on a plate lined with a paper towel.


Serve your deep-fried mushrooms up with a lemon mayo dipping sauce or the sauce of your
choice. Enjoy!

Napoleones Recipe

1/2 cup butter

2 cups evaporated milk

5 egg yolks

3/4 cup sugar

1/3 cup flour


In a heavy saucepan, place the butter, evaporated milk, egg yolks, sugar and flour. Stir to combine.


Over low fire, cook the mixture stirring constantly to prevent scorching. When the mixture has thickened,
remove from the heat.


2 cups sifted confectioners sugar

tablespoon vanilla extract

2 to 3 tablespoons boiling water


In a medium mixing bowl, put in the confectioners sugar and vanilla. Stir in enough boiling water to make a
glaze of spreading consistently.


2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

1/2 cup cold water

1 cup butter, chilled


Make a well in the middle of the flour mixture and pour in the water. Mix well.


With a rolling pin, flatten dough into a rectangular shape. Place chilled butter in the middle and fold the
corners, right over left, making sure to seal the edges. Pound dough and flatten into a rectangle. Put in freezer
to chill butter inside the dough.


After 30 minutes, remove dough from freezer, fold again right over left and pound with a rolling pin to form
another rectangular shaped dough. Repeat this process 4 times. Cut into desired shape.


Preheat oven to 350 F. Bake for about 20 minutes or until crust is golden. Cool completely.


Cut puff pastry in half to insert custard filling.


Pour glaze over the top.

Filipino version of hotcake is kind of thin and has yellow color because yellow food color is added. Then margarine is
spread on top of it and sprinkled with sugar. It's rare to see vendors selling this Hotcake nowadays. So i decided to
make my own recipe of this Filipino version of hotcake. I hope it came close to the taste of the one i use to buy when I
was just a little kid.

Filipino Hotcake Recipe

1 cup flour
6 tbsp sugar
1 tsp baking powder
235 ml milk
1 egg

1 tbsp cooking oil

pinch of salt
dash of yellow food color
1. In a bowl mix together beaten egg and milk. Then add flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and stir. Add cooking oil and
a dash of yellow food color and stir until the batter is smooth.
2. In low fire, heat cooking oil in a pan.
3. Pour in 1 laddle of batter into the pan. Flip when the surface starts to bubbles.
4. Cook for another 1 to 2 minutes.
5. Repeat doing this until you finish all the batter.
6. While the hotcake still hot, spread margarine on top and sprinkle with sugar. Happy Eating!

1 kilo ground pork pigue or ham
1/4 cup garlic, crushed
1 Tbsp. onions, chopped
2& 1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. black pepper, ground
1/3 cup soy sauce
2&1/4 Tbsp. vinegar
2 yds sausage casing
1/2 cup water
2 Tbsp. cooking oil
How to cook vigan longanisa:
In a bowl, mix thoroughly the first seven ingredients until well blended.
Stuff the mixture into casing and tie every 2 inches long with a string.
Hang under direct sunlight for about 4 hours to allow fat and liquid to drip and

Heat a carajay and pour 1/2 cup water and 1-2 tablespoons cooking oil.
Put in the longanisa. Cover and cook over low heat until all of the water
evaporates. Prick each with a fork.
When all liquid has evaporated, pan fry until brown.
Serve hot with fried rice, tomatoes and sliced salted eggs. Serves 8

For Grill and boil:

1/2 lb Pork ear

2lb Pork belly

1/2 lb Pork nape

1/2 lb Pork tongue

1/2 lb Pork liver

1/2 lb Pork intestine (optional grilled or boiled)

For the seasoning:

4 pcs kalamansi (Use Lemon or Lime to substitute)

1/4 cup Coconut Vinegar

2 Chopped onions

4 Chopped chili

4 Stalks Chopped green onion

1 tsp Salt

1 tsp Black Pepper

1/8 lb Porks brain (boiled)

3 spoon Mayonaise (optional)


Grill all the pork ingredients until golden brown and simmer the pork brain for 10 mins


Slice the grilled pork into bite size


In a bowl, mix the sliced grilled pork with the boiled pork brain and the rest of the seasoning


Add salt and pepper to taste


Add mayonnaise to make it thick, this is optional.


1 lb. ground chicken

1- 1 1/2 cups white vinegar

1/2 soy sauce

5 tbsp. lemon juice

1 large or 2 medium red onions, chopped


S&P to taste

cooking oil



In a skillet over medium heat, pour some oil and allow to warm up. Place ground chicken and allow to
cook. Discard broth if theres any.


Once chicken is cooked all the way through, add vinegar, soy sauce and lemon juice in increments until
you reach desired flavor.


Throw in chopped onions and chili. Cook until the onions are just about translucent.


Serve with piping hot steamed white rice or ice cold beer.


A package of spaghetti

3 hot italian sausages

1 cup of tomato sauce

1 can of chicken broth

1 can of tomato paste

1 cup of banana sauce

1 lb of ground pork

1 onion, diced

3 cloves of garlic

1 cup of cheese



Take the sausages and bake for 20 minutes at 325F. *You dont have to do it this way. You can slice the
sausage raw and add into the pan later*


Heat up about 1 tbs of olive oil in a large pan. Once the oil is heated, add the onions and garlic. Stir fry
until translucent.


Add the ground pork once the onions are translucent. Continue to stir fry until pork has browned


Once the pork has browned, add the cup of tomato paste (or pasta sauce as I used) and the can of
chicken broth. Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer. Simmer for 30 minutes


While that is simmering away, cook the pasta according to package. Drain and set aside once done. By
now, the sausage is probably done as well. Take out and slice diagonally.


Uncover the pan and add the tomato paste, banana sauce and sliced sausages. Bring the heat back up to
medium high. Mix everything until the sauce is thick, season with salt and pepper to taste. Once thick,
turn off heat.


Plate the pasta and add some shredded cheese on top. Scoop a large helping of sauce onto plate and



A package of spaghetti

3 hot italian sausages

1 cup of tomato sauce

1 can of chicken broth

1 can of tomato paste

1 cup of banana sauce

1 lb of ground pork

1 onion, diced

3 cloves of garlic

1 cup of cheese



Take the sausages and bake for 20 minutes at 325F. *You dont have to do it this way. You can slice the
sausage raw and add into the pan later*


Heat up about 1 tbs of olive oil in a large pan. Once the oil is heated, add the onions and garlic. Stir fry
until translucent.


Add the ground pork once the onions are translucent. Continue to stir fry until pork has browned


Once the pork has browned, add the cup of tomato paste (or pasta sauce as I used) and the can of
chicken broth. Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer. Simmer for 30 minutes


While that is simmering away, cook the pasta according to package. Drain and set aside once done. By
now, the sausage is probably done as well. Take out and slice diagonally.


Uncover the pan and add the tomato paste, banana sauce and sliced sausages. Bring the heat back up to
medium high. Mix everything until the sauce is thick, season with salt and pepper to taste. Once thick,
turn off heat.


Plate the pasta and add some shredded cheese on top. Scoop a large helping of sauce onto plate and



1/3 C unflavored gelatin powder

2 (400ml) cans Coconut milk + water to make 5 C of liquid

1/2 C White sugar

1 can whole corn kernels, drained

1 C All-purpose cream

1/2 C Condensed milk


In a saucepan, disperse the gelatin in coconut milk and water. Let stand a few minutes to allow the gelatin to bloom.
Add sugar. Cook over low heat until gelatin dissolves completely. You do not have to wait for it t boil.


Transfer to a container and chill until firm. Cut into half-inch cubes. Transfer to a large bowl. Pour in the corn.


Pour cream and condensed milk over the corn and gelatin mixture. Toss gently. Chill well before serving.


1 1/2 lb boneless chicken breast, cut into cubes

1 piece medium-sized onion, minced

1 tbsp garlic, minced

1 cup potato, diced

1 cup carrot, diced

1 cup green peas

1/4 cup raisins

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp ground black pepper

1 tsp sugar

1/2 piece chicken cube

2 tbsp cooking oil


3 cups flour

4 tbsp sugar

6 tbsp water, cold

1 piece raw egg

1 cup butter, cold

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt


Make the Filing by pouring the cooking oil in a pan and then allow it to heat-up


Once the oil is hot, saute the garlic and onions


Add the chicken breast then cook until color turns light brown (about 5 minutes)


Add water and chicken cube then simmer for 10 minutes


Put-in carrots and potatoes and simmer for 5 minutes


Add the green peas, raisins, and sugar then simmer for another 5 minutes


Sprinkle salt and pepper. Turn off the heat, drain the excess liquid, and set aside.


Make the dough by combining the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl starting with the flour, sugar, baking powder, and
salt. Mix well using a wire whisk.


Cut the butter into small thin pieces place in the mixing bowl with the dry ingredients.(the butter should be cold and
solid before doing this)

10. Add water gradually and mix all the ingredients thoroughly until a dough is formed. You may use a pastry blender to
easen the process.
11. Divide the dough into individual pieces by grabbing a piece from the whole mixture and rolling it in your hand until a
spherical shape is formed. Do this until all the dough is consumed. Set aside in a cool place for at least 20 minutes
12. Flatten the spherical dough py pressing it with your palm against a flat surface. Use a rolling pin to flatten it fully while
creating a round shape.
13. Arrange about a quarter to half a cup of filling (the chicken that you cooked in the first few steps) at the middle of the
flattened dough. Fold the dough so that opposite ends meet (you should have formed a half moon shaped dough)then
press the edges and seal. (refer to the video for the technique)
14. After all the fillings are consumed, crack the egg and separate the white from the yolk. Beat the egg white lightly and
mix a little water.Glaze the crust by brushing the egg wash.
15. Put a wax paper on top of a baking tray or grease the baking tray then arranged the sealed doughs.
16. Pre-heat oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 minutes. Bake the sealed doughs for 25 minutes at the same
17. Remove from the oven.
18. Serve hot. Share and Enjoy!

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1 kilo Magnolia Chicken Cut-ups, assorted parts

1 tbsp Calamansi

1 tbsp Garlic, chopped

2 tsp Ginger, chopped

tsp Salt

tsp Pepper

Magnolia Nutri-oil for deep-frying

2 pc Egg, slightly beaten

cup Cornstarch

cup Magnolia Butter-licious!, melted


Marinate the Chicken Ups in calamansi, garlic, ginger, salt and pepper for at least 30 minutes.


Dip chicken in beaten eggs and roll in cornstarch.


Deep fry chicken until golden and cooked through then drain in paper towels.


Toss fried chicken in melted butter. Serve hot.

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4 bunches kangkong leaves, cleaned
3 cups corn starch
5 cups cooking oil
salt and monosodium glutamate ( MSG) to taste (vetsin)
1-1/2 cup water
1 cup flour

1 pc boiled egg, grated medium

1. Clean kangkong and draw off leaves thoroughly.
2. Remove leaves from stem. Set aside.
3. Combine cornstarch, flour, egg, MSG, salt and water ( batter mixture ) in a clean mixing bowl.Mix until smooth in consistency.
4. Heat oil to 250F and reduce fire to medium. Dip kangkong leaves one by one in batter and deep fry until crispy.
5. Put fried leaves in a plate lined with table tissue to drain oil from kangkong leaves. Serve with sauce on the side.

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8 chicken wings
Olive Oil
Balsamic Reduction
Dried oregano
Clove of garlic
Handful finely chopped parsley
1/2 lemon
Salt & Pepper



Combine oil, balsamic reduction, oregano, garlic and parsley in a bowl and stir.
Squeeze lemon, add a sprinkle of salt and pepper and mix.
Make slits in each wing with a sharp knife.
Add wings to mix and coat them well.
Place in a baking tray.
Drizzle remaining mix on top.
Bake in the oven for 20-25 min on each side at 180C/365 F


1 Tbs. canola oil

4 scallions, finely chopped

1 garlic clove, minced

4 oz. ham, cut into 1/2-inch dice

1 cup kimchi, drained (1Tbs. liquid reserved) and coarsely chopped

1-1/2 Tbs. Asian sesame oil

3 cups cooked white or brown rice, at room temperature

2 tsp. soy sauce

2 large eggs, beaten

Salt and pepper to taste

Heat the canola oil in a large skillet or wok over medium heat for 30 seconds.
Add about three-quarters of the scallions and the garlic; stir-fry with a spatula for 10 seconds.
Add the ham and stir-fry for 1 minute. Add the kimchi and continue to stir-fry for another 2
minutes. Transfer the mixture to a bowl and set aside.
In the same wok or skillet, heat 1 Tbs. of the sesame oil over medium heat for 30 seconds. Add
the rice and stir-fry, tossing the rice until it is completely coated with the sesame oil. Continue
stir-frying until it begins to get crisp, about 2 minutes more.
Add the kimchi mixture and combine thoroughly. Drizzle the kimchi juice and the soy sauce over
the mixture and continue cooking for another minute.
With the spatula, push the fried rice mixture in the front of the skillet to the center, leaving an
empty space closest to you in the skillet. Pour in the remaining sesame oil and heat for 10
seconds. Pour the beaten eggs into the oil and let cook for about 1 minute until the egg just
begins to set. With the spatula push the egg into the fried rice mixture, little by little, and
distribute it throughout the rice. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Put the rice in a serving bowl and garnish with the remaining chopped scallions.

Serving Suggestions
You can serve the Kimchi Fried Rice on its own or with a rustic Radish Salad or Mixed Herb
Salad for a light meal, or alongside Korean-Style Marinated Skirt Steak for a more substantial



3 bowls steamed rice (3 cups)

1 cup chopped kimchi

cup kimchi juice

cup water

2-3 tablespoons gochujang

3 teaspoons sesame oil

1 teaspoon vegetable oil

1 green onion, chopped

1 tablespoon roasted sesame seeds

1 sheet of kim, roasted and shredded - TOASTED SEAWEED

1. Heat up a pan. Add the vegetable oil.
2. Add the kimchi and stir fry for 1 minute.
3. Add rice, kimchi juice, water, and gochujang. Stir all the ingredients together for
about 7 minutes with a wooden spoon.
4. Add sesame oil and remove from the heat.
5. Sprinkle with chopped green onion, roasted gim, and sesame seeds. Serve right



1 tablespoon vegetable oil, plus more for drizzling on rice

1/2 cup chopped chicken, beef, pork, or Spam
3 cups day-old cooked white short grain rice
3 finely sliced scallions, white ends and green parts separated
1 generous cup roughly chopped kimchi, plus some reserved juice
2 teaspoons sesame oil
1 teaspoon soy sauce
2 eggs
Sesame seeds, for garnish



Heat oil in a wok or a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add meat and
cook, stirring occasionally, until cooked through (about 2-3 minutes).


Meanwhile, place rice in a large bowl and drizzle with a little vegetable oil.
With your hands, separate rice grains as much as possible without smashing or
breaking them. Use just enough oil to coat each grain.


To the pan, add the white parts of the scallions and cook just until fragrant,
about 30 seconds. Add the kimchi and juice and stir to toss. Add the rice and
toss to coat, distributing the ingredients evenly. Allow the rice to cook for about
10 minutes, tossing halfway through, or as needed, to keep the bottom of the rice
from burning.


Drizzle with the sesame oil and soy sauce, and toss to distribute evenly. Cook
for another 3-5 minutes, tossing as needed to keep the bottom of the rice from
burning. Taste for seasoning, and add a sprinkling more sesame oil and soy
sauce, if desired. Reserve a handful of green onions and toss the rest in the pan
with the rice. Quickly give it a toss to distribute, then divide rice between two


In a small pan, fry both eggs and use to top the kimchi fried rice. Garnish with
reserved green onions and sesame seeds.


INGREDIENTS: For the batter

500 grams all purpose flour

250 grams white sugar

cup baking powder

2 cups water

1 cup powdered milk

3 large eggs

3 tablespoons butter, melted and cooled

For the filling

2 tablespoons cooking oil

2 cloves garlic, minced

500 grams flaked pork

cup water

cup white sugar

1 teaspoon cornstarch

cup soy sauce

1 piece laurel leaf

1 piece star anise

For the toppings

4 salted eggs, sliced

cheddar cheese, sliced

INSTRUCTIONS: Make the batter


In a large bowl, mix together the flour, sugar, and baking powder. Pour in water and powdered milk, then stir well.


Add in the eggs and butter then mix until well blended. Set aside.

Make the filling


In a pan, heat oil and saute garlic until aromatic.


Add flaked pork and cook for 3 minutes, stirring often.


Add the rest of the filling ingredients and cook until pork is tender and the sauce has thickened.


Once filling is ready, discard anise and laurel. Set aside.

To assemble

Prepare steamer, or use a large wok with a plate or a metal rack set atop some water.
In muffin cups (lined or greased depending on preference), pour a little amount of batter then add a tablespoon of filling.
Cover the filling with another amount of batter until cup is nearly all the way full. Top with salted egg and cheese.


Steam for 10 to 15 minutes or until done. Puto-pao are done when the tops have domed and are soft and springy to the
touch, and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.


Chocolate Cake:

3/4 cup cocoa powder

3/4 cup water

4 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped or broken into 1-inch pieces

2 cups all-purpose unbleached flour

1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda

1/4 teaspoon kosher salt

12 tablespoons (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened

2 cups granulated sugar

5 large eggs

1 cup whole milk

Chocolate Frosting:

10 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped (no bigger than 1/2-inch pieces)

1 cup heavy cream

2/3 cup granulated sugar

12 tablespoons (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened and cut into 1-inch pieces

For the cake:


Preheat the oven to 350F. Grease the bottoms and sides of the cake pans with cooking spray or butter
and coat evenly with cocoa powder, tapping out the excess.


In a small bowl, stir the 3/4 cup cocoa powder with the water to make a paste and set aside.


Melt the chocolate by putting it in a heat-proof bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water, making sure
the bowl does not touch the water. (You can use a double boiler if you have one.) Stir and scrape the side
of the bowl occasionally with the rubber spatula until the chocolate is smooth and evenly melted. Cool to
room temperature.


Over a bowl or piece of parchment, sift the flour and baking soda together in a sifter or in a fine strainer
by gently tapping your hand against the edge. Add the salt. Set aside.


Using the stand mixer, or a handheld mixer and medium bowl, on medium speed, beat the butter and
sugar together until smooth. Scrape down the side of the bowl with the spatula and mix in the eggs, 1 at a
time, until combined. On low speed, add the cocoa paste. Add the melted chocolate and mix until
thoroughly combined.


On low speed, add half of the sifted flour, mixing thoroughly, then half the milk. Repeat with the remaining
flour and then the milk, mixing well.


Divide the batter between the pans and, using the spatula, spread it out. Bake the cakes on the middle
rack of the oven until a bamboo skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean, about 20 minutes. If you
put the cake pans on 2 different racks in the oven,


switch the pans halfway through baking so theyll bake evenly.


Cool the cakes in their pans. Run a small knife around the inside edges. Place a plate on top of each cake
and invert the cake and plate. Remove the pans. Cool the cakes completely.

For the frosting:


Put the chopped chocolate in a medium bowl. Heat the cream with the sugar in a small saucepan over
medium-high heat until small bubbles form at the edge, stirring to dissolve the sugar.


Pour the warm cream over the chopped chocolate. Shake the bowl a little to submerge all the chocolate
pieces. Then cover the bowl for several minutes. (You can cover the bowl with anything thats handy, like a
pan lid.) Whisk until smooth. Let sit for 5 minutes to cool slightly.


Whisk the butter into the chocolate, adding only 1 or 2 pieces at a time and whisking until theyre blended
before adding the next. Once all the butter is added, give the mixture a final whisk to smooth it out. Let
sit at room temperature until it seems spreadable. This step may take up to an hour, but you can prepare
the frosting up to 6 hours ahead of time. If you try to rush it by putting it in the refrigerator, stir every 10
minutes and keep a close eye on it so it doesnt get hard.


To assemble the cake, put one of the cake layers bottom-side up on the cake plate or platter. Using the
narrow metal spatula, spread with about 1 cup of the frosting. With the wide spatula, place the other layer
(also bottom-side up) on top of the frosting. Spread the frosting over the side and then the top of the



Chocolate Cake:

cup (155g) caramel sauce

cup plus 2 tbsp (60g) all purpose flour

cup (46g) cocoa powder

2 tsp cinnamon

tsp baking soda

tsp salt

4 oz bittersweet chocolate, chopped

6 tbsp (85g) unsalted butter

cup buttermilk

cup (105g) sugar

2 eggs

1 tsp vanilla extract


2 cans (28 oz or 828 ml) sweetened condensed milk

2 cups whole milk, room temperature

6 oz (170g) cream cheese, room temperature

6 large eggs, room temperature

4 large egg yolks, room temperature

1 tsp vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 350 F degrees.


Spray an angel food cake pan with cooking spray. Pour the caramel sauce evenly over the bottom of the


In a medium bowl combine the flour, cocoa, cinnamon, baking soda, salt and mix; set aside. In a
microwave safe bowl and the chocolate and butter and microwave in 30 seconds intervals until chocolate
is melted and it's smooth. Mine took about 1 minute and 30 seconds. Add buttermilk, sugar, eggs and
vanilla to the melted chocolate and whisk until it's smooth. Pour chocolate mixture to the dry ingredients
and whisk until it well incorporated and smooth. Pour the chocolate batter evenly over the caramel in the
angel food cake pan.


To make the flan simply add all the flan ingredients to a blender and process on low until smooth. Be
careful, there's a lot of batter here, so you want to make sure you do this on low otherwise it might
explode all over. Pour the flan batter over the chocolate in the pan.


Place the cake pan in a large roasting pan and place it in the oven. Add enough hot water to the roasting
pan to reach halfway up the sides of the pan. Careful so you don't burn yourself.


Bake the cake for about 1 hour and 30 minutes, mine took about 1 hour and 40 minutes, or until you
insert a toothpick in the cake and it comes out clean.


Cool the cake completely in the pan and refrigerate it overnight.


Next day, fill the roasting pan with water, or your sink and place the bottom of the cake pan in the water
to warm the caramel and the flan portion of the cake. You only need to do this for a couple minutes.


Carefully turn the cake onto a large serving platter or cake stand.

Notes: Store the cake covered with plastic wrap in the fridge.

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