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Friday Bulletin
The Weekly Muslim News Update

Muharram 11 1432/December 17 2010

Issue No. 398

Muslim political vehicle

proposed for 2012

Tourism minister Najib Balala (Right) shares a word with Muhammad Osman Warfa,
the Jamia Mosque Committee chairman during the sixth NAMLEF convention.
Looking on is Major (rtd) Muhammad Idris, an aide to Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

Wikileaks: 'We told you America is not a friend'

Revelations by internet whistleblower Wikileaks where the US Ambassador gave negative assessment on the coalition government are a clear indicator that the United States
is not a friend of Kenya.
Nominated MP Sheikh Muhammad Dor said while the US has continuously portrayed
itself as a mutual friend of Kenya, the diplomatic cables made it clear that it was not a
trusted ally and Kenya should desist from embracing some of its policies which have had
adverse effects to the nations interests.
In the cables, the two coalition principals President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila
Odinga were described as heading a coalition of grand impunity and accused of being
impediments to reforms.
The government responded angrily to the cables with the President and his coalition
partner accusing the American envoy Michael Ranneburger of interfering in the countrys
affairs. During the Jamhuri celebrations on Sunday, the ambassador came under strong
criticism from President Kibaki and Raila who accused the ambassador of attempting to
destabilise the countrys leadership.
On several occasions, Muslims leaders have reminded the government that the United
States is not a true friend of Kenya and the government should refrain from adopting
some of its policies as they are not good for the country, said Sheikh Dor who is also
an Imam at the Mbaruk Mosque in Mombasa.

This Week


Women Issues

As political realignments take shape in readiness for the 2012 elections, Muslims should
start laying down strategies for a political vehicle which will take the community to the elections as a strong political force.
Tourism minister Najib Balala said Muslims
have an important role to play in the countrys
political spectrum and said early preparations
were important if the community will make another stronger imprint during the coming elections.
In his keynote address during the National
Muslim Leaders Forum (NAMLEF) sixth annual
convention, Balala said a strong political vehicle will ensure that Muslims continue to play a
more active role in the political framework of the
He predicted that the countrys political future
will be based on coalitions and said Muslims
should be prepared for this political eventuality. There is no single community or individual
which can run the country. We should be ready
for coalition with others who agree on mutual
interests, he said.
If there are alliances of tribes, why not Muslims? As Muslims we do not have tribes, he
He was however, quick to add that the vehicle
will not be religious based but a political outfit
which will welcome other Kenyans on board.
The minister recounted the Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) reached with the Orange
Democratic Party (ODM) prior to the 2007 elections and said though not many of its expected
benefits were achieved, it nevertheless showed
that Muslims were a political force to reckon
with. Muslims now make up 15 percent of
the cabinet ministers and have more representation in Parliament than before as a result of
this, he said.
While he said there will be no more MoUs, the
future political strategy will be embedded in
Memorandum of Agreements, as with this arrangement, Muslims can easily move out in the
event of disagreements. I believe this is the
way to go, he told the hundreds of delegates
who turned up at the convention at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC) in
Balala reminded Muslims that politics was a

Story continued On Page 2

The Hague-Justice must prevail

P2 Youth

and Children

It is only a Sunnah!
Parenting-Tarbiyyah in the middle years P4

Story continued On Page 7

Advice to Youths


The Muslim Investor


This Newsletter contains some of Allahs names. Please do not throw in the trash. Either keep, circulate or shred

The Friday Bulletin

Muharram 11 1432/December 17 2010


The Hague-Justice must prevail

Finally, the cat has been left out of the bag. After a long wait, International Criminal Court Prosecutor Louis Moreno Ocampo on
Wednesday released the much awaited list of the alleged masterminds of post election violence.
This is a first step towards their possible indictment for their role in
the deadly violence which put a big stain to Kenyas reputation and
led to the grisly killings of more than 1,200 people.
The prosecutor announced that he will seek summons to the pretrial chambers for the secretary to the cabinet Francis Kirimi Muthaura, Finance minister Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, suspended Education minister William Samoei Ruto, Industrialisation minister Henry
Kiprono Kosgey, former police commissioner Muhammad Hussein
Ali and radio personality Joshua Arap Sang on allegations of murder, forced displacements, persecutions and rape.
It is now almost three years since the wanton killings and Kenyans
have been waiting for justice for the victims of this injustice. There
is no doubt that crimes were committed during that sad period in
the history of Kenya and with this it demands that justice be effected.
Victims of the post election violence have been seeking justice for
the wrongs committed against them and regrettably, nearly three
years on, the perpetrators of these grisly acts have been walking
free. Proposals to set up a local tribunal which would have left out
The Hague option were scuttled by different political players leaving the road to Hague as the only viable option left to try those

suspected of involvement in these crimes.

It should be however, noted that even after the contents of the list
have been made bare, those mentioned, are still deemed innocent
until proven guilty.
Ultimately, what many Kenyans expect is that justice must be seen
to prevail against those behind this acts as leaving those who were
responsible to go unpunished will be the highest degree of impunity
which will leave loopholes which would allow this macabre killings
to erupt once an opportune moment comes to pass.
More importantly, the process should not be seen only to be confined to the Six but there are host of others who also played a big
role in these attacks. If sufficient evidence is available, all those
who were incriminated should also be brought to justice here in
Kenya or elsewhere. Kenyans are hoping to see some level of accountability especially for the high-level masterminds who in Kenya's past have always enjoyed a high degree of political immunity.
The process is not about targeting some individuals or communities as is being perceived by some players. We need to understand
that the ICC process is part of the Agenda 4 political settlement that
greatly helped to bring Kenya out of the abyss it had descended in
after the 2007 post election violence.
Whether the six make it to The Hague or not, what is important
is that mechanisms must be put in place to see to it that justice is
meted for those who were killed, raped and displaced from their

Serve your country with diligence-Muslim military personnel told

Muslim servicemen in the armed forces have been praised for their
role in service to the nation and further adviced to live up to their
obligations towards the national duty.
Defence Minister Muhammad Yusuf Hajj said as members of the
discipline forces, Muslims have an obligation to serve the nation
diligently adding that serving in the military was a patriotic act which
they should be proud of as citizens.
You have an important role in the nation and you have to serve
with diligence and patriotism as this is part of your duty as a citizen
of Kenya, he said.
The minister also reminded the servicemen of their obligation to
their religion saying that they should endeavor to portray Islamic
moral standards and present Islam positively in their activities.
The minister made the remarks while officiating at the opening
ceremony of the KR9 mosque in Moi Barracks Eldoret over the
In his remarks, the Principal Imam of the armed forces Colonel
Defence minister Muhammad Yusuf Hajj is assisted to plant a
tree by an army officer during the opening of the KR9 Mosque at
the Moi Barracks Eldoret. Looking on is the Principal Imam of
the Armed forces Col. Ahmed and the director of WAMY Irshad

Wikileaks: 'US is not a friend'

Story From Page 1
He said contrary to popular belief, the United States was not genuine in its friendship with Kenya and the government needs to review
its ties with Washington.
The Sheikh said some of the policies which have been pushed by
the US particularly the so-called war on terror have been counterproductive and driven a wedge between Muslims and the government.
The Sheikh echoed calls that the US should not be allowed to interfere in the affairs of the country and stressed that the sovereignty
of the country should be respected. We have been independent
for 47 years ago and we are not in need of another rogue ambassador, he said in reference to former US envoy Smith Hempstone
who faced a barrage of criticism for his perceived interference in
the countrys political affairs.
He told foreign governments to respect the countrys leadership
and stop using their financial renounces to influence policies which
are detrimental to the unity and cohesion of the country.
On Wednesday, parliament said Ranneburger should be recalled
for undermining the countrys leadership.

Ahmed commended the government for the enabling environment

which has ensured that Muslims members of the armed forces are
able to fulfil their constitutional rights to freedom of worship. We
thank the government for this initiative which has seen many Imams
and maalims in the military continue to receive various forms of support from the army, he said.
The Imam also expressed gratitude to various Muslim organisations
which have extended support to Muslims in the armed forces. It is
through this assistance that we have mosques in almost all the major facilities in the armed forces, he added.
Among those present at the event was Omar Kassim the executive
director of the Kenya Muslim Charitable Society (KCMS) which facilitated the construction of the mosque.
Also present was Brig. Muhammad the chief of operations of the
Armed forces, Irshad Ibrahim the country director of World Assembly
of Muslim Youth (WAMY) and Col. (rtd) Nur Hassan among other

Muharram 11 1432/December 17 2010

The Friday Bulletin


Eng. Abdul-Majid Jaffry

It is only a Sunnah!

The emphasis on the Sunnah is to the point that if one knowingly

Often, when Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam is mentioned we hear the remark, "it is only a Sunnah", implying denies the decrees and judgments of the Holy Prophet, he jeopardas if Sunnah is a mere matter of choice, not a duty or obligation, izes his faith.
recommended, but not required. The response, for most part, is a
The obligation to judge all matters in the light of the Quran and the
result of the lack of understanding of the importance and the place Sunnah is also recognized from the famous hadith of Muadh bin
of the Sunnah in Islam and in a Muslim's life.
Jabal radhiyallaahu anhu. When the Holy Prophet appointed him as
What is Sunnah? Allah sent his last Prophet and Messenger Mu- a Judge in Yemen, he enquired him, "What will you judge by when
hammad Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam to teach and guide humanity you decide a case?" Muadh bin Jabal said, "By the Book of Allah."
how to conduct their individual and collective affairs and live their The Prophet further asked, "If you don't find the answer in the Book
lives in a manner pleasing to their Creator. In this regard, the virtu- of Allah, what will you do?" he replied, "I will look into the Sunnah
ous acts and deeds taught by the Prophet, through his words and of the Allah's Prophet." The answer of Muadh bin Jabal very much
conduct, are called Sunnah. They range in their scope from the pleased Rasulallah Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam. The hadith further
manner of drinking water to burial of the dead to solemnizing the confirms that the Sunnah, after Quran, is a definite and absolute
marriage to regulation of trade practices, etc. Even a simple task of part of the Muslim constitution.
drinking water becomes an act of worship if the intention underlying
The Prophet Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam was created as an "exit is to comply with the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet. On the other alted standard of character" ( Al-Qalam 68:4) and the best exemhand, intentionally and habitually disregarding the Sunnah invites plar for the human race. In enjoining the believers to pattern their
anger of Allah and His Prophet. The Holy Prophet is reported to lives after the perfect example of the Prophet's life, the Quran says,
said, "Whoever turns away
"Certainly, there is an excelfrom my Sunnah is not from Even a simple task of drinking water becomes an act of worship lent example for you in the
me", meaning he is not my fol- if the intention underlying it is to comply with the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, for him
Holy Prophet.
who looks forward to Allah and the Last Day, and
How imperative is it to obey
the Sunnah of the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? The impera- remembers Allah much (Al-Ahzab 33:21). The Holy Prophet said
tive significance of the Sunnah is evident from the fact that Allah has about himself, "Allah has sent me as an apostle so that I may demnot linked the success and salvation of humans with His obedience onstrate perfection of character, refinement of manners and loftialone but also conditioned it upon the obedience to His Prophet. ness of behavior and conduct." The believers have been exhorted
That is, Allah Almighty has enjoined on us obedience to His Mes- to follow the Prophet Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam not only in the desenger, just as He has enjoined His own obedience. In the Quran tails of complex matters of their collective life, but also in the small
Allah says, "And obey Allah and the Messenger that you may obtain details of their daily life. For example, matters of eating, drinking,
mercy. (Al-Imran 3:132). And at another place He warns, "...and dressing and sleeping, and those regarding which the Prophet gave
whoso disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly specific guidance.
wrong path (Al-Ahzab 33:36). To obey the Messenger means obey
Today, Muslims overwhelmed by the West and its civilization and
his Sunnah, what he has enjoined and what he has forbidden.
raised on secular education have developed inferiority complex
In the Islamic system of beliefs, Allah alone has the right to declare about their religious and cultural heritage. Though they believe that
what is permitted and what is forbidden. He does so through the the system of guidance, the Qur'an and Sunnah, is true, yet great
Quran and through His Prophet. Allah vested in His Prophet the many of them have abandoned Islamic values and ideals in favor of
authority of a lawgiver. The Quran says, "...(Prophet) enjoins them western standards and practices. Here it would be good to rememgood and forbids them evil, and makes lawful to them the good ber what the Holy Prophet said about imitating the non-believers.
things and makes unlawful to them impure things, and removes from The Prophet of Allah said, "Whoever imitates a people is one of
them their burden and the shackles which were upon them..." (Al- them."
Araaf 7:157). Therefore, what the Holy Prophet enjoins or forbids is
Since the Sunnah is an integral part of Muslim faith, its negligence
from Allah. "He does not speak from his desire; it is nothing except and abandonment would diminish the faith of a believer in the same
revelation revealed to him" (An-Najm 53:3-53:4). Another verse that measure. It is for this reason that the Holy Prophet Sallallaahu alayhi
tells us about Prophet's authority as a lawgiver, "...So take what the wasallam has promised a great recompense for the revitalization of
messenger assigns to you and abstain from that which forbids you an abandoned Sunnah. He said, "Whoever revives a Sunnah from
..." (Al-Hashr 59:7). This verse is not limited to the division of the my Sunnah that has been abandoned after me, then he will have an
war booties as anti hadith groups claim, it is rather all encompass- equal reward of all people who acts upon it, without decreasing from
ing and general in its proclamation.
their reward in any way."
The other dimension of the Sunnah of the Prophet is that it is a
The Fuqaha (jurists) and muhaddithin (traditionists) may debate
tangible expression of love for Allah, and the best way to gain Al- over the binding and non-binding status of Sunnah. A common belah's love and forgiveness. The Quran tells the Prophet Sallallaahu liever whose eyes are on the Akhira will not fret over the legalialayhi wasallam to say to believers, "If you do love Allah, Follow me: ties, but follow the Sunnah with same devotion and conviction in all
Allah will love you and forgive you your sins ..." (Al-Imran 3:31). This matters, big and small. I am reminded of a young British man who
verse makes it plain that without adhering to the dos and don'ts of after embracing Islam started to grow beard. A fellow Muslim, said
the Sunnah, no triumph in this world or the next can be achieved.
to him, "keeping beard is not an essential requirement." The comThe clear imperative to follow Prophet Muhammads rulings and ment evoked a devotional response from the new brother, "Keeping
decisions can also be seen unambiguously expressed in this verse beard is one of the clear commands of the Prophet and who am I
"But no, by your Lord, they can have no faith, until they make you to judge the essentiality of the Prophet's orders." The young new
(O' Muhammad) judge in all disputes between them, and find in Muslim gave us a lesson in abiding in the Prophet's Sunnah without
themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept them questioning and arguing about the legalities of it.
Beware those who neglect and abandon the Sunnah and say, "It
with full submission" (An-Nisaa 4:65). This verse clearly illustrates
the supremacy of the Holy Prophet's decisions and judgment gov- is only a Sunnah": The Quran says, "....So, those who violate his
erning all departments of life - religious, social, economic, political (messenger's) order must beware, lest they are visited by a trial or
and cultural, etc. Here the Quran establishes Sunnah - Prophet's they are visited by a painful punishment" ( An-Nur 24:63).
It is not just Sunnah, it is the way of life prescribed by none other
decision and legal judgments - as irrevocable, not to be challenged
than the Allah through the revelation to His Prophet.
or reinterpreted and must be accepted with full submission.

Muharram 11 1432 December 17 2010

The Friday Bulletin


Parenting:Tarbiyah During the Middle Years

Dr. Aisha Hamdan

amples from the Qur'an and Ahadeeth.

"O you who believe! Let not some men among you laugh at others.
. . Nor defame nor be sarcastic to each other, nor call each other by
(offensive) nicknames. . ."[49:11]
The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "A believer does
not taunt, curse, abuse, or talk indecently." (Tirmidhi).
Lately, Yunus has been very disrespectful to his parents by disobeying them, refusing to respond when they ask questions, and
even yelling at them on occasions. He has been upset by the rules
that his parents have established in the house and doesn't feel that
he needs to follow them. What would you do?
Obedience to Parents:
"Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that
you be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age
in your life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them but
address them in terms of honor. And, out of kindness, lower to them
the wing of humility, and say, My Lord bestow on them Your mercy
even as they cherished me in childhood. Your Lord knows best what
is in your hearts." [17:23-25].
It was stated by Abu Hurairah that a man asked, "O Messenger of
Allah, who has the greatest right of good company and kind treatment from me?" He replied,"Your mother." The man asked, "who
next?" He replied, "Your mother." The man asked, "then, who next?"
He replied, "Your mother." The man asked, "who next?" He replied,
"Your father." (Agreed upon).
The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "The pleasure of
the Lord is in the pleasure of the father and the displeasure of the
Lord is in the displeasure of the father." (Tirmithi).
Children should not be led to assume that disobedience to parents
is a simple matter. In several places in the Qur'an and Ahadeeth
obedience to parents is placed second in importance to the concept of Tawheed, the belief in and worship of the One, True God.
The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said three times,"Shall I

It is important to consider the cognitive changes that take place at

the beginning of this stage and throughout because these form the
foundation for the techniques that will be used.
Consider the differences in the cognitive ability, language, and understanding of a 3-year-old versus those of a 7-year-old. Within a
matter of a few years there are dramatic changes in these areas
that reflect Allah's plan, subhanahu wa ta'ala, in creation. During
middle childhood, a marked improvement occurs in selective attention which means that children are better able to concentrate on the
particular task that they are engaged in and ignore surrounding distractions. Children develop the ability to understand logical principles which is evident in their seeking explanations that are rational,
generalizable, and consistent. Logical thinking is crucial to understanding, acquiring knowledge, and communicating clearly with others. This makes it the most important factor in cognitive development during this stage. Cognitive improvements are also apparent
in memory capacity and strategies, processing speed and capacity,
and knowledge base. This means that children are better able to
remember events and information, to think faster and about several
things at one time, and to learn more quickly. With an expanded
knowledge base (body of knowledge or skills in a particular area),
it is easier to learn new information because it can be integrated
with what is already known. In relation to language, these new abilities make it easier to acquire new vocabulary, understand grammatical constructions, and use language appropriately in everyday
situations. Overall, children who consistently apply these skills are
better equipped to analyze problems, derive correct solutions, and
truly understand the world around them. This opens up a whole new
range of possibilities in terms of tarbiyah and parenting.
Yusuf is an 8 year-old who enjoys teasing his younger sisters and
he does this on a fairly regular basis. His sisters obviously become
very upset and report his behavior to their parents. Yusuf finds
enjoyment in the reaction of his sisters and the attention that he
receives from his parents. As a parent, what would you do in this
Teach, Teach, Teach:
"Invite (all) to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful
preaching. . ."[16:125]. Life is an unending lesson; we continue to
learn until the day we die or lose the ability to comprehend. As children develop the intellectual and cognitive abilities to understand
concepts, it becomes imperative for parents to teach them what is
acceptable behavior and what is unacceptable. Much of this teaching can be completed through our examples and by verbal instruction. The actions, words, gestures, and even silences of Prophet
Muhammad, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, can be our best guide
during these times. If we have instilled a love of the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, in our children from a young age, they will
have a strong desire to emulate him. As parents we should also follow the Prophet's example as we guide and instruct.
Ibn abi Salamah reported, "I was a boy under the guardianship of
the Messenger of Allah, and my hand used to wander around the
dish (while I was eating). Then the Messenger of Allah said to me,
'O boy, mention (the name of) Allah and eat with your right hand,
and eat from what is closest to you.' Thereafter I did not lapse from
this way of eating." (Bukhari). The lessons from this Hadeeth are
two, one for ourselves and one for our children. As parents, we can
see the method that the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, used
to teach the young Sahabah, he merely instructed him in the correct method for eating and most likely demonstrated an appropriate
model as well. For children, it can be seen that the Sahabah very
eagerly accepted the advice and wisdom of the Prophet, sallallahu
alayhe wa sallam, and immediately made the necessary changes in
behavior. There was no hesitation, doubt, or questioning.
Regarding the example above, it would be appropriate to instruct
Yusuf that it is not acceptable to tease his sisters and to utilize ex-

The Friday Bulletin Kitchen

One cup coconut cream
1.4 kg chicken cut into pieces
Three tbsp lemon juice
Two green chillies, slit
Salt to taste
One tsp garlic paste
Few coriander leaves,
One tsp ginger paste
Three to four tomatoes, peeled and chopped
Five boiled eggs, shelled
Two to three small onions, chopped


Boil the chicken with half a tsp salt, garlic, ginger, ground green chillies,
onions and two tomatoes until the chicken is cooked
In a separate saucepan put the coconut cream, water, one to two tomatoes, slit green chillies, salt and a little turmeric, and bring to boil, stirring
all the time.
Cook on high heat for fifteen to twenty minutes and then reduce heat
When the chicken is cooked, pour a little of the coconut cream gravy
over the pieces and grill on both sides for a few minutes
Transfer the grilled chicken into the coconut gravy and cook for a
Heat the oil and shallow fry the patties until lightly browned all over.
Turn off the heat and add lemon juice
Add the boiled eggs and potatoes
Garnish with chopped coriander leaves
Share your favourite recipes with our readers. Send them to P. O. Box 10078600100 or or

Muharram 11 1432 December 17 2010

The Friday Bulletin


Advice to Youths
These are wonderful years that you are going through, free of responsibility (except the homework!). Try to be the best "you" you
can be.
Allah Most High has given mankind free will. We all have to make
choices in life. However, life offers us a whole banquet of choices
and delicacies that sometimes lead to a state of utter confusion or
paralysis. What is the right decision? Whom should I please? What
is fashionable? Will my decision open me to ridicule?
An undecided person is always a victim of circumstance, a pawn in
the hands of the fashion trendsetters. The ones at peace are those
individuals who use the Qur'an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) as the compass to set the
right course and to differentiate right from wrong.
There is much good in this wonderful world; however, there are
many temptations. Temptations are present as a test for all of us.
Ultimately, we are the decision-makers. We can only make informed
decisions based on knowledge. Many governments are now firmly
advocating the policies of virginity, no sex before marriage, no adultery, and so on, in a desperate attempt to re-kindle the value systems of prior generations.
The beauty of Islam is that the instructions and guidelines contained in the Qur'an are valid forever and are immune to the vicissitudes of the latest trend. Allah Most High created us. It therefore
follows that He knows what is best for us.
Finally, a new generation of preteens is developing. It is our collective responsibility, as a community and a nation, to give clear
guidelines to our youth. Our youth is our future and our destiny.
May Allah Most High, Most Gracious, worthy of all praise, in His
infinite wisdom and mercy, guide us, and our youth to a path that
is straight.

Advice to a Preteen Daughter

Your body is now undergoing various changes that will prepare
you to be a woman. With these changes comes the responsibility
that you will one day be a mother. Your body will undergo various
changes in the size of your breasts, face, height, weight, as well
as the onset of a flow of menstrual blood on a regular basis every
month-this is nothing to be scared of, it is Allah Most High's miracle,
where your womb is made ready every month to receive an egg for
These changes are coming much earlier in this generation compared to a few decades ago. Children are maturing much faster than
we can ever imagine. In previous generations, young girls started
menstruating from the age of 13 years; today, girls as young as 9
years are beginning to menstruate. This means that if you have sex
at this age, you can become pregnant. If you become pregnant at
this age, your life will be shattered and the whole course of your life
will be changed. Your dreams, goals, and wishes to pursue a career
may have to be postponed or abandoned forever.
You must be happy with your own body. Your body will undergo
various hormonal changes, which will lead to emotional changes
and mood fluctuations as well as pimples.
The main word of caution for you is to avoid peer pressure from
your friends, who will encourage you to start experimenting with
kissing and sex. Some teenagers can make very hurtful remarks
and may make you feel very isolated if you do not participate. Don't
listen to them. You must have enough confidence in yourself that
you are following the commands laid down by Allah Most High and
you should simply say "No, I am not interested." It will be a decision
that you will never regret. Particularly avoid the older boys and men.
They will shower you with gifts, flowers, and false proclamations of
love, but they are simply throwing out a net to get you into bed so
that you lose your virginity. They will then dump you and go to the
next unsuspecting girl. You will have lost various personal things in
the process:
You will have lost your virginity.
You will have contravened the Qur'anic injunction not to commit
fornication (zina).
You may well have gained an unwanted pregnancy (many girls
still have the mistaken myth that they cannot fall pregnant after their
first sexual encounter.)
You may have gained a sexually transmitted disease (including
HIV/AIDS). There are no cures for some sexual diseases: herpes
and genital warts, for example. Some diseases, if not properly treated, can lead to infertility and you will not be able to have children. Or
they lead to an increased incidence of cancer of the cervix (entrance
to the womb).
Advice to a Preteen Son
Your body is undergoing various changes that will prepare you to
enter adulthood so that one day you can be a father. You will notice
changes in your voice; you may develop acne and hair on various
parts of your body. Nocturnal emission is common at this age, as
well as mood swings. Your natural body odors will increase, so it is
important for you to bathe regularly and pay special attention to personal hygiene. Your body will be growing rapidly and you will need
to eat a lot, exercise a lot, and sleep a lot to allow your body to gain
maximum physical benefits.
You will be encouraged or ridiculed by some of your friends to have
sex with a girl. You should be confident in your abilities as a freethinking individual to make your own choices based on the Qur'an and
the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).
You should treat all girls and women with respect, kindness, and
courtesy-not as a commodity that can be used, abused, and thrown
aside. You will see advertisements on TV and in newspapers and
magazines that in order to avoid HIV/AIDS, you should use a condom. Remember that this is not what Islam teaches us. Islam says
safe sex is "no sex before marriage." Indulge in all activities that will
develop your mind, body, and spirit within the framework of Islam.

Dutifulness to Parents

If it is normal to be grateful to any person who offers

you help, then parents are the worthiest of all as they
deserve thankfulness and appreciation because of the
help, support and love they show towards their children without even expecting any recompose in return.
The happiest moments in a parents' life is when they
see their children in the best possible condition and
the greatest of positions.
Such great parental sacrifices must be rewarded by
the children by fulfilling the rights and duties of parents. Some of these rights which are mentioned in the
Quran are:
Obeying them and fulfilling their requests.
Being humble towards them and dealing with them
leniently and gently.
Lowering one's voice when talking to them.
Using the best and most beautiful words when talking to them.
Being dutiful to them when they are old and never
show dissatisfaction for their requests, however frequent they might be.
Praying to Allah to bestow mercy and forgiveness on

Muharram 11 1432/December 17 2010

The Friday Bulletin


The ethical framework for a Muslim investor

Money, money, money. Doesnt it make your head spin sometimes?
Think of all the things you can do if you just had a little more
Unfortunately, this compelling greed and need sometimes drives
us to make financially unsound decisions, and worse still, even unIslamic ones. The following outlines various aspects of Islamic financial dealings, from paying the one you hire to what not to pay
when you owe someone. There are so many evidences with regard
to Islamic finance that they cannot and must not be ignored.
The Hirer and the Laborer
Nothing bonds employees to their place of work more than the fulfillment of their contractual rights, including receiving their wages on
time such treatment fosters loyalty and a sense of belonging as
well as financial security for themselves and their family. The Prophet salalahu alayhi wa sallam said: Give the laborer his wages before his sweat dries away. [Ibn Maajah]. The Prophet gave a stern
warning to those who do not meet their obligations by saying: Allah
Almighty said: I will be an opponent to three types of people on the
Day of Resurrection: one who makes a covenant in My name, but
proves treacherous; one who sells a free person and eats his price
and one who employs a labourer and takes full work from him, but
does not pay him for his labour. [Al-Bukhaari].
Our Wealth and Charity
The highest among the list of financial obligations is that of our obligation toward our Creator. The rich begin to fulfill this obligation by
giving Zakah to the poor and they continue the fulfillment by giving
charitable donations whenever needed. Fulfilling ones obligation
towards Allah purifies the capital from inadvertent errors and suspicion, as well as purifies the soul from stinginess and selfishness.
Charity does not eat away capital, rather it increases it. On the
other hand, withholding Zakah is a direct reason for bankruptcy.
When people withhold Zakah, Allah withholds rain from them and
if it were not for the sake of preserving cattle and wildlife, the rain
would cease altogether. Evidence abounds on these issues from
both the Quran and Sunnah.
Allah Says And those who hoard gold and silver and spend it
not in the way of Allah give them tidings of a painful punishment.
The Day when it (the gold and silver whose Zaaah was not paid)
will be heated in the Hellfire and seared therewith will be their foreheads, their flanks and their backs, (it will be said), This is what you
hoarded for yourselves, so taste what you used to hoard.[Quran
Allah also says: And those within whose wealth is a known right
(Zakah). For the petitioner and the deprived. [Quran 70:24-24].
And in another verse, Allah says: Take, (O Muhammad), from their
wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase,
and invoke (Allahs blessings) upon them. Indeed, your invocations are reassurance for them. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.
[Quran 9:103].
The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said: No owner of treasure
who does not pay Zakah (would be spared) but (his hoard) would
be heated in the Hellfire. These would be made into plates and with
these, his sides and his forehead would be cauterized till Allah pronounces judgment among His servants during a Day, the extent of
which would be fifty thousand years. He would then see his path,
leading either to Paradise or to Hellfire [Muslim].
One has only to regard the effect that Zakah has on society to
recognize its importance. The money is paid by the rich in order
to fulfill their obligation towards Allah, and then used by the poor
to relieve their suffering. In a society where giving and receiving
are carried out in good faith, the poor live peacefully with the rich
in a flourishing and stable solidarity. The Prophet gave an example
of this society by saying: When the Asharites run short of provisions in the campaigns or run short of food for their children in AlMadeenah, they collect whatever is with them in a cloth and then
partake equally from one vessel. They are from me and I am from
them. [Al-Bukhari].

Avoiding Riba (Interest)

A careful analysis of the history of civilizations reveals a common
root to all turmoil and political unrest and that root is usury. This
is the reason why Islam took an extremely firm stand on the issue
of interest.
Muslim investors should be extremely careful to avoid engaging in
transactions involving interest or in any transaction involving interest masquerading as a seemingly lawful transaction.
Allah forbade interest and threatened those who take it with severe
punishment, when He says: Those who consume interest cannot
stand (on the Day of Resurrection) except as one stands who is being beaten by Satan into insanity. That is because they say: Trade
is (just) like interest. But Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden interest. So whoever has received an admonition from his Lord
and desists may have what is past, and his affair rests with Allah.
But whoever returns (to dealing in interest or usury) those are the
companions of the Fire; they will abide eternally therein. Allah destroys interest and gives increase for charities. And Allah does not
like every sinning disbeliever.[Quran 2:275-276].
Allah Almighty declared war against those who take interest and
encouraged lenders to be patient with borrowers to the point of absolving them from all, or part, of the loan in the following verse,
when He says: O you who have believed, fear Allah and give up
what remains (due to you) of interest, if you should be believers.
And if you do not, then be informed of a war (against you) from Allah
and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may have your capital
(thus) you do no wrong, nor are you wronged. And if someone is in
hardship, then (let there be) postponement until (a time of) ease.
But if you give (from your right as) charity, then it is better for you, if
you only knew.[Quran 2:278-281]
Islams ruling on taking interest is very straightforward and severe.
It is considered to be one of the seven mortal sins. The Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam said: Avoid the seven great destructive sins.
The people inquired: O Allahs Messenger! What are they? He said:
To join others in worship along with Allah, to practice sorcery, to take
the life which Allah has forbidden except for a just cause (according
to Islamic law), to eat up Riba (usury), to eat up an orphans wealth,
to show ones back to the enemy and fleeing from the battlefield at
the time of fighting; and to accuse chaste women, who do not have
any unchaste thoughts and are good believers.[Al-Bukhari].
The Prophet went on to curse the taker of interest, its payer and
also the one who records it, including the two witnesses. He said:
They are all equal. [Muslim]. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam further said: This night I dreamt that two men came and took
me to a holy land whence we proceeded on till we reached a river
of blood, where a man was standing, and on its bank was standing
another man with stones in his hands. The man in the middle of the
river tried to come out, but the other threw a stone in his mouth and
forced him to go back to his original place. So, whenever he tried
to come out, the other man would throw a stone in his mouth and
force him to go back to his former place. I asked: Who is this? I
was told: The person in the river used to eat Ribaa. [Al-Bukhari].

From the Book of Allah

"My servants who have transgressed against their souls (through

sinning should) not despair of God's mercy, for God pardons all
sins."The Quran 39:53

From the Traditions of the Prophet

The Prophet (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: Allah, Blessed and

Exalted is He, says, O son of Adam, as long as you call on Me, I shall
forgive you of what you have done, and think nothing of it. O son
of Adam, even if your sins were to reach up to the clouds in the sky,
and then you were to ask for My forgiveness, I would forgive you and
think nothing of it. O son of Adam, even if you were to come to Me
with sins nearly as great as the earth, and then you were to meet Me
after death, not worshipping anything besides Me, I would bring you
forgiveness nearly as great as the earth. [Tirmidhi]

The Friday Bulletin

Muharram 11 1432/December 17 2010

Tarbiyyah in the Middle years

Story From Page 3

inform you about the greatest of the major sins?" They said, "Yes,
O Messenger of Allah." He said, "To join others in worship with Allah
and to be undutiful to parents,..." (Bukhari). Once children realize
this essential element of the Deen, it will be less likely that they
will want to disappoint their parents or to show disrespect to them.
Ultimately, this shows disrespect and disobedience to Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Ten-year-old Sameerah likes to pray and go to the mosque with
her family. She also likes to fast because her school friends do. Her
parents have encouraged her to give some of the money that she
has saved to those in need, but she had planned on using it to buy
a new book. As a parent, how would you encourage Sameerah to
share her money?
The Goal of Pleasing Allah:
It is at this time in a child's life that more of the concepts of Islam
can begin to be taught in greater detail. Young children may know
the name of Allah and his attributes and be happy to say them,
but they cannot really comprehend the idea of an Omnipotent, AllEncompassing God that takes care of them and loves them. As
they mature, children will begin to understand this and realize the
importance of their relationship with this Unseen Creator. It is necessary as parents to teach them about the significance of pleasing
Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, in all that they do. This is, in fact, the
goal of Islam, which is submission to Allah's plan and guidance.
It should also be emphasized that doing this is to their benefit as

Political vehicle for 2012

Story From Page 1
game of numbers and said the community can effectively use its
numerical force to positively influence major issues in the country.
His sentiments were supported by Transport minister Chirau Ali
Makwere who said it was important for Muslims to get involved and
participate in the political strata of the country. Without Muslims
Kenya is incomplete as we are a significant people, he said.
The Tourism minister also called for reforms in the Kadhis courts to
increase its efficiency in serving the Muslim community. He argued
that if the Judiciary was undergoing reforms, the same should be
applied to the Kadhis courts which he stressed are an important
element in dispensing justice in the community.
In his opening address, Prof. Muhammad Salim Badamana a
prominent Muslim scholar and a lecturer in the Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine at the University of Nairobi called for the young generations to be moulded with good leadership skills to prepare them as
the future leaders of the community.
Defence minister Muhammad Yusuf Hajj and Nominated MP Sheikh
Muhamamd Dor were among other leaders who attended the convention.



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well because it is through this obedience that they receive Allah's

grace and blessings. Connected with this are the rewards that are
obtained from Allah for good behavior and the final, ultimate reward
in the Hereafter.
"He that does good shall have ten times as much to his credit; he
that doeth evil shall only be recompensed according to his evil. No
wrong shall be done unto them." [6:160].
It is critical to teach these principles to our children because they
should be a guide and a light throughout a person's lifetime. When
a child misbehaves, he or she can be reminded about these ideas
and simply asked whether Allah would be pleased with that type of
behavior. Mindfulness and dhikr of Allah and the Hereafter can and
should be inculcated in children beginning at a very young age.
The mind of a child is an amazing thing. It is another one of the
awesome wonders in Allah's creation. As it grows and matures, a
world of opportunities opens up for teaching, inspiring, and sharing.
Middle childhood is a challenging, yet exciting time during which
the essence of Islam should be cultivated. It should not be a time of
confrontation and disagreement, but one of valuable and ongoing
tarbiyah. Parents should enjoy and relish these moments because
the task of parenting will soon be over and it will seem as if it had
only been a day or part of a day. "He will say, 'What number of years
did you stay on earth?' They will say, 'We stayed a day or part of
a day'." [23:112-113]. By following Allah's guidance it will be a successful day!!!

Maahad Kitale
Maahad Swalihaat Girls Training Institute-Kitale
Maahad Boys for Islamic Studies and Vocational
Training Institute-Kitale
Intake in Progress for Year 2011
Contact 0720816419, 0734816419

New Musallah near Nairobi Hospital

Are you visiting Nairobi Hospital , work or live within
the sorrounding areas?
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US school sued over denial of Hajj leave

The US federal government sued a suburban Chicago school district on Monday for
continually refusing permission to a Muslim
middle schoolteacher to take unpaid leave
so she could perform Hajj.
The federal government says the school
violated the teachers civil rights and has
brought the case on behalf of Safoorah
Khan, claiming that it is a violation of the
1964 Civil Rights Act.
The government asked the court to order the
school district to adopt policies that reasonably accommodate its employees religious
practices and beliefs, and to reinstate Khan
with back pay and also pay her compensatory damages. It is also seeking additional
damages for pain and suffering. Khan started as a middle schoolteacher for Berkeley
School District 87 about 15 miles west
of Chicago in 2007. In 2008, she asked
for almost three weeks of unpaid leave to
perform Haj.
After the district twice denied her request,
Khan wrote to the board, saying that based
on her religious beliefs, she could not justify delaying performing Hajj, and resigned
shortly thereafter. She then filed a complaint
with the United States Equal Employment

Girls' Holiday Camp

Machakos Muslim Institute

17th-19th December 2010
For details call 0729824100
Organised by Al-Huda Women
Development Group

Opportunity Commission, according to the

lawsuit filed at a federal court in Chicago.
The commission found reasonable cause
that discrimination had occurred and forwarded the matter to the Justice Department.
The Board of Education said it denied
Khans request because the purpose of the
leave was not related to her professional duties as an employee and was specifically set
forth in the professional negotiations agreement between the Board of Education and
the teachers union, the lawsuit stated.
The lawsuit filed by the United States of
America claims the Board of Education and
the Berkeley School District failed to provide
Khan with reasonable accommodations and
made her choose between her job and her
religious observance.
Nihad Awadh, national executive director at
the Council of American Islamic Relations,
praised the decision saying: We appreciate the governments intervention in the
support of reasonable and legally-required
workplace accommodations that many take
for granted. No worker should be forced to
choose between his or her faith and continued employment. (Arab News)

Islamic Symposium
Lectures by various scholars
Friday. 24th December 2010 to
Sunday 26 December 2010
Masjid Al-Amin-off Juja Road


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A well established Islamic institution In Nairobi is looking for a School Matron with the following

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The deadline for application is 24th December 2010. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

A good year

The Chairman, Board of Directors, and staff

of Ummah Foundation would like to thank
all those who supported us throughout the
just ended Islamic calendar year 1431 AH.
We would like to wish all Muslims a blessed
and prosperous new year.
Ummah Foundation was involved in a
number of valuable activities for the benefit
of the Ummah. The year started with the
distribution of bursaries to over 40 students
of higher learning from various places all
over the country. This is in keeping with the
tradition of nurturing our youth to be knowledgeable as well as to empower them.
All through the year, Ummah Foundation embarked on activities of distribution
of food, clothes and Islamic literature to
various institutions across the country. To
name a few of the institutions which benefitted from this noble project, there was
Mama Fauzia Childrens Home, Umoja Madarassah, The Matuu Madarassah for Tahfidhul Quran, Kithimani Madarassah,Gtz
Refugee Camp, Good Hope Orphanage,
Naivasha Maximum Prison, and the Industrial Area Remand Prison, among other institutions.
In all ages, there are those members of the
society who are forgotten because of various handicaps. Ummah Foundation has a
way of lifting up the hearts of the weak and
fragile while encouraging the able-bodied
to inculcate righteousness. The Ummah
Foundation in collaboration with other
stakeholders, donated an average of seven wheelchairs per month to the physically
challenged members of the community.
This helps to ease their mobility considering the fact that such handicaps come as a
result of birth abnormalities, sickness, accidents, or even due to age.
There was the management of Al Taawon
and Tawfiq Centres in the Korogocho slum
area of Nairobi. These two centres provide
educational as well as medical hope for the
less fortunate members of the community.
There are countless other activities that
Ummah Foundation does for the benefit of
the community. ALLAH says in The Glorious Qurran, Suratul Baqara, Aya 110:
Be steadfast in prayer and give zakaat:
and whatever good you send forth for your
souls before you, you shall find it with ALLAH, for ALLAH sees well all that you do.
To help the Ummah Foundation help the
Ummah, contact us:
Ummah Foundation
Village Plaza, Ngara Road
P.O. Box 58717-00200, Nairobi
Tel: 0717 613 333/ 0732 613 333

The Friday Bulletin is a Publication of Jamia Masjid Committee, P. O. Box 100786-00101 Nairobi, Tel: 2243504/5 Fax: 342147 E-mail:
Printed by Colour Magic Production Ltd-Kirinyaga Crescent P. O. Box 9581-00100 Nairobi

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