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Queuing System for STI Meycauayan using Android Technology

The proposed contains the module such as Login Module, Finance Module, Prowares Module,
Enrolment Module, Releasing of Grades Module, Now Serving Module and File Maintenance Module.
Login Module is will be a three users will access which are the Students, Personnel and Administrator.
Finance Module will be access only the staffs, they will tell what is your next step to do. It will be contains
two sub-modules the Registrar and Cashier.
Prowares Module where will be the student / guardians will get an auto generated queue for claiming, ordering
and reserving uniforms.
Enrollment Module will be help the freshmen and old students can get an auto generated queue number that
they will present to proceed to enrolment process. It will be contains two sub-modules the Regular and Irregular
Releasing of Grades Module will be help the students / guardians can get an auto generated queue and wait
their number to get their grades.
Now Serving Module it will be a sub-module for finance department, enrolment department, prowares
department and registar department. In this sub-module, it will be display the current queue number on the
monitor and on the android to update the user.
File maintenance will be allow the admin to create, update and delete records of the students. Only the
Administrator can access this module.

Computerized Information Management System with SMS Technology for General Dentistry and
The proposed contain different modules such as file maintenance module, billing module and reports
File Maintenance Module will be includes patient profiling, tooth chart and the appointment records. The
importance of these modules is to provide accuracy and reliability of the information with regard to the patient.
Patient profiling will be function is to add, edit and update record of the patient. This provides the basic
information to fill out by the patient. Every patients information added to the system will have its own tooth
chart. Tooth chart module will be allowing you to select the patient which will serve as their history.
Billing Module will be written transaction that contains the services rendered to the patient. The system will be
allow the user to input the treatment that has been rendered to the patient and the corresponding amount and
will automatically compute the total as well as if it has discount.
Reports Module will be allow user to generate different kinds of reports such as list of patient, patient
information, bill information and appointment information.

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