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Thar Lun Naing

18 February 2016

Act 3 Scene 4 Hamlets Soliloquy Commentary

This soliloquy reveals that Hamlets intention to revenge Claudius is not
just simple but with full of reasonable explanations that fits into the perfect
revenge. While Claudius was seem to be praying, Hamlet got the chance to kill
him but he did not as his reasoning that is based on the Christian morality
reminded him of killing Claudius in sins mid-confession would not achieve his
goal as Claudiuss confession would have changed his sinful soul into cleansed
soul with full virtue. His goal is to send Claudius to darkest hell. His killing would
send the villain, Claudius who murdered his father, straight to the heaven which
he think his uncle does not deserve. In addition, he would be the foulest son who
helped the sinful, disgusting and inhumane man to be in heaven instead of
sending him straight to hell. He has no problem with the immorality of robbing a
man of his salvation. Hamlet is capable of imitating King Claudius' cruelty.
Hamlets emotions over the Claudiuss murder on his father suddenly
popped up in Hamlets thoughts made him more reasonable not to kill Claudius
at that moment. His father was murdered without having the chance for the
confession of his long life sins so that he is now being a ghost, not in heaven. In
additions, we can see that the Claudiuss actions following the murder were
awful too and have been affected Hamlets emotional well being. Hamlets
emotions over Claudius marriage with his mother were not mentioned in this
soliloquy, but we can assume that those emotions would have push Hamlets
thoughts to be the most cruel, making him look like the same villain as Claudius.
Overall, Hamlets thoughts suggest that although his reasoning based on
religious morality is giving Claudius the chance for living extra days, Claudius will
be facing the worst future with Hamlets well planned assassination.
Shakespeare could have postponed the murder because killing Claudius
would have shortened the play as well as losing the protagonist character of
Hamlet. Claudius survives in order to preserve Hamlet's character. If Claudius
was killed, the audience would be claiming that there is no protagonist in this
play. In addition, shortening the play would affect tragic theme as it will cuts the
whole following tragic story. However, the reason for Hamlet not getting in action
might be his over analytical mind and procrastination habit, some believe. For
me, that does not make sense as I believe Hamlet is a man of reason.
Thus, to achieve his goal, Hamlet needs to wait the perfect occasion when
Claudius must be engaging in some sinful act such as sex, gambling, or drinking,
which had no taste of salvation in it. Then, his action will proceed and send him
to the blackest hell where he belongs to be. His mom will stay, but with the grief
over unforgivable sins and sickly days before the judgement of god has been
made. In here, Hamlet did not decide to kill his mom because of his fathers
words or it might be because of his blood relation. Shakespeare let us think over
that. However, it is clear that Hamlet personally do not forgive her for what she
has done because it is just disgusting to him as his first soliloquy mentioned on

Thar Lun Naing

18 February 2016

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