C L11not C L11not C L11not C L11not: F F F F

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To: Joseph Zemick PAGE 1 (iF 3

1415 Saint George Street

Los Angeles, C A 90017 the Los Angles Superior COllrt ill similar fashion.
and Floren::e-Marie Cooper was appointed to the Central District Court (federal curt) hom
Re: Jacqueline Connor
favors. This is how Pamela Sue Rhymer got promoted to the 'l\inth Circuit Court of Appeals
Connor is not unique in conferring behind the backs of one side with the side she
Date: Tuesday. August 19.2008. 18 A\' 5768
If the cops went down, they were going to sing on Connor and the other judges
From my reading ofyour Urgent Request for Congressiona
Fl"ommy I Assistance, J C~l11not
tell \vhether you are a little zany or dri\'en o\'er the brink by the widespread cOlTuption
C(Hlnl , system. The troubles whicll
in the C(Hlr which yOll Ila\'e
politicos and not to the COllstituti01l. C011nor. /lO\\en:r.
ha\'e with Jacqueline Connor.
SOI.l11(1 \ery familiar. \'ly opinion is that she belongs in prison and not on the bench.
place under the supervision of certain judges who were beholden to the right wing
Jisc]usurc, The Ramparts Scandal (which is not limited to Rampart Di\ision) took
Einstein to see that Connor was protecting herself and the other Rampart judges from
."\s yOll
yOLl probably know, Connor. who is a fonner deputy prosecutor from Iro111 the
olliecr:;. Connor reversed the convictions and set them free. It does not take an
Cl1Ullly District Attomeys Office. is a "Ramparts .Judge"
L.A. CllUlily Judge" from \vay back. Slle S11e
testi (ying, \Vhen the jury sa w through C011no( s machinations and convicted the police
Officer Perez Lmtil
especially liked Oflicer LLlltil he spilled the beans about tile
the corruption at the
girlfi"iend to be held hostage by the LA.P.D. as a means to intimidate him i11to not
LAPD. For herself, while on the criminal courts bench. Connor would confer witll witl1 the
h.,;llind tIle
D.A. h.:llind tile backs of defense attomeys in order to find out \\'ays ways to com'ict
Ot1icer:,;. Connor interfered \\ith the presentation of evidence and allowed Perez's convict
defendants. I She would intimidate witnesses in ller courtroom ill her efTc)fts
('onnor was inJppropriately assigned to hear the first case against the Ramparts to have
eITc)J"ts 10
them com1'1i1. pel~j ury
c01111'1it pel~jLlry
the111 comrlit com'ict people she disliked. Thus, J imagine that she
Llry in order to com'iet
coordillJteJ her activities with opposing counsel in your case.
activities with opposing counsel in your case.
coordinateJ her aeti\'ities
them com1'1i1. pel~j ury in order to convict people she disliked. Thus. I imagine that she
('o11nor \\as inappropriately assigned to hear the first case against the Ramparts
defendants. 1 She would intimidate witnesses in her courtroom in hcr ef'tc)rts to have
Ot1\cers. Connor interfered \\ith the presentation of evidence and allowed Perez's
D.A. h..:hind tIle backs of defense attomeys in order to find out ways to convict
~ir]fl'iend to be held hosta~e by
~ir]fl'ie1'ld bv the L.A.P.D. as a means to intimidate him into not
LAPD. For herself, while on the criminal courts bench. Connor would confer with the
~ ~ ~

Connol"" s machinations and convicted the police

espccia Ily liked Officer Perez LLlltil he spilled the beans about the corruption at the
\Vhell the jury sa w through Connor"
testi lying. \Vhen COll110r"
()Ilicer~. Connor rc\'ersed the cOl1\'ictions
()nicer~. convictions and set them free. It 11 does not take an
L. A. Counly District Attomeys Office, is a "Ramparts Judge" l1"om way back. She
Einstei11 to see that Connor was protecting herself and the other Rampart judges from
As YOLL probably know, Connor, who is a fonner deputy prosecutor from the
Jisc]u:'l.lre, Sc,l11dal (which is not limited to I~ampart
Jisc]u:'l.lre. The Ramparts Scandal Di\isioll) took
l~ampart Di\ision)
place LInder the sLlpen'ision of certain judges who were beholden to the right wing
sound \ery familiar. \1y opinion is that she belongs in prison and not on the bench.
politicc's alld not to the Constitution.
in the coun system. The troubles which YOLt kl\'e with Jacqueline Connor. howe\er.
tell \\hether you are a little zany or dri\'en o\'er the brink by tIle \\'idespread cOlTuption
Jf went down. they were going to sing on Connor and the other judges
from my reading ofyour Urgent Request for Congressiona I Assistance, I cannot
the cops \\'ent

Tuesday. August 19. .:2008. 18 A\' 5768 Date:

not unique ill conferring behind the backs of one side with the side she
Connor is 110t
fa\ors. This is how Pamela Sue Rhymer got promoted to the 'l\
f;1\ors. 'l\inth
inth Circuit Court of Appeals
Jacquelil1e Connor Re:
and Floren::e-Marie Cooper was appointed to the Central District Court (federal curt) from
the Los Angles Superior Court in ill similar fashion. Los Angeles, CA 900.:27
.:2415 Saint George Street
PAGE 1 (iF 3Joseph Zemick To:
and that required their acquittal despite the jury's finding them guilty. Connor's

re\'ersirg the guilty verdict ended the Ramparts Prosecution of dirty cops.

\Vhcn YOU are fighting a stacked deck and they are dealing from the bottom of
.' ................ .I "'---'

the deck. you might be better suited to take your evidence offraud to the State Attomey
General. He has sued Countrywide alreadY. I doubt lle
case and i1 looks as if it has been fatally tainted..;
he will have any
-' .interest
. . - in your
tail of \"oe \\ith \Vest District. His interest will be limited to facts of fraud. He will
\Vh ic11 you possess. I can virtually guarantee that none will be interested in your 0\V11

lla\\:~ no inlerest in your opinion.

firn1s to slie the banks. Nonetheless. one of these fim1s may be interested in t~lcts
the frauds. they refused but instead they set up special departments within their law
One of the hardest things for non-attomeys to understand is the distinction
in fees i fthey waited for the collapse. Thus, when they could have taken action to stop
between hlcts and opinions. Your opinion about someone' s motives lllay
bet\\'cen may be lO()(/,o
in this fiasco. They knew about the fraud and knew that they could make millions more
cOITecL but the A.G. can only act on the basis of facts .. e.g. The loan documents.
Countrvwide and other banks over the mortgage crisis. but they are not the good guys
but it may contain opinions and the opinion is
letters and e-mails. The e-mail is a fact bLlt
There are a number of la\v UI111S who set up separate depanments to sue
\\orthless to the A.G. You may be in the sad situation where your opinions arc are
your opinion is conect.
accurat<:: but you lack the facts to prove that yom
and your cpinions only ham1 your cause.
..I L-' "--' '- .'.J
industrv. yOU mi~ht ~ain his attention. A~ain, he can act solelv on the basis of facts
I gather that vou
VOLl tried to ha\'e the A.G. intervene in -your case. That is an
Ir your Congressman is bothered by the vast cotTuption in the homc mortgage

follow the law. IfyoLl provided reliable facts of fraud. he can

impossibility. He has to follo\\'
in his own case against Countrywide. but the AG will not invoke himself in
use thai ill
if he dces 110t become involved in your case.
your pri\'ale litigation. I see that you are interpreting everything asif it were designed
should Dperate and the way it supposed to operate. The AG is not shirking his duties
ye,u. Instead. there is a gLLlfbetween
to haml YC1U. gulf between the way YOLl
you think the judicial system
to haml yellL Instead. there is a gulf between the way you think the judicial system
should Jperate and the way it supposed to operate. The AG is 110t not shirking his duties
your private litigation. I see that you are interpreting everything as if it wcre designed
im'olvcd in your case.
if he dc,es 110t become ill\'olved
use that in his own case against Countrywide. but the AG will not involve himself in
impossibility. He has to follow the law. If you provided reliable facts of fraud. he can
r your Congressman is bothered by thevast conuption in the home mortgage
I gather that you tried to ha\'e the A.G. intervene in your case. That is an

industry. you migllt Again, he call

migl11 gain his attention. Again. can act solely on the basis offacts
and your cpinions only haml your cause.
accurak but you lack the facts to prove that your opinion is con·ect.
worthless to the A.G. You may be in the sad situation where YOLlr opinions are
There are a 1lL1l1lber la\\' tll1ns who set up separate deparlJncnts to sue
number uf la\\
letters and e-mails. The e-mail is a fact but it may contain opinions and the opinion is
COLlntrywide and otller banks over the mortgage crisis. but rIley
Countrywide tlley are not the good guys
cotTed. but the A.G. can only act 011 the basis of facts .. e.g. The loan documents.
in knew about the fraud and knew that they could make millions more
ill this fiasco. They kllew
bctwecn hlCts and opinions. Your opinion about someone's motives may be lO()IYo
in fees i fthey Thus, when they could have taken action to stop
f'they waited for the collapse. Thus.
One of the hardest things for non-attorneys to understand is the distinction
the frauds. they refLlsed but instead they set up special departments within their law
timls to Slle l\onetheless, one of these fi1111S
sue the banks. 1\onetheless.
no interest in your opinion.
fi11l1S may be interested 1nin facts hcl\'C

\vh ieh
w1-l iell you possess. I can vinuaJly guarantee that none will be interested in your O\\'n
tail of \\oe \vith \Vest District. His interest will be limited to facts of fraud. He \vill
case and 1ii11 looks as ifit
if it has been fatally tainted.
Genera1. He has sued Country'lVide already. I doubt he will have any interest in your
the deck. yuu might be better suited to take your evidence offraud to the State Attomey
\Vhen you are fighting a stacked deck and they are dealing from the bottom of

reH;rsirg the guilty verdict ended the Ramparts Prosecution of dirty cops.
PAGE 2 (iF 3
and that req uired their acquittal despite the jury's finding them guilty. Conl1or' s
You ha\'e something else working against you - your passion, People in the
PAGE 3 (IF 3

legal field shun who feel

sllLLl1 people \\'110 fee I passionate, 1 cannot explain why this is so - it is a
quirk oftht:' American psyche. The angrier and 1110re passionate you are. the less and
\vill want to have anything to do \vith
less anyone in the legal filed \vi11 \vit11 you.

I recently represented an Israeli who had been telTibly cheated and W110 who was
I.GOO per cent innocent of any wrong doing. One ofmy hardest tasks was keeping him
his story. They do not-
quiet. IIe could not believe that people did not want to hear 11is
system, I cannot explain \\'hy -- that is just the way it is.
not in the American legal system. is,
hanll to his case wIlen
Almost e\'t::ry client does hTfeat hal1ll when he/she takes the stand.

There are an number of ways that court can

all infinite l1Lllllber call organize themselves. YOLl Yall
ha\'t~ to leam to distinguish between its arbitrary organization \\'l1ich
ha\'t~ \\'hich you do not like and
cOlTuption in the judicial system. Because you have had a couple attomeys. it appears
cohorts ha ve a history of retaliating against my fl-iends.
that you lll.ly not be listening to them when t1ley
I am not signing my fax as I have friends who are vulnerable and Connor and her features of the
they try to explain certain featLlres
system 1,0 you. For example. some orders may be dated IlUllC tlillC \vithout
nUllC pOl' tunc \vithoLlt being
COlTUpt. To you that may look like illegal
COlTLlpt. i11egal back-dating. but within the rules of
with the s(Jme brush stroke seriouslv hurts vour interests.-'
the court.
nOl, bLick-dating. It can be holding an order in abeyance until a certain event
it is n01.
with Terry Friedman and Patricia Collins. I know all three. Your painting all of them
ha\'e no comment on The
occurs. I l1a\'e the back-dated orders in yomyour case. except to point out
;\lsCi I believe that shou'ld no confuse tIle vile jurists like Jacqueline Connors
the need to distinguish between arbitrary rules whicll are 110t COlTUpt
not COlTUpt and a corrupt
violation of court rules.
violatiol1 of court fules.
the need to distinguish between arbitrary rules whicll are not corrupt and a COlTUpt
AlsCI I believe that shou'ld no confuse tIle
Alsu tl1e vile jurists like Jacqueline Connors
occurs. I ha\'e no comment o111:he back-dated orders in your case. except to point out
with TelTY Friedman and Patricia Collins. I know all of them
a11 three. YOLll' painting all of1hem
it is n01 back-dating. It can be holding an order in abeyance until a certain event
with the same brush stroke seriously hurts your interests.
COlTUPt. To you that may look like illegal back-dating, but within the rules of the court,
system 1.0 you. For example. some orders may be dated IlU!lC pOl' tlillC without being
a III not signing Illy
I alll my fax as I have friends who are vulnerable and Connor and her
that you n1.1Y not be listening to them when they try to explain certain features of the
cohorts ha \'e a history of retalliating against my tl'iends.
cOlTuption in the judicial system. Because you have had a couple attomeys, it appears
ha\'c to leam to distinguish between its arbitrary organization which you do not like and
There are an infinite number of ways that court can organize themselves. You

Almost every client does hTreat l1a1111 to his case when he/she takes the stand.
llot ill the ;\merica11 legal system. I cannot explain why - that is just the way it is.
quiet. lie could not believe tllat people did not want to hear his story. They do not ­
1,000 per CEnt innocent of any wrong doing. One ofmy hardest tasks was keeping him
I recently represented an Israeli who had been terribly cheated and who was

less anyOlw in the legal filed \vill want to have anything to do \vith you.
quirk oftht' American psyche. The angrier and more passionate you are, the less and
legal field ~;hun people who feel passionate. I cannot explain why this is so - it is a
PAGE:) (iF 3
You ha\'e something else working against you -- your passion, People in the
':1 I

iJdE:J in:/i::::: ;;;1::;;:: 1; U: 1=


: ,1.\

2415 Saint George Street


Los Angeles, CA 90027



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Dr. Joseph Zemick


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CA 90089
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Dr. Joseph
Dr. Joseph Zelllick
2415 Saint George Georgc Street Street
Los Angeles.
Los Angeles. CA 90027
II, ""II"
II. I" III "".I.
II" ". II, "II
1.111 ""I,I••II.
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