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16 ENGR2316-001/ENTC3420-001 Quiz#7
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Question 1: (5 pts) Sketch the T-S property diagram for the Carnot cycle


Question 2: (5 pts) What is the statement of third-law of thermodynamics
v The third-law of thermodynamics: The entropy of a pure crystalline substance at absolute zero
temperature is zero.

Question 3: (10 pts) For a heat engine operates steadily between a high-temperature source at 527 and a low-
temperature sink at 27. 2400 kJ of heat was released from heat source to heat engine and 1200 kJ of heat was
rejected from heat engine to the sink.
Tasks: (1) Determine the value of entropy generation (&'( ) during this process (6 pts)
(2) Determine this process is reversible or irreversible (4 pts)
Answer: (1) There are three systems in this problem, i.e. high-temperature source, low-temperature sink and heat
engine and the combination of these three systems is an isolated system, and then we have
&'( = +,+-. = /,012' + /4(5 + 67
Since both the heat addition and rejection take place at constant temperatures and heat source loses/releases heat and
heat sink receives/absorbs heat, so we have
/,012' =
/4(5 =

9 /,012'

9 /4(5

:;<== 5?

L;== 5?

= 3.0 kJ

= 4.0 kJ

Because the heat engine operates steadily, so we have 67 = 0. So, finally we have
&'( = 3.0 + 4.0 + 0 = 1.0
(2) Method#1: Since &'( = 1.0 > 0, so based on the increase of entropy principle, we know that this process is
irreversible or the heat engine is an irreversible one.
Method#2: The thermal efficiency of this real heat engine operating in this problem is
+S,1'U = ('+ 6 = 6 X

6 = 2400 1200 2400 = 0.5

While the thermal efficiency of an ideal reversible heat engine operating in the same condition is
+S,1'U = 1 X 6 = 1 27 + 273

527 + 273 = 0.625 > +S

So, based on the Carnot first principle, we know that the heat engine operates in irreversible process.

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