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Science Quick Quiz

Year 3 Animals including Humans

Name: ___________________________________


Food and health


Damon has a balanced diet. It helps him to keep healthy.

Which of the following best describes a balanced diet?
Tick ONE box.
eating mostly fruit and

eating foods from

different food groups

taking vitamin pills

not eating sweets

1 mark


Damon has some ideas about his balanced diet.

Write true or false next to each idea below.

1 mark




Label the diagram to show what causes the arm bones to move in a human body.

1 mark


Describe ONE way that humans can keep their bones strong.
1 mark


Aziz is comparing the size of straight arms and bent arms.He measures around the top of
his friends arm when it is straight and when it is bent.

He repeats his investigation with other friends. Aziz makes sure his investigation is fair.
Write true or false next to each statement to show if it would make Azizs investigation
True or false?
To make his investigation fair, Aziz must...
make sure everyone rolls up their sleeves


measure the arms of lots of children


measure around the arms in the same place

2 marks


Here are Azizs results:

Look at the graph.

Describe how the arm measurements are different for straight arms and bent arms.
Complete the sentence below.
When the childrens arms are bent .........................................................
1 mark



A human skeleton is made up of bones.

Tick ONE box to show the main life process for which bones are important.




1 mark


Birds also have a skeleton. The diagrams below show a human bone and a bird bone cut
in half.

The bird bone is hollow (filled with air) inside. This makes it easier for the bird to fly.
Why do hollow bones make it easier for birds to fly?

1 mark


This bird eats only meat.

Meat is all it needs for its bones to stay strong.

If humans ate only meat, their bones would not stay strong.
Tick ONE box to show what is best for humans to eat to keep their bones strong.

all food
without fat

only fruit and


any food that

tastes good

a balanced diet
1 mark


Describe a different way humans can keep their bones strong.

1 mark


The Skeleton

This is a drawing of a human skeleton.

Name the parts of the skeleton.

Write ONE word in each box below.

1 mark

1 mark


Describe TWO different ways that the skeleton is important to the human body.

1 mark


1 mark


The boxes below show the length of one person's hand at different stages of the life cycle.

Draw lines to match each length of hand to the correct stage of the life cycle.

5 cm


20 cm


15 cm


12 cm

1 mark



Humans have skeletons.

Write TWO different ways in which having a skeleton is important to humans.

1 mark


1 mark

Assessment Summary
Total Mark
Below Expectations
Below 8 marks
Between 8-14 marks
Above Expectations
Above 14 marks

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