Learning English: Intermediate English July 2009

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News-based English language activities from the global newspaper

July 2009
Level ≥ Lower intermediate
Style ≥ Lesson plan
Welcome to the Guardian Weekly’s special news-based materials to support learners and teachers of English.
Each month, the Guardian Weekly newspaper selects topical news articles that can be used to practise English
language skills. The materials are graded for two levels: advanced and lower intermediate. These worksheets
can be downloaded free from guardianweekly.co.uk/learningenglish/. You can also find more advice for
teachers and learners on the site.

Tetris still challenges gamers 25 years on

Materials prepared by Janet Hardy-Gould

Lesson focus: reading, discussion, past simple revision
Materials sheet: copies of the article
Time: 55 minutes

1 Tell the class that the lesson is about a classic game that Answers: a Y b N c N d Y e N f Y g N
has been a huge success. Establish the words in italics. Di-
vide the class into three teams. Write up and explain the 4 Write up the following questions. Students read again
following words one by one: 25 years old, blocks, fall, in- and find the answers. 6 mins
furiating, screen, line, column. After each word, the teams a Why did Pajitnov write Tetris?
take it in turns to guess the name of the game. Only con- b What has Tetris influenced?
firm the correct answer at the end – do this by showing c Who brought Tetris to the world market?
the photo of Tetris from the article. Elicit a brief descrip- d Why didn’t Pajitnov make a lot of money at first?
tion of how the game works. 12 mins Answers: a For fun. b Art and music. c Henk Rogers. d
The rights belonged to the Soviet state.
2 Dictate the following questions: Do you like video
games? Have you ever played Tetris? What was the first
5 Tell students to turn over the article. What can they
video game you ever played? Students in pairs ask and remember about the story? Elicit key information as
answer the questions. Class feedback. Ask some stu- a class. Use this opportunity to revise the past simple.
dents to report back their partner’s answers. 7 mins
7 mins
3 Write up the following questions and go through any
unknown words. Hand out the article. Students read and 6 Now tell students they are going to wait for seven hours
write yes (Y) or no (N) next to the statements. Class feed- at an airport in between connecting flights. They can
back. 10 mins take one of the following things to amuse themselves: a
Tetris … Game Boy with Tetris, a crossword book, a pack of cards,
a [ ] was invented by a young Russian man. a novel, an MP3 player, a newspaper, a pen and paper.
b [ ] was written on a small home computer. Students work with a partner and explain their choice.
c [ ] had scoring at the beginning. What does their choice of object indicate about their in-
d [ ] has sold over 70 million copies. terests/character? 8 mins
e [ ] became very popular in 1984.
f [ ] was included with all Game Boys.
g [ ] made a lot of money for Pajitnov in the 1980s.
News-based English language activities from the global newspaper

July 2009

Materials sheet Article: Tetris still challenges

gamers 25 years on
1 Tetris, the infuriating video game, is 25 years old this
year. It is now a quarter of a century since a 29-year-old
Russian started writing programs for fun on a huge Soviet

2 “I started to put together all kinds of mathematical puzzles

that I had loved all my life,” said Alexey Pajitnov, now 54.

3 After a few experiments there was one game that stood

out from the others and Tetris was born. “The program
wasn’t complicated,” he said. “There was no scoring, no
levels. But I started playing and I couldn’t stop.”

4 The idea is simple: from the top of the screen a series of

“blocks” fall slowly towards the bottom. The player can
Student tasks turn each block as it falls – making a line into a column, for
Read the article and write yes (Y) or no (N) next to the
example – but once it hits the lowest point, it stays. If the
blocks fill a line without gaps, they disappear. Otherwise
Tetris …
they pile up, giving the player less and less time before
a was invented by a young Russian man.
they hit the “bottom”.
b was written on a small home computer.
c had scoring at the beginning. 5 Simple, but very addictive. So far, the game has sold more
d has sold over 70 million copies. than 70m copies; it has influenced art and music; and it is
e became very popular in 1984. regularly voted one of the top games of all time.
f was included with all Game Boys.
g made a lot of money for Pajitnov in the 1980s.
6 In 1985 a PC version spread around eastern Europe. But it
Read the article again and find the answers to these was in 1988 that things started to accelerate.
7 “I first saw it at the Electronics Show in Las Vegas in
a Why did Pajitnov write Tetris?
1988,” said Henk Rogers, a Dutch games publisher.
He understood the game’s appeal and he beat strong
competition to agree on a deal to include Tetris with every
Nintendo Game Boy.
b What has Tetris influenced? 8 But Pajitnov made little from the game’s early success
because the rights were owned by the Soviet state. He had
to wait until 1996 – when the rights reverted to him – to
begin making money.

c Who brought Tetris to the world market? 9 The secret of the game’s success? “I think that most of
the classic games of the 1980s or 1990s are dead because
their authors or owners didn’t care about them,” said

d Why didn’t Pajitnov make a lot of money at first? Original article by Bobbie Johnson, rewritten by
Janet Hardy-Gould

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