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ITU Punjab, 6th Floor

Arfa Software Technology Park,

346-B Ferozepur Road
Lahore, Pakistan

To be completed by applicant:
Applicant's Name________________________________________________________________
Tracking ID: ____________________ (remember to write the Tracking ID on envelope as well)
Information Technology University appreciates recommendations from teachers, advisors, managers,
and individual(s) applicants have closely worked with.
To be completed by the referee:
When considering applicants to the Information Technology University, particular emphasis is placed
on the recommendations of the referees. Please fill out this form with care, a balanced view of an
applicants abilities and other attributes, comments about noteworthy attributes, whether positive or
negative, as your comments have a bearing on the decision of the Admission Committee.

1. In what capacity have you known the applicant?

For how long have you known the applicant? _____ years and/or ______ months.

2. In comparison with other students and/or professionals you have known, how would you rate the
applicant with respect to the following qualities?
Exceptional Excellent

Academic ability
Technical Knowledge
Quantitative skills
Knowledge in Computer Science

Very Average
Good Middle



Ability to get along with others
Communication Skill in English
Managerial potential
Self confidence

3. Rank the ____ (student) from a ___________ (reference group)

Example Top 2% in a class of 127 students, Top 5% in a class of Electrical Engineering of 350, Top Most in
the class of ABC institute


Of / in a class of / in

4. Please comment on the following attributes of the applicant:

Academic performance and abilities

Analytical and creative abilities

Demonstrated ability for research potential

Demonstrated ability for independent work

Demonstrated managerial and leadership abilities

Major weaknesses (academic, work habits, personal, etc.)

5. Please comment on a project you have worked with or a class you have taught to the applicant where
In summary my recommendation for the applicant is
i. Very Strong ii.

Recommendation with reservation


I do not recommend

Your Full Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Designation ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Professional Address _______________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone ____________________________________________________________________________
Email ___________________________________________________________________________________
Signature and official stamp


s/he has displayed the attributes listed above.

Instructions for submitting your recommendation

Please place this letter of recommendation in an envelope, seal it and sign across the seal. Return it to the
applicant who will be required to bring it with him/her to the interviews conducted by the ITU Admissions
Committee. Remember to write the Tracking ID on the envelope. Your prompt response and assistance is essential
for a timely decision. ITU appreciates your assistance in the admission process and assures you that your
comments will be dealt with care and confidentiality.

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