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cothurnus, tragedy

Conthurnus - The World

kingdoms exist.



Each kingdom has a

patron god.
have taken over territories, leaving

Uncharted territories exist. Monsters live in this area.
The world is not flat. It is spherical.

Clicking on the titles in Sections will bring you to said section in view mode

Conthurnus - World
1. Adnatos



5. Gracidel
6. Laevis

8. Nimiety
9. Paraesthesia


12. Thera



The royal families have a contract with the p
Rule is not legitimate without the gods approval.
Without approval, the god can destroy or abandon
the kingdom as they please.
Should a kingdom be conquered, the former patron
god ceases to exist.
Reviving the fallen deity is possible, requiring you
Travel to their sacred grounds
Perform the Approval Ritual

People with magic are usually higher in the social
pyramid, but for those who have an affinity for 1 or
none are usually lower.
The only way for a magicless people to be not
looked down upon is to be an established warrior in
reputation or army or to simply hide that fact, but
prejudice isnt easily washed away.
The social hierarchy for each kingdom is different
regarding species (ex. Humans on top of the social
pyramid in Aferenzai.).

There are 11 basic elements in the world

- Any magic that utilizes fire.
- Any magic that utilizes water including ice.
- Any magic that utilizes wind.
- Any magic that utilizes earth including metals and
- Any magic that utilizes lightning.
- Any magic that utilizes light.
Protection against others
with barriers, benevolence, reflection.
- Any magic that utilizes darkness including curses
and illusions.
Manipulating someone against their own will
also counts.
- Any magic that utilizes life such as augmentation,
healing, shapeshifting, the use of nature ( plants and animals),
and allowing inanimate objects to move.
- Any magic that utilizes sound.
- Any magic that summons an entity.
- Any magic that doesnt fall any of the elements

above. This also includes magic that is over physics and laws
of the world such as gravity, time, and space.

The average person has an affinity for at least 2

A person can have affinity for a maximum of 6
It becomes increasingly rarer to have more than 2
Having six affinities is exceedingly rare, even more
rare than having a Special element. Its nearly
impossible to have six affinities.
Affinity only dictates an individuals mastery and
efficiency over an element. It is harder for an
individual to perform an element they do not have an
affinity for.
Some magic can be a combination of 2 or more
Special is a very rare element, not very many have an
affinity for it.
Affinity is something everyone is usually born with. It
is possible for someone to be born with an affinity for
1 or none affinity or to have 2 or more affinity.
Affinity doesnt affect an individuals genetics and
theres a slim chance for affinity to be passed down
from the parents.
The environment you live in can factor the type of
affinity youll have, but its not always the case. (ie:
some people can have a water affinity in a volcanic
Yarrow has developed a drug that can grant
temporary affinities. Duration of the effect depends
on the amount taken, but it usually comes with the
side-effect of intense pain and could possibly lead to

200 bronze
1 silver
100 silver
1 gold
50 gold
= 1 sacred gold
1. Gracidel

Known to be the richest country purely from trading.

They trade worldwide with a majority of the countries
and could easily lead a country to bankruptcy if they
cut off ties from Gracidel. They are a power to be

feared when it comes to money.

2. Aferenzai

Being the largest Kingdom in Conthurnus you can

expect that they needed quite the amount of funds.
With their numerous connections for trading and their
high taxes ( though somewhat differs with each city )
the country has steadily grown in wealth.

3. Atlas

Though only trading with Gracidel they have still

grown quite rich. The two Kingdoms have frequently
traded with each other and with the frequency of
their trading its no surprise how much profits they
have made.

4. Lyristis

Lyristis, known as Mother of Literature, is what we

would call a Renaissance country. The country where
paper was discovered, the birthplace of new music,
literature, and arts, and the place where the printing
press was invented. This enabled their new ideas to
spread throughout the world quicker than before.
With traders wishing to purchase their books, paper,
art, and etc. its no surprise how quickly their
economy grew.

5. Thera

Its more or less known as the Blacksmith Country.

Its the Kingdom where a majority of the other
Kingdoms know the strength of the weapons theyve
created. With a majority of the kingdoms wishing to
have a strong army with equally strong weapons,
Thera is the place they will go to.

6. Syncera

Though only being on Conthurnus for 100 years, they

are quickly growing in their economy. For trading
they are known for oils, natural resources, spices,
and their main export, aquatic animals. Though not
wealthy as some other kingdoms they are still able to
make an admirable profit.

7. Paragon

The land where the jewels glow and the coins of their
trading patterns roll in. The ores and minerals that
are produced are used in different ways, depending
on which country they trade it off to. For example,
Estival would use the ores for making things such as
jewelry, while countries such as Gracidel could be
using it to trade the minerals & ores to other

8. Adnatos

Adnatos is a new country that recently gained its

independence from Aferenzai. With it being the
newest country its no surprise that it isnt known
world wide yet. Only Gracidel are aware of the
potential of the products the Kingdom is singing.

Magic infused weapons is a product to behold, and

Gracidel is willing to pay for it.

9. Thuban

Nicknamed to be, The Land of Milk & Honey this

land is known for their phenomenal food and as well
as their textile products. With the stylish, functional,
and comfy clothes plus the food that will make you
feel like youre back in the Garden of Eden its no
surprise how many countries would want a piece of
their amazing products.

10. Estival

Known to have the best parties in the land and also

known to be slackers, this still doesnt mean they
arent making a profit. With their people mindlessly
buying things in the city and the recent development
of gunpowder powering their fireworks, they still do
make quite the profit. Unfortunately, it isnt as high as
it once was.

11. Yarrow

Ah, Yarrow, the Kingdom that has 2 sides of the

same coin. One side shows the development of
drugs and the other shows the development of
medicine. Both sell quite well, but with the civil war
occurring in the Kingdom, both products arent made
as well as they could be.

12. Nimiety

Though they have bountiful land to trade, they seem

to have a horrible government that seems to
constantly create horrible economic decisions. At
least they have strong warriors I suppose?

13. Paraesthesia

To be blunt, this country focuses more on military

strength to conquer other lands than their economic

14. Laevis

Laevis land is barren and can barely maintain any life.

Unfortunately the patron god didnt seem to take
their side, leaving them with close to nothing to

Military Rankings


I mean, is this really a surprise? They have the largest

Kingdom in the World, of course they would have a
powerful military. Of course this isnt saying they
didnt use any underhanded tactics to gain that land.

2. Atlas

With the amount of research they do, they need

something powerful to protect their precious

information. Hence why they built their powerful
underwater armada to defend against enemies. Its
unwise to fight them underwater.

3. Paraesthesia

The country that basically hates everyone and wants

to conquer everyone. It only makes sense they
majorly focus on their military strength. Thats most
likely why their children are sent to a school where all
they learn are battle tactics and just being part of the
army in general.

4. Gracidel

You dont expect them to do all that trading and not

having an army to make sure none of their trading
deals go awry do you? Gracidel takes precautions to
make sure none of their precious cargo is damaged.
If you happen to damage it Be careful. They have
more than their army on their side.

5. Thera

Theyre a country that specializes in creating

weapons, did you think their military forces would be
weak? Though they dont show off their army all that
much, they are still a formidable force. After all, many
of the blacksmiths in that country are also warriors.

6. Lyristis

They arent the type to do fighting but if pushed, they

will cut someone up. Though the Kingdoms army
isnt known for their brute strength like other
Kingdoms. Their army dons the talent of magic and
uses it to the full extent. Many fear the magic that is
used in the army, as it can be used to the limit of the
casters imagination.

7. Syncera

The port Kingdom that has one of the strongest navy

fleets ( except for Atlas ), but unfortunately with it
being a new country it isnt as strong as some of the
other countries. Keep an eye on it, because it might
attack you when you least expect it.

8. Adnatos

Like Syncera, they are strong, but unfortunately, their

army isnt what you would call large. Though they
have powerful weapons they dont quite have their
military organized quite yet.

9. Paragon

Though they have strong workers, nobody was really

trained to be in the military, but with the strength
gained from working it would be no surprise if they
could beat an army just by brute force.

10. Nimiety

Though their Economy is more or less horrible, the

Kingdoms warriors are quite strong. Unfortunately
their numbers arent the largest and the army itself

isnt what one would call united.

11. Yarrow

Its a place filled with either doctors, or druggies.

What were you expecting? Though I wont say
theyre completely defenseless. The Kingdom could
easily create a gas to poison their enemies and
render them to a writhing pathetic piece of meat.

12. Thuban

This is the land where they could probably poison

their food to get rid of their enemies, but then again,
who would accept food from the enemy? Then again,
its Thubans food.

13. Estival

This is the country that never fights wars. Theyre

strictly a party country, but then again; this is the case
when the the new ruler was appointed. Before the
new ruler was appointed, Estival actually had quite
the strong army. Unfortunately, since the new King
was appointed the army slowly started to fall apart.

14. Laevis

The people living in these lands are barely hanging

on. They live in a barren land and many of the
citizens in Laevis are malnourished and are near to
dying. It is really no surprise that they are one of the

Notable Laws:
Strict to no immigration of people from Paraesthesia
Strict punishment and laws for trade of weapons
Main Exports:
magic infused weapons
( Synergy )
Internal Conflicts:
security issues, goods are smuggled out of
the kingdom
Gracidel, Nimiety - trade
Aferenzai - mother kingdom, broke off, prejudice against
Adnatos is a small nation, having gained independence
from Aferenzai. It is mostly known for its magic infused
weapons, which are seen as taboo. The main reason it
hasnt been destroyed is due to its new technology. It allows
those without a certain affinity to perform the magic much
easier. When Adnatos rebelled, Aferenzai did not put much
of a fight and simply allowed them to gain their
independence as Adnatos is located next to a monster
region and acts as the buffer zone between Paraesthesia
and Aferenzai. Aferenzai believes Adnatos will be shortly

conquered by Paraesthesia.

[Weak] Feudal Monarchy
Notable Laws:
Restriction of trade and immigration with Paraesthesia
and Laevis
Slaves cannot gain freedom
Humans are not allowed to intermix with other species
Main Exports:
Internal Conflicts:
monsters invading the northern coastline,
nobles becoming power-hungry, famine, unrest within
people, Syncera and Paraesthesia invading, Adnatos gaining
their independence, conquered tribes rebelling, royal
authority is weakening, human bigotry
Adnatos - child kingdom, disowned
Estival, Gracidel, Lyristis, Paragon, Thera, Yarrow- trade
Paraesthesia - enemies at war
Syncera - somewhat at war
Thuban - attempting to conquer
Aferenzai is a strictly human ruled empire and the largest
nation out there. Its not very friendly with other species, but a
slight percentage of the population tolerates them. Aferenzai
has the strongest military, but has a weakening monarchy.
Multiple parties are vying for the throne, but only the rulers
twelve children are the actual candidates. But of course,
those of the kings court also want the position. Has been at
war with Paraesthesia for a long time. Aferenzais
government consist of a king in power with five high-ranking
nobles in court that helps him rule along with lower nobles
that holds lower political positions to help the kings rule over
such a huge land (Aferenzai).

Notable Laws:
Restrictions on trade outside of Gracidel
Restrictions on exchange of informations
All citizens must be employed ( ages five to ninety )

Main Exports:
advanced technology
Internal Conflicts:
water pollution, overworked population
Gracidel - exclusively trades
Atlas is a secretive underwater kingdom, blocked off to everyone
except Gracidel. The secret to entering the kingdom is only known to
the ruling court of Gracidel. It is the most advanced civilization, even
having a calendar. Although underwater, the water is polluted from
technology. They are also known to have one of the most excellent
schooling systems in the regions and have brought up child prodigies.
It is unknown to why Atlas only trades with Gracidel but there is a
legend that a tragedy occurred causing them only to trust Gracidel in

Notable Laws:
Anything against the monarchy is considered treason
Prostitution is legal
Alcohol is legal for all ages
Main Exports:
gunpowder, alcoholic beverages, fruit,
Internal Conflicts:
believes child ruler is unfit, prostitution,
kidnapped for slavery
Aferenzai, Lyristis, Syncera, Thuban, Yarrow - trade
Estival is the carefree nation, having most of the calendar
filled with festivals. The weather is nice year round, as the
patron god has control over such. Despite all this, Estival is
not an agricultural country. It is well known for its beverages
and pyrotechnic displays. The ruler happens to be a child, of
all things. Most of the population is drunk or high all the time
making them vulnerable to trafficking.

Gracidelien /
Notable Laws:
Restriction of trade with Laevis and Paraesthesia
Exclusive trade with Atlas
Slaves cannot gain their freedom
Main Exports:
nearly everything
Internal Conflicts:
slave riots, huge gap between the rich and
the poor

Almost Everyone - trades, economic support
Laevis, Paraesthesia - no trade
Gracidel is the richest kingdom there is, and is important to
almost the rest of Conthurnus. With its position, it can easily
win any bargain over. Such an incident happened when the
Atlish calendar was made, as Gracidel pressured the
kingdom to release it to the world. Since Gracidel introduced
the calendar, it is instead called the Gracidelien Calendar.
Gracidel isnt necessarily an ally with other kingdoms, but
more of a trading partner; however, it will be unwise to cross
swords with Gracidel as Gracidel can easily destroy a
kingdoms economy. Known as the Kingdom of Trade its
quite easy to grow in wealth in the kingdom as long as one
can sell their products. Their motto is
Everybody is equal as
long as you have money!
Unfortunately this is the hard cold
truth. Despite the paradise-like image theyve crafted
themselves to appear as underneath the mask you see what
happens to those who bear no money of any kind. Theres a
reason slave riots are a problem in their city, yet nobody
from the outside truly knows.

Absolute Monarchy
Notable Laws:
No consorting with Lyristis
No exiting the country
Restricted trade and immigration with Lyristis
Main Exports:
nothing sadly
Internal Conflicts:
unable to grow anything, poor economy,
terrible conditions, anti-immigration, some wants to reunite
with Lyristis,
Aferenzai - somewhat at war
Lyristis - country at war/fighting with divorced wife
Paraesthesia - funding with weapons
Known as the Father of Burdens, Laevis is faced with the
worst luck. Barren land, poor economy, unsustainable
resources, and malnourished population plagues the whole
kingdom. Laevis struggles to live, relying mainly on the little
portion of the lake and their water boundaries to thrive, but
its not enough to sustain the kingdom as even the royal
family experiences starvation. Death rates are high, not to
mention the countless failed campaigns to conquer a river
(for agriculture) from Lyristis which they have been waging
war against for a long time. Their only source of help is from
Paraesthesia whom provides them Theran weapons, but
even Paraesthesia cannot be trusted. Laevis also has strict

laws regarding immigration as no one is allowed to leave the

kingdom ever and is punishable by death to those who
breaks the law.


Notable Laws:
No consorting with Laevis
Restricted trade and immigration with Laevis
Only women can hold a seat of political power
Main Exports:
paper, literature, art, agriculture, meat
Internal Conflicts:
movement for men to be in same social
standing as women, some wants to reunite with Laevis,
shortage of trees
Laevis - at war/divorced husband problems
Aferenzai, Estival, Gracidel, Syncera, Yarrow - trade
Thuban - competing for natural resources
Lyristis is the Mother of Literature, being the source of paper and
writing with the nearby trees. Having split from Laevis, it received the
better end of the stick, and prospers with development. Its influence
has spread to Yarrow, Estival, and Thuban, bringing writing and
language to the area. It is a very matriarchal society, having been
founded by the former queen of Laevis. As such men have been
struggling for a better social standing here.

Corrupted Democracy
Notable Laws:
No trade with Paraesthesia
Restricted trade, immigration and traffic from Paraesthesia
Main Exports:
spices, exotic fruits, dye
Internal Conflicts:
weak and corrupt government, poor
economic decisions
Adnatos, Gracidel - trade
Paraesthesia - unfriendly
Nimiety is the smallest kingdom there is with only four main islands.
They are quite well-known for their exotic goods, but it is extremely
difficult to trade with Nimiety due to their geographical location.
Paraesthesia blocks their western coast and Gracidel and Atlas blocks
their eastern coast, leaving Nimiety to only be able to trade with
Gracidel and Adnatos. Although they could make a huge amount of
profits with trade from those two kingdom, Nimietys government is

corrupt, unstable, and makes poor economic decisions. Despite the

corrupt government and poor economy, plenty of strong warriors are
born from this kingdom.

Notable Laws:
No trade, traffic, soliciting or immigration from Aferenzai.
Restricted trading and immigration with anyone but
Laevis. ( secretly Thera )
Slaves cannot gain freedom
Conquered people must integrate into Paraesthesia and
swear allegiance on the threat of death.
Main Exports:
no trade
Internal Conflicts:
genocide, isolated, very aggressive, dont
want to be friends, they want to be your leader (mean girls
3), persecute other species
Aferenzai -
Laevis - funding them weapons, plans to conquer after
they conquer for them
Thera - weapons source (secretly)
Everyone Else -
Paraesthesia, the kingdom that hates the world and wants to
conquer the whole world. The kingdom has been waging a
war against Aferenzai for a long time, invading often past the
mountain ranges, but Aferenzai has been able to defend
their borders. Paraesthesia is currently ruled by a female
dictator, ushering a harsher military rule and promoting their
species as superior than everyone else and began to
perform genocides (killing off other cultures in Paraesthesia).
Paraesthesia is known for having one of the strongest
military as children are immediately sent to military school
from the age of five. Aggressive, ruthless, and unruly type of
society, hundreds of creatures are dying each day in
Paraesthesia. Paraesthesia is closed off from the rest of the
world and does not participate in any form of trade
(however, Thera secretly sells them weapons) and has a
harsh, strict rule over matters of immigration. They fund
Laevis some Theran weapons for Laevis to conquer land for
them and then conquer Laevis after Laevis has conquered
their continent.


Notable Laws:
No mining without authorization and license
Slaves cannot gain freedom.
Main Exports:
ores, gems, minerals, gold, silver, slaves
Internal Conflicts:
part of slave trade, running out of minerals,
harsh conditions for labor, huge social gap between rich and
Aferenzai, Estival, Gracidel, Thera, Thuban - trade
Paragon, the kingdom of sparkling ores and minerals.
Thanks to Paragons rich natural resources of stones,
Paragon was able to quickly rise in the economy even
though the northern area of Paragon is covered in ice. The
majority of Paragons population are mining these minerals
and although Paragon isnt known for their military strength,
the bodies of these people are sturdy and accustomed to
harsh labor and could easily overwhelm with brute strength

Notable Laws:
No unauthorized fishing (for danger of overfishing)
Prostitution and slavery are illegal
Recreational drug using is illegal.
Main Exports:
fish, oil, natural resources, aquatic food, spices
Internal Conflicts:
corrupt politicians, prostitution, slavery,
black market, smuggled drugs.
Aferenzai - invading parts of it
Estival, Gracidel, Lyristis, Thera, Thuban, Yarrow - trade
Syncera is a relatively new kingdom with 100 years on its back,
starting as an island that gained its independence from Aferenzai.
Syncera then began to immerse in trade, becoming a Port Kingdom
known for their fish, spices, and aquatic goods and began to invest in
their military, developing one of the strongest navy fleet thanks to
Theran technology. As Syncera grows, they begin to expand west into
Aferenzais coastline, proving to be a major ordeal for Aferenzai since
Syncera blocks off most of Aferenzais viable trade network for the
western half hemisphere. Syncera believes in a social equality for all
species, not only offering rights to humans, but to all species as well.
Syncera is said to be the next Kingdom of Trade after Gracidel.


Notable Laws:
Volcanoes are not used for any religious purposes or a
tool to commit homicide.
It is illegal to dispose of waste in the volcanoes
Slaves can gain freedom by being recognized by the
government or their owners through working a certain
amount of years.
Main Exports:
best weapons, obsidian, architecture, tools,
Internal Conflicts:
decreasing population, rich and poor gap,
volcanic fumes affecting them, part of slave trade
Aferenzai, Estival, Gracidel, Paragon, Thuban
Yarrow - trade
Paraesthesia - secretly selling them weapons
Thera, the Blacksmith Kingdom, heavily known for their volcanic land,
obsidians, and the creation of weapons and architecture. It is without a
doubt that the best weapons are created in Thera as other kingdoms
were able to strengthen their military strength immensely from these
weapons alone. Volcanoes are an important aspect of Theras land
and are revered by its people. Thera isnt known to be aggressive, but
not a good idea to give them an incentive to call their army as Thera is
known for their formidable warriors.

Notable Laws:
Restricted trade with Aferenzai
Restricted trade and immigration with Laevis
Slaves cannot gain freedom, but it is illegal to abuse or kill slaves.
It is mandatory to provide a healthy and safe workspace.
Main Exports:
food products, textiles, clothing, cotton, dyes,
Internal Conflicts:
gradually being invaded by Aferenzai, weakening
government, slowly falling behind in competition with Lyristis,
Aferenzai, Gracidel, and Syncera, part of slave trade
Aferenzai - unfriendly
Estival, Gracidel, Thera, Yarrow - trade
Lyristis - Competing for natural resources
Thuban, a kingdom known for their delicious food and beautiful textile
products. However, Thubans government is growing weaker and
competition for trade increases especially with Lyristis new inventions
that outcompetes Thubans agriculture. Aferenzai is also attempting to
conquer Thuban for resources and trade which Thuban attempts to
restrict trade with Aferenzai, but the majority of merchants still trades

with Aferenzai as the trade easily brings profit. Not only that, not
trading with an Aferenzian can be considered a declaration of war.

Notable Laws:
Recreational drug use is illegal.
Ill talk of the government is prohibited.
Main Exports:
medicine, drugs
Internal Conflicts:
civil war between Northern Yarrow and
Southern Yarrow, victim of the slave trade, druggie
Aferenzai, Estival, Lyristis, Syncera, Thera,
Thuban - trade
Yarrow, a kingdom currently undergoing through its bloodiest event
with the Yarrow Civil War. Yarrow is a kingdom known for their drugs
especially in Northern Yarrow, an area influenced by Estival and Thera
while Southern Yarrow, that used to be known for exceptional
medicine and amazing healthcare that has downgraded due to the
war, is more so influenced by Thuban and Lyristis. Due to the differing
influences, Southern Yarrow became more wealthy while Northern
Yarrow is overrun by drugs causing Southern Yarrow to want to break
away. This begins the bloodiest civil war in Yarrows history as people
are being killed left and right. This leaves Yarrow in a vulnerable
position for trafficking and prostitution.


The most populous species of them all. Humans

can master magic and their affinity, but its much
more rare compared to the rest of the species.
Humans are mostly found in Aferenzai, but being
the most populous, humans are found almost
anywhere but P
a, where they are
persecuted and slaughtered, and Laevis, where
the harsh conditions disable any hope of human
survival. Although mortal, humans match up to the
other species, making up with their determination
and ingenuity.


Fae are known to be mischievous creatures, no

matter what side they fall. They can be noted by

their pointed ears and markings on their bodies.
Fae are much more colorful, having many, many
different colors of skin and hair. The Fae are
usually split into two groups: the Seelie and the
Unseelie. Both have a similar hierarchy with one
court in an area, complete with a king and queen.
The Seelie Court is generally benevolent, pulling
harmless pranks, and are much more willing to
help than their counterpart. The Seelie Faes are
known to be unable to lie, but are masters of
mind games and can twist the truth to be
completely different. They generally are lighter
skinned, and the most common affinity is for light
and/or earth. Unseelie Faes are another story.
The Unseelie Fae are wild and carefree, and
much more darker in nature. They are more
malicious in pranking, and find joy in destruction.
Although Unseelie Fae are dangerous, they arent
necessarily innately evil. The Unseelie Faes are
much less likely to listen to their queen and king.
When the Unseelie Fae are unhappy with their
rulers, they are known to consume their rulers
alive on the grounds that the rulers serve them,
and thus, must give up every essence of
themselves. The Unseelie Fae have a generally
darker color palette and have different markings
than Seelie Fae, with a more common affinity for
darkness and earth. The Unseelie and Seelie
Faes have a cautious truce at best, and a hostility
at worst.


Merians are underwater creatures that are half

human. Instead of legs, however, their bottom
half are partially an aquatic creatures. There are
many kinds of Merians. shrimp Merian, fish
Merian, shark Merian, jellyfish Merian, and much,
much more. Merians have gills to breathe
underwater, as well as lungs to breathe in
oxygen. Merians are by far the most adaptable
race, with the ability to live underwater and
breathe out of water. There are also many
categories of Merians. There are Selkies, which
are traditionally seals, but in more modern times,
Selkies may be a variety, such as eels or octopi.
Selkies are able to shed their tails and lay them
aside to take on legs to walk on land. However,
they cannot return to water without their tails, so
to imprison a Selkie on land, you simply take their
tails. Unlike other Merians, Selkies dont

necessarily need water to survive when they have

legs, but they feel a need to return, as the ocean
calls to them. There are also Sirens, which are
Merians that have a hypnotizing voice. They are
able to lure both men and women to their death,
and drown them. Sirens tend to live longer than
any other Merian, because they absorb the life of
the ones they kill, adding years and youth to their
own. There are more common Merians, who can
shed their tails, and go on land, but they will die if
they go three days without water, and a month
without their tails. The water affinity is
extraordinarily common with Merians, and even
those unlucky enough not to have that affinity
develop a comfort with water due to their
lifestyles. Merians live almost exclusively in Atlas,
making their species very mysterious and largely
unknown due to their isolationist policy. Merians
are often beautiful people with iridescent scales
and stunning tails. Because of the beauty of their
tails and scales, historically, Merians have been
hunted and killed for their scales and tails, and
are still hunted by other kingdoms but Gracidel.
Merians also have a soul pearl, which holds their
soul. If one comes in possession of a Merians
pearl, the Merian will be enslaved to the owner
until they release the Merian and return the pearl.


Dreigons are one of the more rare species.

Powerful, and with a lengthened lifespan, they are
found either in small groups or on their own.
Dreigons are beasts of the air and land, with a
hard armor made of scales. Their height ranges
from a few inches, to many kilometers tall, and
they often have varying colors and appearances.
Some are winged, some are not. Some are
spiked, some are not. Dreigons have a draconian,
creature form and a human form. As humans,
Dreigons tend to be around 6 feet tall, reaching
heights similar to elves, but have strong features
compared to the lithe and delicate beauty of
elves. Dreigons are known to hoard things and
protect their hoard with their lives. There have
been many myths about a Dreigons hoard, but
not many have been lucky enough to return from
the mission of scouting out a Dreigons hoard.
Dreigons are fiercely protective of their young,
since it is hard to conceive and give birth to
further their species. Dreigons are more likely to
be fierce and controlling in personality, so there

may be hostility between Dreigons. Dreigons

have a very strong bond with their affinity and
their magic is something truly to be feared.
Dreigons can be killed through chinks in their
armor, so they tend to try and fortify themselves.
Their underbelly is commonly the weak point, but
not always. Dreigons can also be felled by strong,
strong magic spells, but often, Dreigons are near
impossible to take down with only a few people.
Dreigons can either be malicious or benevolent,
but almost always are driven by their greed to
expand their hoard. Dreigons can be found
wherever their element is found. The affinity for
Dreigons are more commonly darkness or fire,
but other element affinities are completely within
reason and are also common. According to myths
that circulate among other species, Dreigons are
the servants for gods.


Ferals are humanoid creatures with animalistic

features. Most naturally have the ability to shift
into their animal form. Ferals are split into multiple
tribes, which are named after the beast
constellations. They are very spread out, having a
tribe in almost every nation. It is not uncommon to
see one tribe preying on another tribe. Physical
traits and strength vary depending on the animal
species, but they are slightly stronger than
humans. The Phoenix Tribe seems to be at heads
with Dreigons constantly, and the bats of the
Apus Tribe dont get along with the Lupus Tribe.
Ferals are prone to an animalistic urge, and even
when they look humanoid, Ferals tend to carry
around some of their animal traits. The politics of
the tribes are convoluted and nearly impossible
for an outsider to understand. They have a more
savage connotation, when in actuality, they have
a very orderly system, and their life is quite
freeing. The Ferals do not have one most
common affinity, and each affinity can be found


Elves are the most beautiful and graceful of all

species. They are immediately known for their
stunning looks and ethereal fluidity, as well as
their pointed ears. Elves are noted as well for
their intelligence and appreciation for beauty.
Though most wouldnt have guessed it, many

elves have dedicated their lives to Blacksmithing.

Weapons created by Elves have been said to look
like art instead of an instrument of murder. Most
believe elves to be immortal but in reality they
just have a much longer lifespan, and it is
speculated that the glow elves seem to emit is
from the life they have an abundance for.
However, elves are also the most bitter and
arrogant of all species, often turning their noses
at their fair folk counterpart, the fae. Elves are
noted to be especially malicious and have little
regard for life, thanks to their longevity. Elves are
usually extraordinarily beautiful in nature, to the
point where members of the other species are
unappealing. They, like Fae, have skin colors that
come in a variety of colors other than the human
skin colors. Their height is
above six feet
tall. Its said that elves are one of the most tragic;
they fall in love, only to outlive those they hold
dear and grow jaded. However, elves can die in
battle and violently. They make up the majority of
Laevis & Thera, and are extremely bitter to the
fae-dominated Lyristis. They can usually be found
in other countries, but in a much sparse
concentration. The affinity for elements are well
divided amongst the elves. There is much
prejudice of elves in Lyristis and even negative
stereotypes which mock them as shallow and
petty, when elves are much more than their looks
and their grief.


Dwarves are usually shorter than five feet tall. Traditionally,

Dwarves have full beards, with handmade beads and
special carvings, but the species are getting progressively
more modern, and some are even boasting of short,
trimmed beards and nice facial hair. In place of full beards,
Dwarves will usually have beards cut in fascinating designs.
But this species is one of creativity and passion. They are
short, but built like a wall, with strong features, and broad
shoulders. The women are more strong and more
handsome then they are beautiful and delicate. In
comparison, Dwarves are one of the most resilient species,
with a naturally thicker skin and protection against heat.
Their values tend to be felt more strongly and passionately,
and Dwarves are a species that takes pride in their rich
history and their identity. Unlike other species, however,
Dwarves tend to be less judgmental and exclusive, often
trying not to judge their culture. But at the same time,
Dwarves dont like to mix culture, and may jealously guard
the secrets to the species. Family means everything to

Dwarves, blood or not, and the strongest ties can be found

with Dwarves, who would go into battle and die with each
other. The most common affinity is either fire or earth, but
more affinities can be found, although most dwarves will at
least have one affinity that is either fire or earth. They can
be found in Paragon, where Dwarves are the ruling class, or
in Thera, in a Gyant-ruled society. Dwarves are built for a
variety of hard tasks, and can get the job done. Some may
be blacksmiths, but surprisingly, that job is mostly
dominated by Elves. Dwarves and Gyants are very friendly
with each other, and often are able to live together for
centuries in peace.



Deimons are creatures that are masters of lie and trickery.

Unlike Fae however, Deimons are usually genuinely
malicious, even compared to Unseelie Fae. They appear
human with a few discrepancies, such as another pair of
eyes, a forked tail or dark wings, but they have a much
more sinister true form. Their true form is something like an
Eldritch horror with sharp teeth, glowing red eyes, and
contorted bodies. While in their human form, Deimons may
be from reasonably average in looks to blend in with the
other species to stunning in order to draw in prey, but their
true forms, while varying, is always enough to fuel ones
nightmares for lifetimes. Deimons never go by their real
name, because a Deimons true name is the key to their
twisted and mutilated soul. If you speak the true name of a
Deimon, they will automatically be under your will. Deimons
have varying lifespans, but they prey off other species, like
Sirens, in order to keep on living. Deimons are very tricky,
even to each other, so it is rare that there is a Deimon
leader for very long, as Deimons are always trying to climb
to power. The older one Deimon is, usually the stronger
they are. Deimons are more vulnerable, but also more
powerful in their true form. Forcing a Deimon into their true
form can either be done by a strategic game of cat and
mouse, since a Deimon will need to fill a need for more
power in exchange for safety, or by using a Deimons real
name to force them to their true forms. Deimons, obviously,
more commonly have an affinity for darkness, but they also
have an affinity for life. They are commonly found in

Gyants are the tallest of all species, even dwarfing Elves

and Dreigons. They are usually made of their respective
elements, so seeing a blue Gyant who can dissolve into
puddles, or a Gyant made of stone is very common. Gyants
are a bit slow, but their physical strength is very formidable.

Gyants have a negative connotation of being stupid and

slow, but Gyants usually live longer, and are very wise.
Gyants are a very proud species, and tend to be irritated at
the very least and murderous at most when it comes to
prejudice. Gyants are rumored to have walked Conthurnus
since the beginning of time, and their species has lived on,
and that Gyants have all the secrets, but it was lost to time.
Gyants like to live a simple life, and are very peaceful
creatures, unless you provoke one, which then, would not
be so well for you. Gyants are just creatures, and friendly,
seeing no need for needless violence. Although Gyants are
peaceful creatures, they are also seasoned warriors, and
are used to hard labor. They can make weapons with an
expert eye. Gyants tend to be found with Dwarves in
Paragon, where Dwarves rule, or Thera, where Gyants rule.
Gyants and Dwarves have a very friendly relationship, and
are able to live in peace for centuries. Gyants have no
common affinity, as each element is pretty equally


Sproutlings are humanoid creatures that made of

plants. Quite simply, they are very varied and look
very different, but they all are made of plants.
They can go from very harmless to downright
poisonous, depending on the Sproutling.
Sproutlings, appearance wise, come in all shape,
sizes and looks. All of them usually carry around
some residue of their plants, whether its having a
vine grow out and wrapped around your arm, or
mushrooms growing from your head. Sproutlings
can utilize their plants for warfare, such as spores
or pollen, which again, depends on the plant.
Sproutlings are usually very demure, but the
environmental degradation that has been
happening as industrialization happens have
made them more aggressive and dangerous.
Sproutlings call themselves the Children of the
Trees and are the guardians of the land. All of
the Sproutlings have one affinity for earth, with a
few rare exceptions, that comes naturally due to
the fact they are literally a plant. The next most
common affinities are either water, life or light.
Agriculture and plants tend to thrive with
Sproutlings, but their refusal for chemical fertilizer
and any other tool with plants other than rain and
air have made them unpopular with agriculture
export-oriented countries, who need to monetize
agriculture, which Sproutlings are very against.
Sproutlings see fertilizer and other means to help
the plants grow as unnatural and an abomination.

They have no need for physical food and their

cells use photosynthesis to convert sunlight to
glucose, which is their own food.

In the beginning of time, there used to be one
species, one magic, and one continent. However,
there was one piece of land that had a strong
affinity for all magic and was fought over a lot, but
the goddess had enough. The goddess separated
the land from the rest (the three islands above
northern Aferenzai), creating a seemingly endless
sea around it filled with monsters. As punishment,
the goddess divided the lands, divided people
into species, and everyone gets less affinity for
the elements.
It is said that past the water of Lorelei (the
unclaimed land of Lyristis), there lies a rogue god
sleeping within the Ocean of Monsters. It is
believed that the rogue god was a patron god of
an ancient kingdom, but once it was conquered,
the rogue god did not fade away but continued to
exist. It is said to summon the rogue god, one
must depart from the peak of Lorelei and travel
into the Ocean of Monsters to perform the
summoning ritual. This rogue god is said to be
extremely powerful that it is the best choice to
have as the patron god (but consequences may
be included.)
It is said in Aferenzais biggest desert, there is a
sacred treasure between the intersection of the
mountains. They said the sacred treasure used to
belong to an ancient tribe when the Aferenzais
desert was under water and contains the secret to
a new civilization. A secret that can propel a city to
a whole new height.
It is said that stars would always gather in the
center of Pyxis Auriga (the uncharted territory
between Thera, Paragon, Thuban, and Aferenzai)
and people reported seeing a strange light shining
from here. Although the light cannot be seen any

longer, it is said that people will occasionally catch

a glimpse of what was once an ancient civilization.
It is said that one can gain knowledge of the world
after eating the sacred fruit.

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