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Solar Cell Portable Using Dynamic Rotation System

Adhi Bagus Pribadi

Fauzy Satrio Wibowo

Electrical Department
State University Of Malang
Malang, Indonesia

Electrical Department
State University Of Malang
Malang, Indonesia

Abstract The dynamic rotation mode is the new concept

that we want to apply on the development of solar cell system.
The dynamic rotation solar cell trainer based on the motor DC
acceleration that is controlled by microcontroller decision that we
made. The Dynamic Rotation has the purpose that improve
electricity current on solar cell activity. The dynamic rotation can
be cover universal direction and universal degree rotation. So,
the result of dynamic rotation has a new hope that can be
produced more electricity current than the conventional solar cell
system in this era.
KeywordsDynamic Rotation, Solar Cell System



Energy needs of today become very large along with the

development of technology. With the energy needs to rely on
fossil fuel energy and natural gas are not able to meet all
needs. With the growing energy needs, the use of diverse
sources of electrical energy seems inevitable. In order to meet
the needs of renewable energy (renewable energy) is the
energy that there will be no end is an urgent need to be
researched and developed. There are several sources of natural
energy that is available as a clean energy alternative, nonpolluting, safe and with an unlimited supply of which is solar
energy [1]. Solar Cells is one of the sub-chapter discussion of
the subject matter theory and practicum Power Plant was
taught student of Electrical Engineering Education S1 and D3
Electrical Engineering. In the electric power system, solar
cells is one of the most important renewable energy with some
advantages that green energy because it does not emit harmful
carbon emissions that contribute to climate change such as
fossil fuels. Every watt of energy generated from the sun
means that we have reduced the use of fossil fuels, and so we
really have reduced the impact of the climate change. Recent
research has reported that the average solar home system can
reduce 18 tons of greenhouse gas emissions in the
environment every year. Solar cells utilizing solar energy and
solar is the most abundant form of energy available on our
planet, the solar cell is easy to install and has a very low
maintenance costs. Remember the complexity and urgency of
the electric power system with solar cells, making solar cells
as a necessity to master students in terms of both concept and
implementation in hardware. So, that is why we need the
development on solar cell system that can be used on every
single direction and rotation for the optimalization in electric
current production than the conventional solar cell system .
Based on the reality and background that mentioned above,
the purpose of this research are :


Designing Portable Solar Cells Using Dynamic

Rotation Method Based on Microcontroller Atmega
16 In the Department of Electrical Engineering, State
University of Malang (UM).


Test the feasibility of Portable Solar Cells Using

Dynamic Rotation Method Based on Microcontroller
Atmega 16 In the Department of Electrical
Engineering, State University of Malang (UM). (On
going research)


Analyze the effectiveness of the method of dynamic

rotation optmalisasi trainer solar cells for energy
produced so that it can be used for the general
population. (on going research)

A. The Type of Research

The type of this research is using development of research.
The development model using the steps proposed by
Sugioyono [2] which has the modified because of time,
cost and effort. The testing using variabel of the solar cell
system by comparing the optimalization energy that it can
be produce with conventional energy and by using
dynamic rotation system
B. Procedure of Reseach
The procedure of this research is separated by six step
individually.The first step that we use for this research is
seaching for the majority problem on using the
conventional solar cell system. The problem is we want to
compare the result of electicity current that can be produce
by using conventional solar cell system and dynamic
rotation system. The second step is collecting the data that
is linear and suitable with the research, for example the
models of the dynamic rotation itself and the materials of
construction and the solar cell type (mono or poly). The
trird step is we created the design of dynamic rotation
model. This step we created some design, how the
construction begin and testing the model. The fourth step is
the dynamic rotation must be enter on process of validation
model so the weakness of dynamic rotation can be
repaired. The fifth step is dynamic rotation model should
be take on process of revision product, so the weakness on
dynamic rotation we can analyze, compare and repair for
the better model in the future.

C. The Place of the Research

This research is still goign on the line with the
development process in the Department of Electrical
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of

linear photovoltaic characteristic that is also depend on the

radiation of sun, temperature and it is load [3].

Figure 3 The P-V characteristic for different level radiaton.

Figure 1 Research Flowchart Diagram



A. Photovoltaic
The mathematic model is going to develop for make a
eqivalent model for photovoltaic model. The Figure 2 is
photovoltaic series model that I (current) and V (voltage)
are produce from photovoltaic. Then, IL is Cells
Photocurrent. Rsh and Rs are shunt resisvity and serial
resisvity of photo voltaic.

Figure 4 The I-V characteristic for different temperature

photovoltaic surface

B. Solar Cell Result by Using Solar Tracker

Sucipto research on Trainer Sistem Pembangkit Listrik
Tenaga Surya has done the result of his research by using
dynamic rotation system and conventional one.
Table.1 Solar Cell Result by Dynamic Rotation [4]

Figure 2 Photovoltaic Equivalent Model

The equivalent of that series is :

where :
= Current Saturation Reverse (Ampere)
= Ideal Diode ( value = 1)
= Electron Filling
= Boltzman constanta
= Temperature of Photovoltaic
The equivalent of number one (1) is using on computer
simulation for get the result for the characteristic output of
photovoltaic system. Figure 3 and 4 show that if the solar cell
system is not cover the whole areas direction, it will be a non-

Table. 2 Solar Cell Result by Conventional Model [4]

daylight time. So, we can see that if the solar cell system
using by tracking system (dynamic rotation) the electrical
current is more produced than a conventional one, that is
prove that dynamic rotation has an excess than the
conventional model.

Figure 6 Graph Analyze on Solar Cell by Dynamic Rotation and

Conventional Model on voltage produce

Based on the data above,it can be concluded some of the

a. solar power generation system with solar tracker
(dynamic rotation) system is designed with a modular
concept to make it more effective to be used as a
learning material.
b. solar power generation system with a modular concept
which is technically feasible to use as a learning
c. Based the results of tests and observations showed that
the trainer system, this solar power plant has been
working in accordance with the expected reference to
the principles of solar power plants. The mean power
generated in the use of solar tracker systems based on
table- 10 hours per day is equal to 869.57 Wh.
d. Based on the results of the data collection, the use of
solar tracker system on solar power generation system
increases the efficiency charging of 33.9%.

Based on that graph,we can conclude that when the time is

showed at 08.00 AM until 01.30 PM the voltage produce is
more bigger than in the morning and after the daylight
time. So, we can see that if the solar cell system using by
tracking system (dynamic rotation) the electrical current
and voltage is more produced than a conventional one.
That is prove that dynamic rotation has an excess than the
conventional model.
D. The Dynamic Rotation Solar Cell Materials
The dynamic rotation photovoltaic model is build from
several materials, such as :

Solar Charge Controller

The solar charge controller is electical device that using
for manage the electrical direct current from
photovoltaic to battery or battery to load.

The Inventer product is electrical device that using for
convert electrical direct current status (DC) to
alternating current status (AC).

C. Graph Analyze

The Acumulator is electrical product / device that can
be a storage device for electrical current in chemical

Miniature Circuit Breaker

The MCB is electrical product or device that can use
for electrical safety system on short circut and overload
Figure 5 Graph Analyze on Solar Cell by Dynamic Rotation and
Conventional Model on current production

Based on that graph,we can conclude that when the time is

showed at 08.00 AM until 01.30 PM the electrical current
produce is more active than in the morning and after the

DC Motor
The DC Motor is electrical motor that is need electrical
direct current to their spindel magnetic field for created
a mechanics energy from electricity convertion.

Microcontroller is functional computer system on chip.
The inside of the microcontroller has some memory,
processor and input output process
E. The Dynamic Rotation Solar Cell Model
The new concept of dynamic solar cell model is by using
motor DC acceleration for make a large discovery area to
absorb the heat radiation from the sun. The DC motor
acceleration get the command from microcontroller decision
that we made before. This decision is possible to reach 0-180
degree in universal direction. So, logically if the surface can
be automatically adjust by intensity of the radiation from the
sun, we can optimize the electrical current and voltage
produce from solar cell activity. That is why this model has a
new excess from the conventional one.

Figure.7 The Solar Cell Dynamic Rotation

Model from left side



Based on the results of the data collection, the use of solar

tracker system on solar power generation system increases the
efficiency charging of 33.9%. The new concept of solar cell
system that is dynamic rotation model is using motor DC
acceleration drives for make a large discovery area to absorb
the heat radiation from the sun. That is make a different from
the conventional one which have not an acceleration to
discover the whole area.
In the Name of Allah, most Gracious, most merciful. I am
willing to present my thanks for everyone who has helped me,
especially in this paper.
1. My Beloved Parent. Thank you so much for your affection,
advices,guidance, instruction and help in all my life.
2. My First Advisor, Dr. Eng. Siti Sendari, S.T., M.T. for his
valuable guidance, patience, encouragement, correlation,
advice and suggestion which are very helpful in finishing
this paper
3. My Second Advisor, Yuni Rahmawati, S.T.,M.T. Who has
guided me with his worthy and suggestion.
4. My beloved friend, Tegar Wira Abdillah. Who has pair me
from first semester until six semester.
5. My beloved brother, Fauzy Satrio Wibowo. Who has help
me to write this project.
6. Special Thanks to Rowi. Who has help me complete the
design of dynamic rotation model with inventor application.

Figure.8 The Solar Cell Dynamic Rotation

Model from right side



Figure.9 The Solar Cell Dynamic Rotation Model

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Sugiyono. 2012. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif Dan R&D.
Bandung: Alfabeta.
Faranda, Roberto. Leva, Sonia. 2008. Energy comparison of MPPT
techniques for PV Systems. Italia.K. Elissa, Title of paper if known,
Sucipto. 2013. Trainer Sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya.
Yogakarta : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

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