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How to Enroll

Its easy. First, read the terms of enrollment at our

website, If you agree,

Come see us at any of our oces:

BRAINS UP Campus (Mon-Saturday)
301 Ang Bahay ng Alumni Bldg.
UP-Diliman Campus
Quezon City
Phone " #-$% / $'$-%$ '
BRAINS Espaa (Tue-Sunday)
214 Doa Amparo Bldg.
Espaa cor G.M. Tolen9no St.
Phone %';-<%%
BRAINS Quezon Avenue (Mon-Sunday)
3rd Floor, Orcel Building
Quezon Avenue (near EDSA, across Hi-Top)
Quezon City
Phone " ;-@< %

Bring 2 pcs. 1x1 picture and your payment.

You may pay in cash or check.
Please address check payments to:
BRAINS Training and Review

Or, deposit your payment at any branch of the

Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI).

301 Ang Bahay ng Alumni Bldg.

University of the Philippines
Diliman, Quezon City
Tel. 434-7423 / 925-4702

BRAINS UPLAE Review Premier Edition

Applica9on Form

Yes, please enroll me in the review. I prefer the

following sec9ons:
1st Choice:


2nd Choice:


(Note: BRAINS will exert all eort to place the applicant in

the schedule of his/her choice, including the opening of
new classes. Only in the event that the reviewee cannot be
placed in any of the sec9ons indicated shall his/her fees be
refunded. Slots are assigned on a strictly rst come, rst
served basis.)

Our account number: CA 3145-2394-69

Account Name:
BRAINS Training and Review
Call or nofy us via our website at once, so we can
give you your reservaon number, then send or fax
us a copy of the deposit slip so we can conrm your
Well need the following info:
Your name and address, phone number, school and
course, plus your guardians name and contact
On the rst day of classes, present a valid ID with
picture and the original deposit slip to get your
receipt. Also, submit 2 pcs. 1x1 ID pictures.
Note: Please be sure of your decision to review.
Payments cannot be refunded, unless BRAINS is unable to
place you in any of its classes.

214 Doa Amparo Bldg.

Espaa cor. GM Tolen9no
Sampaloc, Manila
Tel. 736-1707




NAME: ___________________________________

BRAINS Premier Edition

UPLAE Review

ADDRESS: ________________________________
CONTACT PHONE: __________________________
SCHOOL/Course: ___________________________

BRAINS Training and Review


 BPI Deposit Slip

Branch/Date: ________________
Amount: ____________________

301 Ang Bahay ng Alumni Bldg., UP-Diliman, Quezon City

Tel. ( )" #-$% ; $'$-%$ '

Premier Edition
301 Ang Bahay ng Alumni Bldg., UP-Diliman, QC. 434-7423, 925-4702 214 Doa Amparo Bldg., Espaa cor. GM Tolentino, Manila 736-1707

Prepare for the UPLAE...


through a 3-step program...

The bad news: great grades arent enough to
get you into the UP College of Law.
The good news: great grades arent enough to
get anyone into the UP College of Law.

ts true. Some honor graduates have

failed the admissions process because
they didnt make the cut-o of the
UPLAE. But, many non-honor graduates have
been known to pass because they made the cuto score. The GPA evalua9on came later.
Unjust? No. It actually makes sense. Law studies
may appeal to many, but few actually are t for
the course. An ap9tude for law studies is
characterized by a high level of verbal
prociency, superior reading comprehension,
outstanding reasoning skills, and, yes, an aboveaverage mathema9cal reasoning ability. The
UPLAE is meant to test if you have these skills,
your grades are meant to conrm that you have
the ability to learn.
The UPLAE is a ranking exam (only top
performers are admiSed), but you can train for
the skills it tests. So, whether you want to gain
the advantage, or simply want to maintain your
lead, make sure you prepare to the max. UP LAW
Tip the scale in your favor.


Achieve UP Law admission in 3 steps:
Step 1. Get the aptude!
The original 64-hour BRAINS UPLAE Review Program
uses the teach-train-test review method for regaining
or sharpening your competence in the areas tested in
the UPLAE. The module includes two UPLAE
diagnos9c exams, given pre- and post-review, and
lectures and drills on all the topics tested: Standard
WriSen English, Reading Comprehension, Verbal and
Mathema9cal Reasoning, and Cri9cal Thinking.
Step 2. Get the speed!
AXer sharpening your skills, its 9me to develop
speed. Take our 9med tests in key areas and aSend
the discussion sessions aXer. Improve your scores as
you prac9ce and get feedback on your answers.
12 hours.
Step 3. Get the atude!
Of course, we aim that you wont need an interview.
But, should UP LAW call you for one, well teach you
how to reveal your substance without sacricing
form, and project your best for admission, yes, while
telling the truth! A 4-hour seminar, FREE.








(half-days only
on some days,
depending on
exact exam

Start date VENUE

Aug 3
Aug 2

Sessions may be held on consecuve Sundays or Saturdays or
with breaks, depending on the nal date of the exam, which
has not been announced as of press me. Target end-date of
review is two to three weeks before the exam. Students must
be available for classes on the basis of this me frame.


PC,DEE inclusive of materials.

PC,FEE un9l July 30.1

Minimum non-refundable, non-transferrable deposit required

for reservaon: P4,000.
Reservaons must be conrmed with full payment of balance
on or before the rst day of classes. Unconrmed slots may be
released to wait-listed applicants on the rst day of classes.

...taught by Expert Faculty

We invite only lecturers who are experts in their elds
and who can really teach! All are specialists, with
years of teaching experience in UP and/or at BRAINS.
Youre sure to get high quality instruc9on only subject
experts can deliver.
No other faculty team does it beer.


Enroll now!

Get P500 discount if you pay in full on or

before July 30, 2014.
BRAINS is a fully independent private company.
We do not represent UP.

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