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Rhodiola Rosea : Natural Adderall


Photo credit: Badagnani

Rhodiola Rosea, an adaptogen derived from a plant, has stress reduction,

mood enhancing and nootropic qualities and is considered as a natural
alternative to Adderall. Rhodiola is known by a number of names according to
the area in which it is found (Golden root, rose root, Aarons rod, and kings
Rhodiola typically grows at high altitudes and in cold regions and it is the
second most popular adaptogen after Ginko Biloba. Its root has been used in
traditional medicine in Russia and the Scandinavian countries for centuries
and it is still widely used in Russia as a tonic and remedy for fatigue, poor
attention span and for improving memory.
Rhodiola has been shown to reduce fatigue and exhaustion resulting from
situations of prolonged stressful situations. Rhodiola has also been shown to
be neuro-protective against toxins (requires more evidence) .

Adaptogens are a group of herbal supplements popular in Ayurvedic medicine
that are known to restore balance to the body. Adaptogens are thought to
have a normalizing effect on the body with widespread psychological benefits.
Adaptogens are commonly used in the treatment of anxiety and depression.


Rhodiola extracts have been shown in animal studies to help protect cells
from damage, regulate heartbeat, and have the potential for improving
learning and memory.

It is known to increase serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain while also
preventing their breakdown.
One of the primary methods of action for this supplement is through the
stimulation of a specific class of enzymes known as AMPK .
In animal studies it has been shown to aid the release of Norepinephrine, a
powerful neurotransmitter which is responsible for attention and alertness.
Norepinephrine is associated with feelings of intense energy, motivation and
focus. Higher levels of norepinephrine can also combat the effects of aging
and prevent senile dementia. [1]
While salidrosides are found in all species of rhodiola, only R. rosea contains
rosavins (rosavin, rosin, and rosarin). Approximately 51% of all animal
studies and 94% of all human studies conducted on plants in the genus
rhodiola are on the species R. rosea, notes health journalist Carl Germano,
RD, CNS, LDN. He adds, Only R. rosea has passed extensive toxicological
studies and has been certified safe for both animals and humans. [1]
Rhodiola improves mental performance through its anti-fatigue effects. It can
boost concentration and focus among healthy subjects as well as those
suffering from chronic fatigue or related issues. These results have been
backed up by clinical studies which have shown a wide range of benefits. [2]


Reduces effects and feelings of stress

Reduces symptoms of depression

Promotes feelings of general well being

Reduces Fatigue

Effect can Improve Energy and Alertness (Mild Stimulant)

Some Evidence of Cognitive Enhancement

Enhances healthy sleep

Relieves feelings of anxiety

Tieraona Low Dog, M.D says that it is one of her favorite herbs for treatment
of patients suffering from 21st century stress: fatigue, mental fog, trouble
concentrating, low energy and, perhaps, mild depression. She recommends
using a standardized extract. Look for products that are similar to those
studied in clinical trials containing 2-3% rosavin and 0.8-1% salidroside. Start
with 100 mg once a day for a week and then increase the dosage by 100 mg
every week, up to 400 mg a day, if needed. Dr. Low Dog notes that while
studies suggest that rhodiola reduces anxiety, some people might feel
revved up from it. Dr. Weil


Studies using proofreading tests have

demonstrated that Rhodiola Rosea enhances memorization and concentration
ability over prolonged periods. It increases the bio electrical activity of the
brain which improves memory and brain energy. [2]


Rhodiola Rosea relieves stress by balancing the bodys stress-response
system. This consists of the sympathetic nervous system (which prepares the
body to expend energy during crises, often described as the fight or flight
response) and the counterbalancing parasympathetic nervous system (which
recharges and heals the body, returning it to a relaxed state). With constant
stress, the system becomes unbalanced, making us feel edgy, tired, or
depressed. Rhodiola rosea helps re-establish balance by acting as an
adaptogenan agent that strengthens the bodys response to physical,
mental, and emotional stressors. [3]
Rhodiola enhances the bodys tolerance to stress by influencing key brain
chemicals, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, and natural feel-good
opioids such as beta-endorphins.


A number of studies have shown that rhodiola can reduce mental and physical
fatigue caused by stressful conditions by increasing the bodys energy levels.
One study showed that at a low dose 0f 170mg per day given to 56 young
physicians on night call, when there is notable decrease in physical and
mental performance. Using measures of cognitive and memory function, such
as associative thinking, short-term memory, calculation, and speed of
audiovisual perception, the researchers found a statistically significant
reduction of stress-induced fatigue after just two weeks of supplementation
with rhodiola. [4]
According to Dr. Richard Brown of Columbia University, rhodiola is
exceptionally beneficial because it enhances the healing properties of ones
own nervous system. He notes that the herb provides both cognitive
stimulation and emotional calming, which lead to improvement in cognitive
and memory function, as well as contributing to the long-term upkeep of brain

Rhodiola also helps in improving physical endurance. In one study, the
energy-boosting effect of small and medium doses of rhodiola was observed
in animals that demonstrated greater strength to endure the swim testa
physically and mentally stressful test in which a rodent is put into a beaker of
water and observed to see how long it can keep its head above water.[6] Tests
have shown that performance improvements are in the range of 25% . [7]

Healthy young adults who consumed 200 mg of rhodiola extract one hour
before exercise significantly increased their capacity for endurance exercise.

Rhodiola is possibly safe when taken by mouth, for short periods of time (for
up to 6-10 weeks). The safety of long-term has not been studied. The potential
side effects of rhodiola are not known.
Rhodiola is generally considered safe and well tolerated. Side effects are mild
and rare but these may include:
anxiety, agitation, nausea, hyper-salivation, restlessness, and insomnia.
Pregnant and women who are breast feeding should stay on the safe side and
avoid use, as there is not enough reliable information about the safety of
taking Rhodiola if you are pregnant or nursing.

The typical daily dosage for Rhodiola is between 100-400mg of a
standardized extract and it is best taken without food. Higher dosages tend to
be less effective than lower dosages. Usage of Rhodiola as a daily
preventative against fatigue has been reported to be effective in doses as low
as 50mg. Since Rhodiola Rosea is considered to be a mild stimulant it should
be used with caution.
Due to its energizing effect it should be taken first in the morning or early in
the afternoon.

One study has found that some commercial Rhodiola products may be diluted
or otherwise adulterated so do your research as to which brands contain what
they promise.
Studies show that Rhodiola is effective in improving cognitive function in
persons who experience a reduction in fatigue, but there is not enough
evidence to support cognitive improvment in non-fatigued individuals.
Because of its energy boosting , stress relieving and adaptogenic properties,
Rhodiola Rosea is a good supplement to add to an existing nootropic stack.

1. Rhodiola Rosea for More Energy, Less Stress and Better Moods
2. Lishmanov IuB, Trifonova ZhV, Tsibin AN, Maslova LV, Dementeva LA.
Plasma beta-endorphin and stress hormones in stress and adaptation. Biull
Eksp Biol Med. 1987 Apr;103(4):422-4.
3. Kelly GS. Rhodiola rosea: a possible plant adaptogen. Altern Med Rev.
2001 Jun;6(3):293-302.

4. Darbinyan V, Kteyan A, Panossian A, et al. Rhodiola rosea in stress

induced fatiguea double blind cross-over study of a standardized extract
SHR-5 with a repeated low-dose regimen on the mental performance of
healthy physicians during night duty. Phytomedicine. 2000 Oct;7(5):365-71.
5. Brown R, Gerbarg P, Ramazanov Z. Rhodiola rosea: A Phytomedicinal
Overview. Herbalgram. 2002;56:40-52.
6. Brown RP, Gerbarg PL (w/Graham B). The Rhodiola Revolution: Transform
Your Health with the Herbal Breakthrough of the 21st Century. Emmaus, PA:
Rodale; 2004.
7. De Bock K, Eijnde BO, Ramaekers M, Hespel P. Acute Rhodiola rosea
intake can improve endurance exercise performance. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc
Metab. 2004 Jun;14(3):298-307

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