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Udilo aruna

Bhaktivinoda Thakur
Seventh Goswami he did very much like what the six goswamis of Vrndavan in
relation to Krishna and His pastimes.
Areas of contributions are very vast 10 to 15 lives worth of great personality



Summary: Kindly enjoy the divine association of Srila Saccidananda Bhaktivinoda Thakura, by reading
from a compilation of his various writings, put together and published under the direction of his
divine son, Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur, which were gleaned from the vast writings of his
divine father. There are two categories of topics that have been selected for this week's readings,
both of which should be quite relevant to all of you, namely instructions for householders and
instructions re. Vaishnavas.
1 & 2) Select one instruction that particularly 'speaks to you' from each of the two attached files, and
express how it's application in your devotional life will help you feel more connected to
SrilaSaccidananda Bhaktivinoda Thakura, and likewise can help you advance on the path of devotional
Reading Assignment "Sri Bhaktivinoda Vani Vaibhava" [Which translates as "Divine opulences of the
Teachings of Srila Saccidananda Bhaktivinoda Thakura"]
Householder Q&A
Who is a real householder? In whose house should a pure Vaishnava accept prasada?
One who chants one million holy names of the Lord every day is a real householder; a pure Vaishnava
should take prasada in his house. (Sajjana-tosani 11/12)
How should a Vaishnava householder behave with his wife and children?

A Vaishnava householder should get his wife initiated into the Vaishnava religion and, as far as
possible, teach her the science of Vaisnavism. If one enhances the world of Vaishnavas by the
assistance of one's Vaishnava wife, one no longer indulges in discussing material topics. A Vaishnava
householder should consider his children servants of the Supreme Lord. (Caitanya-siksamrta 3/2)
Is the instruction to control the six urges meant for the householders?
A self-realized person who is able to conquer the six urges can conquer the entire world. The
instructions to tolerate the urges are only meant for the householder devotees, because the
renunciates have already achieved perfection in this regard before they left their house.
(Upadesamrta-1 commentary)
Why should the householders serve guests?
Serving guests is the principal duty of the householders. Any country where this principle is absent is
as good as a desert and should be rejected. The lives of householders who do not entertain guests are
useless and are in the lead among sinful people. Serving guests is a must for householders. The
inevitable sinful activities that a householder commits are destroyed simply by serving guests.
(Sajjana-tosani 8/12)
Should a Vaishnava householder discriminate between an ordinary guest and a Vaishnava guest?
Whenever a devotee householder receives a guest, he examines whether the guest is an ordinary
guest or a Vaishnava guest. If he has a Vaishnava guest, then he exhibits more affection to his guest
than to his own brother. He serves his guest properly and tries to enhance his own devotional service
by associating with such a guest. If he receives an ordinary guest, he serves him to the best of his
ability, according to worldly etiquettes. Such is the behavior of a Vaishnava householder. (Sajjanatosani 8/12)
What ideal example should a Vaishnava householder follow? Why should they give up the desire for
material enjoyment?
The Vaishnava householders should build their character following in the footsteps of Mahaprabhu and
His associates. The behavior that the Lord and His devotees personally displayed in earning their
livelihood and maintaining their lives should be totally imitated by the householder devotees. To
engage in activities with a desire to please Krishna is always good. On the other hand, if they engage
in activities with a desire for sense gratification and to obtain irrelevant results, they become
materialists. (Sajjana-tosani 11/12)
What are the other activities of a Vaishnava householder?
A Vaishnava householder should offer respect to tulasi. (Sajjana-tosani 11/12)
Should a Vaishnava householder endeavor hard for his food and clothes?

A Vaishnava householder should feel happy with whatever food and clothing he easily gets. (Sajjanatosani 11/12)
In which subject should a householder remain particularly careful?
A householder should remain extremely careful not to commit offenses against the Vaishnavas.
(Sajjana-tosani 11/12)
With what kind of Vaishnavas should a Vaishnava householder hold a festival?
A Vaishnava householder should respect other Vaishnavas, and he should take shelter of the lotus feet
of the superior as well as the topmost Vaishnavas. He should hold festivals in the company of such
Vaishnavas. (Sri Manah-siksa Verse 10)
What is the position of a householder? Should one remain a householder forever?
The position of the householder is like a school for the living entity to learn and awaken the science
of the self. (Jaiva Dharma Chapter 7)
Vaishnavas Q&A
What is the nature of a pure devotee?
Simplicity, determination, and exclusiveness are the characteristics of a pure devotee. He never
approves of any topic that is opposed to devotional service just to keep people happy; the pure
devotees are always neutral. (Sajjana-tosani 8/10
) What is the character of a Vaishnava? Who is qualified to be called a Vaishnava?
The character of a Vaishnava is sinless and no part of his character is fit for hiding. Simplicity is the
life of a Vaishnava. He always teaches others by setting his own example. Unless his character is
pure, he is not fit to be called a Vaishnava. (Sajjana-tosani 5/10)
Does a great personality, who worships Krishna in his spiritual body, give up the rules and regulations?
Do swanlike persons engage only in spiritual activities and neglect material activities?
No. Swanlike persons worship Krishna in the mood of one who is enjoyed, and they boldly take care of
the external body. Eating, sleeping, enjoying, traveling, exercising, protecting society, protecting the
body, riding in vehicles, engaging in industrial enterprises, and walking in the open air are seen in the
lives of swanlike persons. (Sri Krishna -samhita Chapter 10/12)
During his life, can a swanlike Vaishnava work rather than worship Hari?
The swanlike Vaishnavas valiantly remain and work among men. They are the shelter of women and
are respected by them. They take part in social activities and gain much experience. They teach their
children artha-sastra and thus become known as headmasters. (Sri Krishna -samhita 10/13)

What does a pure Vaishnava pray to the Lord? Through which relationship does he appeal to the Lord
to engage in His service?
The Vaishnava meekly and humbly says, "Father, Master, God, Friend and Husband of my soul!
Hallowed be Thy name. I do not approach You for anything that You have already given me. I have
sinned against You and I now repent and solicit Your pardon. Let Thy Holiness touch my soul and make
me free from grossness. Let my spirit be devoted meekly to your holy service in absolute love towards
Thee. I have called You my God, and let my soul be wrapped up in admiration at Your Greatness! I
have addressed You as my Master and let my soul be strongly devoted to Your service. I have called
You my Friend and let my soul be in reverential love toward You and not in dread or fear! I have
called You my Husband and let my spiritual nature be in eternal union with you, forever loving and
never dreading, or feeling disgust. My love! Let me have strength enough to go up to You as the
consort of my soul, so that we may be one in eternal love! Peace to the world!" (The Bhagavat: Its
Philosophy, Its Ethics & Its Theology)
By whose appeal does Krishna bestow mercy?
By the appeal of the Vaishnavas, the most merciful Krishna becomes compassionate toward a sinful
person like me. (Kalyana-kalpataru)
How should one pray to go to Vrndavana, following in the footsteps of the Vaishnavas?
O Saragrahi Vaishnava soul! Thou art an angel fair; Lead, lead me on to Vrndavana And spirit's power
declare! There rests my soul from matter free Upon my lover's arms, Eternal peace and spirit's love
Are all my chanting charms! (Saragrahi Vaishnava)

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