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Advertising is the oxygen driving the media.

This essay is going to bring out the definitions of media and advertising as well as
to highlight their differences and the links that are there between them. I is also
going to bring out most importantly how advertising drives media highlighting its
importance in bringing media out there or rather how it sustains it.
Advertising is defined as any form of communication to current or potential clients
in which a registrant is promoting her/his dental hygiene practice/business. This
includes, but is not limited to, information posted on websites, pamphlets,
promotional signs, flyers, newspaper articles or advertisements and the use of
social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. It is professional misconduct to
advertise or to permit advertising with respect to a registrants practice that is in
contravention of the regulation.
Other scholars have defined advertising as According to William J. Stanton,
"Advertising consists of all the activities involved in presenting to an audience
a non-personal, sponsor identified, paid for message about a product or
organization." According to American Marketing Association "advertising is
any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods
and services by an identified sponsor". Gardneralso defines , Advertising as the
means of mass selling that has grown up parallel with and has been made
necessary to mass production. Advertising is the art of arresting the human
intelligence just long enough to get money from it Chuck Blore, a partner in the
advertising firm Chuck Blore & Don Ruchman, Inc., quoted by Ben H. Bagdikian,
The Media Monopoly, Sixth Edition, (Beacon Press, 2000), p.185.
Advertising is used for communicating business information to the present
and prospective customers. It usually provides information about the
advertising firm, its product qualities, place of availability of its products, etc.
Advertisement is indispensable for both the sellers and the buyers. However,
it is more important for the sellers. In the modern age of large scale production,
producers cannot think of pushing sale of their products without advertising
them. Advertisement supplements personal selling to a great extent.
Advertising has acquired great importance in the modern world where tough
competition in the market and fast changes in technology, we find fashion and
taste in the customers.
Whilst "media" refers to various means of communication or according to

Merriam Webster the system and organizations of communication through which

information is spread to a large number of people . For example, television, radio,
and the newspaper are different types of media. The term can also be used as a
collective noun for the press or news reporting agencies. Communication channels
through which news, entertainment, education, data, or promotional messages are
disseminated. Media includes every broadcasting and narrowcasting medium such
as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax, and
The assertion that advertising is the oxygen driving the media is indeed true to a
greater extent. This is due to a number of factors that highlight or show the duties
being done by advertising so as to bring out or make media prominent in a
way.Support to Press :Advertising provides an important source of revenue to the
publishers and magazines. It enables to increase the circulation of their
publication by selling them at lower rates. People are also benefited because
they get publications at cheaper rates. Advertising is also a source of revenue
for TV network. For instance, Doordarshan and ZeeTV insert ads before, in
between and after various programmes and earn millions of rupees through ads.
Such income could be used for increasing the quality of programmes and
extending coverage.
Advertising and Marketing funnel:

The funnel above is mainly showing that advertising is on eof the most impotaynt
factors to consider when tring to let the general public know about a certain good
or brand. This is evidenced by how mostly the awareness the stage where th
epublic must know about a certain good, brand or srvice is usually alwyas at the
top columns. This means that advetising through media is alwys required so the
advertisers or media get revenue through this which can help them in areas that
need to be upgraded such as buying of new and improved/advanced equipment,
paying workers amongsts other things which are later going to be mentioned as the
ssay goes.
Media :Advertising messages are communicated to the target audience
through different mass mediums, such as:
(i) Print Media :
They consist of newspapers, magazines, journals, handbills, etc.
(ii) Electronic Media :
They consist of radio, television motion pictures, video, multi-media and the

(iii) Outdoor Media :
They consist off posters, hoarding, handbills, stickers air balloons, neon sing
bill boards, local cinema houses, and transit media.
(iv) Direct Mail :
It consist of brouchers, leaflets, pamphlets, letters and return cards addressed to
Advertising is indeed the oxygen tha drive media. In the sense that for the general
public to know about that advertisor it must also on its own advertise itself not
only though other brands only so that the public knows aabout what it is based on,
what it deals with, how it operates, what it offers and how the rest can approach it.
Giving a fully detailed thesis about the packages it offers will help spread the word
and give it (advertiser) business wchich also help it sustain itself as a brand,
company thus showing or reviewing a gud name to the public.
Advertising research's benefit to media:
Also in other senses advertising research is a specialized form of research that
works to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of advertising. It entails
numerous forms of research which employ different methodologies.Advertising
research is key to determining the success of an ad in any country or region. The
ability to identify which elements and/or moments of an ad contribute to its
success is how economies of scale are maximized. Once one knows what works in
an ad, that idea or ideas can be imported by any other market. Advertising research
includes pre-testing (also known as copy testing) and post-testing of ads and/or
campaigns pre-testing is done before an ad airs to gauge how well it will
perform and post-testing is done after an ad airs to determine the in-market impact
of the ad or campaign. Continuous ad tracking and the Communicus System are
competing examples of post-testing advertising research types.
All this helps drive the media as a result of how it gets more experience in doing
certains campaigns and ads it gains knowledge as well which results in good
proffessionalism, thus companies or individuals who want to engage themselves
with that certain advertiser( media-tv,radio,newspaper amongst others) will not
hesitate to do so and will keep approaching them therefore giving them good
business which keeps driving them.

Radio medium used since the 1920s:

Advertising on radio has been there for a very long time worldwide examples
include advertisement for a live radio broadcast, sponsored by a milk company,
Adohr milk, and published in the Los Angeles Times on May 6, 1930
In the early 1920s, the first radio stations were established by radio equipment
manufacturers and retailers who offered programs in order to sell more radios to
consumers. As time passed, many non-profit organizations followed suit in setting
up their own radio stations, and included: schools, clubs and civic groups.
When the practice of sponsoring programs was popularized, each individual radio
program was usually sponsored by a single business in exchange for a brief
mention of the business' name at the beginning and end of the sponsored shows.
However, radio station owners soon realized they could earn more money by
selling sponsorship rights in small time allocations to multiple businesses
throughout their radio station's broadcasts, rather than selling the sponsorship
rights to single businesses per show.
Present day there are many sponsered program that are aired on radio one good
example is a case study of Zimbabwe under the radio station of Zimbabwe
Broadcasting coperation Power Fm there is a sponsered program by coca cola
which aims as advertising its brand and product at the same time the radio station
getting some revenue through increase in purchase of their product the advertiser
is also getting its stake.
This is clear evidence that advertising indeed drives media in the sense that there
is income which comes from advertising a certain good or brand going to the
advertisior/media that is facillitating that advert or for that brand to be sold to the
genral public.
Commercial television in the 1950s:
In the early 1950s, the DuMont Television Network began the modern practice of
selling advertisement time to multiple sponsors. Previously, DuMont had trouble
finding sponsors for many of their programs and compensated by selling smaller
blocks of advertising time to several businesses. This eventually became the
standard for the commercial television industry in the United States and
worldwide. However, it was still a common practice to have single sponsor shows,
such as The United States Steel Hour. In some instances the sponsors exercised

great control over the content of the show up to and including having one's
advertising agency actually writing the show. The single sponsor model is much
less prevalent now, a notable exception being the Hallmark Hall of Fame.
The above information is giving good examples of how television advertising
started and it not only highlights how the product or company being advertised
benefits but also how the media (advertiser/medium) is also benefiting from
this.Moreover especially television sponsered programs that have to do with
visiuals, picture and quality promoting not just any other brand but a prominent or
well known one in turn also helps promote and market well that advertisor as that
particular media is associating themselves with what the general public like
automaticaly it also then becomes the peopl's favourite.
This is the creation of Good Public Image it builds up the reputation of the
advertiser. Advertising enables a business firm to communicate its achievements
in an effort to satisfy the customers' needs. This increases the goodwill and
reputation of the firm which is necessary to fight against competition in the
For example if it is royco the brand that people love and it is being advertised on
Zbc tv then that channel also becomes the people;s favourites so now not only is
the broadcasting getting what it is being owned by royco 'money' for airing it but it
is also strengthening its brand as Zbc and building a name for itself which is also
highlighting advertising driving media.

Cable television from the 1980s:

The late 1980s and early 1990s saw the introduction of cable television and
particularly MTV. Pioneering the concept of the music video, MTV ushered in a
new type of advertising: the consumer tunes in for the advertising message, rather
than it being a by-product or afterthought. As cable and satellite television became
increasingly prevalent, specialty channels emerged, including channels entirely
devoted to advertising, such as QVC, Home Shopping Network, and ShopTV
On this issue of cable tv's there have alwyas been there to market and advertise
various or certain good, brands or services but in doin so they have also been
building a name for themselves as brands as advertising. However on this point it

can also be argued that advertising and media have been working hand in hand in
building each other rather than saying media has been the only player benefiting.

The diagram above is showing that there is a great link that is there in advertisng
and media and in a way it can be argued that not only is advertising the most
important in driving the other one but it can also be said they are interdependant
on each other.

On the Internet from the 1990s:

Main article: Online advertising
With the advent of the ad server, online advertising grew, contributing to the "dotcom" boom of the 1990s.Entire corporations operated solely on advertising
revenue, offering everything from coupons to free Internet access. At the turn of
the 21st century, some websites, including the search engine Google, changed
online advertising by personalizing ads based on web browsing behavior. This has
led to other similar efforts and an increase in interactive advertising.
The share of advertising spending relative to GDP has changed little across large
changes in media since 1925. In 1925, the main advertising media in globally were

newspapers, magazines, signs on streetcars, and outdoor posters. Advertising

spending as a share of GDP was about 2.9 percent. By 1998, television and radio
had become major advertising media. Nonetheless, advertising spending as a share
of GDP was slightly lower about 2.4 percent.
Rise in new media:
Present day the internet as a media source has taken over the advertising industry
due to the inrtoduction of new media technologies which has seen the introduction
of social network platforms (facebook, whatsapp, twitter, instagram, flicker,
amongst others), websites through the use of gadgets such as computers,
smartphones, tablets amongst other mediums. These are some of the most cheapest
and fastest ways to advertise that they have become common with the general
public, coperate world and even the media itself. For example if a company thinks
of advertising its product for example a skin care product instead of paying large
sums of money to get airing rights to sdvertise in radio or television it can simply
create a page on various social network platforms and post its advert there for the
general public to see it which is even better as it can reach other countries beyond
the boarders. It can however be argued that not everyone can access the internet
especially those in remote area/ rural/ countryside as network is bad in those areas
so they might not see the posts buts mediums such as radios, televisions, radios
might reach those hard to reach places so it is not alwyas the case that these
mediums can easily be faced out. One good example is shown below:
US Newspaper Advertising Revenue
Newspaper Association of America published data
With the Internet came many new advertising opportunities. Popup, Flash, banner,
Popunder, advergaming, and email advertisements (all of which are often
unwanted or spam in the case of email) are now commonplace. Particularly since
the rise of "entertaining" advertising, some people may like an advertisement
enough to wish to watch it later or show a friend.[citation needed] In general, the
advertising community has not yet made this easy, although some have used the
Internet to widely distribute their ads to anyone willing to see or hear them. In the
last three-quarters of 2009 mobile and internet advertising grew by 18% and 9%
respectively. Older media advertising saw declines: 10.1% (TV), 11.7% (radio),
14.8% (magazines) and 18.7% (newspapers).
The concept of crowdsourcing has given way to the trend of user-generated

advertisements. User-generated ads are created by people, as opposed to an

advertising agency or the company themselves, often resulting from brand
sponsored advertising competitions. For the 2007 Super Bowl, the Frito-Lays
division of PepsiCo held the Crash the Super Bowl contest, allowing people to
create their own Doritos commercial. Chevrolet held a similar competition for
their Tahoe line of SUVs.Due to the success of the Doritos user-generated ads in
the 2007 Super Bowl, Frito-Lays relaunched the competition for the 2009 and
2010 Super Bowl. The resulting ads were among the most-watched and most-liked
Super Bowl ads. In fact, the winning ad that aired in the 2009 Super Bowl was
ranked by the USA Today Super Bowl Ad Meter as the top ad for the year while
the winning ads that aired in the 2010 Super Bowl were found by Nielsen's
BuzzMetrics to be the "most buzzed-about".Another example of companies using
crowdsourcing successfully is the beverage company Jones Soda that encourages
consumers to participate in the label design themselves.

US Newspaper Advertising Revenue

Newspaper Association of America published data
This trend has given rise to several online platforms that host user-generated
advertising competitions on behalf of a company. Founded in 2007, Zooppa has
launched ad competitions for brands such as Google, Nike, Hershey's, General
Mills, Microsoft, NBC Universal, Zinio, and Mini Cooper. However
crowdsourcing remains controversial, as the long-term impact on the advertising
industry is still unclear.

This essay has managed to thus bring out the definitions of media and advertising
as well as to highlight their differences and the links that are there between them.
Examples have also been given and factors such as the concept of crow sourcing,
how certain broadcastistng or media houses base on advertising and keep
platforms such as television, radio, print keep going which shows that advertising
is indeed the oxygen of media and however other facts have also been highlighted
of how it can be argued that the two are interdependant and not only in all cases
that advertising drives media.

Advertising/advertizing. Collins English Dictionary Online.
"Advertize - Define Advertize at".
Retrieved September 8, 2015.
"Advertize - definition of advertize by The Free Dictionary". Retrieved September 8, 2015.
He was first described as such in T F G Coates, 'Mr Thomas J
Barratt, "The father of modern advertising"', Modern Business,
September 1908, pp. 10715.
McQueen, Josh (2012). Building Brand Trust. United States of
America: Xlibris Corporation. p. 33. ISBN 978-1-4771-0500-9.
Peeter Verlegh, Hilde Voorveld, and Martin Eisend, eds. Advances
in Advertising Research (Vol. VI): The Digital, the Classic, the
Subtle, and the Alternative (Springer, 2015).
Koc, Erdogan (2002). "Impact of gender in marketing
communications: the role of cognitive and affective cues". Journal
of Marketing Communications 8 (4): 257.

Tungate, Mark. Adland: a global history of advertising (Kogan

Page Publishers, 2007.)
West, Darrell M. Air Wars: Television Advertising and Social Media
in Election Campaigns, 19522012 (Sage, 2013)


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