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Distance learning programmes • Part-time face-to-face programmes • E-learning programmes • 遙距學習課程 • 兼讀制面授課程 • 網上學習課程

for new students
2014 年 10 月 學 期 •
October 2014 presentation
網上入學申請 online application




TH ✽


進 修 策 劃 日 Study Planning Day
14 June 2014 and 16 August 2014
Enquiry 2711 2100
A full list of programmes is given at the end of this Prospectus.

Please refer to the Courses Supplement for courses offered in the

October 2014 semester.



In addition to the programmes listed in this Prospectus, the

University also offers Doctorate, Master of Philosophy and full-
time degree programmes. Details of these programmes can be
obtained from the Admissions Office, Registry.

The Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing

Education (LiPACE) also offers programmes and short courses.
Details can be obtained from the Institute.



This Prospectus is issued subject to the Statutes and Regulations of the University
made under The Open University of Hong Kong Ordinance 1997. While every
effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the text in this Prospectus at the
time of issue, the University cannot be bound by its contents where they vary from
the Ordinance and the Statutes and Regulations. The contents of this Prospectus
are also subject to amendment according to changes in University policy.

The University shall under no circumstances be liable to a student for any failure
to perform any of its obligations or any delay in performing them where such
failure or delay is due to the acts or omissions of any third party or to any cause
whatever beyond the control of the University.



© The Open University of Hong Kong 2014

香港公開大學 2014
30 Good Shepherd Street, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Message from the President 2 校長的話 3
Welcome to the Open University 4 歡迎入讀香港公開大學 5
of Hong Kong 有教無類 5 This Prospectus for New Students
Learning for all 4 公開大學為你提供的選擇 5 is intended to provide guidance to
What the OUHK offers 4
prospective students planning to enrol in
Why choose the OUHK? 6 為什麼選擇公開大學﹖ 7 a distance learning, part-time face-
True flexibility 6 高度靈活性 7 to-face or e-learning programme.
A Hong Kong perspective 6 結合香港的實際情況 7
Local and international recognition 6 在本地與海外獲廣泛認可 7 A prospective student is someone who
has not completed a credit-bearing course
What our students and graduates say 8 畢業生和學生心聲 9 offered by the Open University of Hong
Words from renowned people 8 名人雋語 8 Kong (OUHK).

Free Courseware 12 免費課件 13 If you are a continuing student or have

completed an OUHK credit-bearing
Studying with the OUHK 12 公開大學的學習生活 13
course, you should consult the OUHK
Course materials 12 課程教材 13
Programme Regulations. Continuing and
The Online Learning Environment (OLE) 12 網上學習系統 13
Languages of instruction 12 returning students should pay particular
教學語言 13
Assessment 12 成績評核 13 attention to the list of excluded
Support for OUHK students 12 學習支援全面充分 13 combinations of courses when planning
their programme (see the Courses
Planning your study 16 進修計劃 17
Entry requirements 16 入學條件 17
How do I earn a qualification? 16 如何取得學歷 17 The most up-to-date Programme
How do I choose my first course? 18 選擇第一個學科 19 Regulations are obtainable by
Advanced standing/credit exemption 20 學分承認和豁免 21
downloading them from the OUHK
Financing your study 24 學費籌劃 25 website (access the student portal and
How much will a course or 24 要支付多少學費? 25 select Academic Information → Distance
qualification cost? 學費資助 25 Learning → Programme Regulations); or
Financial assistance 24
going to the Registry Counter on the 5/F
Application procedures 26 入學/科目註冊申請手續 27 of the OUHK Ho Man Tin campus.

For more information 28 查詢詳情 29 本《 課 程 概 覽( 新 生 專 用 )》 是 為 有 意 報

Programmes 30 課程簡介 30
人文社會科學院 33 的 新 生 而 編 製。“ 新 生 ” 所 指 的, 是 第 一
School of Arts and Social Sciences 33
Lee Shau Kee School of Business and 76 李兆基商業管理學院 76 次報讀香港公開大學可以累積學分科目的
Administration 教育及語文學院 109 人士。
School of Education and Languages 109 科技學院 139
School of Science and Technology 139 你如果是本校舊生,又或者以往曾修讀本
Appendices 附錄 校 可 以 累 積 學 分 的 科 目, 請 參 閱 香 港 公
Appendix A: Sample certifying letter 197 附錄A:僱主證明信樣本 197 開 大 學《 課 程 規 例 》, 選 科 時 應 特 別 留 意
from employer 附錄B:入學申請附件 198 “ 不 可 兼 修 的 科 目 組 合 ”( 詳 細 資 料 刊 於
Appendix B: Admissions Supplementary 198
Form 附錄C:藏有香港公開大學 200 《學科簡介》)。
Appendix C: Public libraries with 200 教材公共圖書館一覽表
OUHK course materials 附錄D:常用電話/傳真 201 《課程規例》可以通過下列途徑索取:(1)
Appendix D: Useful contact numbers 201 從 本 校 網 站 下 載( 登 入 學 生 首 頁, 選 按
and email addresses
“ 教 學 資 訊 ” →“ 遙 距 學 習 ” →“ 課 程 規
List of OUHK programmes 202 香港公開大學課程總覽 202 例”);(2)親臨本校何文田校舍 5 樓教務

Message As the new President of the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK), I am extremely
pleased to welcome you, both new and continuing students, to the OUHK.
from the President
This year is the 25th Anniversary of the OUHK. Over the past 25 years, the University has
grown tremendously. Having served as a Council Member at this University and as a Vice
President at another local university, I can say that the OUHK has many strengths and
offers students unique advantages.

The OUHK began as a distance learning institution, but has now become a multimode
university. This means we offer programmes and courses in several different modes: distance learning mode, face-to-
face mode, blended learning mode and e-learning mode. Today we have over 12,000 distance learning and e-learning
students, and 7,000 full-time students.

The majority of our courses are offered in the distance learning mode. Distance learning offers great flexibility.
Students can work their way through the course materials at their own pace, and study anywhere, anytime. All
of our courses are supported by our Online Learning Environment, or OLE, where students can access the course
materials and other forms of support for their studies. Multimedia elements are also included in some courses where

The University now offers a greater range of programmes than ever, with over 240 programmes, including many
not offered elsewhere. Examples are our programmes in product design, testing and certification, and our e-learning
Master of Laws in Chinese Business Law programme.

OUHK degrees and other qualifications are equal to those of all other universities established by the Hong Kong
Government, and are recognized both in Hong Kong and overseas for employment and higher studies purposes, as
well as being respected by employers. Many of our programmes are recognized by professional bodies.

We are a multi-campus university, and just opened our new Jubilee College near the main campus in Ho Man Tin.
You will find a wide range of resources, space for individual and group study, laboratories, and student facilities at the

In short, now is a great time to study at the OUHK. It offers you a range of programmes and modes of study that will
allow you to stay competitive in the international and local marketplaces.

Whether you are enrolling in a programme for the first time or you are a continuing student registering for one or
more courses in the coming semester, I wish you success in your endeavours!

Professor Yuk-Shan Wong, BBS, JP



所 大 學 擔 任 副 校 長, 所 有 這 些 經 驗 讓 我 深 信, 香 港 公 開 大 學 擁 有 許 多 優

人數已逾 12,000 人,而全日制學生人數也多達 7,000 人。

統(簡稱 OLE),為學生提供學科上的支援。通過該系統,學生可以在網上

目前,大學開辦了 240 多項課程,涵蓋範疇更為廣泛,而當中有些課程更


校 長 的 話

大 學 擁 有 多 個 校 舍, 最 新 落 成 啟 用 的 是 鄰 近 於 何 文 田 校 舍 本 部 的 銀 禧 學





Welcome The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) was established in 1989 by the Hong Kong
Government. The University offers both undergraduate and postgraduate awards,
to the Open
and is the only fully accredited and recognized university in Hong Kong to deliver its
University of Hong programmes mainly by distance learning. To date, more than 60,000 students have
Kong graduated. As the University has expanded, so have its modes of delivery, and we now
also offer an increasing number of programmes in face-to-face mode. Our degree
programmes are recognized by the Hong Kong SAR Government.

PROSPECTUS FOR Learning for all

NEW STUDENTS Admission to the OUHK is open to anyone in Hong Kong over the age of 17. The OUHK
is unique among Hong Kong tertiary institutions in that it has no entry requirements for
This Prospectus is intended
only for prospective
most of its first degree distance learning programmes (see p.16). Exit standards, however,
students (those who have are rigorous.
not completed a credit-
What the OUHK offers
bearing course at the
OUHK) planning to enrol The OUHK offers you a range of flexible study options:
in a distance learning, 1 Distance learning. The majority of our students are enrolled in distance education.
part-time face-to-face or Much of the teaching and learning is achieved by means of course packages
e-learning programme. that contain specially structured learning materials such as printed study units,
supplementary readings and assignment questions. These are supplemented by
All other students should
face-to-face tutorials held in the evenings or at weekends. In addition, most OUHK
consult the OUHK
distance courses use media such as video and audio programmes, computer software,
Programme Regulations.
CD-ROMs and broadcast TV, and most incorporate online components that enrich
student learning and communication.
2 Part-time face-to-face learning. This is offered for a limited number of programmes
and courses (refer to the ‘List of OUHK programmes on p. 202 for details), usually
because of their special nature. Classes are usually held in the evenings and at
weekends. These comprise both lectures, at which much of the learning material is
presented, and tutorials, in which discussion and other interactive learning activities
take place.
3 Full-time face-to-face learning. Both Bachelor’s and Associate Degree programmes
in a number of areas are now offered in full-time face-to-face mode. If you are
interested in pursuing a full-time programme, you should obtain the OUHK brochure
Full-time Programmes.
4 Mixed-mode learning. For some OUHK programmes it may be possible to combine
distance learning, part-time face-to-face and full-time face-to-face study. Please
contact the relevant Programme Leader or School for details.
5 E-learning. The University offers a number of totally online programmes and courses
covering areas such as Chinese business law, environmental leadership and decision
making, Chinese language and English writing, etc. For details, please visit the website
of the OUHK’s Centre for eLearning at
6 Blended learning. To enhance learning, some courses adopt a blended learning
approach, which is a thoughtful integration of multiple approaches to learning such
as e-learning, face-to-face instruction and distance learning. Through being exposed
to such a variety of learning experiences, students can deepen their understanding
and application of the subject content.

This Prospectus covers the programme requirements for all OUHK distance learning, part-
time face-to-face and e-learning programmes. For descriptions of individual courses,
please refer to the Courses Supplement. You can also find programme and other
information at

香港公開大學於 1989 年由香港政府創辦,是本港獨

香港公開大學 同的修讀模式,目前所開設的面授課程正在不斷增加。

公開大學實行“開放入學”,任何人士只要年滿 17 歲,即可報讀。本校其中一個
獨特之處,是大部分的遙距學士學位課程都不設學歷限制(請參閱第 17 頁)。本

公開大學採用不同的修讀模式,切合不同人士的需要: 本《課程概覽(新生專用)》

1. 遙距學習模式:本校大部分學生都以遙距學習模式來進修。公開大學的遙距課 只適用於有意報讀遙距學

程主要通過經悉心設計的教材來教授學科內容,這些教材包括印刷的修讀單 習、 兼 讀 制 面 授 或 網 上 學
習 課 程 的 新 生(
2. 兼讀制面授學習模式:本校也提供兼讀制面授學習模式,以配合個別課程和學
科的需要(請參閱第 202 頁「香港公開大學課程總覽」)。講課及導修課一般

3. 全日制面授學習模式:本校目前開辦多個範疇的全日制面授學士和副學士學位

4. 混合模式:公開大學有部分課程結合了遙距學習、兼讀制面授和全日制面授這

5. 網上課程:大學開辦了多項全網上學習課程及科目,內容涵蓋中國商法、環境

6. 多元學習模式:部分學科採用了多元學習模式,把網上學習、面授及遙距學習


Why If you’re ready to begin

university study in Hong
The OUHK also gives you greater freedom than most
other universities in deciding what subject to study, and
choose the OUHK?
Kong, you have many the pace at which you complete your programme. There
programmes to choose are no time limits on how long you can take to finish a
from. You’re probably qualification.
wondering, ‘What makes
Also, the OUHK gives you the built-in flexibility provided
the OUHK special? Why
by multiple exit points and articulated programmes. You
should I choose to study
can choose to study for a Certificate or Diploma first, for
there?’ In this section, we think you’ll find convincing
example, then extend your study to the degree level if
answers to these crucial questions.
you wish, without having to reapply. Likewise, if you’re
The OUHK provides a unique blend of advantages for planning on finishing a degree, you can also choose to
Hong Kong people: stop for a while along the way, and take a Certificate or
Diploma once you’ve reached the relevant exit point.
• true flexibility;
• a Hong Kong perspective on learning; and A Hong Kong perspective
• local and international recognition.
Unlike many overseas programmes designed with
overseas learners in mind, a Hong Kong perspective is
True flexibility
built into OUHK courses wherever it’s relevant. Nearly
The OUHK offers unparalleled flexibility in study all of our course writers and designers have extensive
methods, and is therefore particularly suitable for experience of living and working in Hong Kong. The
busy Hong Kong people who would find it hard to fit OUHK’s academic staff — our Course Coordinators and
frequent class attendance into their schedules. tutors — are also experienced local teachers and subject
At the Open University of Hong Kong, you can study
distance learning courses wherever you want, and Local and international recognition
whenever you want. You are not confined by having
OUHK degrees and other qualifications are equal to those
to attend lectures at a fixed time or place as in most
of all other universities established by the Hong Kong
full-time or part-time face-to-face programmes. This
Government, and are recognized both in Hong Kong and
flexibility is one of the major advantages of distance
overseas for employment and higher studies purposes.
education, the mode of teaching and learning that the
OUHK uses for most of its courses. Many programmes are recognized by professional
bodies. More and more local and overseas professional
bodies — particularly those related to accounting,
management and marketing — have granted
OUHK students exemptions from their professional
examinations. Our electronics and computing graduates
meet the requirements for membership of the Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and our
mathematics graduates can join the IMA. The Bachelor
of Education (English and Chinese strands), the Master
of Education in English Language Education and the
Master of Education in Chinese Language Education
are included in the EDB’s list of ‘Recognized Language
Major Degree Programmes’. For more information,
check the ‘Programmes’ section of this Prospectus.

Holders of OUHK awards are also much in demand by

employers, who recognize that in order to complete
a qualification largely through their own efforts, our
graduates have needed self-discipline, perseverance and
good organizational skills, as well as intellectual ability.

如果你正在考慮修讀大學 在本地與海外獲廣泛認可
程 度 的 課 程, 你 會 發 現 有 公開大學所頒授的學位,與香港其他接受政府資助的
很 多 選 擇。 你 可 能 會 問: 大學具有同等地位,無論是繼續升學或求職,在本港
公開大學有什麼獨特之 及海外均獲廣泛認可。
處? 為 什 麼 要 選 擇 公 開 大
公開大學? 學? 這 些 問 題 對 你 來 說 相 本校的學術資格也獲得愈來愈多的專業團體承認,畢

當重要,你會在這個部分找到答案。 業 生 可 以 申 請 豁 免 多 項 專 業 考 試, 例 如 會 計 學、 管
公開大學的課程具有下列獨特的優勢: 電腦學學士學位的畢業生,獲電機及電子工程師學會
‧ 高度靈活性 (I E E E)承認,符合加入該會成為會員的要求。持有
‧ 結合香港的實際情況
‧ 在本地與海外獲廣泛認可

本 校 靈 活 的 修 讀 模 式, 別 樹 一 幟, 特 別 適 合 生 活 忙

所 採 用 的“ 教 ” 與“ 學 ” 模 式, 正 正 體 現 了 這 個 理


在公開大學,你可以在不同學習階段取得不同的學術 數學理學士學位的學生,符合加入 IMA(Institute of

資格,又可以選讀銜接課程,極具彈性。你可以首先 Mathematics and Its Applications)的資格。教育及
選擇修讀證書、文憑課程,然後攻讀學位課程而無需 語文學院的教育榮譽學士(英文及中文專科)、教育碩
再次辦理入學手續。如果打算攻讀學位課程但暫時休 士(英國語文及中國語文教育專科)亦已列於教育局
學,那麼你可以在修畢所要求的學科後,先行申請領 的“認可主修語文科目的學位課程”名單內。詳情請
取證書、文憑。 參閱課程簡介部分。


our students and A typical OUHK student is motivated, disciplined, tenacious, organized and able. For many
graduates say reasons, our students find that the distance education mode of learning offered by the
OUHK suits their needs better than the more conventional system.

The graduate profiles in this section give you a taste of what our students are like and the
variety of reasons they have chosen to study with us.

Chow Kit-ping Doris Fung Sau-tak

Cantonese opera playwright Primary school English teacher
Chow Kit-ping has been passionate about literature As a primary school English teacher, Doris Fung Sau-tak
since her studies in secondary school, and even dreamt devotes a tremendous amount of time to her students,
of writing Cantonese opera scripts. After graduation, who are either underprivileged, have special learning
Kit-ping worked in several offices and later managed her needs or are experiencing family problems, and helps
own pet shop. Her life was devoid of artistic expression to enhance their learning ability. Before her study with
until she realized that creative writing was her true the OUHK, Doris was living a stable life and married
love. In 1995, she enrolled at the OUHK. Although the to a husband running his own business. Yet, once the
programme did not offer specialized subjects in Chinese educational reform got underway, she felt that she
opera, she was able to develop her literary sensitivity needed to enhance her knowledge and upgrade her
and maturity through the solid foundation she received academic qualifications. For this reason, she enrolled in the
in classical Chinese literature. Through her study of OUHK Honours Degree programme in primary education.
Chinese poems, literary criticism and classical novels, Unfortunately, her husband’s business suffered a setback
Kit-ping re-gained her confidence in writing, which while she was studying, which meant that she had to
motivated her to chase her dream. Now two of her spend more time on the extra demands of looking after
scripts have been performed on the stage. her family and teaching. Despite these hardships, Doris
was ultimately able to obtain her degree within four years.
During her studies, Kit-ping and her tutor became good
friends. She would like to thank him for his guidance, as Many of Doris’s colleagues and friends have followed
well as the frank and valuable comments he provided on her example and embarked on studies, while she is now
her works. In 2006, Kit-ping obtained her Bachelor of studying for a Master’s Degree in Education at the OUHK.
Arts (Honours) Degree in Chinese Humanities. She said She is very grateful for the support she has received from
that she would begin writing a new script soon and that the OUHK. Most importantly, what she has experienced
she looks forward to studying for a Master’s Degree in during her work and studies has given her a lot of insights
Chinese Literature to broaden her literary horizons. into lifelong learning. ‘I hope that lifelong education will
inspire my students and support them as they advance on
in their own lifelong journeys,’ said Doris.

Words from renowned people 名 人 雋 語

The OUHK’s goal of making education available Dato’ Dr Cheng Yu-tung, renowned entrepreneur
to all is supported by many in the Hong Kong 知名企業家拿督鄭裕彤博士
community. Some of the University’s donors
would like to share their thoughts on what ‘There are numerous cases of
makes the OUHK and its students special. career success among OUHK
students. Their endeavors to
upgrade themselves are most
支持,而多位知名人士也以實際行動支持教育事業。 commendable.’



公開大學畢業 學生的了解。


周潔萍 粵劇編劇 馮守德

周潔萍在中學時代已鍾情文學, 小學英文老師

更曾想過編寫粵劇劇本。然而, 馮 守 德 是 小 學 英 文 老 師, 她 的
畢業後她在辦公室工作,其後經 學 生 都 是 來 自 弱 勢 社 群、 有 特
營寵物店,和文學世界的距離愈 別學習需要或遇上家庭問題的
走 愈 遠。 為 了 重 拾 寫 作 之 樂, 兒 童, 所 以 她 每 天 都 會 花 上 不 少 時 間 和 精 神 照 顧 他
她在 1995 年報讀公開大學。縱使課程沒有專研戲曲 們,改善他們的學習能力。家庭方面,守德的丈夫營
的科目,她卻從中汲取到豐富的文學養分,令她印象 商,經濟比較充裕,故一直生活安穩。其後因香港進
最深刻的科目包括詩選、中國文學批評及中國古典小 行 教 育 改 革, 她 意 識 到 提 升 學 歷 和 自 我 增 值 的 重 要
說;藉著這些科目,她掌握了平仄韻律、文學典故、 性,於是報讀公開大學的教育學士課程。雖然期間丈
鑑賞技巧等多方面的知識,為撰寫粵劇劇本打下穩牢 夫生意經營困難,但她仍堅持繼續學業,同時負起家
的文學基礎。隨著自信心增強,她終於執起筆桿創作 庭、工作及學業的重擔,最終仍能以四年時間取得學
粵劇,向理想進發。今天,她的其中兩個劇本已在舞 位。
在 修 讀 課 程 期 間, 周 潔 萍 與 導 師 結 下 亦 師 亦 友 的 情 同事和朋友也受她影響而紛紛積極進修。她很感激公
誼,並把劇作交給對方過目,對於導師不厭其煩,坦 開大學對她的支持和鼓勵,更重要的是,她從工作和
誠提點,她由衷感謝。周潔萍於 2006 年取得榮譽文 學習過程當中得到不少啟示。她說:「我希望終身教育
學士學位,並透露將會替職業劇團編寫長篇劇目,和 能啟發我的學生,在人生旅程中繼續前進。」

Words from renowned people 名 人 雋 語

Dr Stanley Ho, renowned entrepreneur Dr Raymond Kwok, renowned entrepreneur
知名企業家何鴻燊博士 知名企業家郭炳聯博士
‘There is no wealth like ‘My father, the late Mr Kwok
knowledge. Students at the OUHK Tak-seng, was a firm believer
share the same belief. They have in lifelong learning. He worked
overcome all barriers to advance hard and grasped every learning
themselves through learning and opportunity. By making a donation
indeed deserve our appreciation.’ in his name to the OUHK, we
hope more people will be given more study pathways.’

Wong Kwing-keung Fanny Wong

Chairman and CEO of a multinational enterprise Part-time lecturer

Chairman and CEO of a multinational enterprise Dato’ Fanny Wong’s dream was always to be a nurse. After
Dr Wong Kwing-keung has more than 30 years of leaving school, she completed a registered nurse training
experience in business, ranging from palm plantations programme and began working at Queen Mary Hospital.
to oil refineries and manufactured products. During While there, she also obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in
his long working career, he has received a number Nursing, after which she was promoted and took up
of honours, including an honorary fellowship and administrative duties, including clinical audit and training.
doctorate, as well as the prestigious Malaysian title of Due to her family commitments, Fanny later left her job
Dato’. Yet when he enrolled to study at the OUHK in in the hospital and started teaching healthcare at the
2002, learning for its own sake was the only factor OUHK and the Department of Health on a part-time
leading him back to the classroom. He obtained his basis.
Bachelor’s Degree in China Business in 2012.
In 2005, when general education became a hot topic
After years running a business in a specialized field with in society, she enrolled in the Master of Social Sciences
many professionals working under him, Dr Wong felt a in Liberal Studies programme. She was very interested
desire to upgrade his own knowledge and capabilities. in the modules about environmental protection but
Dr Wong believes that the courses offered by the OUHK she was reluctant to study a science subject full-time.
have enriched his management knowledge. Furthermore, However, with the support of the OUHK’s academic
developing an understanding of China’s commercial staff, she was able to take another new step in her
law has helped him to expand his business in the studies soon after completing the programme: She
mainland, while knowing about the development of enrolled in the Master of Science in Energy and
Chinese enterprises in Southeast Asia has helped him to Environmental Sustainability programme. She graduated
better manage his staff, who come from many different in 2012 and even won an OUHK Scholarship as part of
ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Dr Wong has said that her study of the programme.
tutorials also gave him the opportunity to listen to the
views of his classmates who came from many different Her studies at the OUHK have taught Fanny the true
levels of their respective companies. ‘I’m the commander meaning of lifelong education. ‘It is the best thing
in my office, but a listener in class,’ he said. for one’s soul,’ she said. Having qualifications in both
healthcare and environmental studies, she now teaches
care for the elderly, and environmental and public health
at the OUHK’s LiPACE on a part-time basis.

Words from renowned people 名 人 雋 語

Dr Lee Shau-kee, renowned entrepreneur Miss Gladys Li, SC, JP

知名企業家李兆基博士 李志喜資深大律師
‘The average age of OUHK ‘OUHK students have to make
graduates is 36. They are all tremendous sacrifices to get a
grown-ups, so their study will degree, and they deserve support
benefit not only themselves but from every quarter.’
also their families and children. My
donation is indeed an investment
with high returns.’ 能取得學位,理應得到社會各界

黃烱強 王冬竹 兼職導師

跨國集團主席及行政總裁 當 護 士 一 直 是 王 冬 竹 的 心 願。

跨國集團主席及行政總裁黃烱強 中 學 畢 業 後, 她 取 得 註 冊 護 士

從事棕櫚種植、加工、煉油、銷 資 格, 開 始 在 瑪 麗 醫 院 工 作。

售等業務。他擁有逾三十年營商 其間她完成了護理學學士課

經驗,先後獲頒授榮譽院士、博士,以至馬來西亞拿 程, 及 後 更 獲 晉 升, 負 責 護 理 審 查 及 培 訓 等 行 政 工

督勛銜,但在 2002 年卻甘為普通學子,報讀公開大 作。由於冬竹希望有更多時間照顧年幼子女,遂辭退

學課程,並於 2012 年取得中國商業工商管理學士。 醫院的工作,並開始在公開大學及衛生署擔任兼職講

他說:「重返校園進修只有一個目的:學習。」 師,傳授護理知識。

他的生意經營高科技業務,聘用不少專業人才,而作 2005 年,冬竹有見通識教育越來越受社會重視,便

為掌舵人的他,深切感到不斷自我提升的需要。黃烱 報讀「通識研究社會科學碩士」課程,當中她對有關

強指公開大學的課程豐富了他的管理知識,如「中國 環保的學科尤感興趣,但對學習理科又感到遲疑。幸

商業法」深入介紹內地法律,對他從事中港生意很有 好得到公開大學老師的支持,甫畢業即決定在學業上

幫助;另一科「華人企業專題」則詳論華人在東南亞 邁進新一步,開始修讀「能源及環境的可持續發展理

的發展史,由於他的公司業務遍及中、港及東南亞, 學碩士」課程,並於 2012 年完成,更取得香港公開

所以他從該科所學到的管理策略,使他管理不同種族 大學獎學金。


Words from renowned people 名 人 雋 語

Dr Tin Ka-ping, renowned entrepreneur Ms Serena H C Yang, philanthropist
知名企業家田家炳博士 慈善家楊雪姬女士
‘The OUHK has been playing a ‘If Hong Kong is to maintain its
crucial role in providing a second competitiveness as an international
chance for aspiring learners to city, we need citizens who have
receive higher education that broad horizons and are eager to
enables them to scale new learn. The OUHK has been doing
heights. The University deserves a fine job in promoting lifelong
support and acknowledgement.’ education and providing education for all. I hope
more people will support the meaningful work of this

Studying If you decide to become an

OUHK student, you will find
All OUHK courses have one thing in common: a great
deal of effort and thought has gone into designing and
with the OUHK
that our University is rather producing them.
different from traditional
ones. The major difference The Online Learning Environment (OLE)
is that the majority of our Through the OUHK’s online platform, the OLE, students,
students study via distance tutors and Course Coordinators can communicate easily
education methods. This using the Discussion Board and Email. The OLE brings
section introduces you to some of the University’s special you the latest course news and schedules. Study units,
characteristics, especially ways in which we support all Web links, assignments and other resources may also be
our students in their learning. provided.

Course materials Languages of instruction

OUHK’s distance learning courses are written by subject OUHK courses are delivered in either English or Chinese.
experts, and are tailored specifically for Hong Kong An OUHK course code with a suffix ‘C’ indicates that
students and the Hong Kong context. They are closely the medium of instruction is Chinese. The OUHK has
scrutinized and validated by both internal and external several courses with some units in English and some
reviewers to ensure quality. in Chinese — those course codes have a suffix ‘B’
Courses are delivered to our students using a variety of (bilingual). If there is no letter C or B at the end of an
media, such as printed study units in binders, interactive OUHK course code, then the medium of instruction for
CD-ROMs and video CDs. OUHK courses also make that course is English.
use of the University’s Online Learning Environment
(OLE), and many incorporate resources found on the
Enhancing your language skills
World Wide Web. Some courses also include television If you want to study in English, you can choose from a
programmes. variety of OUHK courses that will help you, either before
you embark on your degree or while you are studying,
to improve your English language skills. Similarly, if you
Free Courseware — choose to study Chinese courses or want to enhance
A taste of distance learning your use of Chinese in the workplace, there are Chinese
language enhancement courses available (see p. 131).
You can try out the OUHK’s distance learning
course materials at our Free Courseware website Assessment
( For most courses, the OUHK students’ coursework is
assessed in two main ways: continuous assessment
The materials on the site, which can be used by
and examinations. Continuous assessment — that is,
the public for free, will give you a good feeling
a number of formal assignments you undertake at
for what distance learning is like. They have been
regular intervals while studying an OUHK course — may
taken from a broad range of subject areas, such as
take the form of essays, multiple-choice questions or
business, science, education, languages, arts and
projects and case studies. Most courses have a written
social sciences.
examination, held at the end of the course. For these
courses, your result will depend on your performance in
both the continuous assessment and the examination.
Some courses also have compulsory day schools, field
trips or laboratory sessions. Regarding examination
periods, please refer to the Courses Supplement.

Support for OUHK students

Distance learning requires students to be self-reliant, but
the OUHK provides its students with substantial learning

在加入大學的進修行列之 提 升 本 身 的 英 語 水 平, 你 可 以 首 先 或 同 時 修 讀 一 些
前, 你 應 該 會 希 望 對 大 學 加強英語能力的科目。同樣,如果你打算研習中文科
有 更 深 入 的 認 識 吧。 你 也 目,又或者希望提升自己在工作上運用中文的能力,
許 早 已 發 現, 本 校 有 別 於 也可以先選修一些提升中國語文水平的科目(參閱第
傳 統 的 大 專 院 校, 當 中 最 131 頁)。
學習生活 大的不同在於本校大部分
學生都是以遙距模式來學習。這個部分要介紹的,就 成績評核
是香港公開大學的特色,特別是有關大學對學習所提 本校大部分科目都是通過平時作業和期終考試來評核
供的全面支援。 學生成績。不論修讀哪個科目,學生都需要在修讀期
課程教材 題、研習報告、專案研究等。大部分科目都設有期終
公開大學的遙距學習教材都是由相關領域的學者專家 筆試。你修讀的科目若設有考試,那麼你的學科成績
編撰,針對本校學生的需要而設計,切合本地的實際 便要視乎作業和考試成績而定。有部分科目會規定學
情況。大學的所有教材都由校內外的評審委員嚴謹評 生必須出席若干次的日間課堂、實地考察或實驗課。
審,通過後才印發給學生,確保質量。 有關考試日期,請參閱「學科簡介」。

所有科目都採用了網上學習系統,而許多科目則提供 在遙距學習中,公開大學希望所有學生都能培養出獨

在萬維網上搜尋到的參考資料。一些科目還備有電視 立學習的能力,但這並不表示學生是孤立無援的;相

廣播節目。 反,本校會從多個重要方面給予支援。

總 的 來 說, 公 開 大 學 在 設 計 和 編 製 教 材 方 面 投 放 了 導師和導修小組
開課前登入大學網站 (MyOUHK) 查閱導師資料及確定

免費課件 — 體驗遙距學習
大學採用中文和英語作為教學語言。科目編號最後的 你只需登入,

數字若帶有英文字母“C”,表示該科以中文為教學語 便可以瀏覽網上免費課件,初步認識公開大學的

言;若帶有英文字母“B”,表示該科採用雙語教學; 遙距教材,親身體驗遙距學習。


Tutors and tutorials journals. The OUHK’s E-Library, a 24-hour online service
Students are allocated a tutor for each OUHK that’s been recognized with an international award,
course they enrol on. Tutors mark and comment on greatly extends the range of journals, texts, books and
assignments, give advice or help by telephone and articles available to OUHK students. All registered OUHK
email, and run regularly scheduled face-to-face tutorial students have full access to its resources.
sessions. These sessions are usually held on weekday
Use of technology
evenings or weekends, either on the OUHK campus or
in off-campus centres. For details of the centres that The OUHK uses printed course materials, audio CDs,
have been used for the previous semesters, please refer video CDs, CD-ROMs and online materials in its teaching.
to the Courses Supplement. Students may visit the OUHK students and tutors frequently communicate with
student portal MyOUHK to view their tutor information each other by email or through the OLE.
and confirmed class schedule. Email accounts are provided by the OUHK to all its
Tutorials, unlike lectures, require your active students. All academic and administrative information
participation. While you are not normally required to will be sent to a student’s university email account as
attend, most experienced OUHK students would strongly far as it is applicable. This includes information about
recommend that you do. On average, tutorials are held the student’s programme and courses, University news,
every two weeks for Foundation level courses and every and student announcements. For this reason, enrolled
three to four weeks for Middle or Higher level courses. students should check their email accounts frequently.

On all OUHK courses, you can interact with your Support for students with special educational
tutor and fellow students through the OUHK’s Online needs
Learning Environment (OLE). Many courses provide The OUHK is committed to supporting students with
you with other opportunities to meet with your tutor, special educational needs (including those who are
Course Coordinator and other students: confined at home, in hospital or in a correctional
• laboratory sessions are common in our science courses; institution). If you regularly use a wheelchair, our
• surgeries are open sessions for asking your tutor campuses are fully accessible. Course materials can be
questions; and made available in formats suitable for students with
special educational needs, and special arrangements can
• day schools are longer sessions which often feature
be made for tutorials and examinations when necessary.
expert speakers or case study activities.
If you have a special educational need, please inform
Campus and facilities the University before the commencement of course
so that appropriate services can be provided.* Before
As an OUHK student, you will probably do much of
enrolling on a course, you should check to see if any
your study at home, but there may be times when
course requirements might cause you difficulty.
you need to study elsewhere. The OUHK provides self-
access computer labs, self-study rooms and classrooms * The University will try to provide the required services
at its Ho Man Tin campus, Jubilee College (available according to circumstances; however, it may not always be
for use starting from October semester 2014) and Kwai possible to do so if there are insufficient resources or other
Hing Learning Centre which is located in the Kowloon constraints.
Commerce Centre in Kwai Chung. The Jockey Club
Student activities
Environmental Laboratory, and the language and
technology laboratories are located at the Ho Man Tin The University believes that participating in student
campus. The Homantin Plaza Learning Centre will be activities is a fulfilling experience for students, and that
closed from June / July 2014, and all facilities including it enhances learning. OUHK students are encouraged
tutorial rooms will be discontinued. to set up student societies to organize extracurricular
activities and study groups to enrich their campus life
There are libraries in both the Ho Man Tin campus and and broaden their horizons.
Jubilee College. In the libraries you will find course
materials, books, audio-visual materials, monographs and

導修課並不等同於老師授課,你必須積極參與,才會 香港公開大學為每位學生提供電郵賬戶。在可能的情
有 所 得 着。 儘 管 公 開 大 學 沒 有 規 定 學 生 必 須 參 加 導 況下,本校所有學科和行政資料,都會以電子郵件方
修課,但正如很多同學所言,這些導修課使他們獲益良 式傳送到學生在本校的電郵賬戶;這些資料包括所修
多。一般來說,基礎程度的科目會每兩週舉行一次導修 讀學科和課程的資料、本校的最新消息,以及學生通
課,而中級或高級程度科目則每三至四星期舉行一次。 告等。因此,學生必須經常查閱電郵賬戶內的郵件。

途 徑, 可 以 和 導 師、 學 科 主 任 和 其 他 同 學 見 面、 交
‧ 科技學院課程所設置的實驗課。
‧ 大學安排的補習式指導課,由導師個別解答學生的 教材,也可以用其他形式提供予有特別學習需要的學
問題。 生。本校亦為殘疾學生提供特別服務,包括安排導修課
‧ 日間課堂,由專家主講,或用以進行個案分析活動。 及考試等。同學如有特別學習需要,請於開課日前向
本校提供詳細資料,以便校方作出最妥善的安排。 * 在
校園設施 註冊入學之前,請向本校查詢個別學科的要求會否對你
公開大學的學生大部分時間都會在家裏研習。若有需 造成不便。
要,學生可以使用大學的設施。本校何文田校舍、銀 *
禧 學 院(2014 年 10 月 學 期 啟 用 ) 及 位 於 九 龍 貿 易
於資源所限或其他原因而無法提供 。
2014 年 6 月或 7 月關閉,所有設施包括導修室亦會

校 所 設 置 的 電 子 圖 書 館, 館 藏 豐 富, 並 曾 獲 國 際 獎
立,讓公開大學的學生可以每天 24 小時隨時隨地通

寶 貴 經 驗, 增 進 知 識。 因 此, 本 校 鼓 勵 學 生 成 立 學

Planning By now you may be

ready to take the next
How do I earn a qualification?
your study The OUHK has two semesters (also called ‘presentations’)
step: becoming an OUHK a year, normally starting in April and October. Some
student. This section takes part-time face-to-face postgraduate programmes may
you through the process of start earlier (check the programme information in the
choosing your first OUHK ‘Programmes’ section). Courses last for one or two
course. semesters. It is possible to take more than one course
at a time, and it’s possible to stop registering for further
Entry requirements courses for a while. This is one of the strengths of the
The OUHK does not have any academic entry OUHK’s system — you can tailor your study schedule to
requirements for most of its first degree distance suit your own needs.
learning programmes. Admission is open to anyone in
Hong Kong over the age of 17. The OUHK’s flexible credit system

You should note, however, that some OUHK The OUHK uses a flexible credit system. Most OUHK
programmes, especially postgraduate programmes courses have values of 5, 10 or 20 credits. In general,
and those in the areas of education and nursing, five-credit courses occupy one semester of study
are designed for people already holding certain (approximately 20 weeks) while 10- or 20-credit courses
qualifications. You should check the ‘Programmes’ occupy two semesters (approximately 40 weeks).
section of this Prospectus for details of any such As you pass courses, you accumulate the credits toward
requirements for the programme you’re interested in. a qualification: a Certificate; a Diploma; a Higher
Diploma; an Associate, Bachelor’s, Honours or Master’s
Degree; or a Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma. For
example, for an undergraduate ordinary degree you
need 120 credits, whereas a degree with Honours
requires 160. Table 1 sets out the number of credits you
need to achieve the range of OUHK qualifications.

Table 1 Credit requirements for OUHK qualifications*

Qualification Total credits required

Certificate 30
Diploma 60
Associate Degree 80
Higher Diploma 90
Bachelor’s Degree 120
Bachelor with Honours Degree 160
Postgraduate Certificate 20
Postgraduate Diploma 40–50
Master’s Degree 60

* Some qualifications may require number of credits

different from indicated.

現 在, 你 也 許 已 經 準 備 就 表 1 公開大學學術資格所需的學分數目 *

緒, 要 成 為 公 開 大 學 的 學 學術資格 所需學分總數
生 了。 這 個 部 分 會 向 你 說
證書 30
文憑 60
進修計劃 副學士 80

入學條件 高級文憑 90

公開大學的大部分遙距學士學位課程都不設學歷限 學士 120

制。任何本港居民,只要年滿 17 歲,都可以申請入 榮譽學士 160

學。 深造證書 20

但是,你必須注意,本校有部分課程,特別是深造課 深造文憑 40 - 50

程、教育及護理學課程,會有特定的入學條件。要進 碩士 60
* 個別學術資格所需學分或與上表所列的不同。

一般來說,本校每年設有兩個學期,分別在 4 月和 10


公開大學採用靈活的學分制,科目主要分為 5 學分、
10 學分和 20 學分 3 個類別。一般而言,5 學分科目
為 期 一 個 學 期( 約 20 星 期 ), 而 10 學 分 和 20 學 分
的科目則為期兩個學期(約 40 星期)。

定 要 求 後, 就 能 取 得 本 校 的 學 術 資 格, 包 括 證 書、
位,需要取得 120 學分;要取得榮譽學士學位,就得
完成 160 學分。表 1 列出公開大學各項學術資格所需

Registration value may be counted towards sub-degree or Associate

You should be aware that each OUHK course carries a Degree programmes, but not towards degrees.
registration value that is different from its credit value. Foundation courses are entry-level courses for degree
Registration value is used to indicate a student’s study programmes, and are excellent starting points if you
load per semester. A total registration value of 20 is lack tertiary education experience or specific subject
about the normal load for a full-time student. knowledge.
• Middle level (course codes starting with ‘2’) —
The following formula shows how the registration value
Some of these courses have advisory prerequisites
is calculated:
(other courses that you are strongly recommended
Registration value = credit value ÷ no. of semesters it to take first).
takes to complete the course • Higher level (course codes starting with ‘3’ or ‘4’)
For example: — These courses usually have advisory prerequisites.

• a 20-credit course of two semesters’ duration has a • Postgraduate level (course codes starting with
registration value of 10, i.e. 20 ÷ 2 = 10 ‘8’ or ‘9’) — These are Postgraduate Certificate,
Postgraduate Diploma, Master’s or Doctoral courses.
• a five-credit course of one semester’s duration has a
registration value of 5, i.e. 5 ÷ 1 = 5. Free choice courses
Students entering undergraduate and postgraduate In most 120- and 160-credit degree programmes,
programmes for the first time can register for courses students have the opportunity to take a certain number
with a total maximum registration value of 15. For of credits outside the set of required programme-specific
continuing students, the maximum is 30. courses. These are known as free choice credits, and
count towards the degree. You can select any courses
How long does it take to get an OUHK you wish at Foundation, Middle, or Higher level as your
qualification? free choice courses; however, no more than 40 credits
Since most OUHK students study part-time, at their can be taken at Foundation level. Note that credits
own pace, the length of time they take to complete obtained from Pre-foundation and Postgraduate level
their studies varies. For example, most people take courses cannot be counted as free choice credits.
around five years to gain the 120 credits needed for a
Bachelor’s Degree (usually taking one or two courses at Excluded combinations
a time), but some have managed to compress it into Sometimes two different courses contain such a high
three. Others who want to take their time or have a proportion of common materials that they form an
break in their studies may take longer. In general, there excluded combination. You should not take courses that
is no time limit set to complete a programme. form an excluded combination, as only one of them can
count towards a single award (see the list of excluded
How much time will I need to take one course? combinations on p. 36 of the Courses Supplement).
Although the OUHK provides students with a flexible
way to study, you are required to complete the How do I choose my first course?
assignments and examination according to the schedule Some people have no problem in choosing their first
for each course. In general, you should allow at least course. If you are looking to advance your career
ten hours a week for one course, not including the time prospects, for example, you probably know which
required for attending face-to-face sessions. programme will be most appropriate. For you it’s just
a matter of deciding when you can begin, and then
Levels of OUHK courses checking which Foundation courses in that programme
OUHK courses are offered at different levels: will be presented in the upcoming semester.

• Pre-foundation and Foundation level Others may be less sure of the direction they wish
(Pre-foundation course codes start with ‘0’ and to take. If this applies to you, then perhaps the best
Foundation course codes start with ‘1’, .e.g., ENGL thing to do is select a course at an appropriate level
E070 or ENGL A101) — Pre-foundation courses that interests you. You can decide which programme

註冊值 位或副學士課程所需的學分,但不可計算為學士學

公開大學的每個科目都有一個註冊值。和學分不同, 位課程所需的學分。基礎程度科目是學士學位課程

註冊值是用以表示一個科目在一個學期內的學習量。 的初階科目。假如你從未接受過大專教育,或者對

註冊值為 20 的科目,學習量大概相等於一個全日制 所選的學士學位課程內的學科內容毫無認識,便應

學生的學習時數。 首先修讀基礎程度科目。

以下公式說明了註冊值的計算方法: ‧ 中級程度科目(中級程度科目的字頭為 2):部分科

註冊值=學分值 ÷ 修畢該科所需的學期數目
‧ 高級程度科目(高級程度科目的字頭為 3 或 4):
一個 20 學分科目,修課期為兩個學期,註冊值是
10(20÷2 = 10); ‧ 深造程度科目(科目字頭編號為 8 或 9):這些科
目 屬 於 深 造 證 書、 深 造 文 憑、 碩 士 或 博 士 學 位 科
一個 5 學分科目,修課期為一個學期,註冊值是 5
(5÷1 = 5)。
分配總註冊值超過 15 的科目組合。至於舊生選科, 自選科目
總註冊值不得超過 30。 本校大部分 120 和 160 學分的學士學位課程的特色,
要獲取公開大學的學歷需時多久? 學分,以達到學位課程的要求。你可以自行決定選修
由於大部分公開大學的學生都是兼讀學生,學習進度 基礎、中級或高級程度的科目,但須注意在計算入學
不一,所以取得學歷所花的時間長短也不一樣。舉例 士學位課程的學分之中,所修讀的基礎程度科目不得
說,大部分人需要約 5 年時間來完成學士學位的 120 超過 40 學分。此外,修讀預修/深造程度的科目而
學分(以每個學期修讀一至兩科計算),但是有些同學 取得的學分,不得作為自選科目學分。
只用了 3 年時間便完成了整個課程。一些同學並不急
於取得學位,所以他們或會暫時休學。一般而言,公 不可兼修科目
開大學的課程並沒有設定完成修讀的時間限制。 兩個或多個科目的內容大致相同,即構成一項不可兼
修讀一個科目要花多少時間 會將其中一科的學分計算在有關資格所需的總學分之
香港公開大學為學生提供靈活的學習模式,但你必須 內。(不可兼修的科目見《學科簡介》第 36 頁。)
按 時 完 成 作 業 和 參 加 考 試。 一 般 來 說, 除 課 堂 時 間
外,修讀一科需每週騰出至少十小時修讀時間。 選擇第一個學科
公開大學提供不同程度的科目,詳列如下: 機會,那麼你可能已經清楚知道哪個課程最適合自己
‧ 預修與基礎程度科目(預修程度科目的字頭為 0,基
礎程度科目的字頭為 1,例如 ENGL E070 或 ENGL

you want to follow later. You just need to be sure to Information Centre of the University or by writing to the
notify the University about your intended programme Admission and Student Records Office stating the test
of study when you register for the next course of your you want.
programme or before then, to ensure that your award
You are welcome to join our information seminars (see
is processed at the appropriate time. You should also
the Courses Supplement) or contact the Admissions and
read your programme’s course requirements carefully to
Student Records Office to find out more about course
ensure you choose the correct mix of courses to earn
selection, programmes, and study life. You can also
your qualification.
make use of the OUHK’s academic counselling services.
In addition to this Prospectus, the other important
However, you should note that it is the student’s
document you need in order to find course information
responsibility to make reference to the respective
is the Courses Supplement, which gives details of all the
programme regulations each time before course
courses the OUHK will offer in its upcoming semester.
enrollment to ensure that sufficient and appropriate
You should receive a copy of the Courses Supplement
credits are obtained for the programme award.
along with this Prospectus. If you do not, you can
request the latest version by calling 2711 2100. You can
Advice on course selection
also find programme and other information at http:// If you are unsure about which of the OUHK’s
programmes or courses is right for you, you may want
You can also browse through our Course Guides and to talk to one of the University’s academic staff. The
some of our course materials to make sure that a academic staff can answer questions about the content
course matches your expectations. The Course Guides of specific courses, the best ways to choose and plan
are available on the OUHK website. (Go to a programme of study, and more. You can contact Do a course the Schools who will then put you in touch with the
search. Click on the course title and you will see the appropriate staff for information about the programmes
Course Guide link at the top.) Most OUHK course in which you are interested:
materials and set books are available for reference in
the OUHK libraries and at many public libraries (see School of Arts and Social Sciences:
Appendix C on p. 200). 2768 5721 (Tel.), 2391 3184 (Fax)
In general, we advise that new students choose a
course or courses at the Pre-foundation, Foundation or Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration:
Middle level that are listed for their programme. 2768 6940 (Tel.), 2391 9095 (Fax)
If you want to try to determine if your English,
mathematics or science skills are adequate for university School of Education and Languages:
study, you can obtain a self-diagnostic test from the 2768 5817 (Tel.), 2395 4235 (Fax)

School of Science and Technology:

2768 6824 (Tel.), 2789 1170 (Fax)

Advanced standing/credit exemption

One important thing to remember when you apply
for your first OUHK course is that you may be able to
get credit for your previous studies. Credit exemption
— known as advanced standing at the OUHK — is
available for many students who have completed
tertiary level studies elsewhere. These transferred credits
can count towards the requirements for most OUHK

不過,也許有打算進修的學生對自己的未來學習方向 選科諮詢服務
並 不 太 明 確, 那 麼, 最 好 的 做 法 就 是 選 擇 一 個 自 己 如果你不太肯定哪些課程或學科適合自己,你可以向
感興趣的科目作為起步,稍後再決定修讀哪個學歷的 本校的教學人員徵詢意見,他們會回答有關個別科目
課程。你只要緊記在下一次註冊修讀課程內的科目時 的內容、選科方法和修業計劃方面的問題。你可以聯
或在這之前,把擬修讀的課程通知大學,以確保大學 絡有關的學院,他們會給你轉介合適的教學人員,向
能及時就你將獲取的學歷辦理有關手續。你必須仔細 你提供意見。

除 了 本《 課 程 概 覽 》, 另 一 份 重 要 的 刊 物 是《 學 科
簡 介 》, 這 份 資 料 冊 載 有 新 學 期 會 開 辦 的 所 有 科 目
的 詳 情。 你 要 同 時 參 閱《 課 程 概 覽 》 和《 學 科 簡 各學院的聯絡方法如下:
介 》。 你 可 以 致 電 2711 2100 索 取 這 兩 本 刊 物, 或
2768 5721(電話) 2391 3184(傳真)

此外,你可以先略讀各科的《學科指南》及教材,確 李兆基商業管理學院:

保 科 目 與 內 容 與 你 所 預 期 的 相 吻 合。 大 學 網 站 載 有 2768 6940(電話) 2391 9095(傳真)
《學科指南》的電子版本,讓公眾人士瀏覽(請先登入,然 教育及語文學院:

後使用搜尋功能。例如是 CHIN A172C 這個科目,只 2768 5817(電話) 2395 4235(傳真)


南”的連結)。本校大部分的指定教科書及教材,都存 科技學院:
放在本校圖書館及指定的公共圖書館,以供參考(請 2768 6824(電話) 2789 1170(傳真)
參閱第 200 頁附錄 C)。

一般來說,我們建議新生先選修課程中的預修程度、 學分承認和豁免
如 果 你 申 請 報 讀 公 開 大 學 的 學 科, 有 一 點 你 必 須 留

你如果想知道自己的英語、數學或理科程度能否應付 意,就是你過往的學歷也許會獲大學承認,並給予承

大學課程的要求,可往本校諮詢中心或致函入學及學 認學分。在其他院校已完成專上課程的學生,大多都

生紀錄組,索取自我評核測試題,檢視自己的能力。 可以申請學分豁免。獲承認的學分可計算入本校大部
大學會舉辦一連串入學講座,歡迎新生參加(詳情見 修讀時間。

If you have transferable credits from other educational credits, general credits are not awarded towards a specific
institutions, you may be able to considerably shorten the course, so they cannot be used for exemption from the
time you need to complete your OUHK programme. required programme-specific courses in a programme of
In general, advanced standing is available for sub-
degree, undergraduate degree, Postgraduate Diploma If you are applying for GCT, you should not register for
and Master’s Degree programmes, with some exceptions. free choice courses until the result of your application is
The maximum levels of advanced standing that can be known. General credits only apply towards Foundation
granted are: level study in a Bachelor's Degree programme when being
counted for graduation, so you should make sure that
• 33% of the total credit requirements for Certificates
the number of Foundation level credits registered plus
(30 credits)
the general credits awarded do not together exceed the
• 50% of the total credit requirements for Diplomas maximum number of Foundation level credits permitted
and Associate Degrees for your programme.
• 50 credits for Higher Diplomas
Block Credit Transfer (BCT)
• 80 credits for Bachelor’s Degrees and 100 credits for
Bachelor’s Degrees with honours Block credits are awarded towards the total credit
requirements of a programme of study. Awardees
• 100 credits for the Bachelor of Language Studies
must complete the remaining credits required for the
(English) (Honours) and Postgraduate Diploma in
programme by following a list of prescribed top-up
Education (Secondary), and the Bachelor of Language
courses. Since these top-up courses are prescribed by
Studies (English) (Honours) and Postgraduate Diploma
the University based on the relevancy of an applicant’s
in Education (Primary)
previous study, an award of block credits does not imply
• 20 credits for Bachelor of Education (Honours) in that the number of credits required for completion of a
Primary Education, Bachelor of Education (Honours) in programme will automatically be reduced by the number
Secondary Education, Bachelor of Education in Early of block credits awarded.
Childhood Education and Bachelor of Education in
If you are applying for BCT, you must not register for free
Early Childhood Education (Special Educational Needs
choice courses or courses that are not specified in the list
• 40 credits for Bachelor of Education (Honours) of top-up courses. Before registration, you are advised to
(Early Childhood Education: Leadership and Special consult the precedent cases available at the Information
Educational Needs) Centre and Registry, or through our homepage.
• 20 credits for Postgraduate Diplomas Entry Pathways and Advanced Standing
• 30 credits for Master’s Degrees
The University has set up new entry pathways for various
There are three types of credit transfer: Specific Credit Bachelor’s Degree programmes and Master’s Degree
Transfer, General Credit Transfer, and Block Credit Transfer. programmes. The programme credit requirements are
General credits may be used in connection with specific reduced for students admitted via entry pathways; in
credits. Block credits, however, must be used alone. other words, students are given an exemption without
the need to go thorough the advanced standing process.
Specific Credit Transfer (SCT) However, students must satisfy the entry requirements
Specific credits are awarded towards a specific course specified for admission to the pathway programmes.
within the set of required courses in a programme of Holders of relevant qualifications are advised to apply
study. A student will be exempted from studying the for admission via these pathways if they satisfy the entry
course in respect of which SCT is granted. requirements.
If you are applying for SCT, you should not register for The OUHK Registry’s Advanced Standing Office (2768 6624)
the OUHK course for which you are seeking exemption. can provide more information. You can also check the
OUHK website for more details on credit exemption.
General Credit Transfer (GCT)
General credits may only be used to gain exemption from
the free choice credits in a programme. Unlike specific

本校大部分課程都接受學分承認申請,包括副學位、 整體學分承認
學士學位、深造文憑及碩士學位課程,但個別課程則 就某一課程獲授予的整體學分,可計算入該課程畢業
不在此列。各類課程的學分承認上限如下: 所需的總學分之內,惟學生必須按照本校規定的“尚
‧ 證書課程(30 學分)學分總數的 33%; 須選修科目”,修畢餘下的學分,以符合該課程的畢業
‧ 文憑和副學士學位學分總數的 50%; 要求。“尚須選修科目”乃根據申請人所持學歷與修讀
‧ 高級文憑為 50 學分; 課程兩者的相關性釐訂,因此,申請人獲授予某一數

‧ 學士學位為 80 學分,榮譽學士學位為 100 學分; 額的整體學分,並不表示申請人為符合課程的畢業要

‧ 語 言 研 究 榮 譽 學 士( 英 文 ) 及 學 位 教 師 教 育 文 憑 求而需修讀的學分,可以相等的數額自動減少。

育文憑(小學)課程為 100 學分;
‧ 教育學士學位(幼兒教育)、教育學士學位(幼兒 諮詢中心和教務處的先例資料,或瀏覽本校網頁,查
教 育: 特 殊 教 育 )、 教 育 榮 譽 學 士 學 位( 小 學 教 閱有關資料。
育)和教育榮譽學士學位(中學教育)為 20 學分;
‧ 教育榮譽學士(幼兒教育:領導及特殊教育需要)
為 40 學分;
‧ 深造文憑為 20 學分;
‧ 碩士學位為 30 學分。



特 定 學 分 是 本 校 就 某 個 課 程 的 指 定 科 目 授 予 的 承 認

註冊修讀該科。 入學途徑與學分承認

途 徑。 設 有 入 學 途 徑 的 課 程 所 需 修 讀 的 學 分 較 少;
若申請一般學分承認,在未獲悉申請結果之前,不應 確定符合有關入學資格後,宜先考慮以入學途徑申請
報讀自選科目。由於在符合學士學位課程的畢業要求 入學。
你可以致電 2768 6624 聯絡學分承認組,或瀏覽本

Financing Studying with the OUHK

is not cheap — but then
• Bursaries are donated by commercial organizations, firms
and individuals. All continuing students who have passed
your study nothing of value ever is. The one distance-learning/part-time face-to-face credit-bearing
University provides course at the OUHK may apply.
a number of ways to Government financial assistance schemes
help you finance your study. The Government provides several schemes:
• All OUHK students can apply for the Extended Non-
How much will a course/qualification cost? means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS).
Since the cost of OUHK courses varies, we can only help you • Students taking OUHK courses of a total registration value
estimate the cost for an OUHK qualification. of not less than 45 in two consecutive semesters or not
Table 2 Approximate cost per credit by course level less than 25 in one semester may be regarded as full-time
students and therefore eligible for assistance under Financial
Course codes Approximate cost
Course level Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP)/
starting with ... per credit (HKD)*
Pre-foundation/ Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary
0 or 1 $900 Students (NLSPS) if they fulfil the criteria of the schemes.
Middle 2 $1,015 Please note that the age limit for FASP is 30 or below
Higher 3 or 4 $1,085–$1,170 while there is no age limit for NLSPS.
Postgraduate 8 $1,170–$1,470 • Many OUHK courses have been approved as reimbursable
* Note: (i) Some courses (e.g. those delivered in face-to-face mode, courses under the Continuing Education Fund (CEF)Δ
or those with lab classes etc.) have higher course fees. Please refer set up by the Government. Students who wish to seek
to Courses Supplement for details; (ii) Course fees may be subject to
fee reimbursement with regard to courses under the CEF
adjustment in future semesters.
should check the relevant webpage (
Now, if you go back to Table 1 on page 16 and determine the hk/cef) for the latest information before they register for the
number of credits required for the qualification you’re seeking, courses. To be eligible for consideration, the applicant must
you can estimate the cost. You should note that fees paid are not have completed the CEF-approved course in compliance
refundable or transferable to another semester or another use. with CEF regulations, having passed it at the threshold
prescribed by the Office of the CEF which may not
Senior citizen discount
be the same as the University’s pass threshold set
Elderly persons aged 65 or above with a Senior Citizen Card will
for the course. Having satisfied the above and all other
be offered a discount of 30% on the tuition fees at the time
requirements of the Office of the CEF which it may prescribe
of course registration. (The discount offer is not applicable to
from time to time, the eligible applicants will be reimbursed
Continuing Education Fund [CEF] reimbursable courses.) If you are
80% of their course fees, subject to a maximun sum of
interested in the Scheme, you should submit your application in
HK$10,000 (whichever is less), on successful completion of
person and produce your senior citizen card for verification during
a reimbursable course. Each applicant may make four claims
office hours. If you prefer to apply by mail, you should submit
of reimbursement, subject to a ceiling of HK$10,000 within
your application together with a copy of your senior citizen card.
four years from the date the application for opening an
account with CEF was approved. For details, please visit the
Financial assistance
CEF webpage:
OUHK loans and bursaries You can also call the
Students who encounter financial difficulties may apply for a CEF 24-hour hotline at 3142 2277.
bursary or loan under the Student Financial Assistance Scheme Δ
To comply with the requirements of the HKSAR Government’s Office
which is means-tested, for paying their tuition fees. Both of the CEF, the University will not offer any tuition fee discounts or
bursaries (which do not need to be repaid) and loans (which reduction to students applying for ‘CEF reimbursable courses’.
must be repaid) are offered to students according to their
OUHK MasterCard Interest free tuition loan
financial circumstances.
The Wing Lung Bank offers the Interest Free Tuition Loan
• Loans are financed by a Government grant of $100 million. to all OUHK MasterCard holders. For details, please call the
They are available to any student (new or continuing) who Wing Lung Bank Credit Card Centre Hotline on 2928 6668 or
intends to register for any distance-learning/part-time face- visit the Wing Lung Bank webpage:
to-face credit-bearing course on an application basis. With oumastercard.
effect from the October 2013 Semester, new students
may apply for a ‘Pay After One Year’ (PAOY) Loan, while Other award schemes
continuing students who have registered for 20 credits at • An interest-free emergency assistance loan scheme
OUHK (courses not supported by OUHK bursary/loan) at the is available to continuing students who encounter
time of application may apply for a ‘Pay On Graduation’ unexpected emergencies.
(POG) Loan (only available in the first round). Successful • scholarships donated by commercial organizations, firms
applicants will repay the loan (i.e. tuition fees) by interest- and individuals are awarded each year to students for their
free instalments one year after the loan is granted, or after outstanding academic achievement.
graduation, depending on the type of loan granted. You can consult the Student Affairs Office (2768 6636) for
further information.

公開大學的學費儘管並不低 可以在獲貸款一年後或畢業後免息分期償還貸款,視乎
廉, 但 卻 物 有 所 值。 此 外, 獲批核貸款的類別而定。
本校也致力為有需要的學生 ‧ 助學金:由商業機構、團體和私人捐助。所有香港公開
提供不同的資助。 大學的舊生,若已完成一個本校遙距學習或兼讀制面授
學費籌劃 要支付多少學費? 政府學費資助計劃
不同學科的學費不盡相同,本概覽只能提供一個估計的 政府提供數項資助計劃:
數字。表 2 列出本校四個不同程度科目的學費。
‧ 所有公開大學的學生,均可申請擴展的免入息審查貸款
表 2 不同程度科目每個學分大概所需學費 計劃。
每個學分大概需要 ‧ 如學生於連續兩個學期修讀不少於四十五個總註冊值或
科目程度 科目編號字頭
的學費(港元) *
0或1 $900 為「全日制學生」,並可就專上學生資助計劃及專上學
中級程度 2 $1,015 生免入息審查貸款計劃申請資助,惟學生必須同時符合
高級程度 3或4 $1,085 - $1,170 該兩項計劃的申請資格。請注意,申請專上學生資助計
深造程度 8 $1,170 - $1,470 劃的年齡限制為三十歲或以下;申請專上學生免入息審
* 註:( i ) 有些科目(如面授科目、需支付實驗室費用的科目 查貸款計劃則無年齡限制。
等)的學費可能會高於以上的估計。有關學費詳情,請參閱 ‧ 公開大學許多科目已納入由政府設立的持續進修基金 Δ
《學科簡介》;(ii) 學費或會於未來學期作出調整。
現在,你可以參考第 17 頁表 1,確定自己計劃取得的學 報讀前瀏覽有關網頁:,
術資格所需的學分,然後再參考表 2,就可以粗略計算出 了解最新的「可獲發還款項」資料。申請人須修畢基金
所需的學費了。請注意:所有已繳費用一概不予退還, 名單上的科目,並獲得持續進修基金指定之最低成績
並不得撥作另一學期或其他方面使用。 ( 請注意:該基金要求之最低成績與校內評定之及格成
績未必一致 ),可獲發還有關課程費用的 80% 或上限
10,000 港元(以數額較小者為準)。每名申請人可在持續
凡 65 歲或以上持有長者卡的人士,可於報讀科目時獲減
項四次,但總金額不得多於 10,000 港元。詳情請參閱持續
進修基金網頁 :,
申請人亦可致電基金 24 小時熱線 (3142 2277) 查詢。
者卡副本寄交。 為符合香港特別行政區政府持續進修基金辦事處的規定,大
香港公開大學貸款和助學金  香港公開大學MasterCard學費免息分期計劃
經 濟 上 有 困 難 的 學 生, 可 以 向 本 校 申 請“ 學 費 資 助 計 持 有 公 開 大 學 M a s t e r C a r d 的 學 生, 可 以 向 永 隆 銀 行 申
劃”下的助學金或貸款,以繳付學費,申請需經入息審 請 學 費 免 息 分 期 貸 款。 詳 情 請 致 電 永 隆 銀 行 信 用 卡 中 心
查。校方會因應學生的經濟狀況,給予助學金(無需償 熱線 2928 6668 或瀏覽網頁
還)或貸款(需要償還)。 oumastercard。
‧ 學生貸款:由政府撥出一億元作為經費,學生如打算
目,不論新生或舊生,都合乎申請資格。由 2013 年 ‧ 舊生如果遇到緊急經濟困難,可向本校申請免息緊急援
10 月學期起,新生可直接申請「一年後償還」貸款; 助貸款。
舊生於申請貸款時已在公開大學註冊最少 20 學分(不 ‧ 本校亦蒙各商業機構、團體和私人捐助多項獎學金,以
包括獲公開大學助學金/貸款資助的科目),更可考慮 獎勵學業成績優異的學生。
申請「畢業償還」貸款(限於首輪申請)。成功申請人 詳情可向學生事務處(2768 6636)查詢。


Application Period : 3 June 2014 to 26 August 2014

Applicants should read the application procedures printed in the Courses Supplement (see page 2) and visit the
OUHK website at to check the updated course information such as class schedule
and remaining quota before making their applications. When registering, applicants should select the programme (as
appropriate), the course and class sections, and make immediate payment.

Applicants from other institutions

OUHK does not forbid its students to study in another institution at the same time. However, you should check with
your current institution if it has any restriction on ‘double registration’.

Applicants from overseas

Persons living overseas are welcome to pursue their studies at the OUHK through distance learning. However, they
should note the following before submitting applications for enrolment:

1. Students will be provided with course materials designed by experts in their respective fields, which should enable
students to successfully complete the course requirements. These course materials are normally to be collected in
Hong Kong, but can be mailed to students living overseas at the students’ cost.

2. There will be tutorial classes, but they are not mandatory. Some courses include compulsory Day Schools. Both
tutorial classes and Day Schools are conducted in Hong Kong.

3. Examinations are also held in Hong Kong. However, arrangements can be made for students not residing in Hong
Kong to take the examination overseas, but the extra expenditure incurred will be borne by the students.

4. Students not residing in Hong Kong who wish/need to attend tutorial classes, Day Schools and examinations in
Hong Kong should enquire with the Immigration Department of the HKSAR Government about entry requirements
and visa applications. Normally, entry visas are not issued for people who come to Hong Kong solely for the
purpose of studying distance learning programmes.

5. Students who are not Hong Kong residents are not normally eligible for financial assistance.

申請手續 入學/科目註冊申請: 2014年6月3日至2014年8月26日

在遞交申請表前,申請人請先參閱刊於《學科簡介》第 2 頁之入學 / 科目註冊申請手續,並瀏覽大學網站 (http:// ,以取得最新的學科資訊,包括各組別時間表及尚餘學額等。在辦理註冊手續時,申請





1. 大學會為學生提供經悉心編撰的教材,以便學生完成課業。教材一般需要在香港領取,但也可寄給在外地居住

2. 課程一般設有導修課,供學生自由參與,某些科目則規定學生必須出席日間講論會。導修課及日間講論會都在

3. 考試同樣是在香港舉行;如有需要,大學可以安排海外學生在外地考試,惟有關費用需由學生承擔。

4. 海外學生如希望或需要參與在港舉行的導修課和日間講論會以及參加考試,必須向香港特區政府的入境事務處

5. 海外學生原則上不會獲得學費資助。

For more Website

Information The OUHK’s website ( provides

comprehensive information on courses, programmes,
facilities, services, and financial planning and aid,
and allows you to register for courses online. You can
also find programme and other information at

The OUHK Information Centre Infoline

The OUHK Information Centre is located at our Ho Man You can call our 24-hour Infoline at 2309 2188 for
Tin campus. Counter service hours are as recorded information.

Mon.–Fri. 9:00 a.m.–7:30 p.m.

OUHK Study Planning Day
As a prospective student, you may find it useful to
Sat. 9:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
visit our campus on OUHK Study Planning Day to learn
Sun. 12:00 nn–5:30 p.m
more about OUHK’s programmes and student support
Public holidays Closed services. You can attend talks on various academic
Enquiry line 2711 2100 subjects, meet our professors, chat with our graduates,
Enquiry fax 2715 0760 obtain advice on course selection, financial assistance
and advanced standing and tour our library. Do join us
on one of the following days:
Date: 14 June 2014 (Saturday) and
You can visit the self-help service area for printed or
16 August 2014 (Saturday)
computerized information, between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m.
Time: 2:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.
Contact numbers and email addresses Venue: Ho Man Tin campus
If you’ve got questions and would like someone from
For details, visit:
the University to contact you in person, you can arrange
that by going to This
puts you in touch with our Information Centre staff,
who can then keep in contact with you via email,
telephone or fax.

A list of useful contact numbers and email addresses is

provided on p. 201.

For enquiries about admission procedures, please
contact the Registry:
Tel. 2768 6601–3
Fax 2761 3935

電話:2768 6601—3
傳真:2761 3935
瀏 覽 本 校 課 程 和 學 科、 設 施 和 服 務 以 及 學 費 資 助 等
資 料, 並 可 以 在 網 上 辦 理 入 學 手 續。 你 也 可 以 登 入
星期一至五: 上午 9:00—下午 7:30,搜尋課程和學科資料。
星期六: 上午 9:00—下午 5:30
星期日: 中午 12:00—下午 5:30 24小時資訊聆
公眾假期: 休息
你可以致電 24 小時資訊聆(2309 2188),聽取錄音
電話: 2711 2100
傳真: 2715 0760
電郵: info@ 進修策劃日
網址: 你可以參加本校舉辦的「進修策劃日」,藉此進一步了

由上午 7 時至晚上 11 時,諮詢中心會提供自助服務, 解大學的各項課程和學生支援服務。大學會在「進修策

訪客可以在中心取得印刷品或網上資訊。 劃日」安排不同學科的諮詢講座,以及提供選科、學費
聯絡電話和電郵 圖書館。請謹記參加我們以下快將舉行的活動:
假 如 你 要 查 詢 一 些 特 別 事 項, 並 希 望 大 學 的 職 員 與
日期: 2014 年 6 月 14 日(星期六)及
2014 年 8 月 16 日(星期六)
時間:下午 2:00—下午 6:00
本概覽第 201 頁載有常用的電話號碼和電郵地址。 地點:何文田校舍

請登入 OUday 查閱詳情。

常盛街 Sheung Shing Street
往沙田 To Sha Tin


佛光街 Fat Kwong Street


角 何文田廣場

醫療輔助隊總部 M Homantin
Auxiliary Medical 香港公開大學 on
g Plaza
P r i n c e s s M a r g a re t R

Services OUHK

牧愛街 Good Shepher

香 Ho ead



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Programmes 課 程 簡 介

The OUHK offers a comprehensive Guidance notes

range of programmes to suit 1 Except indicated otherwise, a 5-credit course (registration value: 5) lasts
students seeking to upgrade their for one semester (half a year); a 10-credit (registration value: 5) or 20-
knowledge and career prospects. credit (registration value: 10) course last for two semesters (one year).
Each programme is listed under one 2 Registration value (representing study load per semester) =
of our four Schools: the School of credit value ÷ no. of semesters it takes to complete the course.
Arts and Social Sciences, the Lee 3 Medium of instruction: A course code with a suffix ‘C’ indicates that
Shau Kee School of Business Chinese is used as the medium of instruction; a course code with a suffix ‘B’
and Administration, the School indicates that the course is bilingual; and all others without a suffix ‘B’ or ‘C’
of Education and Languages will be in English.
or the School of Science and 4 Chinese programmes and English programmes are independent.
Technology. Once you have Courses belonging to Chinese programmes cannot be used to replace
chosen your area of interest, you corresponding English courses within English programmes and vice versa.
can browse through a School’s (For example, MGT B240C cannot replace MGT B240, and vice versa.)
programmes to find a programme 5 Face-to-face course: A course code with a suffix ‘F’ indicates that the
at the appropriate level (sub-degree, course is delivered mainly through face-to-face mode. Courses presented
degree or postgraduate) to meet in full-time face-to-face mode are identical to courses with the same
your needs. course code but without the suffix ‘F’. Students who have successfully
The requirements for each completed courses presented in full-time face-to-face mode are not
programme are also given. To help allowed to take the same courses in the distance learning mode, and vice
you choose courses, you should versa.
read the course descriptions and 6 E-learning course: A course code with a suffix ‘W’ indicates that the
check the Courses Supplement course is delivered in e-learning mode. Courses presented in e-learning
to find out when courses will be mode are identical to courses with the same course code but without the
offered. Please check the courses suffix ‘W’. Students who have successfully completed courses presented in
that you select against the list of e-learning mode are not allowed to take the same courses in the distance
excluded combinations on p. 36 of learning mode and full-time face-to-face mode, and vice versa.
the Courses Supplement to avoid 7 Some programmes or courses may start earlier. Please take note of related
taking courses that form excluded information provided and refer to the Courses Supplement.
combinations. 8 Not all courses are offered in every semester. You should refer to the
Courses Supplement for information on course offerings.
9 Sometimes two different courses contain such a high proportion of
common material that they form an excluded combination. You should
not take courses that form an excluded combination, as only one of
them can count towards a single award. Please see the list of excluded
combinations on p. 36 of the Courses Supplement.
10 The information under each programme was last updated when this
Prospectus was prepared and is for reference only. The University reserves
the right to make any necessary changes. Please refer to the webpage of
the relevant school on the OUHK website ( for
the latest information.
11 Some programmes have programme-specific entry requirements. You are
required to submit the Admissions Supplementary Form for Programmes
with Specific Entry Requirements in Appendix B on p. 198, and proof of
fulfilment of the entry requirements along with your application.

香港公開大學提供多元化的課 指引
程, 協 助 不 同 人 士 增 進 知 識, 1. 一般來說,5 學分(註冊值:5)的科目為期一個學期(即半年);10
提升競爭力。以下會簡介本校各 學 分( 註 冊 值:5) 或 20 學 分( 註 冊 值:10) 的 科 目 為 期 兩 個 學 期
個課程,並按本校四個不同專業 (即一年),另有說明的則除外。
2. 註冊值(表示某科在一學期內的學習量)=
學分值 ÷ 修畢該科所需的學期數目。
科技學院。先選定你有興趣的範 3. 教學語言:科目編號的數字後面若帶有英文字母“C”,表示該科以中文

疇,然後挑選程度合適的課程, 為教學語言;若帶有英文字母“B”,表示該科採用雙語教學;不在此兩

例如副學位、學位或深造程度課 列者,一概採用英文教學。

程。 4. 中文課程與英文課程乃獨立的課程。中文課程內之科目不可以取代英
文課程內之相應科目,反之亦然。(例如:MGT B240C 不能取代 MGT
的科目並非完全相同的,你應該 5. 面授科目:科目編號最後一個字母為“F”,表示該科主要以面授模式授
同時參閱《學科簡介》,以確知 課。面授教學的科目與編號相同的科目屬同一科目,惟前者的編號之後
擬報讀的科目在哪個學期開辦, 有“F”一字。學生如已修畢面授教學的科目,不得重複修讀遙距教學
並細閱科目內容的說明。此外, 的相同科目,反之亦然。
請特別留意哪些科目構成不可兼 6. 網上學習科目:科目編號最後一個字母為“W”,表示該科為網上學習
修的科目組合,詳情見《學科簡 科目。網上學習科目與編號相同的科目屬同一科目,惟前者的編號之後
介》第 36 頁。 有“W”一字。學生如已修畢網上學習科目,不得重複修讀遙距教學及

7. 某些課程及科目可能會提前開課,請留意有關資料及《學科簡介》。

8. 每個學期所開辦的科目並非完全相同的,有關每個學期開辦的科目詳

9. 兩個或多個科目的內容大致相同,即構成一項不可兼修的科目組合。你
所需的總學分之內。不可兼修的科目組合詳情,見《學科簡介》第 36

10. 本章所提供的資料在本《課程概覽》編訂時作了最後更新,惟該等資料僅

11. 本校部分課程設有指定入學條件。你必須填妥設有指定入學條件課程的
入學申請附件(第 198 頁附錄 B),並將符合入學條件的證明文件連同

School of Arts & Social Sciences


School of
Arts and Social Sciences
The School of Arts and Social Sciences (A&SS) aims to 人文社會科學院的宗旨在於開辦人文學科和社會科學的課
broaden students’ intellectual horizons, enhance their 程,以擴闊學生的學術視野,加強他們對人文學科和社會
critical understanding of the humanities and social
sciences, and equip them with the necessary knowledge
and skills to meet the changing needs of society. 的挑戰。

Focusing on four areas of disciplines: Humanities, 學院的課程主要圍繞四個學術領域開辦,包括人文學科、

Social Sciences, Language & Translation and Cultural
& Creative Arts, the School offers a wide range 社會科學、語言與翻譯以及文化和創意藝術。課程主要以
of postgraduate, undergraduate and sub-degree 全日制、兼讀制以及遙距學習模式開辦,並提供多種高級
programmes. In 2014-15, the School will launch 學位、學士學位以及副學位課程供同學修讀。學院將於
two new programmes, the MSSc in Industrial-
2014 年 9 月舉辦兩個新課程 —「工業及組織心理學社
Organizational Psychology and the MA in Cultural and
Heritage Tourism, which will be conducted in face-to- 會科學碩士」及「文化及保育旅遊文學碩士」,歡迎具資
face teaching mode. 格人士修讀,詳情請參閱本課程概覽。
The MA in Chinese Literature, BA/BA (Hons) in Chinese
Language and Literature, MA in Applied English
Linguistics, and the BA and BA (Hons) in Chinese and 文學士、英語語言學文學碩士以及中英語文文學士及榮譽
English are recognized by the Education Bureau as 文學士課程已獲教育局認可為主修語文科目的學位課程,
qualified degree programmes for potential language
teachers, whereas the degree holders from Language
and Translation programmes are eligible for exemption 學位持有人具資格獲豁免教師語文能力要求。
from the Language Proficiency Requirement.

Programmes 課程
Postgraduate programmes Bachelor’s Degree programmes Sub-degree programmes
深造課程 學士學位課程 副學位課程
文學碩士: 文學副學士:
• 中國文學 62
• 中國人文學科 64–65 • 中國語言及文學 63
• 實用翻譯 73
• 中國語言及文學 62–63 • 中國人文學科 65
• 文化及保育旅遊(中文版) 39
• 語言與翻譯 66–67 • 中英語文 71
Master of Arts in: • 中英語文 69–70
• Applied English Linguistics 72 Associate of Social Sciences 61
• Cultural and Heritage Tourism 38 Bachelor of Social Sciences 59
Associate of Social Sciences 55
(English Version) Bachelor of Social Sciences 59
in Liberal Studies­­­
• Legal Translation 75 with Honours
Diploma/Higher Diploma in:
Master of Social Sciences in: Bachelor of Social Sciences/
• Economics 43
• Liberal Studies 52 Bachelor of Social Sciences with
• Industrial-Organizational 58 Honours in: • 語言與翻譯 68
Psychology • Law Enforcement and 47, 51
• 中國研究 34–36
Security Management
實用翻譯深造文憑 74 China Studies 34–36
• Economics 41–42 Higher Diploma in Psychology 61
Postgraduate Diploma in: • Economics 42
• Applied English Linguistics 72 (with Finance or Management) 語言文憑 67
• Cultural and Heritage Tourism 40 • Law Enforcement and 44–47, 49–50
• Liberal Studies 53 Certificate in Law Enforcement 48
Security Management
• Liberal Studies (Content and 53 and Security Management
• Liberal Studies 54
Pedagogy) • Public Administration 56–57 執法及保安管理證書 48
Postgraduate Certificate in:
• Cultural and Heritage Tourism 40
• Liberal Studies 53
34 人文社會科學院 ● 中國研究課程

China Studies programmes 中國研究課程

The China Studies programmes will help you 中國研究課程可幫助學生了解中國正在經歷的經濟、政
understand the dynamic economic, political and 治及社會方面的急速轉變、中國在地區和世界事務上所
social forces that are transforming China, China’s
role in regional and global affairs, and its relationship 扮演的角色,以及中國與香港的關係。學生修讀本課程
with Hong Kong. Knowledge and skills acquired in 所取得的知識和技能,對其在香港及中國內地的事業發
the process of studying this programme will serve 展,將大有裨益。
you well throughout your professional career in Hong
Kong and China. 學分豁免
Advanced standing/Credit exemption 持有專上學歷的人士可申請學分豁免。持有認可的本地
Holders of post A-level qualifications at an 副學士學位或高級文憑的人士,最高可獲豁免修讀80
appropriate level may obtain exemptions. Associate 學分。詳情請參閱第21頁。
Degree holders and Higher Diploma holders can
obtain an exemption of up to 80 credits. For details, 教學語言
please see p. 20.
Language of instruction
The 120-credit degree programme can be completed
either in Chinese or English or both Chinese and
English. The Honours Degree programme (160 credits)
has to be completed in both English and Chinese.
Planning note
SOSC A101或SOSC A111C 和 SOSC A112C。
New students should consider taking SOSC A101
or SOSC A111C and SOSC A112C as their first 註:
1. 科目編號以“1”起首的,為基礎程度科目。
Notes: 科目編號以“2”起首的,為中級程度科目。
1 Foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘1’. 科目編號以“3”或“4”起首的,為高級程度科目。
Middle level courses: course codes starting with ‘2’.
2. 學分值列於科目名稱後面的括號之內。
Higher level courses: course codes starting with ‘3’ and ‘4’.
2 The credit value is given at the end of each course. 3. 標有星號( * )的科目會在列表上重複出現,但只可選修
3 Courses marked with an asterisk (*) appear in several lists 一次。
but can only be taken ONCE. 4. 某些課程容許學生在本科課程之外選修其他科目,惟學生
4 Where a programme allows students to select additional 必須核對所選的科目是否屬於“不可兼修”的類別,不可
courses from outside the programme, students must check
their selected courses against the Excluded Combinations list
on p. 36 of the Courses Supplement. Only one of the courses 兼修的科目組合內的其中一科計算入有關的課程之內。
in an excluded combination can count towards an OUHK award.

For enquiries about the programmes, please contact: Dr Kwong Che Leung 鄺志良博士
查詢課程內容,請聯絡: Tel: 2768 5719
Prof. So Wai Chor 蘇維初教授
Tel: 2768 5702 Dr Percy Lui 呂聯添博士
Email: Tel: 2768 5729
Prof. Chiu Yu Lok 趙雨樂教授
Tel: 2768 5704 Mr Edmund Cheng 鄭煒先生
Email: Tel: 2768 5741
School website:
China Studies programmes 35

SOCI A202 Hong Kong Society (10) or SOCI A202C

Bachelor’s Degree programmes
香港社會 (10)

Bachelor of Social Sciences in China (e) 20 credits from courses:

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
Studies — BSSCCS 選修以下科目,取得 20 學分:
Students pursuing this programme must successfully CHIN A362C 中國當代文學 (10)
complete at least 120 credits as follows. CHST A300C 中國法律與法制 (10)
CHST A301 Critical Issues in Contemporary China (10)
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢以下科目,取得至少 120 CHST A303C 中國對外貿易與投資 (10)
學分。詳情如下: CHST A304C1 中國當代史 (10)
CHST A312 Global Politics and China (10)
(a) 20 credits from: CHST A322 Governing China (10)
POLS A301 International Organizations (10)
選修以下科目,取得 20 學分:
PUAD A301 Public Sector Management in Hong Kong
SOSC A101 Social Sciences: A Foundation Course (20) (10)
or SOSC A101W Social Sciences: A
Foundation Course (20) (f) an additional 20 credits from any Foundation,
or both Middle or Higher level courses offered by the
SOSC A111C 社會科學基礎課程:心理學與社會學 (10) University, provided that, of the total 120 credits,
or SOSC A111CW 社會科學基礎課程︰心理 no more than 40 are gained at Foundation level.◊
學與社會學 (10)
SOSC A112C 社會科學基礎課程:經濟學與政治學 (10) 取得 20 學分;但在 120 學分總數中,不得在基礎

(b) 10 credits from courses: 程度科目取得多於 40 學分。◊

選修以下科目,取得 10 學分: ◊
See Note 4 on p. 34. 參閱第34頁註4。
BUS B101C 中國商貿普通話 (5)
CHIN A171C 應用文 (5)
CHIN A172C 語文通論 (5)
ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5)
ENGL E110 English for Effective Communication I:
Listening and Speaking (5)
ENGL A120 English for Effective Communication I:
Reading and Writing (5)
IT S123 Introduction to Internet Services and
Applications (10)
PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5)

(c) 30 credits from courses:

選修以下科目,取得 30 學分:
CHIN A270C 中國文學與文化導論 (10)
CHST A201 Understanding Chinese Society (10)
CHST A202C 當代中國文化 (10)
ECON A202C 當代中國經濟發展 (10)
HIST A2021 Modern China (1900–1978) (10)
LIBS A201 The Pacific Century (10)
HIST A202 forms an excluded combination with CHST A304C.
HIST A202 和 CHST A304C 為不可兼修科目。

(d) 20 credits from courses:

選修以下科目,取得 20 學分:
ECON A203 Hong Kong Economy (10)
HIST A213 A History of Hong Kong (1842–1997) (10)
or HIST A213C 香港歷史 ﹙1842-1997﹚ (10)
LESM A201 Hong Kong Criminal Justice System (10)
POLS A211 Government and Politics of Hong Kong or
POLS A211C 香港政府及政治 (10)
36 人文社會科學院 ● 中國研究課程

Bachelor of Social Sciences with (h) an additional 20 credits from any Foundation,
Honours in China Studies — BSSCHCS Middle or Higher level courses offered by the
University, provided that, of the total 160 credits,
Students pursuing this programme must successfully no more than 40 are gained at Foundation level.◊
complete at least 160 credits as follows.
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢以下科目,取得至少 160
取得 20 學分;但在 160 學分總數中,不得在基礎
程度科目取得多於 40 學分。◊
(a) 20 credits from courses in (a) in BSSCCS on p. 35. ◊
See Note 4 on p. 34. 參閱第34頁註4。
選修第 35 頁 BSSCCS 課程 (a) 項所列的科目,取得
20 學分。

(b) 10 credits from courses in (b) in BSSCCS.

選修 BSSCCS 課程 (b) 項所列的科目,取得 10 學分。

(c) 30 credits from courses in (c) in BSSCCS,

選修 BSSCCS 課程 (c) 項所列的科目,取得 30 學分,
LIBS A201 The Pacific Century (10)

(d) 20 credits from courses in (d) in BSSCCS.

選修 BSSCCS 課程 (d) 項所列的科目,取得 20 學分:

(e) 10 credits from:

修畢以下科目,取得 10 學分:
LIBS A201 The Pacific Century (10)

(f) 10 credits from courses:

選修以下科目,取得 10 學分:
CHST A312 Global Politics and China (10)*
POLS A301 International Organizations (10)*

(g) 40 credits from courses:

選修以下科目,取得 40 學分:
CHIN A362C 中國當代文學 (10)
CHST A300C 中國法律與法制 (10)
CHST A301 Critical Issues in Contemporary China (10)
CHST A303C 中國對外貿易與投資 (10)
CHST A304C1 中國當代史 (10)
CHST A312 Global Politics and China (10)*
CHST A322 Governing China (10)
POLS A301 International Organizations (10)*
PUAD A301 Public Sector Management in Hong Kong

CHST A304C forms an excluded combination with HIST A202.
HIST A202 和 CHST A304C 為不可兼修科目。
Cultural and Heritage Tourism programmes 37

Postgraduate Programmes 文化及保育旅遊課程

in Cultural and Heritage (深造課程)

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
Tourism 本課程從文化、保育、歷史、人類學、社會學及經濟學

The Cultural and Heritage Tourism programmes 角度探討文化及保育旅遊,為香港各大學院校中首個同

examine cultural and heritage tourism from the 類課程,適合非政府組織人員、教育界、文化及保育界
cultural, heritage, historical, anthropological,
sociological, and economic angles. These are the first
programmes of its kind in Hong Kong. Individuals 面有興趣之公眾人士修讀。
from NGOs, the educational, cultural and heritage
fields in general, public and private organizations
concerned with cultural and heritage tourism,
and the enlightened general public will find the
programmes to be of interest.

Mode and length of study 修讀模式及年期

Courses of the programmes are delivered by 課程中各科目均於晚間上課(星期一至五),包括講座
means of weekly lectures and tutorials conducted
in the evening over one semester of study (with 及導修課在內。出席率要求為百分之七十以上。每科於
the exception of the research project). There is 一學期內完成(研究報告除外)。每學年分兩個學期,
an attendance requirement of seventy per cent. 即九月及一月學期。學生最快可於一個學年完成課程,
There are two semesters in one academic year, in
September and January respectively. Students should
be able to complete the programme in a minimum of
one year, but are allowed a maximum of four years of
first registration in the programme to complete their

Note: In the following, courses with the ‘F’ suffix 註:

use English as the language of instruction; courses 以下科目編號中末端英文字母為 「CF」之科目以中文授課,
with the ‘CF’ suffix use Chinese as the language of 末端英文字母為 「F」之科目以英文授課。

For enquiries about the programmes, please contact: Programme-specific entry requirements:

Prof. Raymond Lau 劉榮錦教授

Applicants should normally possess a bachelor’s
Tel: 27685728
degree from a recognized tertiary education
institution, or equivalent. Applicants must be
fluent in both English and Chinese (both spoken
Prof. Chiu Yu Lok 趙雨樂教授 and written).
Tel: 27685704
Email: 課程指定入學條件 :

Dr Charles Kwong 鄺志良博士 申請人一般應持有認可大學學士或同等學歷/資

Tel: 27685719

Mr Edmund Cheng 鄭煒先生

Tel: 27685741

School website:

38 人文社會科學院 ● 文化及保育旅遊課程

Master of Arts in Cultural (c) Either one of the following two 5-credit mutually
and Heritage Tourism exclusive courses:

(English Version) — MACAHT 以下兩科中選修其中一科:

CAHT A800CF 文化及保育旅遊研究方法及寫作(5)

文化及保育旅遊文學碩士(英文版)— CAHT A800F Graduate Research Writing & Methods for
MACAHT Cultural & Heritage Tourism (5)

( This programme will accept new students in the Note: The contents of these two courses are identical, CAHT A800CF
is in Chinese, while CAHT A800F is in English.
September semester only.)
(d) Either one of the following two 20-credit
mutually exclusive courses:
Important Note:
There is a specific New Students Application
Form for this programme. Please download the CAHT A820 Research Project in Cultural & Heritage
form from the following website: Tourism (project to be written in English) (20)
CAHT A820C 文化及保育旅遊研究報告 (報告須以中文撰寫)
Application deadline: 31 July 2014

Students pursuing this programme must successfully

complete at least 60 credits as follows. They must
select courses in such a way that at least 40 credits are
earned from courses with English as the medium of
學 生 必 須 完 成 最 少 60 學 分, 選 科 按 以 下 規 定, 其 中
40 學分必須為以英文授課之科目。

(a) 20 credits from the following courses:

從以下選修 20 學分:

CAHT A801F Tourism and Contemporary Society (5)

CAHT A802CF 中國文化、歷史與旅遊 (5)
CAHT A803F Heritage and Tourism (5)
CAHT A804F Economics of Tourism (5)

(b) 15 credits from the following courses:

從以下選修 15 學分:

CAHT A812F Heritage Preservation in Hong Kong (5)

CAHT A813F Principles and Practices in Conservation:
An Asian Perspective (5)
CAHT A810CF 香港歷史、社會與文化 (5)
CAHT A811CF 香港文化專題探討及鑑賞:非物質文化遺產
Cultural and Heritage Tourism programmes 39

Master of Arts in Cultural (c) Either one of the following two 5-credit mutually
exclusive courses:
and Heritage Tourism
(Chinese Version) — MACAHTC

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
CAHT A800CF 文化及保育旅遊研究方法及寫作(5)
文化及保育旅遊文學碩士(中文版)— CAHT A800F Graduate Research Writing & Methods for
Cultural & Heritage Tourism (5)
Note: The contents of these two courses are identical, CAHT A800CF
( This programme will accept new students in the is in Chinese, while CAHT A800F is in English.
September semester only. 註:以上兩科內容相同,一以中文授課,一以英文授課。
(d) Either one of the following two 20-credit
mutually exclusive courses:
Important Note: 以下兩科中選修其中一科:
There is a specific New Students Application CAHT A820 Research Project in Cultural & Heritage
Form for this programme. Please download the Tourism (project to be written in English)(20)
form from the following website: CAHT A820C 文化及保育旅遊研究報告 (報告須以中文撰寫)
Application deadline: 31 July 2014

Students pursuing this programme must successfully

complete at least 60 credits as follows. They must
select courses in such a way that at least 40 credits are
earned from courses with Chinese as the medium of
學 生 必 須 完 成 最 少 60 學 分, 選 科 按 以 下 規 定, 其 中
40 學分必須為以中文授課之科目。

(a) 20 credits from the following courses:

從以下選修 20 學分:

CAHT A801F Tourism and Contemporary Society (5)

CAHT A802CF 中國文化、歷史與旅遊 (5)
CAHT A803F Heritage and Tourism (5)
CAHT A804F Economics of Tourism (5)

(b) 15 credits from the following courses:

從以下選修 15 學分:

CAHT A812F Heritage Preservation in Hong Kong (5)

CAHT A813F Principles and Practices in Conservation:
An Asian Perspective (5)
CAHT A810CF 香港歷史、社會與文化 (5)
CAHT A811CF 香港文化專題探討及鑑賞:非物質文化遺產
40 人文社會科學院 ● 文化及保育旅遊課程

Postgraduate Diploma in Postgraduate Certificate in

Cultural and Heritage Cultural and Heritage
Tourism — PDCAHT Tourism — PCCAHT
文化及保育旅遊深造文憑 — PDCAHT 文化及保育旅遊深造證書 — PCCAHT
( This programme will accept new students in the ( This programme will accept new students in the
September semester only. September semester only.
本課程只於每年九月學期招收新生) 本課程只於每年九月學期招收新生)

Important Note: Important Note:

There is a specific New Students Application There is a specific New Students Application
Form for this programme. Please download the Form for this programme. Please download the
form from the following website: form from the following website:
Application deadline: 31 July 2014 Application deadline: 31 July 2014

Students pursuing this programme must successfully Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 40 credits as follows. The credit complete at least 20 credits as follows. The credit
value of each course is given in brackets at the end of value of each course is given in brackets at the end of
the course title. the course title.
學生必須完成最少 40 學分。每科目之學分值見於末端括 學生必須完成最少 20 學分。每科目之學分值見於末端括
號內。 號內。

(a) 20 credits from the following courses: (a) 10 credits from the following courses:
以下選修 20 學分: 以下選修 10 學分:
CAHT A801F Tourism and Contemporary Society (5) CAHT A801F Tourism and Contemporary Society (5)
CAHT A802CF 中國文化、歷史與旅遊 (5) CAHT A802CF 中國文化、歷史與旅遊 (5)
CAHT A803F Heritage and Tourism (5) CAHT A803F Heritage and Tourism (5)
CAHT A804F Economics of Tourism (5)
(b) 10 credits from the following courses:
(b) 20 credits from the following courses:
以下選修 10 學分:
以下選修 20 學分:
CAHT A810CF 香港歷史、社會與文化 (5)
CAHT A810CF 香港歷史、社會與文化 (5) CAHT A811CF 香港文化專題探討及鑑賞:非物質文化遺產
CAHT A811CF 香港文化專題探討及鑑賞:非物質文化遺產 (5) (5)
CAHT A812F Heritage Preservation in Hong Kong (5) CAHT A812F Heritage Preservation in Hong Kong (5)
CAHT A813F Principles and Practices in Conservation: CAHT A813F Principles and Practices in Conservation:
An Asian Perspective (5) An Asian Perspective (5)
CAHT A800F Graduate Research Writing & Methods for
Cultural & Heritage Tourism (5)** Note: Students who wish to articulate to the master’s degree later
CAHT A800CF 文化及保育旅遊研究方法及寫作(5)** should select courses that conform to the requirements of
either the English or Chinese version of the degree.
** These two courses of identical contents form an excluded 註: 計劃銜接碩士課程之學生應當留意,在按上述(a)及(b)
combination, i.e. students can take only either one or the 選科時,應當配合碩士課程之有關選科規定。
other, but not both.
** 以上兩科只能選修其中一科

Note: Students who wish to articulate to the master’s degree later

should select courses that conform to the requirements of
either the English or Chinese version of the degree.
註: 計劃銜接碩士課程之學生應當留意,在按上述(a)及(b)
Economics programmes 41

Economics programmes For enquiries about the programmes, please contact:

Dr Charles Kwong 鄺志良博士

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
The global trend towards a digital economy Tel: 2768 5719
and the rapid economic development of China, Email:
including her accession into the WTO, are having
a profound impact in redefining Hong Kong’s Dr Michael Ng 吳志文博士
economic landscape. This creates a demand for Tel: 2768 6458
versatile professionals who are competent in using Email:
economic tools and paradigms in both the private
Dr Eddie Cheung 張子亮博士
and public sectors. To contribute to these human
Tel: 2768 5752
resource needs, the OUHK’s School of Arts and
Scocial Sciences offers the following programmes
in Economics. Ms Yuka Chan 陳家如女士
Tel: 2768 5723
Advanced standing/Credit exemption
Holders of recognized post A-level qualifications
may be granted exemptions. Associate Degree School website:
holders and Higher Diploma holders from
recognized local programmes may obtain an
exemption of up to 80 credits. For details, please
see p. 20. Bachelor’s Degree programmes
Planning note
Bachelor of Social Sciences in
At the undergraduate level, students should
Economics — BSSCE
consider registering for one or more of the
following courses: ENGL A101, BIS B123, BUS Students pursuing this programme must successfully
B171, IT E150, MATH S122 or SOSC A112C. complete at least 120 credits as follows. Of the 120
credits required for the attainment of the degree,
students can complete up to 40 credits of courses in

(a) 50 credits of compulsory courses:

ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5)
IT E150 Microcomputing for Learning (5) or
BIS B123 Business Computing Applications
MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)
or both
BUS B1711 Business Statistics (5) and
BUS B272 Quantitative Methods for
Decision Making (5)
Notes: ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
1 Foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘1’. and ECON A232 Introduction to
Middle level courses: course codes starting with ‘2’. Macroeconomics (5); or
Higher level courses: course codes starting with ‘3’ or ‘4’. ECON A231C 微觀經濟學導論 (5) and
ECON A232C 宏觀經濟學導論 (5)
2 The credit value is given at the end of each course.
MATH S242 Statistics in Society (10)
3 Courses marked with an asterisk (*) appear in several lists ECON A311 Intermediate Microeconomics (5)
but can only be taken ONCE. ECON A312 Intermediate Macroeconomics (5)
4 Where a programme allows students to select additional 1
courses from outside the programme, students must check Students who choose to take BUS B171 must also take BUS B272.
(It is also advised that students should take BUS B171 before
their selected courses against the Excluded Combinations
taking BUS B272.)
list on p. 36 of the Courses Supplement. Only one of the
courses in an excluded combination can count towards an
OUHK award.
42 人文社會科學院 ● 經濟學課程

(b) 40 credits, of which at least 10 credits must be ECON A317 Theory of Public Finance (5)
gained at Higher level, from courses: ECON A318 Economic Analysis of Public Policy (5)
MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
SOSC A112C 社會科學基礎課程:經濟學與政治學 (10)
Behaviour (5)
ECON A201 Economics of E-Commerce and Technology
PUAD A302 Government and Business (10)
ECON A202C 當代中國經濟發展 (10) (d) 10 credits from courses in (c) in BSSCE.
ECON A203 Hong Kong Economy (10)
LIBS A201 The Pacific Century (10) (e) an additional 20 credits from any courses at
ECON A305 Money and Banking (10) Foundation, Middle or Higher level offered by the
ECON A313 Introductory Econometrics (5) University, provided that, of the total 160 credits,
ECON A314 Econometrics and Forecasting (5) no more than 40 are gained at Foundation level.◊
ECON A315 International Trade (5) ◊
See Note 4 on p. 41.
ECON A316 International Finance (5)
ECON A317 Theory of Public Finance (5)
ECON A318 Economic Analysis of Public Policy (5) Bachelor of Social Sciences with
MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
Honours in Economics (with Finance)
Behaviour (5)
PUAD A302 Government and Business (10) — BSSCHEF
(c) 10 credits from courses: Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 160 credits as follows. Of the 160
ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5) credits required for the attainment of the honours
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5) degree, students can complete up to 50 credits of
MGT B240C 管理原理與實務 (5) courses in Chinese.
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)
(a) 50 credits from courses in (a) in BSSCE on p. 41.
MKT B250C 市場學導論 (5)
(d) an additional 20 credits from any courses at (b) 10 credits from:
ECON A313 Introductory Econometrics (5)
Foundation, Middle or Higher level offered by the
ECON A314 Econometrics and Forecasting (5)
University, provided that, of the total 120 credits,
no more than 40 are gained at Foundation level.◊ (c) 60 credits, of which at least 20 credits must be

See Note 4 on p. 41. gained at Higher level, from courses in (c) in
BSSCHE on the left.

Bachelor of Social Sciences with (d) 20 credits from courses:

Honours in Economics — BSSCHE ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
complete at least 160 credits as follows. Of the 160 FIN B386 Financial Decision Making (5)
credits required for the attainment of the honours (e) 20 credits from courses:
degree, students can complete up to 50 credits of ACT B311 Financial Accounting (5)
courses in Chinese. FIN B384 Insurance (5)
FIN B388 Banking Systems (5)
(a) 50 credits from courses in (a) in BSSCE on p. 41. FIN B389 Financial Markets (5)
FIN B484 Financial Institutions Management (5)
(b) 10 credits from:
FIN B485 Special Topics in Management of Financial
ECON A313 Introductory Econometrics (5)
Institutions (5)
ECON A314 Econometrics and Forecasting (5)

(c) 70 credits, of which at least 30 credits must be

Bachelor of Social Sciences with
gained at Higher level, from courses:
SOSC A112C 社會科學基礎課程:經濟學與政治學 (10)
Honours in Economics (with
ECON A201 Economics of E-Commerce and Technology Management) — BSSCHEM
(10) Students pursuing this programme must successfully
ECON A202C 當代中國經濟發展 (10) complete at least 160 credits as follows. Of the 160
ECON A203 Hong Kong Economy (10)
credits required for the attainment of the honours
LIBS A201 The Pacific Century (10)
degree, students can complete up to 50 credits of
ECON A305 Money and Banking (10)
ECON A315 International Trade (5) courses in Chinese.
ECON A316 International Finance (5) (a) 50 credits from courses in (a) in BSSCE on p. 41.
Economics programmes 43

(b) 10 credits from: ECON A203 Hong Kong Economy (10)

ECON A313 Introductory Econometrics (5) ECON A305 Money and Banking (10)
ECON A314 Econometrics and Forecasting (5) ECON A311 Intermediate Microeconomics (5)
ECON A312 Intermediate Macroeconomics (5)

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
(c) 60 credits, of which at least 20 credits must be ECON A313 Introductory Econometrics (5)
gained at Higher level, from courses in (c) in ECON A314 Econometrics and Forecasting (5)
BSSCHE (Honours programme). ECON A315 International Trade (5)
ECON A316 International Finance (5)
(d) 20 credits from courses in (c) in BSSCE.
ECON A317 Theory of Public Finance (5)
(e) 20 credits from courses: ECON A318 Economic Analysis of Public Policy (5)
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5) PUAD A302 Government and Business (10)
FIN B386 Financial Decision Making (5)
(d) additional courses to obtain the total of 90 credits
FIN B388 Banking Systems (5)
FIN B389 Financial Markets (5) required for the award from (a) and (c) and the
MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5) following selection:
MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5) ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
MGT B396 Asia Pacific Issues in International ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
Management (5) MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
MGT B397 Global Issues in Management (5) MGT B240C 管理原理與實務 (5)
MKT B390 International Business Management (10) MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)
MGT B440 Strategic Management of Human Resources (10) MKT B250C 市場學導論 (5)
MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
Behaviour (5)
Sub-degree programmes
Diploma in Economics — DEC
Higher Diploma in Economics — HDEC
Students pursuing the Diploma in Economics must
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
successfully complete at least 60 credits as follows.
complete at least 90 credits as follows. Of the 90
Of the 60 credits required for the attainment of the
credits required for the attainment of the Higher
Diploma, students can complete up to 20 credits of
Diploma, students can complete up to 30 credits of
courses in Chinese.
courses in Chinese.
(a) at least 5 credits from courses:
(a) at least 5 credits from courses: BIS B123 Business Computing Applications (5) or
BIS B123 Business Computing Applications (5) or IT E150 Microcomputing for Learning (5)
IT E150 Microcomputing for Learning (5) ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5)
ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5) MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)
or one/both of:
(b) 30 credits of compulsory courses: BUS B171 Business Statistics (5)
MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10) BUS B272 Quantitative Methods for
or both BUS B1711 Business Statistics (5) Decision Making (5)
and BUS B272 Quantitative Methods for
Decision Making (5) (b) 10 credits from courses:
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5) and ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5) or
ECON A232 Introduction to ECON A231C 微觀經濟學導論 (5)
Macroeconomics (5); or ECON A231C 微觀 ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5) or
經濟學導論 (5) and ECON A232C 宏觀經濟 ECON A232C 宏觀經濟學導論 (5)
學導論 (5)
(c) 30 credits from courses in (c) in HDEC.
ECON A311 Intermediate Microeconomics (5) and
ECON A312 Intermediate Macroeconomics (d) additional courses to obtain the total of 60 credits
(5) required for the award from (a) and (c) above and
Students who choose to take BUS B171 must also take BUS B272. the following selection:
(It is also advised that students should take BUS B171 before
ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
taking BUS B272.)
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
(c) 40 credits from the following courses other than MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
those taken in fulfilment of (b) above: MGT B240C 管理原理與實務 (5)
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)
SOSC A112C 社會科學基礎課程:經濟學與政治學 (10)
MKT B250C 市場學導論 (5)
ECON A201 Economics of E-Commerce and Technology
MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
Behaviour (5)
ECON A202C 當代中國經濟發展 (10)
44 人文社會科學院 ● 執法及保安管理課程

Law Enforcement and Security Management programmes

Distance-learning programmes
• For Junior Police Officers who have graduated from the Hong Kong Police College (HKPC), please go to pages 49–51.
• For all other persons (non-HKPC/CLESMC graduates), please refer to pages 45–48.
• Special financial subsidy is available for all serving police officers with effect from April 2007. Enquiries: Ms mary
Chue 2768 5727, Ms Fandy Li 2768 5717.

• 執法及保安管理證書—中文授課兼讀面授課程(CLESMC)專供於2006年7月前完成學警基礎訓練課程的在職警務人員修讀,詳情
• 已完成執法及保安管理證書—中文授課兼讀面授課程(CLESMC)之警務人員,請翻閱第49﹣51頁。
• 從2007年3月開始,在職警務人員可享有學費資助。詳情請向朱慧雯小姐(2768 5727)或李少芬小姐(2768 5717)查詢。

Law Enforcement and Security Management

programmes — For non-HKPC/CLESMC graduates
Lifelong learning and self-upgrading are the trends today, and this applies to members of the disciplined services
and private security professionals as much as to other professions and occupations. The Law Enforcement and
Security Management (LESM) programmes are designed to meet the special needs of local professionals working
in these fields.
Advanced standing/Credit exemption
Holders of post A-level qualifications at an appropriate level may obtain exemptions. Associate Degree holders
and Higher Diploma holders can obtain an exemption of up to 80 credits. For details, please see p. 20.
Planning note
Students with no credit exemptions are highly recommended to take SOSC A111C and ENGL A101. Those who
have credit exemptions are advised to take LESM A201, LESM A202, LESM A203 or LESM A204.
1 Pre-foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘0’.
Foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘1’.
Middle level courses: course codes starting with ‘2’.
Higher level courses: course codes starting with ‘3’.
2 The credit value is given at the end of each course.
3 Courses marked with an asterisk (*) appear in several lists but can only be taken ONCE.
4 Where a programme allows students to select additional courses from outside the programme, students must check their selected
courses against the Excluded Combinations list on p. 36 of the Courses Supplement. Only one of the courses in an excluded
combination can count towards an OUHK award.

For enquiries about the programmes, please contact:

Prof. Raymond Lau 劉榮錦教授 Ms Grace Au 區穎恩女士

Tel: 2768 5728 Tel: 2768 5705
Email: Email:

Dr Garland Liu 廖靜玫博士 Ms Hesta Ho 何詠欣女士

Tel: 2768 5713 Tel: 2768 5743
Email: Email:

Mr Wayne Chan 陳詠倫先生 School website:

Tel: 2768 6848
Law Enforcement and Security Management programmes 45

Bachelor’s Degree programmes (e) an additional 20 credits from any of the above
courses in (b) to (d) or any Foundation, Middle
Bachelor of Social Sciences in Law or Higher level courses offered by the University,

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
provided that, of the total 120 credits, no more
Enforcement and Security Management
than 40 credits are at Foundation level. ◊

See Note 4 on p. 44.
BSSCLESM1 — Pathway 1
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
Bachelor of Social Sciences with
complete at least 120 credits as follows. Of the 120
Honours in Law Enforcement and
credits required for the attainment of the degree, students
can complete up to 40 credits of courses in Chinese. Security Management — BSSCHLESM1/
(a) 40 credits of compulsory courses:
LESM A201 Hong Kong Criminal Justice System (10) There are three pathways for students pursuing this
LESM A202 Police and Society (10) programme.
LESM A203 Psychology for Law Enforcement (10)
LESM A204 Security Practice and Management (10) BSSCHLESM1 — Pathway 1

(b) 20 credits from courses:

Programme-specific entry requirements: None
BIS B123 Business Computing Applications (5)
BUS B171 Business Statistics (5)
CHIN A171C 應用文 (5) Students pursuing this programme through Pathway
ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5)
1 must successfully complete at least 160 credits
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5)
MGT B160 Business Management Fundamentals (5) as follows. Of the 160 credits required for the
PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5) attainment of the degree, students can complete up to
SOSC A1011 Social Sciences: A Foundation Course (20) 50 credits of courses in Chinese.
SOSC A111C 社會科學基礎課程:心理學與社會學 (10)
社會科學基礎課程:經濟學與政治學 (10) (a) 50 credits of compulsory courses:
1 LESM A201 Hong Kong Criminal Justice System (10)
SOSC A101 forms excluded combinations with SOSC A111C and
SOSC A112C. LESM A202 Police and Society (10)
LESM A203 Psychology for Law Enforcement (10)
(c) 20 credits from courses: LESM A204 Security Practice and Management (10)
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5) or LESM A304 Research Methods in Law Enforcement and
ECON A231C 微觀經濟學導論 (5) Security Studies (10)
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5) or
ECON A232C 宏觀經濟學導論 (5) (b) 20 credits from courses in (b) in BSSCLESM1 on
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5) the left.
POLS A201 Introduction to Political Science (10) or
POLS A201C 政治學導論 (10) (c) 30 credits from courses in (c) in BSSCLESM1.
POLS A211 Government and Politics of Hong Kong (10)
or POLS A211C 香港政府及政治 (10) (d) 40 credits from the following courses, of which 10
PUAD A201 Introduction to Public Policy and credits should be from LESM A301 or LESM A305;
Administration (10) students may take both LESM A301 and
SOCI A202 Hong Kong Society (10) or SOCI A202C 香港
LESM A305, if they choose to do so.
社會 (10)
LESM A301 Core Issues in Policing (10)
(d) 20 credits from the following courses, of which 10 LESM A302 Public Order Management (5)
credits should be from LESM A301 or LESM A305; LESM A303 Law Enforcement and Policing in Chinese
Societies (5)
students may take both LESM A301 and
LESM A305 Major Issues in Criminology and Penology (10)
LESM A305, if they choose to do so. PUAD A301 Public Sector Management in Hong Kong (10)
LESM A301 Core Issues in Policing (10) SOCI A301 Crime and Justice (20)
LESM A302 Public Order Management (5) MGT B440 Strategic Management of Human Resources (10)
LESM A303 Law Enforcement and Policing in Chinese
Societies (5) (e) an additional 20 credits from any of the above
LESM A304 Research Methods in Law Enforcement and courses in (b) to (d) or any Foundation, Middle
Security Studies (10) or Higher level courses offered by the University,
LESM A305 Major Issues in Criminology and Penology (10)
provided that, of the total 160 credits, no more
PUAD A301 Public Sector Management in Hong Kong (10)
MGT B440 Strategic Management of Human Resources (10) than 40 credits are at Foundation level. ◊

See Note 4 on p. 44.
46 人文社會科學院 ● 執法及保安管理課程

BSSCHLESM2 — Pathway 2 (for students with the PUAD A201 Introduction to Public Policy and
following background who have completed a Diploma Administration (10)
SOCI A202 Hong Kong Society (10) or SOCI A202C 香港
in Law Enforcement and Security Mangement)
社會 (10)
Junior Police Officers of the Hong Kong Police Force; (d) 40 credits from courses in (d) in BSSCHLESM1
Customs Officers and above and Assistant Trade on p. 45, of which 10 credits should be from
Controls Officers and above of the Customs and Excise LESM A301 or LESM A305; students may take both
Department; and Assistant Officers II and above of LESM A301 and LESM A305, if they choose to do so.
the Correctional Services Department may pursue the
programme through Pathway 2.
1 Courses listed here that have already been taken in
Programme-specific entry requirements: fulfilment of the Diploma may not be taken again
to count towards this programme (Pathway 2). If
To enter the programme through this Pathway, you credits are gained from courses at Pre-foundation
shall be: level for the Diploma, the same number of credits
a Junior Police Officer, Customs Officer or above, from courses at Foundation level or above have to
Assistant Trade Controls Officer or above, or be completed from pursuing this pathway.
Assistant Officer II or above, who has successfully 2 Diploma holders awarded or pursuing this 80-
completed the Diploma in Law Enforcement and credit B.Soc.Sc. (Hons) Degree programme are
Security Management (60 credits at Foundation, not eligible to use their Diploma qualifications
Middle or Higher level courses 1) plus two in Law Enforcement and Security Management
to apply for conversion to higher awards of other
subsequent years of working experience in
programmes by means of articulation.
the Hong Kong Police Force, the Customs and
3 Students wishing to pursue this programme must
Excise Department, or the Correctional Services
directly articulate from the Diploma in LESM
Department as the case may be.3
to this programme, and are not allowed to use
the Diploma to articulate either to the Higher
Students pursuing this programme through Pathway 2 Diploma in LESM or the B.Soc.Sc. in LESM before
must successfully complete at least 80 credits as follows: articulating to this programme.
(a) 20 credits from courses: 4 Courses marked with an asterisk (*) appear in
LESM A201 Hong Kong Criminal Justice System (10) several lists but can only be taken ONCE.
LESM A304 Research Methods in Law Enforcement and
Security Studies (10)
BSSCHLESM3 — Pathway 3
(Note: If LESM A201 has already been taken in fulfilment of the Police Inspectors and above of the Hong Kong Police
Diploma in Law Enforcement and Security Management, students are Force, Inspectors and above of the Customs and Excise
required to choose an additional 10 credits from courses in (c ) below Department, and Officers and above of the Correctional
other than those taken in fulfilment of the stated Diploma programme.)
Services Department may pursue the programme
(b) at least 10 credits from courses: through Pathway 3.
LESM A203 Psychology for Law Enforcement (10) *
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5) *
Programme-specific entry requirements:
(Note: Students who have already taken LESM A203 in fulfilment of
the Diploma in LESM should take MGT B240 plus another 5 credits To enter the programme through this Pathway,
from (c) below to fulfil the present requirement. Students who you shall be:
have not yet taken LESM A203 should take it to fulfil the present
requirement.) (a) a Police Inspector or above who has passed the
Standard I and II Examinations administered
(c) 10 credits from courses:
by the Hong Kong Police Force plus two
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5) or
subsequent years of working experience at
ECON A231C 微觀經濟學導論 (5)
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5) or inspectorate grade† ; or
ECON A232C 宏觀經濟學導論 (5) (b) an Inspector or above of the Customs and
LESM A202 Police and Society (10) Excise Department who has EITHER passed
LESM A204 Security Practice and Management (10) the Promotion Qualifying Examination for
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5) *
Inspectors administered by the Customs and
POLS A201 Introduction to Political Science (10) or POLS
A201C 政治學導論 (10) Excise Department, OR who has three years of
POLS A211 Government and Politics of Hong Kong (10) working experience in the Customs and Excise
or POLS A211C 香港政府及政治 (10) Department at the inspectorate grade or above
after confirmation as Inspector; or
Law Enforcement and Security Management programmes 47

(c) an Officer or above of the Correctional Services (b) 30 credits from the following courses, but no more
Department who has passed the Promotion than 20 credits from courses presented in Chinese:
Qualifying Examination to Principal Officer ENGL E070 English for Post-secondary Study (5)

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
AND completed the Junior Command Course, BIS B123 Business Computing Applications (5)
BUS B171 Business Statistics (5)
both administered by the Correctional
CHIN A171C 應用文 (5)
Services Department, PLUS two years of ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5)
working experience as Officer or above in the ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5)
Correctional Services Department after the MGT B160 Business Management Fundamentals (5)
completion of the Junior Command Course. PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5)
  † SOSC A1011 Social Sciences: A Foundation Course (20)
Applicants who do not fulfil these criteria should contact the
Dean of the School of Arts and Social Sciences. SOSC A111C1 社會科學基礎課程:心理學與社會學 (10)
SOSC A112C1 社會科學基礎課程:經濟學與政治學 (10)
SOSC A101 forms excluded combinations with SOSC A111C and
Students pursuing this programme through Pathway SOSC A112C.
3 must successfully complete at least 100 credits as
(c) 10 credits from courses:
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5) or
(a) 20 credits from: ECON A231C 微觀經濟學導論 (5)
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5) or
LESM A201 Hong Kong Criminal Justice System (10)
ECON A232C 宏觀經濟學導論 (5)
LESM A304 Research Methods in Law Enforcement and
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
Security Studies (10)
POLS A201 Introduction to Political Science (10) or
(b) 20 credits from courses: POLS A201C 政治學導論 (10)
LESM A202 Police and Society (10) or LESM A202CF 警務 POLS A211 Government and Politics of Hong Kong (10)
社會學 (10) # or POLS A211C 香港政府及政治 (10)
LESM A203 Psychology for Law Enforcement (10) or PUAD A201 Introduction to Public Policy and
LESM A203CF 警務心理學 (10) # Administration (10)
LESM A204 Security Practice and Management (10) SOCI A202 Hong Kong Society (10) or SOCI A202C
香港社會 (10)
(c) 20 credits from courses in (c) in BSSCHLESM2 on
(d) 10 credits from courses:
p. 46 (other than those taken in (b)).
LESM A301 Core Issues in Policing (10)
(d) 40 credits from courses in (d) in BSSCHLESM1 on LESM A304 Research Methods in Law Enforcement and
p. 45, of which 10 credits should be from LESM A301 Security Studies (10)
LESM A305 Major Issues in Criminology and Penology (10)
or LESM A305; students may take both LESM A301
and LESM A305, if they choose to do so. Note:
LESM A202CF and LESM A203CF are only available for police 1 Credits gained in the Diploma can count towards
inspectors or above.
the requirements for the Higher Diploma through
Note: Courses taken in Chinese should not exceed 30 articulation of qualifications.
credits in total. 2 Students who intend to articulate to the B.Soc.Sc.
or B.Soc.Sc. (Hons) should note that credits from
Sub-degree programmes Pre-foundation level courses cannot be counted for
articulation purpose.
Higher Diploma in Law Enforcement
and Security Management — HDLESM1 Diploma in Law Enforcement and
HDLESM1 — Pathway 1 Security Management — DLESM1
Students pursuing this programme must successfully DLESM1 — Pathway 1
complete at least 90 credits as follows. Of the 90
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
credits required for the attainment of the Higher
complete at least 60 credits as follows. Of the 60
Diploma, students can complete up to 30 credits of
credits required for the attainment of the Diploma,
courses in Chinese.
students can complete up to 20 credits of courses in
(a) 40 credits from courses: Chinese.
LESM A201 Hong Kong Criminal Justice System (10)
LESM A202 Police and Society (10) (a) 20 credits from courses:
LESM A203 Psychology for Law Enforcement (10) LESM A202 Police and Society (10)
LESM A204 Security Practice and Management (10) LESM A204 Security Practice and Management (10)
48 人文社會科學院 ● 執法及保安管理課程

(b) 30 credits from courses in (b) in HDLESM1 but no 執法及保安管理證書 —

more than 10 credits from courses presented in
(c) 10 credits from courses in (c) in HDLESM1 on p. 47,
or: (本課程只於每年十月學期招收新生)
LESM A201 Hong Kong Criminal Justice System (10)
LESM A203 Psychology for Law Enforcement (10) 香港公開大學人文社會科學院於 2006 年 1 月開始,在

Note: 香港警察學院教授警政心理學及警政社會學兩個單元,
結業學警獲頒發執法及保安管理證書。2007 年 3 月開
1 Junior Police Officers, Customs Officers or above,
Assistant Trade Controls Officers or above, and 始,這個課程已擴展至所有已完成學警基礎訓練課程的
Assistant Officers II or above of the Correctional 在職警務人員。
Services Department who intend to pursue the
B.Soc.Sc. (Hons) should gain 30 credits from 與香港警察學院結業學警之證書完全相同
Foundation level courses.
2 Students who intend to articulate to the B.Soc.Sc.
完全相同。學員只需修讀警政心理學(7.5 學分)及警政
or B.Soc.Sc. (Hons) should note that credits from
Pre-foundation level courses cannot be counted 社會學(7.5 學分)兩個單元,便獲頒發證書(相等於
for articulation purpose. 30 學分)。該 30 學分可全數銜接到公開大學執法及保安
Certificate in Law Enforcement and 譽學士學位)。兩個單元之設計及內容均經香港警察學院
Security Management — CLESM 審核,最能切合警務處及在職警務人員的需要。
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 30 credits as follows: 課程指定入學條件

(a) 10 credits from courses: 現役香港警察的警務人員,並已完成香港警察的學警基

LESM A201 Hong Kong Criminal Justice System (10) 礎訓練課程(相等於香港公開大學 15 學分)。申請人
LESM A204 Security Practice and Management (10)
(b) 10 credits from courses:
LESM A202 Police and Society (10)
LESM A203 Psychology for Law Enforcement (10) (電話:2768 5727)或李小姐(電話:2768 5717)索取 。

(c) an additional 10 credits from (a) or (b) or the

following list of courses: 修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 15 學分。詳情如下:
ENGL E070 English for Post-secondary Study (5) LESM A205CF 警政社會學 (7.5)
CHIN A171C 應用文 (5)
LESM A206CF 警政心理學 (7.5)
ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5)
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5)
學生須先修讀 LESM A205CF,然後於下一學期修讀 LESM
SOSC A111C 社會科學基礎課程:心理學與社會學 (10)
SOSC A112C 社會科學基礎課程:經濟學與政治學 (10) A206CF。
Credits gained from the completion of courses at
Pre-foundation level or above in the Certificate • 課程兩個單元全部以中文授課
can count towards the requirements for the higher • 為方便前線警務人員修讀,本課程為兼讀面授課程,
awards of the Diploma and Higher Diploma in Law
Enforcement and Security Management through
articulation of qualifications. Credits gained from the 修讀時間
completion of courses at Foundation level or above
• 每個單元為期 20 週,每週一晚講座,另每兩週一晚
can count towards the requirements for the higher
awards of Bachelor of Social Sciences and Bachelor 導修課。
of Social Sciences with Honours in Law Enforcement • 學員可於一年內(連續兩個學期)完成整個課程。
and Security Management through articulation of
Law Enforcement and Security Management programmes 49

Law Enforcement and For enquiries about the programmes, please contact:
Prof. Raymond Lau 劉榮錦教授
Security Management Tel: 2768 5728

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
programmes — For Dr Garland Liu 廖靜玫博士

HKPC and CLESMC Tel: 2768 5713


graduates Mr Wayne Chan 陳詠倫先生

Tel: 2768 6848
This section is especially for (a) Junior Police Officers Email:
who have graduated from the Hong Kong Police Ms Grace Au 區頴恩女士
College (HKPC) and have obtained the Certificate Tel: 2768 5705
in Law Enforcement and Security Management Email:
(CLESM) awarded by the OUHK under the Ms Hesta Ho 何詠欣女士
partnership between the OUHK and the Hong Tel: 2768 5743
Kong Police Force; and (b) graduates of CLESMC Email:
(執法及保安管理證書—中文授課兼讀面授課程) School website:

• HKPC/CLESMC graduates who possess other

recognized tertiary academic qualifications
such as diplomas or degrees are advised to
Bachelor’s Degree programmes
articulate to BSSCLESM2 or BSSCHLESM5, and
Bachelor of Social Sciences in Law
apply for credit exemption by means of these
Enforcement and Security Management
• HKPC/CLESMC graduates who do not possess BSSCLESM2 — Pathway 2
other recognized tertiary academic qualifications
HKPC graduates pursuing this programme must
are advised to articulate to DLESM2 in the first
successfully complete at least 120 credits, including
instance. After obtaining DLESM2, they can then
the 30 credits completed for the CLESM awarded by the
choose to proceed to HDLESM2 or BSSCLESM2
OUHK under the partnership between the OUHK and the
Hong Kong Police Force or the CLESMC and the other 90
Planning note credits as follows. Of these 90 credits, not more than 10
HKPC/CLESMC graduates who do not possess credits can be obtained from courses in Chinese.
other recognized tertiary academic qualifications (a) 20 credits of compulsory courses:
are recommended to take course SOSC A101, and LESM A201 Hong Kong Criminal Justice System (10)
either LESM A201 or LESM A204. LESM A204 Security Practice and Management (10)

(b) 20 credits from courses:

BIS B123 Business Computing Applications (5)
Notes: BUS B171 Business Statistics (5)
CHIN A171C 應用文 (5)
1 Pre-foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘0’. ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5)
Foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘1’. ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5)
Middle level courses: course codes starting with ‘2’. MGT B160 Business Management Fundamentals (5)
PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5)
Higher level courses: course codes starting with ‘3’.
SOSC A101∆ Social Sciences: A Foundation Course (20)
2 The credit value is given at the end of each course. SOSC A111C∆ 社會科學基礎課程:心理學與社會學 (10)
3 Courses marked with an asterisk (*) appear in several lists SOSC A112C∆ 社會科學基礎課程:經濟學與政治學 (10)

but can only be taken ONCE. SOSC A101 forms excluded combinations with SOSC A111C and
4 Where a programme allows students to select additional
courses from outside the programme, students must check (c) 20 credits from courses:
their selected courses against the Excluded Combinations ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5) or
list on p. 36 of the Courses Supplement. Only one of the ECON A231C 微觀經濟學導論 (5)
courses in an excluded combination can count towards an ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5) or
OUHK award. ECON A232C 宏觀經濟學導論 (5)
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
50 人文社會科學院 ● 執法及保安管理課程

POLS A201 Introduction to Political Science (10) or POLS A211 Government and Politics of Hong Kong (10) or
POLS A201C 政治學導論 (10) POLS A211C 香港政府及政治 (10)
POLS A211 Government and Politics of Hong Kong (10) or PUAD A201 Introduction to Public Policy and
POLS A211C 香港政府及政治 (10) Administration (10)
PUAD A201 Introduction to Public Policy and SOCI A202 Hong Kong Society (10) or SOCI A202C 香港社
Administration (10) 會 (10)
SOCI A202 Hong Kong Society (10) or SOCI A202C 香港社
會 (10) (c) 40 credits from the following courses, of which 10
credits should be from either LESM A301 or
(d) 20 credits from the following courses, of which LESM A305; students may take both LESM A301
10 credits should be from either LESM A301 or and LESM A305, if they choose to do so.
LESM A305; students may take both LESM A301 LESM A301 Core Issues in Policing (10)
and LESM A305, if they choose to do so. LESM A302 Public Order Management (5)
LESM A301 Core Issues in Policing (10) LESM A303 Law Enforcement and Policing in Chinese
LESM A302 Public Order Management (5) Societies (5)
LESM A303 Law Enforcement and Policing in Chinese LESM A305 Major Issues in Criminology and Penology (10)
Societies (5) PUAD A301 Public Sector Management in Hong Kong (10)
LESM A304 Research Methods in Law Enforcement and SOCI A301 Crime and Justice (20)
Security Studies (10) MGT B440 Strategic Management of Human Resources (10)
LESM A305 Major Issues in Criminology and Penology (10)
PUAD A301 Public Sector Management in Hong Kong (10) Notes:
MGT B440 Strategic Management of Human Resources (10) 1 Courses already taken in obtaining DLESM2 cannot
be taken again.
(e) an additional 10 credits from any of the above
2 If in obtaining DLESM2, course ENGL E070 is taken,
courses in (b) to (d) or any Foundation, Middle
an additional 5 credits are required to be taken from
or Higher level courses offered by the University.
courses listed in (b) and (c) above.
(Please also see note 4 on p. 49.)
3 Of the total of 80 credits, no more than 25 credits
(The courses LESM A205CF and LESM A206CF taken
can be taken from courses in Chinese.
at the HKPC overlap with the courses LESM A202
and LESM A203 of the LESM Programme; hence in 4 Students wishing to pursue this programme
must directly articulate from DLESM2 to this
fulfilling (e), students will not be allowed to take LESM
programme, and are not allowed to use DLESM2 to
A202 or LESM A203.)
articulate either to HDLESM2 or BSSCLESM2 before
articulating to this programme.
Bachelor of Social Sciences with
Honours in Law Enforcement and Bachelor of Social Sciences with
Security Management — BSSCHLESM4 Honours in Law Enforcement and
BSSCHLESM4 — Pathway 4 Security Management — BSSCHLESM5
BSSCHLESM4 is for HKPC graduates who have BSSCHLESM5 — Pathway 5
completed DLESM2, and have two subsequent years
HKPC graduates pursuing this programme must
of working experience in the Hong Kong Police Force.
successfully complete at least 160 credits, including the
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
30 credits completed for the CLESM awarded by OUHK
complete 80 credits as follows: under the partnership between the OUHK and the Hong
(a) 20 credits of compulsory courses: Kong Police Force or the CLESMC, and the other 130
LESM A201 Hong Kong Criminal Justice System (10) credits as follows. Of these 130 credits, no more than
LESM A304 Research Methods in Law Enforcement and
30 credits can be taken at the Foundation level; and no
Security Studies (10)
more than 20 credits can be from courses in Chinese.
Note: If LESM A201 has already been taken to obtain DLESM2, an
additional 10 credits can be taken from courses listed in (b) below. (a) 30 credits of compulsory courses:
LESM A201 Hong Kong Criminal Justice System (10)
(b) 20 credits from courses:
LESM A204 Security Practice and Management (10)
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5) or ECON
LESM A304 Research Methods in Law Enforcement and
A231C 微觀經濟學導論 (5)
Security Studies (10)
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5) or ECON
A232C 宏觀經濟學導論 (5) (b) 30 credits from courses:
LESM A204 Security Practice and Management (10) ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5) or
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5) ECON A231C 微觀經濟學導論 (5)
POLS A201 Introduction to Political Science (10) or ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5) or
POLS A201C 政治學導論 (10) ECON A232C 宏觀經濟學導論 (5)
Law Enforcement and Security Management programmes 51

MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5) (b) 20 credits from courses:
POLS A201 Introduction to Political Science (10) or ENGL E070∆ English for Post-secondary Study (5)
POLS A201C 政治學導論 (10) BIS B123 Business Computing Applications (5)
POLS A211 Government and Politics of Hong Kong (10) or

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
BUS B171 Business Statistics (5)
POLS A211C 香港政府及政治 (10)
ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5)
PUAD A201 Introduction to Public Policy and
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5)
Administration (10)
MGT B160 Business Management Fundamentals (5)
SOCI A202 Hong Kong Society (10) or SOCI A202C 香港社
SOSC A101 Social Sciences: A Foundation Course (20)
會 (10)
(c) 10 credits from courses:
(c) 40 credits from the following courses, of which 10
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
credits should be from LESM A301 or LESM A305; ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
students may take both LESM A301 and MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
LESM A305, if they choose to do so. POLS A201 Introduction to Political Science (10)
LESM A301 Core Issues in Policing (10) POLS A211 Government and Politics of Hong Kong (10)
LESM A302 Public Order Management (5) PUAD A201 Introduction to Public Policy and
LESM A303 Law Enforcement and Policing in Chinese Administration (10)
Societies (5) SOCI A202 Hong Kong Society (10)
LESM A305 Major Issues in Criminology and Penology (10)
(d) 10 credits from courses:
PUAD A301 Public Sector Management in Hong Kong (10)
SOCI A301 Crime and Justice (20) LESM A301 Core Issues in Policing (10)
MGT B440 Strategic Management of Human Resources (10) LESM A304 Research Methods in Law Enforcement and
Security Studies (10)
(d) 10 credits from courses: LESM A305 Major Issues in Criminology and Penology (10)
BIS B123 Business Computing Applications (5) ∆
ENGL E070 is a Pre-foundation level course. Students wishing to go
BUS B171 Business Statistics (5) on to either BSSCLESM2 or BSSCHLESM5 and who have taken
CHIN A171C 應用文 (5) ENGL E070 will be required to take an additional 5 credits at
Foundation level or above.
ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5)
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5)
MGT B160 Business Management Fundamentals (5) Diploma in Law Enforcement and
PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5) Security Management — DLESM2
SOSC A101∆ Social Sciences: A Foundation Course (20)
HKPC graduates must successfully complete at least 60
SOSC A111C∆ 社會科學基礎課程:心理學與社會學 (10)
credits, including the 30 credits completed for the
SOSC A112C∆ 社會科學基礎課程:經濟學與政治學 (10)
CLESM awarded by the OUHK under the partnership

SOSC A101 forms excluded combinations with SOSC A111C and between the OUHK and the Hong Kong Police Force or
the CLESMC, and the other 30 credits as follows:
(e) an additional 20 credits from any of the above (a) 10 credits from courses:
courses in (b) to (d) or any Foundation, Middle or ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
Higher level courses offered by the University. ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
(The courses LESM A205CF and LESM A206CF LESM A201 Hong Kong Criminal Justice System (10)
taken at the HKPC overlap with the courses LESM A204 Security Practice and Management (10)
LESM A202 and LESM A203 of the LESM MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
Programme; hence in fulfilling (e), students will not POLS A201 Introduction to Political Science (10)
POLS A211 Government and Politics of Hong Kong (10)
be allowed to take LESM A202 or LESM A203.)
PUAD A201 Introduction to Public Policy and
Administration (10)
Sub-degree programmes SOCI A202 Hong Kong Society (10)

(b) 20 credits from courses:

Higher Diploma in Law Enforcement ENGL E070∆ English for Post-secondary Study (5)
and Security Management — HDLESM2 BIS B123 Business Computing Applications (5)
BUS B171 Business Statistics (5)
HKPC graduates must successfully complete at least
ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5)
90 credits, including the 30 credits completed for the
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5)­
CLESM awarded by the OUHK under the partnership MGT B160 Business Management Fundamentals (5)
between the OUHK and the Hong Kong Police Force or SOSC A101 Social Sciences: A Foundation Course (20)
the CLESMC, and the other 60 credits as follows: ∆
ENGL E070 is a Pre-foundation level course. Students wishing to go
(a) 20 credits of compulsory courses: on to either BSSCLESM2, BSSCHLESM4 or BSSCHLESM5 and who
LESM A201 Hong Kong Criminal Justice System (10) have taken ENGL E070 will be required to take an additional 5 credits
at Foundation level or above.
LESM A204 Security Practice and Management (10)
52 人文社會科學院 ● 通識研究課程

Liberal Studies For enquiries about the programmes, please contact:

programmes Dr Charles Kwong 鄺志良博士

Tel: 2768 5719
The Liberal Studies programmes aim to equip
graduates with a critical awareness of themselves Dr Percy Lui 呂聯添博士
and the society in which they live. Graduates of Tel: 2768 5729
Liberal Studies will be liberally educated people with Email:
the skills to reason well and to communicate clearly
and persuasively with others, with the ability to Mr Edmund Cheng 鄭煒先生
understand and analyse the march of globalization Tel: 2768 5741
and modernization, how it relates to their daily Email:
lives and how to adapt themselves to the changes.
School website:
Serving teachers will also find this programme useful
Programme website:
for developing subject knowledge and pedagogic
skills in the new discipline of Liberal Studies.

Advanced standing/Credit exemption Postgraduate programmes

For the postgraduate programmes, holders of These are part-time face-to-face programmes.
recognized postgraduate qualifications may Classes are to be held on weekday evenings or
be granted exemption. For the undergraduate Saturdays.
programmes, holders of recognized post A-level
Important Note:
qualifications may be granted exemptions.
Associate Degree holders and Higher Diploma Students must complete any of the selected
holders from recognized local programmes may postgraduate programme within four years of first
obtain an exemption of up to 80 credits. For enrolling in the programme.
details, please see p. 20.
Master of Social Sciences in
Planning note
Liberal Studies — MSSCLS
At the undergraduate level, students should initially
register for one or more of the following courses:
Programme-specific entry requirements:
SCI S121; SCI S122; SOSC A101; CHST A202C;
PSYC A212; ENVR S237. To enter the programme, applicants should have
obtained a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized
tertiary education institution, or the equivalent.
Applicants are expected to be proficient in both
Chinese and English.
1 Foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘1’. Students pursuing this programme must successfully
Middle level courses: course codes starting with ‘2’. complete 60 credits as follows:
Higher level courses: course codes starting with ‘3’ or ‘4’.
(a) 5 credits from:
Postgraduate courses: course codes starting with ‘8’.
LIBS A821F Exploring Liberal Studies (5)
2 The credit value is given at the end of each course.
3 Courses marked with an asterisk (*) appear in several lists
(b) 5 credits from:
but can only be taken ONCE. LIBS A800F Graduate Research Writing and Methods for
Social Sciences (5)
4 Where a programme allows students to select additional
courses from outside the programme, students must check (c) 10 credits from courses:
their selected courses against the Excluded Combinations
LIBS A823CF 中華文明 (5)
list on p. 36 of the Courses Supplement. Only one of the
courses in an excluded combination can count towards an LIBS A824F Globalization, Society and Culture (5)
OUHK award. LIBS A825F Governance and Politics of Greater China
5 Courses with the suffix ‘F’ are delivered in a part-time
LIBS A826F Social Change: Hong Kong and Mainland
face-to-face mode; e.g. LIBS A821F.
China (5)
LIBS A827F Media, Society and Citizenship (5)
Liberal Studies programmes 53

LIBS A828F Regional Economic Integration: Hong Kong Postgraduate Diploma in

and China (5)
LIBS A829F Western Culture and Civilization (5)
Liberal Studies
(Content and Pedagogy) — PDLSCP

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
(d) 10 credits from courses:
LIBS A830F Interpersonal Relationships (5) This programme is specifically designed for Hong
LIBS A831F Group Dynamics (5) Kong secondary school teachers who aspire to
LIBS A832F Personal Awareness and Growth (5) improve their subject knowledge and pedagogic
LIBS A833F Problem-solving and Decision-making (5) skills in teaching the new subject of Liberal Studies.
Emphasis is to be equally placed on subject content
(e) 10 credits from:
and teaching methods.
ENVR S830F Environmental Protection in Modern
Society (5) Students pursuing this programme must meet the
ENVR S840F Environmental Management in Practice (5) same programme-specific entry requirements as
(f) 20 credits from: the PCLS below and must successfully complete 40
EDU E8801 Learning and Teaching Liberal Studies (20)
credits as follows:
LIBS A888F Research Project/Thesis (20) (a) 5 credits from:
EDU E880 is delivered in distance-learning mode. LIBS A821F Exploring Liberal Studies (5)

Students must complete any of the selected (b) 20 credits from:

postgraduate programme within four years of first EDU E880 Learning and Teaching Liberal Studies (20)
enrolling in the programme.
(c) 15 credits from groups (c), (d) and (e) in MSSCLS
Note: Some courses are offered by other Schools on pp. 52–53, with no more than 10 credits from
— for courses ENVR S830F and ENVR S840F, please each group.
contact the School of Science and Technology at
2768 6823; for course EDU E880, please contact the Students must complete any of the selected
School of Education and Languages at 2768 5807. postgraduate programme within four years of first
enrolling in the programme.

Postgraduate Diploma in
Liberal Studies — PDLS Postgraduate Certificate in
Liberal Studies — PCLS
Students pursuing this programme must meet the
same programme-specific entry requirements as the
MSSCLS above and must successfully complete 40 Programme-specific entry requirements:
credits as follows: To enter the programme, applicants should have
obtained a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized
(a) 5 credits from:
tertiary education institution, or the equivalent.
LIBS A821F Exploring Liberal Studies (5)
Applicants are expected to be proficient in both
(b) 5 credits from: Chinese and English.
LIBS A800F Graduate Research Writing and Methods for
Social Sciences (5) Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 20 credits as follows:
(c) 10 credits from courses in (c) in MSSCLS on
pp. 52–53. (a) 5 credits from:
LIBS A821F Exploring Liberal Studies (5)
(d) 10 credits from courses in (d) in MSSCLS above.
(b) 15 credits from groups (c), (d) and (e) in MSSCLS
(e) 10 credits from courses in (e) in MSSCLS above.
on pp. 52–53, with no more than 10 credits from
Students must complete any of the selected each group.
postgraduate programme within four years of first
Students must complete any of the selected
enrolling in the programme.
postgraduate programme within four years of first
enrolling in the programme.
54 人文社會科學院 ● 通識研究課程

CHST A301 Critical Issues in Contemporary China (10)

Bachelor’s Degree programmes 2
CHST A304C 中國當代史 (10)
CHST A312 Global Politics and China (10)
Bachelor of Social Sciences in Liberal CHST A322 Governing China (10)
Studies — BSSCLS ENVR S341 Environmental Legislation and
Management (10)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong (10)
complete at least 120 credits as follows: LIBS A301 A World of Whose Making? Politics,
Economics, Technology and Culture in
(a) 20 credits from courses:
International Studies (20)
CHIN A172C 語文通論 (5) POLS A301 International Organizations (10)
ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5) PSYC A307 Social Psychology: Critical Perspectives on
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5)
Self and Others (20)
IT S101 Introduction to Information and
PSYC A317C 社會心理學 (20)
Communications Technology (10)
PUAD A301 Public Sector Management in Hong Kong
MGT B160 Business Management Fundamentals (5)
SCI S121 A Foundation Course in Physics and
SOCI A318 Culture, Media and Identities (20)
Chemistry (10)
TRAN A335 Culture and Translation (10)
SCI S122 A Foundation Course in Biology and Earth
Science (10) CHST A304C forms an excluded combination with HIST A202.
SOSC A1011 Social Sciences: A Foundation Course (20)
or SOSC A101W Social Sciences: A
(f) an additional 20 credits from any courses in (a) to
Foundation Course (20) (e) above, or any Foundation, Middle or Higher
SOSC A111C 社會科學基礎課程:心理學與社會學 (10) level courses offered by the University, provided
or SOSC A111CW 社會科學基礎課程︰心理 that, of the total 120 credits, no more than 40
學與社會學 (10) credits are gained at Foundation level.◊
SOSC A112C 社會科學基礎課程:經濟學與政治學 (10) ◊
See Note 4 on p. 52.
SOSC A101 forms excluded combinations with SOSC A111C and
Bachelor of Social Sciences with
(b) 20 credits from courses: Honours in Liberal Studies — BSSCHLS
PSYC A212 Exploring Psychology (20)
Students pursuing this programme must complete at
PSYC A212C 心理學導論:理論與實踐 (20)
least 160 credits as follows:
(c) 20 credits from courses:
(a) 40 credits from:
CHIN A270C 中國文學與文化導論 (10)
LIBS A301 A World of Whose Making? Politics,
CHIN A291C 邏輯與方法論 (10)
Economics, Technology and Culture in
CHST A201 Understanding Chinese Society (10)
International Studies (20)
CHST A202C 當代中國文化 (10)
SOSC A313 Principles of Social Research (20) or
ECON A202C 當代中國經濟發展 (10)
SOSC A313C 社會研究原理 (20)
ECON A203 Hong Kong Economy (10)
HIST A2022 Modern China (1900-1978) (10) (b) 20 credits from courses in (a) in BSSCLS on the left.
HIST A213 A History of Hong Kong (1842-1997) (10)
or HIST A213C 香港歷史 (1842-1997) (10) (c) 20 credits from courses in (b) in BSSCLS.
LESM A201 Hong Kong Criminal Justice System (10)
LIBS A201 The Pacific Century (10) (d) 20 credits from courses in (c) in BSSCLS.
POLS A201 Introduction to Political Science (10) or
(e) 20 credits from courses in (d) in BSSCLS.
POLS A201C 政治學導論 (10)
POLS A211 Government and Politics of Hong Kong (10)
(f) 20 credits from courses in (e) in BSSCLS,
or POLS A211C 香港政府及政治 (10)
SOCI A202 Hong Kong Society (10) or SOCI A202C
LIBS A301 A World of Whose Making? Politics,
香港社會 (10)
Economics, Technology and Culture in
HIST A202 forms an excluded combination with CHST A304C. International Studies (20)

(d) 20 credits from: (g) an additional 20 credits from any courses in (b)
ENVR S216 Environment: Change, Contest and to (f) above, or any Foundation, Middle or Higher
Responses (20) level courses offered by the University, provided
that, of the total 160 credits, no more than 40
(e) 20 credits from courses:
credits are gained at Foundation level.◊
BIOL S396 Ecosystems (10)

CHST A300C 中國法律與法制 (10) See Note 4 on p. 52.
Liberal Studies programmes 55

Sub-degree programmes Option 2:

(a) 40 credits from courses in Option 1 (a).

Associate of Social Sciences in Liberal

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
Studies — ASSCLS (b) 20 credits from courses in Option 1 (b), or
LIBS A301 A World of Whose Making? Politics,
Students pursuing this programme must successfully Economics, Technology and Culture in
complete at least 80 credits as follows: International Studies (20)

(a) 20 credits from courses in (a) in BSSCLS on p. 54.

(b) 60 credits from courses of one of the following


Option 1:

(a) 50 credits from courses

CHIN A270C 中國文學與文化導論 (10)
CHIN A291C 邏輯與方法論 (10)
CHST A201 Understanding Chinese Society (10)
CHST A202C 當代中國文化 (10)
ECON A202C 當代中國經濟發展 (10)
ECON A203 Hong Kong Economy (10)
ENVR S216 Environment: Change, Contest and
Responses (20)
ENVR S237 Environmental Control and Public Health
HIST A2022 Modern China (1900–1978) (10)
HIST A213 A History of Hong Kong (1842–1997) (10)
or HIST A213C 香港歷史 (1842–1997) (10)
LESM A201 Hong Kong Criminal Justice System (10)
LIBS A201 The Pacific Century (10)
POLS A201 Introduction to Political Science (10) or
POLS A201C 政治學導論 (10)
POLS A211 Government and Politics of Hong Kong (10)
or POLS A211C 香港政府及政治 (10)
PSYC A212 Exploring Psychology (20) or PSYC A212C
心理學導論:理論與實踐 (20)
SOCI A202 Hong Kong Society (10) or SOCI A202C
香港社會 (10)

(b) 10 credits from courses:

BIOL S396 Ecosystems (10)
CHST A300C 中國法律與法制 (10)
CHST A301 Critical Issues in Contemporary China (10)
CHST A304C 中國當代史 (10)
CHST A312 Global Politics and China (10)
CHST A322 Governing China (10)
ENVR S341 Environmental Legislation and
Management (10)
LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong (10)
POLS A301 International Organizations (10)
PSYC A307 Social Psychology: Critical Perspectives on
Self and Others (20)
PUAD A301 Public Sector Management in Hong Kong
SOCI A318 Culture, Media and Identities (20)
TRAN A335 Culture and Translation (10)
CHST A304C forms an excluded combination with HIST A202.
56 人文社會科學院 ● 公共行政課程

Public Administration For enquiries about the programmes, please contact:

Dr Percy Lui 呂聯添博士

programmes Tel: 2768 5729
In a world of change, the Hong Kong public sector
must be staffed with people of high calibre who Mr Edmund Cheng 鄭煒先生
understand the current trends (both at home and Tel: 2768 5741
overseas) in public sector management and reform, Email:
and possess the analytical skills to deal with the School website:
governance problems of the 21st century. The
Public Administration programmes aim to prepare
graduates for helping the Hong Kong public sector Bachelor’s Degree programmes
to tackle the governance problems in today’s
increasingly interconnected world. Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public
Administration — BSSCPA
Advanced standing/Credit exemption
Prior qualifications obtained by students at a Students pursuing this programme must successfully
level not lower than QF level 4 in the Hong Kong complete at least 120 credits as follows. Of the 120
Qualifications Framework or equivalent may be credits required for the attainment of the degree,
exempted from studying a certain number of students can complete up to 40 credits of courses in
credits from the total credits required for the OUHK Chinese.
qualification. Associate Degree holders and Higher (a) 10 credits from:
Diploma holders from recognized local programmes POLS A211 Government and Politics of Hong Kong (10)
may obtain an exemption of up to 80 credits. For POLS A211C 香港政府及政治 (10)
details, please see p. 20.
(b) 10 credits from:
Planning note PUAD A201 Introduction to Public Policy and
Students without credit exemption should consider Administration (10)
registering initially for one or more of SOSC A101,
(c) 20 credits from:
PUAD A201, POLS A201 or POLS A211.
CHIN A171C 應用文 (5)
ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5)
SOSC A1011 Social Sciences: A Foundation Course (20)
or SOSC A101W Social Sciences: A
Foundation Course (20)
SOSC A111C 社會科學基礎課程:心理學與社會學 (10)
or SOSC A111CW 社會科學基礎課程︰心理
學與社會學 (10)
SOSC A112C 社會科學基礎課程:經濟學與政治學 (10)
SOSC A101 forms an excluded combination with SOSC A111C
and SOSC A112C.
1 Foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘1’. (d) 20 credits from courses:
Middle level courses: course codes starting with ‘2’. ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5) or
Higher level courses: course codes starting with ‘3’. ECON A231C 微觀經濟學導論 (5)
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5) or
2 The credit value is given at the end of each course.
ECON A232C 宏觀經濟學導論 (5)
3 Courses marked with an asterisk (*) appear in several lists MATH S242 Statistics in Society (10)
but can only be taken ONCE. MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
4 Where a programme allows students to select additional or MGT B240C 管理原理與實務 (5)
courses from outside the programme, students must check POLS A201 Introduction to Political Science (10) or
their selected courses against the Excluded Combinations POLS A201C 政治學導論 (10)
list on p. 36 of the Courses Supplement. Only one of the
courses in an excluded combination can count towards an (e) 20 credits from courses:
OUHK award. CHST A201 Understanding Chinese Society (10)
ECON A202C 當代中國經濟發展 (10)
Public Administration programmes 57

ECON A203 Hong Kong Economy (10) (d) 20 credits from courses in (e) in BSSCPA.
LESM A201 Hong Kong Criminal Justice System (10)
LIBS A201 The Pacific Century (10) (e) 20 credits from courses:
SOCI A202 Hong Kong Society (10) or SOCI A202C ECON A311 Intermediate Microeconomics (5)

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
香港社會 (10) ECON A312 Intermediate Macroeconomics (5)
ECON A317 Theory of Public Finance (5)
(f) 10 credits from courses: ECON A318 Economic Analysis of Public Policy (5)
PUAD A301 Public Sector Management in Hong Kong LESM A302 Public Order Management (5)
(10) MGT B342 Training and Development (5)
PUAD A302 Government and Business (10) MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
PUAD A303 Current Issues in Public Sector Management Behaviour (5) or MGT B346C 組織行為理論
(10) 與實務 (5)
MGT B399 Management Policy and Strategy (5)
(g) 10 credits from courses:
CHST A300C 中國法律與法制 (10) (f) 10 credits from courses:
CHST A322 Governing China (10) CHST A300C 中國法律與法制 (10)
ECON A311 Intermediate Microeconomics (5) CHST A322 Governing China (10)
ECON A312 Intermediate Macroeconomics (5)
ECON A317 Theory of Public Finance (5) (g) an additional 20 credits from any Foundation,
ECON A318 Economic Analysis of Public Policy (5) Middle or Higher level courses offered by the
LESM A302 Public Order Management (5) University, provided that, of the total 160 credits,
MGT B342 Training and Development (5)
no more than 40 are gained at Foundation level.◊
MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
Behaviour (5) or MGT B346C 組織行為理論 ◊
See Note 4 on p. 56.
與實務 (5)
MGT B399 Management Policy and Strategy (5)

(h) an additional 20 credits from any Foundation,

Middle or Higher level courses offered by the
University, provided that, of the total 120 credits,
no more than 40 are at Foundation level.◊

See Note 4 on p. 56.

Bachelor of Social Sciences with

Honours in Public Administration —
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 160 credits as follows. Of the 160
credits required for the attainment of the degree,
students can complete up to 50 credits of courses
delivered in Chinese.

(a) 50 credits of compulsory courses:

POLS A211 Government and Politics of Hong Kong (10)
or POLS A211C 香港政府及政治 (10)
PUAD A201 Introduction to Public Policy and
Administration (10)
PUAD A301 Public Sector Management in Hong Kong
PUAD A302 Government and Business (10)
PUAD A303 Current Issues in Public Sector Management

(b) 20 credits from courses in (c) in BSSCPA on p. 56.

(c) 20 credits from courses in (d) in BSSCPA.

58 人文社會科學院 ● 社會科學課程

Social Science For enquiries about the programmes, please contact:

Postgraduate programme 深造課程

programmes Dr Tess Pak 白嬋博士
Tel: 2768 5714
The social science programmes are designed to
guide students to understand themselves and the
complex social and cultural forces influencing their Other programmes 其他課程
experience and behaviour, and to develop a solid Dr Cheuk Wai Hing 卓惠興博士
foundation for professional development in political (Programmes and Psychology 課程及心理學)
science, psychology or sociology. Tel: 2768 5711
To meet the growing demand for applied psychology,
there will be a new programme, Master of Social Dr Garland Liu 廖靜玫博士
Sciences in Industrial-Organizational Psychology (Sociology 社會學)
(MSSCIOPSY). The programme aims to prepare Tel: 2768 5713
students for using psychological knowledge and Email:
principles to enhance employee well-being and
Dr Percy Lui 呂聯添博士
organizational productivity.
(Politics 政治學)
Advanced standing/Credit exemption (for Tel: 2768 5729
undergraduate programmes only) Email:
Holders of recognized post A-level qualifications
Dr Leo Lie 李健豹博士
may be granted exemptions. Associate Degree (Psychology 心理學)
holders and Higher Diploma holders from Tel: 2768 5740
recognized local programmes may obtain an Email:
exemption of up to 80 credits. For details, please
see p. 20. Dr Tess Pak 白嬋博士
(Psychology 心理學)
Planning note Tel: 2768 5714
Students are advised to start with (a) SOSC A101/ Email:
SOSC A101W or
Dr James Yu 俞勵恒博士
(b) SOSC A111C/SOSC A111CW and SOSC A112C.
(Psychology 心理學)
Tel: 2768 6849

School website:

Programme website:
1 Pre-foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘0’.
Foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘1’. Postgraduate Programme
Middle level courses: course codes starting with ‘2’.
Higher level courses: course codes starting with ‘3’ and ‘4’. Master of Social Sciences in
2 The credit value is given at the end of each course. Industrial-Organizational
3 Courses marked with an asterisk (*) appear in several lists Psychology — MSSCIOPSY
but can only be taken ONCE.
4 Where a programme allows students to select additional
This programme will accept new students in the
courses from outside the programme, students must check September semester only. All of the 11 programme
their selected courses against the Excluded Combinations courses will be taught through a face-to-face mode,
list on p. 36 of the Courses Supplement. Only one of the which can be completed in one year by full-time or
courses in an excluded combination can count towards an two to four years by part-time studies.
OUHK award.
Social Sciences programmes 59

(i) SOSC A111C 社會科學基礎課程︰心理學與社會學 (10) or

Important Note:
SOSC A111CW 社會科學基礎課程︰心理學與社會學 (10)
Application should be made with New Students (ii) SOSC A112C 社會科學基礎課程︰經濟學與政治學 (10)
Application Form specifically made for this

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
programme. Please download the form from the (b) At least 60 credits from Middle and Higher level
following website: courses, of which at least 20 credits must be gained
at Higher level.
Middle level:
Application deadline: CHST A201 Understanding Chinese Society (10)
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
31 July 2014.
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
HIST A202 Modern China (1900–1978) (10)
LIBS A201 The Pacific Century (10)
Programme-specific entry requirements: MATH S242 Statistics in Society (10)
POLS A201 Introduction to Political Science or
To enter the programme, applicants should:
POLS A201C 政治學導論 (10)
(a) have a Bachelor’s Degree with Honours from a POLS A211 Government and Politics of Hong Kong or
recognized university programme; POLS A211C 香港政府及政治 (10)
(b) have completed at least one undergraduate PSYC A209 Child Development (20)
PSYC A212 Exploring Psychology (20) or PSYC A212C 心
introductory psychology course and one
理學導論:理論與實踐 (20)
undergraduate behavioural statistics course
PSYC A215C 發展心理學 (20)
with satisfactory results;
PSYC A226 Biological Psychology: Exploring the Brain (10)
(c) have a good command of the English SOCI A201 Sociology and Society (20)
language; SOCI A202 Hong Kong Society or SOCI A202C 香港社會
(d) preferably have work experience.
Higher level:
CHST A312 Global Politics and China (10) or
POLS A312 Global Politics: Theory and
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
Practice of International Relations (20)
complete 60 credits of courses as follows: CHST A322 Governing China (10)
PSYC A800F Research Methods and Statistics (10) LIBS A301 A World of Whose Making? Politics,
PSYC A801F Job Analysis and Evaluation (5) Economics, Technology and Culture in
PSYC A802F Psychological Assessment (5) International Studies (20)
PSYC A803F Personnel Selection (5) POLS A301 International Organizations (10)
PSYC A804F Performance Appraisal (5) PSYC A303 Cognitive Psychology (20) or PSYC A309C 認
PSYC A805F Employee Training and Development (5) 知心理學 (20)
PSYC A806F Work Motivation and Attitude (5) PSYC A307 Social Psychology: Critical Perspectives on Self
PSYC A807F Work Groups and Leadership (5) and Others (20) or PSYC A317C 社會心理學
PSYC A808F Organizational Theory and Development (5) (20)
PSYC A809F Occupational Safety and Health Psychology (5) PUAD A301 Public Sector Management in Hong Kong (10)
PSYC A810F Consumer Behavior (5) or PSYC A811F SOCI A301 Crime and Justice (20)
Organizational Practicum (5) SOCI A318 Culture, Media and Identities (20)
SOSC A313 Principles of Social Research (20) or
SOSC A313C 社會研究原理 (20)

Bachelor’s Degree programmes (c) 40 credits from any Foundation, Middle or Higher
level courses offered by the University, provided
Bachelor of Social Sciences — BSSC that, of the total 120 credits, no more than 40 are
gained at the Foundation level.◊
Students pursuing this programme must successfully

See note 4 on p. 58.
complete at least 120 credits as follows. Of the 120
credits required for the attainment of the degree, you
can complete up to 40 credits in Chinese. Bachelor of Social Sciences with
Honours — BSSCH
(a) 20 credits from Foundation level courses:
SOSC A101 Social Sciences: A Foundation Course (20) or Students pursuing this programme must successfully
SOSC A101W Social Sciences: A Foundation Course (20); complete at least 160 credits as follows. Of the 160
or both (i) and (ii) below: credits required for the attainment of the degree, you
can complete up to 50 credits of courses in Chinese.
60 人文社會科學院 ● 社會科學課程

(a) 20 credits from: the attainment of the honours degree stated above. For
SOSC A101 Social Sciences: A Foundation Course (20) or titles of the courses, you can refer to BSSCH on p. 59.
SOSC A101W Social Sciences: A Foundation Course (20); Strand: Political Science
or both (i) and (ii) below:
(a) SOSC A101, or SOSC A101W, or both (i) and (ii)
(i) SOSC A111C 社會科學基礎課程︰心理學與社會學 (10) or below:
SOSC A111CW 社會科學基礎課程︰心理學與社會學 (10) (i) SOSC A111C or SOSC A111CW
(ii) SOSC A112C 社會科學基礎課程︰經濟學與政治學 (10) (ii)SOSC A112C
(b) 20 credits from: (b) SOSC A313 or SOSC A313C
SOSC A313 Principles of Social Research (20) (c) LIBS A301
SOSC A313C 社會研究原理 (20)
(d) 40 credits of political science courses from:
(c) 40 credits from Middle level courses: (i) POLS A201/POLS A201C (ii) POLS A211/
CHST A201 Understanding Chinese Society (10) POLS A211C (iii) POLS A301 (iv) PUAD A301
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5) (v) CHST A312
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
(e) 10 credits of Middle level area studies courses
HIST A202 Modern China (1900–1978) (10)
LIBS A201 The Pacific Century (10)
from HIST A202 or SOCI A202/SOCI A202C
MATH S242 Statistics in Society (10) (f) 10 credits of Middle level related social science
POLS A201 Introduction to Political Science or courses from: (i) ECON A231 and ECON A232
POLS A201C 政治學導論 (10) (ii) LIBS A201 (iii) MATH S242
POLS A211 Government and Politics of Hong Kong or
(g) 40 credits from any Foundation, Middle or Higher
POLS A211C 香港政府及政治 (10)
level courses offered by the University, provided
PSYC A209 Child Development (20)
PSYC A212 Exploring Psychology (20) or PSYC A212C 心 that, of the total 160 credits, no more than 40 are
理學導論:理論與實踐 (20) gained at the Foundation level.◊

PSYC A215C 發展心理學 (20) See note 4 on p. 58.
PSYC A226 Biological Psychology: Exploring the Brain (10)
SOCI A201 Sociology and Society (20) Strand: Psychology
SOCI A202 Hong Kong Society or SOCI A202C 香港社會 (a) SOSC A101, or SOSC A101W, or both (i) and (ii)
(10) below:
(i) SOSC A111C or SOSC A111CW
(d) 40 credits from Higher level courses:
(ii)SOSC A112C
CHST A312 Global Politics and China (10) or
POLS A312 Global Politics: Theory and
(b) SOSC A313 or SOSC A313C
Practice of International Relations (20) (c) 90 credits of psychology courses, i.e., PSYC A212/
CHST A322 Governing China (10) PSYC A212C, PSYC A209, PSYC A226, PSYC A303/
LIBS A301 A World of Whose Making? Politics, PSYC A309C and PSYC A307/PSYC A317C
Economics, Technology and Culture in
International Studies (20)
(d) 30 credits from any Foundation, Middle or Higher
POLS A301 International Organizations (10) level courses offered by the University, provided
PSYC A303 Cognitive Psychology (20) or PSYC A309C 認 that, of the total 160 credits, no more than 40 are
知心理學 (20) gained at the Foundation level.◊
PSYC A307 Social Psychology: Critical Perspectives on ◊
See note 4 on p. 58.
Self and Others (20) or PSYC A317C 社會心
Strand: Sociology
PUAD A301 Public Sector Management in Hong Kong (10) (a) SOSC A101, or SOSC A101W, or both (i) and (ii)
SOCI A301 Crime and Justice (20) below:
SOCI A318 Culture, Media and Identities (20) (i) SOSC A111C or SOSC A111CW
(ii)SOSC A112C
(e) 40 credits from any Foundation, Middle or Higher
(b) SOSC A313 or SOSC A313C
level courses offered by the University, provided
that, of the total 160 credits, no more than 40 are (c) 60 credits of sociology related courses, i.e.,
gained at the Foundation level.◊ SOCI A201, SOCI A301 and LIBS A301

See note 4 on p. 58. (d) 10 credits of Middle level area studies courses
from SOCI A202/SOCI A202C
If you wish to specialize in political science, psychology
(e) 10 credits of Middle level related social science
or sociology, you may wish to consider the following
courses from: (i) ECON A231 and ECON A232
sets of selections, all of which satisfy the regulations for
(ii) MATH S242 (iii) POLS A211/POLS A211C
Social Sciences programmes 61

(f) 40 credits from any Foundation, Middle or Higher LIBS A301 A World of Whose Making? Politics,
level courses offered by the University, provided Economics, Technology and Culture in
International Studies (20)
that, of the total 160 credits, no more than 40 are
POLS A301 International Organizations (10)

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
gained at the Foundation level.◊
PSYC A303 Cognitive Psychology (20) or PSYC A309C

See note 4 on p. 58. 認知心理學 (20)
PSYC A307 Social Psychology: Critical Perspectives on
Self and Others (20) or PSYC A317C 社會心
Sub-degree programmes 理學 (20)
SOCI A301 Crime and Justice (20)
Associate of Social Sciences — ASSC SOCI A318 Culture, Media and Identities (20)

Students pursuing this programme must successfully ◊

See Note 4 on p. 58.
complete at least 80 credits as follows. Of the 80
credits required for the attainment of the Associate Higher Diploma in Psychology — HDP
Degree, students can complete up to 25 credits of
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
courses in Chinese.
complete at least 90 credits as follows. Of the 90
(a) 20 credits from: credits required for the attainment of the Higher
SOSC A101 Social Sciences: A Foundation Course (20) or Diploma, students can complete up to 30 credits of
SOSC A101W Social Sciences: A Foundation Course (20); courses in Chinese.
or both (i) and (ii) below:
(i) SOSC A111C 社會科學基礎課程︰心理學與社會學 (10) or
(a) at least 10 credits from courses:
SOSC A111CW 社會科學基礎課程︰心理學與社會學 (10) ENGL E070 English for Post-secondary Study (5)
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5)
(ii) SOSC A112C 社會科學基礎課程︰經濟學與政治學 (10)
IT E150 Microcomputing for Learning (5)
(b) 40 credits from courses: MGT B160 Business Management Fundamentals (5)

CHST A201 Understanding Chinese Society (10)

(b) 20 credits from:
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
SOSC A101 Social Sciences: A Foundation Course (20) or
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
SOSC A101W Social Sciences: A Foundation Course (20);
HIST A202 Modern China (1900-1978) (10)
or both (i) and (ii) below:
LIBS A201 The Pacific Century (10)
MATH S242 Statistics in Society (10) (i) SOSC A111C 社會科學基礎課程︰心理學與社會學 (10) or
POLS A201 Introduction to Political Science (10) or SOSC A111CW 社會科學基礎課程︰心理學與社會學 (10)
POLS A201C 政治學導論 (10) (ii) SOSC A112C 社會科學基礎課程︰經濟學與政治學 (10)
POLS A211 Government and Politics of Hong Kong (10)
or POLS A211C 香港政府及政治 (10) (c) 20 credits from:
PSYC A209 Child Development (20) PSYC A212 Exploring Psychology (20)
PSYC A212 Exploring Psychology (20) or PSYC A212C
心理學導論:理論與實踐 (20) (d) 20 credits from:
PSYC A215C 發展心理學 (20) PSYC A303 Cognitive Psychology (20) or PSYC A309C
PSYC A226 Biological Psychology: Exploring the Brain (10) 認知心理學 (20)
SOCI A201 Sociology and Society (20) PSYC A307 Social Psychology: Critical Perspectives on
SOCI A202 Hong Kong Society (10) or SOCI A202C Self and Others (20) or PSYC A317C 社會心
香港社會 (10) 理學 (20)
SOSC A313 Principles of Social Research (20) or
(e) additional courses from the following list to obtain
SOSC A313C 社會研究原理 (20)
the total of 90 credits needed for the award of the
(c) additional 20 credits from any courses listed Higher Diploma:
in (b) above or those listed below, or any Pre- ENGL E070 English for Post-secondary Study (5)
foundation, Foundation, Middle or Higher level ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5)
courses offered by the University, of which no ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5)
IT E150 Microcomputing for Learning (5)
more than 10 credits may be obtained at Pre-
MGT B160 Business Management Fundamentals (5)
foundation level:◊
CHIN A291C 邏輯與方法論 (10)
ENGL E070 English for Post-secondary Study (5) MATH S242 Statistics in Society (10)
ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5) PSYC A209 Child Development (20)
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5) PSYC A215C 發展心理學 (20)
IT E150 Microcomputing for Learning (5) PSYC A226 Biological Psychology: Exploring the Brain (10)
CHST A322 Governing China (10)
62 人文社會科學院 ● 中國語言及文學課程

有見及此,人文社會科學院自2004年10月以來即推出 冊報讀起計,全日制學生可於一年內完成課程,兼讀制
中國語言及文學課程,務求使修讀者能通過語言及文學 學生可於兩年內完成課程。最長修讀期為四年。
中國文學文學碩士 — MACL
持有專上學歷並達到相應程度的人士可獲減免修讀若干學 (本課程只於每年九月學期招收新生)
程者最高可獲豁免修讀80學分。詳情請參閱第21頁。 重要事項:

選科建議 本課程另設專用新生入學報名表。請登入以下網頁,
科目:CHIN A162C、CHIN A163C、CHIN A171C、
CHIN A172C。 新生申請截止日期:2014 年 7 月 31 日
1. 科目編號以“1”起首的,為基礎程度科目。 報讀這個課程的申請人必須持有本大學認可的高等院校
2. 學分值列於科目名稱後面的括號之內。
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢以下科目,取得 60 學分 :
3. 標有星號(*)的科目會在列表上重複出現,但只可選修一次。
4. 某些課程容許學生在本科課程之外選修其他科目,惟學生 CHIN A801CF 中國文學文獻學與研究方法 (5)
必須核對所選的科目是否屬於“不可兼修”的類別,不可 CHIN A802CF 中國文學分析方法 (5)
CHIN A803CF 中國古典小說與戲曲專題 (5)
CHIN A804CF 中國古典詩詞專題 (5)
CHIN A805CF 中國現當代文學專題 (5)
CHIN A806CF 台灣文學專題 (5)
CHIN A807CF 香港文學專題 (5)
CHIN A808CF 作家選講 (5)
Dr Yeung Ching Kong 楊靜剛博士 CHIN A809CF 中國文學研究計劃 (20) *
電話號碼:2768 5707
* 科目名稱有待大學最後審批。
Prof. Chiu Yu Lok 趙雨樂教授
電話號碼:2768 5704
電子郵遞 學士學位課程
Dr Chan Kit Yee 陳潔儀博士(深造課程)
電話號碼:2768 5751 中國語言及文學文學士 — BACLL
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 120 學分。詳情如下:
Dr Wong Chi Hung 黃自鴻博士(深造課程)
電話號碼:2768 5718 (a) 選修以下科目,取得 10 學分:
CHIN A162C 中國人文學科基礎課程 ( 一 ):歷史與文學 (10)
Ms Giovanna Wu 胡梓穎女士(深造課程) CHIN A163C 中國人文學科基礎課程 ( 二 ):思想與信仰 (10)
電話號碼:2768 5706
(b) 修畢以下科目,取得 10 學分:
CHST A202C 當代中國文化 (10)
Mr Alex Tsang 曾卓然先生
電話號碼:2768 6473 (c) 選修以下科目,取得 10 學分:
CHIN A171C 應用文 (5)
學院網址: CHIN A172C 語文通論 (5)
Chinese Language and Literature programmes 63

CHIN E130C 中國語文運用(一)(10) TRAN A251C 翻譯導論 (10)

CHIN E230C 中國語文運用(二)(5) CHIN A362C 中國當代文學 (10)
PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5) CHIN A371C 中國古典小說 (10)

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
(d) 選修以下科目,取得 20 學分: (f) 修畢以下科目,取得 50 學分:
CHIN A240C 中文傳意:理論與實踐 (10) CHIN A350C 多媒體寫作及互聯網在研究上的應用 (10)
CHIN A265C 中國現代修辭學 (10) CHIN A360C 新聞、編輯及廣告 (10)
CHIN A270C 中國文學與文化導論 (10) * CHIN A361C 中國人文學科研究方法及文獻目錄學 (10)
CHIN A273C 詩詞選 (10) * CHIN A366C 中國現當代散文選讀及創作 (10)
CHIN A372C 中國文學批評 (10)
(e) 選修以下科目,取得 40 學分,其中至少 20 學分須
(g) 選修本校開設的其他基礎、中級或高級程度科目,取
得 20 學分;但在 160 學分總數中,不得在基礎程度
CHIN A264C 歷代散文 (10)
CHIN A270C 中國文學與文化導論 (10) * 科目取得多於 40 學分。◊
CHIN A273C 詩詞選 (10) *
* 以上標有星號(*)的科目只可選修一次。
CHIN A274C 現代文學 (10) ◊
參閱第 62 頁註 4。
CHIN A350C 多媒體寫作及互聯網在研究上的應用 (10)
CHIN A360C 新聞、編輯及廣告 (10)
CHIN A361C 中國人文學科研究方法及文獻目錄學 (10) 副學士課程
CHIN A362C 中國當代文學 (10)
CHIN A366C 中國現當代散文選讀及創作 (10)
CHIN A371C 中國古典小說 (10) 中國語言及文學文學副學士 — AACLL
CHIN A372C 中國文學批評 (10)
(f) 選修以下科目,取得 10 學分:
CHIN A272C 中國現代語法 (10) 修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 80 學分。詳情如下:
PTH A200C 普通話II (10)
TRAN A251C 翻譯導論 (10) (a) 修讀以下科目,取得 5 學分:
CHIN A171C 應用文 (5)
(g) 選修本校開設的其他基礎、中級或高級程度科目,
取得 20 學分;但在 120 學分總數中,不得在基礎 (b) 修畢以下科目,取得 35 學分;

程度科目取得多於 40 學分。 CHIN A172C 語文通論 (5) 或 PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5)
CHIN A240C 中文傳意:理論與實踐 (10)
* 以上標有星號(*)的科目只可選修一次。
◊ CHST A202C 當代中國文化 (10)
參閱第 62 頁註 4。
PTH A200C 普通話II (10)

(c) 修畢以下必修高級程度科目,取得 10 學分:

中國語言及文學榮譽文學士 — BAHCLL
CHIN A360C 新聞、編輯及廣告 (10)
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 160 學分。詳情如下:
(d) 選修以下科目,取得 10 學分:
(a) 選修 BACLL(a) 項所列的科目,取得 10 學分;
CHIN A162C 中國人文學科基礎課程(一):歷史與文學 (10)
(b) 選修 BACLL(b) 項所列的科目,取得 10 學分; CHIN A163C 中國人文學科基礎課程(二):思想與信仰 (10)
(c) 選修 BACLL(c) 項所列的科目,取得 10 學分;
(e) 選修以上的其他科目,或下列科目或本校開設的其他基
(d) 選修 BACLL(d) 項所列的科目以及下列科目,取得
礎、中級或高級程度科目,取得 20 學分;但在 80 學
30 學分: 分總數中,至少 40 學分須選自中級或高級程度科目。◊
CHIN A272C 中國現代語法 (10) CHIN E130C 中國語文運用(一)(10)
CHIN A272C 中國現代語法 (10)
(e) 選修以下科目,取得 30 學分:
CHIN A273C 詩詞選 (10)
CHIN A264C 歷代散文 (10) CHIN A274C 現代文學 (10)
CHIN A270C 中國文學與文化導論 (10) * TRAN A251C 翻譯導論 (10)
CHIN A273C 詩詞選 (10) * CHIN A371C 中國古典小說 (10)
CHIN A274C 現代文學 (10) ◊
參閱第 62 頁註 4。
PTH A200C 普通話II (10)
64 人文社會科學院 ● 中國人文學科課程

中國人文學科課程 查詢課程內容,請聯絡:

Prof. So Wai Chor 蘇維初教授

隨著中國的綜合國力提高以及在國際間扮演的角色愈 電話號碼:2768 5702
顯重要,認識中國文化成為社會普遍的需要,中國人 電子郵遞

文學科課程切合了這種需求。本課程涵蓋了中國傳統 Dr Yeung Ching Kong 楊靜剛博士

學術三大領域,即中國文學與語言、中國歷史和中國 電話號碼:2768 5707
Prof. Chiu Yu Lok 趙雨樂教授
電話號碼:2768 5704
賞能力,提升中文語文的水平。歷史方面的研習,旨 電子郵遞
Dr Chan Kit Yee 陳潔儀博士
能力。而哲學方面的探索,可使學員掌握中國哲學思 電話號碼:2768 5751
想的特質及精髓,加強邏輯思辨的技巧。課程並期望 電子郵遞
透過文、史、哲學科的融合,加深學員對各領域的探 Dr Wong Chi Hung 黃自鴻博士
究,建立對中國文化的宏觀視野。對日後有意從事管 電話號碼:2768 5718
士,尤其有用。 Ms Giovanna Wu 胡梓穎小姐
電話號碼:2768 5706
學分豁免 電子郵遞

持有專上學歷並達到相應程度的人士可獲減免修讀若 學院網址:

閱第21頁。 學士學位課程

選科建議 中國人文學科文學士 — BACH

中國人文學科課程科目分為基礎、中級及高級程度。 修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 120 學分。詳情如下:
(a) 修畢以下必修科目 ,取得 20 學分:
CHIN A162C 中國人文學科基礎課程(一):歷史與文學
CHIN A163C 中國人文學科基礎課程(二):思想與信仰

註: (b) 選修以下科目,取得至少 80 學分,其中至少 20 學

1. 科目編號以“0”起首的,為預修程度科目。 分必須選自高級程度科目:

科目編號以“1”起首的,為基礎程度科目。 CHIN A171C 應用文 (5)

CHIN A172C 語文通論 (5)
科目編號以“2”起首的,為中級程度科目。 CHIN A272C 中國現代語法 (10)
CHIN A273C 詩詞選 (10)
CHIN A274C 現代文學 (10)
2. 學分值列於科目名稱後面的括號之內。 CHIN A281C 中國中古史 (10)
CHIN A282C 中國近世史 (10)
3. 某些課程容許學生在本科課程之外選修其他科目,惟學
CHIN A291C 邏輯與方法論 (10)
CHIN A293C 中國古代哲學思想 (10)
不可兼修的科目詳列於《學科簡介》第36頁。校方只會 CHIN A361C 中國人文學科研究方法及文獻目錄學 (10)
把不可兼修的科目組合內的其中一科計算入有關的課程 CHIN A371C 中國古典小說 (10)
之內。 CHIN A372C 中國文學批評 (10)
CHIN A381C 史學方法 (10)
Chinese Humanities programmes 65

CHIN A383C 中國近代史 (1840─1949) (10)

CHIN A384C 宋元明清社會經濟史 (10)
CHIN A391C 中國宋元明哲學 (10)
CHIN A392C 明未以來中國思想史 (10) 中國人文學科文學副學士 — AACH

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
(c) 選修本校開設的其他基礎、中級或高級程度科目, 修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 80 學分。詳情如下:
取得 20 學分;但在 120 學分總數中,不得在基礎
(a) 選修以下科目,取得 20 學分:
程度科目取得多於 40 學分。◊
CHIN A162C 中國人文學科基礎課程(一):歷史與文學

參閱第 64 頁註 3。 (10)
CHIN A163C 中國人文學科基礎課程(二):思想與信仰
中國人文學科榮譽文學士 — BAHCH CHIN A171C 應用文 (5)
CHIN A172C 語文通論 (5)
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 160 學分。詳情如下:
(b) 選修以下科目,取得 30 學分:
(a) 修畢以下必修科目,取得 30 學分: CHIN A272C 中國現代語法 (10)
CHIN A273C 詩詞選 (10)
CHIN A162C 中國人文學科基礎課程(一):歷史與文學
CHIN A274C 現代文學 (10)
CHIN A281C 中國中古史 (10)
CHIN A163C 中國人文學科基礎課程(二):思想與信仰
CHIN A282C 中國近世史(10)
CHIN A291C 邏輯與方法論 (10)
CHIN A361C 中國人文學科研究方法及文獻目錄學 (10)
CHIN A293C 中國古代哲學思想 (10)
(b) 選修以下科目,取得至少 110 學分,其中包括:
(c) 選修以下科目,取得 10 學分:
i) 至少 20 學分取自以下科目:
CHIN A371C 中國古典小說 (10)
CHIN A291C 邏輯與方法論 (10) CHIN A372C 中國文學批評 (10)
CHIN A372C 中國文學批評 (10) CHIN A381C 史學方法 (10)
CHIN A381C 史學方法 (10) CHIN A383C 中國近代史(1840─1949)(10)
CHIN A384C 宋元明清社會經濟史 (10)
ii) 至少 40 學分取自以下科目: CHIN A391C 中國宋元明哲學 (10)
CHIN A272C 中國現代語法 (10) CHIN A392C 明末以來中國思想史 (10)
CHIN A273C 詩詞選 (10)
(d) 選修以下科目,取得 10 學分:
CHIN A274C 現代文學 (10)
CHIN A281C 中國中古史 (10) ENGL E070 English for Post-secondary Study (5)
CHIN A282C 中國近世史 (10) CHIN E130C 中國語文運用(一)(10)
CHIN A293C 中國古代哲學思想 (10) ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5)
PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5)
iii) 至少 40 學分取自以下科目: SOSC A111C 社會科學基礎課程:心理學與社會學 (10)
CHIN A371C 中國古典小說 (10) SOSC A112C 社會科學基礎課程:經濟學與政治學 (10)
CHIN A383C 中國近代史 (1840─1949) (10) TRAN A251C 翻譯導論 (10)
CHIN A384C 宋元明清社會經濟史 (10) TRAN A252C 翻譯語言研究 (10)
CHIN A391C 中國宋元明哲學 (10)
(e) 選修以上 (a) 項及 (b) 所列的其他科目,取得 10 學分。
CHIN A392C 明未以來中國思想史 (10)

iv) 餘下的 10 學分可選自以上的任何科目或下列科

CHIN A171C 應用文 (5)
CHIN A172C 語文通論 (5)

(c) 選修本校開設的其他基礎、中級或高級程度科目,
取得 20 學分;但在 160 學分總數中,不得在基礎
程度科目取得多於 40 學分。◊

參閱第 64 頁註 3。
66 人文社會科學院 ● 語言與翻譯課程

語言與翻譯課程 查詢課程內容,請聯絡:

Dr Emily Poon 潘慧儀博士

香港是國際城市,中西文化薈萃,對語言和翻譯人才 電話號碼:2768 5710
需求甚殷。有見及此,本校開辦多個語言與翻譯課 電子郵遞

程,旨在提供相關的訓練,培養優秀的人才。課程注 Dr Kelly Chan 陳家愉博士

電話號碼:2768 5730
Dr Eden Li 李深紅博士
達的技巧,還能掌握多方面的專業翻譯能力(包括法 電話號碼:2768 5907
律、商業、公共行政、傳播媒介)。 電子郵遞

Dr Winnie Chor 左靄雲博士

電話號碼:2768 5703
持有專上學歷並達到相應程度的人士可獲減免修讀若 電子郵遞
干學分,持有認可的本地副學士學位或高級文憑而報 Ms Garfield Lau 劉致心女士
讀學士課程者最高可獲豁免修讀80學分。詳情請參 電話號碼:2768 6703
Dr Anna Tso 曹穎寶博士
選科建議 電話號碼:2768 5746
Ms Teresa Wang 汪卿孫女士
• 副學位或學士學位課程:E N G L A122、 電話號碼:2768 5722
ENGL A101、PTH E150C、CHIN A171C、 電子郵遞

CHIN A172C; Mr Stanley Leung 梁漢波先生

電話號碼:2768 5731
• 擬 集 中 修 讀 英 文 科 目 : E N G L A 1 2 2 、
ENGL A101;
Ms Dolly Liu 劉琪琛女士
• 擬 集 中 修 讀 中 文 科 目 : P T H E 1 5 0 C 、 電話號碼:2768 5732
• 擬集中修讀翻譯科目:T R A N A251C、

註: 學士學位課程
1. 科目編號以“0”起首的,為預修程度科目。

科目編號以“1”起首的,為基礎程度科目。 語言與翻譯文學士 — BALT

科目編號以“2”起首的,為中級程度科目。 修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 120 學分。詳情如下:
(a) 選修下列科目,取得至少 80 學分,其中至少 20 學
2. 學分值列於科目名稱後面的括號之內。
分須選自高級程度科目;在 80 學分中,學生必須:
3. 標有星號(*)的科目會在列表上重複出現,但只可選修
i) 選修以下科目,取得至少 40 學分:
TRAN A251C 翻譯導論 (10)
4. 某些課程容許學生在本科課程之外選修其他科目,惟學
TRAN A252C 翻譯語言研究 (10)
TRAN A253C 譯文研究 (5)
不可兼修的科目詳列於《學科簡介》第36頁。校方只會 TRAN A254C 傳譯基礎 (5)
把不可兼修的科目組合內的其中一科計算入有關的課程 TRAN A351C 實用翻譯 1(法律及商業)(10)
之內。 TRAN A352C 實用翻譯 2(公共行政及傳播媒介)(10)
TRAN A354C 高級傳譯 (10)
Language and Translation programmes 67

ii) 選修以下科目,取得至少 40 學分: (c) 選修以上的其他科目或下列科目,共取得 140 學分:

ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5) CHIN A171C 應用文 (5)
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5) CHIN A172C 語文通論 (5)

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
ENGL A200 Analysing English Grammar (10) PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5)
ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10) CHIN A272C 中國現代語法 (10)
LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (10) PTH A200C 普通話II (10)
LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong (10)
LANG A332 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (10) (d) 選修本校開設的其他基礎、中級或高級程度科目,
TRAN A335 Culture and Translation (10)
取得所需學分;但在 160 學分總數中,不得在基礎
(b) 選修以上的其他科目或下列科目,取得 20 學分: 程度科目取得多於 40 學分。◊
CHIN A171C 應用文 (5) ◊
參閱第 66 頁註 4。
CHIN A172C 語文通論 (5)
PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5)
CHIN A272C 中國現代語法 (10)
PTH A200C 普通話II (10) 學生如修畢語言與翻譯學位課程,並曾完成相關的師資培
(c) 選修本校開設的其他基礎、中級或高級程度科目,
取得所需學分;但在 120 學分總數中,不得在基礎
程度科目取得多於 40 學分。◊

參閱第 66 頁註 4。

語言文憑 — DLEC
語言與翻譯榮譽文學士 — BAHLT
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 60 學分。詳情如下:
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 160 學分。詳情如下:
(a) 選修以下科目,取得至少 10 學分:
(a) 選修以下科目,取得至少 60 學分,其中包括: ENGL A090 English Speaking and Listening Skills (5) *
i) 修畢下列科目,取得 10 學分: ENGL E070 English for Post-Secondary Study (5) *
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5) *
TRAN A453C 翻譯專題研究 (10) PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5) *

ii) 至少 20 學分須選自下列高級程度科目: (b) 選修以下科目,取得 20 學分,其中至少 10 學分須

TRAN A351C 實用翻譯 1(法律及商業)(10)
TRAN A352C 實用翻譯 2(公共行政及傳播媒介)(10)
TRAN A354C 高級傳譯 (10) CHIN A171C 應用文 (5)
CHIN A172C 語文通論 (5)
iii) 餘下學分可選自下列科目: PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5) *
TRAN A251C 翻譯導論 (10) CHIN A272C 中國現代語法 (10)
TRAN A252C 翻譯語言研究 (10) PTH A200C 普通話II (10)
TRAN A253C 譯文研究 (5) TRAN A251C 翻譯導論 (10) 或 TRAN A252C 翻譯語言研
TRAN A254C 傳譯基礎 (5) 究 (10)
TRAN A253C 譯文研究 (5)
(b) 選修以下科目,取得至少 60 學分,其中至少 30 學 TRAN A254C 傳譯基礎 (5)

分須選自高級程度科目: (c) 選修以下科目,取得 20 學分,其中至少 10 學分須

ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5) 選自中級程度的科目:
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5)
ENGL A200 Analysing English Grammar (10) ENGL A090 English Speaking and Listening Skills (5) *
ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10) ENGL E070 English for Post-Secondary Study (5) *
LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (10) ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5)
LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong (10) ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5) *
LANG A332 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (10) ENGL A200 Analysing English Grammar (10)
TRAN A335 Culture and Translation (10) ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10)

(d) 選修以上其他科目,取得餘下所需學分。
68 人文社會科學院 ● 語言與翻譯課程

語言與翻譯文憑 — DLT ENGL A200 Analysing English Grammar (10)

ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10)
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 60 學分。詳情如下: LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics
(10) *
LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong (10) *
(a) 選修以下科目,取得至少 10 學分:
ENGL A090 English Speaking and Listening Skills (5) * (d) 選修以下科目,取得 10 學分:
ENGL E070 English for Post-Secondary Study (5) *
LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5) *
(10) *
PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5)
LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong (10) *
TRAN A351C 實用翻譯 1(法律及商業)(10) *
(b) 選修以下科目,取得 20 學分:
TRAN A352C 實用翻譯 2(公共行政及傳播媒介)(10) *
TRAN A251C 翻譯導論 (10)
TRAN A252C 翻譯語言研究 (10) (e) 選修以上的其他科目或下列科目,取得餘下所需學
TRAN A253C 譯文研究 (5)
TRAN A254C 傳譯基礎 (5)
CHIN A171C 應用文 (5)
(c) 選修以下科目,取得 20 學分: CHIN A172C 語文通論 (5)

ENGL A090 English Speaking and Listening Skills (5) *

ENGL E070 English for Post-Secondary Study (5) *
ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5)
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5) *
ENGL A200 Analysing English Grammar (10)
ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10)

(d) 選修以上的其他科目或下列科目,取得餘下所需學
CHIN A171C 應用文 (5)
CHIN A172C 語文通論 (5)
CHIN A272C 中國現代語法 (10)
PTH A200C 普通話II (10)

語言與翻譯高級文憑 — HDLT
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 90 學分。詳情如下:

(a) 選修以下科目,取得至少 10 學分:

ENGL A090 English Speaking and Listening Skills (5) *
ENGL E070 English for Post-Secondary Study (5) *
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5) *
PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5)

(b) 選修以下科目,取得 30 學分:

TRAN A251C 翻譯導論 (10)
TRAN A252C 翻譯語言研究 (10)
TRAN A253C 譯文研究 (5)
TRAN A254C 傳譯基礎 (5)
TRAN A351C 實用翻譯 1(法律及商業)(10) *
TRAN A352C 實用翻譯 2(公共行政及傳播媒介)(10) *

(c) 選修以下科目,取得 30 學分:

ENGL A090 English Speaking and Listening Skills (5) *
ENGL E070 English for Post-Secondary Study (5) *
ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5)
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5) *
Chinese and English Languages programmes 69

中英語文課程 查詢課程內容,請聯絡:

Prof. Chiu Yu Lok 趙雨樂教授

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
在全球化和中國崛起的趨勢下,香港、國內以至國際 電話號碼:2768 5704
市場對於能掌握兩文三語,且能在不同文化背景下工 電子郵遞

作的人才的需求殷切。有見及此,本課程不但重視中 Ms Garfield Lau 劉致心女士

英語文的學習,同時加強對中英文學及文化的知識灌 電話號碼:2768 6703
專修部分,已獲香港教育局語文教育研究常務委員會 Dr Eden Li 李深紅博士
納入「認可主修語文科目的學位課程」名單中,修畢 電話號碼:2768 5907
專業發展獎勵津貼計劃認可課程」,有利在職語文教 Mr Ma Chun Lung 馬駿龍先生
電話號碼:2768 5747

學分豁免 Dr Emily Poon 潘慧儀博士

電話號碼:2768 5710
Dr Yeung Ching Kong 楊靜剛博士
電話號碼:2768 5707
閱第21頁。 電子郵遞

選科建議 學院網址:


• 副學位、學士學位或榮譽文學士課程:

• 擬集中修讀英文科目:ENGL A131、 中英語文文學士 — BACE

ENGL A132;
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 120 學分。詳情如
• 擬集中修讀中文科目:CHIN A171C、 下:
(a) 修畢以下四科必修科,取得 20 學分;
• 擬集中修讀翻譯科目:TRAN A251C、
CHIN A171C 應用文 (5)
CHIN A172C 語文通論 (5)
ENGL A131 Introduction to English Fiction (5)
ENGL A132 Introduction to English Drama and Poetry
1. 科目編號以“1”起首的,為基礎程度科目。 (5)

(b) 修畢以下翻譯科目,取得 10 學分;
TRAN A251C 翻譯導論 (10)
2. 學分值列於科目名稱後面的括號之內。 TRAN A252C 翻譯語言研究 (10)
TRAN A335 Culture and Translation (10)
3. 某些課程容許學生在本科課程之外選修其他科目,惟學
TRAN A351C 實用翻譯1(法律及商業)(10)
生必須核對所選的科目是否屬於“不可兼修”的類別, TRAN A352C 實用翻譯2(公共行政及傳播媒介)(10)
70 人文社會科學院 ● 中英語文課程

(c) 中文專修的學生從以下中文科目選修 40 學分,另從 (b) 選修以下翻譯科目,取得 20 學分;

以下英文科目選修 30 學分;或 TRAN A251C 翻譯導論(10)
TRAN A252C 翻譯語言研究(10)
英文專修的學生從以下英文科目選修 40 學分,另從
TRAN A335 Culture and Translation (10)
以下中文科目選修 30 學分; TRAN A351C 實用翻譯1 (法律及商業) (10)
TRAN A352C 實用翻譯2 (公共行政及傳播媒介) (10)
Chinese Courses 中文科
PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5) (c) 中文專修的學生從以下中文科目選修 60 學分,另從
CHIN E130C 中國語文運用(一) (10) 以下英文科目選修 40 學分;或
CHIN E230C 中國語文運用(二) (5)
PTH A200C 普通話 II (10) 英文專修的學生從以下英文科目選修 60 學分,另從
CHIN A272C 中國現代語法(10)
以下中文科目選修 40 學分;
CHIN A273C 詩詞選 (10)
CHIN A274C 現代文學 (10) Chinese Courses 中文科
CHIN A360C 新聞、編輯及廣告 (10)
PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5)
CHIN A362C 中國當代文學 (10)
CHIN E130C 中國語文運用(一) (10)
CHIN A366C 中國現當代散文選讀及創作 (10)
CHIN E230C 中國語文運用(二) (5)
CHIN A371C 中國古典小說 (10)
PTH A200C 普通話 II (10)
CHIN A372C 中國文學批評 (10)
CHIN A272C 中國現代語法 (10)
CHIN A373B 中西比較文學 (10)
CHIN A273C 詩詞選 (10)
English Courses 英文科 CHIN A274C 現代文學 (10)
CHIN A360C 新聞、編輯及廣告 (10)
ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5)
CHIN A362C 中國當代文學 (10)
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5)
CHIN A366C 中國現當代散文選讀及創作 (10)
ENGL A200 Analysing English Grammar (10)
CHIN A371C 中國古典小說 (10)
ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10)
CHIN A372C 中國文學批評 (10)
ENGL A231 English Literature in the Modern World (5)
CHIN A373B 中西比較文學 (10)
ENGL A232 Socio-cultural Issues in English Literature
English Courses 英文科
ENGL A336 Major Authors in English Literature (10)
ENGL A337 Critical Approaches to Literature (10) ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5)
LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5)
(10) ENGL A200 Analysing English Grammar (10)
LANG A331 Language and Society (10) ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10)
LANG A332 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (10) ENGL A231 English Literature in the Modern World (5)
ENGL A232 Socio-cultural Issues in English Literature
(d) 選修本校開設的其他基礎、中級或高級程度科目, (10)
ENGL A336 Major Authors in English Literature (10)
取得 20 學分;但在 120 學分總數中,不得在基礎
ENGL A337 Critical Approaches to Literature (10)
程度科目取得多於 40 學分,其中至少 20 學分須選 LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics
LANG A331 Language and Society (10)

LANG A332 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (10)
參閱第 69 頁註 3。
(d) 選修本校開設的其他基礎、中級或高級程度科目,
取得 20 學分;但在 160 學分總數中,不得在基礎
中英語文榮譽文學士 — BAHCE
程度科目取得多於 40 學分,其中至少 50 學分須選
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 160 學分。詳情如 自高級程度科目。◊

參閱第 69 頁註 3。

(a) 修畢以下四科必修科,取得 20 學分;

CHIN A171C 應用文 (5)

CHIN A172C 語文通論 (5)
ENGL A131 Introduction to English Fiction (5)
ENGL A132 Introduction to English Drama and Poetry
Chinese and English Languages programmes 71

中英語文副學士 — AACE (d) 在 80 學分總數中,不得在基礎程度科目取得多於

40 學分,其中至少 10 學分須選自高級程度科目。◊
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 80 學分。詳情如下:

School of
Arts and Social Sciences

參閱第 69 頁註 3。
(a) 修畢以下四科必修科,取得 20 學分;

CHIN A171C 應用文 (5)

CHIN A172C 語文通論 (5)
ENGL A131 Introduction to English Fiction (5)
ENGL A132 Introduction to English Drama and Poetry

(b) 選修以下翻譯科目,取得 10 學分;

TRAN A251C 翻譯導論(10)

TRAN A252C 翻譯語言研究(10)
TRAN A335 Culture and Translation (10)
TRAN A351C 實用翻譯1 (法律及商業) (10)
TRAN A352C 實用翻譯2 (公共行政及傳播媒介) (10)

(c) 中文專修的學生從以下中文科目選修 30 學分,另從

以下英文科目選修 20 學分;或

英文專修的學生從以下英文科目選修 30 學分,另從
以下中文科目選修 20 學分;

Chinese Courses 中文科

PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5)
CHIN E130C 中國語文運用(一) (10)
CHIN E230C 中國語文運用(二) (5)
PTH A200C 普通話 II (10)
CHIN A272C 中國現代語法 (10)
CHIN A273C 詩詞選 (10)
CHIN A274C 現代文學 (10)
CHIN A360C 新聞、編輯及廣告 (10)
CHIN A362C 中國當代文學 (10)
CHIN A366C 中國現當代散文選讀及創作 (10)
CHIN A371C 中國古典小說 (10)
CHIN A372C 中國文學批評 (10)
CHIN A373B 中西比較文學 (10)

English Courses 英文科

ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills (5)
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5)
ENGL A200 Analysing English Grammar (10)
ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10)
ENGL A231 English Literature in the Modern World (5)
ENGL A232 Socio-cultural Issues in English Literature
ENGL A336 Major Authors in English Literature (10)
ENGL A337 Critical Approaches to Literature (10)
LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics
LANG A331 Language and Society (10)
LANG A332 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (10)
72 人文社會科學院 ● 應用英語語言學課程

Master of Arts in Applied

Master of Arts in Applied English Linguistics — MAAEL
English Linguistics This programme will accept new students in the
September semester only.
The programme is designed to meet the growing
demand from professionals and individuals who
are concerned with the use of language in a wide Important Note:
range of situations. It introduces students to the There is a specific New Students Application
application of linguistic theories and methods in Form for this programme. Please download the
a variety of professional settings. It is therefore form from the following website:
relevant not only to language teachers, but also
to those who have a general interest in language
issues or engage in solving language-related Application deadline: 31 July 2014.
problems in other professions.

The programme aims to develop in students a The courses in the programme will be taught through
broad understanding of the systems of English; a a face-to-face mode. Full-time students should
general knowledge of the central issues in applied complete the programme in one year. Part-time
linguistics; the skills required for conducting students can complete the programme in two years
research in applied linguistics; and a critical but the maximum duration of study is four years.
awareness of the role of language in addressing
real-world problems in different contexts, such as Programme-specific entry requirements:
education, translation and the legal sector. To enter the programme, applicants should have
obtained a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized
tertiary education institution, or equivalent.

Students pursuing this programme must successfully

complete 60 credits of courses as follows:
(a) 40 credits of compulsory courses:
LANG A881F English Language Systems 1 (10)
LANG A882F English Language Systems 2 (10)
LANG A883F Current Issues in Applied Linguistics (10)
LANG A884F Methods in Applied Linguistics (10)
(b) an additional 20 credits from:
Courses with a suffix ‘B’ are bilingual courses
LANG A885F Language, Culture and Society in Hong Kong (10)
TRAN A801BF Topics in Translation (5)
TRAN A803BF Hong Kong Legal System and Legal English (5)
For enquiries about the programme, please contact TRAN A807BF Legal Translation in Hong Kong (5)
TRAN A811F Critical Readings for Translators (English) (5)
Dr Anna Tso EDU E819* Investigating Language in Action (20)
Tel: 2768 5746 * a two-semester course offered in the distance-learning
Email: mode.

Dr Eden Li
Tel: 2768 5907 Postgraduate Diploma in
Email: Applied English Linguistics
Dr John Li
Tel: 2768 5750 Students who have completed at least 30 credits of
Email: compulsory courses in (a) and 10 credits of courses
from (b) of MAAEL above except EDU E819 could
School website: apply to graduate with the Postgraduate Diploma in
Programme website: Applied English Linguistics.
Applied Translation programmes 73

實用翻譯文學碩士課程 查詢課程內容,請聯絡:
Dr Kelly Chan 陳家愉博士

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
香港公開大學的實用翻譯碩士課程是為專業翻譯工作 電話號碼:2768 5730
Ms Garfield Lau 劉致心女士
提高個人語言水平及翻譯能力的各界人士修讀。 電話號碼:2768 6703
Ms Teresa Wang 汪卿孫女士
生通過翻譯實踐學會翻譯,翻譯理論的學習相對減 電話號碼:2768 5722
少。在進修過程中,學生將通過“翻譯原理”、“翻 電子郵遞
譯實踐”及“專題翻譯”,掌握必要的翻譯技巧,取 學院網址:

本課程的另一個特點是學習的靈活性,科目選擇和教 深造課程
學模式均能配合各類人士的需求及學習風格。 注意:


新生申請截止日期:2014 年 7 月 31 日

實用翻譯文學碩士 — MAAT


註: 修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 60 學分 *。詳情如下:
1. 科目編號帶有“F”字母的,乃面授科目;沒有“F”字 (a) 修畢以下科目,取得 40 學分:
TRAN A801BF 翻譯探究 (5)
2. 科目編號帶有“C”字母的,會採用中文為教學語言, TRAN A802BF 翻譯原理 (5)
而帶有“B”字母的,乃同時使用中、英文的雙語教學 TRAN A805BF 翻譯實踐 (10)
TRAN A811F Critical Readings for Translators (English) (5)
TRAN A812CF 文選評析(中文)(5)
言。 TRAN A832BF 高級翻譯 (10)
3. 某些課程容許學生在本科課程之外選修其他科目,惟學
生必須核對所選的科目是否屬於“不可兼修”的類別, (b) 修畢以下其中一個科目,取得 10 學分:
不可兼修的科目詳列於《學科簡介》第36頁。校方只會 TRAN A836BF Translation of Media, Business and Social
把不可兼修的科目組合內的其中一科計算入有關的課程 Sciences Texts (10)
之內。 TRAN A852BF 專題翻譯 (10)
74 人文社會科學院 ● 實用翻譯課程

(c) 選修以下科目,取得 10 學分(學生應選修與翻譯實 (b) 選修以下科目,取得 10 學分(學生應選修與翻譯實踐和

ENVR S830F Environmental Protection in Modern Society
ENVR S830F Environmental Protection in Modern Society
ENVR S840F Environmental Management in Practice (5)
FIN B862 Finance for Corporations (5)
ENVR S840F Environmental Management in Practice (5)
LAW B868 Corporate Law (5)
FIN B862 Finance for Corporations (5)
LAW B868 Corporate Law (5) LIBS A823CF 中華文明 (5)
LIBS A824F Globalization, Society and Culture (5)
LIBS A823CF 中華文明 (5)
LIBS A826F Social Change: Hong Kong and Mainland
LIBS A824F Globalization, Society and Culture (5)
China (5)
LIBS A825F Governance and Politics of Greater China (5)
LIBS A827F Media, Society and Citizenship (5)
LIBS A826F Social Change: Hong Kong and Mainland
LIBS A828F Regional Economic Integration: Hong
China (5)
Kong and China (5)
LIBS A827F Media, Society and Citizenship (5)
LIBS A829F Western Culture and Civilization (5)
LIBS A828F Regional Economic Integration: Hong Kong
LIBS A830F Interpersonal Relationships (5)
and China (5)
LIBS A831F Group Dynamics (5)
LIBS A829F Western Culture and Civilization (5)
LIBS A832F Personal Awareness and Growth (5)
LIBS A830F Interpersonal Relationships (5)
LIBS A825F Governance and Politics of Greater China
LIBS A831F Group Dynamics (5)
LIBS A832F Personal Awareness and Growth (5)
MGT B819 Concepts and Practices of Contemporary
MGT B819 Concepts and Practices of Contemporary
Business Administration (10) or
Business Administration (10) or MGT B819C
MGT B819C 當代工商管理概念與實務 (10)
當代工商管理概念與實務 (10)
MGT B820 Strategy (10)
MGT B820 Strategy (10)
MGT B822 Creativity, Innovation and Change (10)
MGT B822 Creativity, Innovation and Change (10)
MKT B890 International Management Strategy (10)
MKT B890 International Management Strategy (10)
TRAN A803BF Hong Kong Legal System and Legal
TRAN A803BF Hong Kong Legal System and Legal English (5)
English (5)
TRAN A804BF Translation and the Use of Chinese in Law (5)
TRAN A804BF Translation and the Use of Chinese in
TRAN A806BF Legal Bilingualism in Hong Kong (5)
Law (5)
TRAN A807BF Legal Translation in Hong Kong (5)
TRAN A806BF Legal Bilingualism in Hong Kong (5)
TRAN A808BF Advanced Legal Translation in Hong Kong (5)
TRAN A807BF Legal Translation in Hong Kong (5)
TRAN A816BF Principles of Constitutional & Administrative
TRAN A808BF Advanced Legal Translation in Hong Kong
Law and Criminal Law in Bilingual Context (5)
TRAN A817BF Principles of Contract Law in Bilingual
TRAN A816BF Principles of Constitutional &
Context (5)
Administrative Law and Criminal Law in
TRAN A818BF Principles of Company Law in Bilingual
Bilingual Context (5)
Context (5)
TRAN A817BF Principles of Contract Law in Bilingual
TRAN A819BF Principles of Property Law in Bilingual
Context (5)
Context (5)
TRAN A818BF Principles of Company Law in Bilingual
除以上的科目外,學生亦可選修本校開設的其他深造程度科 Context (5)
目,取得 10 學分,但必須獲實用翻譯文學碩士課程之課程 TRAN A819BF Principles of Property Law in Bilingual
Context (5)
* 註: 得 10 學分,但必須獲實用翻譯文學碩士課程之課程主任批准。

學生如修畢以下科目,取得至少 40 學分,可申請以實用翻譯
深造文憑 (PDAT) 畢業:
(a) 修畢以下科目,取得 30 學分:
TRAN A801BF 翻譯探究 (5)
TRAN A802BF 翻譯原理 (5)
TRAN A805BF 翻譯實踐 (10)
TRAN A812CF 文選評析(中文)(5)
TRAN A811F Critical Readings for Translators (English)
Legal Translation programme 75

Master of Arts in Legal

Master of Arts in Legal Translation — MALT

School of
Arts and Social Sciences
This programme will accept new students in the
September semester only.
The change in Hong Kong’s political and social
tide in 1997 triggered the Government to
Important Note:
implement legal bilingualism by establishing a
legal system using Chinese in addition to English There is a specific New Students Application
as the language of law. In order to strengthen Form for this programme. Please download the
Hong Kong’s role as a regional hub for such form from the following website:
bilingual system, a steady stream of competent
professionals/translators must be produced for both
Application deadline: 31 July 2014.
the private and public legal sectors.

The School of Arts and Social Sciences proposes

to contribute to this process of academic The courses in the programme will be taught through
upgrading by offering a new programme of a face-to-face mode. Full-time students should complete
studies — the Master of Arts in Legal Translation. the programme in one year. Part-time students
This programme aims to provide students with can complete the programme in two years but the
professional skills in legal writing, legal translation maximum duration of study is four years.
and bilingual drafting. Upon successful completion
of the programme, students should be able to Programme-specific entry requirements:
demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the To enter the programme, applicants should have
common law system and the general concepts in obtained a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized
constitutional & administrative law, criminal law, tertiary education institution, or the equivalent.
contract law, company law and property law. They
should also be equipped with the techniques to
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
translate different types of legal documents to
complete 60 credits of courses as follows:
meet the challenges arisen as a result of Hong
Kong’s transformation from a monolingual to a (a) at least 50 credits of compulsory courses:
bilingual legal system. TRAN A802BF Principles of Translation (5)
TRAN A803BF Hong Kong Legal System and Legal English (5)
TRAN A804BF Translation and the Use of Chinese in Law (5)
TRAN A806BF Legal Bilingualism in Hong Kong (5)
TRAN A807BF Legal Translation in Hong Kong (5)
TRAN A808BF Advanced Legal Translation in Hong Kong (5)
TRAN A809BF MA Project (10)
TRAN A816BF Principles of Constitutional & Administrative
Law and Criminal Law in Bilingual Context
TRAN A817BF Principles of Contract Law in Bilingual
Context (5)
TRAN A818BF Principles of Company Law in Bilingual
Note: Context (5)
Courses with a suffix ‘B’ are bilingual courses. TRAN A819BF Principles of Property Law in Bilingual
Context (5)

(b) an additional 5 credits or 10 credits from:

For enquiries about the programme, please contact TRAN A811F Critical Readings for Translators (English) (5)
TRAN A812CF Critical Readings for Translators (Chinese)(5)
Dr Emily Poon Wai Yee
TRAN A832BF Advanced Translation (10)
Tel: 2768 5710
School website:
Programme website:

Lee Shau Kee School of Business & Administration

The Lee Shau Kee School of Business and 李兆基商業管理學院致力提供工商管理方面的學位課
Administration (B&A) provides OUHK degree 程。學院大部分的課程由具有豐富學術及專業經驗的本
programmes and credit-bearing courses in business
administration. Most of the School’s courses are 地專家學者撰寫,內容根據本港和大中華地區的實際商
specially designed to suit the business environment 業環境而設計。學院旨在教授最新的知識和技能,擴闊
of Hong Kong and the Greater China region, and 學生的知識領域,幫助他們在商界踏上成功之路。
are locally developed by experienced professional
consultants and academics. The School aims to equip 學院深明現今社會重視商業網絡,因此與許多本地和海
its learners with up-to-date knowledge and skills, and
to broaden their perspectives to succeed in the ever-
changing world of business. 課程均獲專業機構認可,同學在課業方面達到一定要
Recognizing the importance of networking in the field
of business, the School has fostered close partnerships 107 頁)。
and established multifaceted collaborations with
various local and overseas professional institutions.
A number of professional institutions recognize
its programmes, and exemptions for membership
examinations have been granted to graduates and
students who meet certain requirements (see p. 105).

Programmes 課程
Postgraduate programmes Bachelor’s Degree programmes Associate Degree programmes
深造課程 學士學位課程 副學士課程
Doctor of Business Administration 78 Bachelor of Business 88 Associate of Business 103
Administration Administration
Master of:
• Business Administration 80, 82 Bachelor of Business Administration/ 工商管理副學士(中文) 103
• Business Administration 81 Bachelor of Business Administration
with Honours in: Associate of Electronic Commerce 103
(Part-time face-to-face)
• Business in Research Methods 83 • Accounting 89–90
• Corporate Governance 84 • Banking and Finance 91–92 Certificate programmes
• Electronic Commerce 84 • Corporate Administration 93–94
• Management 96–98 證書課程
• Financial Services 85
• Human Resource Management 85 Bachelor of Business 94 Certificate in:
• Laws in Chinese Business 78 Administration in Human • Banking and Finance 104
Law Resource Management • Business Administration 104
• Professional Accounting 86 • Business Computing 104
Bachelor of Business 95 • Logistics 104
• 工商管理碩士(中文面授課程) 81 Administration in International
• 工商管理碩士(中文) 82 • Management 104
• Marketing 104
• 中國商法法律碩士 79
Bachelor of Business 95–96 • 工商管理證書(中 文) 104
• 會計專業碩士(中文) 86 Administration in Logistics and • 中國商業學證書(中文) 104
Postgraduate Diploma in 86 Supply Chain Management
Professional Accounting Bachelor of Business 98
Postgraduate certificate in 79 Administration in Marketing
Chinese Business Law 工商管理學士(中文) 99–100
中國商法法律深造證書 80 中國商業工商管理學士(中文) 101
Bachelor of Electronic 101–102
Commerce/ Bachelor of Electronic
Commerce (Honours)

E-learning programme
Postgraduate programmes 77

Lee Shau Kee School of

Postgraduate programmes 深造課程
The Doctor of Business Administration (in English 工商管理博士(DBA)課程為高層管理人員及商界領袖
or Chinese) provides business leaders and senior 而設,旨在提升其作為一個工商管理領袖的素質。工商
managers with the knowledge and skills required 管理碩士(MBA)課程則為現職管理人員而設,讓他
for leadership in business and administration. The 們學習最新的知識和技能,為出任高層的管理職位作好
Master of Business Administration (in English or

Business and Administration

Chinese) is designed for practising managers to
enhance their knowledge, ability and skills as they
prepare for senior managerial positions. The Master of 專業人士而設;在他們的工作中,商業研究有着相當的
Business in Research Methods (in English or Chinese) 重要性;本課程也適合計劃日後繼續攻讀工商管理博士
provides training to an advanced level in a range of 或哲學博士的人士修讀。學員也可以選擇主修不同範疇
management and business research methods. The 的課程,包括金融服務碩士、人力資源管理碩士、電子
programme is targeted towards executives working 商業碩士、專業會計深造文憑、專業會計碩士及企業管
in a commercial or professional environment where
research plays a significant role, or executives
who plan to study for a DBA or PhD. Alternatively,
Master’s level students may choose to specialize in a 述其他課程則一概採用英文為教學語言。
particular field — financial services, human resource
management, electronic commerce, professional
accounting or corporate governance. Our Master 持有認可碩士學歷的人士,如報讀公開大學60學分的
of Professional Accounting, Master of Corporate 碩士學位課程,最高可獲豁免修讀20學分。詳情請參
Governance and Postgraduate Diploma in Professional 閱第21頁。
Accounting have all obtained professional recognition.
For enquiries about the programmes, please contact:
Advanced standing/Credit exemption Dr Nigel Leung 梁子沖博士
Holders of a recognized Master’s Degree may be Tel: 2768 6926
awarded a maximum of 20 credits towards a 60-credit Email:
School website:
OUHK Master’s Degree. For details, please see p. 20.

Online programme in Chinese Business Law 中國商法網上課程

This is an online programme leading to a 本院開辦了一項關於中國商法的網上課程,
Master of Laws (LLM) qualification, and
is designed for legal practitioners and business
management professionals. The programme provides 格。本碩士課程特別為法律或商業管理專業人士提供
students with the knowledge in Chinese business 關於中國商法方面的知識培訓,使學員能全面掌握在
laws which is required for any business and 中國從事商業活動和投資所必備的法律知識。(詳情
investment undertakings in mainland China. (see p. 78
for further details.)
78 李兆基商業管理學院 ● 深造課程

Postgraduate programmes Master of Laws in Chinese

Business Law —
Doctor of Business Administration — LLMCBL1/LLMCBL2 #
DBA This programme is delivered online in an e-learning
This programme will accept new students in the mode. In this mode, students can study at their own
October semester only. pace and according to their own schedules while
enjoying the direct interaction with the lecturers and
The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) tutors through real-time lectures/tutorials.
programme is designed for current and potential
business leaders and senior managers in the private List 1 Compulsory courses
and public sectors to enhance their knowledge
LAW B843W Principles and Practices of Chinese Civil Law (5)
and competencies appropriate to a leadership role
LAW B844W Chinese Contract Law (5)
in business and administration. Like a Doctor of LAW B845W Chinese Laws on Enterprises (5)
Philosophy (PhD) Degree, a DBA aims to draw heavily LAW B846W Chinese Intellectual Property Protection Law
on a person’s individual experience as a base for (5)
future learning at the highest level. Unlike a PhD, LAW B847W Chinese Finance Law (5)
LAW B848W International Business Law and China (5)
however, a DBA focuses on topical and applied LAW B855W Comparative Study of Business Law I (5)
management issues rather than academic research LAW B856W Comparative Study of Business Law II (5)

Programme-specific entry requirements: List 2 Elective courses

To enter this programme, you must have a recognized BUS B899 Advanced Business Field Studies (10)
Master’s Degree in business administration or a BUS B899C 高級商業實習 (10)
business-related field, or its equivalent. LAW B849W Principles and Practices of Chinese
Constitutional Law (5)
Participants will be selected on the basis of their
LAW B849CW 中國憲法原理與實踐 (5)
academic results, professional experience, ability to LAW B852W Theories and Practices of Chinese Economic
undertake successful doctoral studies and potential Law (5)
for professional leadership. LAW B852CW 中國經濟法理論與實踐 (5)
LAW B853W Principles and Practices of Chinese
Administrative Law (5)
The DBA is a research-oriented programme. Students LAW B853CW 中國行政法原理與實踐 (5)
pursuing this programme must successfully complete LAW B854W Chinese Legal Framework for Settlement of
20 credits from Stage 1 and 20 credits and Commercial Disputes (5)
LAW B854CW 中國商業糾紛處理的法律機制 (5)
a thesis from Stage 2, according to the following:

(a) Stage 1
BUS B950 Business Research (20) or There are two pathways for students pursuing this
BUS B950C 商業研究 (20) programme.
(b) Stage 2
LLMCBL1 — pathway 1
BUS B980 Directed Studies in Business (20) or
BUS B980C 商業專題研究 (20);
and Programme-specific entry requirements:
RSCH B990 DBA Thesis or
(a) a recognized degree in law or a business-
RSCH B990C 工商管理博士論文
related area (or its equivalent); or
Students must complete a 20-credit course on research
(b) a recognized degree in a major other than law
methods from Stage 1 before they can progress to
or business-related area (or its equivalent),
Stage 2 of the programme. They must complete
plus at least three years in management or
BUS B980 or BUS B980C before they can proceed to
legal profession.
writing the thesis.

There are separate admission procedures for this

Students pursuing this programme through Pathway 1
programme. For details of the programme, please
must successfully complete at least 60 credits as
refer to the brochure for the programme, which is
obtainable from the Registry.
Postgraduate programmes 79

(a) 40 credits from courses in List 1. 中國商法法律碩士

Lee Shau Kee School of

(b) 20 credits from courses in List 2. — LLMCBLC1/LLMCBLC2 #

LLMCBL2 — Pathway 2 本課程是一個網上學習課程,讓學員能靈活地因應個人的

Programme-specific entry requirement: 學/導修課,與導師互動交流。本課程以普通話為授課語

A recognized Master's Degree in law or a business- 言。

related area (or its equivalent).

Business and Administration

表一 必修科目:

LAW B843CW 中國民法原理與實踐 (5)

Students pursuing this programme through Pathway 2 LAW B844CW 中國合同法 (5)
must successfully complete at least 40 credits from LAW B845CW 中國企業法 (5)
List 1. LAW B846CW 中國知識產權保護法 (5)
LAW B847CW 中國金融法 (5)
# For details of registration procedures, please visit: LAW B848CW 國際商業法與中國 (5)
LAW B855CW 商業法比較研究(一)(5)
LAW B856CW 商業法比較研究(二)(5)
Postgraduate Certificate in
Chinese Business Law — PCCBL# 表二 選修科目:

The Postgraduate Certificate in Chinese Business Law BUS B899 Advanced Business Field Studies (10)
BUS B899C 高級商業實習 (10)
(PCCBL) is designed to be an early exit point in the
LAW B849W Principles and Practices of Chinese
Master of Laws in Chinese Business Law (LLMCBL) Constitutional Law (5)
programme. LAW B849CW 中國憲法原理與實踐 (5)
LAW B852W Theories and Practices of Chinese Economic
Law (5)
Programme-specific entry requirements: same as LAW B852CW 中國經濟法理論與實踐 (5)
in LLMCBL1 (Pathway 1) * LAW B853W Principles and Practices of Chinese
Administrative Law (5)
LAW B853CW 中國行政法原理與實踐 (5)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully LAW B854W Chinese Legal Framework for Settlement of
Commercial Disputes (5)
complete 20 credits as follows:
LAW B854CW 中國商業糾紛處理的法律機制 (5)
(a) 20 credits from List 1 on p. 78; or

(b) (i) 15 credits from list 1 on p. 78; and 本課程設有兩個不同的修讀途徑。

(ii) 5 credits from courses: LLMCBLC1—途徑 1

LAW B849W Principles and Practices of Chinese
Constitutional Law (5) 課程指定入學條件:
LAW B849CW 中國憲法原理與實踐 (5)
(a) 認 可 的 法 律 或 工 商 管 理 相 關 領 域 的 學 士 學 位
LAW B852W Theories and Practices of Chinese
Economic Law (5) (或等同資格);或
LAW B852CW 中國經濟法理論與實踐 (5)
(b) 認可的非法律或非工商管理相關領域的學士學
LAW B853W Principles and Practices of Chinese
Administrative Law (5) 位(或等同資格),及具備至少三年的管理或法
LAW B853CW 中國行政法原理與實踐 (5)
LAW B854W Chinese Legal Framework for
Settlement of Commercial Disputes (5)
LAW B854CW 中國商業糾紛處理的法律機制 (5) 循「途徑 1」修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 60 學

* Students pursuing LLMCBL through Pathway 2 may also choose 分。詳情如下︰

to graduate from PCCBL but the 5 credits they have obtained in
(b) (ii) will not be counted in their master’s Degree. (a) 修畢表一的必修科目,取得 40 學分。

# For details of registration procedures, please visit: (b) 選修表二的選修科目,取得 20 學分。
# 有關報讀詳情,請參考以下網站︰
80 李兆基商業管理學院 ● 深造課程

LLMCBLC2—途徑 2 Master of Business Administration —


認可的法律或工商管理相關領域的碩士學位(或等 Programme-specific entry requirements:

同資格)。 (a) a recognized degree in a business-related area
(or its equivalent); or
循「途徑 2」修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢第 79 頁表一 (b) a recognized degree in a non-business area
的必修科目,取得 40 學分。 (or its equivalent), plus at least three years of
supervisory/managerial experience; or
(c) a recognized post-secondary qualification
中國商法法律深造證書 — at Qualifications Framework Level 4 (or
PCCBLC # its equivalent), plus at least ten years of
修讀中國商法法律碩士( supervisory/managerial experience.

Students pursuing this programme must successfully
課程指定入學條件:與 LLMCBLC1 相同 * complete at least 60 credits as follows:

修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 20 學分。詳情如下: (a) 10 credits from:

MGT B820 Strategy (10)

(a) 選修第 79 頁表一的科目,取得 20 學分;或

(b) 50 credits from courses:
ACT B861 Accounting for Corporations (5)
(b) (i) 選修第 79 頁表一的科目,取得 15 學分;及 ACT B864 Tax Framework (5)
ACT B865 Strategic Management Accounting (5)
(ii) 選修以下科目,取得 5 學分: BIS B892 Advanced Information Systems and
LAW B849W Principles and Practices of Chinese Electronic Commerce Strategy (10)
Constitutional Law (5) BUS B899 Advanced Business Field Studies (10)
LAW B849CW 中國憲法原理與實踐 (5) CGV B898 Issues in Corporate Governance (10)
FIN B850 Investment and Portfolio Management (10)
LAW B852W Theories and Practices of Chinese
FIN B851 Financial Planning and Risk Management
Economic Law (5)
LAW B852CW 中國經濟法理論與實踐 (5)
FIN B862 Finance for Corporations (5)
LAW B853W Principles and Practices of Chinese
FIN B872 Special Topics in Corporate Finance (5)
Administrative Law (5)
LAW B868 Corporate Law (5)
LAW B853CW 中國行政法原理與實踐 (5)
MGT B822 Creativity, Innovation and Change (10)
LAW B854W Chinese Legal Framework for
MGT B827 Strategic Human Resource Management (10)
Settlement of Commercial Disputes (5) MGT B838 Managing Knowledge (10)
LAW B854CW 中國商業糾紛處理的法律機制 (5) MKT B890 International Management Strategy (10)
MKT B891 International Marketing Strategy (10)
* 循「途徑 2」修讀中國商法法律碩士的學生,亦可以申請以中
MKT B893 Strategic Issues for Management in the Asia
國商法法律深造證書畢業,惟 (b) (ii) 項中所取得的 5 學分不能
Pacific Region (10)

# 有關報讀詳情,請參考以下網站︰ Credit exemption Up to 20 credits awarded by the UK Open University
for satisfactory completion of one or more of the
following courses may be counted towards the
requirements of the MBA programme.
MGT B820 Strategy (10)
MGT B822 Creativity, Innovation and Change (10)
MGT B827 Strategic Human Resource Management (10)
MKT B890 International Management Strategy (10)
Postgraduate programmes 81


Lee Shau Kee School of

Master of Business
Administration — MBAF — MBACF
This programme will accept new students in the
September term. 本課程於每年 9 月招生。

The courses in the programme will be taught through 本課程各學科以面授形式授課。全日制學員可於一年修

a face-to-face mode. Full-time and part-time students 畢本課程;兼讀制學員可於兩年修畢本課程。
can normally complete the programme in 1 and 2
year(s) respectively.

Business and Administration


Programme-specific entry requirements: (a) 認可的工商管理相關領域的學士學位(或等同

(a) a recognized degree in a business-related area
(or its equivalent); or (b) 認可的非工商管理相關領域的學士學位(或等
(b) a recognized degree in a non-business area
(or its equivalent), plus at least three years of 驗;或
supervisory/managerial experience; or (c) 認可的專上學歷(資歷架構第四級別或等同的
(c) a recognized post-secondary qualification 資格),及具備至少十年的認可管理/督導經
at Qualifications Framework Level 4 (or 驗。
its equivalent), plus at least ten years of
supervisory/managerial experience.
本課程學員須修畢以下共 60 學分的科目:
BIS B842CF 高級資訊系統及電子商業策略 (10)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
BUS B899CF 高級商業實習 (10)
complete 60 credits as follows: FIN B833CF 企業財務 (10)
BIS B892F Advanced Information Systems and MGT B831CF 策略管理 (10)
Electronic Commerce Strategy (10) MGT B834CF 人力資源管理 (10)
BUS B899F Advanced Business Field Studies (10) MKT B841CF 市場管理實務 (10)
FIN B862F Finance for Corporations (5)
LAW B868F Corporate Law (5) 有關申請及/或查詢,請與李兆基商業管理學院聯絡:
MGT B820F Strategy (10) 網址
MGT B827F Strategic Human Resource Management (10) 電子郵遞 電話:2768 6940
MKT B891F International Marketing Strategy (10)
For application and/or enquiries, please contact Lee Shau Kee
School of Business and Administration:
Email: Tel: 2768 6940
82 李兆基商業管理學院 ● 深造課程

Master of Business Administration 工商管理碩士(中文) — MBAC

(through Pathway 1) — MBA1
Programme-specific entry requirement: (a) 認可的工商管理相關領域的學士學位(或等同
A recognized Master's Degree in business or a 資格);或
related area (or its equivalent).
(b) 認可的非工商管理相關領域的學士學位(或等
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete 40 credits of compulsory courses as 驗;或
follows: (c) 認可的專上學歷(資歷架構第四級別或等同的
(a) 10 credits from 資格),及具備至少十年的認可管理/督導經驗。
MGT B820 Strategy (10)

修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 60 學分。詳情如下:
(b) 30 credits from the following courses:
ACT B861 Accounting for Corporations (5)
ACT B864 Tax Framework (5) (a) 修畢以下科目,取得 10 學分;
ACT B865 Strategic Management Accounting (5) MGT B831C 策略管理 (10)
BIS B892 Advanced Information Systems and
Electronic Commerce Strategy (10) (b) 選修以下科目,取得 50 學分。
BUS B899 Advanced Business Field Studies (10)
BIS B842C 高級資訊系統及電子商業策略 (10)
CGV B898 Issues in Corporate Governance (10)
BUS B823C 經濟理論與實務 (10)
FIN B850 Investment and Portfolio Management (10)
BUS B899C 高級商業實習 (10)
FIN B851 Financial Planning and Risk Management (10)
FIN B862 Finance for Corporations (5) FIN B833C 企業財務 (10)
FIN B872 Special Topics in Corporate Finance (5) LAW B845CW 中國企業法 (5)
LAW B868 Corporate Law (5) LAW B854CW 中國商業糾紛處理的法律機制 (5)
MGT B822 Creativity, Innovation and Change (10) MGT B834C 人力資源管理 (10)
MGT B827 Strategic Human Resource Management (10) MKT B841C 市場管理實務 (10)
MGT B838 Managing Knowledge (10) MKT B893C 亞太區管理策略研究 (10)
MKT B890 International Management Strategy (10)
MKT B891 International Marketing Strategy (10)
MKT B893 Strategic Issues for Management in the Asia 工商管理碩士(中文)(循途徑一)—
Pacific Region (10) MBAC1



循「途徑一」修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢 40 學分。

(a) 修畢以下科目,取得 10 學分;

MGT B831C 策略管理 (10)

(b) 選修以下科目,取得 30 學分。

BIS B842C 高級資訊系統及電子商業策略 (10)
BUS B823C 經濟理論與實務 (10)
BUS B899C 高級商業實習 (10)
FIN B833C 企業財務 (10)
LAW B845CW 中國企業法 (5)
LAW B854CW 中國商業糾紛處理的法律機制 (5)
MGT B834C 人力資源管理 (10)
MKT B841C 市場管理實務 (10)
MKT B893C 亞太區管理策略研究 (10)
Postgraduate programmes 83

Master of Business in Research Master of Business in Research

Lee Shau Kee School of

Methods — MBRM/MBRMC Methods (through Pathway 1) —
The Master of Business in Research Methods (in
English or Chinese) programme provides training
to an advanced level in a range of management and Programme-specific entry requirement:
business research methods. They are targeted towards A recognized Master's Degree in business or a
executives working in a commercial or professional related area (or its equivalent).
environment where research plays a significant role,

Business and Administration

or executives who plan to study for a DBA or PhD.
Students pursing this programme must successfully
Graduates of the MBRM and MBRMC are problem
complete 40 credits as follows:
solvers who are conversant with the various
BUS B880/BUS B880C Directed Studies in Business
approaches, techniques, and methodological issues
Research/商業研究專題 (20)
relating to business research and can apply such
BUS B950/BUS B950C Business Research/商業研究 (20)
knowledge to design and conduct research to solve
real business problems. Progression in MBRM1/MBRMC1
(a) Stage 1
Programme-specific entry requirement:
BUS B950 Business Research (20) or
A recognized degree in a business-related area (or BUS B950C 商業研究 (20); and
its equivalent).
(b) Stage 2
Students pursuing this programme must successfully BUS B880 Directed Studies in Business Research (20) or
complete 60 credits of courses as follows: BUS B880C 商業研究專題 (20)

Compulsory courses

BUS B950/BUS B950C Business Research/商業研究 (20)

BUS B880/BUS B880C Directed Studies in Business
Research/商業研究專題 (20)

Elective courses

20 credits from any Master level courses offered by Lee

Shau Kee School of Business and Administration (B&A

If students are pursuing the MBRM programme,

elective courses are those English Master level courses
offered by B&A School. If students are pursuing
the MBRMC programme, elective courses are those
Chinese Master level courses offered by B&A School.

Progression in MBRM/MBRMC
(a) Stage 1
(i) BUS B950 Business Research (20) or
BUS B950C 商業研究 (20); and
(ii) elective courses (20)

(b) Stage 2
BUS B880 Directed Studies in Business Research (20) or
BUS B880C 商業研究專題 (20)
84 李兆基商業管理學院 ● 深造課程

Master of Corporate Governance — Master of Electronic Commerce — MEC

Programme-specific entry requirements: same as
in MCG.
Programme-specific entry requirements:
(a) a recognized degree in a business-related area Students pursuing this programme must successfully
(or its equivalent); or complete at least 60 credits as follows:
(b) a recognized degree in a non-business area (a) 40 credits of compulsory courses:
(or its equivalent), plus at least three years of BIS B870 Electronic Commerce for Managers (10)
supervisory/managerial experience. BIS B871 Internet Technology (10)
BIS B874 Advanced Electronic Commerce
Applications (10)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully BIS B892 Advanced Information Systems and
complete at least 60 credits as follows: Electronic Commerce Strategy (10)

(a) 40 credits of compulsory courses: (b) 20 credits from courses:

ACT B861 Accounting for Corporations (5) ACT B867 Accounting Information Systems: A
ACT B864 Tax Framework (5) Managerial Perspective (5)
CGV B897 Corporate Administration and Secretaryship BIS B876 Electronic Financial Services (10)
(10) BUS B899 Advanced Business Field Studies (10)
CGV B898 Issues in Corporate Governance (10) COMP S838 Enterprise Systems and Information
FIN B862 Finance for Corporations (5) Security Management (10)
LAW B868 Corporate Law (5) COMP S888 Multimedia Technology (10)
LAW B846W Chinese Intellectual Property Protection
(b) 20 credits from courses: Law (5)
BIS B870 Electronic Commerce for Managers (10) MGT B820 Strategy (10)
BIS B874 Advanced Electronic Commerce MGT B822 Creativity, Innovation and Change (10)
Applications (10)
MGT B838 Managing Knowledge (10)
BIS B876 Electronic Financial Services (10)
MKT B891 International Marketing Strategy (10)
BIS B892 Advanced Information Systems and
Electronic Commerce Strategy (10)
BUS B899 Advanced Business Field Studies (10)
FIN B851 Financial Planning and Risk Management
Master of Electronic Commerce
(10) (through Pathway 1) — MEC1
MKT B890 International Management Strategy (10)
MKT B891 International Marketing Strategy (10)
Programme-specific entry requirement:
MKT B893 Strategic Issues for Management in the Asia
Pacific Region (10) A recognized Master's Degree in business or a
related area (or its equivalent).

Students pursuing this programme must successfully

complete 40 credits as follows:
BIS B870 Electronic Commerce for Managers (10)
BIS B871 Internet Technology (10)
BIS B874 Advanced Electronic Commerce
Applications (10)
BIS B892 Advanced Information Systems and
Electronic Commerce Strategy (10)
Postgraduate programmes 85

Master of Financial Services — MFS Master of Human Resource

Lee Shau Kee School of

Management — MHRM
Programme-specific entry requirements: same as
in MCG. Programme-specific entry requirements: same as
in MCG.
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 60 credits as follows:
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
(a) 40 credits of compulsory courses: complete at least 60 credits as follows:

Business and Administration

BIS B876 Electronic Financial Services (10)
(a) 40 credits of compulsory courses:
FIN B850 Investment and Portfolio Management (10)
MGT B827 Strategic Human Resource Management (10)
FIN B851 Financial Planning and Risk Management (10)
MGT B837 Human Resource Management in China
FIN B862 Finance for Corporations (5) (10)
FIN B872 Special Topics in Corporate Finance (5) MGT B838 Managing Knowledge (10)
MGT B839 Issues in Human Resource Management (10)
(b) 20 credits from courses:
ACT B864 Tax Framework (5) (b) 20 credits from courses:
BIS B870 Electronic Commerce for Managers (10) ACT B861 Accounting for Corporations (5)
BUS B899 Advanced Business Field Studies (10) ACT B865 Strategic Management Accounting (5)
CGV B898 Issues in Corporate Governance (10) BIS B870 Electronic Commerce for Managers (10)
LAW B868 Corporate Law (5) BUS B899 Advanced Business Field Studies (10)
MGT B822 Creativity, Innovation and Change (10) CGV B898 Issues in Corporate Governance (10)
MGT B820 Strategy (10)
MGT B822 Creativity, Innovation and Change (10)
Master of Financial Services (through MKT B891 International Marketing Strategy (10)
Pathway 1) — MFS1 MKT B893 Strategic Issues for Management in the Asia
Pacific Region (10)

Programme-specific entry requirement:

A recognized Master's Degree in business or a
Master of Human Resource
related area (or its equivalent).
Management (through Pathway 1) —
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete 40 credits as follows:
BIS B876 Electronic Financial Services (10)
Programme-specific entry requirement:
FIN B850 Investment and Portfolio Management (10) A recognized Master's Degree in business or a
FIN B851 Financial Planning and Risk Management (10)
related area (or its equivalent).
FIN B862 Finance for Corporations (5)
FIN B872 Special Topics in Corporate Finance (5)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete 40 credits as follows:
MGT B827 Strategic Human Resource Management (10)
MGT B837 Human Resource Management in China
MGT B838 Managing Knowledge (10)
MGT B839 Issues in Human Resource Management (10)
86 李兆基商業管理學院 ● 深造課程

Master of Professional Accounting — Postgraduate Diploma in Professional

MPA * Accounting — PDPA *
The Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting
Programme-specific entry requirements: same as
(PDPA) is designed to be an early exit point in the
in MCG.
Master of Professional Accounting (MPA) programme.
Students may wish to obtain the PDPA in order to
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
fulfil the pre-entry educational requirements for
complete at least 60 credits as follows:
registration as a student member of the Hong Kong
(a) 40 credits of compulsory courses: Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA).
ACT B861 Accounting for Corporations (5)
ACT B863 Financial Reporting Environment (5) Programme-specific entry requirements: same as
ACT B864 Tax Framework (5) in MCG.
ACT B865 Strategic Management Accounting (5)
ACT B866 Audit Theory and Practice (5) Students pursuing this programme must successfully
ACT B867 Accounting Information Systems: A complete 40 credits of compulsory courses from:
Managerial Perspective (5)
FIN B862 Finance for Corporations (5) ACT B861 Accounting for Corporations (5)
LAW B868 Corporate Law (5) ACT B863 Financial Reporting Environment (5)
ACT B864 Tax Framework (5)
(b) 20 credits from courses: ACT B865 Strategic Management Accounting (5)
ACT B869 Issues in International Accounting (10) ACT B866 Audit Theory and Practice (5)
BIS B892 Advanced Information Systems and ACT B867 Accounting Information Systems: A
Electronic Commerce Strategy (10) Managerial Perspective (5)
BUS B899 Advanced Business Field Studies (10) FIN B862 Finance for Corporations (5)
MGT B820 Strategy (10) LAW B868 Corporate Law (5)
MGT B822 Creativity, Innovation and Change (10)
* Note: Starting from October 2008 intake, applicants to HKICPA’s QP are
MGT B827 Strategic Human Resource Management (10) expected to have completed at least five out of eight dayschools
MKT B890 International Management Strategy (10) of the compulsory courses.
MKT B891 International Marketing Strategy (10)
MKT B893 Strategic Issues for Management in the Asia
Pacific Region (10) 會計專業碩士 (中文)—
Master of Professional Accounting
(through Pathway 1) — MPA1 * 課程指定入學條件:

(a) 認可的工商管理/經濟/管理類或相關專業的
Programme-specific entry requirement: 學士學位;或
A recognized Master's Degree in business or a
(b) 認可的非工商管理/經濟/管理類學士學位,
related area (or its equivalent).
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete 40 credits as follows: 修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢以下科目,取得 60 學分:
ACT B861 Accounting for Corporations (5) ACT B861CW 企業會計 (5)
ACT B863 Financial Reporting Environment (5)
ACT B863CW 財務報告規管環境 (5)
ACT B864 Tax Framework (5)
ACT B864CW 稅務框架 (5)
ACT B865 Strategic Management Accounting (5)
ACT B865CW 戰略性管理會計 (5)
ACT B866 Audit Theory and Practice (5)
ACT B866CW 審計理論和實務 (5)
ACT B867 Accounting Information Systems: A
ACT B867CW 會計信息系統:管理與控制 (5)
Managerial Perspective (5)
BIS B842CW 高級資訊系統及電子商業策略 (10)
FIN B862 Finance for Corporations (5)
FIN B862CW 企業財務 (5)
LAW B868 Corporate Law (5)
LAW B868CW 企業法 (5)
* Note: Starting from October 2008 intake, applicants to HKICPA’s QP are MKT B841CW 市場管理實務 (10)
expected to have completed at least five out of eight dayschools
of the compulsory courses. 課程教材以簡體字編寫。
Undergraduate programmes 87

Lee Shau Kee School of

Undergraduate 學士學位課程
These programmes provide students with practical 工商管理學士課程旨在為學員提供商業管理的思考訓
and intellectual skills in business management, and
students can take either a general BBA Degree or a
BBA specializing in a business discipline in English 英文開辦。學員可修讀一般的工商管理課程,也可選擇

Business and Administration

or Chinese. Specializations include: accounting; 專攻不同的專業範疇,包括會計學、銀行及財務學、企
banking and finance; corporate administration; 業行政學、人力資源管理、國際商業、物流及供應鏈管
human resource management; international business;
logistics and supply chain management; marketing;
and management. Students who begin their studies 續升讀副學士及學士課程。
by completing a Certificate programme can continue
to Associate and Bachelor Degree awards. 選科建議

Planning note 假如你報讀了工商管理學士課程,並擬繼續修讀榮譽課

If you enrol in a general BBA and you might want 程,那麼你應該在修業期內,在其中一個專修範疇完
to extend your studies to a BBA (Hons) later, you 成至少30學分。這樣,當你繼續修讀同一專業範疇的
should consider taking a minimum of 30 credits in
a concentration while completing your BBA. If you
do this, then you will only need 40 more credits in 定。
the same concentration to complete your honours
Degree. 學分承認和豁免

Advanced standing/Credit exemption 持有認可的本地副學士學位或高級文憑而報讀120學分

Holders of an Associate Degree or Higher Diploma 學士課程或160學分榮譽學士課程者,最高可獲豁免修
from a recognized institution may be awarded a 讀80學分。詳情請參閱第21頁。
maximum of 80 credits towards a 120-credit OUHK
Bachelor’s Degree or a 160-credit OUHK Bachelor
with Honours Degree. For details, please see p. 20.

1 Foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘1’. 註:
Middle level courses: course codes starting with ‘2’. 1. 科目編號以“1”起首的,為基礎程度科目。
Higher level courses: course codes starting with ‘3’ or ‘4’. 科目編號以“2”起首的,為中級程度科目。
2 The credit value is given at the end of each course. 科目編號以“3”或“4”起首的,為高級程度科目。
3 Where a programme allows students to select additional 2. 學分值列於科目名稱後面的括號之內。
courses from outside the programme, students must check
their selected courses against the Excluded Combinations list 3. 某些課程容許學生在本科課程之外選修其他科目,惟學生
on p. 36 of the Courses Supplement. Only one of the courses 必須核對所選的科目是否屬於“不可兼修”的類別,不可
in an excluded combination can count towards an OUHK

For enquiries about the programmes, please contact:

Dr Nigel Leung 梁子沖博士 Tel: 2768 6926 Email:

School website:
88 李兆基商業管理學院 ● 學士學位課程

Bachelor’s Degree programmes Bachelor of Business Administration

學士學位課程 — BBA (BBA-07)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
Compulsory courses for all BBA and complete at least 120 credits according to the
BBA (Hons) Degrees following:

To obtain a BBA Degree, you must complete a (a) 70 credits from List 1.
minimum of 120 credits. To obtain a BBA (Hons)
(b) 30 credits from courses within one or more of the
Degree, you must complete a minimum of 160 credits.
following concentrations. Please refer to (b) in
For both BBA and BBA (Hons) Degrees, you must take the BBA programme for the specialized discipline
the following 14 compulsory courses for a total of for courses within the different concentrations:
70 credits. • Accounting
• Banking and Finance
List 1 Compulsory courses for BBA and • Corporate Administration
BBA(Hons) • Human Resource Management
• International Business
ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5) • Logistics and Supply Chain Management
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5) • Marketing
BIS B123 Business Computing Applications (5)
BUS B103 English and Communications for Business I (c) an additional 20 credits, as necessary, from any
(5) English and/or Chinese Foundation, Middle or
BUS B104 English and Communications for Business Higher level courses offered by the University
II (5) (other than GEN S100F), provided that, of the
BUS B171 Business Statistics (5)
total 120 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
BUS B272 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making
Foundation level.◊
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5) ◊
See Note 3 on p. 87.
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
LAW B262 Business Law I (5) Bachelor of Business Administration
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5) (through Pathway 1) — BBA1
MGT B399 Management Policy and Strategy (5)
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)
Programme-specific entry requirement:
A recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma
in a business-related area (or its equivalent).

Students pursuing this programme must successfully

complete at least 40 credits as follows:

(a) 5 credits from the following middle level courses:

ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
BUS B272 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
LAW B262 Business Law I (5)
MGT B240 Principle and Practices of Management (5)
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)

(b) 5 credits from:

MGT B399 Management Policy and Strategy (5)
Undergraduate programmes 89

(c) 30 credits from courses within one or more of the Bachelor of Business Administration

Lee Shau Kee School of

following concentrations: in Accounting (through Pathway 1) —
Accounting BBAACCT1
Banking and Finance
Corporate Administration
Human Resource Management Programme-specific entry requirement:
International Business A recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma
Logistics and Supply Chain Management in a business-related area (or its equivalent).

Business and Administration

Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 45 credits as follows:
Bachelor of Business Administration
in Accounting — BBAACCT (ACT-07) (a) 15 credits from:
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully LAW B262 Business Law I (5)
complete at least 120 credits as follows: MGT B399 Management Policy and Strategy (5)

(a) 70 credits from List 1 on p. 88. (b) 30 credits from courses:

ACT B304 Accounting Information Systems (5)
(b) 30 credits from courses:
ACT B313 Management and Cost Accounting (5)
ACT B304 Accounting Information Systems (5) ACT B331 Company Accounting I (5)
ACT B313 Management and Cost Accounting (5) ACT B332 Company Accounting II (5)
ACT B331 Company Accounting I (5) ACT B405 Advanced Management Accounting (5)
ACT B332 Company Accounting II (5) ACT B407 Advanced Financial Reporting and
ACT B405 Advanced Management Accounting (5) Analysis I (5)
ACT B407 Advanced Financial Reporting and ACT B408 Advanced Financial Reporting and
Analysis I (5) Analysis II (5)
ACT B408 Advanced Financial Reporting and ACT B414 Taxation I (5)
Analysis II (5) ACT B415 Taxation II (5)
ACT B414 Taxation I (5) ACT B416 Auditing I (5)
ACT B415 Taxation II (5) ACT B417 Auditing II (5)
ACT B416 Auditing I (5) BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
ACT B417 Auditing II (5) FIN B386 Financial Decision Making (5)
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5) LAW B333 Company Law I (5)
FIN B386 Financial Decision Making (5)
LAW B333 Company Law I (5)

(c) an additional 20 credits, as necessary, from any

English and/or Chinese Foundation, Middle or
Higher level courses offered by the University
(other than GEN S100F), provided that, of the
total 120 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
Foundation level.◊

See Note 3 on p. 87.
90 李兆基商業管理學院 ● 學士學位課程

Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelor of Business Administration

with Honours in Accounting — with Honours in Accounting (through
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 160 credits as follows: Programme-specific entry requirement:

(a) 70 credits from List 1 on p. 88. A recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma
in a business-related area (or its equivalent).
(b) 50 credits from courses within the Accounting
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
ACT B304 Accounting Information Systems (5)
ACT B313 Management and Cost Accounting (5) complete at least 85 credits as follows:
ACT B331 Company Accounting I (5)
(a) 15 credits from:
ACT B332 Company Accounting II (5)
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
ACT B405 Advanced Management Accounting (5)
LAW B262 Business Law I (5)
ACT B407 Advanced Financial Reporting and
MGT B399 Management Policy and Strategy (5)
Analysis I (5)
ACT B414 Taxation I (5)
(b) 50 credits from courses within the Accounting
ACT B416 Auditing I (5)
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
LAW B333 Company Law I (5) ACT B304 Accounting Information Systems (5)
ACT B313 Management and Cost Accounting (5)
(c) 20 credits from courses within Business electives: ACT B331 Company Accounting I (5)
ACT B408 Advanced Financial Reporting and ACT B332 Company Accounting II (5)
Analysis II (5) ACT B405 Advanced Management Accounting (5)
ACT B415 Taxation II (5) ACT B407 Advanced Financial Reporting and
ACT B417 Auditing II (5) Analysis I (5)
FIN B386 Financial Decision Making (5) ACT B414 Taxation I (5)
FIN B388 Banking Systems (5) ACT B416 Auditing I (5)
FIN B389 Financial Markets (5) BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
MGT B341 Labour Relations and Law (5) LAW B333 Company Law I (5)
MGT B397 Global Issues in Management (5)
(c) 20 credits from courses within Business electives:
MKT B365 Services Marketing (5)
ACT B408 Advanced Financial Reporting and
(d) an additional 20 credits, as necessary, from any Analysis II (5)
English and/or Chinese Foundation, Middle or ACT B415 Taxation II (5)
ACT B417 Auditing II (5)
Higher level courses offered by the University
FIN B386 Financial Decision Making (5)
(other than GEN S100F), provided that, of the
FIN B388 Banking Systems (5)
total 160 credits, no more than 40 are gained at FIN B389 Financial Markets (5)
Foundation level.◊ MGT B341 Labour Relations and Law (5)

MGT B397 Global Issues in Management (5)
See Note 3 on p. 87.
MKT B365 Services Marketing (5)
Undergraduate programmes 91

Bachelor of Business Administration in Bachelor of Business Administration

Lee Shau Kee School of

Banking and Finance — BBABF (BF-07) in Banking and Finance (through
Students pursuing this programme must successfully Pathway 1) — BBABF1
complete at least 120 credits as follows:

(a) 70 credits from List 1 on p. 88. Programme-specific entry requirement:

(b) 30 credits from courses within the Banking and A recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma
Finance concentration: in a business-related area (or its equivalent).

Business and Administration

ACT B331 Company Accounting I (5)
ACT B332 Company Accounting II (5) Students pursuing this programme must successfully
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
complete at least 40 credits as follows:
FIN B381 Commercial Banking (10)
FIN B383 Regulatory Framework of Banking and (a) 5 credits from the following middle level courses:
Finance in Hong Kong (5)
ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
FIN B384 Insurance (5)
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
FIN B385 Investment Management (5)
BUS B272 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making
FIN B386 Financial Decision Making (5)
FIN B387 International Financial Management (5)
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
FIN B388 Banking Systems (5)
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
FIN B389 Financial Markets (5)
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
FIN B482 Corporate Financial Strategy (10)
LAW B262 Business Law I (5)
FIN B484 Financial Institutions Management (5)
MGT B240 Principle and Practices of Management (5)
FIN B485 Special Topics in Management of Financial
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)
Institutions (5)
FIN B488 Derivatives and Risk Management (5) (b) 5 credits from:
MGT B399 Management Policy and Strategy (5)
(c) an additional 20 credits, as necessary, from any
English and/or Chinese Foundation, Middle or (c) 30 credits from courses:
Higher level courses offered by the University ACT B331 Company Accounting I (5)
(other than GEN S100F), provided that, of the ACT B332 Company Accounting II (5)
total 120 credits, no more than 40 are gained at BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
Foundation level.◊ FIN B381 Commercial Banking (10)
FIN B383 Regulatory Framework of Banking and

See Note 3 on p. 87. Finance in Hong Kong (5)
FIN B384 Insurance (5)
FIN B385 Investment Management (5)
FIN B386 Financial Decision Making (5)
FIN B387 International Financial Management (5)
FIN B388 Banking Systems (5)
FIN B389 Financial Markets (5)
FIN B482 Corporate Financial Strategy (10)
FIN B484 Financial Institutions Management (5)
FIN B485 Special Topics in Management of Financial
Institutions (5)
FIN B488 Derivatives and Risk Management (5)
92 李兆基商業管理學院 ● 學士學位課程

Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelor of Business Administration

with Honours in Banking and Finance with Honours in Banking and Finance
— BBAHBF (HBF-07) (through Pathway 1) — BBAHBF1
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 160 credits as follows: Programme-specific entry requirement:

(a) 70 credits from List 1 on p. 88. A recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma
in a business-related area (or its equivalent).
(b) 30 credits from courses:
FIN B385 Investment Management (5)
FIN B482 Corporate Financial Strategy (10) Students pursuing this programme must successfully
FIN B484 Financial Institutions Management (5) complete at least 80 credits as follows:
FIN B485 Special Topics in Management of Financial
(a) 5 credits from the following middle level courses:
Institutions (5)
FIN B488 Derivatives and Risk Management (5) ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
(c) 40 credits from courses: BUS B272 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making
ACT B331 Company Accounting I (5) (5)
ACT B332 Company Accounting II (5) ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5) ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
BUS B483 Business Project (10) FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
FIN B381 Commercial Banking (10) LAW B262 Business Law I (5)
FIN B383 Regulatory Framework of Banking and MGT B240 Principle and Practices of Management (5)
Finance in Hong Kong (5) MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)
FIN B384 Insurance (5)
(b) 5 credits from:
FIN B386 Financial Decision Making (5)
MGT B399 Management Policy and Strategy (5)
FIN B387 International Financial Management (5)
FIN B388 Banking Systems (5) (c) 30 credits from:
FIN B389 Financial Markets (5)
FIN B385 Investment Management (5)
FIN B482 Corporate Financial Strategy (10)
(d) an additional 20 credits, as necessary, from any
FIN B484 Financial Institutions Management (5)
English and/or Chinese Foundation, Middle or
FIN B485 Special Topics in Management of Financial
Higher level courses offered by the University Institutions (5)
(other than GEN S100F), provided that, of the FIN B488 Derivatives and Risk Management (5)
total 160 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
Foundation level.◊ (d) a further 40 credits from courses:

ACT B331 Company Accounting I (5)
See Note 3 on p. 87.
ACT B332 Company Accounting II (5)
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
BUS B483 Business Project (10)
FIN B381 Commercial Banking (10)
FIN B383 Regulatory Framework of Banking and
Finance in Hong Kong (5)
FIN B384 Insurance (5)
FIN B386 Financial Decision Making (5)
FIN B387 International Financial Management (5)
FIN B388 Banking Systems (5)
FIN B389 Financial Markets (5)
Undergraduate programmes 93

Bachelor of Business Administration (b) 5 credits from:

Lee Shau Kee School of

in Corporate Administration — BBACA MGT B399 Management Policy and Strategy (5)

(CA-07) (c) 30 credits from courses:

Students pursuing this programme must successfully ACT B304 Accounting Information Systems (5)
complete at least 120 credits as follows: ACT B311 Financial Accounting (5)
ACT B313 Management and Cost Accounting (5)
(a) 70 credits from List 1 on p. 88. ACT B414 Taxation I (5)
ACT B415 Taxation II (5)
(b) 30 credits from courses within the Corporate BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)

Business and Administration

Administration concentration: CGV B410 Corporate Administration and Secretarial
ACT B304 Accounting Information Systems (5) Practice (10)
ACT B311 Financial Accounting (5) FIN B386 Financial Decision Making (5)
ACT B313 Management and Cost Accounting (5) LAW B333 Company Law I (5)
ACT B414 Taxation I (5) LAW B334 Company Law II (5)
ACT B415 Taxation II (5) MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5)
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5) MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5)
CGV B410 Corporate Administration and Secretarial MKT B390 International Business Management (10)
Practice (10)
FIN B386 Financial Decision Making (5)
LAW B333 Company Law I (5)
Bachelor of Business Administration
LAW B334 Company Law II (5) with Honours in Corporate
MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5) Administration — BBAHCA (HCA-07)
MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5)
MKT B390 International Business Management (10) Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 160 credits as follows:
(c) an additional 20 credits, as necessary, from any
English and/or Chinese Foundation, Middle or (a) 70 credits from List 1 on p. 88.
Higher level courses offered by the University (b) 20 credits from ACT B414, ACT B415 and
(other than GEN S100F), provided that, of the CGV B410.
total 120 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
Foundation level.◊ (c) 50 credits from courses:
◊ ACT B304 Accounting Information Systems (5)
See Note 3 on p. 87.
ACT B311 Financial Accounting (5)
ACT B313 Management and Cost Accounting (5)
Bachelor of Business Administration BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
FIN B386 Financial Decision Making (5)
in Corporate Administration (through
LAW B333 Company Law I (5)
Pathway 1) — BBACA1 LAW B334 Company Law II (5)
MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5)
MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5)
Programme-specific entry requirement:
MKT B390 International Business Management (10)
A recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma
in a business-related area (or its equivalent). (d) an additional 20 credits, as necessary, from any
English and/or Chinese Foundation, Middle or
Higher level courses offered by the University
Students pursuing this programme must successfully (other than GEN S100F), provided that, of the
complete at least 40 credits as follows: total 160 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
(a) 5 credits from the following middle level courses: Foundation level.◊
ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5) ◊
See Note 3 on p. 87
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
BUS B272 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
LAW B262 Business Law I (5)
MGT B240 Principle and Practices of Management (5)
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)
94 李兆基商業管理學院 ● 學士學位課程

Bachelor of Business Administration MGT B342 Training and Development (5)

MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5)
with Honours in Corporate MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5)
Administration (through Pathway 1) MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
— BBAHCA1 Behaviour (5)
MGT B440 Strategic Management of Human Resources (10)

Programme-specific entry requirement: (c) an additional 20 credits, as necessary, from any

English and/or Chinese Foundation, Middle or
A recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma
Higher level courses offered by the University
in a business-related area (or its equivalent).
(other than GEN S100F), provided that, of the
total 120 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
Students pursuing this programme must successfully Foundation level.◊
complete at least 80 credits as follows: ◊
See Note 3 on p. 87.
(a) 5 credits from the following middle level courses:
ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5) Bachelor of Business Administration
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
BUS B272 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making
in Human Resource Management
(5) (through Pathway 1) — BBAHRM1
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5) Programme-specific entry requirement:
LAW B262 Business Law I (5) A recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma
MGT B240 Principle and Practices of Management (5)
in a business-related area (or its equivalent).
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)

(b) 5 credits from: Students pursuing this programme must successfully

MGT B399 Management Policy and Strategy (5) complete at least 40 credits as follows:

(c) 20 credits from ACT B414, ACT B415 and (a) 5 credits from the following middle level courses:
CGV B410. ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
(d) 50 credits from courses: BUS B272 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making
ACT B304 Accounting Information Systems (5) (5)
ACT B311 Financial Accounting (5) ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
ACT B313 Management and Cost Accounting (5) ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5) FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
FIN B386 Financial Decision Making (5) LAW B262 Business Law I (5)
LAW B333 Company Law I (5) MGT B240 Principle and Practices of Management (5)
LAW B334 Company Law II (5) MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)
MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5)
MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5) (b) 5 credits from:
MKT B390 International Business Management (10) MGT B399 Management Policy and Strategy (5)

(c) 30 credits from courses:

Bachelor of Business Administration BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
MGT B341 Labour Relations and Law (5)
in Human Resource Management — MGT B342 Training and Development (5)
BBAHRM (HRM-07) MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5)
MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
complete at least 120 credits as follows:
Behaviour (5)
(a) 70 credits from List 1 on p. 88. MGT B440 Strategic Management of Human Resources (10)

(b) 30 credits from courses within the Human

Resource Management concentration:
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
MGT B341 Labour Relations and Law (5)
Undergraduate programmes 95

Bachelor of Business Administration (c) 30 credits from courses:

Lee Shau Kee School of

in International Business — BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
MGT B396 Asia Pacific Issues in Management (5)
BBAIB (IB-07) MGT B397 Global Issues in Management (5)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully MKT B390 International Business Management (10)
MKT B461 International Marketing (5)
complete at least 120 credits as follows:
MKT B462 Strategic Marketing (5)
(a) 70 credits from List 1 on p. 88.

(b) 30 credits from courses within the Bachelor of Business Administration

Business and Administration

International Business concentration:
in Logistics and Supply Chain
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
MGT B396 Asia Pacific Issues in Management (5)
Management — BBALSCM (LSCM-07)
MGT B397 Global Issues in Management (5) Students pursuing this programme must successfully
MKT B390 International Business Management (10) complete at least 120 credits as follows:
MKT B461 International Marketing (5)
MKT B462 Strategic Marketing (5) (a) 70 credits from List 1 on p. 88.
(c) an additional 20 credits, as necessary, from any (b) 30 credits from courses within the Logistics and
English and/or Chinese Foundation, Middle or Supply Chain Management concentration:
Higher level courses offered by the University ACT B313 Management and Cost Accounting (5)
(other than GEN S100F), provided that, of the BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
total 120 credits, no more than 40 are gained at MKT B370 Operations Management (10)
Foundation level.◊ MKT B371 Logistics (5)

See Note 3 on p. 87. MKT B470 Supply Chain Management (10)

(c) an additional 20 credits, as necessary, from any

Bachelor of Business Administration English and/or Chinese Foundation, Middle or
in International Business (through Higher level courses offered by the University
(other than GEN S100F), provided that, of the
Pathway 1) — BBAIB1
total 120 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
Foundation level.◊
Programme-specific entry requirement: ◊
See Note 3 on p. 87.
A recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma
in a business-related area (or its equivalent).

Students pursuing this programme must successfully

complete at least 40 credits as follows:

(a) 5 credits from the following middle level courses:

ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
BUS B272 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
LAW B262 Business Law I (5)
MGT B240 Principle and Practices of Management (5)
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)

(b) 5 credits from:

MGT B399 Management Policy and Strategy (5)
96 李兆基商業管理學院 ● 學士學位課程

Bachelor of Business Administration International Business:

in Logistics and Supply Chain BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
MGT B396 Asia Pacific Issues in Management (5)
Management (through Pathway 1) — MGT B397 Global Issues in Management (5)
BBALSCM1 MKT B390 International Business Management (10)
MKT B461 International Marketing (5)
MKT B462 Strategic Marketing (5)
Programme-specific entry requirement:
Logistics and Supply Chain Management:
A recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma
ACT B313 Management and Cost Accounting (5)
in a business-related area (or its equivalent).
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
MKT B370 Operations Management (10)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully MKT B371 Logistics (5)
complete at least 40 credits as follows: MKT B470 Supply Chain Management (10)

(a) 5 credits from the following middle level courses: Marketing:

ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5) BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5) MKT B362 Marketing Research (5)
BUS B272 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making MKT B363 Consumer Behaviour (5)
(5) MKT B365 Services Marketing (5)
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5) MKT B366 Marketing Communications (5)
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5) MKT B461 International Marketing (5)
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5) MKT B462 Strategic Marketing (5)
LAW B262 Business Law I (5)
(c) an additional 20 credits, as necessary, from any
MGT B240 Principle and Practices of Management (5)
English and/or Chinese Foundation, Middle or
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)
Higher level courses offered by the University
(b) 5 credits from: (other than GEN S100F), provided that, of the
MGT B399 Management Policy and Strategy (5) total 120 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
Foundation level.◊
(c) 30 credits from courses:

ACT B313 Management and Cost Accounting (5) See Note 3 on p. 87.
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
MKT B370 Operations Management (10)
MKT B371 Logistics (5)
Bachelor of Business Administration
MKT B470 Supply Chain Management (10) in Management (through Pathway 1)
Bachelor of Business Administration
in Management — BBAMGT (MGT-07) Programme-specific entry requirement:

Students pursuing this programme must successfully A recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma
complete at least 120 credits as follows: in a business-related area (or its equivalent).

(a) 70 credits from List 1 on p. 88.

Students pursuing this programme must successfully
(b) 30 credits from courses from more than one of complete at least 40 credits as follows:
the following concentrations — Human Resource
(a) 5 credits from the following middle level courses:
Management, International Business, Logistics
ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
and Supply Chain Management, and Marketing.
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
BUS B272 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making (5)
Human Resource Management:
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
MGT B341 Labour Relations and Law (5)
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
MGT B342 Training and Development (5)
LAW B262 Business Law I (5)
MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5)
MGT B240 Principle and Practices of Management (5)
MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5)
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)
MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
Behaviour (5) (b) 5 credits from:
MGT B440 Strategic Management of Human Resources (10) MGT B399 Management Policy and Strategy (5)
Undergraduate programmes 97

(c) 30 credits from courses from more than one of Bachelor of Business Administration

Lee Shau Kee School of

the following concentrations: Human Resource with Honours in Management —
Management, International Business, Logistics
and Supply Chain Management, and Marketing
concentrations: Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 160 credits as follows:
Human Resource Management:
(a) 70 credits from List 1 on p. 88.
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
MGT B341 Labour Relations and Law (5)
(b) 30 credits from courses from one of the following

Business and Administration

MGT B342 Training and Development (5)
MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5)
MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5)
Human Resource Management:
MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
Behaviour (5)
BUS B490 Research Report (10)
MGT B440 Strategic Management of Human Resources (10)
MGT B341 Labour Relations and Law (5)
International Business: MGT B342 Training and Development (5)
MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5)
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5)
MGT B396 Asia Pacific Issues in Management (5)
MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
MGT B397 Global Issues in Management (5)
Behaviour (5)
MKT B390 International Business Management (10)
MGT B440 Strategic Management of Human Resources (10)
MKT B461 International Marketing (5)
MKT B462 Strategic Marketing (5) International Business:
Logistics and Supply Chain Management: BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
BUS B490 Research Report (10)
ACT B313 Management and Cost Accounting (5) MGT B396 Asia Pacific Issues in Management (5)
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5) MGT B397 Global Issues in Management (5)
MKT B370 Operations Management (10) MKT B390 International Business Management (10)
MKT B371 Logistics (5) MKT B461 International Marketing (5)
MKT B470 Supply Chain Management (10) MKT B462 Strategic Marketing (5)
Marketing: Logistics and Supply Chain Management:
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5) ACT B313 Management and Cost Accounting (5)
MKT B362 Marketing Research (5) BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
MKT B363 Consumer Behaviour (5) BUS B490 Research Report (10)
MKT B365 Services Marketing (5) MKT B370 Operations Management (10)
MKT B366 Marketing Communications (5) MKT B371 Logistics (5)
MKT B461 International Marketing (5) MKT B470 Supply Chain Management (10)
MKT B462 Strategic Marketing (5)
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
BUS B490 Research Report (10)
MKT B362 Marketing Research (5)
MKT B363 Consumer Behaviour (5)
MKT B365 Services Marketing (5)
MKT B366 Marketing Communications (5)
MKT B461 International Marketing (5)
MKT B462 Strategic Marketing (5)

(c) a further 40 credits from courses within the above

four concentrations.

(d) an additional 20 credits, as necessary, from any

English and/or Chinese Foundation, Middle or
Higher level courses offered by the University
(other than GEN S100F), provided that, of the
total 160 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
Foundation level.◊

See Note 3 on p. 87.
98 李兆基商業管理學院 ● 學士學位課程

Bachelor of Business Administration Marketing:

with Honours in Management BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
MKT B362 Marketing Research (5)
(through Pathway 1) — BBAHMGT1 MKT B363 Consumer Behaviour (5)
MKT B365 Services Marketing (5)
Programme-specific entry requirement: MKT B366 Marketing Communications (5)
MKT B461 International Marketing (5)
A recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma MKT B462 Strategic Marketing (5)
in a business-related area (or its equivalent).
(d) a further 40 credits from courses within the above
four concentrations.
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 80 credits as follows:
Bachelor of Business Administration
(a) 5 credits from the following middle level courses: in Marketing — BBAMKTG (MKTG-07)
ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5) Students pursuing this programme must successfully
BUS B272 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making complete at least 120 credits as follows:
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
(a) 70 credits from List 1 on p. 88.
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
(b) 30 credits from courses within the Marketing
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
LAW B262 Business Law I (5)
MGT B240 Principle and Practices of Management (5) BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5) MKT B362 Marketing Research (5)
MKT B363 Consumer Behaviour (5)
(b) 5 credits from: MKT B365 Services Marketing (5)
MGT B399 Management Policy and Strategy (5) MKT B366 Marketing Communications (5)
MKT B461 International Marketing (5)
(c) 30 credits from courses from one of the MKT B462 Strategic Marketing (5)
following concentrations: Human Resource (c) an additional 20 credits, as necessary, from any
Management, International Business, Logistics English and/or Chinese Foundation, Middle or
and Supply Chain Management, and Marketing Higher level courses offered by the University
concentrations: (other than GEN S100F), provided that, of the
Human Resource Management: total 120 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
Foundation level.◊
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5)

MGT B341 Labour Relations and Law (5) See Note 3 on p. 87.
MGT B342 Training and Development (5)
MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5)
Bachelor of Business Administration
MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5)
MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational in Marketing (through Pathway 1) —
Behaviour (5) BBAMKTG1
MGT B440 Strategic Management of Human Resources (10)

International Business: Programme-specific entry requirement:

BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5) A recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma
MGT B396 Asia Pacific Issues in Management (5)
in a business-related area (or its equivalent).
MGT B397 Global Issues in Management (5)
MKT B390 International Business Management (10)
MKT B461 International Marketing (5) Students pursuing this programme must successfully
MKT B462 Strategic Marketing (5) complete at least 40 credits as follows:
Logistics and Supply Chain Management: (a) 5 credits from the following middle level courses:
ACT B313 Management and Cost Accounting (5) ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5) ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
MKT B370 Operations Management (10) BUS B272 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making
MKT B371 Logistics (5) (5)
MKT B470 Supply Chain Management (10) ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
Undergraduate programmes 99

FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5) 企業行政學專修科目

Lee Shau Kee School of

LAW B262 Business Law I (5) ACT B304C 會計資訊系統 (5)
MGT B240 Principle and Practices of Management (5) ACT B311C1 財務會計 (5)
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5) ACT B313C 管理及成本會計 (5)
ACT B404C 稅務學 (10)
(b) 5 credits from: CGV B410C 公司行政及秘書實務 (10)
MGT B399 Management Policy and Strategy (5) FIN B386C 財務決策 (5)
LAW B302C 公司法 (10)
(c) 30 credits from courses: MGT B343C 組織管理學 (10)
BUS B368 Business Issues and Ethics (5) MKT B390C 國際商業管理學 (10)

Business and Administration

MKT B362 Marketing Research (5) 1
ACT B301C 和 ACT B311C 為不可兼修的科目。
MKT B363 Consumer Behaviour (5)
MKT B365 Services Marketing (5) 人力資源管理學專修科目
MKT B366 Marketing Communications (5)
BUS B490C 研究報告 (10)
MKT B461 International Marketing (5)
MGT B341C 勞資關係及勞工法 (5)
MKT B462 Strategic Marketing (5)
MGT B342C 培訓及發展 (5)
MGT B343C 組織管理學 (10)
MGT B440C 策略性人力資源管理學 (10)
BUS B490C 研究報告 (10)
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 120 學分。詳情如下: MGT B396C 亞太管理專題 (5)
MGT B397C 全球管理專題 (5)
MKT B390C 國際商業管理學 (10)
(a) 修畢以下必修科目,取得 70 學分;
MKT B469C 市場策略及國際市場學 (10)
ACT B211C 會計學導論(一)(5)
ACT B212C 會計學導論(二)(5)
BIS B123C 商業電腦應用 (5) ACT B301C 公司會計學 (10)
BUS B171C 商業統計學 (5) BUS B483C 商業專案 (10)
BUS B191C 商業關係與溝通(一) (5) FIN B381C 商業銀行學 (10)
BUS B192C 商業關係與溝通(二) (5) FIN B383C 香港銀行及金融體系法規 (5)
BUS B272C 決策數量法 (5) FIN B384C 保險學 (5)
ECON A231C 微觀經濟學導論 (5) FIN B386C 財務決策 (5)
ECON A232C 宏觀經濟學導論 (5) FIN B387C 國際財務管理 (5)
FIN B280C 財務管理導論 (5) FIN B388C 銀行體系 (5)
LAW B262C 商業法(一)(5) FIN B389C 金融市場 (5)
MGT B240C 管理原理與實務 (5) FIN B480C 金融機構管理 (10)
MGT B399C 管理政策與策略 (5) FIN B481C 投資管理 (10)
MKT B250C 市場學導論 (5) FIN B482C 企業財務策略 (10)

(b) 選修以下科目,取得 30 學分;
BUS B490C 研究報告 (10)
會計學專修科目 MKT B362C 市場研究 (5)
ACT B301C1 公司會計學 (10) MKT B363C 消費者行為 (5)
ACT B304C 會計資訊系統 (5) MKT B365C 服務市場學 (5)
ACT B313C 管理及成本會計 (5) MKT B366C 營銷傳播 (5)
ACT B402C 高級財務報告及分析 (10) MKT B469C 市場策略及國際市場學 (10)
ACT B404C 稅務學 (10)
ACT B405C 高級管理會計學 (5)
ACT B313C 管理及成本會計 (5)
ACT B406C 審計學 (10)
BUS B490C 研究報告 (10)
FIN B386C 財務決策 (5)
MKT B370C 營運管理 (10)
LAW B302C 公司法 (10)
MKT B371C 物流管理 (5)
商業資訊系統學專修科目 MKT B470C 物流供應管理 (10)
BIS B318C 資訊系統管理 (10) 中國商業學專修科目
BIS B321C 系統管理 (10)
ACT B378C 中國會計 (5)
BIS B322C 網絡應用及電子商業 (10)
CBU B355C 華人企業專題 (10)
BIS B329C 物件導向系統分析及設計 (10)
FIN B351C 中國金融專題 (10)
BIS B421C 資訊系統審計、保安及監督 (10)
LAW B264C 中國商業法(一) (5)
BIS B423C 數據倉及知識管理 (10)
LAW B265C 中國商業法(二) (5)
BIS B425C 策略資訊系統及企業資源計劃 (10)
MGT B354C 中國企業策略 (10)
BIS B429C 商業資訊系統科研項目 (10)
MKT B352C 中國市場學 (10)
100 李兆基商業管理學院 ● 學士學位課程

(c) 選修本校開設的其他英文及 / 或中文的基礎、中級 企業行政學專修科目

ACT B304C 會計資訊系統 (5)
或 高 級 程 度 科 目, 取 得 20 學 分(GEN S100F 除
ACT B311C1 財務會計 (5)
外);但在 120 學分總數中,不得在基礎程度科目取 ACT B313C 管理及成本會計 (5)
得多於 40 學分。◊ ACT B404C 稅務學 (10)
CGV B410C 公司行政及秘書實務 (10)

見第 87 頁註 3。 FIN B386C 財務決策 (5)
LAW B302C 公司法 (10)
MGT B343C 組織管理學 (10)
工商管理學士(中文)(循途徑一)— MKT B390C 國際商業管理學 (10)
ACT B301C 和 ACT B311C 為不可兼修的科目。

BUS B490C 研究報告 (10)
認可的工商管理相關領域的副學士或高級文憑(或 MGT B341C 勞資關係及勞工法 (5)
MGT B342C 培訓及發展 (5)
等同資格)。 MGT B343C 組織管理學 (10)
MGT B440C 策略性人力資源管理學 (10)
循「途徑一」修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 40 學 國際商業學專修科目
分。詳情如下: BUS B490C 研究報告 (10)
MGT B396C 亞太管理專題 (5)
(a) 選修以下的中級程度科目,取得 5 學分。 MGT B397C 全球管理專題 (5)
MKT B390C 國際商業管理學 (10)
ACT B211C 會計學導論(一)(5)
MKT B469C 市場策略及國際市場學 (10)
ACT B212C 會計學導論(二)(5)
BUS B272C 決策數量法 (5) 銀行及財務學專修科目
ECON A231C 微觀經濟學導論 (5) ACT B301C 公司會計學 (10)
ECON A232C 宏觀經濟學導論 (5) BUS B483C 商業專案 (10)
FIN B280C 財務管理導論 (5) FIN B381C 商業銀行學 (10)
LAW B262C 商業法(一)(5) FIN B383C 香港銀行及金融體系法規 (5)
MGT B240C 管理原理與實務 (5) FIN B384C 保險學 (5)
FIN B386C 財務決策 (5)
MKT B250C 市場學導論 (5)
FIN B387C 國際財務管理 (5)
(b) 修讀下列科目,取得 5 學分: FIN B388C 銀行體系 (5)
FIN B389C 金融市場 (5)
MGT B399C 管理政策與策略 (5) FIN B480C 金融機構管理 (10)
FIN B481C 投資管理 (10)
(c) 選修下列科目,取得 30 學分 : FIN B482C 企業財務策略 (10)
會計學專修科目 市場學專修科目
ACT B301C1 公司會計學 (10) BUS B490C 研究報告 (10)
ACT B304C 會計資訊系統 (5) MKT B362C 市場研究 (5)
ACT B313C 管理及成本會計 (5) MKT B363C 消費者行為 (5)
ACT B402C 高級財務報告及分析 (10) MKT B365C 服務市場學 (5)
ACT B404C 稅務學 (10) MKT B366C 營銷傳播 (5)
ACT B405C 高級管理會計學 (5) MKT B469C 市場策略及國際市場學 (10)
ACT B406C 審計學 (10)
FIN B386C 財務決策 (5) 物流及供應鏈管理學專修科目
LAW B302C 公司法 (10) ACT B313C 管理及成本會計 (5)
BUS B490C 研究報告 (10)
商業資訊系統學專修科目 MKT B370C 營運管理 (10)
BIS B318C 資訊系統管理 (10) MKT B371C 物流管理 (5)
BIS B321C 系統管理 (10) MKT B470C 物流供應管理 (10)
BIS B322C 網絡應用及電子商業 (10)
BIS B329C 物件導向系統分析及設計 (10)
BIS B421C 資訊系統審計、保安及監督 (10) ACT B378C 中國會計 (5)
BIS B423C 數據倉及知識管理 (10) CBU B355C 華人企業專題 (10)
BIS B425C 策略資訊系統及企業資源計劃 (10) FIN B351C 中國金融專題 (10)
BIS B429C 商業資訊系統科研項目 (10) LAW B264C 中國商業法(一) (5)
LAW B265C 中國商業法(二) (5)
MGT B354C 中國企業策略 (10)
MKT B352C 中國市場學 (10)
Undergraduate programmes 101

中國商業工商管理學士(中文)— (c) 選修以下科目,取得 30 學分,其中最少 20 學分必

Lee Shau Kee School of

BBACBC (CBC-07) 須為高級程度科目:
ACT B378C 中國會計 (5)
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 120 學分。詳情如下: CBU B355C 華人企業專題 (10)
CHST A303C 中國對外貿易及投資 (10)
(a) 修讀 BBAC07 課程 (a) 項所列的必修科目(見第 99 ECON A202C 當代中國經濟發展 (10)
頁),取得 70 學分。 FIN B351C 中國金融專題 (10)
LAW B264C 中國商業法(一) (5)
(b) 選修以下科目,取得 30 學分,其中至少 20 學分須 LAW B265C 中國商業法(二) (5)

Business and Administration

MGT B354C 中國企業策略 (10)
選自高級程度科目; MKT B352C 中國市場學 (10)
ACT B378C 中國會計 (5) MKT B390C 國際商業管理學 (10)
CBU B355C 華人企業專題 (10)
CHST A303C 中國對外貿易及投資 (10)
ECON A202C 當代中國經濟發展 (10) Bachelor of Electronic Commerce —
FIN B351C 中國金融專題 (10)
LAW B264C 中國商業法(一) (5)
LAW B265C 中國商業法(二) (5) Students pursuing this programme must successfully
MGT B354C 中國企業策略 (10) complete at least 120 credits as follows:
MKT B352C 中國市場學 (10)
MKT B390C 國際商業管理學 (10) (a) 30 credits from courses:
BIS B123 Business Computing Applications (5)
(c) 修畢本校開設的其他英文及 / 或中文的基礎、中級 BUS B103 English and Communications for Business I
或 高 級 程 度 科 目, 取 得 20 學 分(GEN S100F 除 (5)
BUS B171 Business Statistics (5)
外);但在 120 學分中,不得在基礎程度科目取得多 BUS B272 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making
於 40 學分。◊ (5)
IT S123 Introduction to Internet Services and

見第 87 頁註 3。
Applications (10)
MATH S121 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics (10)

中國商業工商管理學士(中文) (b) 25 credits from compulsory courses:

ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
(循途徑一)— BBACBC1 ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
課程指定入學條件: MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)
(c) 30 credits from courses:
等同資格)。 COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10)
COMP S311 Java Application Development and
Programming Languages (10)
循「途徑一」修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 40 學
COMP S368 Networks and Distributed Systems (10)
分。詳情如下: ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10)
IT S234 Web Site Design (10)
(a) 選修以下的中級程度科目,取得 5 學分。
(d) 30 credits from:
ACT B211C 會計學導論(一)(5)
BIS B318 Information Systems Management (10)
ACT B212C 會計學導論(二)(5)
BIS B322 Networking Applications and Electronic
BUS B272C 決策數量法 (5) Commerce (10)
ECON A231C 微觀經濟學導論 (5) BIS B422 Advanced Electronic Commerce (10)
ECON A232C 宏觀經濟學導論 (5)
FIN B280C 財務管理導論 (5) (e) an additional 5 credits, as necessary, from any
LAW B262C 商業法(一)(5) English and/or Chinese Foundation, Middle or
MGT B240C 管理原理與實務 (5) Higher level courses offered by the University,
MKT B250C 市場學導論 (5) provided that, of the total 120 credits, no more
than 40 are gained at Foundation level.◊
(b) 修讀下列科目,取得 5 學分:

See Note 3 on p. 87.
MGT B399C 管理政策與策略 (5)
102 李兆基商業管理學院 ● 學士學位課程

Bachelor of Electronic Commerce (f) an additional 5 credits, as necessary, from any

(through Pathway 1) — BEC1 English and/or Chinese Foundation, Middle or
Higher level courses offered by the University,
provided that, of the total 160 credits, no more
Programme-specific entry requirement:
than 40 are gained at Foundation level.◊
A recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma ◊
See Note 3 on p. 87.
in business/computing studies or a related area (or
its equivalent).
Bachelor of Electronic Commerce
Students pursuing this programme must successfully (Honours) (through Pathway 1) —
complete at least 40 credits as follows:
(a) 10 credits from courses:
ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5) Programme-specific entry requirement:
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10) A recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma
COMP S311 Java Application Development and in business/computing studies or a related area (or
Programming Languages (10) its equivalent).
COMP S368 Networks and Distributed Systems (10)
ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
IT S234 Web Site Design (10)
complete at least 80 credits as follows:
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
(a) 10 credits from courses:
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)
ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
(b) 30 credits from: ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10)
BIS B318 Information Systems Management (10) COMP S311 Java Application Development and
BIS B322 Networking Applications and Electronic Programming Languages (10)
Commerce (10) COMP S368 Networks and Distributed Systems (10)
BIS B422 Advanced Electronic Commerce (10) ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10)
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
IT S234 Web Site Design (10)
Bachelor of Electronic Commerce MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
(Honours) — BECH MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)

Students pursuing this programme must successfully

(b) 40 credits from:
complete at least 160 credits as follows:
BIS B318 Information Systems Management (10)
(a) 30 credits from courses in (a) in BEC on p.101. BIS B322 Networking Applications and Electronic
Commerce (10)
(b) 25 credits from courses in (b) in BEC.
BIS B422 Advanced Electronic Commerce (10)
(c) 30 credits from courses in (c) in BEC. BIS B425 Strategic Information Systems and
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) (10)
(d) 40 credits from courses in (d) in BEC, plus
BIS B425 Strategic Information Systems and (c) 30 credits from courses:
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) (10) BIS B321 Advances in Information Technology:
Systems Administration (10)
(e) 30 credits from courses:
BIS B329 Object-oriented Systems Analysis and
BIS B321 Advances in Information Technology: Design (10)
Systems Administration (10) BIS B421 Information Systems Audits, Security and
BIS B329 Object-oriented Systems Analysis and Control (10)
Design (10) BIS B423 Data Warehousing and Knowledge
BIS B421 Information Systems Audits, Security and Management (10)
Control (10) COMP S356 Software Engineering and Project
BIS B423 Data Warehousing and Knowledge Management (10)
Management (10) ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10)
COMP S356 Software Engineering and Project
Management (10)
ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10)
Associate Degree programmes 103

Associate of Electronic Commerce —

Lee Shau Kee School of

Associate Degree programmes
副學士課程 AEC
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
Associate of Business Administration complete at least 80 credits as follows:
— ABA (ABA-07)
(a) 30 credits from courses:
Students pursuing this programme must successfully BIS B123 Business Computing Applications (5)
complete at least 80 credits as follows: BUS B103 English and Communications for Business I

Business and Administration

(a) 60 credits from courses: BUS B171 Business Statistics (5)
ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5) BUS B272 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5) (5)
BIS B123 Business Computing Applications (5) IT S123 Introduction to Internet Services and
BUS B103 English and Communications for Business I Applications (10)
(5) MATH S121 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics (10)
BUS B104 English and Communications for Business
II (5) (b) 20 credits from courses:
BUS B171 Business Statistics (5) ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
BUS B272 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
(5) FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5) MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5) MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
LAW B262 Business Law I (5) (c) 30 credits from courses:
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5) COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10)
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5) COMP S311 Java Application Development and
Programming Languages (10)
(b) 20 credits from any English and/or Chinese COMP S368 Networks and Distributed Systems (10)
courses offered by the University of which at least ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10)
15 credits must be at Foundation level or above.◊ IT S234 Web Site Design (10)

See Note 3 on p. 87.

工商管理副學士(中文)— ABAC
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 80 學分。詳情如下:

(a) 選修以下科目,取得 60 學分;

ACT B211C 會計學導論(一)(5)
ACT B212C 會計學導論(二)(5)
BIS B123C 商業電腦應用 (5)
BUS B171C 商業統計學 (5)
BUS B191C 商業關係與溝通(一) (5)
BUS B192C 商業關係與溝通(二) (5)
BUS B272C 決策數量法 (5)
ECON A231C 微觀經濟學導論 (5)
ECON A232C 宏觀經濟學導論 (5)
FIN B280C 財務管理導論 (5)
LAW B262C 商業法(一)(5)
MGT B240C 管理原理與實務 (5)
MKT B250C 市場學導論 (5)

(b) 選修本校開設的任何英文及 / 或中文科目,取得 20

學分,但其中至少 15 學分須選自基礎程度或以上科

見第 87 頁註 3。
104 李兆基商業管理學院 ● 證書課程

Certificate programmes Certificate in Business Computing —

證書課程 CBC
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
Certificate in Banking and Finance — complete 30 credits from courses:
CBF BIS B123 Business Computing Applications (5)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully BIS B318 Information Systems Management (10)
complete 30 credits from courses: BIS B319 Advanced Business Computing (10)
BUS B103 English and Communications for Business I
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5) (5)
FIN B381 Commercial Banking (10)
FIN B386 Financial Decision Making (5)
FIN B388 Banking Systems (5)
FIN B389 Financial Markets (5)
中國商業學證書(中文)— CCB
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢以下科目,取得 30 學分:
Certificate in Business Administration
ACT B378C 中國會計 (5)
— CBA CBU B355C 華人企業專題 (10)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully LAW B264C 中國商業法(一) (5)
MKT B352C 中國市場學 (10)
complete 30 credits as follows:

a) 25 credits from courses:

ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
Certificate in Logistics — CL
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5) Students pursuing this programme must successfully
BIS B123 Business Computing Applications (5) complete 30 credits from courses:
BUS B103 English and Communications for Business I
(5) MKT B365 Services Marketing (5)
BUS B104 English and Communications for Business MKT B370 Operations Management (10)
II (5) MKT B371 Logistics (5)
BUS B171 Business Statistics (5) MKT B470 Supply Chain Management (10)
BUS B272 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5) Certificate in Management — CMGT
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)
complete 30 credits from courses:
b) any 5 credits from courses offered by the Lee
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
Shau Kee School of Business and Administration. MGT B341 Labour Relations and Law (5)
MGT B342 Training and Development (5)
MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5)
工商管理證書(中文)— CBAC MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5)
MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 30 學分,詳情如下:
Behaviour (5)

a) 選修以下科目,取得 25 學分:
ACT B211C 會計學導論(一)(5) Certificate in Marketing — CM
ACT B212C 會計學導論(二)(5)
BIS B123C 商業電腦應用 (5)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
BUS B171C 商業統計學 (5) complete 30 credits from courses:
BUS B191C 商業關係與溝通(一) (5)
BUS B103 English and Communications for Business I
BUS B192C 商業關係與溝通(二) (5)
BUS B272C 決策數量法 (5)
BUS B191C 商業關係與溝通(一) (5)
FIN B280C 財務管理導論 (5)
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)
MGT B240C 管理原理與實務 (5)
MKT B363 Consumer Behaviour (5)
MKT B250C 市場學導論 (5)
MKT B365 Services Marketing (5)
MKT B366 Marketing Communications (5)
b)修畢李兆基商業管理學院開設的科目,取得 5 學分。
Professional recognition 105

Professional recognition HKICPA’s Qualification Programme (QP). However,

Lee Shau Kee School of

students should confirm with the HKICPA that
Our business programmes are recognized by a
their undergraduate degrees are recognized by the
number of professional institutions, and a range
of exemptions has been granted to our graduates.
The information provided here is for reference BBA (Hons) in Accounting and Bachelor of
only. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm Professional Accounting with Honours are
the exemptions and recognition with the relevant accredited by the HKICPA as approved accounting
professional institutions. Students can also refer to: degree programmes under the Institute’s QP.

Business and Administration The HKICPA accepts OUHK’s BBA programmes
(English and Chinese) as their recognized degree
Association of International Accountants programmes. That is, our BBA degree holders who
(AIA) have completed a HKICPA recognized conversion
Graduates of ABA, BBA in Accounting, BBA (Hons) programme will be eligible for registration as a
in Accounting, BBA non Accounting, BBA (Hons) student of the HKICPA.
non Accounting, MBA, MCG, MPA and PDPA
may claim exemption of the AIA Professional Hong Kong Institute of Chartered
Examinations up to a maximum of twelve Secretaries (HKICS)
papers (out of sixteen papers) on the basis of the Graduates of the BBA in Corporate Administration
completion of corresponding OUHK courses. programme must have successfully completed
LAW B333 Company Law I, LAW B334
Association of Chartered Certified Company Law II as well as CGV B410 Corporate
Accountants (ACCA)* Administration and Secretarial Practice in order to
Graduates of BBA/BBA (Hons) programmes are be eligible for exemptions from all four subjects
entitled to exemptions of up to a maximum of of the Professional Programme Part One of the
nine papers (out of fourteen papers) of the ACCA International Qualifying Scheme (IQS) of the
examinations. Graduates of the MCG, MBA and HKICS.
PDPA / MPA programmes may claim exemptions Graduates of the BBA (Hons) in Corporate
of up to a maximum of five, seven and nine Administration programme are eligible for
papers respectively of the ACCA examinations. exemptions from all four subjects of the
For mapping of OUHK courses to be exempted for Professional Programme Part One of the IQS of
ACCA examination papers, please refer to ACCA’s HKICS.
Holders of the Master of Corporate Governance
* In order to apply for corresponding paper exemptions, students
(MCG) are eligible for full exemption from the
must have completed the programme and have passed their
courses at the OUHK before completion of the programme. The IQS of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and
exact number of exemptions depends on which corresponding Administrators (ICSA) and HKICS. If students
OUHK courses students have passed before completion of the
intend to apply for full exemption after the
programme at OUHK.
completion of the MCG programme, they must
CPA Australia register for student membership with HKICS
within three months after they have enrolled in
Graduates of BBA (Hons) in Accounting are entitled
the MCG programme, and must complete the
to exemptions of all eight papers at Foundation
MCG programme within three years. In addition,
Level of the CPA Program.
students must maintain their studentship
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public with HKICS during their course of study (with
Accountants (HKICPA) a minimum period of two years) for their
applications of full exemptions in order to become
The PDPA has been accredited as the Institute’s
a Graduate of HKICS. Students awarded advanced
Conversion Programme. Recognized degree holders
standing credits by the University towards the
who have completed the PDPA programme or the
MCG programme may not be eligible to receive full
compulsory courses within the MPA programme
exemption from the IQS. It is always the students’
will be eligible for registration as students of the
106 李兆基商業管理學院 ● 專業承認

responsibility to confirm with the HKICS that they

are eligible for full exemption after the completion
of the MCG programme.
Please refer to the HKICS website at
hk for information on the latest registration and
exemption policy.

Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource

Management (HKIHRM)
BBA Holders who have completed the HRM
concentration (except BUS B490), and holders
of the MHRM, are qualified to apply to become
Ordinary Members of the Institute if they have
accumulated at least five years working experience
in HRM/HRD (at executive level) and currently
hold an executive position in HRM/HRD.

Hong Kong Institute of Marketing (HKIM)

BBA Holders who have completed all courses
from the marketing strand are deemed to have
fulfilled the education requirements for admission
to full HKIM membership. Also, they will be
entitled to maximum exemptions for the Certified
Professional Marketer qualifying examination
organized by the Asia Pacific Marketing Federation
(APMF). BBA (Marketing strand) graduates will
only be required to pass the subjects Asia Pacific
Business and Asia Pacific Marketing Management, and
accumulate a minimum of three years’ marketing
experience in an Asia Pacific country or countries,
to qualify for the designation Certified Professional
Marketer (CPM).

The Law Society of Hong Kong

Courses in Master of Laws in Chinese Business Law
have been accredited by The Law Society of Hong
Kong as approved CPD courses. For details, please
visit the website:
Professional recognition 107

專業承認 文憑或專業會計碩士課程中所有必修科,可申請註冊

Lee Shau Kee School of

程 (Qualification Programme) ,需自行向該會查詢
業團體有權更改專業承認的資料。學生需自行向有 本校的會計學榮譽工商管理學士學位和專業會計榮譽
關專業團體查詢關於豁免及專業承認的詳情。學生如 學士學位已被認可為合資格的會計學位課程。會計學

Business and Administration

欲取得進一步資料,請瀏覽以下網址:http://www. 榮譽工商管理學士學位和專業會計榮譽學士學位的畢 業生,可申請成為香港會計師公會的學生。

AIA 國際會計師公會:
工商管理副學士、會計學工商管理學士、會計學榮譽 位課程。持有本校的工商管理學士學歷並完成香港會
工商管理學士、工商管理學士(非會計學)、榮譽工 計師公會認可的轉制課程,可註冊成為該會的註冊
商管理學士(非會計學)、工商管理碩士、企業管治 學生。
如報考國際會計師公會(A I A )的考試,在全數十六 HKICS 香港特許秘書公會:
科試卷中,最多可獲豁免十二科試卷,個別試卷之豁 持有企業行政學工商管理學士學位的人士必須完成
免會要求學生必須先完成本校相關之學科。 LAW B333 、LAW B334 及CGV B410 才能獲得香港特
許秘書公會( HKICS )的國際認可考試( IQS )第一
ACCA 特許公認會計師公會 : 部分所有四個科目的免試。
許公認會計師公會 (A C C A) 的考試,在全數十四科試
管理碩士及專業會計深造文憑/專業會計碩士的畢業 持有企業管治碩士學位的人士,如報考香港特許秘書

生,如報考特許公認會計師公會 (A C C A) 的考試,分 公會的考試,均可獲完全豁免所有專業考試。惟學員

別最多可獲豁免五科、七科及九科試卷。 在開始修讀企業管治碩士課程首三個月內,必須同時
* 學生必須在香港公開大學取得有關學位,並在該等課程內修畢這
目要視乎學員於本校修讀有關課程內取得及格的對等科目。 完全豁免所有專業考試,成為「畢業學員」。如學員
CPA Australia 澳洲會計師公會: 畢業時未必能獲得香港特許秘書公會完全豁免專業考
本校的會計學榮譽工商管理學士學位畢業生可於澳洲 試。因此學員有責任自行向香港特許秘書公會核實他
註冊會計師課程(CPA Program)中,獲得豁免基礎 們能否獲完全豁免待遇。
HKICPA 香港會計師公會:
108 李兆基商業管理學院 ● 專業承認

HKIHRM 香港人力資源管理學會:
目類別內所有科目(除B U S B490 外),或持有人力

HKIM 香港市務學會:
科目的人士,可獲香港市務學會 (H K I M) 承認,符合
驗,便可註冊成為「專業市場推廣人員」 。

The Law Society of Hong Kong 香港律師會:


School of Education and Languages

The School of Education and Languages (E&L) offers a 教 育 及 語 文 學 院 開 辦 多 項 教 育 及 語 文( 包 括 中、 英
wide range of programmes in Education, and language 文)課程。在教育方面,學院開辦了教育博士和一系
programmes in English and Chinese. Our education
programmes range from a Doctor of Education programme
and a series of Master of Education programmes, to initial 設的專業課程。學院亦開辦了五項幼兒教育課程,以
teacher education programmes for teacher registration. 配合不同學歷和工作經驗的學前教育工作者的需要。
There are also five programmes in Early Childhood
Education to meet the needs of different practitioners in
the field. Our language programmes include Bachelor’s 國語言學研究碩士課程。此外,學院亦開辦一系列英
Degrees in English Language Studies and a Master of

Education and Languages


School of
Language Studies (Chinese Linguistics). In addition, the
School offers English, Chinese, and Putonghua proficiency

Programmes 課程
Postgraduate programmes Bachelor of Language 119 深造課程 語言研究榮譽學士 119
Studies (English) (Honours) (英文)及學位教師
Doctor of Education 110 and Postgraduate Diploma 教育博士 110 教育文憑(中學)
Master of Education 111, 113 in Education (Secondary)
教育碩士 111, 113 語言研究學士(英文) 128
Master of Education in: Bachelor of Language 128
• Chinese Language 111, 113 Studies (English) 教育碩士: 語言研究榮譽學士 128
Education Bachelor of Language 128 • 教育碩士 111, 113 (英文)
• English Language 111, 113 Studies (English) (Honours) (中國語文教育)
Education 教育榮譽學士(幼兒教育: 122
Bachelor of Education 122 • 教育碩士 111, 113 領導及特殊教育需要)
• Liberal Studies 112
Education (Honours) (Early Childhood (英國語文教育)
Education: Leadership and 教育學士(幼兒教育) 123
• Drama and 112, 114 • 教育碩士 112
Language Education Special Educational Needs) (通識教育) 教育學士(幼兒教育: 123
Master of Language 127 Bachelor of Education in 123 • 教育碩士 112, 114 特殊教育)
Studies (Chinese Linguistics) Early Childhood Education (戲劇與語文教育)
通識教育學士 133
Postgraduate Certificate in: Bachelor of Education in 123
Early Childhood Education 語言研究碩士 127
• Chinese Language 115 (中國語言學) 副學位課程
Education (Special Educational Needs)
• Educational 115 Bachelor of General 133 深造證書: 高級文憑:
Management Studies • 中國語文教育 115 • 幼兒教育 124
• Child Development 115
• 教育管理 115 (特殊教育)
• Curriculum and 115 Sub-degree programmes • 兒童發展 115
Assessment 語言研究副學士 130
• English Language and Higher Diploma in: • 課程與評估 115
Language Learning in 115 • Early Childhood 124 • 現代英語及語言學習115
the Contemporary World Education (Special 通識教育副學士 133
• 教學英文學科研究 115
• English Studies for 115 Educational Needs)
Language Teaching • 教學中文學科研究 115 文憑:
Associate of Language 130
• Chinese Studies for 115 • 通識教育教學 115 • 幼兒教育 125
Studies (English)
Language Teaching • 戲劇教育 115
• Liberal Studies 115 Associate of General 133 證書:
Education Studies 學位教師教育文憑: • 教育 122
• Drama Education 115 • 小學 116 • 英語運用 131
Diploma in:
Postgraduate Diploma in • Early Childhood 125 • 中學 117 • 小學數學教育: 126
Education: Education 學科知識與教學法
• Primary 116
• Secondary 117
Certificate in: 學士學位課程 • 小學普通話教學 126
• Education 121
• English for Effective 131 語言研究榮譽學士 118
Bachelor’s Degree Communication (英文)及學位教師
programmes • Primary Mathematics 126 教育文憑(小學) Language 131
Education: Subject enhancement courses
Bachelor of Language 118
Studies (English) (Honours) Knowledge and Pedagogy 語文能力提升學科
• The Teaching of 126
and Postgraduate Diploma
Putonghua in Primary
in Education (Primary)

110 教育及語文學院 ● 教育課程

Education programmes 教育課程

The education programmes examine a wide range of 學院的教育課程從理論及實踐的角度探討教育過程的不
aspects of the educational process — such as school
curricula, policy-making and management, child and
adolescent development, teaching methodologies — 青少年的發展、教學方法等。
from both theoretical and practical perspectives.
There are specific entry requirements for almost all 其中某些範疇感興趣,可選讀個別科目。此外,在職教
the programmes but anyone with a general interest
in education can take some of the courses. Teachers
can take any course to fulfil continuing professional 個學分的修讀時間為30小時。
development (CPD) requirements. Each credit involves
30 hours of study. 註:

1. 科目編號以“0”起首的,為預修程度科目。
1 Pre-foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘0’.
Foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘1’. 科目編號以“2”起首的,為中級程度科目。
Middle level courses: course codes starting with ‘2’. 科目編號以“3”起首的,為高級程度科目。
Higher level courses: course codes starting with ‘3’. 科目編號以“8”起首的,為深造程度科目。
Postgraduate level courses: course codes starting with ‘8’. 2. 學分值列於科目名稱後面的括號之內。
2 The credit value is given at the end of each course.
3. 某些課程容許學生在本科課程之外選修其他科目,惟學生
3 Where a programme allows students to select additional
courses from outside the programme, students must check
their selected courses against the Excluded Combinations list
on p. 36 of the Courses Supplement. Only one of the courses 兼修的科目組合內的其中一科計算入有關的課程之內。
in an excluded combination can count towards an OUHK
award. For enquiries about the programmes, please contact:
Dr Thomas Tang 鄧廣威博士
Tel: 2768 5803  Email:
School website:

independent research on a specific topic of professional

Postgraduate Degree and Certificate
concern. In addition to coursework (40 credits),
the programme includes a substantial thesis, which
深造程度學位及證書課程 demands the same level of academic rigour as a PhD
Doctor of Education— EDD
There are special admission procedures. For details
of programme structure and admission procedures,
Programme-specific entry requirement:
please contact the School or Registry in early June for
A recognized Master’s Degree. an Information Booklet.

This programme will accept new students in the

October semester only.
The Doctor of Education provides students with the
opportunity to undertake advanced study of a range of
issues in education and related areas, and to carry out
Education programmes 111

Master of Education programmes 教育碩士課程

There are two pathways for students pursuing this 教育碩士系列課程設有兩個不同的修讀途徑(見本概覽
series of programmes (see pp. 111–114). This set of 第 111—114 頁)。本系列課程專為教師、教育管理人員
programmes provides academic and professionally-
related study of education for teachers, educational
administrators and adult trainers. 業的研習。

Pathway 1 途徑一

Programme-specific entry requirements: 課程指定入學條件:

(a) a recognized degree (or its equivalent); and (a) 持有認可的學士學位(或等同的學歷);及
(b) normally, a recognized teacher’s qualification
(b) 申請人一般亦應具備認可的教師資格,及至少有

Education and Languages

School of
and at least two years’ teaching or training
experience (but applicants who do not have 兩年教學或培訓經驗(對於未能擁有這項資格或
this qualification/experience may be admitted 經驗的申請者,本校將視乎申請人是否適合修讀
where the School of Education and Languages
considers their background to be suitable for 碩士課程而決定取錄與否)。
Master’s level study in Education).
Number of credits: 60
Advanced standing/Credit exemption 學分豁免
Students with recognized relevant postgraduate 持有認可及相關深造程度學歷的人士,可申請學分承
qualifications may apply for advanced standing/
credit exemption. A maximum of 30 credits may be 認/學分豁免,最高可獲豁免 30 學分。


Master of Education 教育碩士 — Master of Education in Chinese

MED1 Language Education
60 credits from: 教育碩士(中國語文教育)— MEDCLE1
CHIN E811C 中文學科研究:古代漢語、文體、文化 (20)
1 修畢以下科目,取得 60 學分:
EDU E805C 教育領導與管理 (20)
EDU E808C 中國語文教育 (20) CHIN E811C 中文學科研究:古代漢語、文體、文化
EDU E813C1 家庭、學校、社會與兒童發展 (20) (20)
EDU E8151 Leading and Managing for Effective EDU E808C 中國語文教育 (20)
Education (20) EDU E817C 學習、課程與評估 (20)
EDU E817C1 學習、課程與評估 (20)
EDU E819 Investigating Language in Action (20)
EDU E8231 Understanding Children’s Development Master of Education in English
and Learning (20) Language Education
EDU E846 Curriculum, Learning and Society:
Investigating Practice (20)
教育碩士(英國語文教育)— MEDELE1
EDU E880 Learning and Teaching Liberal Studies (20)
60 credits from:
EDU E881C 戲劇與學校課程 (20)
EDU E819 Investigating Language in Action (20)
ENGL E810 English Studies for Language Teaching (20)
EDU E846 Curriculum, Learning and Society:
The following courses form excluded combinations: EDU E823 Investigating Practice (20)
with EDU E813C; EDU E846 with EDU E817C, EDU E815 with ENGL E810 English Studies for Language Teaching
EDU E805C. (20)
112 教育及語文學院 ● 教育課程

Pathway 1 途徑一 Master of Education in Drama and

Language Education
Master of Education in Liberal 教育碩士(戲劇與語文教育)—
Studies Education MEDDLE1
教育碩士(通識教育)— MEDLSE1
60 credits of which:
60 credits of which: (a) 20 credits from:
(a) 20 credits from: CHIN E811C 中文學科研究:古代漢語、文體、文化 (20)
EDU E880 Learning and Teaching Liberal Studies OR
(20) ENGL E810 English Studies for Language Teaching
(b) 20 credits from courses:
EDU E805C1 教育領導與管理 (20) (b) 20 credits from:
EDU E813C1 家庭、學校、社會與兒童發展 (20) EDU E881C 戲劇與學校課程 (20)
EDU E8151 Leading and Managing for Effective
Education (20) (c) 20 credits from one of the following:
EDU E817C1 學習、課程與評估 (20) EDU E805C1 教育領導與管理 (20)
EDU E8231 Understanding Children’s Development EDU E808C 中國語文教育 (20)
and Learning (20) EDU E813C1 家庭、學校、社會與兒童發展 (20)
EDU E846 Curriculum, Learning and Society: EDU E8151 Leading and Managing for Effective
Investigating Practice (20) Education (20)
EDU E881C 戲劇與學校課程 (20) EDU E817C1 學習、課程與評估 (20)
1 EDU E819 Investigating Language in Action (20)
The following courses form excluded combinations: EDU E823
with EDU E813C; EDU E846 with EDU E817C, EDU E815 with
EDU E8231 Understanding Children’s Development
EDU E805C. and Learning (20)
EDU E846 Curriculum, Learning and Society:
(c) 5 credits from: Investigating Practice (20)
LIBS A821F Exploring Liberal Studies (5) EDU E880 Learning and Teaching Liberal Studies
(d) 15 credits from the following with no more
than 10 credits from each group: 1
The following courses form excluded combinations: EDU E823
Group A with EDU E813C; EDU E846 with EDU E817C; EDU E815 with
LIBS A823CF 中華文明 (5) EDU E805C.
LIBS A824F Globalization, Society and Culture (5)
LIBS A825F Goverance and Politics of Greater China
LIBS A826F Social Change: Hong Kong and Mainland
China (5)
LIBS A827F Media, Society and Citizenship (5)
LIBS A828F Regional Economic Integration: Hong
Kong and China (5)
LIBS A829F Western Culture and Civilization (5)

Group B
LIBS A830F Interpersonal Relationships (5)
LIBS A831F Group Dynamics (5)
LIBS A832F Personal Awareness and Growth (5)
LIBS A833F Problem-solving and Decision-making (5)

Group C
ENVR S830F Environmental Protection in Modern
Society (5)
ENVR S840F Environmental Management in Practice
Education programmes 113

Pathway 2 途徑二

Programme-specific entry requirements: 課程指定入學條件:

(a) a recognized degree (or its equivalent); and (a) 持有認可的學士學位(或等同的學歷);及
(b) normally, a recognized teacher’s qualification
(b) 申請人一般亦應具備認可的教師資格,及至少有
and at least two years’ teaching or training
experience (applicants who do not have this 兩年教學或培訓經驗(對於未能擁有這項資格或
qualification/experience may be admitted 經驗的申請者,本校將視乎申請人是否適合修讀
where the School of Education and Languages
considers their background to be suitable for
Master’s level study in Education); and (c) 完成教育局認可的深造程度學位教師(中文/英
(c) have completed a Postgraduate Programme in 文學科知識)課程。
Subject Knowledge (PGSK) for English/Chinese

Education and Languages

School of
Language Teachers approved by the EDB. 學分:40
Number of credits: 40

Master of Education 教育碩士 — MED2 Master of Education in English

For holders of the approved PGSK for English/ Language Education
Chinese Language Teachers, they must complete 40 教育碩士(英國語文教育)— MEDELE2
credits from the following courses:
40 credits from:
CHIN E811C 中文學科研究:古代漢語、文體、文化 (20)
EDU E819 Investigating Language in Action (20)
(Not for holders of the approved PGSK for
EDU E846 Curriculum, Learning and Society:
Chinese Teachers)
EDU E805C1 教育領導與管理 (20) Investigating Practice (20)
EDU E808C 中國語文教育 (20)
EDU E813C1 家庭、學校、社會與兒童發展 (20) Recognized language major degree
EDU E8151 Leading and Managing for Effective programmes:
Education (20)
EDU E817C1 學習、課程與評估 (20) • The Master of Education in English Language
EDU E819 Investigating Language in Action (20) Education and the Master of Education in
EDU E8231 Understanding Children’s Development Chinese Language Education are included
and Learning (20) in the Education Bureau’s list of ‘Recognized
EDU E846 Curriculum, Learning and Society: Language Major Degree Programmes’.
Investigating Practice (20) Teachers can apply to the Professional
EDU E880 Learning and Teaching Liberal Studies (20) Development Incentive Grant Scheme for
EDU E881C 戲劇與學校課程 (20) Language Teachers.
ENGL E810 English Studies for Language Teaching
(20) (Not for holders of the approved PGSK • The Master of Education in English Language
for English Teachers) Education, together with a relevant teacher’s
The following courses form excluded combinations: EDU E823 qualification, is recognized for exemption
with EDU E813C; EDU E846 with EDU E817C, EDU E815 with from the Language Proficiency Requirement
EDU E805C. for English Language Teachers.

Master of Education in Chinese
Language Education • 教育碩士(英國語文教育)課程及教育碩士(中國
教育碩士(中國語文教育)— MEDCLE2
修畢以下科目,取得 40 學分: 貼。
EDU E808C 中國語文教育 (20)
• 教育碩士(英國語文教育),連同相關的認可教師
EDU E817C 學習、課程與評估 (20)
114 教育及語文學院 ● 教育課程

Pathway 2 途徑二 EDU E817C1 學習、課程與評估 (20)

EDU E819 Investigating Language in Action (20)
EDU E8231 Understanding Children’s Development
Master of Education in Drama and and Learning (20)
Language Education EDU E846 Curriculum, Learning and Society:
Investigating Practice (20)
教育碩士(戲劇與語文教育) — MEDDLE2 EDU E880 Learning and Teaching Liberal Studies
40 credits from: (20)
(a) EDU E881C 戲劇與學校課程 (20) AND ENGL E810 English Studies for Language Teaching
(20) (Not for holders of the approved PGSK
(b) 20 credits from one of the following: for English Teachers)
CHIN E811C 中文學科研究:古代漢語、文體、文化 (20)
(Not for holders of the approved PGSK for The following courses form excluded combinations: EDU E823
Chinese Teachers) with EDU E813C; EDU E846 with EDU E817C; EDU E815 with
EDU E805C1 教育領導與管理 (20) EDU E805C.

EDU E808C 中國語文教育 (20)

EDU E813C1 家庭、學校、社會與兒童發展 (20)
EDU E8151 Leading and Managing for Effective
Education (20)
Education programmes 115

Postgraduate Certificates Students will be eligible for a Postgraduate Certificate

in the specified area upon successful completion of a
深造證書 — PGC 20-credit course, as indicated below.
This series of specialized postgraduate level 要取得有關深造證書,學生必須修畢下列課程所指定的
educational studies certificates is designed for
一個 20 學分科目。
teachers, adult trainers, educational administrators
and other related professionals.
中國語文教育深造證書 — PGCCLE
Students who successfully complete a Postgraduate
EDU E808C 中國語文教育 (20)
Certificate can proceed to the MEd Degree by
completing another 40 credits.
Postgraduate Certificate in Educational
本系列深造程度的教育研習課程,是特別為教師、成人 Management
教育工作者、教育行政人員及其他有關的專業人士而設。 教育管理深造證書 — PGCEM
EDU E805C 教育領導與管理 (20)   OR

Education and Languages

School of
凡取得深造證書者,可繼續完成另外 40 學分以取得教育 EDU E815 Leading and Managing for Effective
Education (20)

Postgraduate Certificate in Child Development

Programme-specific entry requirements:
兒童發展深造證書 — PGCCD
(a) a recognized degree (or its equivalent); and EDU E813C 家庭、學校、社會與兒童發展 (20)   OR
EDU E8231 Understanding Children’s Development
(b) normally, have a recognized teacher’s and Learning (20)
qualification and at least two years’ teaching 1
EDU E823 will replace EDU E813, subject to final approval by the
or training experience (applicants who do University.
not have this qualification/experience may
be admitted where the School of Education
Postgraduate Certificate in Curriculum
and Languages considers their background
and Assessment
to be suitable for postgraduate level study in
課程與評估深造證書 — PGCCA
EDU E817C 學習、課程與評估 (20) OR
課程指定入學條件: EDU E846 Curriculum, Learning and Society:
Investigating Practice (20)
(a) 持有認可的學士學位(或等同的學歷);及
Postgraduate Certificate in English Language
(b) 申請人一般亦應具備認可的教師資格,及至少兩
and Language Learning in the Contemporary
年的教學或培訓經驗(對於未能擁有這項資格 World — PGCLLLCW
或經驗的申請者,本校將視乎申請人是否適合 EDU E819 Investigating Language in Action (20)

修讀深造程度課程而決定取錄與否)。 Postgraduate Certificate in English Studies for

Language Teaching — PGCESLT
ENGL E810 English Studies for Language Teaching (20)
Approved postgraduate programme for English
language teachers
教學中文學科研究深造證書 — PGCCSLT
The Postgraduate Certificate in English Studies for CHIN E811C 中文學科研究:古代漢語、文體、文化 (20)
Language Teaching is recognized by the Education
Bureau as an ‘Approved Postgraduate Programme in
Postgraduate Certificate in Liberal Studies
Subject Knowledge for English Language Teachers’.
Education — PGCLSE
In combination with a relevant teacher qualification, EDU E880 Learning and Teaching Liberal Studies (20)
graduates are eligible for exemption from the
Language Proficiency Requirement for English 戲劇教育深造證書 — PGCDE
Language Teachers. EDU E881C 戲劇與學校課程 (20)

116 教育及語文學院 ● 教育課程

(b) 選修兩個選修科目,取得 20 學分。所選修的兩個科

Programmes for teacher registration
教師註冊課程 目,必須是你要接受評核的教學實習科目。
EDU E331C 小學教學:中文 (10)
Postgraduate Diploma in Education EDU E332 Primary School Teaching: English (10)
EDU E333C 小學教學:數學 (10)
(Primary) EDU E334C 小學教學:常識 (10)
EDU E339C 小學教學:普通話 (10)
學位教師教育文憑(小學)— PGDEP1/
PGDEP2/PGDEP3/PGDEP4/PGDEP5/ (c) 達到 EDU E841C 與 EDU E872C 中的教學實習表現

PGDEP6 水平;其中接受視導的教學科目須配合在(b)項完
欲成為小學教師的人士而設,旨在為他們提供專業培 公開大學的畢業生若在已取得學歷的學分中包括了選修
訓。完成本課程後,學員可達到註冊教師的專業資格。 科目的其中一科或多科,則獲另行安排修讀途徑二或三
PGDEP4/PGDEP5/PGDEP6 — 途徑四、五、六
PGDEP1/PGDEP2/PGDEP3 — 途徑一、二、三

(a) 持有本大學認可的相關學位(或等同的學歷);
(a) 持有本大學認可的學士學位(或等同的學歷);

(b) 持有本大學認可的學位(或等同的學歷)及其
(b) 現職或將會受聘於香港的小學為全職教師,並任
全職的教學助理,並任教相關學科,每星期至少 (c) 在中學會考或中學文憑考試英國語文科〔如中

四節。* 學會考英國語文科為課程甲,則該科須達 C 級
或以上成績〕,及中國語文科均取得 E 級(或第
* 要符合這個要求,申請人須任教下列至少兩科:
• 英文 2 級)或以上成績(或等同學歷);及
• 中文
(d) 經教育及語文學院面試,獲接納修讀本課程。
• 普通話
• 數學
• 常識
間完成 12 周(或兩個為期六周)的教學實習。期間學員
一併繳交〔參見 134 頁〕) 循途徑四修讀的學員需:

(a) 修畢以下必修科目,取得 30 學分:

EDU E841C1 專業技巧:小學教學 (10)
(a) 修畢以下必修科目,取得 30 學分: EDU E854C 學習者、學習與學校課程 (10)
EDU E872C1 教學專業課題研究 (10)
EDU E841C1 專業技巧:小學教學 (10) 1
循 途 徑 PGDEP4/PGDEP5/PGDEP6 修 讀 的 職前學員在報 讀
EDU E854C 學習者、學習與學校課程 (10)
EDU E872C1 教學專業課題研究 (10) EDU E872C 時,必須已修讀或同時報讀 EDU E841C。

循 途 徑 PGDEP1/PGDEP2/PGDEP3 修 讀 的 在職教師須修畢
EDU E841C 後,方可修讀 EDU E872C。
Education programmes 117

(b) 選修以下兩個選修科目,取得 20 學分。所選修的兩 (b) 現職或將會受聘於香港中學,擔任(i)全職教

個科目,必須是你要接受評核的教學實習科目。 師並任教所選修的科目,或(ii)全職教學助理
EDU E331C 小學教學:中文 (10) 並在職務上包括所選修科目的課堂教學,每循環
EDU E332 Primary School Teaching: English (10)
EDU E333C 小學教學:數學 (10)
EDU E334C 小學教學:常識 (10) * 要符合這個要求,申請人須徵得任教學校的校長同意,
EDU E339C 小學教學:普通話 (10)
讓大學教員進入課堂觀課。(參見第 134 頁校長同意信
(c) 達到 EDU E841C 與 EDU E872C 中的教學實習表現 函)

水平;其中接受視導的教學科目須配合在(b)項完 職前教師報讀本課程(PGDES4)須符合下列要求:
(a) 持有本大學認可的學士學位(或等同的學歷);

公開大學的畢業生若在已取得學歷的學分中包括了選修 及

Education and Languages

科目的其中一科或多科,則獲另行安排修讀途徑五或六 (b) 在大學本科學位或高級學位的課程中,主修打算

School of
以完成課程。請於報名前向教育及語文學院查詢詳情。 任教科目的學科;及

(c) 在中學會考或中學文憑考試英國語文科〔如中學
會考英國語文科為課程甲,則該科須達 C 級或
以上成績〕,及中國語文科均取得 E 級(或第 2
的語文能力要求。 (d) 自行取得本港一所中學的同意,以能於該校完成
所需的教學實習 #;及

Postgraduate Diploma in Education (e) 經教育及語文學院面試,獲接納修讀本課程。

(Secondary) # 申請表格應連同已填妥的“申請人教學實習安排
學位教師教育文憑 (中學) — PGDES1/ 承諾書”一併繳交(參見 136 頁)。
(本課程只在 10 月學期招生,而在 2014 年 10 月學期只
修讀本課程的職前學員,須在學習期間完成 12 周(或
本深造程度的文憑課程分三個學科組別,分別為在香港 大學認可的中學全職完成所有實習工作。
• 數學 (a) 修畢下列科目,取得 10 學分:
• 英國語文 EDU E854C 學習者、學習與學校課程 (10)

• 中國語文 (b) 按所屬學科組別完成兩個相關科目:

完成本課程者可達到註冊教師的專業訓練要求。 • 數學組
EDU E361 Teaching Mathematics in Secondary
Schools (10)
EDU E861B1 Professional Skills: Teaching Mathematics
專業技巧:數學教學 (10)
課程: • 中國語文組
EDU E362C 中學教學:中文 (10)
在職教師報讀本課程(PGDES1)須符合下列要求: EDU E862C1 專業技巧:中國語文教學 (10)

(a) 持有本大學認可的學士學位(或等同的學歷); • 英國語文組

及 EDU E363 Teaching English in Secondary Schools (10)
EDU E8651 English Language Teaching: Professional
Skills (10)
118 教育及語文學院 ● 教育課程

(c) 修畢下列科目,取得 10 學分: Students pursuing this programme through Pathway

EDU E872C 教學專業課題研究 (10)
1 must successfully complete 190 credits as follows:
循途徑 PGDES1/PGDES3 修讀的在職教師須修畢 EDU E861B、 (a) 165 credits of compulsory courses:
EDU E862C、EDU E865 三科其中一科後,方可修讀 EDU E872C。 EDU E100 Learning and Teaching in a School Context (5)
循途徑 PGDES4/PGDES5 修讀的職前學員在報讀 EDU E872C 時, ENGL E110 English for Effective Communication I:
必須已修讀或同時報讀 EDU E861B、EDU E862C、EDU E865 Listening and Speaking (5)
三科其中一科。 ENGL E120 English for Effective Communication I:
循途徑 PGDES4/PGDES5 修讀的職前學員在報讀 EDU E861B、 Reading and Writing (5)
EDU E862C、EDU E865 及 EDU E872C 時,必須同時呈交已填
IT E150 Information Technology for Learning (5)
ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10)
妥之校長同意信函(參見 135 頁)。
ENGL E200 English for Effective Communication II:
(d) 達到 EDU E861B,EDU E862C,EDU E865 和 EDU E872C Reading and Writing (5)
ENGL E205 Preparing for IELTS (5)
ENGL E210 English for Effective Communication II:
Listening and Speaking (5)
EDU E332 Primary School Teaching: English (10)
部分必修科目(如 EDU E361,EDU E362C,EDU E363), ENGL E300 The Art of English (20)
則獲另行安排修讀途徑(PGDES3/PGDES5)來完成課 ENGL E320 English Grammar in Context (10)
ENGL E372 Worlds of English (20)
程。詳情請向教育及語文學院查詢。 LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics
豁免語文能力要求(英文) LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong (10)
LANG A332 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (10)
學位教師教育文憑(中學)主修英文教學的畢業生,若同時 EDU E854C 學習者、學習與學校課程 (10)
持有“相關的學位”(即認可的大學學位,而課程的主要內容 EDU E8651 English Language Teaching: Professional
與英文的研究和運用有關),便可獲得豁免英文科教師的語文 Skills (10)
EDU E872C1 教學專業課題研究 (10)
These courses include teaching practicums as an integral part of
the assessment.

Bachelor of Language Studies (English) (b) 10 credits from:

(Honours) and Postgraduate Diploma EDU E333C 小學教學:數學 (10)
EDU E334C 小學教學:常識 (10)
in Education (Primary)
EDU E339C 小學教學:普通話 (10)
語言研究榮譽學士(英文)及學位教 (c) 15 additional credits from any Foundation, Middle
師教育文憑(小學)— BLSHPGDEP1/ or Higher level course offered by the University.◊

See Note 3 on p. 110.

This programme leads to two qualifications: a Advanced standing/Credit exemption

Bachelor’s Degree with Honours and a Postgraduate Students with recognized tertiary qualifications may
Diploma in Education (Primary). apply for advanced standing/credit exemption.
There are three pathways for students pursuing this
BLSHPGDEP2 — Pathway 2 (for holders of an
programme. Pathways 2 and 3 are specifically designed
Associate Degree or equivalent qualification)
for holders of an Associate Degree or equivalent
Programme-specific entry requirements:
BLSHPGDEP1 — Pathway 1 (a) a recognized Associate Degree, or equivalent,
in English studies or a related area; and
Programme-specific entry requirements:
(b) satisfactory performance in a selection
(a) Level 2 or Grade E or above in English
Language and Chinese Language in the Hong
Kong Certificate of Education Examination, the
Students pursuing this programme through Pathway
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education,
2 must successfully complete 125 credits as follows:
or equivalent; and
(b) satisfactory performance in a selection interview.
Education programmes 119

(a) 90 credits of compulsory courses: (b) 5 credits from:

EDU E100 Learning and Teaching in a School Context (5) ENGL E200 English for Effective Communication II:
ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10) Reading and Writing (5)
ENGL E205 Preparing for IELTS (5) ENGL E210 English for Effective Communication II:
EDU E332 Primary School Teaching: English (10) Listening and Speaking (5)
ENGL E320 English Grammar in Context (10)
ENGL E372 Worlds of English (20)
(c) 10 credits from:
EDU E854C 學習者、學習與學校課程 (10) EDU E333C 小學教學:數學 (10)
EDU E8651 English Language Teaching: Professional EDU E334C 小學教學:常識 (10)
Skills (10) EDU E339C 小學教學:普通話 (10)
EDU E872C1 教學專業課題研究 (10)
These courses include teaching practicums as an integral part of Field experience and teaching practicum
the assessment. Students aiming to obtain the BLSHPGDEP should
note that they must:
(b) 5 credits from:
ENGL E200 English for Effective Communication II:
• Complete teaching practice in assigned schools

Education and Languages

School of
Reading and Writing (5) for six weeks as full-time student-teachers when
ENGL E210 English for Effective Communication II: they pursue each of two courses with teaching
Listening and Speaking (5) practicums (i.e. 12 weeks in total).
In addition, they should be able to gain access to at
(c) 20 credits from: least one school teacher and a few school students
ENGL E300 The Art of English (20) and conduct interviews with them (for EDU E100).
LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (10)
LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong (10)
LANG A332 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (10)
(d) 10 credits from: Graduates of this programme will hold an EDB
EDU E333C 小學教學:數學 (10) recognized language major degree and teacher
EDU E334C 小學教學:常識 (10) qualification. They will also have met the requirement
EDU E339C 小學教學:普通話 (10) for exemption from the Language Proficiency
Requirement for English Language Teachers.
BLSHPGDEP3 — Pathway 3 (for holders of an
Associate Degree or equivalent qualification)

Programme-specific entry requirements:

Bachelor of Language Studies (English)
(a) a recognized Associate Degree, or equivalent,
in an area not related to English studies; and (Honours) and Postgraduate Diploma
(b) satisfactory performance in a selection
in Education (Secondary)
interview. 語言研究榮譽學士(英文)及 學位教
Students pursuing this programme through Pathway
師教育文憑(中學)— BLSHPGDES1/
3 must successfully complete 155 credits as follows: BLSHPGDES2/ BLSHPGDES3
(a) 140 credits of compulsory courses from: This programme leads to two qualifications: a
EDU E100 Learning and Teaching in a School Context (5) Bachelor’s Degree with Honours and a Postgraduate
ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10) Diploma in Education (Secondary).
ENGL E205 Preparing for IELTS (5)
EDU E332 Primary School Teaching: English (10) There are three pathways for students pursuing
ENGL E300 The Art of English (20) this programme. Pathways II and III are specifically
ENGL E320 English Grammar in Context (10) designed for holders of an Associate Degree or
ENGL E372 Worlds of English (20) equivalent qualification.
LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (10)
LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong (10)
LANG A332 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (10)
EDU E854C 學習者、學習與學校課程 (10)
EDU E8651 English Language Teaching: Professional
Skills (10)
EDU E872C1 教學專業課題研究 (10)
These courses include teaching practicums as an integral part of
the assessment.
120 教育及語文學院 ● 教育課程

BLSHPGDES1 — Pathway 1 BLSHPGDES2 — Pathway 2 (for holders of an

Associate Degree or equivalent qualification)
Programme-specific entry requirements:
(a) Level 2 or Grade E or above in English Programme-specific entry requirements:
Language and Chinese Language in the Hong (a) a recognized Associate Degree, or equivalent,
Kong Certificate of Education Examination, in English studies or a related area; and
the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary (b) satisfactory performance in a selection
Education, or equivalent; and interview.
(b) satisfactory performance in a selection interview.
Students pursuing this programme through Pathway
Students pursuing this programme through Pathway 2 must successfully complete 125 credits as follows:
1 must successfully complete 190 credits as follows:
(a) 90 credits of compulsory courses:
(a) 165 credits of complusory courses: EDU E100 Learning and Teaching in a School Context (5)
EDU E100 Learning and Teaching in a School Context (5) ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10)
ENGL E110 English for Effective Communication I: ENGL E205 Preparing for IELTS (5)
Listening and Speaking (5) EDU E363 Teaching English in Secondary Schools (10)
ENGL E120 English for Effective Communication I: ENGL E320 English Grammar in Context (10)
Reading and Writing (5) ENGL E372 Worlds of English (20)
IT E150 Information Technology for Learning (5) EDU E854C 學習者、學習與學校課程 (10)
ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10) EDU E8651 English Language Teaching: Professional Skills (10)
ENGL E200 English for Effective Communication II: EDU E872C1 教學專業課題研究 (10)
Reading and Writing (5) 1
These courses include teaching practicums as an integral part of the
ENGL E205 Preparing for IELTS (5) assessment.
ENGL E210 English for Effective Communication II:
Listening and Speaking (5) (b) 5 credits from:
EDU E363 Teaching English in Secondary Schools (10)
ENGL E200 English for Effective Communication II:
ENGL E300 The Art of English (20)
Reading and Writing (5)
ENGL E320 English Grammar in Context (10)
ENGL E210 English for Effective Communication II:
ENGL E372 Worlds of English (20)
Listening and Speaking (5)
LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (10)
LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong (10) (c) 30 credits from:
LANG A332 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (10) ENGL E300 The Art of English (20)
EDU E854C 學習者、學習與學校課程 (10) LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (10)
EDU E8651 English Language Teaching: Professional LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong (10)
Skills (10) LANG A332 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (10)
EDU E872C1 教學專業課題研究 (10)
These courses include teaching practicums as an integral part of BLSHPGDES3 — Pathway 3 (for holders of an
the assessment. Associate Degree or equivalent qualification)
(b) 25 additional credits from any Foundation,
Programme-specific entry requirements:
Middle or Higher level course offered by the
University, of which no more than 20 credits are (a) a recognized Associate Degree, or equivalent, in
at Foundation level.◊ an area not related to English studies; and

See Note 3 on p. 110. (b) satisfactory performance in a selection interview.

Advanced standing/Credit exemption

Students pursuing this programme through Pathway
Students with recognized tertiary qualifications may 3 must successfully complete 155 credits as follows:
apply for advanced standing/credit exemption.
(a) 140 credits of compulsory courses:
EDU E100 Learning and Teaching in a School Context (5)
ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10)
ENGL E205 Preparing for IELTS (5)
EDU E363 Teaching English in Secondary Schools (10)
ENGL E300 The Art of English (20)
ENGL E320 English Grammar in Context (10)
ENGL E372 Worlds of English (20)
LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (10)
Education programmes 121

LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong (10) Certificate in Education — CED1
LANG A332 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (10)
EDU E854C 學習者、學習與學校課程 (10) This is a conversion programme specially designed for
EDU E8651 English Language Teaching: Professional Skills locally qualified teachers who wish to be ‘retrained’
(10) for teaching English or Chinese.
EDU E872C1 教學專業課題研究 (10)
These courses include teaching practicums as an integral part of Programme-specific entry requirements:
the assessment.
(a) hold a local PGDE/PCEd/BEd or equivalent; and
(b) 5 credits from: (b) be teaching English or Chinese in a secondary
ENGL E200 English for Effective Communication II: or primary school in Hong Kong for a
Reading and Writing (5) minimum of five periods per week/cycle.
ENGL E210 English for Effective Communication II:
* You should have the consent of the principal of
Listening and Speaking (5)
your school for classroom visits by University
(c) 10 additional credits from any Middle or Higher staff (your application must be accompanied by
the completed consent letter on p. 134).

Education and Languages

School of
level courses offered by the University.◊

See Note 3 on p. 110.
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete 20 credits from the courses specified for
Field experience and teaching practicum the chosen strand as indicated below:
Students aiming to obtain the BLSHPGDES should
Courses under different strands:
note that they must:
• Complete teaching practice in assigned schools Secondary English Strand
for six weeks as full-time student-teachers when EDU E363 Teaching English in Secondary Schools (10)
they pursue each of two courses with teaching EDU E8651 English Language Teaching: Professional
practicums (i.e. 12 weeks in total). Skills (10)

In addition, they should be able to gain access to at 中學中文專科

least one school teacher and a few school students EDU E362C 中學教學:中文 (10)
and conduct interviews with them (for EDU E100). EDU E862C 專業技巧:中國語文教學 (10)

Primary English Strand

EDU E332 Primary School Teaching: English (10)
Recognition EDU E8651 English Language Teaching: Professional
Skills (10)
Graduates of this programme will hold an EDB
recognized language major degree and teacher
qualification. They will also have met the requirement EDU E331C 小學教學:中文 (10)
for exemption from the Language Proficiency EDU E841C1 專業技巧:小學教學 (10)
Requirement for English Language Teachers. 1
These courses include teaching practice assessment.*

Diploma in Early Childhood Education For OUHK students or graduates who have
completed one of the courses in the strand they
幼兒教育文憑 — DECE
intend to apply for, another course will be assigned
(請參閱第 125 頁) for completion of the programme. The code for your
intended programme is CED2. You are advised to
contact the School of Education and Languages for
details before you make an application.

• CED graduates will be considered to have a
qualification equivalent to the OUHK’s PGDE
majoring in the relevant teaching subject.
• The four language strands of the CED are
recognized by the EDB as language major teacher
training programmes.
122 教育及語文學院 ● 教育課程

教育證書 — CED1 課程指定入學條件:

本證書專為已取得本港認可教師資格但非主修語文科的 • 持有幼兒教育文憑/證書或等同學歷。
• 持有本大學的教育學士(幼兒教育)或教育學士
資歷。 (幼兒教育:特殊教育)學歷者,亦可修讀餘下的

(a) 持有本地院校頒發的學位教師教育文憑(或證 教學語言

書)/教育學士或等同學歷;及 本課程的所有學科均以中文為教學語言。
(b) 受聘於香港的中學或小學任教英國語文或中國 修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 100 學分。詳情如下:
語文,每星期或循環周至少五節。* (a) 修畢以下教育的基礎理論科目,取得 20 學分:
* 申請人須徵得任教學校的校長同意,讓大學教員進入課 EDU E220C 教育與社會 (5)
EDU E270C 幼兒學與教的心理學 (5)
EDU E271C 幼兒課程學 (10)
繳交〔參見 134 頁〕)
(b) 修畢以下學習範疇探討科目,取得 15 學分:
修 讀 本 課 程 的 學 生, 必 須 在 選 定 的 專 科 內 完 成 指 定 EDU E275C 幼兒教育:語文 (5)
EDU E276C 幼兒教育:視覺藝術 (5)
的 20 學 分。 科 目 詳 情 見 第 121 頁“Courses under
EDU E277C 幼兒教育:音樂與律動 (5)
different strands”部分。 EDU E278C 幼兒教育:早期數學、科學與科技 (5)

公開大學的學生或畢業生若在修讀其他課程時已完成所 (c) 修畢以下特殊教育需要科目,取得 35 學分:

選專科內的其中一科,可獲安排修讀另一科目以完成有 EDU E281C 早期評估與介入 (10)
關課程。報讀時,擬修讀課程編號為 CED2。報名前請 EDU E282C 教導有讀寫困難傾向的學前幼兒 (5)
先向教育及語文學院查詢詳請。 EDU E372C 幼兒融合教育 (5)
EDU E383C 有專注力不足/過度活躍傾向幼童的特徵、評估
及管理 (5)
資格認可 EDU E385C 支援自閉症幼兒 (5)
EDU E386C 語言發展遲緩及訓練 (5)
• 成功完成教育證書的學員將獲認可為取得本校主修相關
教學科目的學位教師教育文憑等同資歷。 (d) 修畢以下幼兒教育領導科目,取得 30 學分:
• 教育證書的四個語文專科均為教育局認可的相關主修師 EDU E279C 領導幼兒教學的創新與資訊科技應用 (5)
資培訓。 EDU E373C 教育管理:理論與實務 (10)
EDU E374C 幼兒教育工作者專業與發展 (10)
EDU E380C 幼兒教育政策分析 (5)
Early Childhood Education programmes
幼兒教育課程 資格認可
• 本學士課程已為教育局認可。完成課程後達到教
Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Early 育局對新入職幼稚園校長的學歷要求。
Childhood Education: Leadership and
• 學士課程亦為社會福利署認可專為特殊幼兒工作
Special Educational Needs)
本課程是專為已持有幼兒教育文憑或證書(即 CE)的
的了解,以為學員在幼稚園 / 幼兒中心擔任更高職位或
Education programmes 123

Bachelor of Education in Early Bachelor of Education in Early

Childhood Education Childhood Education (Special
教育學士(幼兒教育)— BEDECE Educational Needs)
課程指定入學條件 :
教學語言 持有幼兒教育文憑/證書或等同學歷。
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 60 學分。詳情如下: 教學語言
(a) 修畢以下必修科目,取得 45 學分: 本課程的所有學科均以中文為教學語言。

Education and Languages

EDU E220C 教育與社會 (5)

School of
修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 60 學分。詳情如下:
EDU E270C 幼兒學與教的心理學 (5)
EDU E271C 幼兒課程學 (10) (a) 修畢以下必修科目,取得 45 學分:
EDU E372C 幼兒融合教育 (5)
EDU E270C 幼兒學與教的心理學 (5)
EDU E373C 教育管理:理論與實務 (10)
EDU E281C 早期評估與介入 (10)
EDU E374C 幼兒教育工作者專業與發展 (10)
EDU E282C 教導有讀寫障礙傾向的學前幼兒 (5)
EDU E372C 幼兒融合教育 (5)
(b) 從下列科目,選修三科,取得 15 學分:
EDU E374C 幼兒教育工作者專業與發展 (10)
EDU E275C 幼兒教育:語文 (5) EDU E385C 支援自閉症幼兒 (5)
EDU E276C 幼兒教育:視覺藝術 (5) EDU E386C 語言遲緩與訓練 (5)
EDU E277C 幼兒教育:音樂與律動 (5)
EDU E278C 幼兒教育:早期數學、科學與科技 (5) (b) 修畢以下選修科目,取得 15 學分:
EDU E220C 教育與社會 (5)
EDU E271C 幼兒課程學 (10)
資格認可 EDU E275C 幼兒教育:語文 (5)
EDU E276C 幼兒教育:視覺藝術 (5)
EDU E277C 幼兒教育:音樂與律動 (5)
對新入職幼稚園校長的學歷要求。 EDU E278C 幼兒教育:早期數學、科學與科技 (5)
EDU E373C 教育管理:理論與實務 (10)

• 本學士課程已為教育局認可。完成課程後達到教
• 學士課程亦為社會福利署認可專為特殊幼兒工作
124 教育及語文學院 ● 教育課程

CHIN E230C 中國語文運用(二)(5)

Higher Diploma programme PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5)
高級文憑課程 PTH E250C 普通話運用 (5)
IT E1501 Information Tecnhology for Learning (5),
Higher Diploma in Early Childhood 或
IT E150C1 資訊科技與學習 (5)
Education (Special Educational Needs)
IT E150 及 IT E150C 為不可兼修科目,只能在兩科中選修其
幼兒教育高級文憑(特殊教育)— 一,最多計算 5 學分。
本高級文憑專為已持有幼兒教育文憑或證書(即 CE)的 資格認可
幼兒教育工作者而設,使能在特殊幼兒教育中心或推行 • 本課程為社會福利署認可專為特殊幼兒工作員而
融合教育的學前教育機構內為有特殊教育需要的幼兒提 設的培訓課程。


課程指定入學條件 :


修畢以下科目,取得 25 學分:
EDU E281C 早期評估與介入 (10)
EDU E282C 教導有讀寫障礙傾向的學前幼兒 (5)
EDU E385C 支援自閉症幼兒 (5)
EDU E386C 語言遲緩與訓練 (5)


課程指定入學條件 :


修畢 35 學分,其中 25 學分為必修科目,10 學分為選修

(a) 修畢以下必修科目,取得 25 學分:
EDU E281C 早期評估與介入 (10)
EDU E282C 教導有讀寫障礙傾向的學前幼兒 (5)
EDU E385C 支援自閉症幼兒 (5)
EDU E386C 語言遲緩與訓練 (5)

(b) 從下列科目,選修 10 學分:

ENGL E110 English for Effective Communication I:
Listening and Speaking (5)
ENGL E120 English for Effective Communication I:
Reading and Writing (5)
ENGL E200 English for Effective Communication II:
Reading and Writing (5)
ENGL E205 Preparing for IELTS (5)
ENGL E210 English for Effective Communication II:
Listening and Speaking (5)
CHIN E130C 中國語文運用(一)(10)
Education programmes 125

EDU E261C 幼兒教育課程規劃 (6)

Diploma programme EDU E262C 幼兒教育機構的管理 (6)
文憑課程 EDU E263C 兒童的個別差異 (6)
EDU E264C * 幼兒的早期學習經驗 (10)
Diploma in Early Childhood Education (b) 修畢以下的中文能力科目,取得 5 學分:
幼兒教育文憑—DECE/DECE1/DECE2 CHIN E230C 中國語文運用(二) (5)

本文憑專為培訓幼兒教育工作者而設,旨在幫助他們取 (c) 選修以下一科英語能力科目,取得 5 學分:

得相關學歷,以配合本港政府的要求。 ENGL A090 English Speaking and Listening skills (5),

ENGL E070 English for Post-secondary Study (5),或
課程指定入學條件: ENGL E110 English for Effective Communication I:
Listening and Speaking (5),或
所有申請者 (DECE/DECE1/DECE2) 必須持有以下學
ENGL E120 English for Effective Communication I:
歷 (a) 至 (d) 的其中一項 : Reading and Writing (5),或

Education and Languages

School of
ENGL E205 Preparing for IELTS (5)
(a) 合格幼稚園教師資格 ; 或
(b) 註冊幼兒工作員資格 ; 或 (d) 選修以下一科普通話能力科目,取得 5 學分:
(c) 在香港中學會考或中學文憑試中取得五科合格 , PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5),或
PTH E250C 普通話運用 (5)
其中包括中國語文科及英國語文科 ; 或
(d) 與 (c) 項同等或高於 (c) 項的學歷。 (e) 選修以下一科資訊科技科目,取得 5 學分:
IT E150 Information Technology for Learning (5),
與此同時,申請者須符合以下 (a) 至 (c) 項條件的其中

一項 : IT E150C 資訊科技與學習 (5)
(a) 申請者為在職幼兒教育工作者 (DECE) * 本科包括教學實習評核和指導。
持有本大學認可的大專資歷,最高可獲豁免 10 學分。
幼兒中心主管同意,讓大學教職員進入幼稚園 /
意信函 ( 見 137 頁 ) 一併繳交。
• 本文憑課程已為教育局認可。學員在取得文憑
(b) 申 請 者 在 幼 稚 園 / 幼 兒 中 心 / 幼 兒 學 校 任 職
(DECE1) 後,可向教育局申請為註冊幼師。

申請者須為註冊的幼稚園或註冊幼兒中心的全職 • 文憑課程亦為社會福利署認可,畢業生可申請成
員工,並徵得任職幼稚園校長或幼兒中心主管承 為註冊幼兒工作員或幼兒中心主管。
職員進入幼稚園 / 幼兒中心觀課。申請表格應連
同已填妥的機構同意信函 ( 見 138 頁 ) 一併繳交。
(c) 申請者非任職幼兒教育機構並願意接受大學的教
學實習安排 (DECE2)
量 DECE2 的學生),並承諾接受大學的實習安排

修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 66 學分,詳情如下:

(a) 修畢以下必修科目,取得 46 學分:

EDU E160C 兒童研究 (6)
EDU E161C 幼兒教育基礎理論 (6)
EDU E162C 幼兒教育:家長的參與 (6)
126 教育及語文學院 ● 教育課程

Professional Development Certificate Certificate in the Teaching of

programmes for Teachers Putonghua in Primary Schools
教師專業發展證書課程 小學普通話教學證書 — CTPPS

Certificate in Primary Mathematics 修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢至少 30 學分,詳情如下:

Education: Subject Knowledge and

(a) 選修以下科目,取得 20 學分:
CHIN A172C 語文通論 (5)
小學數學教育證書:學科知識與教學法 PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5)
PTH A200C 普通話II (10)
— CPME PTH E250C 普通話運用 (5)

修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢下列科目,取得 30 學分。 (b) 修畢以下科目,取得 10 學分:

MATH S121 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics (10)
EDU E339C 小學教學:普通話 (10)
MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)
EDU E333C 小學教學:數學 (10)
Language/language education programmes and courses 127

Language/language 語文/語文教育課程及學科
education programmes
and courses
The School of Education and Languages offers 教育及語文學院提供英文和中文的語言研究課程,並且
language studies programmes in English language
and Chinese language and a number of language
enhancement courses in English, Chinese and

Notes: 註:
1 Students who want to sit for the IELTS test, an internationally 1. ENGL E205學科包含國際英語水平測試(IELTS)考試,該

Education and Languages

School of
recognised English language proficiency test, can take the
course ENGL E205 Preparing for IELTS. Upon completion of
the course, students will receive a formal report (Test Report 獲發測試成績正式報告(Test Report Form)。
Form) on their IELTS results.
2. 科目編號以“0”起首的,為預修程度科目。
2 Pre-foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘0’. 科目編號以“1”起首的,為基礎程度科目。
Foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘1’.
Middle level courses: course codes starting with ‘2’.
Higher level courses: course codes starting with ‘3’. 科目編號以“3”起首的,為高級程度科目。
Postgraduate level courses: course codes starting with ‘8’. 科目編號以“8”起首的,為深造程度科目。

3 The credit value is given at the end of each course. 3. 學分值列於科目名稱後面的括號之內。

4 Where a programme allows students to select additional 4. 某些課程容許學生在本科課程之外選修其他科目,惟學生
courses from outside the programme, students must check 必須核對所選的科目是否屬於“不可兼修”的類別,不可
their selected courses against the Excluded Combinations list
on p. 36 of the Courses Supplement. Only one of the courses
in an excluded combination can count towards an OUHK 兼修的科目組合內的其中一科計算入有關的課程之內。

For enquiries about the programmes, please contact: Postgraduate programmes

查詢課程內容,請聯絡: 深造課程
Dr Peter Storey (English Language Studies programmes)
Tel: 2768 5812  Email: Master of Language Studies (Chinese
馬顯慈博士 〔語言研究碩士(中國語言學)〕 Linguistics)
Tel: 2768 5810  Email:
School website:
語言研究碩士(中國語言學)— MLSCL

課程指定入學條件 :


修畢以下科目,取得 60 學分:

(a) 修畢以下必修科目,取得 20 學分:

CHIN E811C 中文學科研究:古代漢語、文體、文化 (20)

(b) 從下列科目,選修 40 學分:

CHIN E831C 漢語社會語言學 (10)

CHIN E832C 現代漢語研究:修辭學 (10)
128 教育及語文學院 ● 語文/語文教育課程及學科

CHIN E833C 現代漢語研究:語音學與文字學 (10)

Bachelor’s Degree programmes
CHIN E834C 現代漢語研究:句法學與詞彙學 (10)
CHIN E835CF 中國語言學專題研習 (10) 學士學位課程

惟 CHIN E835CF 中國語言學專題研習一科,必須先完 Bachelor of Language Studies

成必修科及另一個選修科方可修讀。 (English)
Bachelor of Language Studies (English)
/學分豁免,最高可獲豁免 30 學分。
途徑二 語言研究榮譽學士(英文)
課程指定入學條件 :
There are three pathways for students pursuing
(a) 持有認可大學學士學位及 this programme. Pathways II and III are specifically
(b) 已完成教育局認可的深造程度學位教師 ( 中文學 designed for holders of an Associate Degree or
equivalent qualification.
科知識 ) 課程。
BLSE1/BLSEH1 — Pathway 1

從下列科目,選修 40 學分: Students pursuing BLSE1 through Pathway 1 must

successfully complete 120 credits, as follows:
CHIN E831C 漢語社會語言學 (10)
CHIN E832C 現代漢語研究:修辭學 (10) (a) 60 credits of compulsory courses:
CHIN E833C 現代漢語研究:語音學與文字學 (10) ENGL E110 English for Effective Communication I:
CHIN E834C 現代漢語研究:句法學與詞彙學 (10) Listening and Speaking (5)
CHIN E835CF 中國語言學專題研習 (10) ENGL E120 English for Effective Communication I:
Reading and Writing (5)
惟 CHIN E835CF 中國語言學專題研習一科,必須先完 IT E150 Information Technology for Learning (5)
ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10)
成三個選修科方可修讀。 ENGL E200 English for Effective Communication II:
Reading and Writing (5)
ENGL E205 Preparing for IELTS (5)
ENGL E210 English for Effective Communication II:
Listening and Speaking (5)
ENGL E372 Worlds of English (20)
“主修語文學位課程”。 常任教師可申請語文教師專
(b) 20 credits from the following courses:
ENGL E300 The Art of English (20)
ENGL E320 English Grammar in Context (10)
LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (10)
LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong (10)
LANG A332 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (10)

(c) 40 additional credits from any Foundation,

Middle or Higher level courses offered by the
University, of which no more than 25 credits are
at Foundation level.◊

See Note 4 on p. 127.
Language/language education programmes and courses 129

Students pursuing the honours programme BLSEH1 (c) 10 credits from courses:
through Pathway 1 must successfully complete 160 ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10)
credits, as follows: ENGL E300 The Art of English (20)
ENGL E320 English Grammar in Context (10)
(a) 60 credits of compulsory courses: LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (10)
ENGL E110 English for Effective Communication I: LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong (10)
Listening and Speaking (5) LANG A332 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (10)
ENGL E120 English for Effective Communication I: Students pursuing the honours programme BLSEH2
Reading and Writing (5) through Pathway 2 must successfully complete 80
IT E150 Information Technology for Learning (5) credits as follows:
ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10)
ENGL E200 English for Effective Communication II: (a) 45 credits of compulsory courses:
Reading and Writing (5) ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10)
ENGL E205 Preparing for IELTS (5) ENGL E205 Preparing for IELTS (5)
ENGL E210 English for Effective Communication II: ENGL E320 English Grammar in Context (10)
ENGL E372 Worlds of English (20)

Education and Languages

Listening and Speaking (5)

School of
ENGL E372 Worlds of English (20) (b) 5 credits from:
ENGL E200 English for Effective Communication II:
(b) 60 credits from courses: Reading and Writing (5)
ENGL E300 The Art of English (20) ENGL E210 English for Effective Communication II:
ENGL E320 English Grammar in Context (10) Listening and Speaking (5)
LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (10)
(c) 30 credits from the following courses:
LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong (10)
ENGL E300 The Art of English (20)
LANG A332 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (10)
LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (10)
(c) 40 additional credits from any Foundation, LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong (10)
Middle or Higher level courses offered by the LANG A332 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (10)
University, of which no more than 25 credits are
at Foundation level.◊ BLSE3/BLSEH3 — Pathway 3

See Note 4 on p. 127.
Programme-specific entry requirements for
Advanced standing/Credit exemption
A recognized Associate Degree, or equivalent, in
Students with recognized tertiary qualifications may
an area not related to English studies.
apply for advanced standing/credit exemption.

BLSE2/BLSEH2 — Pathway 2 Students pursuing BLSE3 through Pathway 3 must

successfully complete 60 credits as follows:
Programme-specific entry requirements for BLSE2 (a) 35 credits of compulsory courses:
and BLSEH2: ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10)
ENGL E205 Preparing for IELTS (5)
A recognized Associate Degree, or equivalent, in
ENGL E372 Worlds of English (20)
English studies or a related area.
(b) 5 credits from:
Students pursuing BLSE2 through Pathway 2 must ENGL E200 English for Effective Communication II:
Reading and Writing (5)
successfully complete 40 credits as follows:
ENGL E210 English for Effective Communication II:
(a) 25 credits from: Listening and Speaking (5)
ENGL E205 Preparing for IELTS (5)
ENGL E372 Worlds of English (20)
(c) 20 credits from the following courses:
ENGL E300 The Art of English (20)
(b) 5 credits from: ENGL E320 English Grammar in Context (10)
ENGL E200 English for Effective Communication II: LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (10)
Reading and Writing (5) LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong (10)
ENGL E210 English for Effective Communication II: LANG A332 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (10)
Listening and Speaking (5)
130 教育及語文學院 ● 語文/語文教育課程及學科

Students pursuing the honours programme BLSEH3

Associate Degree programme
through Pathway 3 must successfully complete 100

(a) 95 credits of compulsory courses: Associate of Language Studies

ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10) (English)
ENGL E205 Preparing for IELTS (5)
ENGL E300 The Art of English (20) 語言研究副學士(英文)— ALSE
ENGL E320 English Grammar in Context (10)
ENGL E372 Worlds of English (20) Students pursuing this programme must complete 80
LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics credits, as follows:
LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong (10) (a) 30 credits from courses:
LANG A332 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (10) ENGL E110 English for Effective Communication I:
Listening and Speaking (5)
(b) 5 credits from courses: ENGL E120 English for Effective Communication I:
ENGL E200 English for Effective Communication II: Reading and Writing (5)
Reading and Writing (5) ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English (10)
ENGL E210 English for Effective Communication II: ENGL E200 English for Effective Communication II:
Listening and Speaking (5) Reading and Writing (5)
ENGL E210 English for Effective Communication II:
Listening and Speaking (5)
Recognized language major degree programmes
The BLSE and BLSEH are included in the Education (b) 30 credits from courses:
Bureau’s list of ‘Recognized Language Major Degree ENGL E300 The Art of English (20)
Programmes’. ENGL E320 English Grammar in Context (10)
ENGL E372 Worlds of English (20)
In combination with a relevant teacher qualification,
LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics
graduates are eligible for exemption from the
Language Proficiency Requirement for English LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong (10)
Language Teachers. LANG A332 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (10)

(c) at least 5 credits from courses:

IT E1501 Information Technology for Learning (5)
IT S123 Introduction to Internet Services and
Applications (10)
Course forms excluded combinations with other courses. See
p. 36 of Courses Supplement.

(d) 15 additional credits from any Foundation,

Middle or Higher level courses offered by the

See Note 4 on p. 127.
Language/language education programmes and courses 131

Certificate programme Language enhancement courses

證書課程 語文能力提升學科

Many of these English, Chinese and Putonghua

Certificate in English for Effective courses are built into programmes, but all of them
Communication (except for ENGL E070) can be counted as free-choice
英語運用證書 — CEEC credits in a degree programme.

On successful completion of these courses (except

Students pursuing this programme must successfully
for ENGL E070 and ENGL E205), students are given a
complete 30 credits as follows:
(a) 5 credits from:
For further details, visit the following website:
ENGL A090 English Speaking and Listening Skills (5)
ENGL E070 English for Post-secondary Study (5)

Education and Languages

School of
BUS B103 English and Communications for Business I
(b) 25 credits from:
這些學科 (ENGL E070 除外 ),作為擬修讀學位的自選學
ENGL E110 English for Effective Communication I:
Listening and Speaking (5) 分。
ENGL E120 English for Effective Communication I:
Reading and Writing (5) 成功修畢這些學科 (ENGL E070 及 ENGL E205 除外 )
ENGL E200 English for Effective Communication II:
Reading and Writing (5)
ENGL E205 Preparing for IELTS (5)
ENGL E210 English for Effective Communication II: 詳情可參閱以下網頁:
Listening and Speaking (5)

Credits gained from pre-foundation courses (i.e.

English courses:
ENGL A090 and ENGL E070) cannot be counted
towards degree or honours degree programmes. ENGL E070 English for Post-secondary Study (5)
ENGL E110 English for Effective Communication I:
Listening and Speaking (5)
ENGL E120 English for Effective Communication I:
Reading and Writing (5)
ENGL E200 English for Effective Communication II:
Reading and Writing (5)
ENGL E205 Preparing for IELTS (5)
ENGL E210 English for Effective Communication II:
Listening and Speaking (5)

CHIN E130C 中國語文運用(一)(10)
CHIN E230C 中國語文運用(二)(5)

PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5)
PTH E250C 普通話運用 (5)
132 教育及語文學院 ● 通識教育課程

General Studies 通識教育課程

These programmes, for which there are no entry 通識教育課程並無入學條件,特點是同學可以自行組織
requirements, provide the opportunity for students
to construct their own programmes of study within
the framework of the OUHK degree/sub-degree 位或副學位規例便可。
The aims of the programmes are: 例架構內,設計本身的進修課程。通識教育學士/副學

1 to provide a flexible qualification at degree level 士學位課程的目的是:

which meets the general demands of the Hong
1. 提 供具靈活性的學位程度資格,迎合香港一般行業
Kong workforce;
2 to provide opportunities for intellectual
development for adult students wishing to 2. 為 有志取得通才資格的成人學生提供思辨能力發展
graduate with a general qualification; 的機會。
3 to provide an opportunity for mature students to
3. 讓 成人學生有機會因應本身的需要,訂出他們的進
define their own programme of study.

Advanced standing/Credit exemption 學分豁免

For the Bachelor of General Studies, students holding 報讀通識教育學士課程的人士,若持有認可大專學歷,可

recognized tertiary qualifications may apply for 申請學分承認/學分豁免。詳情請參閱第21頁 。
advanced standing/credit exemption. For details,
please see p. 20.

Notes: 注意事項
1 In order to ensure that the programme of study you
1. 為確保你設計的學位課程符合通識教育學士學位課程的要
construct meets the regulations of the BGS/AGS programme,
the University offers a support service for BGS/AGS students. 求,本校為選修通識教育學士學位課程的學生,提供學習
You may write to the Admissions and Student Records Office 上的支援服務。學生可致函教務處入學及學生紀錄組,或
in Registry or use the form for ‘Application for Academic 填妥“通識教育學士學位課程輔學服務申請表”,交回教
Support for Bachelor/Associate of General Studies’ and
include your study plan and area of interest so that telephone
advice can be given to you. 意見。

2 Pre-foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘0’. 2. 科目編號以“0”起首的,為預修程度科目。

Foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘1’. 科目編號以“1”起首的,為基礎程度科目。
Middle level courses: course codes starting with ‘2’.
Higher level courses: course codes starting with ‘3’.

For enquiries about the programmes, please


Dr C W Chan 陳志威博士
Tel: 2768 5828  Email:

School website:

General Studies programmes 133

Bachelor’s Degree programme Associate Degree programme

學士學位課程 副學士課程

Bachelor of General Studies Associate of General Studies — AGS

通識教育學士 — BGS 通識教育副學士 — AGS
Students pursuing the degree of Bachelor of Students pursuing the award of Associate of
General Studies must successfully complete at least General Studies must successfully complete at least
120 credits. To accumulate sufficient credits for the 80 credits in courses at Pre-Foundation, Foundation,
award of this degree, you can select a combination of Middle or Higher level from any Schools, of which at
courses at Foundation, Middle or Higher level from least 40 credits must be obtained at Middle or Higher
any Schools. To satisfy the regulations for the degree, level, and no more than 10 credits of which may be
you must: obtained at Pre-foundation level.

Education and Languages

School of
(a) obtain no more than 40 credits in courses at 修讀通識教育副學士學位課程的學生,必須修畢本校開
Foundation level; and 設的任何預修、基礎、中級或高級程度科目,取得至少
(b) obtain at least 20 credits in courses at the Higher 80 學分,其中至少 40 學分須選自中級或高級程度科目,
level. 及預修程度科目不得多於 10 學分。
修讀通識教育學士學位課程的學生必須修畢至少 120 學

(a) 不得在基礎程度科目取得多於 40 學分;及

(b) 須在高級程度科目取得至少 20 學分。



Principal’s consent letter


(Name of school 學校名稱)

(School address 學校地址)

To: Admissions Section, Registry

The Open University of Hong Kong
致: 香港公開大學

Re: Application for registration on Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Secondary)/Postgraduate Diploma in

Education (Primary)/Certificate in Education programme
事由: 學位教師教育文憑(中學)/學位教師教育文憑(小學)/教育證書入學申請

This is to certify that (HKID No.: ) is employed by our

謹證明 (Name of applicant 申請人姓名) 為本校全職教師/

school as a full-time teacher/teaching assistant. He/she (is teaching/will teach*) the following subjects:

Subject 科目 Class level 級別 Periods per week/cycle 節數

I understand that the Open University of Hong Kong will send teaching staff to supervise teaching practicums and
hereby consent to their entering our school and classrooms for this purpose.

Yours sincerely,

Signature of Principal 校長簽名: (Principal’s name 校長姓名: )

(Principal of 校長)
(School Name 學校名稱)

School chop 學校印鑑:

*Delete as appropriate 請刪去不適用者



Principal’s consent letter


(Name of school 學校名稱)

(School address 學校地址)

Education and Languages

School of

To: Admissions Section, Registry

The Open University of Hong Kong
致: 香港公開大學

Re: Application for registration on course EDU E861B/EDU E862C/EDU E865/EDU E872C*
事由: EDU E861B/EDU E862C/EDU E865/EDU E872C*科目註冊申請

This is to certify that (HKID No.: )

謹證明 (Name of applicant 申請人姓名)

is allowed to undertake his/her teaching practice, as required by the Open University of Hong Kong, in my school.
Details of the teaching practice arrangement are as follows:

Practicum Period Subject Class Level Period/week/cycle

實習期間 科目 級別 每星期循環周節數



I understand that the Open University of Hong Kong will send teaching staff to supervise the student teacher during
the teaching practice period and hereby consent to their entering our school and classrooms for this purpose.

Yours sincerely,

Signature of Principal 校長簽名: Principal’s name 校長姓名:

School Name 學校名稱:

School chop 學校印鑑:

*Delete as appropriate by the applicant 由申請人刪去不適用者


Applicant’s undertaking for teaching practice (for PGDES4/5 applicants only)

申請人教學實習安排承諾書(只適用於循 PGDES4/5 途徑申請入學者)

I have discussed the issue of undertaking my teaching practice – which will normally start in early March
each year – with the principal of a local secondary school. 

I understand that if I am unable to get the permission of a local secondary school to fulfil the teaching
practice requirements during my study of the Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) programme, I
will not be able to complete the programme.



Signature 簽名:

Name of applicant 申請人姓名(請用正楷) :

Date 日期:


Consent Letter from Principal/Head of organization



(Name of Pre-primary Education Institution 學前教育機構名稱 )

(Institution address 機構地址 )

Education and Languages

School of

To: Admissions Section, Registry

The Open University of Hong Kong
致: 香港公開大學

Re: Application for registration on Diploma in Early Childhood Education programme


This is to certify that (HKID No.: ) is employed by our

謹證明 (Name of applicant 申請人姓名 ) 為本校/機構*全職

kindergarten/organization* as a full-time teacher/childcare worker*.


I understand that the Open University of Hong Kong will send teaching staff to supervise practicums
and hereby consent to their entering our kindergarten/organization* for this purpose.

Yours sincerely,

Signature of Principal/Head* of kindergarten/organization* 校長/主管* 簽名:

Name of Principal/Head* of kindergarten/organization* 校長/主管* 姓名:

School/Organization* chop 學校/機構* 印鑑:

* Delete as appropriate



Consent Letter from Principal/Head of organization (For non-teaching staff)



(Name of Pre-primary Education Institution 學前教育機構名稱 )

(Institution address 機構地址 )

To: Admissions Section, Registry

The Open University of Hong Kong
致: 香港公開大學

Re: Application for registration on Diploma in Early Childhood Education (DECE1) programme

This is to certify that (HKID No.: ) is employed by our

謹證明 (Name of applicant 申請人姓名 ) 為本校/機構*全職員工。

kindergarten/organization* as a member of full-time staff.

I agree to arrange a teaching practice of 12 weeks for the applicant in my kindergarten/organization*.

During the period, I note that the Open University of Hong Kong will send teaching staff to supervise
practice and hereby consent to their entering our kindergarten/organization* for this purpose.
我同意為申請者在本校/機構*內安排十二週的教學實習。在期間, 我知道公開大學的教學人員會指導該學員的教學

Yours faithfully,
Signature of Principal of kindergarten/Head of pre-school organization*校長/主管*簽名:

Name of Principal of kindergarten/Head of pre-school organization*校長/主管*姓名:

School/Organization* chop 學校/機構* 印鑑:

* Delete as appropriate


School of Science & Technology

The School of Science and Technology (S&T) offers courses which lead 科技學院提供 40 多個副學位以至深造程度
to more than 40 sub-degree, degree and postgraduate qualifications in 的課程。所開辦的科學與科技課程涵蓋多個
various disciplines within the broad areas of science and technology,
such as applied science; computing; electronics and communications 範疇,包括應用科學;電腦學;電子學及通
technology; engineering mechanics, materials and product design; 訊科技學;工程力學、物料及設計學;檢測
testing and certification; environmental studies; mathematical studies; 和認證;環境學;數學;及護理學和健康學。
statistics and decision science; nursing and health studies.
Courses in the School of S&T are mainly presented in distance 學院的課程以遙距模式教授為主,而少部分
learning mode, while a smaller number are also offered in face-to-face 則以面授形式教學。遙距課程的學生可以充
mode. Students following courses in the distance learning mode are
able to develop practical, hands-on skills through the use of ‘home-kits’
or on-site practicum training in our science and computer laboratories. 善用實驗教材組合,在家中實習。學生也有
They can also enhance their learning experience by participating in 機會參加各類校外實地考察,活學活用。
field trips and site visits to actual operational environments.
In addition, there are new entry pathways for various degree 本校個別學位課程為持有認可學歷(主修相

Science and Technology

School of
programmes for holders of recognized qualifications in relevant 關領域)人士增設了新的入學途徑。詳情請
disciplines. For details, please refer to the relevant programme

Programmes 課程
Postgraduate programmes Bachelor’s Degree programmes Sub-degree programmes
深造課程 學士學位課程 副學位課程
Doctor of Engineering 148 Bachelor of Computing/ 144–146 Associate of Science in 147
Master of Engineering in: Bachelor of Computing with Information Technology
• Engineering Management 149 Honours in Internet Technology
• Energy and Environmental 188 Diploma in:
Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of
Technology Management • Applied Statistics 181
Science with Honours in:
• Communications Technology 161
Master of Science in: • Applied Science (Biology & 140
• Electronics 161
• Energy and Environmental 186 Chemistry)
Sustainability • Materials and Design Engineering 166
• Applied Science (Biology and 141
• Information Technology with 142 Chemistry) (Day-time top-up Degree Higher Diploma in:
Internet Applications Programme) • Digital Communication 160
• Quantitative Analysis and 176 • Computing and Networking 144–147 • Mobile Communications 161
Computational Mathematics • Computer Engineering 150–151, 154–157 Technology
• Safety, Occupational Health and 183
• Communications 151–152, 157–158 • Engineering Design 165
Environmental Management
• Testing and Certification 168 高級文憑:
• Design and Innovation 167
Postgraduate Diploma in: • Electronics 152–153, 159–160 • 精神健康護理學 191, 193
• Internet Technology & Applications 143 • Engineering Mechanics, 162–165 • 護理學 192–193
• Quantitative Analysis and 176 Materials and Design
Computational Mathematics Certificate in:
• Environmental Studies 172–173
• Safety and Occupational Health 183 • Aircraft Maintenance Engineering 166
• Environmental Studies 174
• Testing and Certification 169
(Day-time top-up Degree Programme)
Postgraduate Certificate in: 文憑:
• Mathematical Studies 177–180
• Computational Mathematics 177 • 健康學(社區健康護理) 196
• Product Design,Testing and 170–171
• Energy and Environmental 187 Certification
Sustainability (Cleaner Production 證書:
• Statistics and Decision Science 178–181
and Green Technology) • 健康學(社區健康護理) 195
• Energy and Environmental 187 Bachelor of Science with
Sustainability (Energy Honours in:
Management and Audits) • Communications Technology 152
• Environmental Leadership and 183 (with Management)
Decision Making • Electronics (with Management) 154
• Environmental Studies 184 • Engineering Mechanics, Materials 163
• Multimedia and Internet 143 and Design (with Management)
Technology • Environmental Studies (with 173
• Quantitative Analysis 177 Management)
• Testing and Certification 169
E-learning programme
深造證書: 護理學學士 190
• 環境領導及決策 185
140 科技學院 ● 應用科學課程

Bachelor’s Degree programmes

Applied Science
Bachelor of Science in Applied Science
programmes (Biology and Chemistry) — BSCAS
The BSc in Applied Science with Honours (Biology
and Chemistry) is a degree programme for people
Bachelor of Science in Applied Science
interested in disciplines of applied science. The with Honours (Biology and Chemistry)
programme aims to provide undergraduate — BSCHAS
training to students to enable them to understand To be awarded the BSCAS qualifications, students must
the theories of chemical and biological sciences, successfully complete at least 120 credits as follows:
and their application to contemporary chemical
and biological fields. The programme integrates (a) 20 credits from courses:
theory, practices and experimentation in scientific SCI S121 A Foundation Course in Physics and
principles, quality assurance in chemical analyses, Chemistry (10)
SCI S122 A Foundation Course in Biology and Earth
and hands-on experiences most suitable for use in
Science (10)
the applied science discipline.
(b) 25 credits from courses:
To complete this programme, students will need
BIOL S205 The Core of Life (5)
to complete 160 credits for the honours level.
CHEM S251 Organic and Physical Chemistry (10)
Alternatively, students on completion of courses MATH S242 Statistics in Society (10)
with a combined worth of 120 credits have the
option of an early exit at the Bachelor’s Degree level. (c) 30 credits from courses:
BIOL S338 Ecology (10)
CHEM S310 Analytical Chemistry (10)
SCI S330 Scientific Research Methods (5)
TC S319 Quality Management for Science and
Technology (5)

Notes: (d) 10 credits from courses:

1 Foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘1’. BIOL S401 Contemporary Biology Development (5)
Middle level courses: course codes starting with ‘2’. CHEM S402 Contemporary Chemistry Development (5)
Higher level courses: course codes starting with ‘3’ or ‘4’.
(e) 15 credits from courses:
2 The credit value is given at the end of each course.
BIOL S301 Conservation and Biodiversity (5)
3 Courses marked with an asterisk(*) appear in several lists BIOL S302 Animal and Plant Physiology (5)
within a programme but can only be taken ONCE. BIOL S303 Molecular Biology and Microbiology (5)
4 Where a programme allows students to select additional CHEM S340 Inorganic Chemistry (10)
courses from outside the programme, students must check CHEM S345 Principles of Chemical Synthesis (5)
their selected courses against the Excluded Combinations
list on p. 36 of the Courses Supplement. Only one of the (f) 20 credits from any Foundation, Middle or Higher
courses in an excluded combination can count towards an level courses offered by the University, provided
OUHK award. that, of the total 120 credits, no more than 40 are
gained at Foundation level.

Students pursuing the BSCHAS programme must

For enquiries about the programmes, please contact: successfully complete at least 160 credits as follows:

Dr Chan Chin Wing 陳展榮博士 (a) 20 credits from courses:

Tel: 2768 5878 SCI S121 A Foundation Course in Physics and
Chemistry (10)
SCI S122 A Foundation Course in Biology and Earth
Dr Lo Chui Man 盧翠雯博士 Science (10)

Tel: 2768 6852

(b) 25 credits from courses:
BIOL S205 The Core of Life (5)
CHEM S251 Organic and Physical Chemistry (10)
School website:
MATH S242 Statistics in Society (10)
Applied Science programme 141

(c) 30 credits from courses: (f) 20 credits from courses:

BIOL S338 Ecology (10) CHEM S445 Advances in Chemical Synthesis (5)
CHEM S310 Analytical Chemistry (10) ENVR S403 Applications of Biology and Chemistry in
SCI S330 Scientific Research Methods (5) Environmental Studies (10)
TC S319 Quality Management for Science and ENVR S411 Environmental Health and Safety (10)
Technology (5) SCI S404 Advanced Topics in Food and Health
Sciences (5)
(d) 10 credits from courses:
BIOL S401 Contemporary Biology Development (5) (g) 15 credits from courses:
CHEM S402 Contemporary Chemistry Development (5) SCI S410 Research Project in Applied Science (10)
TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and
(e) 20 credits from courses:
Technology (5)
BIOL S301 Conservation and Biodiversity (5)
BIOL S302 Animal and Plant Physiology (5) (h) 20 credits from any Foundation, Middle or Higher
BIOL S303 Molecular Biology and Microbiology (5) level courses offered by the University, provided
CHEM S340 Inorganic Chemistry (10) that, of the total 160 credits, no more than 40 are
CHEM S345 Principles of Chemical Synthesis (5) gained at Foundation level.

Bachelor of Science with Honours (c) 20 credits from courses:

in Applied Science (Biology and CHEM S445 Advances in Chemical Synthesis (5)
ENVR S403 Applications of Biology and Chemistry in
Chemistry) (Day-time top-up Degree Environmental Studies (10)
Programme) — BSCHASD

Science and Technology

School of
ENVR S411 Environmental Health and Safety (10)
SCI S404 Advanced Topics in Food and Health
This programme will accept new students in the
Sciences (5)
October semester only.
(d) 20 credits from:
Associate Degree and Higher Diploma holders BIOL S401 Contemporary Biology Development (5)
are eligible for a two-year top-up Honours Degree CHEM S402 Contemporary Chemistry Development (5)
programme in Applied Science (Biology and SCI S410 Research Project in Applied Science (10)
Chemistry). Students will learn through attending Length of study: The normal duration of study
day-time weekday and weekend lectures, tutorials is two years (classes are normally held during
and lab sessions. Course materials will also be weekdays during the day-time and on weekends).
provided to facilitate students’ independent Financial assistance:
learning, and will include printed and multimedia Students are not eligible for any OUHK financial
resources from the distance learning programmes. assistance scheme.
Students with financial difficulties may apply for
Programme-specific entry requirements: the CEF or ENLS on a reimbursement basis.
(a) A Higher Diploma or Associate Degree (or Information Seminar:
equivalent) in Applied Biology, Applied – Date: 3 July 2014 (Thu)
Chemistry, Applied Science, Environmental – Time: 5:00–7:00 pm
Science or related disciplines from a tertiary – Venue: C0821 (OUHK, Ho Man Tin Campus)
institution recognized by the University; and
Applicants are strongly advised to attend the
(b) Satisfactory performance in a selection Information Seminar organized by the School of
interview. Science and Technology before enrolling on the
programme. On-site interviews will be arranged after
Programme structure: the seminar. Please bring with you copies of your
Students pursuing the programme (BSCHASD) must credentials or academic proofs of your achievements
successfully complete 80 credits as follows: if you want to be considered for enrolment.
(a) 20 credits from: Application:
BIOL S338 Ecology (10) Interested parties should complete and submit the
CHEM S310 Analytical Chemistry (10) ‘Expression of Interest for Admission to Day-time (Top-
up) Programme’ form. The form can be downloaded
(b) 20 credits from courses:
from the following website:
BIOL S301 Conservation and Biodiversity (5)
sct  choose Applied Science. A selection interview
BIOL S302 Animal and Plant Physiology (5)
will be arranged soon after you have applied.
BIOL S303 Molecular and Microbiology (5)
CHEM S340 Inorganic Chemistry (10) Application deadline: Please contact the
CHEM S345 Principles of Chemical Synthesis (5) Programme Leader Dr C W Chan at 2768 5878.
142 科技學院 ● 電腦學課程

Computing programmes For enquiries about the programmes, please contact:

Dr Oliver Au 歐達尚博士
The information technology (IT) revolution shows Dr Raymond So 蘇永祥博士
no signs of slowing down, and demand for IT Dr Kelvin Lee 李啟榮博士
professionals is getting stronger due to the shortage in Dr Li Tak Sing 李德成博士
manpower. The computing programme team offers Dr Andrew Lui 呂國輝博士
a number of programmes to prepare graduates in Dr Vanessa Ng 吳倩珍博士
computing, information technology, and networking
Tel: 2768 5904
to help make Hong Kong a leading business centre in
an increasingly interconnected world.
Programme website:
The computing programme team has recently received
the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2012 – Best Professional
Development Bronze Award for the Postgraduate
Postgraduate programmes
programmes' contribution to ICT manpower and
professional development in Hong Kong.
Master of Science in Information
Pathways for AD/HD holders Technology with Internet Applications
Holders of a recognized Associate Degree/Higher — MSCITIA
Diploma in computing or a closely related area may
The MSCITIA is designed to provide professional
now enjoy the convenience of direct admission into
development for graduates in computing or related fields,
our Bachelor's Degree programmes with exemption
as well as IT professionals needing advanced training in
of 80 credits. Please read the section on ‘New entry
IT, with an emphasis on Internet applications.
pathways’ for more details.
The programme has been recognized for its contribution
Advanced standing/Credit exemption to Hong Kong IT professional development with the
Holders of other recognized qualifications may be award of the Professional Development Bronze Award at
granted exemption of up to 80 credits for Bachelor's the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2012.
Degree programmes, and up to 20 credits for
Postgraduate programmes. For details, please see p.20. Programme specific-entry requirements for the
Planning note
(a) a recognized degree in computing or related
OUHK computing students at the undergraduate
fields* or its equivalent; or
level are recommended to begin with IT S101 and/
or MATH S121/IT S123 (for BCOMP/BCOMPHIT) or (b) a recognized degree in mathematics, science
MATH S121 and/or COMP S258/COMP S201 (for or engineering with a minor in computing or
BSCCN/BSCHCN). related fields* or its equivalent; or
(c) a recognized degree in mathematics, science
or engineering plus one year working
experience in information technology; or
1 Pre-foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘0’.
Foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘1’.
(d) a recognized degree in any area with
substantial (at least five years) working
Middle level courses: course codes starting with ‘2’.
experience at supervisory level in information
Higher level courses: course codes starting with ‘3’ or ‘4’.
technology ; or
Postgraduate level courses: course codes starting with ‘8’.
(e) a qualification equivalent to the OUHK’s
2 The credit value is given at the end of each course.
Postgraduate Certificate in Information
3 Courses marked with an asterisk(*) appear in several lists
Technology (PCIT).
within a programme but can only be taken ONCE.
* Computing and related fields include Computer
4 Where a programme allows students to select additional
Science, Computer Studies, Computing,
courses from outside the programme, students must check
Information Engineering, Information Technology,
their selected courses against the Excluded Combinations
list on p. 36 of the Courses Supplement. Only one of the
Information Systems.
courses in an excluded combination can count towards an Please contact us if you have any enquiry
OUHK award. concerning the entry requirements.
Computing programmes 143

Student pursing this programme must successfully Postgraduate Diploma in Internet

complete 60 credits as follows : Technology and Applications — PDITA
a) 20 credits from: The PDITA is a part of the MSCITIA programme suite,
BIS B870 Electronic Commerce for Managers (10) which aims to provide professional development for
COMP S801 Object Oriented Programming and Internet graduates in computing or related fields as well as IT
Application Development (10) professionals who need advanced training in IT with
COMP S811 Java Programming for Web Applications,
an emphasis on Internet applications. Graduates
Enterprise Computing and Mobile Devices
from the PDITA programme may continue to pursue
COMP S834 Web Server Technology (10)
the MSCITIA Degree.
COMP S888 Multimedia Technology (10) The entry requirements for this programme are given
b) 40 credits from:
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
BIS B870 Electronic Commerce for Managers (10)
complete at least 40 credits as follows:
BIS B892 Advanced Information Systems and
Electronic Commerce Strategy (10) COMP S801 Object Oriented Programming and Internet
Application Development (10)
COMP S801 Object Oriented Programming and Internet
COMP S811 Java Programming for Web Applications,
Application development (10)
Enterprise Computing and Mobile Devices
COMP S811 Java Programming for Web Applications,
Enterprise Computing and Mobile devices
COMP S834 Web Server Technology (10)

Science and Technology

School of
COMP S888 Multimedia Technology (10)
COMP S834 Web Server Technology (10)
COMP S838 Enterprise Systems and Information Security
Management (10)
COMP S888 Multimedia Technology (10)

Postgraduate Certificate in
Multimedia and Internet Technology
The PCMIT provides IT professionals with training
and practice in two of the most popular areas in
computing — multimedia and Internet technology.
Graduates from this programme are able to extend
their study to pursue a PDITA or MSCITIA.

The entry requirements for this programme are given


Students pursuing this programme must successfully

complete at least 20 credits as follows:

(a) 10 credits from:

COMP S888 Multimedia Technology (10)

(b) 10 credits from courses:

COMP S811 Java Programming for Web Applications,
Enterprise Computing and Mobile Devices
COMP S834 Web Server Technology (10)
144 科技學院 ● 電腦學課程

Bachelor’s Degree programmes (e) additional courses, as necessary, from any

Foundation, Middle or Higher courses offered by
Bachelor of Computing — BCOMP the University, provided that, of the total 120
credits, no more than 40 are gained at Foundation
Students pursuing this programme must successfully level.◊
complete at least 120 credits as follows: ◊
See note 4 on p. 142.
(a) 10 credits from:
IT S101 Introduction to Information and
Communications Technology (10) Bachelor of Computing with Honours
(b) 10 credits from courses: in Internet Technology — BCOMPHIT
BUS B103 English and Communications for Business I Students pursuing this programme must successfully
(5) complete at least 160 credits as follows:
ENGL E110 English for Effective Communication I:
Listening and Speaking (5) (a) 10 credits from courses in (a) in BCOMP on the left.
ENGL E120 English for Effective Communication I:
Reading and Writing (5) (b) 10 credits from courses in (b) in BCOMP.
IT E150 Information Technology for Learning (5)
IT S123 Introduction to Internet Services and (c) 70 credits from courses in (c) in BCOMP.
Applications (10)
(d) 10 credits from courses in (d) in BCOMP.
MATH S121 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics (10)

(e) 40 credits (of which at least 20 credits must be at

(c) 70 credits of compulsory courses:
Higher level) from courses:
COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10)
COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem BIS B322 Networking Applications and Electronic
Solving (10) Commerce (10)
COMP S260 Computer Architecture and Operating COMP S368 Networks and Distributed Systems (10)
Systems (10) ELEC S321 Internet Technology for Business Applications
COMP S263 Discrete Structures (10) (10)
COMP S311 Java Application Development and BIS B423 Data Warehousing and Knowledge
Programming Languages (10) Management (10)
COMP S356 Software Engineering and Project COMP S411 Advanced Topics in Computing: Digital
Management (10) Multimedia and Mobile Game Development
COMP S359 Relational Databases: Theory and Practice (10)
(10) COMP S450 Applied Computing Project (10)

(d) 10 credits from courses: (f) 20 more credits from any Foundation, Middle or
ELEC S211 Fundamentals of Communications Higher courses offered by the University, provided
Technology (10) that, of the total 160 credits, no more than 40 are
IT S234 Web Site Design (10) gained at Foundation level.◊
BIS B322 Networking Applications and Electronic ◊
See note 4 on p. 142.
Commerce (10)
COMP S368 Networks and Distributed Systems (10)
ELEC S321 Internet Technology for Business
Applications (10) Bachelor of Science in Computing and
TC S319 Quality Management for Science and Networking — BSCCN
Technology (5)
BIS B423 Data Warehousing and Knowledge Students pursuing this programme must successfully
Management (10) complete at least 120 credits as follows:
COMP S411 Advanced Topics in Computing: Digital
Multimedia and Mobile Game Development (a) 10 credits from:
(10) MATH S121 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics (10)
COMP S450 Applied Computing Project (10)
TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and (b) 10 credits from courses:
Technology (5) BUS B103 English and Communications for Business I (5)
IT E150 Information Technology for Learning (5)
IT S123 Introduction to Internet Services and
Applications (10)
Computing programmes 145

(c) 60 credits of compulsory courses: COMP S356 Software Engineering and Project
COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10) Management (10)
COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem COMP S359 Relational Databases: Theory and Practice
Solving (10) (10)
COMP S260 Computer Architecture and Operating ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10)
Systems (10)
ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10)
(d) 40 credits from courses (including one or both
COMP S356 Software Engineering and Project from COMP S411 and COMP S450):
Management (10) ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10)
ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10) BIS B322 Networking Applications and Electronic
Commerce (10)
(d) 10 credits from courses: COMP S368 Networks and Distributed Systems (10)
COMP S311 Java Application Development and TC S319 Quality Management for Science and
Programming Languages (10) Technology (5)
COMP S359 Relational Databases: Theory and Practice BIS B422 Advanced Electronic Commerce (10)
(10) COMP S411 Advanced Topics in Computing: Digital
Multimedia and Mobile Game Development
(e) 10 credits from courses: (10)
ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10) COMP S450 Applied Computing Project (10)
BIS B322 Networking Applications and Electronic TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and
Commerce (10) Technology (5)
COMP S368 Networks and Distributed Systems (10)

Science and Technology

School of
TC S319 Quality Management for Science and (e) 20 credits from any Foundation, Middle or Higher
Technology (5) level courses offered by the University, provided
BIS B422 Advanced Electronic Commerce (10) that, of the total 160 credits, no more than 40 are
COMP S411 Advanced Topics in Computing: Digital gained at Foundation level.◊
Multimedia and Mobile Game Development ◊
See note 4 on p. 142.
TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and
Technology (5) New entry pathways —
(f) additional courses, as necessary, from any For holders of recognized Higher Diploma
Foundation, Middle or Higher courses offered or Associate Degree (or equivalent) in a
by the University, provided that, of the total
discipline closely related to computing
120 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
from local tertiary institutions.
Foundation level.◊

See note 4 on p. 142.

Bachelor of Computing with Honours

in Internet Technology (through
Bachelor of Science with Honours
Pathway 1) — BCOMPHIT1
in Computing and Networking —
BSCHCN Programme-specific entry requirement:
Students pursuing this programme must successfully A recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma
complete at least 160 credits as follows: (or equivalent) in a computing or a closely related
(a) 10 credits from courses in (a) in BSCCN on p. 144. area from a local teritary institution recognized by
the University for the purpose.
(b) 10 credits from courses in (b) in BSCCN.

(c) 80 credits of compulsory courses: Student pursuing this programme must successfully
COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10) complete at least 80 credits as follows:
COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem
(a) 30 credits from:
Solving (10)
COMP S260 Computer Architecture and Operating COMP S311 Java Application Development and
Systems (10) Programming Languages (10)
ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10) COMP S356 Software Engineering and Project
COMP S311 Java Application Development and Management (10)
Programming Languages (10) COMP S359 Relational Databases: Theory and Practice
146 科技學院 ● 電腦學課程

(b) 10 credits from courses: COMP S356 Software Engineering and Project
COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10) Management (10)*
COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem Solving COMP S359 Relational Databases: Theory and Practice
(10) (10)*
COMP S260 Computer Architecture and Operating
Systems (10)
(b) 10 credits from courses:
COMP S263 Discrete Structures (10) COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10)
COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem
(c) 30 credits from courses: Solving (10)
BIS B322 Networking Applications and Electronic COMP S260 Computer Architecture and Operating
Commerce (10)* Systems (10)
COMP S368 Networks and Distributed Systems (10)* COMP S263 Discrete Structures (10)
ELEC S321 Internet Technology for Business Applications COMP S311 Java Application Development and
(10)* Programming Languages (10)*
BIS B423 Data Warehousing and Knowledge COMP S356 Software Engineering and Project
Management (10)* Management (10)*
COMP S411 Advanced Topics in Computing: Digital COMP S359 Relational Databases: Theory and Practice
Multimedia and Mobile Game Development (10)*
COMP S450 Applied Computing Project (10) (c) 10 credits from courses:
ELEC S211 Fundamentals of Communications
(d) 10 credits from courses: Technology (10)
ELEC S211 Fundamentals of Communications IT S234 Web Site Design (10)
Technology (10) BIS B322 Networking Applications and Electronic
IT S234 Web Site Design (10) Commerce (10)
BIS B322 Networking Applications and Electronic COMP S368 Networks and Distributed Systems (10)
Commerce (10)* ELEC S321 Internet Technology for Business
COMP S368 Networks and Distributed Systems (10)* Applications (10)
ELEC S321 Internet Technology for Business Applications TC S319 Quality Management for Science and
(10)* Technology (5)
TC S319 Quality Management for Science and BIS B423 Data Warehousing and Knowledge
Technology (5) Management (10)
BIS B423 Data Warehousing and Knowledge COMP S411 Advanced Topics in Computing: Digital
Management (10)* Multimedia and Mobile Game Development
COMP S411 Advanced Topics in Computing: Digital (10)
Multimedia and Mobile Game Development COMP S450 Applied Computing Project (10)
(10)* TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and
COMP S450 Applied Computing Project (10) Technology (5)
TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and
Technology (5)

Bachelor of Science with Honours in

Bachelor of Computing (through Computing and Networking (through
Pathway 1) — BCOMP1 Pathway 1) — BSCHCN1

Programme-specific entry requirement: Programme-specific entry requirement:

A recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma A recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma
(or equivalent) in a computing or a closely related (or equivalent) in a computing or a closely related
area from a local teritary institution recognized by area from a local teritary institution recognized by
the University for the purpose. the University for the purpose.

Student pursuing this programme must successfully Student pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 40 credits as follows: complete at least 80 credits as follows:
(a) 20 credits from courses: (a) 40 credits from:
COMP S311 Java Application Development and COMP S356 Software Engineering and Project
Programming Languages (10)* Management (10)
COMP S311 Java Application Development and
Programming Languages (10)
Computing programmes 147

COMP S359 Relational Databases: Theory and Practice (c) 10 credits from courses:
(10) COMP S311 Java Application Development and
ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10) Programming Languages (10)
COMP S359 Relational Databases: Theory and Practice
(b) 40 credits from courses (including either (10)
COMP S411 or COMP S450, or both):
COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10) (d) 10 credits from courses:
COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem BIS B322 Networking Applications and Electronic
Solving (10) Commerce (10)
COMP S260 Computer Architecture and Operating COMP S368 Networks and Distributed Systems (10)
Systems (10) TC S319 Quality Management for Science and
ELEC S212 Network Programming an Design (10) Technology (5)
BIS B322 Networking Applications and Electronic BIS B422 Advanced Electronic Commerce (10)
Commerce (10) COMP S411 Advanced Topics in Computing: Digital
COMP S368 Networks and Distributed Systems (10) Multimedia and Mobile Game Development
TC S319 Quality Management for Science and (10)
Technology (5) TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and
BIS B422 Advanced Electronic Commerce (10) Technology (5)
COMP S411 Advanced Topics in Computing: Digital
Multimedia and Mobile Game Development
COMP S450 Applied Computing Project (10) Sub-degree programmes

Science and Technology

School of
TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and
Technology (5) Associate of Science in Information
Technology — ASIT
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
Bachelor of Science in Computing and
complete at least 80 credits as follows:
Networking (through Pathway 1) —
BSCCN1 (a) 40 credits from courses:
BIS B1231 Business Computing Applications (5)
BUS B103 English and Communications for Business I
Programme-specific entry requirement: (5)
A recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma ENGL E110 English for Effective Communication I:
Listening and Speaking (5)
(or equivalent) in a computing or a closely related
ENGL E120 English for Effective Communication I:
area from a local teritary institution recognized by
Reading and Writing (5)
the University for the purpose. IT E150 Information Technology for Learning (5)
IT S1011 Introduction to Information and
Student pursuing this programme must successfully Communications Technology (10)
IT S1231 Introduction to Internet Services and
complete at least 40 credits as follows:
Applications (10)
(a) 10 credits from courses: MATH S1211 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics (10)
COMP S356 Software Engineering and Project
(b) 40 credits from courses:
Management (10)
ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10)* COMP S2011 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10)
COMP S2581 Computer Programming and Problem
(b) 10 credits from courses: Solving (10)
COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10) COMP S2601 Computer Architecture and Operating
COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem System (10)
Solving (10) COMP S2631 Discrete Structures (10)
COMP S260 Computer Architecture and Operating ELEC S211 Fundamentals of Communications
Systems (10) Technology (10)
ELEC S212 Network Programming an Design (10) ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10)
COMP S356 Software Engineering and Project IT S2341 Web Site D esign (10)
Management (10) COMP S359 Relational Databases: Theory and Practice
ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10)* (10)
These courses can be completed in distance learning or face-to-
face mode. The face-to-face counterpart is identified by the suffix
148 科技學院 ● 工程學課程

Engineering postgraduate For enquiries about the programmes, please contact:

programmes Dr Angus Wong

Tel: 2768 6824
The Doctor of Engineering, a professional
doctorate programme, is intended for engineering Dr Steven Choy
professionals to pursue a profession-oriented Tel: 2768 6857
research project leading to a doctorate degree. Email:
The research may be related to a real-life problem,
for example, encountered in the daily work of a Dr Wilson Chu
practicing engineer. Tel: 2768 6817
The Master of Engineering programmes are
intended for engineering or engineering sciences Dr Kevin Hung
graduates who would like to upgrade their Tel: 2768 6865
management skills for application in an engineering Email:
organization. It also enables engineering graduates
School website:
to strengthen their academic profiles in preparation
for satisfying the academic requirement for
admission to corporate membership of professional
Postgraduate programmes

Doctor of Engineering — DENG

Programme-specific entry requirement:

The Doctor of Engineering programme will admit
students twice a year (April and October). The
minimum entry requirement is a Master’s Degree
in Engineering or Science. The number of student
places for the programme is limited and admission
is on a competitive basis.

A student admitted to the programme will be required

to complete 40 or more credits of course work,
depending on the background of the student, before
proceeding to the research project.

A typical part-time student will spend two years to

complete the course work and another two years to
conduct research and write the thesis.

There is no credit exemption for the course work or

thesis part of the programme.

There are separate admission procedures for this

programme. Prospective students are
recommended to visit the programme website
( for further
information, and to contact academic staff members
before making an application.
Engineering postgraduate programmes 149

Master of Engineering in
Planning note:
Engineering Management — Students can take courses in any order without
MEEM any restriction, except that for the Engineering
management programme where the project
This programme will accept new students in the
course ENGG S801F, if chosen, should be taken
October semester only.
as the last course in the programme.
The courses in the programme will be taught through
a face-to-face mode. Full-time students can complete
the programme in one year. Part-time students can Important Note:
complete the programme in two years. A student has
There is a specific New Students Application
to complete this programme within six years of first
Form for this programme. Please download the
enrolling in the programme.
form from the following website:
Advanced standing / Credit exemption
Holders of recognized postgraduate qualifications
may be granted exemptions of up to 20 credits for
the Master of Engineering programmes. For details,
please see p. 20.

Science and Technology

School of
Programme-specific entry requirement for MEEM
The minimum entry requirement is a Bachelor’s
Degree in Engineering Sciences. Admission to the
M.Eng. programmes is on a competitive basis.

On completion of the programme, students are

equipped with comprehensive knowledge and
know-how to manage an engineering organization,
development projects and to deploy technology to an
engineering project.

Graduates can embark on a career as a technical

manager in an engineering organization.

Students pursuing this programme must successfully

complete 60 credits as follows:

(a) 20 credits of a compulsory course:

ENGG S826F Engineering Management, Engineering
Project Management and development (20)

(b) 20 credits of specialization:

ENGG S837F Systems Engineering (10)
ENGG S838F Innovation and Technology Management
ENGG S851F Construction Economics (10)
ENGG S852F Building Planning and Construction (10)
ENGG S853F Building Services Management (10)

(c) additional 20 credits, from (b) above, or from the

ENGG S801F Engineering Management Project Course
ENVR S890F Energy Management and Audits (20)
ENVR S892F Environmental Engineering and Design (20)
150 科技學院 ● 電子學及通訊科技學課程

Electronics, Computer For enquiries about the programmes, please contact:

Engineering, and Dr Angus Wong 王建陽博士

Tel: 2768 6824

Communications Email:

Technology programmes Dr Wilson Chu 朱翰為博士

Tel: 2768 6817
Electronics, Computer Engineering and Email:
Communications Technology are the foundation of
Dr Steven Choy 蔡雙安博士
the 21st century ‘Digital Era’. The corresponding
Tel: 2768 6857
products currently account for a substantial
portion of Hong Kong’s total exports and, with the
implementation of CEPA, the anticipated growth Dr Kevin Hung 熊景輝博士
of the manufacturing base for the products in Tel: 2768 6865
the Pearl River Delta will add to the demand for Email:
professionals in these disciplines.
School website:
Advanced standing/Credit exemption
Holders of recognized post A-level qualifications
may be granted exemptions of up to 80 credits for
Bachelor’s Degree programmes
the Bachelor’s programmes, up to 45 credits for the
higher diploma programmes and up to 30 credits
for the diploma programmes. For details, please
Bachelor of Science in Computer
see p. 20. Engineering — BSCCE
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
Planning note
complete at least 120 credits as follows:
Students in the programmes are recommended to
begin with MATH S122 and ELEC S222. (a) 10 credits from courses:
MATH S121 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics (10)
Professional recognition MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)
(b) 10 credits from courses:
Holders of BSc/BSc (Hons) in Electronics are
IT S101 Introduction to Information and
recognized by the Institute of Electrical and Communications Technology (10)
Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) as meeting the IT S123 Introduction to Internet Services and
educational requirement of IEEE membership. Applications (10)

(c) 50 credits of compulsory courses:

COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem
Solving (10)
1 Pre-foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘0’. COMP S260 Computer Architecture and Operating
Foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘1’. Systems (10)
Middle level courses: course codes starting with ‘2’. ELEC S222 Electronics Principles and Digital Design
Higher level courses: course codes starting with ‘3’and ‘4’.
ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10)
2 The credit value is given at the end of each course. MATH S221 Mathematical Methods (10)
3 Courses marked with an asterisk(*) appear in several lists
within a programme but can only be taken ONCE. Students may satisfy the requirement to successfully complete MATH
S221 by successfully completing MATH S207 (20 credits). In this
4 Where a programme allows students to select additional case, students can count 10 of the credits gained from MATH S207
courses from outside the programme, students must check towards the free-choice requirement.
their selected courses against the Excluded Combinations
list on p. 36 of the Courses Supplement. Only one of the (d) 20 credits from courses:
courses in an excluded combination can count towards an ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10)
OUHK award. ELEC S333 Computer and PC Design (10)
ELEC S334 Signal Processing and Multimedia
Technology (10)
Electronics and Communications Technology programmes 151

(e) 10 credits from courses: Bachelor of Science in

ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10) Communications Technology — BSCCT
ENGG S228 Engineers in Society (5)
IT S234 Web Site Design (10) Students pursuing this programme must successfully
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5) complete at least 120 credits as follows:
MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
Behaviour (5) (a) 10 credits from courses:
TC S319 Quality Management for Science and IT S123 Introduction to Internet Services and
Technology (5) Applications (10)
TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and MATH S121 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics (10)
Technology (5)
(b) 85 credits of compulsory courses:
(f) additional courses, as necessary, from any BUS B103 English and Communications for Business I
Foundation, Middle or Higher courses offered (5)
by the University, provided that, of the total MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)
120 credits, no more than 40 are gained at ELEC S211 Fundamentals of Communications
Technology (10)
Foundation level.◊
ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10)

See note 4 on p. 150. ELEC S222 Electronics Principles and Digital Design
ELEC S311 Wireless Communications (10)
Bachelor of Science with Honours in ELEC S313 Emerging Technologies (10)

Science and Technology

School of
ELEC S323 Information Theory and Digital
Computer Engineering — BSCHCE Communications (10)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10)
complete at least 160 credits as follows:
(c) 5 credits from courses:
(a) 10 credits from courses in (a) in BSCCE on p. 150. MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)
(b) 10 credits from courses in (b) in BSCCE. MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
Behaviour (5)
(c) 70 credits from all the courses in (c) in BSCCE,
plus: (d) 20 credits from any Foundation, Middle or Higher
ELEC S404 Computer Engineering Project Course (20) level courses offered by the University, provided
that, of the total 120 credits, no more than 40 are
(d) 30 credits from courses in (d) in BSCCE. gained at Foundation level.◊

(e) 10 credits from courses in (e) in BSCCE. See note 4 on p. 150.

(f) 10 credits from courses:

COMP S311 Java Application Development and
Programming Languages (10)
COMP S356 Software Engineering and Project
Management (10)
ELEC S321 Internet Technology for Business
Applications (10)
ELEC S323 Information Theory and Digital
Communications (10)

(g) additional courses, as necessary, from any

Foundation, Middle or Higher courses offered
by the University, provided that, of the total
160 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
Foundation level.◊

See note 4 on p. 150.
152 科技學院 ● 電子學及通訊科技學課程

Bachelor of Science with Honours in (d) 90 credits of compulsory courses:

Communications Technology — BSCHCT MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)
ELEC S211 Fundamentals of Communications Technology
Students pursuing this programme must successfully (10)
complete at least 160 credits as follows: ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10)
ELEC S222 Electronics Principles and Digital Design (10)
(a) 10 credits from courses in (a) in BSCCT on p. 151. ELEC S311 Wireless Communications (10)
ELEC S313 Emerging Technologies (10)
(b) 85 credits from courses in (b) in BSCCT.
ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10)
(c) 20 credits from: ELEC S403 Communications Technology Project (20)

ELEC S403 Communications Technology Project (20) (e) 10 credits from courses:
MGT B160 Business Management Fundamentals (5)
(d) 10 credits from courses:
ENGG S228 Engineers in Society (5)
COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10)
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)
Solving (10)
MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
IT S234 Web Site Design (10)
Behaviour (5)
(e) 5 credits from courses in (c) in BSCCT. (f) 10 credits from courses:
(f) 10 credits from courses: ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
COMP S359 Relational Databases: Theory and Practice
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
ELEC S321 Internet Technology for Business
LAW B262 Business Law I (5)
Applications (10)
LAW B263 Business Law II (5)
(g) 20 credits from any Foundation, Middle or Higher TC S319 Quality Management for Science and
level courses offered by the University, provided Technology (5)
TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and
that, of the total 160 credits, no more than 40 are
Technology (5)
gained at Foundation level.◊
◊ (g) 20 credits from courses:
See note 4 on p. 150.
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
ACT B313 Management and Cost Accounting (5)
Bachelor of Science with Honours MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5)
in Communications Technology MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5)
MKT B363 Consumer Behavior (5)
(with Management) — BSCHCTM MKT B366 Marketing Communications (5)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully MGT B440 Strategic Management of Human Resources (10)
complete at least 160 credits as follows: * See note 3 on p. 150.

(a) 10 credits from courses:

Bachelor of Science in Electronics —
BUS B103 English and Communications for Business I
(5) BSCE
BUS B191C 商業關係與溝通(一) (5) Students pursuing this programme must successfully
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5)
complete at least 120 credits as follows:
ENGL E110 English for Effective Communication I:
Listening and Speaking (5) (a) 20 credits from courses:
ENGL E120 English for Effective Communication I: BUS B103 English and Communications for Business I
Reading and Writing (5) (5)
PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5) MATH S1211 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics (10)
MATH S1221 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)
(b) 10 credits from courses:
SCI S121 A Foundation Course in Physics and
IT S123 Introduction to Internet Services and
Chemistry (10)
Applications (10)*
ENGG S228 Engineers in Society (5)*
MATH S121 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics (10) 1
Students who are weak in mathematics are strongly advised to
(c) 10 credits from courses: take either MATH S121 or MATH S122.

IT S123 Introduction to Internet Services and

(b) 50 credits of compulsory courses:
Applications (10)*
ELEC S222 Electronics Principles and Digital Design (10)
IT S234 Web Site Design (10)
ELEC S225 Analogue Circuits (10)
Electronics and Communications Technology programmes 153

MATH S221 Mathematical Methods (10) Bachelor of Science with Honours in

MATH S222 Mathematical Models with Applications
Electronics — BSCHE
PHYS S271 Discovering Physics (10) Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 160 credits as follows:
(c) 20 credits from courses:
ELEC S323 Information Theory and Digital (a) 20 credits from courses in (a) in BSCE on p. 152.#
Communications (10)*
ELEC S334 Signal Processing and Multimedia (b) 50 credits from courses in (b) in BSCE.
Technology (10)*
ENGG S356 Engineering Small Worlds: Micro and Nano (c) 20 credits from courses in (c) in BSCE.
Technologies (10)*
MECH S395 Mechatronics (10)* (d) 20 credits from:
ELEC S402 Electronics Project Course (20)
(d) 10 credits from courses:
COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10) (e) 10 credits from courses:
COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10)
Solving (10) COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem
COMP S260 Computer Architecture and Operating Solving (10)
Systems (10) COMP S260 Computer Architecture and Operating
DESN S2171 Design Essentials (10) Systems (10)
ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10) ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10)

Science and Technology

School of
ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10) ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10)
ENGG S228 Engineers in Society (5)* COMP S311 Java Application Development and
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5) Programming Languages (10)
COMP S311 Java Application Development and COMP S356 Software Engineering and Project
Programming Languages (10) Management (10)
COMP S356 Software Engineering and Project COMP S359 Relational Databases: Theory and Practice
Management (10) (10)
COMP S359 Relational Databases: Theory and Practice ELEC S321 Internet Technology for Business
(10) Applications (10)
ELEC S321 Internet Technology for Business (f) 10 credits from courses:
Applications (10) DESN S2171 Design Essentials (10)
ELEC S323 Information Theory and Digital DESN S364 Fundamentals of Interaction Design (10)
Communications (10)* ENGG S362 Design and Innovation (10)
ELEC S334 Signal Processing and Multimedia MATH S365 Graphs, Networks and Design (10)
Technology (10)* 1
New course, subject to final approval for presentation.
ENGG S356 Engineering Small Worlds: Micro and Nano
Technologies (10)*
(g) 10 credits from courses:
ENGG S362 Design and Innovation (10)
ENGG S228 Engineers in Society (5)*#
MATH S365 Graphs, Networks and Design (10)
MECH S395 Mechatronics (10)* MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5) MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5)
MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5) MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5)
MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
Behaviour (5) Behaviour (5)
TC S319 Quality Management for Science and TC S319 Quality Management for Science and
Technology (5) Technology (5)
TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and
Technology (5) Technology (5)

New course, subject to final approval for presentation. (h) additional courses, as necessary, from any
Foundation, Middle or Higher level courses
(e) additional courses, as necessary, from any
offered by the University, provided that, of the
Foundation, Middle or Higher level courses
total 160 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
offered by the University, provided that, of the
Foundation level.◊
total 120 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
Foundation level.◊ # Students in the BSc with Honours programme intending to apply
for membership of professional engineering societies are advised
* See note 3 on p. 150. to take BUS B103 and ENGG S228.

See note 4 on p. 150. * See note 3 on p. 150.

See note 4 on p. 150.
154 科技學院 ● 電子學及通訊科技學課程

Bachelor of Science with Honours in

New entry pathways —
Electronics (with Management) —
BSCHEM For holders of recognized Higher Diploma
(or equivalent) in a discipline related to
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 160 credits as follows: computer engineering from local tertiary
(a) 20 credits from courses in (a) in BSCE on p. 152.#

(b) 90 credits of compulsory courses:

Bachelor of Science in Computer
50 credits from courses in (b) in BSCE,
Engineering (through Pathway 1) —
MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5)
MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5)
ELEC S402 Electronics Project Course (20) Programme-specific entry requirement:
MGT B440 Strategic Management of Human Resources (10)
This programme admits students who are holders
(c) 20 credits from courses in (c) in BSCE. of a recognized Higher Diploma in one of the
following disciplines:
(d) 10 credits from courses:
• Communications Engineering
COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10)
• Computer Engineering
COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem
• Computer and Information Engineering
Solving (10)
• Digital Electronics and Embedded System
DESN S2171 Design Essentials (10)
ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10)
ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10)
• Electrical Engineering
COMP S311 Java Application Development and • Electronic Engineering
Programming Languages (10) • Electronic and Communications Engineering
DESN S364 Fundamentals of Interaction Design (10) • Electronic and Computer Engineering
ELEC S396 Artificial Intelligence for Technology (10) • Electronic and Information Engineering
MATH S365 Graphs, Network and Design (10) • Lifestyle Electronics
New course, subject to final approval for presentation. • Multimedia Design and Technology
• Multimedia Web Development and Digital
(e) 5 credits from courses: Entertainment
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5) • Network Applications
MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational • Telecommunications Engineering
Behaviour (5) • Telecommunications and Networking

(f) 15 credits from courses:

BIS B123 Business Computing Applications (5) Students pursuing this programme must successfully
ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5) complete 40 credits as follows:
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
(a) 20 credits from courses:
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5) COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem
ENGG S228 Engineers in Society (5)*# Solving (10)
LAW B262 Business Law I (5) COMP S260 Computer Architecture and Operating
LAW B263 Business Law II (5) Systems (10)
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5) ELEC S222 Electronics Principles and Digital Design
TC S319 Quality Management for Science and (10)
Technology (5) ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10)
TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and MATH S221 Mathematical Methods (10)
Technology (5)
(b) 20 credits from courses:
# Students in the BSc with Honours Programme intending to apply ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10)
for membership of professional engineering societies are advised ELEC S333 Computer and PC Design (10)
to take BUS B103 and ENGG S228. ELEC S334 Signal Processing and Multimedia
* See note 3 on p. 150.
Technology (10)
ELEC S335 Digital Integrated Circuit and System
Design (10)
Electronics and Communications Technology programmes 155

Bachelor of Science in Computer (a) 20 credits from:

Engineering (through Pathway 2) — COMP S260 Computer Architecture and Operating
Systems (10)
ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10)

Programme-specific entry requirement: (b) 20 credits from courses:

This programme admits students who are holders ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10)
of a recognized Higher Diploma in one of the ELEC S333 Computer and PC Design (10)
ELEC S334 Signal Processing and Multimedia
following disciplines:
Technology (10)
• Computer Games and Animation ELEC S335 Digital Integrated Circuit and System
• Computer Systems Administration Design (10)
• Internet and Multimedia Engineering
(c) 10 credits from courses:
• Network and Mobile Computing
ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10)
• Web-based Technology for Business ENGG S228 Engineers in Society (5)
IT S234 Website Design (10)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
complete 50 credits as follows: MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
Behavior (5)
(a) 30 credits from: TC S319 Quality Management for Science and

Science and Technology

School of
ELEC S222 Electronics Principles and Digital Design Technology (5)
(10) TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and
ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10) Technology (5)
MATH S221 Mathematical Methods (10)

(b) 20 credits from courses: Bachelor of Science with Honours

ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10) in Computer Engineering (through
ELEC S333 Computer and PC Design (10)
ELEC S334 Signal Processing and Multimedia
Pathway 1) — BSCHCE1
Technology (10)
ELEC S335 Digital Integrated Circuit and System
Design (10) Programme-specific entry requirement:
This programme admits students who are holders
Bachelor of Science in Computer of a recognized Higher Diploma in one of the
following disciplines:
Engineering (through Pathway 3) —
• Communications Engineering
• Computer Engineering
• Computer and Information Engineering
Programme-specific entry requirement:
• Digital Electronics and Embedded System
This programme admits students who are holders Design
of a recognized Higher Diploma in one of the • Electrical Engineering
following disciplines: • Electronic Engineering
• Electronic Engineering with Business • Electronic and Communications Engineering
Management • Electronic and Computer Engineering
• Instrumentation and Materials Technology • Electronic and Information Engineering
• Marine Communication and Electronic • Lifestyle Electronics
Technology • Multimedia Design and Technology
• Marine Electronics • Multimedia Web Development and Digital
• Radio and Electronic Technology
• Network Applications
• Telecommunications Engineering
Students pursuing this programme must successfully • Telecommunications and Networking
complete 50 credits as follows:
156 科技學院 ● 電子學及通訊科技學課程

Students pursuing this programme must successfully Bachelor of Science with Honours
complete 80 credits as follows: in Computer Engineering (through
(a) 20 credits from courses: Pathway 2) — BSCHCE2
COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem
Solving (10)*
Programme-specific entry requirement:
COMP S260 Computer Architecture and Operating This programme admits students who are holders
Systems (10)* of a recognized Higher Diploma in one of the
ELEC S222 Electronics Principles and Digital Design following disciplines:
• Computer Games and Animation
ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10)*
MATH S221 Mathematical Methods (10)*
• Computer Systems Administration
• Internet and Multimedia Engineering
(b) 30 credits from courses: • Network and Mobile Computing
ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10) • Web-based Technology for Business
ELEC S333 Computer and PC Design (10)
ELEC S334 Signal Processing and Multimedia Students pursuing this programme must successfully
Technology (10) complete 80 credits as follows:
ELEC S335 Digital Integrated Circuit and System
(a) 20 credits from courses:
Design (10)
COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem
Solving (10)*
(c) 20 credits from:
COMP S260 Computer Architecture and Operating
ELEC S404 Computer Engineering Project Course (20) Systems (10)*
ELEC S222 Electronics Principles and Digital Design (10)*
(d) Additional 10 credits from courses: ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10)*
COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem MATH S221 Mathematical Methods (10)
Solving (10)* (b) 30 credits from courses:
COMP S260 Computer Architecture and Operating
ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10)
Systems (10)*
ELEC S333 Computer and PC Design (10)
ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10)
ELEC S334 Signal Processing and Multimedia
ELEC S222 Electronics Principles and Digital Design
Technology (10)
(10)* ELEC S335 Digital Integrated Circuit and System Design
ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10)* (10)
ENGG S228 Engineers in Society (5)
IT S234 Website Design (10) (c) 20 credits from:
MATH S221 Mathematical Methods (10)* ELEC S404 Computer Engineering Project Course (20)
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
(d) Additional 10 credits from courses:
COMP S311 Java Application Development and
Programming Languages (10) COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem
Solving (10)*
COMP S356 Software Engineering and Project
COMP S260 Computer Architecture and Operating
Management (10)
Systems (10)*
ELEC S323 Information Theory and Digital
ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10)
Communications (10)
ELEC S222 Electronics Principles and Digital Design (10)*
MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10)*
Behavior (5)
ENGG S228 Engineers in Society (5)
TC S319 Quality Management for Science and IT S234 Website Design (10)
Technology (5) MATH S221 Mathematical Methods (10)
TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
Technology (5) COMP S311 Java Application Development and
Programming Languages (10)
* See note 3 on p. 150.
COMP S356 Software Engineering and Project
Management (10)
ELEC S323 Information Theory and Digital
Communications (10)
MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
Behavior (5)
TC S319 Quality Management for Science and
Technology (5)
TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and
Technology (5)
* See note 3 on p. 150.
Electronics and Communications Technology programmes 157

Bachelor of Science with Honours

New entry pathways —
in Computer Engineering (through
Pathway 3) — BSCHCE3 For holders of recognized Higher Diploma
(or equivalent) in a discipline related to
Programme-specific entry requirement: communications technology from local
tertiary institutions.
This programme admits students who are holders
of a recognized Higher Diploma in one of the
following disciplines:
• Electronic Engineering with Business Bachelor of Science in
Management Communications Technology (through
• Instrumentation and Materials Technology Pathway 1) — BSCCT1
• Marine Communication and Electronic
Technology Programme-specific entry requirement:
• Marine Electronics
This programme admits students who are holders
• Radio and Electronic Technology of a recognized Higher Diploma or Associateship
in one of the following disciplines:
Students pursuing this programme must successfully • Communications Engineering
complete 90 credits as follows:

Science and Technology

School of
• Computer Engineering
(a) 20 credits from: • Electronic Engineering
COMP S260 Computer Architecture and Operating • Electronic Engineering with Business
Systems (10) Management
ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10) • Electronic and Communications Engineering
• Electronic and Computer Engineering
(b) 30 credits from courses:
• Electronic and Information Engineering
ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10)
ELEC S333 Computer and PC Design (10) • Marine Communication and Electronic
ELEC S334 Signal Processing and Multimedia Technology
Technology (10) • Network and Mobile Computing
ELEC S335 Digital Integrated Circuit and System • Telecommunications and Networking
Design (10)
• Telecommunications Engineering
(c) 10 credits from courses:
ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10) Students pursuing this programme must successfully
ENGG S228 Engineers in Society (5) complete 40 credits as follows:
IT S234 Website Design (10)
(a) 20 credits from:
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational ELEC S311 Wireless Communications (10)
Behavior (5) ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10)
TC S319 Quality Management for Science and
Technology (5) (b) 10 credits from courses:
TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and ELEC S211 Fundamentals of Communications
Technology (5) Technology (10)
ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10)
(d) 10 credits from courses: ELEC S323 Information Theory and Digital
COMP S311 Java Application Development and Communications (10)
Programming Languages (10)
COMP S356 Software Engineering and Project (c) 10 credits from:
Management (10) ELEC S313 Emerging Technologies (10)
ELEC S323 Information Theory and Digital
Communications (10)

(e) 20 credits from:

ELEC S404 Computer Engineering Project Course (20)
158 科技學院 ● 電子學及通訊科技學課程

Bachelor of Science in Students pursuing this programme must successfully

Communications Technology (through complete 80 credits as follows:

Pathway 2) — BSCCT2 (a) 70 credits from:

ELEC S211 Fundamentals of Communications
Technology (10)
Programme-specific entry requirement:
ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10)
This programme admits students who are holders ELEC S311 Wireless Communications (10)
of a recognized Higher Diploma in one of the ELEC S313 Emerging Technologies (10)
following disciplines: ELEC S323 Information Theory and Digital
Communications (10)
• Computer and Information Engineering
ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10)
• Computer Systems Administration ELEC S403 Communications Technology Project (20)
• Internet and Multimedia Engineering
• Multimedia Web Development and Digital (b) 10 credits from courses:
Entertainment COMP S359 Relational Databases: Theory and Practice (10)
ELEC S321 Internet Technology for Business
• Network Applications
Applications (10)
• Web-based Technology for Business

Students pursuing this programme must successfully Bachelor of Science with Honours in
complete 50 credits as follows: Communications Technology (through
(a) 20 credits from:
Pathway 2) — BSCHCT2
ELEC S311 Wireless Communications (10)
ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10)
Programme-specific entry requirement:
This programme admits students who are holders
(b) 30 credits from:
of a recognized Higher Diploma in one of the
ELEC S211 Fundamentals of Communications following disciplines:
Technology (10)
ELEC S313 Emerging Technologies (10)
• Computer and Information Engineering
ELEC S323 Information Theory and Digital • Computer Systems Administration
Communications (10) • Internet and Multimedia Engineering
• Multimedia Web Development and Digital
Bachelor of Science with Honours in • Network Applications
Communications Technology (through • Web-based Technology for Business
Pathway 1) — BSCHCT1
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
Programme-specific entry requirement: complete 90 credits as follows:
This programme admits students who are holders (a) 70 credits from:
of a recognized Higher Diploma or Associateship ELEC S211 Fundamentals of Communications
in one of the following disciplines: Technology (10)
ELEC S311 Wireless Communications (10)
• Communications Engineering
ELEC S313 Emerging Technologies (10)
• Computer Engineering
ELEC S323 Information Theory and Digital
• Electronic Engineering Communications (10)
• Electronic Engineering with Business ELEC S332 Computer Networks (10)
Management ELEC S403 Communications Technology Project (20)
• Electronic and Communications Engineering
(b) 10 credits from courses:
• Electronic and Computer Engineering
COMP S359 Relational Databases: Theory and Practice (10)
• Electronic and Information Engineering ELEC S321 Internet Technology for Business
• Marine Communication and Electronic Applications (10)
(c) 10 credits from courses:
• Network and Mobile Computing
COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10)
• Telecommunications and Networking
COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem
• Telecommunications Engineering Solving (10)
IT S234 Web Site Design (10)
Electronics and Communications Technology programmes 159

Bachelor of Science in Electronics

New entry pathways —
(through Pathway 2) — BSCE2
For holders of recognized Higher Diploma
(or equivalent) in a discipline related to Programme-specific entry requirement:
electronics from local tertiary institutions This programme admits students who have
or holders of the Certificate in Aircraft completed the Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance
Maintenance Engineering from OUHK. Engineering from OUHK.

Students pursuing this programme must successfully

Bachelor of Science in Electronics complete 90 credits as follows:
(through Pathway 1) — BSCE1
(a) 10 credits from courses:
Programme-specific entry requirement: MATH S121 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics (10)
MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)
This programme admits students who are holders
of a recognized Higher Diploma or Associateship (b) 50 credits from courses in (b) in BSCE on
in one of the following disciplines: pp. 152–153.
• Communications Engineering (c) 20 credits of courses in (c) in BSCE on p. 153.
• Computer Engineering (d) 10 credits of courses in (d) in BSCE on P. 153.

Science and Technology

School of
• Computer and Information Engineering
• Digital Electronics and Embedded System
Design Bachelor of Science with Honours in
• Electrical Engineering Electronics (through Pathway 1) —
• Electronic Engineering BSCHE1
• Electronic and Communications Engineering
• Electronic and Computer Engineering Programme-specific entry requirement:
• Electronic and Information Engineering This programme admits students who are holders
• Electronic Engineering with Business of a recognized Higher Diploma or Associateship
Management in one of the following disciplines:
• Energy Management Services • Communications Engineering
• Lifestyle Electronics • Computer Engineering
• Marine Communication and Electronic • Computer and Information Engineering
Technology • Digital Electronics and Embedded System
• Marine Electronics Design
• Multimedia Web Development and Digital • Electrical Engineering
Entertainment • Electronic Engineering
• Radio and Electronic Technology • Electronic and Communications Engineering
• Telecommunications and Networking • Electronic and Computer Engineering
• Telecommunications Engineering • Electronic and Information Engineering
• Electronic Engineering with Business
Students pursuing this programme must successfully Management
complete 40 credits as follows: • Energy Management Services
• Lifestyle Electronics
(a) 20 credits from courses in (b) or (d) in BSCE on
• Marine Communication and Electronic
pages 152–153, of which no more than 10 credits
are from courses in (d).
• Marine Electronics
(b) 20 credits from courses in (c) in BSCE on p. 153. • Multimedia Web Development and Digital
• Radio and Electronic Technology
• Telecommunications and Networking
• Telecommunications Engineering
160 科技學院 ● 電子學及通訊科技學課程

Students pursuing this programme must successfully Sub-degree programmes

complete 80 credits as follows:

(a) 30 credits from courses in (b) in BSCE on Higher Diploma in Digital

pp. 152–153, courses in (e) in BSCHE on p. 153 Communication — HDDC
or courses in (f) in BSCHE on p. 153, of which at
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
most 10 credits are allowed from each of (e) and (f)
complete at least 90 credits as follows:
(a) 10 credits from courses:
(b) 20 credits from (c) in BSCE on p. 153.
ENGL E070 English for Post-secondary Study (5)
(c) 10 credits from courses in (g) in BSCHE on p. 153. ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5)
(d) 20 credits from: PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5)

ELEC S402 Electronics Project Course (20) (b) 10 credits from courses:
MATH S121 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics (10)
MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)
Bachelor of Science with Honours in
(c) 50 credits of compulsory courses:
Electronics (through Pathway 2) — IT E150 Information Technology for Learning (5)
BSCHE2 MGT B160 Business Management Fundamentals (5)
ELEC S211 Fundamentals of Communications
Programme-specific entry requirement: Technology (10)
ELEC S222 Electronics Principles and Digital Design (10)
This programme admits students who have ELEC S225 Analogue Circuits (10)
completed the Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance ELEC S323 Information Theory and digital
Engineering from OUHK. Communications (10)

(d) 20 credits from courses:

Students pursuing this programme must successfully COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10)
complete 130 credits as follows: COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem
Solving (10)
(a) 10 credits from courses:
ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10)
MATH S121 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics (10) PHYS S271 Discovering Physics (10)
MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)

(b) 50 credits from courses in (b) in BSCE on

pp. 152–153.
(c) 20 credits of courses in (c) in BSCE on p. 153.
(d) 10 credits of courses in (e) in BSCHE on P. 153.
(e) 10 credits of courses in (f) in BSCHE on P. 153.
(f) 10 credits of courses in (g) in BSCHE on P. 153.
(g) 20 credits from:
ELEC S402 Electronics Project Course (20)
Electronics and Communications Technology programmes 161

Higher Diploma in Mobile ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10)
ELEC S222 Electronics Principles and Digital Design (10)
Communications Technology — HDMCT ELEC S225 Analogue Circuits (10)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 90 credits as follows:
Diploma in Electronics — DE
(a) 10 credits from courses: Students pursuing this programme must successfully
BUS B103 English and Communications for Business I complete at least 60 credits as follows:
BUS B191C 商業關係與溝通(一) (5) (a) At least 10 credits from courses:
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5) ENGL E070 English for Post-secondary Study (5)*
ENGL E110 English for Effective Communication I: IT E150 Information Technology for Learning (5)*
Listening and Speaking (5) MGT B160 Business Management Fundamentals (5)*
ENGL E120 English for Effective Communication I:
Reading and Writing (5) (b) 40 credits of compulsory courses:
PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5) ELEC S222 Electronics Principles and Digital Design (10)
ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10)
(b) 10 credits from courses: ELEC S225 Analogue Circuits (10)
MGT B160 Business Management Fundamentals (5) PHYS S271 Discovering Physics (10)
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5) (c) additional 10 credits from courses:
TC S319 Quality Management for Science and ENGL E070 English for Post-secondary Study (5)*

Science and Technology

School of
Technology (5) IT E150 Information Technology for Learning (5)*
TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and MATH S121 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics (10)
Technology (5) MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)
MGT B160 Business Management Fundamentals (5)*
(c) 70 credits of compulsory courses:
MATH S121 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics (10) * See note 3 on p. 150.
MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)
ELEC S211 Fundamentals of Communications
Technology (10)
ELEC S212 Network Programming and Design (10)
ELEC S222 Electronics Principles and Digital Design
ELEC S225 Analogue Circuits (10)
ELEC S311 Wireless Communications (10)

Diploma in Communications
Technology — DCT
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 60 credits as follows:

(a) 5 credits from courses:

ENGL E070 English for Post-secondary Study (5)
BUS B103 English and Communications for Business I
BUS B191C 商業關係與溝通(一)(5)
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5)
PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5)

(b) 5 credits from courses:

MGT B160 Business Management Fundamentals (5)
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)

(c) 50 credits of compulsory courses:

MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)
ELEC S211 Fundamentals of Communications
Technology (10)
162 科技學院 ● 工程力學、物料及設計學課程

Engineering Mechanics, For enquiries about the programmes, please contact:

Dr Angus Wong 王建陽博士

Materials and Design Tel: 2768 6824

programmes Email:

Mr Bruce Tong 唐廣斌先生

In recent years, the HKSAR government has Tel: 2768 6803
initiated a number of measures to develop Hong Email:
Kong into a ‘Centre for innovation and technology’
School website:
to serve the greater Pearl River Delta region. The
Chief Executive also announced in the Policy
Address that there are six industries where Hong
Kong enjoys clear advantages. These included Bachelor’s Degree programmes
Innovation and Technology, and Cultural and
Creative Industries in Hong Kong. Engineering Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Mechanics, Materials and Design (EMMD) Mechanics, Materials and Design —
programmes belong to both of these two areas. BSCEMMD
This development has led to increased demands
for engineering professionals trained in handling a Students pursuing this programme must successfully
diverse range of processes and technologies related complete at least 120 credits as follows:
to original product design as well as product re- (a) 20 credits from courses:
design. MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)
SCI S121 A Foundation Course in Physics and
Advanced standing/Credit exemption Chemistry (10)
Holders of recognized post A-level qualifications
(b) At least 60 credits from courses:
may be granted exemptions of up to 80 credits for
DESN S2171 Design Essentials (10)
the Bachelor’s programmes, up to 45 credits for the ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10)
higher diploma programmes and up to 30 credits ENGG S228 Engineers in Society (5)
for the diploma programmes. For details, please MECH S213 Materials: Engineering and Science (10)
see p. 20. MECH S235 Engineering Mechanics: Solids (10)
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
PHYS S271 Discovering Physics (10)
MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5)
MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5)
TC S319 Quality Management for Science and
Technology (5)
Notes: TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and
1 Pre-foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘0’. Technology (5)
Foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘1’. 1
New course, subject to final approval for presentation.
Middle level courses: course codes starting with ‘2’.
(c) At least 20 credits from courses:
Higher level courses: course codes starting with ‘3’ or ’4’.
DESN S364 Fundamentals of Interaction Design (10)
2 The credit value is given at the end of each course. ENGG S356 Engineering Small Worlds: Micro and Nano
3 Courses marked with an asterisk(*) appear in several lists Technologies (10)
within a programme but can only be taken ONCE. MATH S365 Graphs, Networks and Design (10)
MECH S395 Mechatronics (10)
4 Where a programme allows students to select additional
courses from outside the programme, students must check (d) additional courses, as necessary, from any
their selected courses against the Excluded Combinations
Foundation, Middle or Higher level courses
list on p. 36 of the Courses Supplement. Only one of the
courses in an excluded combination can count towards an
offered by the University, provided that, of the
OUHK award. total 120 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
Foundation level.◊

See note 4.

This is the last intake of the programme. The last conferment will
be December 2019. Please contact the programme team if you
have any questions.
Engineering Mechanics, Materials and Design programmes 163

Bachelor of Science with Honours in Bachelor of Science with Honours in

Engineering Mechanics, Materials and Engineering Mechanics, Materials
Design — BSCHEMMD and Design (with Management) —
Students pursuing this programme must successfully BSCHEMMDM
complete at least 160 credits as follows: Students pursuing this programme must successfully
(a) 20 credits from courses in (a) in BSCEMMD on complete at least 160 credits as follows:
p. 162.
(a) 20 credits from courses:
(b) 70 credits of compulsory courses: IT S101 Introduction to Information and
DESN S2171 Design Essentials (10) Communications Technology (10)
MECH S213 Materials: Engineering and Science (10) MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)
MECH S235 Engineering Mechanics: Solids (10) SCI S121 A Foundation Course in Physics and
PHYS S271 Discovering Physics (10) Chemistry (10)
MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5)
(b) 70 credits of compulsory courses:
MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5)
DESN S2171 Design Essentials (10)
MECH S402 EMMD Project Course (20)
MECH S213 Materials: Engineering and Science (10)
New course, subject to final approval for presentation. MECH S235 Engineering Mechanics: Solids (10)
PHYS S271 Discovering Physics (10)
(c) 20 credits from courses: MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5)
DESN S364 Fundamentals of Interaction Design (10) * MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5)

Science and Technology

School of
ENGG S356 Engineering Small Worlds: Micro and Nano MECH S402 EMMD Project Course (20)
Technologies (10) * 1
New course, subject to final approval for presentation.
MATH S365 Graphs, Networks and Design (10) *
MECH S395 Mechatronics (10) *
(c) 30 credits from courses:
(d) additional 30 credits from courses: BUS B103 English and Communications for Business I (5)
COMP S2011 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10) ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
COMP S2581 Computer Programming and Problem ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
Solving (10) ENGG S228 Engineers in Society (5)
ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10) MGT B240 Principles and Practice of Management (5)
ENGG S228 Engineers in Society (5) MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)
ENVR S237 Environmental Control and Public Health LAW B262 Business Law I (5)
(10) LAW B263 Business Law II (5)
MATH S221 Mathematical Methods (10) MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
MATH S222 Mathematical Models with Applications (10) Behaviour (5)
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)
(d) 20 credits from courses:
DESN S364 Fundamentals of Interaction Design (10) *
COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10) or
ENGG S356 Engineering Small Worlds: Micro and Nano
COMP S258 Computer Programming and
Technologies (10) *
Problem Solving (10)
MATH S365 Graphs, Networks and Design (10) *
ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10)
MECH S395 Mechatronics (10) *
ENVR S237 Environmental Control and Public Health (10)
TC S319 Quality Management for Science and
MATH S221 Mathematical Methods (10)
Technology (5)
MATH S222 Mathematical Models with Applications (10)
TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and
TC S319 Quality Management for Science and
Technology (5)
Technology (5)
Students can only take either COMP S201 or COMP S258.
TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and
(e) additional courses, as necessary, from any Technology (5)
Foundation, Middle or Higher level courses (e) 20 credits from courses:
offered by the University, provided that, of the DESN S364 Fundamentals of Interaction Design (10)
total 160 credits, no more than 40 are gained at ENGG S356 Engineering Small Worlds: Micro and Nano
Foundation level.◊ Technologies (10)
MATH S365 Graphs, Networks and Design (10)
* See note 3 on p. 162.

See note 4 on p. 162. MECH S395 Mechatronics (10)

Note: Note:
This is the last intake of the programme. The last conferment will This is the last intake of the programme. The last conferment will
be December 2019. Please contact the programme team if you be December 2019. Please contact the programme team if you
have any questions. have any questions.
164 科技學院 ● 工程力學、物料及設計學課程

Bachelor of Science in Engineering

New entry pathways —
Mechanics, Materials and Design
For holders of recognized Higher Diploma (through Pathway 2) — BSCEMMD2
(or equivalent) in a discipline related to
engineering mechanics, materials and Programme-specific entry requirement:
design from local tertiary institutions This programme admits students who have
or holders of the Certificate in Aircraft completed the Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance
Maintenance Engineering from OUHK. Engineering from OUHK.

Students pursuing this programme must successfully

Bachelor of Science in Engineering complete 90 credits as follows:
Mechanics, Materials and Design (a) 10 credits from:
(through Pathway 1) — BSCEMMD1 MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)

(c) 60 credits from courses in (b) in BSCEMMD on

Programme-specific entry requirement:
p. 162.
This programme admits students who are holders
(b) 20 credits from courses in (c) in BSCEMMD on
of a recognized Higher Diploma in one of the
p. 162.
following disciplines:
• Civil Engineering
• Engineering Management Bachelor of Science with Honours in
• Horological Science and Technology Engineering Mechanics, Materials
• Manufacturing Engineering and Design (through Pathway 1) —
• Manufacturing Engineering Management BSCHEMMD1
• Mechanical Engineering
• Opto-Mechatronics Programme-specific entry requirement:
• Product Design Engineering This programme admits students who are holders
• Product Engineering Design and Technology of a recognized Higher Diploma in one of the
Management following disciplines:
• Production and Industrial Engineering • Civil Engineering
• Engineering Management
Students pursuing this programme must successfully • Horological Science and Technology
complete 50 credits as follows:
• Manufacturing Engineering
(a) 30 credits from courses in (b) in BSCEMMD on • Manufacturing Engineering Management
p. 162. • Mechanical Engineering
(b) 20 credits from courses in (c) in BSCEMMD on • Opto-Mechatronics
p. 162. • Product Design Engineering
• Product Engineering Design and Technology
• Production and Industrial Engineering

Students pursuing this programme must successfully

complete 90 credits as follows:

(a) 60 credits from courses in (b) in BSCHEMMD on

p. 163, of which PHY S271 or MECH S235 but
not both should be completed.
(b) 20 credits from courses in (d) in BSCHEMMD on
p. 163.
(c) 10 credits from courses in (c) and (d) in
BSCHEMMD on p. 163.
Engineering Mechanics, Materials and Design programmes 165

Bachelor of Science with Honours in Sub-degree programmes

Engineering Mechanics, Materials
and Design (through Pathway 2) — Higher Diploma in Engineering Design
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
Programme-specific entry requirement: complete at least 90 credits as follows:
This programme admits students who have
(a) 10 credits from courses:
completed the Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance
ENGL E070 English for Post-secondary Study (5)
Engineering from OUHK. ENGL A122 Presentation Skills (5)
MGT B160 Business Management Fundamentals (5)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully PTH E150C 普通話基礎課程 (5)
complete 130 credits as follows:
(b) 10 credits from:
(a) 10 credits from: IT S101 Introduction to Information and
Communications Technology (10)
MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)
(c) 20 credits from courses:
(b) 70 credits from courses in (b) in BSCHEMMD on
DESN S2171 Design Essentials (10)
p. 163. PHYS S271 Discovering Physics (10)
(c) 50 credits from courses in (d) in BSCHEMMD on

Science and Technology


School of
New course, subject to final approval for presentation.
p. 163, of which at least 20 credits must be at
Higher Level. (d) 20 credits from courses:
MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)
Note: SCI S121 A Foundation Course in Physics and
Chemistry (10)
This is the last intake of BSCEMMD1 / BSCEMMD2 / BSCHEMMD1 /
BSCHEMMD2 programmes. The last conferment will be December (e) 20 credits from courses:
2019. Please contact the programme team if you have any
ELEC S224 Computers and Processors (10)
MECH S213 Materials: Engineering and Science (10)
MECH S235 Engineering Mechanics: Solids (10)
MECH S236 Introduction to Thermofluid Mechanics (10)
TC S319 Quality Management for Science and
Technology (5)
TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and
Technology (5)

(f) 10 credits from courses:

ENGG S356 Engineering Small Worlds: Micro and Nano
Technologies (10)
MECH S395 Mechatronics (10)

This is the last intake of the programme. The last conferment will
be December 2017. Please contact the programme team if you
have any questions.
166 科技學院 ● 工程力學、物料及設計學課程

Diploma in Materials and Design Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance

Engineering — DMDE Engineering — CAME
Students pursuing this programme must successfully This programme is specially designed for staff of
complete at least 60 credits as follows: China Aircraft Services Limited.

(a) 15 credits from: This is a partnership programme jointly launched

ENGL E070 English for Post-secondary Study (5) by China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) and The
IT S101 Introduction to Information and Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK). It aims to
Communications Technology (10) provide the staff of the CASL with professional and
(b) 45 credits of compulsory courses: practical knowledge and skills in aircraft maintenance
SCI S121 A Foundation Course in Physics and engineering. The programme is divided into two
Chemistry (10) parts, to be delivered by the CASL and the OUHK
DESN S2171 Design Essentials (10) respectively. Practical training and actual engineering
MECH S213 Materials: Engineering and Science (10) practices are offered by the CASL, while the OUHK
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5) will deliver the generic subjects, including an English
PHYS S271 Discovering Physics (10)
language course and courses on the general principles
New course, subject to final approval for presentation. and theories in electrical and mechanical engineering.
Following the successful completion of the two
parts, the students can sit for the Civil Aviation
This is the last intake of the programme. The last conferment will
be December 2017. Please contact the programme team if you Department’s licensing examinations.
have any questions.
At present, only CASL staff are eligible for this
programme. However, other students may also enrol
in individual OUHK courses without registering for
the Certificate. For further information, please visit
our website:
Design and Innovation programmes 167

Bachelor’s Degree programme

Design and Innovation
Bachelor of Science in Design and
Hong Kong people pride themselves on their ability Innovation — BSCDI
to innovate and create designs for a variety of
businesses and trades. For holders of recognized Associate Degree
Design, which encompasses a variety of domains or Higher Diploma (or equivalent) in a related
such as fashion, advertising, digital media, visual discipline from local tertiary institutions.
arts, architecture and landscape, jewellery, product,
interior and industrial design, is a popular subject Programme-specific entry requirement:
among school leavers. There are a large number
This programme admits students who are holders
of sub-degree holders wishing to articulate to a
of a recognized Associate Degree or Higher
Diploma in one of the following disciplines:
The University is now extending its Design • Design
degree programme to cater for the needs of the • Advertising Design
Associate Degree and Higher Diploma graduates. • Architectural Design
The degree of BSc in Design and Innovation is • Commercial Design
suitable for a general audience and focuses on the • Creative and Interactive Media Production

Science and Technology

School of
methodologies for creating innovative designs to • Creative Digital Media Design
suit the modern-day market. • Digital Visual Design
Graduates of this programme, equipped with the • Environment and Interior Design
know-how to create and innovate, will be in a • Exhibition Design
better position to progress in a career in design. • Fashion Design
• Fashion Design and Business
• Fashion Image Design
• Fashion Styling and Image Design
• Industrial and Systems Engineering
• Industrial and Product Design
• Interactive Media Design
• Interior Design
• Jewellery Design and Technology
• Landscape Design
• Manufacturing Engineering
• Multimedia and Creative Advertising
• Multimedia Design and Technology
• Product Design
• Product Design Engineering
• Product Innovation and Technogies
• Production Engineering and Design
• Visual Arts and Culture
For enquiries about the programme, please contact: • Visual Communication
Dr Angus Wong 王建陽博士 Associate Degree and Higher Diploma Holders
Tel: 2768 6824 of other relevant related disciplines will be
Email: considered on a case-by-case basis.

Mr Bruce Tong 唐廣斌先生

Students pursuing this programme must successfully
Tel: 2768 6803
complete 40 credits as follows:
DESN S2171 Design Essentials (10) DESN S364 Fundamentals of Interaction Design (10)
DESN S368 Innovation and Sustainability (20)
New course, subject to final approval for presentation.
168 科技學院 ● 檢測及認證課程

Testing and Certification For enquiries about the programmes, please contact:

Dr George H K Lau 劉慶強博士

Programmes Tel: 2768 6845
Testing and certification has been identified by
the Task Force on Economic Challenges (TFEC) Dr Fred Lee 李宏發博士
as one of the six economic areas in which Hong Tel: 2768 6868
Kong has a clear advantage and good prospect for Email:
development. The Hong Kong Council for Testing
and Certification (HKCTC) was established by the Dr Tony Lee 李至沖博士
HKSAR government in 2009 to lead, support, Tel: 2768 6862
advance and promote the development of the Email:
industry. In response to the government’s policy, a
suite of programmes in testing and certification are
offered by the Open University of Hong Kong.

These programmes help students to gain

comprehensive knowledge of testing and Postgraduate programmes
certification, and prepare them to embark on a Courses in these programmes are to be delivered in
career in relevant industries. part-time, face-to-face mode with classes on Saturdays
Graduates will find career opportunities in a broad or Sundays.
range of industries, such as manufacturing, product
design, inspection, testing and certification. Master of Science in Testing
Typical positions include quality assurance and Certification — MSCTC#
engineers, quality officers, testing engineers, etc. The programme is designed for those who have
Graduates will also be qualified for further study obtained a Bachelor of Sciences or Bachelor of
in engineering, applied sciences or related areas Engineering degree in a relevant discipline and
at the OUHK or other tertiary institutions in Hong are interested to embark on a career in the testing
Kong and elsewhere. and certification industry. On completion of the
Advanced standing/Credit exemption programmes, students will be equipped with
comprehensive knowledge to become testing and
Holders of recognized Postgraduate qualifications
certification professionals in the industry.
may be granted exemptions for the Master of
Sciences and Postgraduate Diploma programme,
Programme-specific entry requirement for the
For details, please see p. 20. Holders of recognized
post secondary qualifications may be granted
exemptions of up to 80 credits for the Bachelor’s • a recognized Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of
programmes. Engineering degree in a relevant discipline, or
equivalent; or

• a recognized Master’s degree plus at least two

years of technical experience in testing and
Notes: certification related industry; or
1 Foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘1’.
• a recognized Bachelor’s degree plus at least four
Middle level courses: course codes starting with ‘2’.
Higher level courses: course codes starting with ‘3’ or ‘4‘. years of technical experience in testing and
certification related industry.
2 The credit value is given at the end of each course.
3 Where a programme allows students to select additional
courses from outside the programme, students must check
their selected courses against the Excluded Combinations
list on p. 36 of the Courses Supplement. Only one of the
courses in an excluded combination can count towards an
OUHK award.
Testing and Certification programmes 169

Students pursuing this programme must successfully Postgraduate Certificate in

complete 60 credits as follows:
Testing and Certification —
(a) 20 credits from courses: PCTC#
TC S811F Laboratory Management & Accreditation (5)
The PCTC provides an early exit point in the MSCTC
TC S812F Accreditation of Inspection Bodies (5)
TC S813F Accreditation of Certification Bodies (5)
programme suite. The entry requirements for this
TC S814F Professional Practice & Code of Ethics for programme are given in MSCTC on p. 168.
Testing & Certification Practitioners (5)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
(b) 20 credits from courses: complete 20 credits as follows:
TC S821F Design & Analysis of Experiments (5) TC S811F Laboratory Management & Accreditation (5)
TC S822F Statistical Process Control (5) TC S812F Accreditation of Inspection Bodies (5)
TC S823F Integrated Management Systems (5) TC S813F Accreditation of Certification Bodies (5)
TC S831F Emerging Testing Methodologies & TC S814F Professional Practice & Code of Ethics for
Technologies (5) Testing & Certification Practitioners (5)

(c) 10 credits from courses:

TC S840F Electromagnetic Compatibility & Electrical Important note:
Product Testing & Certification (10) A student should complete this programme
TC S850F Food Testing & Certification (10) within 6 years of first enrolling in the programme.
TC S860F Material Testing & Certification (10)

Science and Technology

School of
TC S870F Environmental Protection Testing &
Certification (10)

(d) 10 credits from

TC S888F Research Project in Testing & Certification

Postgraduate Diploma in
Testing and Certification —
The PDTC provides an early exit point in the MSCTC
programme suite. The entry requirements for this
programme are given in MSCTC on p. 168.

Students pursuing this programme must successfully

complete 40 credits as follows:

(a) 20 credits from courses:

TC S811F Laboratory Management & Accreditation (5)
TC S812F Accreditation of Inspection Bodies (5)
TC S813F Accreditation of Certification Bodies (5)
TC S814F Professional Practice & Code of Ethics for
Testing & Certification Practitioners (5)

(b) 20 credits from courses:

TC S821F Design & Analysis of Experiments (5)
TC S822F Statistical Process Control (5)
TC S823F Integrated Management Systems (5)
TC S831F Emerging Testing Methodologies &
Technologies (5)
170 科技學院 ● 檢測及認證課程

Bachelor’s Degree programmes Bachelor of Science with Honours

in Product Design, Testing and
Bachelor of Science in Product Design, Certification — BSCHPDTC
Testing and Certification — BSCPDTC Students pursuing this programme must successfully
Students pursuing this programme must successfully complete at least 160 credits as follows:
complete at least 120 credits as follows:
(a) 20 credits from courses in (a) in BSCPDTC on
(a) 20 credits from courses: the left.
MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)
SCI S121 A Foundation Course in Physics and (b) 20 credits from courses in (b) in BSCPDTC.
Chemistry (10)
(c) 10 credits from (c) in BSCPDTC.
(b) 20 credits from courses:
(d) 40 credits from courses in (d) in BSCPDTC.
MECH S213 Materials: Engineering and Science (10)
MECH S264 Design: Principles and Practice (10) (e) 20 credits from courses in (e) in BSCPDTC.
(c) 10 credits from courses: (f) 10 credits from courses:
CHEM S310 Analytical Chemistry (10) ELEC S354 Inside Electronic Devices (10)
PHYS S271 Discovering Physics (10) ENGG S356 Engineering Small Worlds: Micro and Nano
Technologies (10)
(d) 40 credits from courses:
SCI S330 Scientific Research Methods (5)
DESN S364 Fundamentals of Interaction Design (10) SCI S404 Advanced Topics in Food and Health
TC S319 Quality Management for Science and Sciences (5)
Technology (5)
TC S361 Instrumentation and Testing Techniques (5) (g) 20 credits from project course:
TC S362 Manufacturing and Inspection Technologies TC S450 Product Design, Testing and Certification
(5) Project (20)
TC S371 Product Certification & Laboratory
Accreditation Practices (5) (h) additional courses, as necessary, from any
TC S372 Product Environmental, Health & Safety Foundation, Middle or Higher level courses offered
Standards (5)
by the University, provided that, of the total 160
TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and
credits, no more than 40 are gained at Foundation
Technology (5)
(e) 10 credits from courses: ◊
See note 3 on p. 168.
CHEM S251 Organic and Physical Chemistry (10)
ENGG S228 Engineers in Society (5)
ENVR S237 Environmental Control and Public Health
MATH S242 Statistics in Society (10)
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)

(f) additional courses, as necessary, from any

Foundation, Middle or Higher level courses offered
by the University, provided that, of the total 120
credits, no more than 40 are gained at Foundation

See note 3 on p.168.
Testing and Certification programmes 171

Bachelor of Science with Honours

New entry pathways —
in Product Design, Testing and
For holders of recognized Higher Diploma Certification (through Pathway 1) —
or Associate Degree (or equivalent) in BSCHPDTC1
a discipline directly related to product
design, testing and certification area from Programme-specific entry requirement:
local tertiary institutions.
A recognized Higher Diploma or Associate Degree
新入學途徑 — (or equivalent) in a related area from a local tertiary
institution recognized by the University for the
在本地其他院校考獲認可高級文憑或副學士 purpose.
認證等範疇的畢業生,可循以下途徑申請入學 Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 80 credits as follows:

(a) 40 credits from courses in (d) in BSCPDTC on

The following pathways are not applicable to
p. 170;
OUHK graduates of Associate Degree and Higher
Diploma programmes. They should contact the (b) 10 credits from courses in (e) in BSCPDTC;
Programme Leader for academic advice. (c) 10 credits from courses in (f) in BSCHPDTC;

Science and Technology

School of
以下入學途徑不適用於香港公開大學副學士及高級文憑 (d) 20 credits from courses in (g) in BSCHPDTC.

Bachelor of Science in Product Design,

Testing and Certification (through
Pathway 1) — BSCPDTC1

Programme-specific entry requirement:

A recognized Higher Diploma or Associate Degree
(or equivalent) in a related area from a local tertiary
institution recognized by the University for the

Students pursuing this programme must successfully

complete 40 credits as follows:
DESN S364 Fundamentals of Interaction Design (10)
TC S319 Quality Management for Science and
Technology (5)
TC S361 Instrumentation and Testing Techniques (5)
TC S362 Manufacturing and Inspection Technologies (5)
TC S371 Product Certification & Laboratory Accreditation
Practices (5)
TC S372 Product Environmental, Health & Safety
Standards (5)
TC S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and
Technology (5)
172 科技學院 ● 環境學課程

Environmental Studies For enquiries about the programmes, please contact:

Dr Yau Yiu Hung 邱耀雄博士

programmes Tel: 2768 6827
The demand for environmental professionals with
broad-based multi-disciplinary knowledge and Dr Steven Xu 徐景亮博士
skills in managing the natural and the corporate Tel: 2768 6877
environments has never been stronger. The Email:
continuing deterioration of the environment in
Mr Allen Wan 溫志剛先生
Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta has created
Tel: 2768 6844
the need for immediate action in tackling pollution
and biodiversity loss, and developing action plans
for sustainable development. School website:

The OUHK’s degree programmes are designed

to meet this need. Our programmes produce
effective environmental managers well prepared to Bachelor’s Degree programmes
serve in government departments, manufacturing
and service industries, the educational sector and Bachelor of Science in Environmental
relevant R&D organizations. Studies — BSCES
Advanced standing/Credit exemption Students pursuing this programme must successfully
Holders of recognized post A-level qualifications complete at least 120 credits as follows:
may be granted exemptions. For details, please see
(a) 20 credits from courses:
p. 20.
SCI S121 A Foundation Course in Physics and
Chemistry (10)
Planning note
SCI S122 A Foundation Course in Biology and Earth
Students without advanced standing are advised to Science (10)
take SCI S121 and SCI S122.
(b) 20 credits from core courses:
ENVR S216 Environment: Change, Contest and
Responses (20) or
CHEM S251 Organic and Physical Chemistry (10) and
MATH S242 Statistics in Society (10)

(c) 50 credits of core courses:

BIOL S205 The Core of Life (5)
ENVR S237 Environmental Control and Public Health
BIOL S301 Conservation and Biodiversity (5)
BIOL S302 Animal and Plant Physiology (5)
BIOL S303 Molecular Biology and Microbiology (5)
Notes: ENVR S320 Environmental Impact Assessment (10)
ENVR S335 Environmental Control, Monitoring and
1 Foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘1’.
Modeling (10)
Middle level courses: course codes starting with ‘2’.
Higher level courses: course codes starting with ‘3’ or ‘4‘.
(d) at least 10 credits from courses:
2 The credit value is given at the end of each course. BIOL S338 Ecology (10)
3 Courses marked with an asterisk(*) appear in several lists CHEM S310 Analytical Chemistry (10)
within a programme but can only be taken ONCE.
(e) additional courses, as necessary, from any
4 Where a programme allows students to select additional
courses from outside the programme, students must check Foundation, Middle or Higher level courses
their selected courses against the Excluded Combinations offered by the University, provided that, of the
list on p. 36 of the Courses Supplement. Only one of the total 120 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
courses in an excluded combination can count towards an Foundation level.◊
OUHK award.

See note 4 on p. 172.
Environmental Studies programmes 173

Bachelor of Science with Honours in Bachelor of Science with Honours

Environmental Studies — BSCHES in Environmental Studies (with
Students pursuing this programme must successfully Management) — BSCHESM
complete at least 160 credits as follows: Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 160 credits as follows:
(a) 20 credits from courses in (a) in BSCES on p. 172.
(a) 25 credits from:
(b) 20 credits from courses in (b) in BSCES.
BUS B103 English and Communications for Business I
(c) 80 credits of core courses: (5)
SCI S121 A Foundation Course in Physics and
BIOL S205 The Core of Life (5)
Chemistry (10)
ENVR S237 Environmental Control and Public Health
SCI S122 A Foundation Course in Biology and Earth
Science (10)
BIOL S301 Conservation and Biodiversity (5)
BIOL S302 Animal and Plant Physiology (5)
(b) 20 credits from courses in (b) in BSCES on p. 172.
BIOL S303 Molecular Biology and Microbiology (5)
BIOL S338 Ecology (10) (c) 80 credits of core courses from courses in (c) in
CHEM S310 Analytical Chemistry (10)
BSCHES on the left.
ENVR S320 Environmental Impact Assessment (10)
ENVR S335 Environmental Control, Monitoring and (d) 5 credits from courses:
Modeling (10)
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management (5)

Science and Technology

School of
ENVR S341 Environmental Legislation and
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing (5)
Management (10)
MGT B346 Theories and Practices of Organizational
Behaviour (5)
(d) at least 20 credits from courses:
ENVR S410 Environmental Project (20) or (e) 10 credits from courses:
ENVR S403 Applications of Biology and Chemistry in
ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
Environmental Studies (10) and
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
ENVR S411 Environmental Health and Safety (10)
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
(e) additional courses, as necessary, from any ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
Foundation, Middle or Higher level courses FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
LAW B262 Business Law I (5)
offered by the University, provided that, of the
LAW B263 Business Law II (5)
total 160 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
Foundation level.◊ (f) 20 credits from courses:

See note 4 on p. 172. ACT B313 Management and Cost Accounting (5)
MGT B344 Theory and Design of Organizations (5)
MGT B345 Managing in Organizations (5)
MKT B365 Services Marketing (5)
MGT B440 Strategic Management of Human Resources (10)
MKT B469 International Marketing and Strategy (10)
174 科技學院 ● 環境學課程

Bachelor of Science with Honours ENVRS S341 Environmental Legislation and

Management (10)
in Environmental Studies (Day-
time top-up Degree Programme) — (c) 40 credits from:
BSCHESD ENVR S403 Applications of Biology and Chemistry in
Environmental Studies (10)
This programme will accept new students in the ENVR S410 Environmental Project (20)
October semester only. ENVR S411 Environmental Health and Safety (10)

Associate Degree and Higher Diploma holders Length of study: The normal duration of study
are eligible for a two-year top-up Honours Degree is two years (classes are normally held during
programme in Environmental Studies. Students weekdays during the day-time and on weekends).
will learn through attending day-time weekday and
Financial assistance:
weekend lectures, tutorials and lab sessions. Course
Students are not eligible for any OUHK financial
materials will also be provided to facilitate students’
assistance scheme.
independent learning, and will include printed and
multimedia resources from the distance learning Students with financial difficulties may apply for
programmes. the CEF or ENLS on a reimbursement basis.

Programme-specific entry requirements: Information Seminar:

– Date: 3 July 2014 (Thu)
(a) A Higher Diploma or Associate Degree (or
– Time: 5:00–7:00 pm
equivalent) in Environmental Science,
– Venue: C0821 (OUHK, Ho Man Tin Campus)
Environmental Health, Applied Science or
related disciplines from a tertiary institution Applicants are strongly advised to attend the
recognized by the University; and Information Seminar organized by the School of
Science and Technology before enrolling on the
(b) Satisfactory performance in a selection
programme. On-site interviews will be arranged after
the seminar. Please bring with you copies of your
credentials or academic proofs of your achievements
Programme structure: if you want to be considered for enrolment.
Students pursuing the programme (BSCHESD) must
successfully complete 80 credits as follows:
Interested parties please complete and submit
(a) 20 credits from: the ‘Expression of Interest for Admission to Day-
ENVR S320 Environmental Impact Assessment (10) time (Top-up) Programme’ form.  The form can be
ENVR S335 Environmental Control, Monitoring and
downloaded from the following website: http://
Modeling (10)  choose Applied Science. A
(b) 20 credits from courses: selection interview will be arranged soon after you
BIOL S301 Conservation and Biodiversity (5) have applied.
BIOL S302 Animal and Plant Physiology (5)
BIOL S303 Molecular and Microbiology (5) Application deadline: Please contact the
BIOL S338 Ecology (10) Programme Leader Dr Y H Yau at 2768 6827.
Mathematical Studies, Statistics and Decision Science programmes 175

Mathematical Studies,
Ordinary Certificate Examination:
Students are given exemption from the Ordinary
Statistics and Decision Certificate Examination if they have passes at grade
3/C+ or above in MATH S242 Statistics in Society and
Science programmes MATH S280 Statistical Methods for Decision Analysis.
Higher Certificate Examination:
Mathematics, statistics and techniques for decision-
making are professional and indispensable tools Students are given exemption from the Higher
for many types of problems, and continue to enjoy Certificate Examination if they have fulfilled either
rapid growth in areas of actuarial science, strategic one of the following requirements:
planning, financial investments and operations (a) Obtained grade 3/C+ or above in MATH S242
research analysis. The degree programmes equip Statistics in Society, MATH S280 Statistical
students with a strong undergraduate background Methods for Decision Analysis, MATH S346 Linear
in the areas of applied mathematical methods, Statistical Modelling and MATH S350 Applied
statistics, data analysis, optimization, stochastic and Probability Models for Decision Making.
deterministic modeling, and risk analysis. It prepares (b) Obtained or be granted exemption from Ordinary
students for careers or for further study in many Certificate Examination by Hong Kong Statistical
technical fields such as statistical analysis, management Society, and also obtained grade 3/C+ or above in
science, industrial engineering, biostatistics, strategic MATH S346 Linear Statistical Modelling and MATH

Science and Technology

School of
planning, financial analysis, education. S350 Applied Probability Models for Decision
Advanced standing/Credit exemption
Students exempted from the Higher Certificate
Holders of recognized post A-level qualifications may
Examination can directly apply to sit for the Society's
be granted exemptions. Associate Degree holders
Graduate Diploma Examination. Please see
and Higher Diploma holders from recognized local for details.
programmes may obtain an exemption of up to 80
credits. For details, please see. p. 20. Notes:
1 Foundation level courses: course codes starting with ‘1’.
Planning note Middle level courses: course codes starting with ‘2’.
Higher level courses: course codes starting with ‘3’ or ‘4’.
Students with no credit exemption are recommended 2 The credit value is given at the end of each course.
to begin with MATH S121 or MATH S122. 3 Courses marked with an asterisk (*) appear in several lists
within a programme but can only be taken ONCE.
Professional recognition 4 Where a programme allows students to select additional
The Hong Kong Statistical Society offers Open courses from outside the programme, students must check
their selected courses against the Excluded Combinations
University of Hong Kong students exemption from
list on p. 36 of the Courses Supplement. Only one of the
its Ordinary Certificate Examination and Higher courses in an excluded combination can count towards an
Certificate Examination. Details are given below. OUHK award.

For enquiries about the programmes, please contact:

Dr Anita Wong Dr Douglas Ng

Tel: 2768 6810 Tel: 2768 6880
School website:
176 科技學院 ● 數學、統計學及決策科學課程

COMP S888* Multimedia Technology (10)

Postgraduate programmes
ENGG S837F Systems Engineering (10)

Courses in the following programmes will be ENGG S838F Innovation & Technology Management (10)

delivered in the part-time face-to-face mode with ENVR S835* Environmental Control, Monitoring and
Modeling (10)
classes held on either Saturday or Sunday.
FIN B850* Investment and Portfolio Management (10)
FIN B851* Financial Planning and Risk Management
Master of Science in (10)
Quantitative Analysis and TC S821F Design & Analysis of Experiments (5)
TC S822F Statistical Process Control (5)
Computational Mathematics —
MSCQACM Note: Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are delivered in distance-
learning mode.
This programme is designed for those learners who
wish to enhance their quantitative skills, and who are
interested in embarking on a career in the fields of Postgraduate Diploma in
engineering, applied sciences, biology, management, Quantitative Analysis and
computing technology, financial services, education
Computational Mathematics —
or research. The programme will provide rigorous
training in quantitative analysis for decision analysis,
as well as in computational methods for simulation The PDQACM provides an early exit point in the
and prediction. MSCQACM programme suite. The entry requirements
for this programme are given in MSCQACM.
Programme-specific entry requirements for
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete any 40 credits from the following courses:
• a Bachelor’s Degree, or equivalent, in a related
MATH S811F Computer Algebra and Simulations (10)
discipline from a recognized institution; or
MATH S812F Computational Methods for Risk Analysis
• a Bachelor’s Degree, or equivalent, in any and Decision Making (10)
academic discipline from a recognized STAT S801F Quantitative Methods for Decision Making
institution plus at least two years’ working (10)

experience in relevant fields; or STAT S802F Multivariate and Time Series Analysis (10)
STAT S821F Quantitative and Computational Project
• a Postgraduate Certificate in Quantitative (10)
Analysis awarded by OUHK, or equivalent; or
• a Postgraduate Certificate in Computational
Mathematics awarded by OUHK, or

Students pursuing this programme must successfully

complete 60 credits as follows:

(a) 50 credits from the core courses:

MATH S811F Computer Algebra and Simulations (10)
MATH S812F Computational Methods for Risk Analysis
and Decision Making (10)
STAT S801F Quantitative Methods for Decision Making
STAT S802F Multivariate and Time Series Analysis (10)
STAT S821F Quantitative and Computational Project

(b) 10 credits from any elective courses:

COMP S801* Object Oriented Programming and Internet
Application Development (10)
Mathematical Studies, Statistics and Decision Science programmes 177

Postgraduate Certificate Bachelor’s Degree programmes

in Quantitative Analysis —
PCQA Bachelor of Science in Mathematical
The PCQA provides an early exit point in the
Studies — BSCMS
MSCQACM programme suite. Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 120 credits as follows:
Programme-specific entry requirement:
(a) 20 credits from:
a recognized Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent MATH S121 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics (10)
professional qualification in a relevant discipline, MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)
or in any academic discipline with adequate
(b) 70 credits of compulsory courses, of which at
training in quantitative analysis.
least 20 credits must be gained at Higher level
including MATH S333 and MATH S390 from
Students pursuing this programme must successfully courses:
complete any 20 credits from the following courses: COMP S258 Computer Programming and Problem
Solving (10)
STAT S801F Quantitative Methods for Decision Making MATH S215 Linear Algebra (5)
(10) MATH S216 Mathematical Analysis (5)
STAT S802F Multivariate and Time Series Analysis (10) MATH S221 Mathematical Methods (10)

Science and Technology

School of
STAT S821F Quantitative and Computational Project MATH S222 Mathematical Models with Applications (10)
(10) MATH S280 Statistical Methods for Decision
Analysis (10)
MATH S333 Advanced Mathematical Methods (5)
MATH S346 Linear Statistical Modelling (10) *
Postgraduate Certificate in MATH S373 Optimization Methods for Decision
Computational Mathematics — Making (10) *
PCCM MATH S390 Quantitative Models for Financial Risk (5)

The PCCM provides an early exit point in the (c) 10 credits from courses:
MSCQACM programme suite. COMP S263 Discrete Structures (10)
MATH S346 Linear Statistical Modelling (10) *
MATH S350 Applied Probability Models for Decision
Programme-specific entry requirements: Making (10)
• a Bachelor’s Degree, or equivalent, in a related MATH S365 Graphs, Networks and Design (10)
MATH S373 Optimization Methods for Decision
discipline from a recognized institution; or
Making (10) *
• a Bachelor’s Degree, or equivalent, in any
(d) Additional courses, as necessary, from any
academic discipline from a recognized
Foundation, Middle or Higher courses offered
institution plus at least two years’ working
by the University, provided that, of the total
experience in relevant fields.
120 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
Foundation level.◊
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
* See note 3 on p. 175.
complete any 20 credits from the following courses: ◊
See note 4 on p. 175.
MATH S811F Computer Algebra and Simulations (10)
MATH S812F Computational Methods for Risk Analysis
and Decision Making (10)
STAT S821F Quantitative and Computational Project
178 科技學院 ● 數學、統計學及決策科學課程

Bachelor of Science with Honours in Bachelor of Science in Statistics and

Mathematical Studies — BSCHMS Decision Science — BSCSDS
Students pursuing this programme must successfully Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 160 credits as follows: complete at least 120 credits as follows:

(a) 20 credits from courses in (a) in BSCMS. (a) 20 credits from:

MATH S121 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics (10)
(b) 70 credits of compulsory courses in (b) in BSCMS. MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)

(c) 20 credits from: (b) 65 credits of compulsory courses:

COMP S359 Relational Databases: Theory and MATH S215 Linear Algebra (5)
Practice (10) MATH S221 Mathematical Methods (10)
MATH S346 Linear Statistical Modelling (10) * MATH S242 Statistics in Society (10)
MATH S365 Graphs, Networks and Design (10) * MATH S249 Practical Modern Statistics (10)
MATH S373 Optimization Methods for Decision MATH S280 Statistical Methods for Decision Analysis
Making (10) (10)
MATH S346 Linear Statistical Modelling (10)
(d) 30 credits from courses: MATH S350 Applied Probability Models for Decision
COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10) Making (10)
COMP S263 Discrete Structures (10)
MATH S249 Practical Modern Statistics (10) (c) 15 credits from courses:
MATH S350 Applied Probability Models for Decision ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
Making (10) ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
MATH S365 Graphs, Networks and Design (10) * COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10)
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
(e) Additional courses, as necessary, from any ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
Foundation, Middle or Higher courses offered by ENVR S237 Environmental Control and Public Health
the University, provided that, of the total 160 (10)
credits, no more than 40 are gained at Foundation FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5)
level.◊ ECON A305 Money and Banking (10)
ECON A314 Econometrics and Forecasting (5)
* See note 3 on p. 175. ECON A316 International Finance (5)

See note 4 on p. 175. ENVR S335 Environmental Control, Monitoring and
Modeling (10)
FIN B386 Financial Decision Making (5)
MATH S365 Graphs, Networks and Design (10)
MATH S373 Optimization Methods in Decision Making
MATH S390 Quantitative Models for Financial Risk (5)
SCI S330 Scientific Research Methods (5)

(d) Additional courses, as necessary, from any

Foundation, Middle or Higher courses offered
by the University, provided that, of the total
120 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
Foundation level.◊

See note 4 on p. 175.
Mathematical Studies, Statistics and Decision Science programmes 179

Bachelor of Science with Honours

New entry pathways —
in Statistics and Decision Science —
BSCHSDS For holders of recognized Higher Diploma
or Associate Degree (or equivalent) in
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 160 credits as follows: a discipline related to mathematics,
statistics, science, or engineering area
(a) 20 credits from courses in (a) in BSCSDS on
from local tertiary institutions.
p. 178.

(b) 65 credits of compulsory courses in (b) in BSCSDS.

(c) 25 credits from courses, of which at least 15

credits must be at Higher Level: Bachelor of Science in Mathematical
COMP S201 Computing Fundamentals with Java (10) Studies (through Pathway 1) — BSCMS1
MATH S365 Graphs, Networks and Design (10)
MATH S373 Optimization Methods in Decision Making
Programme-specific entry requirement:
MATH S390 Quantitative Models for Financial Risk (5) A recognized Higher Diploma or Associate Degree
SCI S330 Scientific Research Methods (5) (or equivalent) major related to mathematical and
statistical studies from a local tertiary institution
(d) 30 credits from courses, of which at least 10

Science and Technology

School of
recognized by the University for the purpose.
credits must be at Higher Level:
ACT B211 Introduction to Accounting I (5)
ACT B212 Introduction to Accounting II (5)
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics (5) complete 40 credits as follows:
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
(a) 30 credits from courses in (b) in BSCMS on
ENVR S237 Environmental Control and Public Health
p. 177, of which at least 20 credits must be gained
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management (5) at Higher level courses including MATH S333 and
MATH S216 Mathematical Analysis (5) MATH S390.
ECON A305 Money and Banking (10)
ECON A314 Econometrics and Forecasting (5) (b) 10 credits from other courses in (b) or (c) in
ECON A316 International Finance (5) BSCMS on p. 177.
ENVR S335 Environmental Control, Monitoring and
Note: Students will not be allowed to take COMP S258 and
Modeling (10)
COMP S263 in this pathway.
FIN B386 Financial Decision Making (5)
MATH S333 Advanced Mathematical Methods (5)

(e) Additional courses, as necessary, from any

Foundation, Middle or Higher courses offered
by the University, provided that, of the total
160 credits, no more than 40 are gained at
Foundation level.◊

See note 4 on p. 175.
180 科技學院 ● 數學、統計學及決策科學課程

Bachelor of Science with Honours Bachelor of Science with Honours

in Mathematical Studies (through in Mathematical Studies (through
Pathway 1) — BSCHMS1 Pathway 2) — BSCHMS2

Programme-specific entry requirement: Programme-specific entry requirement:

A recognized Higher Diploma or Associate Degree A recognized Higher Diploma or Associate Degree
(or equivalent) major related to mathematical and (or equivalent) in a relevant area related to science
statistical studies from a local tertiary institution or engineering from a local teritary instituion
recognized by the University for the purpose. recognized by the University for the purpose.

Students pursuing this programme must successfully Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete 80 credits as follows: complete 90 credits as follows:

(a) 50 credits from courses in (b) in BSCMS on (a) 50 credits from courses in (b) in BSCMS on
p. 177, of which at least 20 credits must be gained p. 177, of which at least 20 credits must be gained
at Higher level courses including MATH S333 and at Higher level courses including MATH S333 and
MATH S390. MATH S390.

(b) 20 credits from Higher level courses in (c) in (b) 20 credits from Higher level courses in (c) in
BSCHMS on p. 178. BSCHMS on p. 178.

(c) 10 credits from courses in (d) in BSCHMS on (c) 20 credits from courses in (d) in BSCHMS on
p. 178. p. 178.

Note: Students will not be allowed to take COMP S201 in this Note: Students will not be allowed to take COMP S201 in this
pathway. pathway.

Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Bachelor of Science in Statistics and

Studies (through Pathway 2) — Decision Science (through Pathway 1)

Programme-specific entry requirement: Programme-specific entry requirement:

A recognized Higher Diploma or Associate Degree A recognized Higher Diploma or Associate Degree
(or equivalent) in a relevant area related to science (or equivalent) major related to mathematical and
or engineering from a local teritary instituion statistical studies from a local tertiary institution
recognized by the University for the purpose. recognized by the University for the purpose.

Students pursuing this programme must successfully Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete 60 credits as follows: complete 40 credits as follows:

(a) 50 credits from courses in (b) in BSCMS on (a) 30 credits from courses in (b) in BSCSDS on
p. 177, of which at least 20 credits must be gained p. 178, of which 20 credits should be from Higher
at Higher level courses including MATH S333 and level courses MATH S350 and MATH S346.
MATH S390.
(b) 10 credits from other courses in (b) or (c) in
(b) 10 credits from other courses in (b) or (c) in BSCSDS on. p. 178.
BSCMS on p. 177.

Note: Students will not be allowed to take COMP S258 and

COMP S263 in this pathway.
Mathematical Studies, Statistics and Decision Science programmes 181

Bachelor of Science with Honours Bachelor of Science with Honours

in Statistics and Decision Science in Statistics and Decision Science
(through Pathway 1) — BSCHSDS1 (through Pathway 2) — BSCHSDS2

Programme-specific entry requirement: Programme-specific entry requirement:

A recognized Higher Diploma or Associate Degree A recognized Higher Diploma or Associate Degree
(or equivalent) major related to mathematical and (or equivalent) in a relevant area related to science
statistical studies from a local tertiary institution or engineering from a local teritary instituion
recognized by the University for the purpose. recognized by the University for the purpose.

Students pursuing this programme must successfully Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete 80 credits as follows: complete 90 credits as follows:

(a) 40 credits from courses in (b) in BSCSDS on (a) 50 credits from courses in (b) in BSCSDS on
p. 178, of which 20 credits should be from Higher p. 178, of which 20 credits should be from Higher
level courses MATH S350 and MATH S346. level courses MATH S350 and MATH S346.

(b) 15 credits from Higher level courses in (c) in (b) 15 credits from Higher level courses in (c) in
BSCHSDS on p. 179. BSCHSDS on p. 179.

Science and Technology

School of
(c) 10 credits from Higher level courses in (d) in (c) 10 credits from Higher level courses in (d) in
BSCHSDS on p. 179. BSCHSDS on p. 179.

(d) 15 credits from other courses in (b), (c) or (d) in (d) 15 credits from other courses in (b), (c) or (d) in
BSCHSDS on p. 179. BSCHSDS on p. 179.

Sub-degree programme
Bachelor of Science in Statistics and
Decision Science (through Pathway 2) Diploma in Applied Statistics — DAS
— BSCSDS2 Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete at least 60 credits as follows:
Programme-specific entry requirement: (a) 20 credits from courses:
A recognized Higher Diploma or Associate Degree MATH S121 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics (10)
MATH S122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics (10)
(or equivalent) in a relevant area related to science
or engineering from a local teritary instituion (b) 40 credits from courses:
recognized by the University for the purpose. MATH S242 Statistics in Society (10)
MATH S280 Statistical Methods for Decision Analysis
Students pursuing this programme must successfully (10)
complete 60 credits as follows: MATH S346 Statistical Methods for Decision Analysis
(a) 40 credits from courses in (b) in BSCSDS on MATH S350 Applied Probability Models for Decision
p. 178, of which 20 credits should be from Higher Making (10)
level courses MATH S350 and MATH S346.
(b) 20 credits from other courses in (b) or (c) in Credits gained in this Diploma can count towards the requirements
BSCSDS on p. 178. for the BSc/BSc(Hons) in Statistics and Decision Science, or
BSc/BSc(Hons) in Mathematical Studies through articulation of
qualifications. Credits from MATH S242 can only be counted as
free choice credits for BSc/BSc(Hons) in Mathematical Studies.
182 科技學院 ● 安全、職業健康及環境管理學課程

Safety, Occupational For enquiries about the programmes, please contact:

Health and Dr Yau Yiu Hung 邱耀雄博士

Tel: 2768 6827

Environmental Email:

Management / Mr Allen Wan 溫志剛先生

Tel: 2768 6844
Environmental Email:

Studies postgraduate School website:

The postgraduate programmes in Safety, Postgraduate programme
Occupational Health and Environmental
Management aim to provide students with Courses in these programmes are to be delivered
integrated knowledge and skills for taking up a in part-time, face-to-face mode with classes on
professional career in environmental protection, weekday evenings, Saturdays or Sundays. English is
occupational health and safety. Students have a the main language used in all the courses in these
choice of exit points and may accumulate sufficient programmes.
credits to be awarded a postgraduate certificate, a
postgraduate diploma, or, if the whole programme
Programme-specific entry requirements:
is completed, a Master’s Degree. Holders of the
Postgraduate Diploma in Safety and Occupational To enrol for the postgraduate programmes in
Health also qualify for registration as a Safety Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental
Officer under Hong Kong’s existing ordinance. With Management (MSCSOHEM, PDSOH and
increased awareness in safety and environmental PCELDM), students should have either:
stewardship among the societies of Hong Kong
(a) a Bachelor of Science (Honours) Degree in
and the Pearl River Delta, these programmes suit
environmental studies, environmental safety,
the emerging demands for professionals specialized
occupational health or relevant subjects, or
in safety review and audits, occupational health
equivalent; or
and environmental research and environmental
decision-making. (b) a Bachelor of Science (Honours) Degree
in any discipline plus at least two years’
The Postgraduate Certificate in Environmental experience in safety, occupational health or
Studies aims to provide students with broad- environmental management or equivalent
based knowledge in environmental science subject; or
and technology for a career in environmental
(c) a Postgraduate Certificate in Environmental
protection. Graduates from this programme
Science and Technology (PCEST) offered by
can extend their study to pursue postgraduate
the OUHK, or an equivalent qualification; or
programmes in Safety, Occupational Health and
Environmental Management. (d) a Postgraduate Certificate in Environmental
Studies (PCES) offered by the OUHK, or
A student should complete the chosen programme
within 6 years of first enrolling in the programme.

Advanced standing / Credit exemption

Holders of recognized postgraduate qualifications
may be granted exemptions of up to 20 credits
for the Master and Postgraduate Diploma
programmes. For details, please see p. 20.
Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Management / Environmental Studies programmes 183

Master of Science in Safety, Postgraduate Certificate in

Occupational Health and Environmental Leadership
Environmental Management — and Decision Making — PCELDM#
MSCSOHEM# This programme provides students with integrated
This master’s programme is specifically designed for knowledge and skills for a professional career in
training students with integrated knowledge and environmental protection and environmental
practical skills to meet the professional requirements management. Graduates will satisfy the requirements
in safety, occupational health and environmental for working in their preferred areas of environmental
management in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta. protection at managerial level.
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete 20 credits from:
complete 60 credits as follows:
ENVR S880F Environmental Leadership and Decision-
(a) 40 credits of compulsory courses: making (20) or
ENVR S860F Theories, Practices and Audit in
ENVR S881CW 環境管理職分和領導力 (5) and
Accidents and Safety (20)
ENVR S882CW 公、私營機構的環境管治 (5) and
ENVR S870F Occupational Health, Food Safety and
ENVR S883CW 環境管理與決策 (5) and
Environmental Hygiene (20)
ENVR S884CW 循環經濟與可持續的環境企業 (5)
(b) 20 credits of courses from:
ENVR S880F Environmental Leadership and Decision-

Science and Technology

School of
Important note:
making (20) or
A student should complete this programme
ENVR S881CW 環境管理職分和領導力 (5) and
ENVR S882CW 公、私營機構的環境管治 (5) and
within 6 years of first enrolling in the programme.
ENVR S883CW 環境管理與決策 (5) and
ENVR S884CW 循環經濟與可持續的環境企業 (5)

Postgraduate Diploma in
Safety and Occupational
Health — PDSOH#
This postgraduate diploma programme provides
students with a theoretical and practical basis for
a professional career in safety and occupational
health. Students will be trained to satisfy the legal
requirements of local government for enrolling as a
Registered Safety Officer.
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete 40 credits of compulsory courses:
ENVR S860F Theories, Practices and Audit in
Accidents and Safety (20)
ENVR S870F Occupational Health, Food Safety and
Environmental Hygiene (20)
184 科技學院 ● 安全、職業健康及環境管理學課程

Postgraduate Certificate in Students pursing the Postgraduate Certificate in

Environmental Studies — Environmental Studies must successfully complete 20
credits of compulsory courses:
PCES# ENVR S830F Environmental Protection in Modern
Society (5)
This programme provides students with sound
ENVR S840F Environmental Management in Practice (5)
theoretical knowledge for taking up challenges in
ENVR S850F Ecological Conservation and Environmental
a career in environmental protection. Graduates
Assessment (10)
will grasp the advanced knowledge and skills for
# See Important note on p. 183.
progressing into postgraduate studies in safety,
occupational health and environmental management.
Upon successful completion of the programme,
students should be able to demonstrate broad-based
knowledge and apply skills in analysis, monitoring,
control, assessment and management of the
environment and ecosystems.

Programme-specific entry requirements:

To enrol for the Postgraduate Certificate in
Environmental Studies, students should have
(a) a Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied
Science (Biology and Chemistry) offered by
the OUHK, or equivalent; or
(b) a Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied
Science (Energy and Environmental
Management for Buildings and Facilities)
offered by the OUHK, or equivalent; or
(c) a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental
Studies offered by the OUHK, or equivalent; or
(d) any recognized Bachelor of Science Degree
offered by a local or overseas institution, or
equivalent professional qualification, which is
relevant to Environmental Studies or Health
and Safety; or
(e) a Bachelor of Science (Hons) Degree in any
discipline; or
(f) an ordinary degree, or equivalent, in
any discipline plus at least two years of
demonstrable experiences in environmental
protection, public health, occupational safety
or relevant disciplines; or
(g) a recognized academic qualification of
higher diploma or Associate Degree level,
or equivalent, plus at least six years of
demonstrable experiences in environmental
protection, public health, occupational safety
or relevant disciplines.
Environmental Leadership and Decision Making programmes 185

環境領導及決策深造 查詢課程內容,請聯絡:

Prof. K C Ho 何建宗教授
課程 電話號碼:2768 6800
學生提供綜合知識、技術和領導才能的培訓,使其成 Dr Yau Yiu Hung 邱耀雄博士
電話號碼:2768 6827
取得20學分:E N V R S881C W, E N V R S882C W,
ENVR S883CW 及 ENVR S884CW。這四門學科將 深造證書課程
環境領導及決策深造證書 —

Science and Technology

School of



1. 持有自然科學、環境學、工程學、職業健康及安

2. 持有工商管理、人文社會科學、教育或其他領域

3. 持有高級文憑或其他等同的學歷,並具備至少三

修讀本課程的學生,必須修畢以下科目,取得 20 學分:
ENVR S881CW 環境管理職分和領導力 (5)
ENVR S882CW 公、私營機構的環境管治 (5)
ENVR S883CW 環境管理與決策 (5)
ENVR S884CW 循環經濟與可持續的環境企業 (5)
186 科技學院 ● 能源、可持續發展環境學課程

Postgraduate programmes
Energy and Environmental Courses in these programmes are to be delivered
Sustainability postgraduate in part-time, face-to-face mode with classes on
weekday evenings, Saturdays or Sundays. English is the
programmes main language, but with some learning components
and readings in Chinese. Students are expected to be
The postgraduate programme in Energy and
able to read professional articles, journals and industry
Environmental Sustainability aims to provide a
activity reports in Chinese.
continuing learning and certification pathway
to postgraduate qualifications for science and
technology professionals. It is a staged programme Programme-specific entry requirements:
made up of 3 parts, each individually permitting To enrol for the postgraduate programmes in
exit with a graduate certificate. The attainment of Energy and Environmental Sustainability —
all three graduate certificates results in the award MSCEES, PCEES(EMA) and PCEES(CPG), students
of the MSc. should have:
The postgraduate certificates require 20 credits • a recognised Bachelor’s Degree in Energy,
each of focused learning in: Energy Management Environmental Technology, Environmental
and Audits; Cleaner Production and Green Studies, Applied Sciences or equivalent
Technology; and Environmental Leadership and qualification in a relevant discipline; or
Decision-making. The programme is directed • a Postgraduate Certificate in Environmental
at providing advanced technical training in Studies (PCES) offered by the OUHK.
areas of substantial global importance and
growth, including an inevitable and unavoidable
transformation of the world’s major infrastructure
for energy provision and utilization. Master of Science in
A student should complete the chosen programme Energy and Environmental
within 6 years of first enrolling in the programme. Sustainability — MSCEES
Advanced standing / Credit exemption The aim of this programme is to develop awareness
and skills in the area of energy management and
Holders of recognized postgraduate qualifications
conservation as well as environmental protection, and to
may be granted exemptions of up to 20 credits for
enable students to carry out energy and environmental
the Master programme. For details, please see
audits of office buildings, industrial facilities and
p. 20.
utilities for global environmental sustainability.
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete 60 credits as follows:
(a) 40 credits from:
ENVR S890F Energy Management and Audits (20)
ENVR S891F Cleaner Production and Green
Technology (20)

(b) 20 credits of courses from:

ENVR S880F Environmental Leadership and Decision-
making (20) or
ENVR S881CW 環境管理職分和領導力 (5) and
ENVR S882CW 公、私營機構的環境管治 (5) and
For enquiries about the programmes, please contact: ENVR S883CW 環境管理與決策 (5) and
ENVR S884CW 循環經濟與可持續的環境企業 (5)
Ir Dr Yau Yiu Hung 邱耀雄博士 工程師
Tel: 2768 6827
Email: Important note:
A student has to complete this programme within
School website: six years of first enrolling in the programme.
Energy and Environmental Sustainability postgraduate programmes 187

Postgraduate Certificate in Postgraduate Certificate in

Energy and Environmental Energy and Environmental
Sustainability (Energy Management Sustainability (Cleaner Production
and Audits) — PCEES(EMA)# and Green Technology) — PCEES(CPG)#
The aim of this programme is to provide students The aim of this programme is to provide training
with a theoretical and practical basis for a professional in environmental management and sustainable
career in energy management and environmental development in an industrial context. It covers
protection. Graduates will satisfy the needs for the environmental issues surrounding industrial
working in the popular areas of energy saving and processes, including the legislative framework, and
audits. explains how to minimize pollution and resource
usage whilst operating a productive enterprise.
Students pursuing this programme must successfully
complete 20 credits as follows: Students pursuing this programme must successfully
ENVR S890F Energy Management and Audits (20) complete 20 credits as follows:
ENVR S891F Cleaner Production and Green
Technology (20)
Postgraduate Certificate in
Environmental Leadership
and Decision Making — PCELDM#

Science and Technology

School of
See 'Important note' on p. 186.
(Please refer to p. 183 for details.)
188 科技學院 ● 能源、環境科技管理學課程

Energy and For enquiries about the programmes, please contact:

Environmental Ir Dr Yau Yiu Hung 邱耀雄博士 工程師

Tel: 2768 6827

Technology Management Email:

postgraduate School website:

With the increasing public awareness of energy Postgraduate programme
and environmental pollution problems, there is an
emerging demand in Hong Kong for professionals Courses in this programme are to be delivered in a
specializing in energy and environmental face-to-face mode with classes on weekday evenings,
technology management. Environmental Saturdays or Sundays. English is the main language,
performance and measures are important but with some learning components and readings
components of modern management practice. in Chinese. Students are expected to be able to read
professional articles, journals and industry activity
The Master of Engineering in Energy and reports in Chinese. Full-time students can complete
Environmental Technology Management (MEEETM) the programme in one year. Part-time students can
is specifically designed to meet the market demand complete the programme in two years. A student has
for energy-saving technology and environmental to complete this programme within six years of first
management. The programme also covers cleaner enrolling in the programme.
production and pollution prevention in a market-
based economy.
Programme-specific entry requirements:
A student should complete the chosen programme To enrol for the Master of Engineering in Energy
within 6 years of first enrolling in the programme. and Environmental Technology Management,
students should have:
Advanced standing / Credit exemption
Holders of recognized postgraduate qualifications • a recognized Bachelor Degree in Engineering
may be granted exemptions of up to 20 credits for or equivalent qualification in a relevant
the Master of Engineering programme. For details, discipline; or
please see p. 20. • Postgraduate Certificate in Environmental
Studies (PCES) offered by the OUHK.
Energy and Environmental Technology Management postgraduate programmes 189

Master of Engineering in
Energy and Environmental
Technology Management — MEEETM
This programme will accept new students in the
October semester only.

This programme is designed to enable engineers and

other technical professionals to take a leadership
role in the field of energy management and
environmental technology. It is also suitable for
engineering or science students and provides training
in energy and environmental audits, and sustainable
development in an industrial context. It will cover
a variety of procedures and practices that are used
to minimize the negative environmental impact of
industrial processes and products.

Students pursuing this programme must successfully

complete 60 credits as follows:

Science and Technology

School of
(a) 40 credits of compulsory courses:
ENVR S890F Energy Management and Audits (20)
ENVR S892F Environmental Engineering and Design (20)

(b) 20 credits from electives courses:

ENGG S826F Engineering Management, Engineering
Project Management and Development (20)
ENGG S837F Systems Engineering (10)
ENGG S838F Innovation and Technology Management

Important Note:
There is a specific New Students Application
Form for this programme. Please download the
form from the following website:
190 科技學院 ● 護理學課程

香港的護理學教育分為基本程度和進階程度兩個層 護理學學士 — BN

課程指定入學條件 :
重要事項 修讀課程科目,該等科目合共 90 學分。

護理學高級文憑(90 學分),並修畢下列科目,取得 30
NURS S301 Comparative Studies in Health (10)
NURS S305 Health Assessment and Primary Health
Care (10)
NURS S310 Professional Nursing Practice (10)

護理學學士(循途徑一)— BN1

課程指定入學條件 :

循 BN1「途徑一」修讀本課程之學生,必須修畢至少 40
註: 學分。詳情如下:
1. 科目編號以“1”起首的,為基礎程度科目。
a) 修畢下列指定科目,取得 30 學分:
NURS S301 Comparative Studies in Health (10)
科目編號以“3”起首的,為高級程度科目。 NURS S305 Health Assessment and Primary Health Care
2. 學分值列於科目名稱後面的括號之內。 NURS S310 Professional Nursing Practice (10)

b) 選修由本校開設的其他中級或高級程度科目,取得
10 學分。

Dr Mimi Tiu 刁美霞博士

電話號碼:2768 6831

Nursing programmes 191

副學位課程 (ii) 在 1 至 3 項內任何一個科目達 C 級

精神健康護理學高級文憑 — HDMHN 上。或
(本課程只於每年十月學期招收新生。) (c) 於香港護士管理局登記後具備至少三個月
(i) 於香港高級程度會考高級程度科目取
得兩科 E 級或以上,或於高級程度科

課程指定入學條件 : 目取得一科 E 級或以上及高級補充程

度科目取得兩科 E 級或以上(不包括
(A) 香港護士管理局認可的精神科登記護士;及
(B) 現於香港醫療機構任職的精神科登記護士;及

(C) (a) 於香港護士管理局登記後具備至少三年精
(ii) 於高級補充程度英語運用科及中國語
文及文化科取得 E 級或以上 ; 或
(b) 於香港護士管理局登記後具備一年精神科
(iii) 於香港文憑考試取得五科成績,或同

Science and Technology

School of
護理工作的經驗及取得以下的學歷 :
(i) 在香港中學會考取得至少五科及格,
1. 五科必修科為 : 四個核心科目,其
其中包括 :
1. 中國語文達 d 級(或第三級)或
2. 以下任何一科理科科目達 E 級或
2. 在甲類的新高中科目 * 中取得一科
以 上: 生 物、 化 學、 人 類 生 物
* 有關甲類的新高中選修科目之詳情,請參閱香港
3. 以下任何兩個科目達 E 級(或英
學、 中 國 歷 史、 中 國 文 學、 商 修讀本課程的學生,必須完成下列科目,合共 90 學分。

業、電腦與資訊科技、設計與科 NURS S101C 基礎生命科學 (10)

NURS S104C 精神健康 (5)
NURS S114C 治療性精神護理學I (10)
濟、經濟及公共事務、電子與電 NURS S202C 行為科學(護士科目) (10)
學、 英 國 語 文( 課 程 甲 或 乙 )、 NURS S208C 健康促進 (5)
NURS S214C 治療性精神護理學II (10)
英國文學、法文、地理、政府與 NURS S223C 臨床實習(精神健康) (30)
公共事務、圖象傳意、歷史、家 NURS S300C 護理專業透視 (10)

政(膳食、家居與家庭)、人類生 此外,香港護士管理局規定,所有欲獲取註冊護士(精
物學、綜合人文、數學、音樂、 神科)執業資格的精神健康護理學高級文憑學員,其輔
體育、物理、會計學原理、普通 學服務出席率必須達 80%,以及他們必須於三年半內完
話、宗教、科學與科技、社會教 成整個課程。
4. 其他任何一個科目達 E 級或以上;

192 科技學院 ● 護理學課程

護理學高級文憑 — HDN 體育、物理、會計學原理、普

(本課程只於每年四月學期招收新生。) 通話、宗教、科學與科技、社
針對本港護理專業化發展的需要,本課程旨在提升香港 會教育、視覺藝術、英文文書
登記護士(普通科)的護理知識水平,幫助他們獲取香 處理及商業通訊;
港護士管理局「註冊護士(普通科)」的執業資格。 4. 其他任何一個科目達 E 級或以
課程指定入學條件 :
(A) 香港護士管理局認可的普通科登記護士;及 (ii) 在 1 至 3 項內任何一個科目達 C 級
(B) 現於香港醫療機構任職的普通科登記護士;及
(C) (a) 於香港護士管理局登記後具備至少三年普
(c) 於香港護士管理局登記後具備三個月普通
(b) 於香港護士管理局登記後具備一年普通科
(i) 於香港高級程度會考高級程度科目
護理工作的經驗及取得以下的學歷 :
取得兩科 E 級或以上,或於高級程
(i) 在 香 港 中 學 會 考 取 得 至 少 五 科 及 度科目取得一科 E 級或以上及高級
格,其中包括: 補充程度科目取得兩科 E 級或以上
1. 中國語文達 d 級(或第三級)
(ii) 於高級補充程度英語運用科及中國
2. 以下任何一科理科科目達 E 級
語文及文化科取得 E 級或以上 ; 或
物學、數學、物理; (iii) 於香港文憑考試取得五科成績,或
3. 以下任何兩個科目達 E 級(或
英國語文第二級) 或以上:膳 1. 五科必修科為 : 四個核心科目,
宿服務、附加數學、生物、佛 其中包括英國語文及中國語文
學、化學、中國歷史、中國文 第三級或以上;數學及通識教
學、商業、電腦與資訊科技、 育第二級或以上,及
2. 在甲類的新高中選修科目 * 中取
選 課 程 )、 經 濟、 經 濟 及 公 共
* 有關甲類的新高中選修科目之詳情,請參閱香港
圖 象 傳 意、 歷 史、 家 政( 膳
修讀本課程的學生,必須完成下列科目,合共 90 學分。
食、 家 居 與 家 庭 )、 人 類 生 物
NURS S101C 基礎生命科學 (10)
學、 綜 合 人 文、 數 學、 音 樂、 NURS S112C 兒童及成人護理學(一) (10)
NURS S202C 行為科學(護士科目) (10)
NURS S208C 健康促進 (5)
NURS S212C 兒童及成人護理學(二) (10)
NURS S213C 專科護理學 (5)
NURS S222C 臨床實習 (30)
NURS S300C 護理專業透視 (10)

必須達 80%,以及他們必須於三年半內完成整個課程。
Nursing programmes 193

精神健康護理學高級文憑(循途徑一) 護理學高級文憑(循途徑一) — HDN1

— HDMHN1 (本課程只於每年四月學期招收新生。)
針對本港護理專業化發展的需要,本課程旨在提升香港 登記護士(普通科)的護理知識水平,幫助他們獲取香
登記護士(精神科)的護理知識水平,幫助他們獲取香 港護士管理局「註冊護士(普通科)」的執業資格。
課程指定入學條件 :

課程指定入學條件 : 必須持有香港公開大學普通科護理學高級文憑之資

必須持有香港公開大學精神科護理學高級文憑之資 歷,並符合下列要求:

歷,並符合下列要求: (A) 香港護士管理局認可的普通科登記護士;及

(A) 香港護士管理局認可的精神科登記護士;及 (B) 現於香港醫療機構任職的普通科登記護士;及

(B) 現於香港醫療機構任職的精神科登記護士;及 (C) 於香港護士管理局登記後具備至少三個月普通

(C) 於香港護士管理局登記後具備至少三個月精神 科護理工作的經驗。或

Science and Technology


School of
修讀本課程的學生,必須完成下列科目,合共 85 學分。
NURS S101C 基礎生命科學 (10)
修讀本課程的學生,必須完成下列科目,合共 85 學分。 NURS S112C 兒童及成人護理學(一) (10)
NURS S101C 基礎生命科學 (10) NURS S202C 行為科學(護士科目) (10)
NURS S104C 精神健康 (5) NURS S212C 兒童及成人護理學(二) (10)
NURS S114C 治療性精神護理學I (10) NURS S213C 專科護理學 (5)
NURS S202C 行為科學(護士科目) (10) NURS S222C 臨床實習 (30)
NURS S214C 治療性精神護理學II (10) NURS S300C 護理專業透視 (10)
NURS S223C 臨床實習(精神健康) (30)
NURS S300C 護理專業透視 (10)
此外,香港護士管理局規定,所有欲獲取註冊護士(精 必須達 80%,以及他們必須於三年半內完成整個課程。
學服務出席率必須達 80%,以及他們必須於三年半內完
194 科技學院 ● 護理學課程


Confirmation of practicum


To: Admissions Section, Registry

Room A0511, 5th Floor, The Open University of Hong Kong
30 Good Shepherd Street
Homantin, HK
致: 九龍何文田牧愛街30號
香港公開大學5樓A0511 室
(please √ if appropriate 請於適用項目劃上「√」號)

For October 2014 presentation 只適用於2014年10月學期入學之用

Re: Application for registration on the programme of Higher Diploma in Mental Health Nursing
This is to confirm that I will make myself available for the NURS S223C Practicum (approximately 1,400 hours)
starting from October 2016.
本人將會如期參加於2016年10月起舉行的NURS S 2 2 3 C 臨床實習課(為期約1,400小時),特此函達。

For April 2015 presentation 只適用於2015年4月學期入學之用

Re: Application for registration on the programme of Higher Diploma in Nursing
This is to confirm that I will make myself available for the NURS S222C Practicum (approximately 1,400 hours)
starting from April 2017.
本人將會如期參加於2017年4月起舉行的NURS S 2 2 2 C 臨床實習課(為期約1,400小時),特此函達。

Yours sincerely,
Signature of applicant:
HKID card number:
Place of work (Hospital/Institution):

For Hospital Authority staff

Please indicate if you have applied for sponsorship from the Hospital Authority by checking one of the following boxes:
Yes, I have applied for sponsorship from the Hospital Authority. I will attend the practicum if my application
is successful. I will resign from the Hospital Authority to attend the practicum if my application is
No, I have not applied for sponsorship from the Hospital Authority. I will resign from the Hospital Authority
to attend the practicum.
Nursing programmes 195

隨着本港人口老化及慢性疾病愈來愈普及,醫療系統 健康學證書(社區健康護理)—
的負擔亦持續上升。故此近來的醫療政策不斷提倡加 CHSCHC
強社區健康護理的發展,使護理對象可以在社區接受 本課程旨在配合社區健康護理的發展,教導學生基本的
護理,並同時解決醫院地方及人手不足的問題。有見 護理知識及操作技巧,使他們可以在社區執行基本的護
及此,香港公開大學科技學院開辦了基礎程度和進階 理工作。學生修畢本課程後,除了獲得證書學歷外,更
程度的健康學(社區健康護理)課程,培訓專業的社區 可向社會福利署申請註冊為「安老院保健員」及「殘疾
健康工作者,為長者、長期病患者、殘疾人士、非傳 人士院舍保健員」 *,並可於安老院及殘疾人士院舍任職
染性病患者及精神病患者提供全面的社區健康護理。 保健員職位。



修讀本課程的學生,必須完成下列科目,合共 30 學分,

Science and Technology

School of

HESC S101C 人類生物學 (10)

HESC S102C 個人護理: 概念、技能與實務 (一) (10)
HESC S103C 個人護理: 概念、技能與實務 (二) (10)

另外,本課程包括院舍實習(80 小時)及醫療機構參觀
(16 小時),學生必須出席。




1. 科目編號以“1”起首的,為基礎程度科目。


2. 學分值列於科目名稱後面的括號之內。

* 本課程已獲社會福利署認可。


Dr Linda Lee 李燕瓊博士

電話號碼:2768 6806

196 科技學院 ● 健康學課程






修讀本課程的學生,必須完成下列科目,合共 60 學分,
並於兩年內完成課程。首年修讀的 30 學分,是屬於健康

HESC S101C 人類生物學 (10)

HESC S102C 個人護理: 概念、技能與實務 (一) (10)
HESC S103C 個人護理: 概念、技能與實務 (二) (10)
HESC S104C 健康概念及人際行為 (10)
HESC S201C 社區護理:概念與實務 (5)
HESC S202C 關懷特殊的需要:理論與實務 (10)
HESC S203C 社區護理服務研習 (5)

另外,本課程在首年安排了院舍實習(80 小時)及醫療
機構參觀(16 小時),學生必須出席。



** 全日制普通科護理學高級文憑或精神科護理學高級文憑課程的名額

Appendix A 附錄A
Sample certifying letter from employer
(For applicants of programmes with work experience requirements)


(Name of organization 機構名稱)

(Address 地址)

(Address 地址)

(Address 地址)

To: Admissions Section, Registry

The Open University of Hong Kong
致: 香港公開大學

Re: Application for registration on

申請報讀 (Name of programme requiring certifying letter 要求僱主證明之課程名稱)

This is to certify that , whose

謹證明 (Name of applicant 申請人姓名) 其

Application no. is , is employed by this organization

申請號碼為 現任職本公司為

as and has been in that position for years and months.

(Position 職位) 其擔任此職已有 年 月。

Yours sincerely,


Name: Position:
姓名 職位

Organization’s chop:

* For MBA/MBAC/MCG/MEC/MHRM, it must be certified that the position is at managerial/supervisory level.


Appendix B 附錄B
Admissions Supplementary Form for Programmes with Specific Entry Requirements
Please fill in the relevant parts of this form according to your programme's entry requirements and attach supporting
documents. Return this form and the documents with your application form for admission.

To: Admissions Office, Registry 致: 香港公開大學

The Open University of Hong Kong 教務處入學組
A0511 30 Good Shepherd Street 何文田牧愛街30號A0511室
Ho Man Tin
Fax: (852) 2761 3935 傳真: (852) 2761 3935

From: ( )
Name of Applicant 申請人姓名 HKID Card No. 身份證號碼

Daytime Contact Number:

Re: Application for registration on (programme title)


List your academic qualifications as required by the programme you are applying for, including any current studies,
in chronological order. Attach copies of your academic credentials (e.g. copies of award certificates and transcript of
studies). Academic credentials that are not in English/Chinese should be accompanied by a certified translation in
English. (Orginal documents will need to be presented for verification upon request by the University.)

Date of Attendance Name of Institution and Country Qualification(s) Obtained

(mm/yyyy to mm/yyyy) 學府名稱和國家 所獲學歷

II. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS(in chronological order) 其他專業資格(請順序列出)

Please attach copies of documentary evidence of your professional qualifications/memberships. (Orginal documents will
need to be presented for vertification upon request by the University.)

Qualification/Membership Obtained Awarding Professional Body and Country (Full Name) Date of Award
所獲專業資格 頒授資格的專業機構和國家(全名) 頒發日期

III. AWARDS OR SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED (in chronological order) 獎狀或獎學金(請順序列出)

Awards or Scholarships Date of Award

獎狀或獎學金 頒授日期

IV. WORK EXPERIENCE (in chronological order) 工作經驗(請順序列出)

Please attach a full curriculum vitae (maximum of 5 pages) and supporting documents of work experience. (Orginal
documents will need to be presented for vertification upon request by the University.)

Period of Employment
Position Held Name of Firm/Institute/Organization
(please specify no. of years)
職位 工作機構

Total no. of years of relevant work experience 相關的工作經驗年數 years 年 months 月

Signature: Date:
簽名 日期

Appendix C 附錄C
Public libraries with OUHK course materials

Public Libraries 公共圖書館 Telephone 電話

Hong Kong District 香港區

Aberdeen Public Library 香港仔公共圖書館 2921 1055

City Hall Public Library* 大 會 堂 公 共 圖 書 館* 2921 2672

Central Reference Library, 香港中央圖書館8樓 2921 0222

8/F of Hong Kong Central Library* 中 央 參 考 圖 書 館*

Quarry Bay Public Library 鰂魚涌公共圖書館 2922 4058

Kowloon District 九龍區

Kowloon Public Library* 九 龍 公 共 圖 書 館* 2926 4062

Lai Chi Kok Public Library 荔枝角公共圖書館 2746 4270

Ngau Chi Wan Public Library 牛池灣公共圖書館 2927 6055

Shui Wo Street Public Library 瑞和街公共圖書館 2927 3055

Yau Ma Tei Public Library 油麻地公共圖書館 2928 6055

New Territories 新界區

Cheung Chau Public Library 長洲公共圖書館 2981 5455

Shatin Public Library* 沙 田 公 共 圖 書 館* 2694 3729

Tseung Kwan O Public Library 將軍澳公共圖書館 2706 8101

Tsing Yi Public Library 青衣公共圖書館 2497 2904

Tsuen Wan Public Library* 荃 灣 公 共 圖 書 館* 2490 3891

Tuen Mun Public Library* 屯 門 公 共 圖 書 館* 2450 7129

Yuen Long Public Library 元朗公共圖書館 2479 2511

* Materials for postgraduate courses are available only in these locations.

* 深造程度科目的教材只存放於這些圖書館。

Appendix D 附錄D
Useful contact numbers and email addresses

Office Phone Fax Email

Enquiries 查詢內容 部門 電話 傳真 電子郵遞

Information Centre 諮詢中心 2711 2100 2715 0760

24-hour Infoline 24小時資訊聆 2309 2188
Website 網址 (
Entry requirements 入學條件
Application procedures 申請手續
Re-registration for continuing students 舊生選科
Admissions and
Course offer 學額分配 Student Records Office 2768 6601-3 2761 3935
Payment of course fees 繳交學費 入學及學生紀錄組

Change of course 更改科目

Late registration 逾時註冊

Advice on course choices 選科及課程輔導

and programmes of study
• School of Arts and Social Sciences 人文社會科學院 2768 5721 2391 3184
• Lee Shau Kee School of Business and 李兆基商業管理學院
Administration Course Coordinators 2768 6940 2391 9095
• School of Education and Languages 教育及語文學院 學科主任 2768 5817 2395 4235
• School of Science and Technology 科技學院 2768 6824 2789 1170
• Bachelor of General Studies 通識教育學士 Admissions and 2768 6608 8148 3374
Student Records Office
Advanced Standing (Credit Transfer) 學分承認 Advanced Standing Office 2768 6624 8148 3375
Student financial assistance 學生資助 Student Affairs Office 2768 6636 2712 2301
Assistance to students with special 有特別學習需要 學生事務處 2768 6634 8148 3376
educational needs 學生援助
Student ID Card 學生證 Student Records Office 2768 6606/7 8148 3374
Re-allocation of class section 更改導修組別 Tutors, Assignments & 2768 6677 8148 3377
Time-tabling Office
Non-receipt of course materials 尚未收到教材 Educational Technology 2186 7146-9 2714 3324
and Publishing Unit
Set books 指定教科書 教育科技出版部

Data protection 保障個人資料 Data Protection Officer 2392 9132

Equal opportunities 平等機會 Equal Opportunities Officer 2392 9132
Interest-free tuition loan 學費免息分期 Wing Lung Bank Credit 2928 6668
Card Centre

List of OUHK programmes 香港公開大學課程總覽

(October 2014 presentation 2014年10月學期)
Programme title 課程名稱 Programme code 課程編號 Page 頁數

Postgraduate programmes 深造課程

School of Arts & Social Sciences 人文社會科學院
Master of Arts in 文學碩士 :
• Applied English Linguistics MAAEL 72
(Accept new students in the September semester only)
• 實用翻譯 (只於每年九月學期招收新生) MAAT 73
• 中國文學 (只於每年九月學期招收新生) MACL 62
• Cultural and Heritage Tourism (English version) MACAHT 38
(Accept new students in the September semester only)
• 文化及保育旅遊(中文版) (只於每年九月學期招收新生) MACAHTC 39
• Legal Translation MALT 75
(Accept new students in the September semester only)
Master of Social Sciences in:

• Liberal Studies MSSCLS 52

• Industrial-Organizational Psychology MSSCIOPSY 58
(Accept new students in the September semester only)

Postgraduate Diploma in 深造文憑:

• Applied English Linguistics PDAEL 72
• 實用翻譯 (只於每年九月學期招收新生) PDAT 74
• Cultural and Heritage Tourism PDCAHT 40
(Accept new students in the September semester only)
• Liberal Studies PDLS 53

• Liberal Studies (Content and Pedagogy) PDLSCP 53
Postgraduate Certificate in 深造證書:
• Cultural and Heritage Tourism PCCAHT 40
(Accept new students in the September semester only)
• Liberal Studies PCLS 53

Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration 李兆基商業管理學院

Doctor of Business Administration (Accept new students in the October semester only) DBA 78
Master of:
• Business Administration MBA (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 80, 82
• Business Administration MBAF 81
• Business in Research Methods MBRM/MBRMC (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 83
• Corporate Governance MCG 84
• Electronic Commerce MEC (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 84
• Financial Services MFS (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 85
• Human Resource Management MHRM (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 85
• Laws in Chinese Business Law LLMCBL (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 78
• Professional Accounting MPA (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 86

This is a part-time face-to-face programme. 此乃兼讀制面授課程。

This is a full-time/part-time face-to-face programme. 此乃全日制/兼讀制面授課程。
This is an e-learning programme. 此乃網上學習課程。

• 工商管理碩士(中文面授課程) MBACF 81
• 工商管理碩士(中文) MBAC (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 82
• 中國商法法律碩士 LLMCBLC (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 79
• 會計專業碩士(中文) MPACW 86
Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting PDPA 86
Postgraduate Certificate in Chinese Business Law PCCBL 79
中國商法法律深造證書 PCCBLC 80

School of Education and Languages 教育及語文學院

Doctor of Education 教育博士 (Accept new students in the October semester only) EDD 110
Master of Education 教育碩士 MED (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 111, 113
Master of Education in 教育碩士 :
• Chinese Language Education 教育碩士(中國語文教育) MEDCLE (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 111,113
• English Language Education 教育碩士(英國語文教育) MEDELE (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 111,113
• Liberal Studies Education 教育碩士(通識教育) MEDLSE1 112
• Drama and Language Education 教育碩士(戲劇與語文教育) MEDDLE (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 112,114
Master of Language Studies (Chinese Linguistics) MLSCL (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 127
Postgraduate Certificate in 深造證書 :
• Chinese Language Education 中國語文教育 PGCCLE 115
• Educational Management 教育管理 PGCEM 115
• Child Development 兒童發展 PGCCD 115
• Curriculum and Assessment 課程與評估 PGCCA 115
• English Language and Language Learning in the Contemporary World PGCLLLCW 115
• English Studies for Language Teaching 教學英文學科研究 PGCESLT 115
• Chinese Studies for Language Teaching 教學中文學科研究 PGCCSLT 115
• Liberal Studies Education 通識教育教學 PGCLSE 115
• Drama Education 戲劇教育 PGCDE 115
Postgraduate Diploma in Education 學位教師教育文憑 :
• Primary 小學 PGDEP (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 116
• Secondary 中學 PGDES (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 117

School of Science & Technology 科技學院

Doctor of Engineering DENG 148
Master of Engineering in:
• Engineering Management MEEM 149
(Accept new students in the October semester only)
• Energy and Environmental Technology Management MEEETM 188
(Accept new students in the October semester only)
Master of Science in:
• Energy and Environmental Sustainability MSCEES 186
• Information Technology with Internet Applications MSCITIA 142
• Quantitative Analysis and Computational Mathematics MSCQACM 176
• Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Management MSCSOHEM 183
• Testing and Certification MSCTC 168
Postgraduate Diploma in:
• Internet Technology and Applications PDITA 143
• Quantitative Analysis and Computational Mathematics PDQACM 176
• Safety and Occupational Health PDSOH 183
• Testing and Certification PDTC 169

This is a part-time face-to-face programme. 此乃兼讀制面授課程。

This is a full-time/part-time face-to-face programme. 此乃全日制/兼讀制面授課程。
This is an e-learning programme. 此乃網上學習課程。

Postgraduate Certificate in:

• Computational Mathematics PCCM 177
• Energy and Environmental Sustainability PCEES(CPG) 187
(Cleaner Production and Green Technology)
• Energy and Environmental Sustainability PCEES(EMA) 187
(Energy Management and Audits)
• Environmental Leadership and Decision Making PCELDM 183
• Environmental Studies PCES 184
• Multimedia and Internet Technology PCMIT 143
• Quantitative Analysis PCQA 177
• Testing and Certification PCTC 169
• 環境領導及決策 PCELDMW 185

Bachelor's Degree programmes 學士學位課程

School of Arts & Social Sciences 人文社會科學院

• 中國人文學科 BACH/BAHCH 64–65
• 中國語言及文學 BACLL/BAHCLL 62–63
• 語言與翻譯 BALT/BAHLT 66–67
• 中英語文 BACE/BAHCE 69–70
Bachelor of Social Sciences BSSC 59
Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours BSSCH 59
Bachelor of Social Sciences/Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours in:
• 中國研究 China Studies BSSCCS/BSSCHCS 34–36
• Economics BSSCE/BSSCHE 41–42
• Economics (with Finance or Management) BSSCHEF/BSSCHEM 42
• Law Enforcement and Security Management BSSCLESM/BSSCHLESM 44–47, 49–50
(with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)

• Liberal Studies BSSCLS/BSSCHLS 54

• Public Administration BSSCPA/BSSCHPA 56–57

Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration 李兆基商業管理學院

Bachelor of Business Administration BBA (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 88
Bachelor of Business Administration/Bachelor of Business
Administration with Honours in:
• Accounting BBAACCT/BBAHACCT 89–90
(with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)
• Banking and Finance BBABF/BBAHBF 91–92
(with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)
• Corporate Administration BBACA/BBAHCA 93–94
(with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)
• Management BBAMGT/BBAHMGT 96–98
(with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)

This is a part-time face-to-face programme. 此乃兼讀制面授課程。

This is an e-learning programme. 此乃網上學習課程。

Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management BBAHRM (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 94
Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business BBAIB (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 95
Bachelor of Business Administration in Logistics and Supply Chain BBALSCM (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 95–96
Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing BBAMKTG 98
(with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)
工商管理學士(中文) BBAC (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 99–100
中國商業工商管理學士(中文) BBACBC 101
(with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)

Bachelor of Electronic Commerce/Bachelor of Electronic Commerce BEC/BECH 101–102

(Honours) (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)

School of Education and Languages 教育及語文學院

Bachelor of Language Studies (English) (Honours) and BLSHPGDEP 118
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Primary) (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)

Bachelor of Language Studies (English) (Honours) and BLSHPGDES 119
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)

Bachelor of Language Studies (English) 語言研究學士(英文) BLSE (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 128
Bachelor of Language Studies (English) (Honours) BLSEH (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 128
Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Early Childhood BEDHECELS 122
Education: Leadership and Special Educational Needs)
Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education BEDECE 123
Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education BEDECESEN 123
(Special Educational Needs)
Bachelor of General Studies 通識教育學士 BGS 133

School of Science & Technology 科技學院

Bachelor of Computing/Bachelor of Computing with Honours in BCOMP/BCOMPHIT 144–146
Internet Technology (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)

Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Science with Honours in:

• Applied Science (Biology & Chemistry) BSCAS/BSCHAS 140
• Applied Science (Biology and Chemistry) (Day-time top-up Degree BSCHASD 141
Programme) (Accept new students in the October semester only)
• Computing and Networking BSCCN/BSCHCN 144–147
(with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)

• Computer Engineering BSCCE/BSCHCE 150–151, 154–157

(with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)

• Communications Technology BSCCT/BSCHCT 151–152, 157–158

(with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)

• Design and Innovation BSCDI 167

• Electronics BSCE/BSCHE 152–153, 159–160
(with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)

• Engineering Mechanics, Materials and Design BSCEMMD/BSCHEMMD 162–165

(with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)

• Environmental Studies BSCES/BSCHES 172–173

• Environmental Studies (Day-time top-up Degree Programme) BSCHESD 174
(Accept new students in the October semester only)
• Mathematical Studies BSCMS/BSCHMS 177–180
(with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)

• Product Design,Testing and Certification BSCPDTC/BSCHPDTC 170–171

(with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)

• Statistics and Decision Science BSCSDS/BSCHSDS 178–181

(with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)

Bachelor of Science with Honours in:

• Communications Technology (with Management) BSCHCTM 152
• Electronics (with Management) BSCHEM 154
• Engineering Mechanics, Materials and Design (with Management) BSCHEMMDM 163
• Environmental Studies (with Management) BSCHESM 173
護理學學士 BN 190
(with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)

Sub-degree programmes 副學位課程

School of Arts & Social Sciences 人文社會科學院
• 中國語言及文學 AACLL 63
• 中國人文學科 AACH 65
• 中英語文 AACE 71
Associate of Social Sciences ASSC 61
Associate of Social Sciences in Liberal Studies­­­ ASSCLS 55
Diploma/Higher Diploma in:
• Economics DEC/HDEC 43
• 語言與翻譯 DLT/HDLT 68
• Law Enforcement and Security Management DLESM/HDLESM 47, 51
(with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑)
Higher Diploma in Psychology HDP 61
語言文憑 DLEC 67
Certificate in Law Enforcement and Security Management CLESM 48
執法及保安管理證書 (只於每年十月學期招收新生) CLESMC 48

Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration 李兆基商業管理學院

Associate of Business Administration ABA 103
工商管理副學士(中文) ABAC 103
Associate of Electronic Commerce AEC 103
Certificate in:
• Banking and Finance CBF 104
• Business Administration CBA 104
• Business Computing CBC 104
• Logistics CL 104
• Management CMGT 104
• Marketing CM 104
• 工商管理證書(中文) CBAC 104
• 中國商業學證書(中文) CCB 104

This is a part-time face-to-face programme. 此乃兼讀制面授課程。


School of Education and Languages 教育及語文學院

Higher Diploma in 高級文憑:
• Early Childhood Education (Special Educational Needs) HDECESEN (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 124
Associate of Language Studies (English) 語言研究副學士(英文) ALSE 130
Associate of General Studies 通識教育副學士 AGS 133
Diploma in 文憑:
• Early Childhood Education 幼兒教育 DECE (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 125
Certificate in 證書:
• Education 教育 CED (with pathways 設有不同修讀途徑) 121–122
• English for Effective Communication 英語運用 CEEC 131
• Primary Mathematics Education: Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy CPME 126
• The Teaching of Putonghua in Primary Schools 小學普通話教學 CTPPS 126
Language enhancement courses 語文能力提升學科 131

School of Science & Technology 科技學院

Associate of Science in Information Technology ASIT 147
Diploma in:
• Applied Statistics DAS 181
• Communications Technology DCT 161
• Electronics DE 161
• Materials and Design Engineering DMDE 166
Higher Diploma in:
• Digital Communication HDDC 160
• Mobile Communications Technology HDMCT 161
• Engineering Design HDED 165
• 精神健康護理學(只於每年十月學期招收新生) HDMHN 191, 193
• 護理學(只於每年四月學期招收新生) HDN 192–193
Certificate in:
• Aircraft Maintenance Engineering CAME 166
• 健康學(社區健康護理) DHSCHC 196
• 健康學(社區健康護理) CHSCHC 195

Enquiries 查詢

For general enquiries, please contact the 一般查詢,請聯絡本校諮詢中心

Information Centre

電話 2711 2100
• Fax 2715 0760 ‧ 傳真 2715 0760
• Website ‧ 網址
• Email ‧ 電郵

You may visit our Information Centre on campus at 歡迎查詢者親臨位於九龍何文田牧愛街三十號校舍內的諮

30 Good Shepherd Street, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon.
The Centre is equipped with a self-help information
service, from 7 am to 11 pm. 開放時間為上午七時至晚上十一時。

Currently, our staff members are manning the Centre at 諮詢中心職員當值時間如下:

the following hours:
Monday – Friday: 9:00 am–7:30 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am–5:30 pm 星期六:上午九時至下午五時三十分
Sunday: 12:00 nn–5:30 pm 星期日:中午十二時至下午五時三十分
Public holidays: Closed 公眾假期:休息

For enquiries about admission procedures, please 如要查詢入學手續,請聯絡教務處入學組

contact the Admissions Office, Registry

電話 2768 6601–3
• Fax 2761 3935 ‧ 傳真 2761 3935
• Email ‧ 電郵

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