First Things First 5-15-16-10

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The Weekly News of First Lutheran Church and School

1644 Nursery Road, Clearwater, FL 33756
Phone 727-462-8000
For the church, press 1
For the school, press 2

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Internet address:

May 15-16, 2010

In God We Trust

From God’s Matchless Word…

Faith and Endurance
2-4Dear brothers, is your life full of difficulties and temptations? Then be happy,
for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. So let it grow, and
don’t try to squirm out of your problems. For when your patience is finally in full
bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete.
James 1:2-4
The Living Bible

Sunday School & Bible Classes
* Sunday School and Bible Study classes will be cancelled on Mother’s Day morning.
9:15 a.m. Fellowship Hall The Book of Genesis
Weekly Pastor Zimmermann
Gathering Place Young Single Adults
Married Couples & Single Parent Adults
Kathy Piering
Chapel in church Life Light
Dan Snook
Loft-Youth Room in CLC High School Students
9-10-11-12 gr.
Rick Howard
Church Library Middle School
6-7-8 gr.
Ralph Otte
Church Nursery 0-2 yr. olds
Erica Hinz
Room 10 in the Fellowship Hall 3-4-5 yr. olds & K-1-2 gr. / 3-4-5 gr.
Jane Otte & Vicki Miller
7:00 p.m. Off-site Women’s Bible Study
st rd
1 and 3 Sundays June Schultz
7:00 a.m. Fellowship Hall Men’s Prayer Breakfast
April 27th: “Nutrition and You”
Followed by the Worker Bees (work around the campus)

9:45 a.m. Fellowship Hall The Book of Zechariah – Adult Bible Study
Weekly Rev. Arnie Piering

89 Your word, O LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Psalm 119:89 NIV
The Bible has survived every scratch of human pen. It has survived the assault of skeptics, agnostics, and
atheists. It has never been proved wrong by a single archaeological discovery. It remains supreme in its
revelation of redemption. God still speaks to us today through that same Word, which stands forever.

Prayers of the People
For The People
Sick, Hospitalized or Recovering:
-George Bock -Doris & Lester Cecil -Mary Lou & Carl Holdefer
-Dorothy Hornbuckle -Esther Hornburg -Dan Murray
-Jean Schultz -Linnea Starr
-Ryan Fox, cousin of Sandy Brown -Richard Hayes, son of Richard & Carole Hay
-Henry Hammel, Joni Hammel’s brother -Sarah Marsh Kertberg, niece of Lee Marsh
-Troy McKenna, friend of Peggie McClave -Dee Nizen, aunt of Lynn Hedrick
-Tamara Norton, family of Marge Carver -Rita Sivals, friend of the Hedrick family
Birthdays: -Roger Beougher, 5-15-10
-Lil Howard, 5-17-10 -Gertrude Geehnard, 90 on 5-22-10
Anniversary: -Thomas & Sandy Brown, 36th wedding anniversary on 5-18-10
-Douglas & Chris Carr, 32nd wedding anniversary on 5-20-10
Condolences: -Our sincere Christian sympathy goes to the family of Russell Philippy, husband of
Virginia Philippy, as he went to be with the Lord Wednesday evening, May 12th. Russell, age 86, was
born November 23, 1923. Memorial services will be planned soon at FLC. More information will follow.
Please keep his family in your prayers.
(Birthdays & anniversaries, etc. will be put in FTF only when they have been requested by the individual, family, or friend. Thank you.)

For The Church, Our Community, Our Nation and the World
“…pray without ceasing” 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Thank the Lord for all his provision and blessings; pray for the forgiveness of our sins and shortcomings.
Pray for peoples’ hearts all around our world, to be turned to the Lord for salvation and comfort.
Pray for wisdom for those dealing with the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf that is endangering our coastlines
wildlife, & livelihoods. Pray, also, for the families who lost loved ones in the tornadoes last week and for
all the families of those who perished in the plane crash in Libya. Only a 12-year-old boy survived.
Pray for the protection of our nation’s continually threatened economy and for guidance and direction
from the Lord; and, especially, for our nation “to humble themselves before the Lord”. (II Chronicles 7:14)
Pray for positive results from our small group meetings and, as we go before the Lord corporately for
guidance and blessing. Trust Him and thank Him for His faithfulness.
Pray for our children to come to know the Lord, to remain steadfast in their faith, & to praise Him daily
during all times in their future. May we all take a stand for the Lord, especially during persecution.
Pray for our FLS students as they come closer to the end of this school year; for testing peace and grace;
and for our eighth grade graduates. Keep in prayer, too, our high school and college graduates.
Always remember to pray for the persecuted church worldwide. (See Voice of the Martyrs’ website: Pray for the safe rescue and protection of exploited children everywhere.
Always pray for our military at all times and in all places.
Serving in the Military:
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not
be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
-Tabor Cleberg, E3, Air Force, Kadena, Okinawa, Japan
-Christopher Gleaton, Captain, US Army, Iraq, godson of Mary Ann and Charles Domzalski
-Janna Less, Air Force, daughter of Rev. & Mrs. Keith Less, Baghdad. New address:
SrA Janna Less, 732 ESFS/Det 3, APO AE 09378
-Sgt. Jonathan Norton, great-nephew of Marge Carver; deployed for his second tour in Iraq
-Max Garrett, Army, son of Candy Garrett, Ft. Polk, Louisiana, under medical care following
numerous surgeries for injuries received overseas
-ET1SW Chris LaGrange, Navy, an FLS Dad
-S/Sgt. Jimmy Lovett, National Guard,420 Special Forces Group, Birmingham, AL, husband of Erna
Kollmeyer’s granddaughter, Jessica
-Maj. Kurt Mueller, Army, now in the U.S. at Command & General Staff College,
Ft. Leavenworth, KS; grandson of Don & Joan Mueller
-Pvt. James Smith, Camp Pendleton, CA, the Holdefer’s granddaughter’s husband
-Danielle Taylor, PV2 Army, stationed at Ft. Jackson, S.C., granddaughter of Cindy Taylor & niece of
Matt and Rebecca Fordham
-GySgt. Steven Murray, USMC, presently stationed at the Pentagon, son of Marge & Ken Murray
-MMFN Justin R. Holcomb, Navy, grandson of Carol Blue, is now serving stateside
-SPC Nathan Davis, Army, cousin of Ronda Farris
° The floral arrangement on the altar this weekend is
placed by Tom & Sandy Brown in celebration of their 36th
wedding anniversary and for the joys and many blessings
over the years.
There are a large number of vacant dates available for flower arrangements.
Sign-up sheets for future floral donations are available in a binder in the Narthex. Thank you.

Newspaper Ad: Please sign up in the Narthex to sponsor any available weekend of our ongoing
newspaper advertisement expense. We so appreciate your help. As always, you may split the expense with
others – just put all the names on the list for that weekend. Thank you for your help.

Please call the office by 10:00 a.m. Wednesday to give your floral or newspaper dedication message.

May 15, 2010 is Armed Forces Day.

Look! Coming Soon to FLC or FLS!
Senior Lunch Bunch (Speaker: WWII POW) Tuesday, May 18th, 11:30 a.m. in Room 10
Men’s Prayer Breakfast Every Tuesday at 7:00 a.m.
Pre-K 4 Graduation Ceremony Friday, June 4th, 10:00 a.m.
Graduation Banquet (8th Grade Families) Friday, June 4th, 6:00 p.m. CLC
Church Cake Reception for 8th Gr. graduates Sunday, June 6th, 11:30 a.m. Fellowship Hall
Last Day of School Wednesday, June 9th, ½ day of school

Altar Guild Announcements

-Altar Guild will have their final meeting of the year at the Olive Garden restaurant at
Largo Mall on June 1st at 6:00 p.m. If you would like to attend, please contact Brenda
Peters at 771-7611 by May 30th. Thank you so much.

- Due to the hot weather, we are unable to get geraniums to be put on the altar
for May 22nd and 23rd. Those who have paid already, your money will be
refunded. We are sorry about this. Thanks to all of you for your support when
we ask to have plants put on the altar for Christmas and Easter, and also to
those of you who have signed up to have flowers on the altar each Sunday.
The Altar Guild

Every other Sunday…

Pre-K 3 - 5th Grade

NEXT weekend – May 23, 2010

…during the 10:30 a.m. service

Issues…Problems… We all have issues and problems that we face. For some, it is their attitude. For
others, it’s a habit that they can’t seem to break. For many, it is something they have faced their whole life. The goal of this
series is to take on each of those issues and problems and learn how to “Deal With It!” Not just our own way, but the BIBLE
WAY! We need to find out what God has to say about how we should “Deal With It!”

May 23rd: Watch Your Mouth (The Tongue)

We must not let our tongue get out of control!
Children will enjoy videos, music, puppet skits, illustrated messages, power verse, and games! Children will be escorted to the gym
after the children’s message in the Sanctuary. Parents, please pick them up in the gym after the service.

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence,

so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Hebrews 4:16 NIV

Christian Care Giving – a Way of Life
A new opportunity for Christian care giving will begin very soon at Faith Lutheran in Dunedin. Anyone who is
interested in learning a little more about relating to those in need, whether in the hospital, nursing facilities, or
even in the home, please contact Dan Snook at 727-797-7233. We will begin these daytime classes very soon,
so do not delay. Pray about this opportunity and then if you think this might be for you, please call Dan.

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Bells: Wednesday – 6:45 p.m. until 5-19-10
Adult Choir: is on hiatus for the summer.
Rehearsals resume Wednesday, 9-15-10
Please watch FTF for news about Summer Choir.
Praise Team: Thursday – 7:30 p.m.
Saturday – Warm-up at 5:30 p.m.
Call Ann Hinz, Worship Director, to join one of these musical praise groups: 727-462-8000 x 104.

Worth Repeating……
There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved.
It is the finger of God on a man's shoulder. Charles Morgan - This Day’s
While faith makes all things possible,
it is love that makes all things easy. Evan Hopkins

Visitor Corner
Welcome to all who come here to worship our LORD. Another voice in praise of Him is a wonderful
blessing. We are so glad you have come. To show our appreciation we would like you to stop by our visitor
center, located in the narthex, where you will find gift bags. Please take one.
Please introduce yourself to Pastor and perhaps to others you may notice just hanging around after the
worship service has concluded. We sometimes get so caught up in our excitement at seeing friends for the
first time in the past week that we forget to lookout for YOU! Thank you for joining us today, and please,
thank our Lord for his free gift of grace.

Radio Music for our Phone System

We need a strong radio to reach local Christian radio stations. We would like to play Christian music
for the “on-hold” music on our campus phone system. If anyone has one we could borrow to try,
please call the office. We really need to get rid of the static on the phone that you hear when you are
waiting for an extension. Thank you so much.

A member of a certain church, who previously had been attending services regularly, stopped going. After
a few weeks, the pastor decided to visit him.
It was a chilly evening. The pastor found the man at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire. Guessing the
reason for his pastor's visit, the man welcomed him, led him to a comfortable chair near the fireplace and
The pastor made himself at home, but said nothing. In the grave silence, he contemplated the dance of the
flames around the burning logs. After some minutes, the pastor took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a
brightly burning ember and placed it to one side of the hearth all alone then he sat back in his chair, still
The host watched all this in quiet contemplation. As the one lone ember's flame flickered and diminished,
there was a momentary glow and then its fire was no more. Soon it was cold and dead.
Not a word had been spoken since the initial greeting. The pastor glanced at his watch and realized it was
time to leave. He slowly stood up, picked up the cold, dead ember and placed it
back in the middle of the fire. Immediately it began to glow, once more with the
light and warmth of the burning coals around it.

As the pastor reached the door to leave, his host said, with a tear running down
his cheek, “Thank you so much for your visit and especially for the fiery sermon. I
will be back in church next Sunday”.

Last Week’s Attendance: May 8-9, 2010

Saturday: 6:30 pm: 54 Sunday: 8:00 am: 70 10:30 am: 131
Sunday School & Pastor’s Bible Class: Cancelled for Mother’s Day Weekend breakfast
Wednesday, 5-12-10 Bible Study: 27

Church Offering – Unrestricted - Fiscal Year – Week 41 (May 8-9, 2010)*

Budgeted Weekly Income: ....................................................................................................................$10,858.00
Received This Week:....................................................................................................................................7,800.00
Special Sacrificial Offering: ........................................................................................................................3,875.00
Budgeted Year-to-Date:.........................................................................................................................445,178.00
Received Year-to-Date: .........................................................................................................................298,844.78
*Previously used Budgeted Weekly Income figure of $7012 has been
adjusted to reflect change due to non-receipt of expected $200,000 gift.

Are you really here?

Members, please “sign in”, so we know if you are active or inactive. Envelope donations ARE NOT used to
record attendance. Please help us by signing in on a blue card for each worship service that you attend; IF
YOU ARE A MEMBER, we only need your name(s) and the date. As a member, you don’t have to fill in the
address, phone number, etc UNLESS THIS INFORMATION HAS CHANGED. All visitors please fill in the
card in full. Thank you.

From: This Week’s May 10, 2010
Excerpt below taken from:

What Happened in Nazareth

"Nazareth? Can anything good come from there?"
John 1:46
[…The angel Gabriel spoke to Mary in Nazareth…..Jesus was born in Bethlehem because of the Roman
census…..His parents had to take Him and flee to Egypt to escape King Herod’s killing spree of newborn
boys…. Raised back in Nazareth…He then started His ministry in Capernaum.]… It may have seemed like
Jesus and His parents were being yanked around by governments and kings, making their lives difficult at
critical times. I try to imagine Mary being nine months pregnant, having to ride on a donkey to Bethlehem,
and then finding no place to stay and give birth to her child. I try to imagine their having to flee that city
because a crazed king wanted to kill their young Son. I try to imagine their having to move to a foreign
country when Jesus was small, with all the changes such a move from family and friends must have entailed.
Yet, I'm encouraged to think that each stop along the way was not random. Each move was part of God's
divine plan for both Jesus and His parents. Hundreds of years earlier each stop along the way had already
been foretold.
Getting to Bethlehem was the first stop in fulfilling the prophecies concerning the Messiah. When the chief
priests and teachers of the law were asked where the Messiah was to be born, they replied:
"In Bethlehem in Judea, for this is what the prophet has written: 'But you, Bethlehem, in the land of
Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the
shepherd of my people Israel.' " Matthew 2:5-6
The trip to Egypt fulfilled the next stop. As Matthew said:
"And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet:
'Out of Egypt, I called my son' " Matthew 2:15
And the return to Nazareth fulfilled the third stop. As Matthew said about His return:
"So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets: 'He will be called a Nazarene' " Matthew 2:23
So, rather than a seemingly random chain of events moving Jesus from place to place, God had a plan and a
way to use all of those events to bring about His will. Your life is not random and the places where you live
and work and eat and sleep are not arbitrary, regardless of the reputation they may or may not have. God has
a plan for you, for your life, and for the situations that you're facing even right now. He wants you to trust
Him fully with that plan and follow Him wherever He leads – whether that's staying where He wants you to
stay or going where He wants you to go. Trust Him with every aspect of your life and let Him take control of
the direction it takes. It's good to make plans for our lives, but it's also good to let God take control of those
plans when He has a better one. As it says in the book of Proverbs:
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps"
Proverbs 16:9
Let's pray:
Father, thank You for taking the random events of our lives and giving them purpose and meaning in ways
that go beyond anything we could think or imagine. Lord, we commit to trusting You again today, giving You
full control over the course that our lives take. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Men's Prayer Breakfast at First Lutheran
MEN, come meet together again this week for food for the soul
and for the body! Each Tuesday morning from 7:00 - 7:45 a.m. our
men’s ministry hosts a fellowship and prayer breakfast in our First
Lutheran Fellowship Hall. Come and bring a friend. Don’t forget!
Bring a friend! Start your day praising the Lord!
We meet again next on: Tuesday, May 18th
Featuring: “Solving Our Temperment Problems - Fear”

School News - By Principal, Elaine Popp

Mission Statement:
First Lutheran School exists to proclaim the Gospel as we teach academic skills and Christian values,
establishing a strong foundation for a child to live a successful, positive, and Christ-centered life.

On Wednesday, Mrs. Bershaw took her 3rd graders to Eagle Lake Park. The students
brought their bikes to school and then they rode from school over to the park and then
rode bikes around in the park. It’s nice to have a park so close to our school for our
students to enjoy.
On Friday, Mrs. Davidson’s Pre-K 3 & 4 class went on a field trip to the Clearwater
The Lutheran Regional Spelling bee was held on Friday in Lakeland. Our
representatives were Kaylee K. in Grade 1, Tommy B. in Grade 3, Lee S. in
Grade 4, Jordon L. in Grade 5, and Erik H. and Ceiteag H. in middle school.
We’ll let you know later how well our students did in the spelling bee.
On Friday evening, we had our Annual Athletic Banquet. The athletes from our various
sports teams and their parents had a great meal, recognition of our athletes, and some fun
game time between students and parents. Thank you, Mrs. Hallsted and Booster Club for
all your hard work throughout the school year.

Relying on God has to begin all over again every day

as if nothing had yet been done.
C. S. Lewis

Youth News!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your generous support of all the youth fundraisers. We
only need to raise $1170.96 to meet our goal to go to the Youth Gathering, Believe, in New Orleans
this coming July! Chocolate candy bars are still being sold. See Ann Hinz or a youth to purchase.
God bless you for your continued support!!

Youth Basketball!
Youth Basketball continues through May 22nd. The cost is only $5 per week. Games start at
9:00 a.m. New players should plan to arrive 15 minutes early. Wear a gray or black t-shirt.
Please call Melvin Maciolek with questions at: 449-9185.

Guatemala Missions News: Pastor Zimmermann has now made available

for you to look online at some photographs of the team’s trip. Be sure to see it
today at:
There is now a second set of photos from the rest of the team available to see
on the web at:

Please submit articles for First Things First by Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. unless prior
arrangements have been made. Please e-mail your article to:
and call 462-8000 x 1 to be sure it was received. Thank you!

Family Activities Day!

Friday, May 28, 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

We’ll do the cooking and the cleaning-up!

Double Double

Everyone is invited to an afternoon of softball, water balloon toss,

and just plain fun!
Sccrriipp S Reeppoorrtt –– May 12, 2010
Shhoopp R
Deposits $ 955.00
Profit 73.66
Year-to-Date Profits $ 4,284.61

You may have already heard that VISA is discontinuing their scrip gift card sales yet, we continue to sell
American Express and Publix cards as these contribute a worthy profit for our school.
I would appreciate any input as to where American Express cards will and won’t work. For instance, they
work great at Publix and McDonald’s, yet it would be helpful to have a list of other establishments where
families can use their cards.
We acquired $50 BP gas cards for $40 which means our school earns a $10 profit when
you buy our $50 card.

Blockbuster is discontinuing their specialty cards only and will not accept them after June 30, 2010. We
have 2-$12 specialty night cards left. I can grab one. Is anyone else having a home movie night soon?
The “night card” includes 2 movie rentals, a large tub of microwave popcorn and 2- 20 oz. sodas. We will
still have the regular $10 Blockbuster cards.

5% Bonus Offer Begins May 8 and Great Lakes Scrip Center are offering a 5% bonus contribution on all $50 gift certificates from May 8 through June 25, 2010. That's a contribution of
15% instead of the normal 10%. The perfect present for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, or for
anyone who needs a break, Gift Certificates are welcome directly at over 4,000 bed
& breakfasts and inns in the U.S. and Canada. They are easy to use, never expire, and have no blackout
dates or extra fees. is a leading specialty travel website with more than 11,000
bed-and-breakfast properties worldwide listed. The site helps travelers find the ideal B&B or small inn
through informative descriptions, photos and more than 100,000 consumer reviews.

Charitable Deductions: An Added Benefit of Scrip Fundraising

Did you know that we can offer families the tax benefit of a "charitable contribution"? Yes, it's true ... under
some circumstances, earnings from our scrip program may entitle participants to a charitable contribution
deduction on their itemized 1040 form. Talk to Nancy for more info.
Thanks to Tom and Wendy Eschler for helping to sell Saturday evening!
We're looking for volunteers to sell cards from time to time after Saturday evening services.
They can contact Marge Murray, 584-8701, or Nancy Seltzer, below.
Talk to: Nancy Seltzer, Coordinator – 559-0606 or

Don’t forget to bring in non-perishable foods for the RCS Food pantry.
The collection barrel is in the Narthex.
This Week: May 16 – May 22, 2010
Sunday 16th WORSHIP .................................................................................................8:00 a.m.
Sunday School Classes & Bible Study Classes........................................9:15 a.m.
WORSHIP ...............................................................................................10:30.a.m.
Monday Wee Dance ………………………..Fellowship Hall....................................5:45 p.m.
Basketball League Practice…………..CLC ...............................................6:30 p.m.
Cub Scouts………………….Fellowship Hall and campus ........................7:00 p.m.
Lay Leadership Council…………….Room 10 ...........................................7:00 p.m.
Tuesday Men’s Prayer Breakfast………….Fellowship Hall .....................................7:00 a.m.
Worker Bees………………..........Fellowship Hall......................................8:00 a.m.
Senior Lunch Bunch ............... …….Room 10.........................................11:30 a.m.
TangSooDo …………………...............CLC…….. ............................... …..5:00 p.m.
Girl Scout Troop #823……Fine Arts Room & School Library ...................6:00 p.m.
Board of Evangelism………………….Library............................................6:30 p.m.
Boy Scouts …….........................Fellowship Hall.......................................7:00 p.m.
Wednesday Adult Bible Study…………………Fellowship Hall .....................................9:45 a.m.
The Pinochle Group ………………...Room 10 ..........................................1:00 p.m.
Prayer Shawl Ministry.................……Library ............................................4:00 p.m.
Bell Practice………………Church Balcony until 5-19-10 ..........................6:45 p.m.
Cub Scout Pack Committee Meeting - Room 10 ......................................7:00 p.m.
Adult Choir Practice - is on hiatus for the summer. (To restart 9-15-10)
Thursday Wee Dance Aftercare………………Pre-School ........................................2:45 p.m.
TangSooDo …..………………….Fellowship Hall ......................................5:00 p.m.
Basketball League Practice… ...................................................................6:30 p.m.
Praise Team …..…………………….Sanctuary .........................................7:30 p.m.
Friday TangSooDo……………………….Fellowship Hall .....................................6:00 p.m.
Saturday 22 Boot Camp Workout………………..Soccer Field .....................................9:00 a.m.
First Lutheran Youth Basketball League – CLC........................................9:00 a.m.
OE Serenity…………………………..Room 10 ........................................10:30 a.m.
Praise Team Warm-Up........ .....................................................................5:30 p.m.
CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP .................................................................6:30 p.m.
Sunday 23rd WORSHIP .................................................................................................8:00 a.m.
Sunday School & Bible Studies.................................................................9:15 a.m.
WORSHIP ...............................................................................................10:30 a.m.
Children’s’ Church – “DEAL WITH IT!”… ................................................10:30 a.m.

If anyone would be available to answer the phones in the church office and/or
help with printing, etc., the last week in May 24th – 28th or
June 1st – June 4th in Jan’s absence, please let the office know.
Please call 462-8000 x 1 to volunteer. Thank you very much.

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