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Weekly Newsletter


On June 14th, 27 people who are passionate

about making a HUGE difference for Jesus,
where they are at, got together and trained
in Evangelism is Relationships with Bill
Allison. Praise God!

Monday 6/27 VBS Workday

Tuesday 6/28 VBS Workday

On June 24th, 17 folks got together at El Toro

in Mahomet and read scripture, prayed and
talked about how they can make a Jesus-like
difference in their families, neighborhoods
and places of employment. Wow!

See David Eichstedt,

Dan Proctor or Pastor
Jason if you missed this
training and would like
to know more. We would
love to buy you lunch
and walk you through it!

Isaiah 40:1 Comfort, comfort my people, says

your God.
This is Gods Word of comfort going out to the
people of Israel. Stated strongly twice: Comfort,
Comfort my people is comfort now, and comfort to
come. This is not just providing words that comfort,
though Gods Word is a comfort and
encouragement (Romans 15:3), but instead to
speak words that bring people to a place of
This is not, There there, its going to be okay, but
instead, There is a reason to have a confidence
that it is going to be okay.
Something that is hidden in the English, but very
apparent in the original language, is that this is a
plural command. This is not something that the
priest or prophet then, or the pastor now does, but
is intended to be done by everyone and for
Comfort, Comfort is a command for Gods
covenant people to be practiced by the people for
the people through the promises of God. Note that
this verse ends with Your God, expressing the
personal nature of the covenant relationship
between God and His people. To those in exile,
those feeling lost and alone in an increasingly
hostile culture, this is true comfort and hope.
In Exodus 6:7 its says, I will take you to be my
people, and I will be your God, and you shall
know that I am the LORD your God, who has
brought you out from under the burdens of the
Egyptians. Gods explicitly promises 28 times in
the Old Testament that,
I will be their God and they shall be My
people. is one of the great promises of the Bible.
Just when you think a promise cant get any better,
Romans 8:16 says: The Spirit himself bears
witness with our spirit that we are children of
God. What comfort we have that in Christ, we
have been adopted as heirs to the riches of His
glory. God has chosen us, selected us, elected us
for His purposes, to be set apart for holy use the meaning of the word saints.
How then will you, the saints, use your status as a
redeemed covenant children of God to bring
comfort, comfort to someone this week?
~ Pastor Jason Schifo

Ancient Israel in Chicago: A Tour of the

Oriental Institute, July 9, 2016
This is the Seminaries annual tour of artifacts
from Ancient Israel, Egypt, Babylon, Assyria,
and Canaan to help the Bible come alive. This
tour is led by Urbana Theological Seminary
President Dr. Ken Cuffey.
12:45pm (Leave CEFCM around 9:30am)
Meet outside of the front door of the Oriental
Institute on University of Chicago's Campus.
Dr. Cuffey will lead the tour of the Institute's
artifacts relating to the Old Testament.
Explore on your own -- The museum, nearby
used bookstores, etc.
dinner at a nearby restaurant, for those
Cost for Tour: $25.00
If you need a ride, would like to volunteer to
drive others, would like to be a part of the
evening dinner, or have any other questions,
contact the church office.
The Henriksons are planning to drive and
will have room for 4 passengers in their
van! Who wants to go?

No cost.
Meeting on
June 2nd, 9th,
16th, 23rd
and the 30th
from 1-3:00pm
at the Llano
(1604 Riverbluff Drive, Mahomet)






VBS Workday 9:00am-12:30pm

Prayer Walking 5-6:00pm


Wednesday 6/29

9:30am (at the church)

VBS Workday 3:00pm-5:00pm
Youth Group 6:00-8:00pm

(Llano Home 1604 River Bluff Dr.)

Worship Practice 7:30pm

Thursday 6/30



NO Mens Big Coffee


Christian Education 9:30am

Adult Gospel Project with Jim Sackett

Crazy Busy Study with Jerry Unger
Standard Lesson Series with Bruce Henrikson
A Womans Heart Gods Dwelling Place
with the ladies of CEFCM

Childrens Sunday School 9:30am

Kids Church 10:45am

Worship Gathering 10:45am

For the next 13 weeks Jeremy
Barrett will be in Marines Corps
bootcamp in San Diego, California.
It so important in this time that we
pray for Jeremy AND send our
encouragement in the form of good
old fashioned letters. Will you send
a note of encouragement?
His address is:

RCT Jeremiah Barrett

37003 Midway Ave,
San Diego, CA 92140

Monday 7/4

RCT Jeremiah Barrett

37003 Midway Ave,
San Diego, CA 92140

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