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? on our

ur environment comprises of all external factors

that makes up our surroundings i.e. the physical
as well as the living environment. The
environment influences our life as a whole in
many ways providing all the necessities of life as well as
certain risks. Today, the human species dominate the
earth. It affects our environment- at times favourably and
at other times non-favourably. We all are surrounded by
other living organisms and other physical environment. All
the living organisms are interdependent and because of
this interaction we constitute an ecosystem.
When all the living organisms sums up they make a food
chain where one organism is linked with the other
organism. The method of passing the energy from one
trophic level to another is through food chain only. We all
are aware about this. But what are we not aware about or
I must say we dont want to look at it is the ecological
imbalance that we are creating with the developing
science and technology day by day. We are rapidly
creating stuffs for all our comforts but we do not want to
serve anything towards the environment.
Well let me take this step by step.
How a food chain actually works.




PRODUCERS :- i.e. Trees and plants. The main source of

human survival. Today with the rapid increase of
population as well as with the advancement in technology
we do not understand the significance or I must say we
dont want to understand the significance of these
producers in our life. The cutting of plants and trees is the
main cause of an ecological imbalance and due to which
the temperature the earth is rising day by day due to
global warming. Glaciers and ice caps are melting day by
day and the water level of oceans is rising. Natural
disasters like Tsunami are the perfect examples for such
instances.Not only being the rich sources of so many
natural products like gums, honey, spices etc. but are also
the living homes of the wildlife species which are getting
destroyed day by day. And if some strict measures are not
taken against such activities of deforestation then dont
think of the human survival on this planet for too long.
HERBIVORES :- The animals which feed on plants like
cattles, deers, rabbits etc. But due to the activity of
deforestation these animals are losing their natural home
and are kept in zoos in a cage. Due to the rise in
technological advancement and the man made wastes
these herbivores eat things like polyethene and lithium
made batteries and other more substances like these and
are left to die. Even we humans are not so responsible in
garbage disposal that we should separate out the
biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes and then

lead these wastes for proper treatment so that these

animals and not get killed by these things.
CARNIVORES:- Well everybody is fond of watching the
king of the jungle i.e. the Lion, the tigers, the reptiles ,
cheetahs and a lot more animals are there to be named.
But again sadly we dont have great news here too. Even
the carnivores in the number are decreasing day by day by
the human activities like hunting, poaching and other
means. Tiger and lions are getting hunted even before for
competition and for their skins for trade as well as
elephants are also get hunted day by day leading them
into endangered species for their tusks and ivory. And due
to the killing of such carnivores the no. of herbivores are
increasing. For e.g. Killing of the snakes for their skin has
led to increase in the population of rodents which we do
not understand.
DECOMPOSERS :-And the last of all the decomposers
which always decompose the living remains of the body of
a living organism but again I have to say that only and
only because of our activities we are losing the most
organic and most refinable resource of our system which
helps us in cleaning the wastes in many ways. This
includes the bacterias, the vultures, the scavengers etc.
Well the vultures who are one the most great
decomposers got nearly to the verge of extinction . And
what has led to this. The Medicine DECLOPHINIC used by
the cowmen for taking out the milk from cows and
buffaloes unnaturally by injecting this medicine in their
bodies. And when these cattles die these vultures eat
their remaining means for clearing it and die.
The DECLOPHINIC medicine has been used in such a great
extent that today the the vultures are almost nearly

extinct. From our own hands we have killed on very

purifying and natural source of cleanliness.

Well this is just a theory writing I guess because one only

will read it and then just say that yes we have to take
certain steps towards conserving our environment and
have to stop this ecological imbalance.
But let me ask you one thing, you all must go out for a
morning walk isnt it?
Well when you go out for a walk do you ever try to hear
those sounds of birds, the sweet sound of cuckoo, those
chirp of the sparrows do you??
Whenever you go for a walk dont you realize that yes
there must be some trees here in our garden or we all
should plant a tree at least on our birthday.
How do you feel when your pet dog gets ill due to some
reasons whereas there is some another animal getting
killed due our mismanagement disposal in forests.
And the ones which gives us life , which are source to our
survival are getting cut down day by day for technological
advancement. And not only we are cutting the trees but
we are destroying the habitats of many other living
organisms just to make our habitat.

How justified is that?????????

I know you will all say after reading this that it is easy to
say and write down. But I assure you if we all get together
and take small steps at our home only then we can make a
big difference .
1. Say no to plastics. Use paper and jute bags.

2. Buy fruits and vegetables loose, not pre-packed.

3. Separate biodegradable and non-biodegradable
4. Give non-biodegradable waste for recycling.
5. Compost leftover food, garden waste and paper.
6. Remember the method of REDUCE, REUSE and
7. Plant trees and promote afforestation.
These small steps can make a big difference not only in
our lives but also in the lives of some other organisms


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