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Tutorial letter 201/1/2015

The Educator as Leader Manager
and Administration

Semester 1

This tutorial letter contains important information
about your module.


INTRODUCTION TO CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT ................................................................. 3

FEEDBACK ON ASSIGNMENT 01....... ...................................................................................... 3

CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE POLICY .......................................................................................... 6

DEMARCATION OF THE FIELD OF STUDY FOR THE EXAMINATION .................................... 8


CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................ 10

............................................................................. 9



Dear student
The purpose of this tutorial letter is to provide feedback on Assignment 01, to demarcate
the field of study for the examination, and to provide details regarding the format of the
examination for Section A: Introduction to classroom management.
Before we proceed, we want to emphasise that it is essential for you to buy the
SECOND EDITION of the prescribed book for EDLHODM. You have to use this
particular edition to prepare for the examination of this module. You will find details
regarding the prescribed book in Tutorial Letter 101.


2.1 General observations

Most students could successfully identify and discuss the correct information for
all the relevant sections. However, some students discussed certain aspects in
less detail than others, and this influenced their marks negatively. Unfortunately
some students did not use the prescribed book and subsequently did not refer to
the leadership model in the prescribed book, which meant they were unable to
complete the assignment sufficiently. It was impossible to complete the
assignment successfully without studying and referring to the prescribed book.

Although some students provided information from the prescribed book

pertaining to the various sections, they unfortunately neglected to apply it
personally with regard to their individual characteristics in the second
section of the question, which cost them marks.
Students who used more than one source obtained better marks than those
who merely used the study guide and the prescribed book as reference.

Some students did not adhere to the length restrictions for this assignment.
Due to the vast number of students (approximately 3 000) who are enrolled
for this module, as well as the severe time pressure to mark the assignments
and provide timely feedback, we were only able to scan through the excess
material in the assignments that were too long and, therefore, did not
comment on all the material.
Most students adhered to the guidelines provided on pp 910 of Tutorial
letter 101 and did include a Table of contents, an Introduction, a
Conclusion and a Bibliography in their assignment.
In most cases assignments were neatly presented.
The overall impression we got from the assignments is that students did
indeed grasp what it means to be a good classroom leader. We trust that this
knowledge will assist you in your teaching career.

2.2 Memorandum for Assignment 01

We are not providing a detailed memorandum for Assignment 01, since this will be a
duplication of the information in the prescribed book.
Our main objective in assessing this assignment was to ascertain whether you understand the
different aspects of the leadership model and if you are able to apply it personally. If you were
able to describe the long-term leadership model in clear language, demonstrating your
understanding, you generally would have received a good mark for the first section of the
question. If you also paid balanced attention to the various aspects of the model in the second
section of the question and applied it personally as a classroom leader, you would have
received a good mark in this section as well. If you simply rewrote the information in the
prescribed book you did not understand the question correctly. You had to answer the first
section of the question in your own words, and you had to apply the information to your
characteristics in the second section.
We were delighted with the quality of many of the assignments in which students
understanding of the topic and academic rigour were evident, and where students used
additional sources to complete their assignments.

From your answers we learnt a great deal on how students and teachers exercise leadership
pertaining to their respective characteristics in a practical classroom situation. It was also
obvious that students who did not use the prescribed book were not able to complete the
assignment successfully.
2.3 Feedback on other aspects
Table of contents
All assignments should start with a table of contents that contains page numbers, since
this enables the reader to see the assignments structure at first glance.
The introduction should answer at least two questions: Firstly, it should outline the
purpose of the assignment (i.e. why is the assignment being done?) and secondly, it
should indicate how the answer will be structured.
Paragraphs and subheadings
A properly structured assignment should be divided in relevant sections with appropriate
An assignment must have a relevant conclusion which briefly summarises the main
findings of the discussion.
It is imperative to list the sources you have used, even if you only used your prescribed
study material as reference. Referencing should be done according to acceptable styles
of referencing.
Allocation of marks
You would have lost marks in the second section of the assignment if you did not relate
the facts presented to the topic of classroom leadership, and specifically applied this
information to your own characteristics as a classroom leader. You would also have lost
marks if you did not pay sufficient attention to the technical requirements as provided in
Tutorial Letter 101.


My classroom discipline policy (see prescribed book pp 107109 and the study guide
pp 4042 for relevant information)
The following example of a classroom discipline policy is available on myUnisa, since the
topic discipline in a classroom is extremely important, specifically for novice educators:
Aim for our class
The aim for a group in a classroom environment is always to strive for effective learning.
We are here to learn and not to play or socialise. As individuals we must each reach our
full potential in each of the subjects.
The aim of group work is to learn together, not to socialise.
Our general behaviour
Our class rules and procedures:
Our teacher greets us at the start and the end of the day/lesson.
We enter and leave the classroom in an orderly manner.
When the teacher speaks we keep quiet and listen.
We do our homework and classwork diligently without wasting time.
Our exercise books and textbooks are always available.
We do not walk around during lessons.
We only pack our books when the bell has rung.
Behaviour in our class:
The teacher and learners always treat each other with respect.
We never mock or belittle one another.
We always try to be positive and friendly in class.
We do not swear and we are not dishonest.
Our teacher has no favourites and treats all learners in an impartial manner.
We do not hinder one another in our work.

Task division in our class
Appointed learners clean the blackboard when asked to do so or at the end of each
Appointed learners take in handbooks when asked to do so.
Appointed learners sweep the classroom at the end of the day/every morning.
Appointed learners water the plants regularly.
Learner leadership in our class
Our class leader is responsible for class order in the absence of the teacher.
Our class leader is responsible for the weekly appointment of learners to do the various
tasks in our class.
Group leaders are responsible to stimulate discussion during groupwork.
Group secretaries are responsible to take notes during groupwork and to report back to
Discipline and order in our class
We discipline ourselves according to the agreed classroom policy.
We only speak one at a time and only when allowed.
During groupwork we speak in a low voice.
We always do groupwork in a constuctive and orderly manner.
We never hinder other learners in their work.
We put all litter in the waste-paper bin.
We leave chairs under tables when we leave the classroom.
We may decorate the designated wall of the classroom in an appropriate way with

Reward and punishment

For good behaviour we are rewarded, for example, as follows:
A class party once a month
Outside class lesson once every two weeks
No homework over weekends
Credit marks according to school rules
For poor behaviour we are punished, for example, as follows:
No class parties
No outside lessons
Lots of homework over weekends
Debit marks according to school rules
Guidelines for punishment
Punishment is always fair and in accordance with the school rules and classroom
discipline policy.
The whole class is not punished for the poor behaviour of an individual.
For minor offences we can negotiate with the teacher after the lesson to compensate our
offence with good behaviour.
Obstructing the orderly progression of a lesson or a class mate from working is a serious
offence, which needs to be punished accordingly.
This policy is also available on myUnisa on the EDLHODM site.


You need to study chapters 5, 6 and 7 in the prescribed book.
Please note: You have to use the second edition of the prescribed book to prepare
for the examination. This will enable you to answer the questions in the examination
paper for Section A: Introduction to classroom management.

There will be no multiple-choice questions for Section A: Introduction to classroom
management. A few definitions of important concepts (e.g. planning, organising,
leadership, control, cooperative learning, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation,
communication, legitimate power) will be asked.
You also have to study the following figures and tables in chapters 5, 6 and 7 in the
prescribed book:
Figure 5.1 (p 66)
Figure 5.2 (p 77)
Table 6.1 (p 97)
Table 6.2 (p 99)
Figure 6.4 (p 102)
Table 7.4 (p 138)
The assignments (and the information in this tutorial letter) are also important in preparing
for the examination, but the questions will not be the same as provided in Tutorial Letter
101, and marks will be allocated differently. Please keep in mind that you cannot pass
this module by merely studying the completed assignments for the exam, or by
completing old examination papers, since they only cover a part of the material which will
be tested in the examination.


The examination for EDLHODM consists of:
Section A: Introduction to classroom management
Section B: Introduction to South African education law (see separate and relevant
tutorial letter for examination guidelines on Section B)
The examination paper for EDLHODM counts 100 marks and the duration is two hours.
This means you have one hour to answer Section A, which counts 50 marks. You will
have to work fast and efficiently in order to answer all the questions.

Question 1 in Section A consists of shorter paragraph questions and definitions based on a

case study counting a total of 30 marks. Question 2 consists of longer paragraph questions
counting 10 marks each for a total of 20 marks. The paper is set in such a way that it will
be unwise to leave out any part of your demarcated field of study when preparing for the
examination. Please do not phone and ask us whether there are certain parts of the work
that you do not have to study.

Thank you for your dedicated studies of Section A this year. We certainly enjoyed our part
in preparing and empowering you as a future educator.
We trust that you will work hard and be well prepared for the examination to pass with
good marks. Please note that this is a module that students often struggle with, so make
sure that you are well prepared. We have excellent students in the PGCE and, therefore,
anticipate many distinctions.
We have great respect for students who obtain their PGCE through Unisa and wish you
everything of the best for your studies and a successful career.

Your lecturers

EJ van Niekerk
Prof EJ van Niekerk

EK Prins
Mr EK Prins


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