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Lauras MMPI-2 profile suggests the presence of some serious psychological problems and

the interpretation is not a function of someone who was faking bad. Laura responded to the
MMPI-2 with a number of elevated scales throughout the test. Among these were the
Hypochondriasis, Depression, Hysteria, and Paranoia clinical scales. Her very high score on
Hypochondriasis suggests that she possibly may be experiencing extreme and sometimes
bizarre somatic complaints possibly to the level of somatic delusions.
It is hypothesized that the MMPI-2 results maybe suggesting that much of Lauras behavior
relevant to this case may be related to her personality and more specifically to some serious
psychological problems. For example, she involved law enforcement, child protection, and
filed legal motions obsessively in her familys affairs.
Lack of vigilance and monitoring may be the result of noninvestment in the role of the
parent, but it also occurs in parents who abuse alcohol and drugs. Laura presents with both
of these interpretations. She has called law enforcement several times on (9yo) Jordan and
has had her arrested. As of this the time of this report, Jordan has a felony on her record
and reports to a probation officer because of Laura.
In a news cast presented by Adam Walser on ABC News on October 10, 2013, regarding a
PCSO Deputy, it was revealed that the Deputy was involved with Laura. Mr. Doug De
Vlaming was interviewed during this televised interview. This evaluator contacted Mr.
Walser on October 15, 2013 to determine is the nine year old mentioned in the news cast
was Jordan. Mr. Walser confirmed that it was. This evaluator contacted Mr. De Vlaming on
October 14, 2013 to discuss the televised broadcast to determine how valid the allegations
were that Laura was involved with the Deputy the information about their relationship. Mr.
De Vlaming emailed the Deputys discipline report along with photos of Laura and the
Erin Viola, a Senior Associate Producer of the Dr. Phil show was interviewed on November
15, 2013. She stated that Laura had agreed to be on the Dr. Phil with James up to about
November 13, 2013, the day she filed an emergency motion to the court indicating James
was taking Jordan to California to appear on the Dr. Phil show. This evaluator asked Laura
prior to the October 31, 2013 hearing if she consented to appear on the Dr. Phil show, she
stated no, yet the Dr. Phil staff indicated otherwise. In fact, Laura attached a letter from the
Associate Producer to her inquiring about arrangements for her appearance on the show. It
is clear from that letter that the Dr. Phil staff was expecting Laura to appear and was
making arrangement for her trip. Around the same time, Laura files an emergency motion
to the court to stop James from taking Jordan to the show. Once Laura notified the Dr. Phil
show staff she was not going, all the appearances were canceled, yet she filed the
emergency motion anyway.
Lauras behavior regarding the Dr. Phil show reveals a
consistent pattern of behavior where she involves the judicial system and misrepresents
facts about James.

James provided scans of virtually every single police report (over 140 reports and multiple
addendums) all arranged in chronological order with corresponding exhibit numbers. He

was organized, articulate and seemed credible but there was no anger evident as we started
to go through the exhibits. He stated that he has not been given the opportunity to prove
his innocence to anyone through the entire last four years and was never given the
opportunity to defend and exonerate himself.
James played recorded 911 calls, showed the corresponding documents, police reports and
Child Protective Investigation reports one by one that he claimed showed his innocence. He
provided documents from the beginning of the conflict between this couple from July 31,
James also provided SO09-178845/1, SO09-178845/2, SO09-178845/3, the
corresponding Domestic Violence Injunction 09009704FD-023 and the Child Protective
Investigation report (2009-124813-01).
These showed that Laura had recanted her
accusations from the first report on 7-31-09 and admitted on the record that she had made
up the accusations against James in order to have him arrested. James pointed out the
following regarding this first call to the police within their marriage that:
1. he was the one that called 911, not Laura because she had hit him twice in the
2. in the initial CPI report (2009-124813-01) Laura was quoted by investigator
Samantha Krenek as stating that mother stated that this was the 1st incident
with she and the father. (this statement was later illegally removed from
the report by PCSO Child Protective Investigations)
3. after James had called 911, according to James, Laura went into a back bedroom
and also called 911 and admitted to PCSO dispatch wife now on phone adv
husband attacked the kids. Compl adv 3 children in the house.. Sub slapped
after confronting her about an affair (complainant is Laura, subject is James,
advised; it appears that Laura has admitted to slapping James in the initial 911
4. Laura filed a Domestic Violence Injunction against James on August 31, 2009
(09009704FD-023) in which Laura makes no allegations that James had hit or
pushed or committed any domestic violence against her. (Laura later dropped this
5. subsequent police reports (SO09-178845/1, SO09-178845/2, SO09-178845/3)
show that Laura later recanted all of the allegations of domestic violence against
James admitting that she had slapped the father and had him falsely arrested
and that the father had not touched the mother during this incident for which he
was arrested.
6. nowhere in this police report or any other report filed by Laura did Laura ever
make an allegation that James had ever hit or struck Laura at any time.
Several things were immediately clear from the documentation provided by James. These
reports clearly showed that Laura had stated that there were no incidents of domestic
violence of any kind between the husband and wife previous to her statement in CPI report
2009-124813-01 dated 7-31-13 and that the first report where the mother claimed violent

abuse by the father (7-31-09) was a fabrication. This evaluator questioned where the 8
years of violent abuse claimed by Laura had taken place [Note: this was recorded by the
same CPI investigator one month after the first report]. It is further evident from the
subsequent reports filed by Laura after 7-31-09 that there was no accusation that James
had ever hit or struck Laura. However, the reports were replete with broad non-specific
accusations from Laura that James had been violently beating her or physically abusing
Laura for the duration of the marriage when no such evidence of any such violent behavior
by James appears to exist. After review of the documents that Laura provided, there were
no reports of physical violence by James included in Lauras documentation either.
It should also be noted that James pointed out that the incident Laura relayed about him
allegedly hitting Taylor so hard it knocked her earring out was reported by Laura (in her 831-09 DVI Case # 09009704FD) as occurring in December of 2004, almost ten years earlier.
However in police report after police report and DVI after DVI from 2009 through the
present date, this specific event is raised over and over again as a new fresh incident by
Laura and stated in a manner as to lead the person reading or taking these report to believe
it just occurred. These pieces of documentation caused this evaluator to focus more
specifically on what the documents themselves could reveal without having to rely on the
statements of either party.
James also played a very recent 911 call recorded on October 12, 2013, where Laura called
the police on James because Jordan had not called her on Friday October 11, 2013. Within
that 911 call, Laura stated that she had not been called since she dropped off her
daughter but initially failed to clarify that it was just the day before. The 911 operator asks
Laura when was the last time her husband (James) had attempted to contact her and Laura
responded oh gees, attempted to contact me?... I guess about three and a half years ago .
Lauras admits that James has not even attempted to contact her for over three and a half
years, yet according to Lauras statements in dozens of police reports and DVIs James has
been abusing, stalking her, obsessed with her and was going to kill her if she filed for
divorce. This is inconsistent with Lauras previous statements and accusations regarding
This evaluator was shown multiple police reports where Laura called the police on James to
report something that Laura claimed James had done. James also showed multiple
documents from both the Pinellas County Sheriffs Office (PCSO) as well as the Clearwater
Police Department (CPD) where each time a police action was initiated it was because Laura
was in his proximity as opposed to him being anywhere near Laura. Out of the 140 plus
police reports filed by Laura against James within the last four years, he showed this
evaluator that there was not one police action based upon him going to Lauras residence,
place of business, friends homes, or even happening to merely run into her anywhere.
Conversely the reports showed that every time there was a police action, Laura was at
James house, near his cars, at the home of James friend where she initiated the contact
with James. James also showed this evaluator literally hundreds of photographs retrieved
from the mothers cell phone apparently taken by Laura herself over a three year period
showing Laura taking photos of James home, cars, license plates, through his car and home
windows as well as inside of James home.

This evaluator asked James, if this were true, then why would the police not do anything to
stop Laura. James presented text messages, police investigation reports, newspaper
clippings, TV broadcast news links, Internal Affairs investigation reports that all supported
the claim that Laura was simultaneously intimately involved with multiple police officers
from multiple jurisdictions. All of these relationships with these officers were ongoing
simultaneously along with multiple other sexual and dating relationships. This evaluator
was also shown a newspaper article and a local ABC Action News report which reported
naked photos of a law enforcement officer. These were discovered on an electronic device
inside then 9 year old Jordans backpack. This evaluator validated this information by
contacting the ABC Action News reporter as well as a local attorney involved in the news
The documentation was validated by the information that a CPD officer had also been
intimately involved with Laura and that officer was not only personally responsible for
several of the Clearwater Police actions against James, but that the officer would sit out in
front of James home in his police car at 3:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. on multiple occasions,
while off duty, and search the license plates of the cars parked in front of James home.
James contended that it was Lauras relationship with the CPD officer that allowed Laura to
continually attack James. James alleges that Laura stalked him, vandalized his boat and
cars, burglarized his home multiple times. Laura denies these allegations. This evaluator
was shown hundreds of photographs that Laura took on her cell phone where she was at
James home, in his home, in the alley behind his home and following him around, all taken
over a three plus year period while James is having no contact with Laura according to her
own statements.
James also provided examples of Laura working with a CPD Lieutenant to have James
arrested for custody interference throughout 2011. These events started in June of 2011
and culminated in the arrest of James on December 22, 2011. James presented a series of
emails where the parties discussed how the court order was interpreted differently between
them. The courts order was clear, according to James, Laura had the first week of summer
break with Jordan from the day school let out on June 8, 2011 through Sunday June 12,
2011. Laura however insisted that she be given the full second week of June from the 12 th
through the 19th. What Laura seemed to attempt to do was to take an overlapping of the
during school timesharing and the during summer break timesharing. James described
as another timesharing issue when Laura tried to take Fathers Day from him which fell on
that Sunday. James suggested by email that Laura have her lawyer set up a hearing
between the two lawyers to have the judge clarify the orders; Laura declined. Laura agreed
in a written email to Jamess interpretation of the court order, but then worked with the CPD
Lieutenant Crean to attempt to have James arrested on June 10, 12,16, 17 and the twice on
June 19 (Fathers Day). This was evidenced by CPD reports CW11-68613, CW11-69549,
Incident Report Number 061611-00564, Incident Detail Report Number 071711-000626 and
two from 6-19-11 CW11-69549/2. These police records also show that Laura was in touch
with the CPD Lieutenant during these attempted arrests and directed him to go to the home
where James was with Jordan and take James into custody in the middle of the night while

Jordan was present and that Laura would come get Jordan if they were able to arrest
James provided additional documentation in the form of multiple police reports that Laura
continued this conduct and pattern of using the police at the drop off point every time the
father would come to pick up or drop off Jordan throughout the summer. According to
James police officers would approach the father and demand proof of insurance, license,
search him, look in his car and basically attempt to find anything that they may be able to
charge or use to arrest him. The mother meanwhile would be holding Jordan within the
police station drop off point until the police were finished with the father; Jordan witnessed
this each week. According to James, Jordan would refer to this as police Sundays.
As this evaluation continued it became evident that weeks could be spent going over the
documentation that James possessed. However time constraints would not allow that to
occur. James was asked to select a few specific incidents and present those. Below are
presented only a small sample of documentation that James provided.
A complete
documentation file is available from this evaluator.
The first incident revolved around what the father claimed was his false arrest for Felony
Interference in Custody on December 22, 2011. This evaluator was shown the detailed
court orders and the Court ordered Parenting Plan. The parenting plan was clear that all
drop off points were to be at the school with the exception of when the child was not in
school then the drop off point would be at the CPD. The court order, specifying the pick-ups
and drop-offs, prevented any contact between James and Laura. James could drop or pick
up Jordan after school on Friday and at school on Monday when the mother was not there.
Even with that courts order in place James presented photographs from Lauras cell phone
where she had been photographing him picking up and dropping off Jordan at school on
several occasions. James filed an Office of Professional Standards complaint against the
CPD Lieutenant on August 8, 2011.
James presented documents that showed that at the end of Summer break in 2011 while
the child was in school the drop off point was clearly at the school, not the CPD. This was
further evidenced by Lauras own recorded testimony from her deposition by James lawyer
in the criminal Felony Interference in Custody case. Laura read aloud the court orders in
the deposition and agreed under oath that the court order was clear that the drop off point
was to be at the school when the child was in school. James showed that despite the court
order and his email to the mother notifying her that he would be dropping off Jordan at the
school once school commenced in August of 2011 that Laura commenced to file weekly
police reports against James.
Laura went to the CPD from August 28, 2011 through spring of 2012 filing multiple police
reports alleging that James was violating the court orders by not bringing or picking up the
couples child to the police station on Sundays. Laura filed the following criminal reports
against James:

1. 08/08/2011 CPD Report CW11-104320

Interference in Custody,

2. 09/04/2011 CPD Report CW11-1077511 Interference in Custody,

3. 09/07/2011 CPD Report CW11-104320/1 Interference in Custody Invest,
4. 09/12/2011 CPD Report CW11-104320/2 Interference in Custody,
5. 09/25/2011 CPD Report CW11-117326 Interference in Custody, CPD Lieutenants
actual report states Laura McLynas advised that James McLynas has become
increasingly brazen and erratic in his behavior with their daughter Jordan McLynas
specifically, James has ceased answering his cell phone and apparently will not come
to the front door of his residence.
6. 09/30/2011 CPD Report CW11-69549/3 Interference in Custody invest,
7. 10/09/2011 CPD Report CW11-123502 Interference in Custody CPD Lieutenant
makes the following comments within this report. James McLynas failed to return
his daughter Jordan McLynas to Laura McLynas per the court order.he has failed
to return her to the police department at 16:00 hours to Laura McLynas. When
contacted by phone, James is confrontational, uncooperative and argumentative.
8. 10/10/2011 CPD Report CW11-117326/1 Interference in Custody Invest,
9. 10/23/2011 CPD Report CW11-129943

Interference in Custody, Lt. Crean Author.

10. 10/30/2011 CPD Report CW09-110722

Interference in Custody,

11. 11/06/2011 CPD Report CW11-129943/1 Interference in Custody,

12. 11/07/2011 CPD Report CW11-129943/2 Interference in Custody SAO Warrant
Attempt, I was asked why James has never been arrested and I told Falkowski he is
avoiding law enforcement.
13. 11/13/2011 CPD Report CW11-129943/3 Interference in Custody,
14. 11/13/2011 CPD Report CW11-129943/4 Interference in Custody,
15. 11/23/2011 PCSO Report SO11-398949 Laura attacks Jordan at the drop off point,
16. 12/04/2011 CPD Report CW11-129943/5 Interference in Custody, there are
numerous incidents where the father, James McLynas does not return Jordan as
required in the court orders. I had prior knowledge of her continued issue
regarding James McLynas refusal to cooperate with the court order.
17.11/15/2011 Text Message from Laura McLynas to CPD Lieutenant Sgt. , if
James Mclynas does not get pick up today then you wont be able to find
him. He takes Jordan to school by 830am and picks her up at 250pm in
Palm Harbor. If you go to his house and he is not home his roommate will
notify him that u were there and he will run again and u wont find him.

18. 11/22/2011 James McLynas arrested for Felony Interference in Custody.

James presented with a January 3, 2012 PCSO police report number SO12-2888 where
Laura called the police to Jordans school (one of approximately 8 times the mother called
the police to the childs school). In this report Laura was attempting to have the father
arrested again just ten days after she had him arrested. Within this specific report Laura
makes several statements to PCSO Deputy Tsanakaliotis including the following:

James picked up daughter without permission.

James was violating the court order.
James did not have a valid drivers license.
James vehicle was illegally registered.
James had been previously arrested for driving an unregistered vehicle.
James needs to be arrested again.
Laura stated she was just on the phone with State Attorney Mike Falkowski.
James will never speak to the cops.
James would hide Jordan under a bed and not answer the door if questioned.
Laura Stated that SA Falkowski asked to speak with the reporting deputy.
James is a scam artist.
James makes shady business deals.
James left Laura with only her shirt and underwear.
James gets away with too much and needs to be arrested (even though James was
just arrested 10 days earlier).

PCSO Deputy Tsanakaliotis decided to verify Laura McLynas claims and investigate her
statements and called Mike Falkowski. State Attorney Mike Filkowski is quoted in this report
as stating;

he had not talked to Laura in three days and does not know why she would have
said he was just on the phone with him.
informed me (PCSO Deputy) that Laura is getting out of control with making
there are so many court orders in place that it is hard to determine a violation and
(he) does not know when James has his visitation.
PCSO Deputy asked if she should write the report as a violation and set an invest;
Mike stated I would not take the invest and you could write it as an informed
Laura has filed a lot of reports and is sure she will be in to file something on this
and it will be looked at.
Deputy Tsanakaliotis also verified that James vehicle was legally registered, he had never
been arrested for an illegally registered vehicle and that his drivers license was not
James showed case after case and report after report similar to the ones in the above
examples. The remaining 100 plus police reports filed by Laura are similar in that there

appears to be no basis in fact or circumstance that is accurate or valid within these reports
filed over the last four years.
James also pointed out that as of January of 2013 there were 294 separate court filings in
the Custody action; 244 of them were filed by Laura and only 33 of them were filed by
James and his attorneys. Out of the 33 documents filed by James he claims that
approximately half of them were filed based at the direction of the court. The purpose of
pointing this out according to James was to show that the same pattern of filing excessive
police reports is also extended to Lauras filing of excessive pleadings and motions as well.
James also provided copies of six Domestic Violence Injunctions (DVI) that Laura had filed
against him, the basis of each that was investigated and proven to be meritless. However,
Laura used these DVIs to take over the fathers home on multiple occasions and block him
from seeing his daughter.

The Tampa Bay times also reported that a PCSO Deputy Paul Martin was under investigation
for his involvement with Laura including but not limited to:
1. Personally calling in a false domestic violence report on James while he was meeting
at the school with Jordans principal. Three PCSO patrol cars went to the school and
the deputies interrogated James regarding alleged violent behavior in the office of
the school when there was no violence occurring.
2. Threatening James
3. Fixing cases for Laura and sending her a text message stating the following;
From PCSO Deputys cell phone: 5-2-2012 Wish I could fix things for you
From PCSO Deputys cell phone: 5-16-2012 Time for him to get fucked with for a
From PCSO Deputys cell phone: 5-16-2012 Delete this text. I made some calls.
Nothing will go anywhere. He can make all the complaints he wants. File all
the motions he wants. From this point forward he will be ignored and nothing
will go anywhere.
From PCSO Deputys cell phone:5-16-2012 Lol. Fuck him
4. Coming to James home after he was ordered not to have any contact with James
5. Texting Laura McLynas naked photos of himself with an erection. These photos were
discovered on an electronic device in the backpack of 10yo Jordan McLynas.
This deputy was recently terminated from the PCSO.
There are also text messages that clearly indicate that Laura was involved with other sexual
relationships, both male and female. Both Taylor and Jordan were exposed to many of
these people over the last three years.

This evaluator was also provided the entire library of Child Protective Investigation (CPI)
reports from the PCSO. These reports chronicled a myriad of complaints and issues
between the parents as it related to the children Taylor and Jordan. The CPI reports started
during the first accusation of domestic violence by Laura which resulted in the arrest and
prosecution of James. The reports are however revealing from a number of different
Throughout the CPI reports it is clear that Laura attempted to vilify James. The mother
alleged numerous times that the father beat the children and her, however, each time these
allegations were investigated by CPI and were proven to be unfounded. Both children
repeatedly denied being abused or beaten by their father.
Laura also repeatedly claimed that both children were afraid and even terrified of their
father because of the years of violent abuse that the children have been the victim of and
had witnessed. However, both children clearly stated, whenever asked that they were not
afraid of their father, he had not abused them and they wanted to see him and be with him.
Some examples of this include the following:
09/11/2009 Taylor McLynas is quoted in CPI report 100305854 stating She states she
would like to know when she will be able to see her father again.
08/10/202010 CPI Report 2010-130022-01 The girls denied ever seeing any physical
altercation (between the parents) . The children denied witnessing any domestic violence
issues between the parents. It was stated by one of the children that the mother did throw
a book but not at anyone.the mother has the youngest daughter since Thursday and left
the older daughter Taylor at the home because she wanted to be with the father who is the
stepfather through marriage.
06/24/2010 CPD Report CW10-71972 I interviewed both girls separately and other than
the fathers periodical yelling and disciplining them, there were no indications of any
physical abuse.
06/28/202010 PCSO CPI Report 100305854 She (Jordan) hasnt seen her parents fight
physically, only yell at each otherher mother sometimes slaps her but her
06/28/2010 PCSO CPI Report 100305854 She (Laura) would like to get her daughter
(Taylor) but knows that she is safe with him (James).
06/29/2010 PCSO CPI Report 100305854 She (Taylor) denied witnessing any physical
altercations.She (Taylor) has seen the drug bottles and thinks that her mother has taken
5-7 pills a day.
07/02/2010 CPD Report CW10-75683 Laura did not believe that Taylor was in any danger
at this time and requested that James not be contacted.

07/06/2010 CPD Report CW10-75683-1 Taylor wanted to stay with James. Taylor was
crying and upset. She wanted to stay with her father (James) rather than her mother.
10/06/2010 PCSO CPI Report 100305854 Jordan indicated that the first time the police
had come to the home her mother had slapped her father and her father was arrested.
Jordan stated that her mother blamed her father for scratching her arm, but it was the dog
who had scratched her mother.
11/02/2010 PCSO CPI Report 2010 197708-01 She (Taylor) stated that she has never
heard her father (James) threaten her mother She (Kelsey) stated that Laura would lie
about her dad hitting, but he never did that.
10/25/2010 PCSO CPI Report100305854 Laura stated that domestic violence was
w/James, and this was mostly verbal and mental abuse.
09/06/2012 PCSO CPI Report 2012-156280-1 Mother has attempted to stop the visitations
but she has been unsuccessful in preventing Jordan from having to go for visitation. The
child denied that her father ever abused her. Jordan denies any ongoing abuse, she said
she loves her dad and wants to see him and spend time with him. Taylor also wants to
spend time with James McLynas who raised her as his own child according to her and has
never hit either herself or Jordan other than as a form of discipline and she felt it
appropriate and not abusive.
09/25/2010 PCSO Report SO10-276168 Taylor said that despite being upset over the
allegations, she was not afraid of her father (James). When asked which parent she
preferred to be with, she appeared somewhat conflicted and said both.. She (Jordan)
was unable to provide further details or instances of alleged abuse but she did state that
her mom lies a lot.
09/29/2012 PCSO CPI Report 2012-190718-01 The mother does not treat the situation
with Jordan seriously. She blames the 12 year old for all of the incidents that occur. The
mother continues to leave the child unsupervised with her other daughter. The mother
has shown poor problem solving skills as she continues to leave Jordan unsupervised.
Taylor reports that the mother is on the phone outside for hours at a time at night.
Neighbor collaterals confirm that the mother takes walks outside on the phone and smokes
outside for lengths of time. The mother stated that she believes that Jordans behavior is
a result of the abuse that she experienced from her father. It is concerning that the
mother is questioning CPI about Jordan being supervised by an adult at all times. The
mother inquired about smoking and going to a friends house. The mother may not follow
through with the safety plan ensuring the child is to be supervised at all times. This case
will be closed with verified findings of mental injury, threatened harm, failure to protect and
inadequate supervision to the children Taylor and Jordan by the mother Laura McLynas
being the perpetrator. Another incident occurred on 8-24-12. Again, the mother was not
around, she was not supervising the children.

07/11/2012 PCSO CPI Report 100305854 She (Taylor) does not have a close relationship
with her dad Jeff, and considers Jordans dad (James) to be her dad. She said she does not
get to see him and she misses the time that they all her Jordan and her dad, spent
together. She said she has not seen him for or spent time with him for over two years.
Child appeared to be sad when talking about this. Her eyes were downcast and when she
did look up she had flat effect. dad had never hit either of them for any reason other than
when he disciplined them.
07/11/2012 PCSO CPI Report 100305854 She (Laura) knows that she is out of compliance
with court ordered visitation but I dont care Im not going to let my daughter be with him
(James). CPI advised mom that she needed to comply with the court order because CPI
was not going to tell her not to and that she had been told by CPI Emmons that the issues
between her and dad are better off handled through family court because CPI was not going
to take a position in the matter.
07/11/2012 PCSO CPI Report 100305854 CPI discussed with mom the seriousness of her
going to the (James) home when she had no right to go to the house and how that was a
violation of the injunction. Mom was told not to go to the house under any circumstances.
02/04/2013 PCSO CPI Report 2013-033909-01 The only verified report was when the
mother was allowing Jordan to be cared for by her sister.
The above quotations and report references are the complete accounting from the sum total
of all police and CPI reports where the children were questioned about any physical abuse.
Not once did either child ever claim that James has ever been abusive to them or their
mother. Interestingly enough, there is an absolute absence within every single report where
Laura herself actually accuses James of striking or hitting her. There are no police reports
where Laura filed a report on any specific incident of domestic violence at the hands of
James. Even in the original 07/31/2009 report where Laura had James arrested she does
not claim that he hit her. Her only claim is that he pushed her and scratched her and then
she later admitted that even this was a lie. There are however dozens of non-specific
allegations of horrific abuse at the hands of James. Statements such as James has beaten
and abused her for 8 years. These statements, however, are not accompanied with specific
dates or details. It is this evaluators position that all such accusations by Laura are highly
questionable and in all appearances not true. They appear to be meant to vilify James in
order to gain an unjust advantage over him in this custody case.
On 10/06/2013 after a request for something to drink by Jordan, Laura breaks out into a
physical altercation between them. Laura is quoted in PCSO CPI report 100772711 as the
mother stated that she was trying to get away from Jordan the whole time. Jordan weighs
approximately 60 pounds. Lauras response to the altercation is to attempt to hospitalize
Jordan under the Baker Act. This attempt is unsuccessful, however, from this point forward
it is reported that Laura threatens Jordan with Baker Act hospitalizations as a form of
punishment. PCSO CPI report 100772711 goes on to state Jordan reports liking to see her
father and misses him when she does not see him. and the only verified report was when
the mother was allowing Jordan to be cared for by her sister. This suggests that CPI was

well aware that there were no verified findings of wrongdoing at any time by James,
however, the CPI reports label James as a violent habitual offender.

The moral fitness of the parents.

Generally morality is not the domain of mental health workers. In this case, however,
there is evidence that the mother engages in extreme forms of aberrant sexual
behavior and has exposed the children to photographs of these acts. This would be a
major consideration in recommending a timesharing schedule.
Evidence of domestic violence, sexual violence, child abuse, child abandonment, or
child neglect, regardless of whether a prior or pending action relating to those
issues has been brought.
Many allegations of domestic violence, child abuse, neglect, etc. have been levied
against the father for the last four years with literally no validation to any other them.

Evidence that either parent has knowingly provided false information to the court
regarding any prior or pending action regarding domestic violence, sexual
violence, child abuse, child abandonment, or child neglect.
It is highly suspected that the above referenced (m. above) allegations were false
reports by the mother and in fact she admitted to lying and later recanted her

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