Identification of SR On Wireline Logs

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Vhc AinL'tican Associaiior of Pclrolcum Cicologisls Hiilleim

V. 70, No. 11 (Novcmbi-r 1986), P. 1749

Identification of Source Rocks on Wireline Logs by

Density/Resistivity and Sonic Transit Time/Resistivity Crossplots


Meyer and Nederlof (1984) investigated the possibility

We thank Aljawadi (1986) for his comments regarding
that source rocks might be recognizable from the available our paper (Meyer and Nederlof, 1984). He is quite correct in
standard Schlumberger logs: gamma ray, sonic, density/ pointing out that we had somehow "flipped" between sonic
neutron, resistivity, induction + SFL, and Laterolog. velocity and sonic transit time.
MeyerandNederlof (1984, p. 121) established that: "generThe first sentence of our abstract (p. 121) should read:
ally source rock formations show a lower density, a lower "Source rock formations generally show a lower density, a
sonic transit time, and a higher resistivity than other sedi- higher sonic transit time, and a higher resistivity . . ." On
ments of equal compaction and comparable mineralogy"
page 122, under the section "Sonic Logs," the second senMy discussion is based on the same principles of finding tence should read, "a relative increase in sonic transit time."
that source rockscommonly shales and basinal lime- Also,thecaptiontoFigure2(p. 123) should read: "Resistivstones rich in organic matterare differentially less com- ity is only marginally higher than the overlying shale, but
pacted after deposition than rocks with similar mineralogy density is considerably lower and sonic transit time is conand less organic matter, based on a study of the behavior of siderably higher."
We apologize for the errors; the conclusions of the paper
With the exception of the statement regarding the sonic are unaffected.
transit time giving a lower reading, the resistivity, density,
and gamma-ray anomalous readings opposite source rocks
are petrophysically true and well recognized on the logs.
However, Meyer and Nederlof's sonic logs (their Figures 27,9) clearly shows that the transit time has a higher value- Aljawadi, Y. N., 1986, Identification of source rocks on wireline logs by
as it should in principlerather than a lower value as stated
density/resistivity and sonic transit time/resistivity aossplots: discussion: AAPG Bulletin, v. 70 (this issue).
by the authors throughout their paper. The porosity of
B. L., and M. H. Nederlof, 1984, Identification of source rocks on
source rocks is relatively higher because of low Meyer,
wireline logs by density/resistivity and sonic transit time/resistivity
compactiona phenomenon that is enhanced by the prescrossplots: AAPG Bulletin, v. 68, p. 121-129.
ence of orgamc matter.

Meyer, B. L., and M. H. Nederlof, 1984, Identification of source rocks on
wireline logs by density/resistivity and sonic transit time/resistivity
crossplots: AAPG Bulletin, v. 68, p. 121-129.

Copyright 1986. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All

rights reserved.
' Manuscript received, January 29,1986; accepted. May 30,1986.
^Shell Internationale Petroleum Mij. B.V., RO. Box 162, 2501 AN The
Hague, Netherlands.

Copyright 1986. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All

rights reserved.
'' Manuscript received, November 27,1984; accepted, October 4,1985.
^Iraql National Oil Company, Khullani Square, RO. Box 476, Baghdad, Iraq.


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