World History Project - Draft

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Guidelines for World History and Cultures Project
In this project, students will be able to:
1) Construct a correctly ordered and organized chronological timeline.
2) Write grammatically correct content that demonstrates a high understanding of the significance of dates, events, and
3) Research facts to ensure accuracy of information.
4) Construct a simple reference list of research sources.
The World History and Cultures Project
The 6th Grade World History and Cultures Project is an opportunity to become better acquainted with
ancient Roman history. Through this project you will need to narrate the history of ancient Rome by
constructing a timeline that includes
at least
28 detailed events from Romes founding (ca 753 B.C.) through
its collapse (ca 410 A.D.). Your emphasis of certain dates, events, and persons and the content you write
for each should indicate an understanding of their significance in history. Students should write 3-5
sentences to explain each historical fact and its importance.
Instructions and Requirements
Your project will consist of three parts: your Research, your Chronological Timeline, and your Content. In
total, your work on all three should take between 10 and 12 hours during Independent Study Week.
1) Research
- your research will consist of the following elements:

Familiarize yourself with the historical facts.

This means learning about the events and persons you
are placing on your timeline, and what were circumstances surrounding each at a given point in time.
Additionally, you will need to explain the causes and the effects of an event or action. For example, in
the era of the Republic, the Senate voted to destroy Carthage during the Third Punic War. As a historian
you need to explain why the Senate voted the way they did, what influenced their decision, and what
their decision indicated about the character of the Roman Republic. %o acquire this type of familiarity,
good research is required.
b) Reading through secondary sources to learn about your topic.
In the following section, a list of
helpful websites have been provided to help you understand your topic more thoroughly. However, you
will be required to find more resources to complete your research. In addition, the library may also have
some helpful materials for your use.
c) Using primary sources.
You must use references to at least 6 primary sources in your content. A
primary source provides first-hand testimony or direct evidence concerning a topic under investigation.
They are created by witnesses or recorders who experienced the events or conditions being documented.
Often these sources are created at the time when the events or conditions are occurring, but primary
sources can also include autobiographies, memoirs, and oral histories recorded later. An example of a
primary source is Ciceros writing on the assassination of Julius Caesar.
d) Bibliography:
On a separate sheet of paper, you will be required to construct a list of the books and
websites you used to create your timeline and content. All of your secondary sources and primary
sources should be listed in your bibliography. For a reference to a book you only need to include the

authors name, book title, and year of publication, and the page numbers used. . For a reference to a
website, you only need to include the name of the website, the date of access, and a link to the website.
example of book: David Potter.
Constantine the Emperor.
2013, pgs 3-5.
example of website: Lacuscurtius: Into the Roman World.
, accessed January 7, 2016.

2) Chronological Timeline
- you will construct your timeline on a poster board that has the minimum
dimensions of 22in by 36in. Your timeline should show, in chronological order,
at least
24 historical
facts that includes
at least
10 persons and 14 events. Each person and event must be precisely
placed on the timeline and designated by the correct historical date(s). You may also draw pictures
or paste images to accompany these historical facts. The following eras and persons should be
your timeline should be split up into certain key eras of ancient Rome. These eras are: The
Founding of Rome; The Roman Republic; The Roman Empire; The Decline and Collapse of Rome.
b) Persons:
Gracchus Brothers, Gaius Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Julius Caesar, Octavian Augustus, Jesus
Christ, Emperor Trajan, Nero, Constantine, Justinian.

3) Content
you should write 3-4 sentences of content for each historical fact that you place on the
timeline. Content should be written or typed in an orderly and neat way using complete
grammatically correct sentences. You can also quote primary sources in your content.
Suggested Websites
Time Log
To ensure that you spend the required amount of time on your project during Independent Study Week,
you will find a time log attached on the last page of this packet. The time log is to be filled out every day of

Project Week. You will be asked to write the date, the work that you did, and the number of hours spent
on that work. In addition, your parents are asked to sign after each entry.

By signing below, the student and parent indicate that they have read through the above packet, and that
they understand the requirements for the assignment.
Student Signature: ____________________________________________________

Parent Signature: _____________________________________________________

Minimum of 14 events _____10pts
All persons listed
All Eras completed
Neat and organized
Accuracy of information
Quality of content
Primary sources

Time Log:
Work Accomplished: _________________________________________________________________
Total hours spent today:___________________________
Parent Signature:_____________________________________________________
Work Accomplished: _________________________________________________________________
Total hours spent today:___________________________
Parent Signature:_____________________________________________________
Work Accomplished: _________________________________________________________________
Total hours spent today:___________________________
Parent Signature:_____________________________________________________

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