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My warmest and sincerest welcome to one and all!

Thank you for the time you spared to celebrate with us on this special event, our MSU-CETD
As conglomerate of MSU-CETD families, I am honoured and pleased to see you happy with
your children and even with your other relatives if only to show how much you care and love
them, on the other hand, how warm your children show loving gestures just to manifest how
much they care and love you as their parents.
AGAIN, my profoundest gratitude for the positive response you have accorded to our invitation.
This may just be a simple celebration but, your sincere response to our call is indeed
Surely, your presence alone has contributed to the FESTIVE atmosphere of our affair!
KINANG- PAMILYA, this is really it! Each family brings light as it brings hope for a closer
intra-family and inter-family relationships with one another in order to thresh out from among
themselves what necessary help they can extend to the school in order to build a more conducive
learning environment for their children.
Kinang-pamilya! This is an imperative to all parents; a reminder that our parenting does not end
when our children leave home for school and resumes only when our children come back home
in the afternoon.
We have to accept the fact that school simply assists your children for their formal education.
The kind of formal training they may get from school will somehow depend on the kind of
support you are to pledge- all for the benefit of your children, whether it may be a direct or
indirect support to the institution that welcomes and adopt your children as their own in school.
Count the number of days they are with us the whole year through and count the number of
years they are to stay with us, until such time they shall have graduated from the institution.
As we forge closer relationship, let us not forget, we are all normal human beings, bound to
commit human mistakes, though EXCELLENCE we seek and expect.
We are here to assist and help one another, all ,for the good of our children.
Lifetime education , let us remember starts from our own homes. Our children duplicate what
they observe from home.

What they see is what they get; so, thats how crucial parenting as well as rearing family is.
When they come to school, every teacher deals with different kinds of personalities as they are
raised from different kinds of families. However much we try to stretch our patience to the
maximum limit, human as we are, we sometimes fail to hold on to where we are supposed to.
When the sail gets tough with your children, our only request, is for you to give time to see and
talk with people correspondingly. Have an open communication line with us and above all, we
would like to welcome you here for a resolution.
We always believe all of us, including the children have diamonds in the rough. If properly
managed, starting from home to school with teachers and classmates and other peers, slowly we
will be able to unearth from them a diamond in MAGNIFICENT RADIANCE and STUNNING
beauty which ultimately will afford them to meet and grasp success in life.
Some may be rough outside, but, we dont stop believing, there is beauty that lies beneath every
childs heart- a diamond that has to withstand all the formative pressures and inevitable stresses
in and out of school if only to prove one day his worth, his stunning beauty that glitters like a
DIAMOND in the sky.
When they find pressure in school, please consider that normal, because they have to understand
and accept that necessary demands have to be responded positively, if only to extract the
diamond buried in them.
And the question is, are we all willing to endure the pressure, the cutting, and the polishing if
only to bring out the diamond within us?
We can only withstand all the pressures, the trials in the polishing of our own person, IF and
ONLY IF, we allow GOD to reside in our hearts, in our homes, in our families, in our workplace.
The more we come under the sharp edge of Gods word and allow it to pierce and shape us, the
more we will be valuable in His Kingdom.
As the apostle Paul says, we must not have a spot or a wrinkle or any such thing but rather be
holy and without blemish. Like a flawless diamond, we must reflect and disperse light because
we are the light of the world to disperse the DARKNESS of this EVIL AGE, citing a line from
the Bible according to Matthew.
Gods diamonds will be judged, not by the color or roughness of their exterior, but by the content
of their INTERIOR, their CHARACTER.
This character is developed, not inherited. It cannot be achieved by avoiding Gods divine
process. It is this process that will shape and refine us from being diamonds in the rough to
eventually become SPARKLING DIAMONDS in the dark.

As families, have we experienced Gods shaping and polishing of our lives? If we have and still
are undergoing the hard process, lets fall on our knees, and say , THANK you LORD for the
divine process. We want to be like diamonds that give light in the darkness of sins and ignorance.
LORD, help us to unearth the diamonds in us,
Thank you Lord for everything!
Thank you Lord for the gift of life! For the sustaining grace you have given to all of us, thank
KINANG-PAMILYA, you can only be, if we have God in our life.
Our beloved parents, my CETD family, students, guests, ladies and gentlemenThank you and good evening.

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