ECE 310 Formal Lab

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By Ray Anderson and Adam Singer


Infrared communications is a line-of-sight communication channel that is used in home security

systems, television remote controls, robotic image detection, automatic urinals, automatic paper
towel dispensers, and modems. The purpose of this project (labs 1-5) was to create an infrared
digital communication system using an infrared optical channel. To create this system, we broke
our project down into several sections. We worked on the transmitter and the receiver
components of the communication channel in conjunction. The input to this communication
system is a pseudorandom generated sequence that serves to model a random communication
signal. The communication system operated on a data bit clock of 100 Hz and the carrier signal
frequency of 40 KHz. Throughout 5 weeks, we comprised our entire IR communication system.
Below is a brief list of all of our lab projects:
1. Lab 1: Interfacing to infrared Transducers
a. Create transimpedance amplifier for photo-transistor (Transmitter)
b. Date Completed: 03/07/2016
2. Lab 2: Digital In-Digital Out
a. Create pseudorandom data generator (Transmitter)
b. Create threshold comparator (Receiver)
c. Create sampling circuit (Receiver)
d. Date Completed: 03/14/2016
3. Lab 3: Modulation and Receiver Front End
a. Create active bandpass receiver filter (Receiver)
b. Create carrier oscillator circuit (Transmitter)
c. Date Completed: 03/22/2016
4. Lab 4: Envelope Detector
a. Create envelope detector (Receiver)
b. Create threshold generator (Receiver)
c. Date Completed: 04/07/2016
5. Lab 5: Digital In-Digital Out
a. Create clock recovery circuit (Receiver)
b. Date Completed: 04/12/2016
This project has provided us with an immersive design experience in electronic circuit debugging
and system level communication design. It is our recommendation that the approach to course
labs proceeds in its current manner with minor exceptions (rewording the prelab of lab 5 will
give a better understanding of the timing recovery system).


IR communication is ubiquitous and can be instantiated in many different forms. Due to this, the
opportunity to build a fully functional IR communication system is a very useful ability. The
purpose of this report is to provide an account of the methodology we exhausted to create our
communication system. This report will explain how we started and finished our IR
communication channel design. This report will be segmented into 5 major sections: A.) the

introduction, B.) The Circuit Documentation, C.) The Measurements, 4.) The Discussion and 5.)
Conclusion. The circuit documentation section will illustrate our final system circuitry as well as
show various IC package designs. The measurements section of our report will include a
complete set of waveform captures that illustrate the electrical behavior or our system. The
discussion section is where all of the figures provided in the measurements section will be
elucidated. Finally, our conclusion will synthesize our entire report. The result of this project was
that we were able to successfully create our digital IR communication system through substantial
effort and the continued assistance and brilliance of Dr. Mark Yoder.


Here is a list of all of the all of the ICs that were used in this project

Figure 1 TL072 operational Amplifier

Figure QED223 LED

Figure 3- LTR 3208-phototransistor


Figure 4- SN74LS08 AND

Figure 5- SN74LS74A- Dflip DFlops

Figure 6-LM7805- Voltage Regulator

Figure 7- LM555-555 Timer

Figure 8-2N3904- NPN Transistor

Figure 9- PIC16F690

Figure 10- LM311- Comparator

Here is a list of figure of all of the circuits that were built in this project.

Figure 11- Transmitter used to send data to the receiver.

Figure 12- Bandpass Filter. This was used to filter the received signal.

Figure 13- Envelope detector. This circuit is used to generate a suitable threshold and peak
outline for the filtered received signal.

Figure 14- D Flip Flop. This is used to

sample the comparator signal

Figure 15- Voltage regulator for our system

Figure 15- This is a total block diagram of our system.

Here is a list of figures all of the circuits that were design on our bread board.

Figure 16- Receiver Schematic. This is the final circuit that was built.

Figure 17- Transmitter. This is the final circuit that was built.

Here is the code that was utilized for timing recovery and PSG.

Figure 18- Timing Recovery Code.

Figure 19- PSG. This is the PSG code for the system.

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