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1. Explain the effect of alloying elements (C, Mn, Cr, Ni, and Al) to the steel?

Answer: The effect of add carbon to the steel are increasing the hardness and strength by heat
treatment. Manganese is added to steel to improve hot working properties and increase strength,
toughness and hardenability. Chromium is added to the steel to increase resistance to oxidation.
Nickel also improves resistance to oxidation and corrosion. It increases toughness at low temperatures
when added in smaller amounts to alloy steels. Aluminium is added to the steel as a final rounds to
make the steel more strength.
2. Explain the picture below !

Answer: Akibat adanya perlakuan dingin pada material akan mengubah ukuran butirnya, maka
diperlukan proses pemanasan untuk mengubah butiran tersebut kembali normal. Pada pemanasan
hingga 200C terjadi prosee recovery dimana butirnya berbentuk pipih memiliki kekuatan yg tinggi
namun memiliki keuletan yg rendah. Pada saat proses rekristalisasi 300-400C mulai terbentuk
butiran baru sehingga mengakibatkan keuletan bertambah namun kekuatan menurun. Pada temperatur
diatas 500C terjadi pertumbuhan butir yg mengakibatkan material menjadi ulet.
3. The picture below explain about stress and strain of material in different condition of
temperature. Explain the effect of the temperature to the mechanichal properties of the material !

Answer: Akibat dari pemanasan terjadi perubahan mechanical properties dari material, jika material
didinginkan secara cepat (quench) akan menyebabkan material menjadi getas dalam grafik memiliki
kekuatan yg tinggi 1200Mpa untuk memutuskan material uji namun memiliki elongation yg rendah.
Sedangkan akibat pemanasan yg lama (annealed) menyebabkan material uji memiliki elongation yg
tinggi / ulet.

1. This picture below describe metallurgical bonding between Fe and Al in process galvanizing. The
layer caused in this process are Eta layer (), Zeta layer (), Delta layer (), and Gamma layer ().
How much the percentate of (wt%) Fe contain in Delta layer ?


5-7% Fe.
7-12% Fe.
12-20% Fe.
20-28% Fe.

Answer : B
Eta layer () has Zn (wt%) 100, Zeta layer () has Zn (wt%) 93-95, Delta layer () has Zn (wt%) 8893, and Gamma layer () has Zn (wt%) 72-80
2. What is the effect to the steel when adding alloying element of Cobalt (Co) ?
A. Improves yield strength in such steels.
B. Improves machinability without resulting in hot shortness.
C. Stabilizing carbon by forming hard carbides.
D. Improves strength at high temperatures and magnetic permeability.
Answer : D
The effect of Cobalt (Co) is improves strength at high temperatures and magnetic permeability. The
effect of Nitrogen (N) is improves yield strength in such steels. The effect of Sulphur (S) is improves
machinability without resulting in hot shortness. The effect of Niobium (Nb) is stabilizing carbon by
forming hard carbides.
3. In crystalograpy there is most common structure crystal, they are BCC, FCC, HCP, Simple cubic,
and Diamond cubic. Each crystal structure has different atomic packing factor (APF), APF is the
fraction of volume in a crystal structure that is occupied by constituent particles. What is the APF
number of BCC ?
A. 0.74
B. 0.52
C. 0.68
D. 0.32
Answer : C
Atomic packing factor (APF) of HCP and FCC is 0.74, BCC is 0.68, Simple cubic is 0.52, and
Diamond cubic is 0.32

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