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esoteric and exoteric

apophatic (belief that God can be known to humans only in
terms of what He is not; God is unknowable
simulacrum, a false likeness, vague semblance, an idol; an
Prosopon: like hypostasis, prosopon meant the exterior
expression of somebody's inner nature, or the individual self
as it was presented to an onlooker
Paradigm: generally accepted perspective
Confounded: confused, perplexed, throw, fox, bedevil,
befuddle, fuddle, discombobulate
Facile: lacking depth
Abstruse: deep, recondite, difficult to penetrate
Celibacy: an unmarried status, chastity
Dredged: remove with a power shovel, drag
Abreaction: catharsis, purging of emotional tensions
Caverns: large chamber in a cave

Condescended: descend, stoop, lower oneself, debase oneself

Resplendent: glorious, splendid, splendiferous
Archetype: original, pilot
Concupiscence: sexual desire, eros, physical attraction
Revel: merry making, delight
Denigration: minimize, belittle, derogate
Derange: unbalance, perturb
Castigate: inflict severe punishment, censure, objurgate,
Temptress: femme fatale, enchantress, siren, Delilah, a
woman who is considered to be dangerously seductive
Contagion: contagious disease
Venereal disease: genital disease, e.g. herpes
Askance: askant, asquint, squint, squint-eyed, (of a glance)
directed to one side with or as if with doubt or suspicion or
Ordination: status of being ordained to a sacred office
Ostracise: banish, ban, shun, cast out, blackball
Pule: mewl, whimper, wail, cry weakly or softly
Bastion: a group that defends a principle
Pseudonym: nom de guerre, anonym, a fictitious name used
for social role
Ken: cognizance, range of what one can understand
Rapture: ecstasy, exaltation
Normative: dealing with norms

Venerate: reverence, fear

Uncanny, unearthly, weird, eldritch
Internecine: a conflict within a group or organization
Largesse: largess, a gift or money given as for service or out
of benevolence ; usually given ostentatiously
Morrow: the next day
Curt: brusque, short, brusk, marked by rude or peremptory
Peremptory: bossy, aristocratic, dominating
Ubiquitous: omnipresent
Capricious: freakish, impulsive, changeable
Numen: a spirit believed to reside on an object or preside
over a place
Numinous: evincing the presence of a deity; e.g. a numinous
Consolation: solace, comfort, solacement
Unerring: without error, inerrant
Glen: a narrow secluded valley in the mountains
Grovel: crawl, creep, fawn, cringe, cower; show submission
Parable: fable, apologue, allegory, a short moral story
Allusive: characterized by indirect references
Elliptical: characterized by extreme economy of expression
Splinter: secede, break away, withdraw from an organization
Balderdash: fiddle-faddle, piffle, trivial nonsense

Damask: having a woven pattern; a damask cloth

Annunciation: announcement, proclamation, declaration; the
announcement to the virgin Mary from Gabriel angel of the
incarnation of Christ
Incarnation: embodiment, avatar
Incantation: conjuration, a ritual recitation of words believed
to have magical effect
Theophany: a visible (not necessarily material) manifestation
of a deity to a human person
Vicissitude: changing or variation in circumstances or fortune
Monolatry: the worship of a single god but without claiming
that it is the only god
Espouse: follow, adopt, choose and follow as of theories,
ideas, religion

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