Saving Parameter Using Starter

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FAQ for changing and saving

parameters using STARTER

FAQ May 2013

Service & Support

Answers for industry.

This entry is from the Siemens Industry Online Support. The general terms of use
( apply.
Clicking the link below directly displays the download page of this document.

The functions and solutions described in this article confine themselves to the
realization of the automation task predominantly. Please take into account
furthermore that corresponding protective measures have to be taken up in the
context of Industrial Security when connecting your equipment to other parts of the
plant, the enterprise network or the Internet. Further information can be found
under the Content-ID 50203404.

FAQ for changing and saving parameters using STARTER

Version 1.2, Item-ID: 31399077

1 Overview


This FAQ applies only to the SINAMICS G110/G120 series, Control Units without
-2 in the product name and MICROMASTER 4 inverters.

The PC connection kit 6SE6400-1PC00-0AA0 allows RS232 connection between a
single MICROMASTER and a PC; the PC connection kit for the G110 is 6SL32550AA00-2AA1. You need either a PC with a RS232 port, or a USB to RS232
converter. Although most converters will work, the following ones have been tested
by us (see FAQ: 24072800):
Conrad USB modem adapter, order no. 98 24 17 (
Roline USB to serial 9-pin converter, order no. 12.02.1086; (
SITECOM USB serial cable CN-104 - USB to serial; (
The Roline converter is available from RS components, part number 450-3238; for
ordering in the UK go to , and use RS stock number search.
Its strongly recommended you always have the latest version of STARTER
installed, as you won't be able to communicate with drives that have newer
firmware versions than those in the STARTER version you're using. The newest
STARTER version can be downloaded free of charge from our website at
If youre using a USB to RS232 converter ensure its driver is installed.

FAQ for changing and saving parameters using STARTER

Version 1.2, Item-ID: 31399077

2 Changing and saving parameters using STARTER

Changing and saving parameters using

Use the wizard to create a new STARTER project.
The default setup is the wizard opens when you launch STARTER, or you can call
it up from project/ new with wizard. Use the option "find drive units on line":
Choose Find drive units online

And give the project a name.

In the second step you have to set the PG/PC interface. Click on "change and test"
to the set PG/PC interface box:

FAQ for changing and saving parameters using STARTER

Version 1.2, Item-ID: 31399077

2 Changing and saving parameters using STARTER

The set PG/PC interface window appears:

In the Interface parameter assignment (centre of the box [1]) click on PC COM-port

FAQ for changing and saving parameters using STARTER

Version 1.2, Item-ID: 31399077

2 Changing and saving parameters using STARTER

In the "access point of the application" at the top [2] "S7 ONLINE (STEP 7) --> PC
COM-port (USS)" should be automatically selected. If something else is shown,
use the drop down arrow to select "S7 ONLINE (STEP 7) --> PC COM-port (USS)".
Its important this is correct. If you have Step 7 (or related packages) installed, the
PG/PC interface is shared, and can be changed either from STARTER or Step 7.
Depending on what software and hardware you have, and how the interface was
last set, you may find "S7 ONLINE (STEP 7) --> PC COM-port (USS)" is not
available as the access point. In this case temporarily selecting different interface
parameters should make the correct access point available for PC COM-port
If PC COM-port (USS) is not available as the interface parameter, use the select
button in "interfaces add/remove". Click on PC COM-port (USS) on the left and
then the install button.
When the interface parameter and access point are correctly set, click the
properties button in set PG/PC interface and select the interface tab.

Set the RS232 com port (e.g. COM2), and accept the default baud rate of 9600
Baud. Its recommended communications are started with the default baud rate; the
baud rate can be increased later in this window if you wish.

FAQ for changing and saving parameters using STARTER

Version 1.2, Item-ID: 31399077

2 Changing and saving parameters using STARTER

In the RS485 tab check "automatic".

Return to the set PG/PC interface box, and click on the diagnostics button, and
then test slaves:

FAQ for changing and saving parameters using STARTER

Version 1.2, Item-ID: 31399077

2 Changing and saving parameters using STARTER

If STARTER detects a drive then the 0 / 0 box is checked, as above (the default
address 0 is assumed). If a different box is checked this is because the RS232
USS address P2011.01 has been changed from its default value.
If no box is checked, check:


the PG/PC interface settings,


the hardware connections,


no other programme is using the COM port. You can check this by using
hyper terminal accessory in Windows, called up from
Start/Programs/accessories/communications. This sets up a basic
connection to the COM port . Accept the default settings for the RS232
COM port you want to use. If another programme is using the com port
youll get a message advising this. It may be necessary to shut down the
programme using the port from task manager, as some programmes take
over the port at boot up.


the position of the 2 switches on the back of the MM4 PC connection kit (if
fitted). The left hand switch should be up and the right hand one down
(looking at the rear of the adaptor plate).


Check the baud rate using

FAQ for changing and saving parameters using STARTER

Version 1.2, Item-ID: 31399077

2 Changing and saving parameters using STARTER

STARTER in the field "Properties PC Com Port (USS)" via "Baud rate
test / Read. (This can be selected via Options / Set PG/PC interface).
a BOP, as to whether the RS232-USS baud rate, set on the
MICROMASTER, matches the setting in STARTER. The standard value of
9600 baud is set if P2010.01=6. This is Index 1 of P2010, Index 0 refers to
RS485 communication via the terminals. Also note that when parameters
are reset to the standard values these baud rates and the address are not

Try power cycling the drive and restarting STARTER. In some cases, such
as changing the Baud rate, or if a MM420/MM440 BOP has been put on a
MM430 the RS232 communication can get corrupted and requires

Click "continue" in the wizard.

STARTER then searches for the drive, and will show which drive has been found.
Click on the complete button to set up the STARTER project. The STARTER main
screen appears; expand the navigation tree on the left as shown below.
If "find drive units" fails, it's possible you have a drive or drive firmware version not
supported by the installed STARTER version. Check the website for an updated

The view shown is the expert list, which is useful if youre familiar with the
MICROMASTER parameter numbers.

FAQ for changing and saving parameters using STARTER

Version 1.2, Item-ID: 31399077

2 Changing and saving parameters using STARTER

Right click as shown for the menu that takes you to the expert list. Alternatively,
you can click on one of the functions below Drive navigator for a block diagram of
the relevant part.
You can now go online by clicking on the yellow online Icon (indicated inside the
red ellipse). If you only wish to back up the parameters in the MICROMASTER, you
do this by clicking on the upload icon (load to PG). When the upload has finished,
go to the project menu and select save to save the parameters in the STARTER
project. To create a backup file, go to project/ archive. Follow the instructions to
create a .zip file. This can then be opened on another PC using project/retrieve.
The MICROMASTER parameters can be now changed online in RAM. You can
quickly move between parameters by clicking on any parameter number in the left
hand column and then typing the number of the parameter you want to go to.
To save the parameters to your PC or PG click on the upload icon ("load project to
PG", in the red ellipse). When the upload is complete, click the floppy disc icon
(project save). This brings up a dialogue box:

As the online changes have only been saved in RAM, you should select save
changes to drive unit (EPROM) to initiate a RAM to EPROM write, so the
parameter changes are retained when the MICROMASTER is powered down. The
option shown also saves the MM parameters on your hard disk.

What to do if the MICROMASTER in your project has a different firmware version to the
one you want to download to
If, for example, you want to load the parameters saved from a MM440 with
firmware 2.05 into a new one with firmware 2.11, the STARTER project has to be
converted. To do this you use the device version command to change the version
from 2.0x to 2.1x, by right clicking on the top level icon for the MM440:


FAQ for changing and saving parameters using STARTER

Version 1.2, Item-ID: 31399077

2 Changing and saving parameters using STARTER

You can then go online to the MM440 firmware 2.11, and download the parameters
stored in the converted project using the download icon (or with Target device/
Download to target device).

FAQ for changing and saving parameters using STARTER

Version 1.2, Item-ID: 31399077


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