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Values are the significant and fundamental dimension of human personality
which designate how one adheres, attaches and reacts in life situations or
circumstances. Values are acquired, learnt and developed. Individual internalize
values through their experiences and experiments in life, through socio-cultural
interaction and the process of socialization. Values are the blueprint or action
plan which orient and decide the thinking, actions, feeling and behavior itself.
One of the most cherished values is the value of nationalism.
Nationalism connotes strong devotion to ones nation, which covers patriotic
feeling, efforts and principles. Nationalism is the feeling of oneness among the
people of a certain country. Which advocates that the nation must be final and
ultimate unit of political organization. It is a great unifying force which is the
sort of spiritual bond which brings together persons having unity of language,
religion, race, literature, History and customs. It is the cementing force that
binds the citizens of a country. It motivates the man to sacrifices his individual
good to the good of the nation. The individual citizen resolve their differences
close their ranks and bin themselves in strong bound to achieve one goal to
serve the nation and safeguard it from external danger.
It is comparable to patriotism but whilst patriotism could be defined as the
love of ones causes country, nationalism focuses more on what shape that
country should take .This is the reason nationalism has political and historical
implications also. Nationalism is a powerful tool in uniting people under a
widespread ground. NCC trains the cadets to become responsive individuals,
sensitive to the needs of the community. This active participation teaches
dignity of labour and ignites the creative instinct that lies latent in the youth.
This is achieved through the scientifically planned NCC curriculum. It aims at
developing a new work of ethos characterized by hard work, sincerity of
purpose and the ideals of selfless service with a secular outlook.

Nationalism can be defined as:

An ideology and doctrine.

A political movement.

A collective sentiment of shared identity.

A form of attachment to the state.

A process of nation-building.

A set of symbols and myths expressed through a common language.


To study the sense of nationalism among NCC boys and NCC girls cadet.

To study the sense of nationalism among NCC boys and non NCC boys.

To study the sense of nationalism among NCC girls and non NCC girls.


There is no significant difference between NCC boys and NCC girls cadet
on sense of nationalism.

There is no significant difference between NCC boys and non NCC boys
on sense of nationalism.

There is no significant difference between NCC girls and Non NCC girls on
sense of nationalism.
Review of related literaturejones (2008)-have conducted a study on Relocating nationalism: on the
geographies of reproducing nations. The paper examines the distinction that
has been made in studies of nationalism between national elites and the
ordinary members of nations. He found that national elites have more sense of
nationalism than ordinary members of nations.

EDWARD J. KLESSE AND JAN A. DONOFRIOCo curricular activities may not be tested or graded, but they educateand
benet students in ways that classroom activities can not. Participation in co
curricular activities improves an adolescent's chances of avoiding such risky
behaviors as dropping out, becoming a teenage parent, engaging in
delinquency, smoking, or abusing drugs or alcohol.
Wagner 1999Co curricular activities encourage personal accomplishments and the
development of interpersonal skills. Adolescents who participate in these
activities have opportunities to assume meaningful roles and responsibilities.
The sense of efficacy students gain from these experiences can be an
important protective factor for those growing up under adverse circumstances.
Nord, and Loomis (1995):
Students who participate in co curricular activities not only do better
academically than students who do not but also develop other facets of
their personalities in the process. Self esteem, self confidence social
cooperation, and leadership skills are just a few of the cognitive factors that are
affected. Co curricular activities allow students to blend aspects of their
academic learning into personal actions.
Zill, Nord, and loomis (1995)Goal-directed activities develop skills in young people, and they may foster
positive character traits. Both individual and group activities can teach students
the importance of vigilance, hard work, attention to detail, practice, patience,
and persistence in the face of setbacks. Group activities encourage cooperation
and teamwork, personal sacrifice for group goals, and empathyqualities that
benet young people in their studies, their jobs, and their personal lives, as
well as help them become responsible and successful adults.

The objective of the present study is the compare the sense of nationalism
among NCC and non NCC cadets. To achieve this objective the researcher had
gone to all types of research methods and found that survey method is suitable
for the present study. The tool used for this study is Sense of Nationalism Scale
(SNS) developed by Dr.Kiran Lata Dangwal (2004).
Educational ImplicationsA nation is identified by its citizens as they are the foundation of it. After
studying the sense of nationalism among the NCC and non NCC cadets ,it
becomes clear that NCC girls and boys student have more acquaintance of their
duties. "To achieve the goal of unity and harmony in our society one of the
ways is to educate our people, especially our young generation about unity and
sense of nationalism. Through National Cadet Corps only we may inculcate
these values in the younger generation. NCC training is imparted to the youth
in such a manner so that the desirable qualities of a responsible citizen, good
character for comradeship a sense of discipline, leadership, selfless services to
the nation can be planted in their minds. It is well proved that youth have very
special role in any countries development. India has the largest youth
population and if we look on the past youth plays a very important role in
Indian freedom fights and right from then it was well recognized that the youth
power is very essential in the development of India and to make our country a
better place to live. In Indian history we can take the example of Swami
Vivekananda a youth icon. He taught us what a young should must have and
values of life. Similarly Bhagat Singh who was the youngest freedom fighter
who sacrificed his life for the freedom of our motherland. Apart from these
many more inspiring actions are there which is done by the youth of India.
Today if we look upon the present conditions of the country it is still in
developing mode. Our former president Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam said that India
will be in the list of developed countries by 2020 but by seeing the present
scenario it doesnt seems to be possible. India is not poor but Indians are poor.
It means that our country has enough money for the development but corrupt
politicians and officers makes that money as black money and deposited in the
Swiss bank as a result the public has the lack of money and they become poor

so the point is that if the system consists of proper number of youth the graph
might be different what we have today.
The Indian youth have very much potential if we look upon the migration ratio
of young Indian students and professionals after the engineering and
management studies it is quite surprising that the top students of IITs and IIMs
goes to foreign countries because they are getting better salary packages there
in turn these bright minded youth help a lot in the development of various
fields in those foreign countries.
Many young Indian scientist are working in NASA and as we all know that two
of NASA based Indian astronauts Kalpana Chawla and Sunita Williams went to
space also with the team of NASA astronauts. Thus the matter of fact is that
Indian young minds have better skills and talent in various field and if they get
better opportunity in our own country the brain- drain of young minds will
reduce up to much extent. If they get paid according to their skills and
contributions towards the organization, they will not leave their motherland
and they will work for their own country. For any country the youth resource is
the best resource and fortunately here in India we dont have lack of this youth
resource. The youth have the ability to change the system into best suited for
all people.
Apart from these if we have a look on the bad habits spreading among the
youth, the data is quite high and it is increasing day by day. The main reason for
getting indulge in bad habits are bad company of friends and bad environment
around the person. Thus the point is that young people has so much of
potential that if they use it in constructive work they can lead our India in a
path of continuous progress and if they use it in destructive work they may
destroy their own and others life too. Therefore my appeal to the youth of
India is that, please use your potential in constructive work and in the
development of our India; we all young can do this. Indian values are still exist
in our youth. Today's youth give more importance to Indian culture and values
than their parents.
It is rightly believed that the young population of any country is its biggest
asset. As a matter of fact, the young people of a country make the most
coveted human resource of any nation. India is the second fastest growing

economy in the world and it is believed that if the youth of this country is
projected in the right direction, it wouldnt be late before the economy starts
progressing even more and becomes the fastest growing economy of the
world. According to a survey conducted in 2007, approximately 60% of the
population of India consists of people below the age of 24. Hence, the youth
power of this nation is extremely high. The question however is- Is the youth of
India motivated enough to strive for change and for good? Are the youth of
India confident enough to make a change in the society and the fate of the
country? Or, the youth of India, more than anything else, is confused about the
direction in which they are moving ahead?
The crux of the matter is that the youth of this nation has witnessed a change
that is so remarkable that they actually need time to analyze the prevalent
situation. India, as a nation, has changed drastically in the last two decades.
Post the 1991 economic reforms that marked the beginning of foreign ventures
in India, this country have come a very long way. The present condition of this
nation is hardly anything like what it used to be twenty years back. Shopping
malls, multiplexes, metros, have become quite common these days. The youth
of India has been engulfed in an array of western influence while still remaining
in the traditional Indian setting. Globalization and Capitalism has been very
successful in erasing the boundaries that existed between the nations. Today,
the youth of India stays glued to Americana and British sit-coms and gets more
inspired by the Hollywood movies rather than the Indian television shows or
the Bollywood Masala movies. Moreover, a major chunk of the Indian youth
population gets employed by foreign companies who have invested in India.
Struggling to stay grounded between the western influence and the Indian
roots, is the youth of India confused or confident?
The youth of India is confused as well as confident; confused about certain
things and confident about others. The world has opened its door for the
Indian youth.
Every year, hundreds of students from India enter into worlds most renowned
educational institutions and come out as man fit in every way to excel in their
own field of expertise. It is not only the foreign universities but the standard of
education in the country itself has grown to higher levels. Today, Indian
Universities, each year, produce hundreds of students who are capable of

excelling in all fields of human interest. Apart from the increasing level of the
education standard in the country, the demand for young people, created by
the entry of world famous names in the Indian market and Indian economy has
also increased remarkably in the last few decades. This is a fortunate tie for the
youth of India as they are being showered with opportunities that their
predecessors never had. This generation of young people in India is witnessing
a radical change that makes them confident of who they are. The opportunities
that they are being provided enables them with chances to make it large in life
and do well for themselves as well as the country. The time is ripe for them to
come out of their comfort zone, take a plunge and make it large. The Indian
youth is also willing to do that and that is what makes them confident.
However, the Indian Youth is also struggling hard to find its own niche. Struck
between the Indian traditions and values and highly influenced by the western
culture, the Indian youth has still not been able to decide its true standing.
They may be advancing in an economically developing and prosperous
direction but when it comes to moral and ethical calling, they still find it hard
to decide what their right place. The Indian youth is confused in a sense
because it is still fighting hard to give up Indian roots and grasp the western
ones. Today, the NCC offers a wide spectrum of activities classified into five
main areas. Institutional Training is paramount amongst these and it includes
annual training camps, weapon training, flying, sea training and familiarization
training with various services institutes like Indian Military Academy at
Dehradun and Officers Training School at Chennai. Community Development is
another area in which cadets have set an example by involving themselves in
various activities viz. adult literacy, drug abuse, leprosy eradication, planting
trees, blood donation, visit to old age homes, AIDS Awareness Rally etc. Of late,
the scope of adventure and sports activity has been enlarged to bring in its
ambit events such as mountaineering, para-sailing, scuba-diving, car and
motorcycle rallies and expeditions designed to explore the national heritage of
NCC cadets can get jobs more easily as compared to others. Private and public
sector employers give preference to the holders of 'A', 'B' & 'C' certificates.
Many reputed companies like Reliance Group, Ambuja Group, Tata, Birla,
Infosys and various MNCs prefer to recruit NCC cadets. Thus NCC improves the

status of the cadets in the job market and helps them in achieving the aim of
their life. One can easily identify the NCC cadets in a job because an NCC cadet
looks confident, disciplined, and helpful and easily accepts additional

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