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Bio/Genetic Causalities Controlling Sexual Behavior and Expression

by Da'nelle Dragonetti Copyright October,1991

Revised and up-dated May 2010

During the month of May 1991, "Nature" Magazine published the findings of research conducted by the Laboratory
of Eukaryotic Molecular Genetics, MRC National Institute for Medical Research, London. In this article the
researchers explained their findings to-wit, that SRY ( a term for a string of molecules in the Y chromosome that
controls sex determinant) is TDY. ( Testicle Defining function on the Y chromosome.) Upon reading this article this
person found it intriguing that there may be more to this than just a single article in a publication. Further reading
produced conclusions that "Transgendered Behavior" is a natural function of the biological/genetic make-up of
human beings.

Before we get started into it lets get to the meat of the "question". Some of you have wondered why do some people
go through transsexual surgery and some don't? Why does this person crossdress more than that person. Why would
a woman want to be a man and visa versa? Why (sexually) would a man want a man or a woman want a woman?
Why does a man want a woman? Lets find out.

The research in this article you are now reading has been gleaned from the sources listed and is quite conclusive in
that heterosexuality, homosexuality and transgender behavior is bio/genetic. The presentation format of this article
will be in a deductive form. (Hypothesis, research and discussion).

(Note: to keep this article as short as possible yet pack it with all the information I can; you will need a dictionary)

Hypothesis: There are natural causes (bio/genetic) that promote sexual identity and behavior. That these natural
causes display variances of expressed femininity in males / variances of expressed masculinity in females.

Section I

Darwin's book, “The Origin of Species” explains the mechanisms of sexual differentiation and the behavior of the
gender partnerships in the production of "sexual selection". These motifs have been explored extensively in the
evolutionary research (Bell, 1982; Hamilton, 1972; Jennings, 1920; Hapwood, 1979; Ghiselin 1974; and Williams,
1966.). At the time scientists of 1856 were able to see that Darwin made observations linking "genetic
recombination, meiotic sex, gender determination and reproduction. This caused a re-think", (authors quote), of the
theories of gender variation and expression at the time.

In 1870 a term was developed to represent traits one human gained from another with regards to reproduction. This
term is called "Genetic". After the invention of the electron microscope and the Southern Block test (genetic
mapping) it was possible to see these "genes" that carried the "genetic code" from one person to another. That is, the
genetic traits that expressed themselves When two beings, (whether it be prokaryotic or eukaryotic, reptilian or
mammalian), produce an offspring. Further research by people in the field of, (what is now called Micro Molecular
Genetic Biology), have found some amazing things.

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid - the building blocks of life) was one of the first structures to be ferreted out by
scientists using the Southern Block test. using the electron microscope they found that, "the DNA structure is a
double helix comprising a long molecule composed of four bases (smaller molecules) arranged like steps on a ladder."
Along with DNA there was found RNA. RNA (ribonucleic acid) is the mechanism that copies the DNA. (Both DNA
and RNA are nucleic acids.) Later James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the meaning of nucleic acid base
pairing. They found that, "Adenine and guanine, collectively known as purines, and larger molecules, thymine and
cytosine, collectively know as pyrimidines are the smallest building blocks of DNA. Each of the four bases differs
only slightly from any other".

These structures carry biological information that control the bonding of the DNA. The DNA looks like a twisted,
spiraling ladder. Hydrogen bonds are used to structure the helix molecular pair bonding consisting of, "A"(adenine)-
"T"(thiamine); "G"(guanine)-"C"(cytosine) "The principal by which the DNA doubles (splits and makes new
molecules), also governs the pattern of RNA synthesis." RNA produces the enzyme proteins that break the "rungs"
(authors quote) of the ladder but, also controls the sequence with which the DNA is recombined. Along with the
splitting and recombining process RNA produces sugars, other proteins, phosphates and nucleotides considered to be
the "structural backbone of nucleic acids."

"Cells have at least 5,000 genes coding for 5,000 proteins and about 200,000 nucleotide pairs are required to make
each protein." We can further advance that there are "billions and billions" (Carl Segan, Cosomos) of ways which
nucleotide can recombine.

DNA is NOT a perfect self-copying machine. If it was we would all be asexual offspring’s of a single parent and this
would be What, Darwin calls, "descent without modification." What happens to the DNA and the RNA is called
"Mutation".· Without mutation there would be no evolution. "Sex, because it resembles mutation in its ability to
produce discrepancies, has been long assumed to be a major factor in the generation of evolutionary novelty."
Mutation is, "the fuel of evolution". We have all seen the visible signs of mutation, i.e., the mother has blue eyes and
blonde hair; the father has brown eyes and brown hair; the offspring has blonde hair and brown eyes or blue eyes and
brown hair etc. Mutations that have been recombined and set in the genetic structure will pass the mutation on to
other generations. This is called evolution.

"Evolution, the changes of organisms through time, is a process with at least three components: reproduction,
mutation, and natural selection. “Loyal reproduction of the DNA, that is, DNA that is true to its genes, will reproduce
beings like its parents. If even one mismatch or mutation in a million occurs it would be enough to cause "evolution."

Fusing DNA is what causes reproduction. Cells do not have to have "gender" to reproduce. All they have to do is get
the DNA to split and then to recombine using RNA to build the other side of the DNA helix. Amebas are a good
example of asexual reproduction. It is obvious that we (humans) are not amebas and (for the most part) are not

Gender (sex difference) in the micro biological, requires very little differentiation in DNA. "The minimal
requirements for differentiating mating types are indeed minimal: they can be the presence of a protein on the surface
of the undulipodia or the existence in one position but not in another of a transposable piece of DNA. At the
minimum they involve only the difference of expression of a single gene at a single location in the DNA."
Hemaphroditism is the ability of one cell to produce another cell that has capabilities of both its genders. (This also
requires a minimum of cellar DNA

Considering where we as beings are now it has taken billions of years to "naturally" recombine genetic structure to
make us ••• us. As can be seen, there is quite a number of ways to recombine nucleotides to form genetic structures
and as many ways to make a natural evolutionary mutation. One should also remember that ONA makes up the
structures called chromosomes. The reason for the bio/genetic lesson is to give you background for the next
Section II

A very good portion of us have had some courses in Biology. Whether it be from college or high-school, the course
eventually dealt with sex and reproduction. In this course we learned that the general mechanism for determination
of gender in the fetus needed an XX or XY mix of chromosomes. In general, this is true but, not all the time. "It has
long been known that Nature defaults to female." The reason she creates females is due to the genetic structure of
reproduction in that the raw human starts out female "unless changed by genetics". For a long time science was
puzzled by certain variations in expression of this reproduction process.

Early on in the field of genetic research scientists embarked on a search for the determining factors in the gene
structure that caused the difference in gender expression. "In 1959 geneticists showed for the first time that this
male-determining mechanism is located on the Y chromosome of both mice and men." The search was on to find the
TDY (testicle determinant function of the Y chromosome)
"From 1966 to 1976 a hypothesis held sway that the histocompatability antigen H-Y found in males was the primary
testicular determining factor; once the primitive gonad was triggered by this antigen to form the testis, maleness
followed." This was later found not to be the case.

Several interesting discoveries have caused some unique questions. For example, the ·Ophryotrocha" (a marine worm)
when young produces male sperm. As it grows in length it becomes an egg producing female. If it is cut in two it
survives. If it is an older female When it is cut the halves revert to male. In this example, length is the sex determinant.
It is also evident that a certain amount of environmental factors are involved but, if it weren't for the propensity of the
genetic structure this "sex changing" (authors quotes) would not be happening. "The Japanese killfish, if treated with
estrogens develop into functioning and even fertile females. Such females can be mated with normal males (XY
crossing with XV) and produce live offspring (XX females, XXY males, and YY males). These YY males survive. If
treated with hormones these YY males become female." There are other examples of frogs that genetically change
their sex as a normal function of life.

In 1971, the sex reversal phenomenon was discovered in humans; fully developed males with XX chromosomes (the
genetic endowment of females) and fully developed females with XY chromosomes (the genetic endowment of
males). Later there was found to be XXY females and XXY males. "By 1984 there were so many cases found that the
prevalency was established to be one in twenty thousand births; fairly common." By 1990 scientists were still looking
for the TOY. The big question geneticists were asking was, "Where on the Y chromosome is the coding of nucleotides
and proteins that cause testicles."

In the magazine "Nature" (Vol 351; May, 1991), a team of researchers discovered the TDY. In their experiments they
discovered that, "Initiation of male development in mammals requires one or more genes on the Y chromosome." The
article goes on to say that, “The process of morphogenesis and cellular differentiation are dependent on the activity of sets
of genes in complex interacting networks or pathways. It can now be shown that SRY(TDY) is a 14 kilobase genomic DNA
fragment sufficient to induce testis differentiation and subsequent male development when introduced into chromosomally
female (mouse) embryos." The article further states the process of experimentation, the replication of the experiment and the

To save you from taking a "Bio Genetics 501 Course", the experiment consisted of taking mouse embryos that tested XX
chromosomally and splicing a genetic fragment considered to be the TDY into the DNA helix. At various stages the
embryos were examined and it was found that at 10.5 to 12 days after injection of the fragment the chromosomally genetic
XX mice developed male testis. The team has also found that this fragment has a "time limited" function. That is to say it
"turns on at a specific time and then turns off." The only other time that the researchers observed the gene turn on for a
limited time was during puberty. This is also to say that the effects of the genes on gonadal growth also control development
and production of testosterone.

An unanswered question emerged. Why after the testis developed were none of the mice fertile? The hypothesis is that there
is a corresponding genetic fragment "somewhere either down stream or up stream", from where they spliced in the
experimental fragment that was controlling the hormone producing glands. Simply put, Yes… they did identify the TDY
but, No… they didn't have all of it. There is more study being carried out by these same individuals.

Several other investigations have shown genetic effects on other parts of the body that control hormonal levels which inturn
control sexual development. Adrenal glands are located on top of the kidneys. This gland is one of the first to form after the
TDY has done it's work. If the genetic code is incomplete the full string of coding for the gland to fully develop the
hormone production will not be adequate to develop the individuals sexuality to its perceived full potential.

The hypothalamus is also indirectly governed by these genetic traits. Its development is directly governed by hormone
production at various intervals during gestation. The hypothalamus controls and coordinates beating of the heart, other
hormonal production and sex drive. Scientists have shown that if the gland has been influenced either by an excessive
hormone level or the inverse that differences in sexual attraction and expression will result. (Remember the brain is a sex
organ too.)
Section III

There are basically three hormones. Estrogens: 22 varieties have been located (there are thought to be more). They are
produced by the ovary and adrenal glands. Progesterone: is also produced by ovary and adrenal glands. They are used by the
body to "feminize" the structure. Androgens: These are produced in the testicles and adrenal glands of the male.
(testosterone is a product of androgens). These are the "masculinizing" hormones. Along with what basic genetic structure is
involved, there are a myriad of stages where the hormones or lack of, can have a profound effect on the development of
brain and body.

Experiments on mice and rats have been conclusive in that there are crucial moments in the development of the fetus when
hormones control the development of the brain, to be more specific, the sexual drive and mating centers. "The rat brain,
when born is equal to only 7 weeks prenatal in humans." Therefore, it is easy to see results of perinatal hormonal effects on
brain development. It has been shown in laboratory experiments that, "if they (experimenters) castrate the rat just after
birth the animals will exhibit behavior typical of the female rat in that they will arch there backs, flex their tails and allow
other males to mount them. It If these same rats are injected with male hormones, "they return to male-ness." What is
even more interesting is that they have found that the anatomy of the rat’s brain has also changed. "Buried deep beneath
the cerebral folds they have discovered a part of the brain that appears to be involved in regulating sexual behavior and is
five times as large in males than females."

Hormonal controls on the brain and body have also been known to be "time limiting." "In the (male) rat, we are aware of
only two phases of androgen secretion, one perinatal and the other peripubertal and then extending into adult life." Given
the genetic coding (section II) for the particular genitals, it is the early phase (perinatal) that governs the development of
the brain. "For this to occur the brain must be sensitive enough to respond to the secreted androgen. Receptor sites, which
are specific protein molecules (section I) bind the hormone and initiate a biological response. The developmental actions
of testosterone depend on two distinct receptor types, those that respond to androgens and estrogens." It has been noted
that in these experiments it is more than difficult to ask the rat or mouse how it feels about being "altered" or if it feels
more male or more female.

Hormonal functions in human behavior are more complicated than in rats and mice but, there are more similarities than
differences. In the mouse SRY and the human SRY genetic fragment it is known that there is only one molecule variance
in the structure.

In humans the evidence of hormonal variance of the pituitary, parathyroid, thyroid, and the two adrenal glands, not to
mention the effects these glands have on the brain and on sexual expression; is very well documented. Scientists
experimenting with the differences in the abilities of males and females have found some interesting distinctions. Men
are better at spatial orientation and mathematics. Women are better at verbal skills and character recognition. Men have a
tendency for segmented brains and women do not. There are many more.

What follows are several case histories with regards to prenatal hormonal expression on an already genetically set body:
(cases are taken from Anne Mori's book "Brain Sex.")
Caroline suffers from Turner's syndrome. Like most girls with her condition (Turner's syndrome is a fetus developing
with a genetic code of XO. A single X chromosome) her behavior as a child was exaggeratedly feminine. She played
with dolls to the exclusion of everything else. As a teenager she loved to imitate her mother and do the household chores.
She was always the first to volunteer as a babysitter. As Caroline grew up she became obsessive about pretty clothes,
make-up and personal appearance. She was ultra romantic.

Caroline's case shows the effects of nothing but female hormones on the brain; "A totally female brain bias." In the case
history she also demonstrated difficulty with spatial orientation and mathematics. She was also infertile in that her
genetic mutation did not copy itself for future generations.
Here is another case involves hormonal intervention on a genetic XY chromosome fetus.

Jim is one of a group of sixteen-year-olds surveyed after their diabetic mothers took supplementary female hormones
during pregnancy to prevent miscarriage.

Like most of the group Jim is shy, unassertive and has a comparatively low level of self-esteem. He has had no
heterosexual experiences (although he reports having several "homosexual" (authors quotes) ones). Jim's mother reports
that, "Jim is not like his brother." Jim's mother did not take the hormone while pregnant with his brother.

"What happened with Jim is that the extra female hormone had feminized his brain while it was developing. Scientists
now believe they can explain the process. Female hormones inhibit, or counteract, the effect of male hormones. Jim had
enough male hormone to develop male sexual equipment, but the additional female hormone prevented the organization
of his brain in to a male pattern."

There are more cases involving the feminization of the genetic male (XY) brains but no room in this small space. What
can be extrapolated from these cases is that even though the fetus is XY chromosomally it can be altered at various
times during pregnancy. The opposite effect can also be seen in genetic XX females.

Jane is a happily married mother of three children. When she was born, the doctors were disturbed. As a baby she had
underdeveloped, and somewhat ambiguous, sex organs - not quite male, not quite female. The confusion was such that
the doctors conducted a genetic test. Jane had XX chromosomes so therefore she was female. After some surgical
corrections she was brought up as a typical girl. Except that Jane was not typical. She was noticeably rougher and
tougher in play. (paraphrasing) She liked the company of boys, did boy things and developed atypically as a male
would, i.e., slower at maturing and reading skills. Later she showed interest in normal feminine activities.

When she got married she had an unromantic, down-to earth view and described her husband as "my best friend."
The question is posed, "What made Jane Jane?" During her life doctors discovered an abnormality in her adrenal glands
caused by a genetic mutation. The abnormality is common and is known as an adrenogenital syndrome. (This genetic
trait can be passed to other generations.) "Jane had a male brain in a female body. This didn't stop her from being a
woman, and having babies but, it did stop her from behaving like one." In further cases, variances on this theme come
to light when researching homosexuality.

Because there has been so much study done on the causes of homosexuality, it has come to light that most if not all
variances in expressed sexuality are caused by a lack of or preponderance of hormones on the developing fetus and/or
during the peripubecent stages of development. In his experiments Dorner concludes that maleness is laid down in
gradual sequences. "with normal females, in the absence of testosterone, the brain develops along a naturally female
pattern." But should the brain be, at some time during development, dosed with androgens the pattern can be upset.
"The more frequently and earlier the brains are dosed with male hormones, the more male their sexual behavior." As we
can see the inverse is also true. If the male brain is dosed with female hormones or for some reason can not produce
enough androgens at the right time the male brain will exhibit female behavior.

In Dorner's and others experimentations and observations, it is reported that there are three separate but inter-related
stages of development in the human brain after the genetic structure has been developed. First developmental stage is the
"sex center". "Hormones set to work creating typical male or female characteristics." As we have seen in section I and II
of this article there are quite a few ways that something can go "different" with the formation. The second is creation of
the "mating center." Researchers have just recently identified this as the hypothalamus. The size of this brain gland varies
between males and females. In further research they have found that the hypothalamus controls mating behavior in men
as well as women. The third stage is the development of the, "gender role center". This is when the "laying down of
networks. in the brain which determine our general behavior like the level of aggression or lack of it, our sociability or
individualism, our adventurousness or timidity characteristics which get fully expressed under the hormonal influence of
It can be shown that at each stage of development hormonal influences can and do effect the outcome of the individual.
In stage one (primary sexual development stage), "genetically female fetuses exposed to an abnormal level of male
hormone may develop male like organs." In stage two (the mating center) abnormal levels of hormone effect the
development of the hypothalamus; the supervisor of attraction. Dorner states that, "in a male, the lower the concentration
of androgens the greater the likelihood that the eventual child will have homosexual tendencies. In girls, a higher level of
androgens molds the hypothalamus in a manner which will produce same sex attraction as well as more masculine
behavior." In stage three, (gender role center, i.e., how the brain is wired), "may follow a more male pattern in the
female, or a more female pattern in the male." If stage two and three are either androgen difficient or, in females,
androgen heavy, transsexuality is indicated.

Other research has found that once these differences have been "hard wired" into the mind and body it cannot be changed
(only the body). From this research we can extrapolate that once the genetic framework has been set, hormones or the
lack of can influence various stages of physiological and psychological development of the brain and body.

If we extrapolate the data presented we can plug in a few variables and see how (Dorner is not the only researcher in the
area of the three stages) the three stage setting works. In this discussion I have taken the liberty of setting some
guidelines as to the "Three stages" of development. They are: 1.=stage one. (development of the gonadal area) 2.- stage
two. (development of the hypothalamus/sex attraction center) 3.= stage three.(brain gender/ amount of expression) It is
known that the amount of hormones at any of these given stages can have either a profound effect if they are in a mass
quantity or a small effect if they are limited. In this discussion I have given a scale to the amount of hormone present at
any of the stages •• 0 being the lowest and presence of female hormone and M = presence of male hormone. (Each of
these factors combined equal a number no greater than .9) Therefore if a person has a three stage reading such as
1(.3F/.6H) ; 2(.7F/.2M) : 3(.lF/.8M) it can be shown that this is a Male with a sexual attraction to men with a male brain
(very possibly a gay male). Let us plug in some more variables:

1.) 1(.8F/.1M)+2(.7F/.2M)+3(.OF/.9M) Female: attraction to men male brain.

2.) 1(.5F/.5M)+2(.2F/.7M)+3(.7F/.2M) Hermaphrodite: attraction to women ; female brain.
3.) 1(.lF/.8M)+2(.2F/.7M)+3(.6F/.3M) Male: attraction to females: a partially female brain (possibly C.D.)

This may look like an algebraic expression but, it is just intended to save space. Sometimes a mathematical expression
is easier to understand. Using this formula try plugging in your own variables and see what the results are. In stage one
when the F factor is high the likelihood of the phenotype will be female is indicated: with M factor high - male. When
the F/M factors begin to equal hermaphroditism or bisexuality is indicated.

It can also be seen that in stage two when the M factor is higher than the F factor the attraction leans more toward
females. When the F factor is higher the attraction is toward males.

In the third stage when the F factor is high female psychological expression is indicated: when the M factor is high male
expression follows.

One observation must be stated. Scientists can follow the amount of hormones being developed whether perinatal or
peripubertal. They do not know how much is enough or how much is to little to control sexual development at any of
these stages.

In this article I have tried to show that it is natural for the DNA to mutate. Mutate in this sense means evolution.
Without evolution our species would have perished a long time ago. When the DNA mutates it causes differences in the
chromosomal bodies that make up who we are. Such as with the XX males, XY females, YY males, XXY males, XXY
females and XO females there are other expressions of mutation, i.e., the variance of the hormonal influences on glands
at critical times during gestation and after birth. These (for the most part) are genetic in nature. NORMAL.

The DMS III-R does not take into account that this "normal mutation" occurs. What is necessary here is a re-think. If a
person comes to a therapist with a problem whether it be homosexuality, transvestism or transsexualism or some other
form of sexual identity conflict it must be considered that this individual is born this way and that the pattern of gender
expression is inherent in their genetic structure and cannot be altered. This is why some people feel the need to express
either their femininity or masculinity in differing social applications.

The brain / body decides whether it is male or female and this feature of the human psyche is locked in genetically.
society decides the form of outward expression. So if you feel the need to wear a dress/wig/make-up et. al., then that is
your form of expressed femininity. If you feel the need to wear cowboy boots/jeans/western shirt et. al., then that is
your form of expressed masculinity. Remember that there is a big wide gray area in sexuality. There is nothing wrong
with the way you express it. There is nothing wrong with you. It's just different.

Origins of Sex: Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan, Halliday Lithograph, West Hanover, MA., 1986 * Origin of species
by means of natural selection, Illst: C. Darwin, Hill and Wang, NY., 1982. * The Masterpiece of Nature: The evolution
of genetics in sexuality; Graham Bell, University of California Press, 1982. * Annual Review of Ecology and
Systematics, Altruism related phenomena, mainly social insects.; W.D Hamilton, 1972 Vol 3:193-32. * Life and
Death, heredity and evolution in unicelluar organisms; S.H. Jennings, R.G. Bager, Boston, MA., 1920. * Why males
exist: Inquiry into the evolution of sex.; F. Hapgood, William Morrow, NY. , 1979. * The economy of nature and the
evolution of sex.; M.T. Ghiselin, University of California Press, Berkley, CA., 1974. * Adaption and natural selection;
C.G. Williams, Princeton University Press, princeton, 1966. * Men and women: New perspectives on gender
differences; M T. Notman and C.C. Nadelson, American Psychiatric Press, Washington D.C., 1991 * Male
development of chromosomally female mice transgenic for Sry; Koopman, Gubbay, Vivian, Goodfellow and Lovell-
Badge, Nature Vol 351, 9 May, 1991. * Are gay men born that way?; C. Gorman; Time, September 9, 1991. * Sexual
Identity; Research strategies; R. Green, Archives of sexual behavior, State University of Hew York, NY., July, 1975.
4,4: P9 337-352 * Spatial ability in androgen-deficient men; D. Hier and W.F. Crowley Jr., The New England Journal
of Medical Science, May 20, 1982. * Is there a genetic cause for transsexualism?; Sarah Senton, PC Service, Ada
MI.,1990. * Brain Sex; Anne Moir and David Jessel, First Carol Publishing Group, NY., 1991. * Hormones; S. Kirk,
IFGE Publishing, 1991. * DSM-III-R.

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