Impact of Online Gaming On The Academic Performance of College Students of Capiz State University Dayao Satellite College

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Impact of online gaming on the Academic Performance of College Students of

Capiz State University Dayao Satellite College.

General Objectives:
This study will be conducted to determine the Impact of Online Gaming on
the Academic Performance of College Students of Capiz State University Dayao
Satellite College.

Specific Objectives:
Specifically, this study sought to answers the following questions.
1. What is the socio demographic profile of the respondents in terms of
a. sex
b. age
c. Course
d. Year level
e. Monetary Daily allowance
2. What is the level of impact of the Online Gaming activity of the respondent in
terms of
a. Frequency of playing online games
b. Length of time spent playing online games
c. Online games commonly played
d. Amount of money spend for online gaming?
3. Is there a significant relationship between online gaming activity to the academic
performance of the respondent in terms of
a. Scholastic Attendance
b. Grade
c. No. of Subjects dropped?
4. Is there a significant difference on the level of students academic performance
and the extent

of online gaming of the respondent when grouped according to the

socio demographic profile?

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

The framework of this study is premised on Malones (1988) Theory of

Intrinsically Motivating Instruction. Intrinsically Motivating Instruction takes place in
computer gaming where most of the players were challenge, which can be personally
meaningful to them and may be generated by the game to keep player involved.
Because most of the computer games have series of goals, missions and unclear
outcome, it keeps the player engaged and motivated. When a player is challenged and
succeeds through the struggle, a players self-esteem can increase. Players fantasize
online games as a mental images which created an interaction to the environment.
Integrating this intrinsic fantasies creates more engagement that increases memory of
the materials, indulge players emotional needs, and could help them to learn skills
within a meaningful context of the games. Malone (1988) also added on his theory that
engaging in online gaming, the sensory curiosity is activated by the aesthetics of the
game Cognitive curiosity is triggered by presenting opportunities for the player to better
their knowledge.
This study was also founded on the theories of Young (2009) which states that
online gaming addiction process begin with a preoccupation and obsession with
gaming. Most of the gamers think about the game even there were offline and often
fantasize about playing when they should be concentrated on other things. Instead of
thinking about the paper that needs to be completed for school, or ongoing to class, or
studying, the gamer becomes completely focused on playing the game. Gamers start to
miss deadlines, neglect work activities and playing games becomes their main priority.

According to Wang (2011) gamers who play online games compulsively, resulted
to isolating themselves from social contact and focusing almost entirely on in-game
achievements rather than-out game life events such as academia. Players see the ingame life as more important than out-life. This means they spent play almost all the time
to online games.

Conceptual Framework

This conceptual framework is presented to guide the researcher in the conducting of the
study. It is based on the concept that the sociodemographic profile of the respondent
consisting sex, age, course, year level and monetary daily allowance will served as the
independent variables. Level of impact of Online Gaming which includes Frequency of
playing online games, length of time spent playing online, online games commonly

played and the amount of money spend for online games, are the intervening variables
that influences the academic performance of the respondents involving scholastic
attendance, grades and the number of subjects dropped in a school semester as the
dependent variables.

Socio Demographic

Year Level
Estimated Family
Monthly Income
Monetary daily

Intervening Variables

Dependent Variables

Online Gaming


a. Frequency of playing
online games
b. Length of time spent
playing online
c. Online games
commonly played
d. Amount of money

a. Scholastic
b. Grades
c. No. of Subjects

Figure 1. Shows schematic illustration of the components of the study.

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