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The Shadows Of The Past

Chapter one
Memories Are Being Lost
It was on the 25th of January when fate came between us...My
heart was beating at its maximum when she approached
me...She wanted to tell me something...I still remember
Anne`s voice...
-James...Do you have any memories of your past?
-No. I guess you don`t know princess...I lost all my memories
in a car accident .But I am happy .Mr. and Miss Gerget took
good care of me and now I can be here with you.But I fear I
will lose you forever ...To do what I really like I must become
an archaeologist... But that would mean being away from you
for a long time .I fear you will forget me.
-(whispering so she could not be heard)I would never forgive
the one I love .(loud)Anyway I must go ...My brother would be
pissed off if I made him wait for me.She`d tell me I am
iresponsible.So bye...(whisper)I will tell him next time that I
love him.
Hours passed and the night came .The princess was sleeping
when she heard the song "Praesidio canticum memories" and
woke up unconcious. She walked towards the window and
opened it letting the song hear in her room .She was ,this way,

hypnotized by the song.Wanting to go to see where the son

was coming from she walked slowly ,unconcious of what was
going to happen .The song leaded her into a house where
access was forbidden for everyone .
It was the so called "Forgotten memories home" , where in the
ancient times memories from humans were detached from
them and sent to other dimensions. It was during the war
between the people of the Shades Country and the
shades(creatures that were turning humans into lifeless
creatures by taking their memories away in the "Forgotten
memories home") that it was active then.
Luckily she had been seen by me and I followed her.Catching
up with her was pretty easy for me as she was just walking.
The problem was that when I arrived, it was already too
late .She was trapped in a trance and her memories were
already materializing in rose petals and detaching from her.I
didn`t know what to do when I saw her so lifeless, but then I
realized I had to save her. Fortunately I could save her
body .I immediately took her to her elder brother and asked
-What is happening to her? She looks so lifeless. Something
happened to her there....and I pointed to the "Forgotten
memories home".

-Oh no ...She couldn`t have gone there by herself! She knows

how dangerous that place can be...But it couldn`t be him !It`s
just impossible!...
-Tell me! Is she going to be ok ?
-No ,not without returning her memories back to her...
Suddenly some weird soldiers with the crest of a bat
appeared out from nowhere.
-Quick! You must talk to the dimensional goddess, Fay, and
make her help you with the problem of our princess.Now go
through this portal that will lead you to the house where the
goddess lives !Hurry !We don`t have much time!
And I went through the portal holding the princess in his
Chapter two

The Sacrifice
After some time I arrived in a heavenly world.Everything was
beautiful ...Flowers everywhere, children playing happily on the
ground and cherry blossoms everywhere...
-I guess you must be James...
-But how do you know my name.I never told you...
-I am the dimensional goddess I know everything that
happens in every dimension and I know about your beloved

Anne as well...but for the moment let`s wait for the others to
arrive too. Then we`ll discuss what will you have to do.
After a few moments two other men appeared just like me
out of nowhere.They presented themselves as being other two
travelers named Andrew and Albert.
-So , we`ve gathered all here now...What do you need from
-I just want not to go back to where I came from, said
-I want only to go home to my beloved one...,said Albert.
-I just want to help me find the princess`s memories so I can
give them back to her, I said.
-So I see...Well to make your wishes com true you must
renounce to something precious to you.Also you two, Albert,
Andrew you must know that in order for your wishes to come
true ,you must go with James in his search for Anne`s
-Ah!...So Anne is this beauty over here.Well I don`t mind
helping anyway...
-Well ,I won`t help him ,said Albert.
-Then you will be stuck here ,said the goddess.
-Hmmmpf! If that is so then I guess I have no choice but
helping him.Well, as long as no one gets on my nerves it`s ok...

-Then this is settled.So you Andrew will have to renounce to

your magical powers.I know your tattoo on your back is the
source of your magic so I`ll just take for you Albert you
must renounce to your beloved sword.
-But I just can`t ...It`s too important.
-You don`t have to be so impatient... You`ll have plenty of
swords during the journey so you won`t get bored...
-Well I guess I don`t have much of a choice...
-As for you, James , the thing you will have to renounce to is
the memories that Anne had of you until now...
-I am ok with it as long as I know I can make new memories
with her.
-Well then I`ll cast a spell on her so she wouldn`t remember
you in case you`ll get close to her.Also I`ll give you Mika my
pet that has the power to go through dimensions and sense
the power of memories ,just like me.Any questions now?
-I guess now we can sett off...
-There is one last thing to say .You might happen to see people
from your past that you knew, living a different life.They will
not recognise you .Also you must know something .There will
be times when you`ll have to fight for getting back Anne`s
memories.Then this would be all.Farewell and be careful! Take
care of them ,Mika, ok?

And we left through another portal to a whole new world
where nothing would be the same anymore...

Chapter three
The First Memory
-Don`t worry, princess, I will find your memories...I will give
them back to you ! Just keep on living , princess! said James
looking straight ahead, decided to make everything for his
beloved one .
While we were travelling to the new world , Dr. Hills ,the
shadow that had planned the attack at the castle of the
princess, the one that lured the princess into the house where
she lost her memories ,was watching James and the others
through his plasma globe.After staring a bit at them he said:
-Try as much as you can, you won`t be able to change the fate
of the princess as long as I have this .However , it must be
just the right moment when I`ll send him to battle his real
self , so I`ll have to be patient.Everything has to be the right
way.And then I`ll be able to see you again, my love, he said
looking at my clone that was staying locked in a blue capsule
where it was written: ~Nobody~.
After some time ,I arrived ,as well as my companions, in a
brand new world. There were blocks everywhere and the road
was very different from the one I knew .Everything was

modernised.I was really shocked to hear from Mika that we

are in a world from the future.I never expected to be able to
travel like this. However my thoughts were others .As I was
looking for the sake of the princess I asked Mika:
-Mika, can you sense something?
-Yeah...It`s Anne`s memory.But it`s coming really fast
towards us so be prepared for anything!
Suddenly two men appeared at the opposite sides of the
road.They started fighting against each other with their best
weapons .However they couldn`t work it out, so I barged
between them .That was when I saw a rose petal in the hand
of one of this men.
-What do you want? he asked me .
I told him I wanted the rose petal he had and he said I had to
fight him if I wanted it that badly.
When he first attacked me I screamed as I hadn`t fought in
my entire life before.Then something strange happened. I felt
a strong power coming out of me.Then this blue lion talked
some sense into me and told me that now I have powers like
everyone else. And he protected me from the enemy`s
attack.Then the enemy said:
-I`m Sean .If you want this you can have it .I `ve never seen
such a strong opponent attack me before.

And he gave me the rose petal.After all this chaos was over I
gave back the princess the rose petal and her body absorbed
it. Meanwhile my companions found a place for us to stay over
night because, like any human ,we had to rest somewhere.This
family was actually the family that raised me back in the
Shades Country. However they had another child in this world
and they seemed to be very happy .After we arrived at the
family`s house I let the princess sleep and I held her hand as
It was starting to warm up. The princess woke up and I was
so thrilled to see her beautiful eyes when she said:
-Who are you and where am I?
I was ready to burst into tears, but I realized I had to be
strong for her so I explained everything her calmly what
happened.But while explaining this she suddenly went to sleep
again.Mika explained me this was normal to happen at first as
she didn`t have many memories so she could stand on her feet
for long.
At the door Albert and Andrew were discussing:
-Poor boy .It must be hard for him to keep inside all he feels
for her I wish he could be happy at least .I guess this was
the way it had to be. Fate can`t be changed after all ,can it?
-Well I don`t care ,said Albert, and he walked towards the
window as he wanted to sleep from the beginning there .

The night came and we all have gone to bed including me,
hoping that tomorrow we will be able to find another memory
of the princess.

Chapter four
The Princess runs away
Next day in the morning the sun was shining and he blew up my
entire sleep as he was touching my eyes with its hands.I
immediately woke up when I saw that the princess was missing
.I told everyone this and they proposed me to go in the town
look for her .Before leaving we also told the family that if
they see Anne returning home ,they have to call us
immediately.After that we left .While looking for the
princess, James was imagining horrible things that could
happen to her beloved one.At the same time the princess was
sitting on a bench when she saw a rose petal.Then she yelled:
-That`s my petal !I must get it back.
That was when one of the gangs from the other day saw her
there.They told Anne that she should come with them .
-We will treat you "very well", said one of them.

Then she walked with them.Suddenly they came close to a

bakery and the princess wanted to eat .They couldn`t refuse
her because otherwise she could realize what were their plans
from the beginning .After satisfying the princess they took
her to an abandoned place .
-Where are we ?Are we home?
-Boys, said the boss.We are we are going to
finally make money with "the help" of this girl over here...
But no one was answering.Then he saw a ticket where it was
written the following :"We are not going to listen to you
anymore.We decided to do our own business because you are
such weak boss ".
-Oh no...What am I going to do now ?Everyone left me...I have
nothing left...
-No ,that`s not true! You have your memories and your friends
with you! And you have me.
Softened by the words of the princess ,he started crying
when suddenly something strange happened to the
princess.She started walking on a building where she thought
she saw the rose petal again unaware of the danger she was
putting herself into. Luckily she could be seen by James and
he ran there as fast as he could.
Seeing her there all by herself he screamed to the boss of
that gang:

-What happened to her ?Why is she all by herself there?

Finally can you help her get down without hurting herself .
-Yeah, good idea! I`ll use my powers to bring her down.
But right when we reached her she started flying towards the
sky as if she was trying to reach for something there.then
suddenly she stopped flying and closed her eyes .I rapidly ran
towards where she was going to land and caught her in my
arms .I saw her exhaustion on her face and on top of all she
looked so pale .I knew I had to find her memories fast
because she needed them in order to survive, so she could be
happy again.
-To see her happy smile just one more time that`s what I
really want. Please ,God, help me find her memories again...
We returned to the house where we were staying and the
family welcomed us .We all gathered around the fire of the
fireplace and slept there thinking tomorrow our search will
progress ...
Chapter five
A new memory is found
Next day we all were up early .Even the princess was awake
and she could stand up.We all were so happy she could travel
on her feet ,especially me.Then we told her not to run away
anymore because we`d be worried.She promised this and also

that she will do everything in her power not to be a burden to

While we were eating Mika told us she sensed one of Anne`s
memories nearby.Then he children o the family came at the
-Why are you so sad, Anne ,he asked.
-No ,she is not sad, I told him .She just doesn`t feel like
herself right now.But don`t you worry ! She will be ok soon
-Yeah ,I guess you are right James.
After this conversation was over we went out to look for the
princess`s memory.Also we took the child with us as he
wanted to see us in action , fighting for obtaining Anne`s
memory.We were walking in the city when a girl suddenly
attacked us .She was Sean`s sister ,a thing that we were
going to find out about later.The thing was she actually
wanted to kidnap me so her brother could pay attention to her
but she mixed up the boy with me and took him and Mika as
she was held by the boy in her arms.Luckily we were able to
find Mika`s location by following Sean`s sister.
When we arrived to the place where Mika was taken ,we saw
Sean`s sister in front of the house .She was waiting for us
ready to fight.However, She didn`t know She mistook the boy
for me and I was still roaming free like a bird.

-Huh, so you finally came to us.Are those you`re looking for ?

Too bad I won`t give them so easily because I want him to
fight again my brother ,Sean. You won`t get over me without a
fight so let`s get started!
Suddenly we all burst into laughter cause we realised she was
thinking I was caught by her.
-What? What`s so amusing?
And she tried again to attack us .This time her attack was
useless cause I attacked too.We attacked so each other until
she finally made a mistake, a foolish one that was going to
cost her life unless We were there to help her.She attacked
me with a huge wicked boomerang but she didn`t get me and
went back to her and hit the base of her house.
Meanwhile we succeeded in realising the ones that were
kidnapped .Wanting to help her the boy released his magical
pet.It was actually like a human with the Yin-Yang sign on it.
Right the moment It was released we saw that inside that pet
was Anne`s petal .Suddenly the pet started acting by himself
influenced by the power of Anne`s petal.Seeing that ,the boy
left me handle his pet trusting that I could stop it from
destroying everything in is path. Meanwhile the boy was going
to save the girl .At the same time Sean appeared out from
nowhere and helped the child save his sister.I was still
fighting the little man`s pet when I saw the boy running

towards me .Right when the pet wanted to start destroying

the city the boy told him to stop .The pet took the boy in his
hand and started squashing him .I rapidly went to the lace
where Anne`s petal was and I removed it.The pet finally could
hear what the boy was saying to him and ,to our surprise ,it
was really sad when he understood what has it done.Once I
removed the memory I went to my beloved one and gave her
this memory .The same happened with this one as last time
when I gave a memory to her.She went to sleep...It was
however understandable cause she needed to realise what
that memory was about.After Andrew and Albert came back
to the house we waited for Anne to wake up .During this time
we said goodbyes to the family ,to the child and to Sean.
It wasn`t long after that when the princess woke up and we
could finally move on to another world. I took the princess`s
hand and looking to each other ,Mika took us again in the time
Chapter five
After some time we arrived in a world where everything was
perfect .It was like a oasis in the desert .But this
peacefulness was not to last long time.At that moment we saw
a bird whose wings were made of the rose petals Anne was

Then we started following that bird.In the chase we arrived

at a castle .That was where we last saw the bird.After that
very moment it vanished into thin air. We went to the castle
where a beautiful boy greeted us:
-Good morning travelers! What wind brings you around these
parts of the country.
-We were chasing a bird that had a wings made of rose
petals.Those rose petals are actually the princess`s
memories.Might you know where that bird is located.
-Actually yes.It lives on the peak of that mountain! and he
pointed towards the mountain from behind the hill.
We set off to the journey, but not before we asked that boy
to take care of the princess for us as long as we are gone.
It took us three whole days to arrive at the peak of the
mountain.There we saw the bird.However that bird had Anne
into its nest ,thing that was awkward.At first we assumed
that it attacked the castle while we were climbing the
mountain.But after that we realised that it was the boy that
welcomed us because the bird and the boy had the same
necklace in the shape of a hummingbird.
While we realised that the bird took the princess and frozen
her .When we saw that we attacked him with our best
atacks.All in vain.Meanwhile inside the princess`s mind
something very strange happened .She woke up inside her

head and she saw the boy struggling to keep the situation
under control.Then she asked him:
-Why are you here ?
-Oh! So the moment finally came.
He explained Anne that he was also a traveler that knew her
from when she was little.hearing of the disappearence of her
memories ,he tried to get them back for her.he also told her
that while he was gathering the rose petals ,a strong power
came out from him ,taking over his body when it had the
chance and turning him into that bird that know was attacking
us.While transforming into a monster he found out something
about us that a man, Dr.Hills was roaming free across
dimensions and he attacked the Shades Country.After all this
was said he told Anne that he was the product of her
memories that he`s actually a part of her memoies.Also he
told her that her last memory is at Dr.Hills.After that he
approached the princess and ,as well as the other rose
petals ,he was absorbed by Anne`s body .Right that moment
Anne freed herself from the ice by melting it with her body
and the bird disappeared .After that she explained everything
that happened to us and she faded again, exhausted after a
full day.
Hearing about doctor Hills I was a bit scared because I had
read books about him in the Shades country.But my

companions cheered me up saying that I am strong and I can

defeat him.
I told Mika that we want to go to the dimension where Hills
lived.Mika said:
-Before going I must tell you something! That Dr.Hills that
you are talking about is in the dimension of the goddess .It`s
actually her brother.
She might have known already when she sent you to travel but
I think she kept it secret as she might have not known for
sure.Then she took us back to the goddess.
Chapter 6
Right when we arrived we told the goddess everything and she
thought that there is only one way to defeat Hills.That was by
entering in Anne`s memories and catch him while he is trying
to make a move on getting Anne`s memory.
We thought at bit at first but then I agreed with her.Entered
in her memories with some help from the magic of the
goddess ,I was so lucky to find Dr.Hills right in the middle of
a memory.Then he said :
-It`s time for my victory !It`s time to see my beloved one
once again.I`ll see you my beloved dead wife.
-And how will Anne`s memories help you.

-Oh so you finally came, James.

-Yeah, and I`m going to defeat you no matter what .You are
going down, Hills.
-Well I am not so sure .Come, Nobody It`s time you woke up!
Then suddenly he disappeared ,and out of nowhere came a boy
with an eyepatch that looked just like me.
-Let`s see how you`ll handle a fight with your own self.
Then me and him started fighting .When I saw Anne coming to
me at first I thought I was hallucinating but realising that she
was real I put her under a protective barrier and I continued
the fight with my clone.When we were right about to go wild
we saw Anne`s last memory floating through the air.
Both we ran towards that memory .Right when we were going
to stab each other, s one of us could reach the memory the
first ,Anne came between us and she was stabbed into the
heart.With her last words she told me:
-I remembered everything about us now.But I don`t want you
to get hurt anymore...
And she died.Seeng her dead I was so traumatised that I
went crazy at him .Finally I succeded in killing him but Anne
was still dead.Then I told myself:
-You have to save the world.You know that no one can be
revived unless the world is destroyed so you must stop doctor

When I arrived at him It was already too late .He had

already revived his wife.The world was starting to crumble
including the world of the goddess.Some way or another I
don`t know how ,I was out of Anne`s memory.That was when
The goddess told me.
-If you want to save the world You must go travel for eternity
in order for the world to be restored.
-I guess that is what Anne would have wanted so give me the
power to travel on my own!
-Ok Take this scepter with you .It should allow you to travel
without prooblems.
And this was how our story ,mine, Andrew`s and Albert`s
ended and how we ended up here telling you this story.

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