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Forwarding Agent:

Damon and Dr, Leonila ELlett

Apdo, 161

Ora M, Davis
R, E. 2

Cd. Mante, Tamps.

Trafalgar, Indiana


January- 30, I96I


During the month of January, Damon found the op

portunity to biQr poles to be used in the construction
of a new building for the use of the congregation in
Mante, These were p'lrchased at a price of $50.00,
and thus are in hand for such time when the building
can be erected.

Contributions of more than $90<,00 were received for

the building fund during the late months of I960,

Estimates of the cost of building and equipnent have

been made at about $1,200,00. So, there is still a

very great need for additional funds, that this con
gregation of Christians in Mante may be able to
minister the V/ord of God in their ovm community.

Offerings for this purpose may -be sent to the for

warding agent, and designated "Building Fund,"


During the early part-of October, I96O,. there were

were baptised at Mante. All of these were young men.
SIX who confessed their faith in Jesus Chiist and


the last v/eck of Deceraber there was another

conyercion when a school teacher from Morelia who was

visiting her sister in Mante over the holidays made
her cor^essibn of faith and was baptized.

The young people of the church in Mante decided to

sponsor the Chilstiiias pinata and the treats. This
was qua.te an undertaking since none of them" have much
of an income.

At Christmas Lime the temper-+ t-j was 80 degrees,

the last week of

and it rernain.. inat high dot'

Dhe year.

It is v/arm "soutxi v..



Both Dr, Leonila and Damon have been under medica

tion in recent months. Dr. Leonila is being treated

for an alerg^r, from which she suffered a severe

attack in 9ctober. M X^ray about that time showed -

that she,might.have i.B. No word has been received about this lately. Damon has been under treatment
for kidney stones.

Dr. Leonila Ellett has been taking classes at the

Baptist Institute, where she is a sophomore this
year. She is intently desirous of learning more
about the Bible, and there is no school of the

Restoration Lfovement near enough that she might



Bonifacio Galvan, a graduate of Colegip Biblico and

who has had three years at Eallas Christian CoUege.
gave much assistance to the Kiietts during the fall
months of j.ast year# He served T'^ithout pay because
the missionaries had no money to give him#

Damon was planri^g at the end of December to .make a

trip to Saltillo in an attempt to find inore native


Sandra, 2 years old not, is growing and talks a

streak when ehe wants to; She uses a mixture of
English and Spanish which makes it soyt of confusing
for Leonila at times.


During the last three months of I960, contributions

for the El Ntote Christian Mission reswjived by the
forwarding agent were:







These contributions were received from 14 individuals,

8 churches, and 2 Sunday School classes*

The continual threat of having to provide some means

of their own livelihood, ar:d thus haivdicapping the

time which they can soend in the work of the gospel,

hangs over this missionary family becru^e of an in
adequate support that does not supply the needs of
the mission and tneir
personal needs. If you
cannot go yourself to proc3.aj.m the gozpel in other

places, then surely you are responsible for sending

thsoe v^o do go. Many of you who receive this letter
could give at least as much as $5 per month to help
in the work the Elletts are doing, and your prayers
and offerings vdll preach the gospel in Mexico,


Recently the address of the forwarding agent has

been changed from 2639 Foltz Street, Indianapolis,

Indiana, to R. R. 2, Trafalgar, Indiana. All com-^

munications sent to him should nov/ be mailed to this
new address.

The address to which parcels for the Elletts are

sent is changed now also. Formerly, these were sent

to Gccrge Vftieelor, Mercedes, Texas, and now any
packages may be sent to this new address:
c/o A1 Frandsen
1005 Oregon

Weslaco, Texas

By nailing parcels to the address in the United

States it is many times possible for the Elletts to
receive them and not be requires to pay high customs
duties on the Items thus sent.


El Mante Christian 14ission

Ora M. Davis
R. R. 2

Trafalgar, Indiana

5 -v'lVI

V 1961 J


Mission Services

Box 968
Joliet, 111*

Apdo, 161
Cd. Mante,
Tamps, Mexico
The Fields Are White Unto Harvest

A New Testament Preacher Comes To Mante

MigudXasteIlaiios)is a preacher of the gospel hold

ing ll5*%^ef~tcr-accordance with the teadhing of the
New Testament in regard to the church, its principles
and its practices. For many years he has been of this
conviction of the New Testament position, having read
and studied himself into these views. While his labors

have been among the denominational churches in past

years, he has continued to preach and teach New Testa
ment Christianity. For the past year he has been living
in Mante, and just recently he has begun working with
the Elletts. Now, there is a need for support for him, both in
prayers and in finances.
Brother Miguel is from the state of Vera Cruz. For the past
five years he has been working in northern Mexico as a, native
missionary. This young man has had a great amoimt of experience
in the Lord's work, and as a native Mexican is a talented musician,

using the accordian in his ministry. He is a gospel preacher and

is exceptionally good with the yoimg people. The youth are par
ticularly drawn to him.

At the present time his very inadequate salary is being paid

from the personal funds of the missionaries, and this places im
mensely added strain on both the missionaries and the preacher. V
In order to allievate this burden, a regular support of at least $75.00
a month is needed for Miguel. He has already assumed the res
ponsibility of leadership in the congregation in Mante, and is help
ing the Elletts to establish other new congregations in the area.
Anyone (an individual, class, or church) desiring to take part
in his support may send this help to the Ellett's forwarding agent,
who will send the money directly to Brother Castellanos. The for
warding agent is: Ora Davis, R. R. 2, Trafalgar, Indiana. All
money sent for Brother Castellanos should be designated Native
Mission Work Started At "The AZTECS" -At Last!

During the month of March, 1961, Miguel Castellanos, with

the help of the missionaries, began preaching at the village of The
Aztecs. At the first service there were 30 in attendance, and they
were mainly adults. Since then the services are held every Thursday night and the attendance continues around 30. Other villages.

are being surveyed and the missionaries hope to begin other preach
ing points soon. There is a great need of funds for car expenses.
Bibles, and hymn books, and for medicines.

Specifically Needed


Coleman kerosene lantern


Accordian for use by preacher


50 Bibles (Am. Bible Society)


50 Hymn books @ 35c


Filmstrip projector to be used with kerosene

lantern - made in Mexico

Set of Life of Christ Filmstrips



f13 "''









PiiESENT Building

Church Building Needed

The most immediate need for the service of the congregation
in Mante is a building. This could be a very simple structure

erected of cement blocks with a cement floor and a cornigated

asbestos roof. We estimate that for $500 the floor, roof, and posts
along the side wall for support could be constructed. Later, then,
the side walls could be added in as the funds will allow.

The cli

mate is warm enough that for a while, if necessary, services could

be held in such a building, that is, with open sides and having
only a floor and roof.

If the work is to go on and grow then a building is absolutely

necessary. You may give for this purpose, and thereby have a part
in the work of Christ in Mexico, by simply designating any funds
that you desire to be used in this way for the Building Fund.

Living Link Support

Sandra Ellett, who will be three years old in October, does not
have living-link support. Such support is $25 a month. Any

church, Bible School class, or individual desiring to aid mission

work may do so in this way. Send to the forwarding agent, desig
nated living-link for Sandra.

Missionaries working with the El Mante Christian Mission

are Damon Ellett and his wife. Dr. Leonila Ellett. They have

served in Mante, Tampaulipas, Mexico, for four years, and have

established the one New Testament congregation now in the city.
Mante is a city of 50,000.

Speaking Dates Available

Damon is now in Indiana and will be available for speaking
dates until May 31. Write to him in care of the forwarding agent:
Ora M. Davis, R. R. 2, Trafalgar, Indiana.

Jesus said,"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to
the whole creation. He that believeth and is baptized shall be
saved; but he that disbelieveth shall be condemned." Mark 16:15,16.

El Mante Christian Missioru

R. R. 2

Trafalgar, Indiana

S 'FM 0

Mission Services
Box 968

Joliet, Illinois


Apdo. 161
Co. Mante, Tamps. Mexico

Damon and Dr. Leonila S. Ellett


Ora Davis
B. NO. 2

;G 2 I- 1961


August 21, 1961

V/,E. KcGilvrey

The Fields Are White Unto Harvest

Mission Services

Box 968

Joliet, 111,
Dear Bro.McGilvrey;
We just received two letters

Mission Services, one for Diana

y Home and the other for Maria^;^ Farias, Although Diana Home planned
yv^.o come to Mante to help us ^^fulping the summer of I960, she went to
Saltillo instead. To my Imowledge she is not in the mission work,
plans to be in the near future. Although Mariano is not here
he may be in the near future. Either way, we would be happy to for
ward any mail to him.
I believe that almost all of the second class mail from Mission Services

is sent to our Forwarding Agent,

Would you please have it sent directly

to us?

We have a news item: On August 20 the church in Ciudad Mante finished

its fourth Vacation Bible School, There were 336 children enroled,

Dr, Leonila Ellett was director, Maria Hul2, Mrs, Eglantina de Huls,
Mrs, Dolores de Escamilla, Mrs. Tomasa Castellanos, Alejandrina Marroquin,
Bertha Garcia , Lorenzo Diaz and Miguel Castellanos were teachers.
Miguel Castellanos is the local minister. This is probably the largest
enrollment that any of the Bible Schools had this in Mexico,
Thank you for your kind attention.

In Him,

Damon Ellett

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