Ellett Damon Leonila 1964 Mexico

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'El Obrero'

The Worker


Apdo. 161
Cd. Mante,


Tamps, Mexico


Damon and Leonila Eliett

The Fields Are White Unto Harvest

January, 19^4



o Proct

;hurch building in iiani

s put on last springe
'anfl -




A Letter tnm Damon, Nov., 1963

We are having the beginning of vrinter dom here.

The cotton harvest and the sugar campaxgn are in full

SW2SIK. We had to dig the wool blankets out of ^th

blul, for it gets cool at night although it gets up

past 80 during the day,

Nila is still working the afternoon si^ft ^

emergencies and sees up to 50 patients

8 hour shift. Besides the emergencies she
care of the part-time workers who are not assigned

faSl? doctoS. She hasn't had a holiday ^f since

Easter and it has about gotten her down. They took

a hemoglobin the other day and discovered she is
very anemic. She has had two transfusions, but

they didn't give her a single day to rest up; other

than her Sundays.

Sandra is in Kindergarten and p\ the afternoon I

teach her the first grade in English.

V/e have the walls almdst up on our house.


won't look like a picture oufof a magazine, but

it '.Till be a roof over otir heads.

It is brick and

concrete and up mtil now there is not a stick of

wood in it. The only vraod will be the doors and
door.facings. The roof will be re-enforced con

crete, metal windows, and tile floors. It is sure

cheap compared to what a^house would cost in the

States. We figure' it will cost us about ^3jOOO,

The church is still "coming along. We hope to
get the floor in by Christmas and some of the
doors in.

*- Damon

Funds received ty the forvarding agent


. September, 1963

Pleasant Grove Christian Church, MartinsviUe,_Ind 25.^

Pinehurst Christian Church, R. 4, Marietta, Ohxo lO.OT
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Flake, R. 4, Martinsvalle, Ind. 50.W
F.''ir\dew Christian Church, Wakita, Okla,


Mrs. Addie Davis, Indianapolis, Ind.

in no

Lou Ann Stepp, R. 2, Colu.ibus, Xna.


Old Union Christian Church, Poso-/iile, ^nd.

Helen L. Hinton, R. h. Marietta, Ohio


East l6th St. Christian Church, Indianapolis, Ind. 61.^

Fishing Fishers Class, Canadian, Texas
Jennings Church of Christ, St. .JJUiS, Mo.


Vfctauga Ladies Aid, Christian Church, vJatauga, Tenn 5.TO

Alberta Phinney, Ljnaan, Nebraska
October, 1963

Fairview Christian Church, V/akita, Okla.^

Liberty Christian Church, R. 2, t4artinsvixle, xnd. lO.TO
Missiokry Guild, First Christian, ^aynesb^g. Pa. 15.^
Fleming Garden Christian Cnurch, indianapolis, 1. 30.

Pleasant Grove Glu'istian Church, Martmsvill^, Ind.25-00

Pinehurst Christian Church, R. 4, Marietta, Ohio 10.00

Spearsville Church of Christ, R. 1, xrafaig-.r, ind. 4.76

Add-a-Member Class, Christian Church, Eminence, I,

Lou Ann Stepp, R. 2, Columbus, Ind.

watauga Indies Aid, Christian Church, .-/atauga, T, 5.00

Samaria S^mday School, R. 2, Trafalgar,^ina.

Jr. Dept., Christian Church, l^nence,^^d.


Willa Swengel, R, 1, Se^nnour, md,

i!>fcrgret Veale, Indianapolis, Ind,
Deloris Taulman, IndianapoUs, Ind.


Mr. & Mrs, Byram Crone, R. 1, ilartinsi^il^e, Ind.

Anna Mueller, Indianapolis, ind.
Helen L. Hinton. R. 4, Arietta,


November, 1963

Pinehurst Christian Church, R. k, Marietta, Ohio

Pleasant Grove Christian Church, llartinsville, Ind. 25.00
Mrs. Addie Davis, Indianapolis, Ind.

Lou Ann Stepp, R. 2, Columbus, Ind.

iVatauga Ladies Aid, Christian Churon, vlatauga, Tenn. 5.00
Helen L, Hinton, R. 4, Marietta, Ohio.
December, 1963

Lamb's Creek Christian Church, R. 2,Mai'tinsville,

Fishing Fishers Class, Canadian, Texas ^

Pinehurst Christian Church, R. A, Ifenetta, 0na.o 10^
Jessie U. Littell, R. 1, MooresvxU^/nu.
_ 15-^
Pleassnt Grove Christian Church, Martinsvxlle, Ind. 2..OT

Bluff Creek World Service, R. 3, Groenwood, xnd.


Price Avenue Church of Christ, Cincinnati, Ohio


Fairview Christian Church, Wakita, Okla,^

vfetauga Ladies Aid, Christian Church, WaWga, Tenn. 5-^

Add-a-Member Class, Christian Church, Eminence, ina.l5.^

Jr. Dept., Christian Church, aninence, ^nd,
Deloris Taulman, Indianapolis, Ind. ,
l^argret Yeale, Indianapolis, Ind. ^


I-a. Pleasant Christian Church, R. 2, tjosport, xnd. 76.^

m-rnore Church of Christ, \-iymoTe, Nebraska
Helen L. Hinton, R. 4, Marietta, Ohio

For the Building F^ond, Sept. - Dec,, 1963

Sept.: Lou Ann St^pp, R. 2, Columbus, Ind.


Oct.: Berean Sunday School Class

New Tazeweli, Tennessee

Lou Ann Stepp, R. 2, Columbus, tad.

l.ov.: Lou Ana Step?, P.. 2, Columbus, ind.

Deo.: Mt. Pleasant Aid Society, R. 2
Greenwood, Ind.



(A letter from Damon, dated January 7, 1964)

Christmas is past; we had a very quiet one. On

Christirias Eve we had the program "at church. ^On

Christmas day Leonila had to work^.^s on New leans
also. So

went ahead as usual.

The yoimg fellow, Lorenzo Diez, who went to Mexican

Bible Seminary got married up there in Sonora and

they are back in Mante, He wanted to continue in the

Work and continue studying. We have put iiim to work

in the church and I am continuing ha^Bible C5^ege

training here in the house. We are paying hii]1sl6

dollars a month, which is hardly enough to live on,

but he is living at the church and doesn't have to
pay rent or utilities.

We are making a few plazis to be in Indiana during

the summer. Leonila "vd-ll get her vacation in Ju-i-y.
If we still pl;in the Rally for ilay it will give me
the. month of Juiie for deputation until Leonila comes
up to join us in July.' I hate to be away lor very

long, but I doubt that the Rally could be postponed

for June with V, B. S.'s'being held during that time.
We ere nlaning to go ahead with the work out at the
Aztecs. Tne two crops v:e planted out there both v;ere
lost for lack of rain. 'We plan to ti^- it agama this
vear. The evangelical people out there are wanting
us to go ahead wmth the church, A lot has been

provided for the church building and we hope to get

some sort of "brush harbor" put up before the rainy

season begins.

We are fine. I haven't had ai^y more trouble (just

before Christmas Damon was in the hospital for two

brief periods i.th kidney stones - Ed.) and Leonila

isn't woricing as hard as she was. She was seeing
from 50 to 60 patients a day, but they have two new
doctors (Continued on nexb pagfj)

ihat are helping a lot. Now she sees around 20,

Sandra is still growing like a w6ed. She is still
in Kindergarten. She is studying piano and I am
still giving her classes in Shglish.

We have quit work on our house. We wish we had

it finished for our landlord is raising our rent

beginning this month. We still lack the roof. We

can get credit from the building material establish
ment to finish it, but we stiU have to pay la^rers.
Once we get it to the place where we can move into
at least one room the rent we pay will be getting

the house paid for, Leonlla got a nice Christmas

bonus and we were able to pay what we alreacty owed.
At least we have the walls up and are out of debt.
When we get it finished Leonila says she is going to
quit working,

Send your offerings to: El Itote Christian I-lission

Ora M, Davis, Fwdg. Agt.
R. 2

Trafalgar, Indiana




^ ^


KL Ihxite Christian Mission

|Non-profit Ors'XiiEation
Permit iiO, 50


Bluff Creek Cliristian


Greenwood, Indiana

Mission Services

Box 96s
Joliet, Illinois


Apdo. 161
Co. Mante, Tamps. Mexico

Damon and Dr. Leonila S. Ellett


Oba Davis
R. NO. 2


Febiniary 11, 1964

The F elds Are White Unto Harvest

Dear Christian Friends:

VJe ask vour prayers for Brother Bamon Ellett concerning

an illness which has afflicted him for the past few

During the last two weeks he has suffered an attack of ki

stones which is a re-occurrence of what had caused his brief

hoStkIzaSon just before the end of the year. An X-ray

studv made at the hospital in Mante has shown a

L G+-ni retained


Consultations with the other doctors at

the hospital in Ifante


^hTSn rd^Sd'aftoTeiTdefLTe decision for Damon to

come to the states.

do want, however, your prayers that this affliction

^y beWeremoved,^if^the
^rd^^ll, ^thout

CSven rLovery and'pemnitted to continue his service for

our Lord Jesus Christ.


(TT- te-Pul for your continued faithful support,

and ea^st^fesfre yoS fellowship in this needed minist^.

Yours in Christ,

Ora M. Davis

'El Obrero'
The Worker

Apdo. 161
Cd. Mante,
Tamps, Mexico
Damon and Leonila Elloft

The Fields Are White Unto Harvest

May, 1964


(Letter from Damon, vn-itten April 19)

I shall start this tonight and finish it
tomorrow after I have some more news.

We arrived here Thursday night and as it

was lote we went to a hotel to stay, but on

Friday we came to look up the Borajas, We

had been here on a couple of other occasions and
were invited to stay 'with them. Their son is^

Francisco Barajas wiio teaches at Colegio Diblico.

They loaned us a one roomed apartment which they

have in back of their house and here we are, very

Nila went to see ab:>ut her appointments on Friday

morning and was given an appointment for tomorrow

morning at eight. Then on Satiirday she went to see
the assistant director of the Social Security to see

if I could be taken care of too. So, it is all

and I nave an appointment tomorrow st tbe

same hospital at eight, vfe v/ill probably be in the

same hospital at the same time.

On Saturday morning we left the car parked on a

quiet side street near the offices of the Social

Security, Wiiile we v*ere gone a thief broke into the
car and stole Niia's overnight case, shoes, sweater,
camera and other small things. All would cost
around >JlOO to replace.

Mexico City has certainly changed, Tliere is a

terrible amount of traffic but it doesn't take long
to buzz thrjiogh. It used to be a horrible experience
for me to drive here, but it seems easy with the
Chevy II,

Sandra will stay with Leonila's brother's family

tomorrow. We will have to get up early as it is a
long way dovm thi*ou^ the heart of town,
I laust close for now; 5

ni, will arrive too soon,

(a later portion added April 2?)

X wrote the above over a week a go .^nd have nothing
to add of importance. Last week we saw doctors and

had X-rays, blood tests and urinalysis made, Wila

saw three specialists v/ho ruled out what v;c iiad feared
but no definite diagnosis has been made. She went to
a Cardiologist this morning and since she hasn't
returned yet I don't know what the verdict is. I am

to see a specialist tomorrow to find out what the X-ray

pictures showed. Sure a lot of waiting and traipsing
from office to office.

Sure is nice and cool hore. Makes us want to stay,


Contributions for El'i^ante Christian r^ssion^received

by the forwarding agent during April, 19o4

(Note: This does not include funds sent directly

to the Elletts in Vlante,)

Addie G. Davis, Indianapolis, Ind.^


Pinehurst Christian Church, R. 4, ^'iarietta, 0.


El Obrero Plan:

Cliarles A. Lee, Louisville,

tirs. Russell Lewis, Eminence, Ind,

VJilda 0. Bro^^m, Martinsville, ind.


Central Church of Christ, Gering, Mebr.


I-irs. Jaiaes Gibbs, Carnegie, Pa.


E]. Obrero Plan:

Kr. <1 Urs. Gene Adams, MrtinGv.i.lle, Ind.


Marion i^merson. New Wliitelauo, ind.

Carrie bchnddt. Union City, Tsnn.


Spearsville Church of Christ, R. 2, Trafalgar

Pleasant Grove Ciiristian Chui-ch, ^-iartinsville, 1,25.00

Watauga Lt^ciies Aid, Watauga, Tenn.


Saiaaria Christian Church, R, 2, Trafalgar, Ind. 16.14

El Obrero Plan:

jirs. J. L. Bart?,.ey, Atlanta, Ga.


Mrs. J. ?. Entreldln, Oxiard, Calif, (year)


xi. B. Holletu, Brovjnsburg, Ind.

Price Avenue Church of Christ, Cincinnati, 0.
i-lt. Pleasant Christian Church, Gosport, Ind.


1 Obrero Plan:

Mr. & iirs. a. B. Slo\igh, Painesville, u.(year)12.00

Virgil C- I'iariljTi ?.ent, Scottsblufi, Neor. ^


Mr. Mrs. Dale Reynolds, i^rtinsville, ind.

Mrs. D. R. Fergiisoii, Martinsvi?-le, Ind.


i'iissionary Society, Old Union Christian

Church, Poseyville, Ind.


Fair Haven Christian Chi\rch, R. 2, Trafalgar, I. 50.W

Mr. k Mrs. i-iaurice Siumaers, i^nrovia, J-nd.


Ruth Buzzird, Indianaix>lis, Ind.

El Obrero Plan:

i-xTs. Randolph iiiller, Martinsvilie, .nd.


Mr. & rtfs. Harley Meek, Columbus, Lid.

Mrs. Fred Forst, LaGrange, Indiana


Addie C. Davis, IndianapoliSj Ind.-


El Obrero Plan:

Youth Group, Church of Christ,

Bloomington, Mnn.


iirs. Guy G&rothers, Gosport, Ind.


El Obrero Plan:

Helen E. tD.nton, J^arietta, 0._


Morgret Veale, Indianapolis, ind.(Apr. rfej.) 10.^

De3-oris Taulman, Indianapolis, I.CApr.Sc i-iay;

Annie Vidniar, Indianapolis, ind.

Nancy Corbell, Joliet, Illinois


llr. k Mrs. John V/. Oglesby, Cassville, Mo.

El Obrero Flan:


Virgil k Juanita VJhetstine, Fram^^Jij -=Jid.

1-Ii'S. iiay Dillinan, Fisher, Illinoio (year)

Frances Iiann, -ndianapolis, Ind.
Ruth Eherman, The Dalles, Oregon




PAID OUT by the forwarding agent.

Apr. 6 - Post Office - stamps

Apr. 11 - mission telephone calls

Apr. 14 - First Otate Bank, ilorgaiitovai, -nu.

payment on loan
Apr. 17 - Dost Office - stamps

Aor. 24 - Postage on newsletears



. /' ....

A31 other funds were sent in deposits to Hidaxgo

County Bank and Ti-ist Co., Mercedes, Texas, upon which

Damon may write checks.

(Letter from Damon, written I^ay 6) I'll try to bring you up to date on us again. We

got back home last Thursday night. On Tuesday of last

week I saw the specialist again. He said that all the
tests and X-rays showed that I v/as perfectly well again.
The stone had passed and I could go ahead leaci.ag a
normal life. He gave me a date for the 15th to come

back for a check up and we felt very happy. As for

Nile., they haven't found out as yet the cause of ler

trouble. The theory now is that it is a vascular dis
order, Hor X-rays showed that the vertebrae wasn't the
cause. Then she wont to the norve specialist and he

affirmed that it was not a nerve disorder, Thoy wanted

to put her in the hospital for further studies, but

there wasn't a private room svailr.ble and they .voul^'t
let her be in a ward.
be a room by today and
and then go back. Now
wouldn't let her leave

They told her that there would

she decided to come h-'ck with me
she says that at work thoy
because there are four doctors

taldng gheir vacations, but the real reason is that she

didn't want to go just yet.

As for me: To continue the storywe got b'>ck

Thursday night. On Friday morirhig I had another attack

of who knows what and finally got some relief about naa-

night Saturday night. Today the local spacic-list looked

into the bladder to see if the stone was there end

causing trouble, but it isn't. His advise was to take

it easy and not take any long trips,

We have given uo the idea of going to Indic;Uin this

summer. Even though we flew up it would involve over

24 hours of constant travel. So we will stay hero and

try to keep cool.

Wo hope to get moved ne;ct -jeol:. The plasterer is

fjjiishing ti-o rooms-a bod room anci the kitchen and we

olan to live that vjBy until we get some of o\ir debts




We feel rather bad about not being able to get up to

see iry mother. We would appreciate being kept informed.

The best way to roach us in the case of emergency is to
send us n telegram.



Apdo. 161
Cuidad Mante, Tamps., Mexico

December, 1964

Dear Christian Friend,

We send unto you greetings at this season as we rejoice in the

repeating of the ChrLstraas message, "Gloiy to God in the highest,

and on earth peace, good will toward men,"

With this message is also sent our very grateful appreciation

for your faithful support in prayer and offerings through the year.
We are in much better health. A series of Vitamin B-12 shots

has helped Leonila to feel better. Damon is free from suffering from

the kidney stones which caused him so much misery about a year ago.
Sandra is in the Second Grade and is doing fine in the school

work. She is growing rapidly. A doll and a bicycle are her requests
for Christmas.

The work with the church is going along very well, and the
attendance continues to increase. A parsonage has been built in
behind the church building, and now we need a minister to live in
it and serve the congregation.

The interior of our house is about finished construction-wise.

The floors are all polished and it feels good to live in it.
Leonila is continuing her duties at the hospital. The new
hosoital has been opened and is air-conditioned and modern, so the
work isn't as hard as before. Another doctor is now working ivith
her in Emergencies. She gets her vacation about the first of
December. We are planning to go to Saltillo, iiagle Pass, and to

San Antonio, Te5S, and then back to Mercedes and home. Leonila s
father is ver:/ sick, and we iri.ll also make a visit to her faimily.
Damon's mother is in very poor health, and is a patient in a
nursing home in Franklin, Indiana.

Play God's blessings be with you and all yours at this Christmas
time and a 11 through the year.
Yours in Christ's service.

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