Homework 3

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Module 3 Homework Assignment 1

Running head: Module 3 Homework Assignment

Module 3 Homework Assignment

Andrew Uhlenkamp
Allied American University

Author Note
This paper was prepared for CRJ 499: Senior Capstone, Module 3 Homework
Assignment taught by Daniel Chauvin.

Module 3 Homework Assignment 2

CRJ 499: Senior Capstone

Module 3 Homework Assignment
Directions: Write a progress report regarding your selected topic and an outline.
Please submit the following:

A 2-3 page progress report on the state of your project. Outline the accomplishments,
issues, and concerns.
Please entitle your progress report, State of the Project: Accomplishments, Issues, and
Discuss specific accomplishments and problems you are facing.
Problem shoot issues and concerns, as well as ways to overcome these issues and
concerns, in order to make your research paper successful.
Discuss research methods being used and their application to your project.
Create an outline for your research paper.

Module 3 Homework Assignment 3

State of the Project: Accomplishments, Issues, and Concerns

My strategy in writing this senior capstone paper is to utilize several resources, including
research performed by several groups, as well as statistics and techniques used by law
enforcement agencies across the country to combat human trafficking. In addition to basing my
findings on published works and studies, I hope to add anecdotal evidence and information based
on the experiences of local professionals involved in the human trafficking response, prevention,
and treatment process. Ideally, I hope to uncover strategies that have proven to be failures as well
as those that have been effective and help frame what could be a more effective approach to
fighting the human trafficking of minors.
Combating human trafficking takes place in multiple phases. There is the interdictive
phase which interferes with active trafficking operations and shuts them down, arresting those
responsible and recovering victims. The preventative phase of human trafficking seeks to use
education, awareness, and scare tactics to prevent solicitation of human trafficking operations.
The final phase, treatment, works after human trafficking operations have been shut down and
strives to rehabilitate victims and help return them to their original homes or families, or- when
that isnt practical- integrate them into society.
In order to gather information regarding the first phase, intervention, my goal is to
research what techniques law enforcement agencies use to both detect, investigate, intercept, and
help prosecute active human trafficking operations. Understanding human trafficking task forces
and their methods can help to pin-point exploitable weaknesses in trafficking rings. On the court
room side of the issue, I plan to discover what evidence is most effective, as well as useful
methods of litigation that can help shape the process that puts human traffickers behind bars and
out of society, away from their victims as well as prevents them from affecting new potential

Module 3 Homework Assignment 4

victims. After looking into what methods have been proven to work, Id also like to investigate
any new or experimental methods being brought in to the mix.
Regard the second phase, prevention, I plan to research public outreach and human
trafficking prevention operations. Public awareness and education of this abhorrent travesty that
is occurring in communities big and small across the United States has been shown to be
severely lacking. Beyond that, more effort should be made to educate the public on how to
recognize and report potential human trafficking cases. Social workers, professionals in the
education industry, those in the medical field, and other workers in occupations that come in
contact with at-risk children and potential human trafficking settings should receive extra
training in this as well. In this area, I plan to interview shelter directors or managers that operate
shelters and victim treatment centers that cater to homeless and abused women and children.
With their experience, I hope to shed some light on what conditions are most likely to lead a
victim into human trafficking.
The next phase of dealing with human trafficking is the treatment phase. Looking up
successful cases will help illustrate the process in which a victim was brought out of the abuse
and manipulation cycle and assisted by the justice system and non-governmental organizations to
help bring their abuser(s) to justice. Multiple resources are available for these types of processes,
including resources made available through government programs, as well as charitable
organizations. Meeting with a prosecutor or liaison with experience in working with victims,
especially as witnesses helpful in the successful prosecution of a human trafficking organization,
will help bring scope and substance to the amount of resources and effort necessary.
As the head of security in a metropolitan public elementary school, Ive sat through
several meetings regarding human trafficking in which the Omaha police department and

Module 3 Homework Assignment 5

members of the FBIs human trafficking task force have presented information on local cases.
These meetings provide great information and education on the subject that I hope to use in my
research. It would be even better served if I were to be able to sit down with task force members
or FBI liaisons and discuss their personal experiences and ask specific questions about their
operations and process. I hope to organize a phone or face-to-face interview with a member of a
human trafficking task force assigned to the Omaha metro area. I have yet to hear back from
someone on the subject yet, unfortunately.
Since emailing potential sources is proving less effective, I may make some phone calls,
either through tip lines or maybe even victim hot lines to try to get in touch with someone with
more direct experience. I plan to use their experience and findings in combination with findings
published by justice agencies and research organizations to develop common traits shared
amongst victims, as well as successful operations and integrations and unsuccessful ones. From
there its my goal to determine what measures could be taken to help prevent, fight, and treat this
As this is a social dilemma, not just a law enforcement problem, a major portion of my
research is dedicated to the search for solutions that can be effective to personnel that might
come in contact with human trafficking. That method is intended to fight the supply side of the
supply-and-demand relationship that fuels this cyclic crime. Its important to note that treating
the demand could prove effective as well. Many Johns or solicitors of human trafficking
victims have very serious mental and behavioral problems. Part of the sentence handed down to
these perpetrators should include therapy and some form of recovery to address the mental and
emotional issues that often result in these individuals seeking sex in this manner.

Module 3 Homework Assignment 6

As such, it would also be beneficial for therapists, counselors, and other mental and
behavioral health workers to be informed and educated on warning signs to look for from their
patients that might solicit such services and how to prevent human trafficking. The more that
those who seek out this type of service can be stopped or prevented, the less victims will be



Utilize reported findings to illustrate the number of cases of human trafficking in

which victims are underage, as well as the prevalence of especially young victims.
As a hook, wait until after reciting these figures before revealing that these are
from victims within the United States alone, and mention that these are broadly


Begin by explaining how many victims come to find themselves involved in

human trafficking rings.

Detail the cycle of victimization throughout the process. List many of the sideaffects. Describe how law enforcement works to intervene in human trafficking.
Include the victims role in convicting his or her pimp or organization.

Explain how community resources work to help prevent and provide outreach to
help victims of human trafficking

Show what kind of effect human trafficking has on the victims. Explain the
resources, therapy, and other treatment necessary to successfully rehabilitate a
victim back into society.

Describe the amounts of arrests and convictions as well as sentences handed down
to solicitors of human trafficking. Explain the therapeutic help that some of them
may require to fight addictions or sexual perversions.


Module 3 Homework Assignment 7


Describe the most effective methods of each phase in the fight against human
trafficking, as well as the signs to help identify and methods to report the crime.

List the most prevalent conditions that often result in minors becoming victims of
human trafficking

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