Ethics: Good and Evil, Right and Wrong

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The whole subject of ethics is one which, with the society in its current state
of confusion has become almost lost.
Ethics is the key factor in helping the individual, the future race, or any group
to survive. Without the establishment of proper ethics, the individual, the future
race, or any group will surely experience an agonizing existence on the path to
their demise.
Ethics are reason. A persons greatest weapon is his or her reason.
Although Morals are a group consensus (laws and rules) of rightness or
wrongness, Ethics is a personal choice between what is right or wrong
A person who has good ethics will find life is much easier flowing with far
fewer ups and downs. Ethical people will be considered lucky by others because
they will have greater opportunities come their way with much less misfortune.
One of the reasons that our society is dying is that it has gone too far out of
ethics. Reasonable conduct and optimum solutions have ceased to be used to
such an extent that the society is on the way out.
By out-of-ethics we mean an action or situation in which an individual is
involved, or something the individual does, which is contrary to the ideals, best
interests and survival of his life and soul.
Ethics are the actions individuals take upon themselves in order to
accomplish optimum survival in the physical and spiritual forms of life. Ethical
actions are survival actions. Without a use of ethics we will not survive.
We know that the principle of existence is to survive!
At first glance that may seem too basic. It may seem too simple. When one
thinks of survival, one is apt to make the error of thinking in terms of barest
necessity. That is not survival. Survival is a graduated scale with infinity or
immortality at the top and death or pain at the bottom.
Years ago I discovered and proved that people are basically good. This
means that the basic personality and the basic intentions of the individual, toward
him or herself and others, are good.
When an individual find himself committing too many harmful acts against his
life, he becomes his own executioner. This gives us the proof that people are
basically good. When he or she finds himself committing too many evils, then
Upgrading Life, LLC, Dr. Michael J. Duckett 1-800-269-3817

causatively, unconsciously, and unwittingly, he or she will put ethics in on himself
by destroying himself without assistance from anybody else.
This is why the criminal leaves clues on the scene, why people develop
strange incapacitating illnesses and why they cause themselves accidents and
even decide to have an accident. When they violate their own ethics they begin
to decay. They do this all on their own, without anybody else doing anything.
The criminal who leaves clues behind is doing so in hopes (subconsciously or
spiritually without knowing) that someone will come along to stop him from
continuing to harm others. He is basically good and does not want to harm
others, and in the absence of an ability to stop himself outright, he attempts to
put ethics in on himself by getting thrown in prison where he will no longer be
able to commit crimes.
Similarly, the person who incapacitates himself with illness or gets himself in
an accident is putting ethics in on himself by lessening his ability to harm and
maybe even by totally removing himself from the environment that he has been
harming. When he has evil intentions, when he is being intentionally evil, he still
has an urge to stop himself. He seeks to suppress the urge and when he cannot
do so directly, he does so indirectly. Evil, illness and decay often go hand-inhand.
People are basically good. People are basically well intentioned. People do
not want to destroy themselves or others. When people harm their own lives in
any way, they will destroy themselves in an effort to save the further destruction
of their soul or life energy. This has been proven in numerous cases. This is the
fact that gives evidence that people are basically good.
On this basis, we have the concept of right and wrong.
When we speak of ethics we are talking about right and wrong conduct. We
are talking about good and evil.
Good can be considered to be a constructive survival action. It happens that
no construction can take place without some small destruction, just as the old,
dilapidated building must be torn down to make room for the new apartment
To be good, something must contribute to the individual, to his family, his
children, his job, humankind, or life. To be good a thing must contain
construction, which outweighs the destruction it contains. A new cure, which
saves a hundred lives and kills one, is an acceptable cure.
Good is survival. Good is being more right than one is wrong. Good is being
more successful than one is unsuccessful, along constructive lines.
Upgrading Life, LLC, Dr. Michael J. Duckett 1-800-269-3817


Things are good which complement the survival of the individual, his family,
children, humankind, life and physical things. Acts are good which are more
beneficial than destruction along these key areas of life.
Evil is the opposite of good, which is destructive more than it is constructive in
any area of life. A thing which does more destruction than construction is evil
from the viewpoint of the individual, the future race, group, species, life or
physical things that it destroys.
When an act is more destructive than constructive it is evil. It is out-of-ethics.
When an act assists succumbing more than it assists survival, it is an evil act in
the proportion that it destroys.
Bluntly put, Good is survival. Ethical conduct is survival. Evil conduct is nonsurvival. Construction is good when it promotes survival. Construction is evil
when it inhibits survival. Destruction is good when it enhances survival.
Any action by an individual is as right as it promotes the survival of the
individual future race, group, humankind, or life by making the conclusion. To be
entirely right would be to survive to infinity.
An action by an individual is wrong to the degree that it is non-survival to the
individual, future race, group, species, life or physical things responsible for doing
the act or making the conclusion. The most wrong a person can be is dead.
An individual who is more right than wrong should survivean individual who
on the average is more wrong than right will succumb to an agonizing journey on
the way to death..
The problems of the world actually starts with individual ethics.
Dishonest conduct is non-survival. Anything is unreasonable or evil which
brings about the destruction of individuals, groups or inhibits the future of the
The keeping of ones word, when it has been sacredly pledged, (as in the
case of participating in the Upgrading Lifes Programs), is an act of survival,
since one is then trusted, but only so long as he or she keeps his or her word.
To the weak, to the cowardly, to the irrational, to dishonesty and underhanded
dealings, the harming of others seem to be the only way of conducting life.
Unethical conduct is actually the conduct of destruction and fear. Lies are told
because one is afraid of the consequences should one tell the truth. Destructive

Upgrading Life, LLC, Dr. Michael J. Duckett 1-800-269-3817

acts are usually done out of fear. Thus, the liar is inevitably a coward and the
coward inevitably a liar.
The sexually promiscuous person, the individual who breaks faith with his
friend, the covetous pervert are all dealing in such non-survival terms that
degradation and unhappiness are part and parcel of their existence.
It probably seems quite normal and perfectly all right to some, to live in a
highly degraded society full of criminals, drugs, war and insanity, where we are in
constant threat of the total annihilation of life on this planet.
Well, let me say that this is not normal, and it is not necessary. It is possible
for individuals to lead happy productive lives without having to worry about
whether or not they are going to be robbed if they walk outside their door or
whether Russia is going to declare war on the United States. Its a matter of
ethics. It is simply a matter of individuals applying ethics to their lives.
The criminal does not survive well. The average criminal spends the majority
of his or her adult years caged like some wild beast and guarded from escape by
the guns of their guards.
A person who is known to be honest is awarded survivalgood jobs, good
friends, etc. A person survives so long as she is true to herself, her family, her
friends, and the laws of the Universe. When she fails in any respect, her survival
is cut down.
Justice and Ethics
When a person does something, which is out of ethics (harms his or others
survival) she tries to right this wrong. Usually she just winds up caving herself in.
(Caving in means: mental and/or physical collapse to the extent that the
individual cannot function appropriately to survive.)
They cave in, because in an effort to restrain themselves and stop
themselves from committing more harmful acts. They start withdrawing and
withholding themselves from the area they have harmed. A person who does this
becomes less and less able to influence other areas of life and thus becomes a
victim of life rather than an active, happy participant. The out-of-ethics person
actually creates a life that seems to have the power to do to her in. Therefore,
she is in a position to be injured and she loses control. She can become in fact a
vacuum for trouble.
This happens because the person never had the basic technology of ethics
explained to her. No one has ever told her how to get out of the hole she got
herself into.

Upgrading Life, LLC, Dr. Michael J. Duckett 1-800-269-3817

It may come as a surprise to you, but a clean heart and clean hands are the
only way to achieve happiness and survival. The criminal will never make it
unless he reforms, the liar will never be happy or satisfied with himself until he
begins dealing in truth.
Thus we can see why the knowledge of ethics is necessary for survival. The
knowledge of ethics is a way out of the trap of lifes pains.
Attempting to live an ethical life will bring more power to any individual.
Your decision to proceed into the Upgrading Life programs is based upon
your pledge (your word) that you will maintain the studies according to the
learning and life technology outlined and your personal commitment to do your
Acquiring knowledge is fun and it is the primary objective of human beings.
Upgrading Lifes seminars, programs, and materials are designed to help you
to diminish confusion and gain more control over your life quickly. There is not
much time to acquire the large amount of knowledge necessary to help you to
reach your next desired level of life. The only way this objective can be reached
is by your total, ethical commitment to learn the material and apply yourself
Although there are no principals, teachers (only guides), or faculty, within our
program, you may consider hiring one of our professionally trained Personal Life
Coaches. These individuals will help you to experience success and freedom in a
fraction of time it would have taken you all by yourself.
From this point forward, we will talk about ethics in a positive way because we
know good ethics means a good life.
A persons life is directly related to how much knowledge they have obtained.
The more you learn the more you will be able to experience in life.
This may be your last chance to make something of your life. Begin by
approaching everything with good ethics. After practicing an ethical life for a short
period of time, you will discover the power of living life in good ethics and will
continue the process on your own.
If you want more good fortune, blessings, luck, miracles, etc. to occur in your
life, begin by getting into a good ethics around your entire life. When facing any
area of your life with a decision of doing something that feels good or is good for
survival, always go with the latter.

Upgrading Life, LLC, Dr. Michael J. Duckett 1-800-269-3817

We live a life of goodness for goodness sake. Dont live your life to get good
points from God, or to make the devil stay away. Instead, live a good, ethical life
because thats what you came here to be. When youre in ethics, youre in the
expansion mode with all of life.
God gives life to all things with abundance for it to survive. To be aligned with
this abundance, we must maintain good ethics. It is a persons ethics that
determine the connection with the underlying abundance that is constantly
flowing through all things.
Realize all life is electrical. Good ethics keeps our power turned up and outof-ethics turns the electrical flow down. When electrical power is turned down,
the potential abundance for that individuals life is turned down as well.
All life is meant to expand. The expansion for human beings is only possible
by living life with good ethics. The survival for human beings is only possible by
living life with good ethics.
Serving All Humanity,
Dr. Michael J. Duckett

Upgrading Life, LLC, Dr. Michael J. Duckett 1-800-269-3817

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