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May 23rd, 2010 MORNING PRAYER AND THE LORD’S PRAYER A Thought on Prison

“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy
Pentecost Sunday will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And That moment is the gift of the
forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us Holy Spirit … For the first disci-
~~ Worship Celebration ~~ not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the ples that moment happened with
power, and the glory, forever. Amen.”
a rush of wind and tongues of
“Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it fire … For John Wesley it came
filled the house where they were sitting. Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire ANTHEM Choir
appeared and settled on each of them.” (Acts 2:2-3, NLT) “Pentecostal Power” when he was listening to Martin
Luther's Commentary on Paul's
God’s people come into His presence with Prayer and Praise CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Dixie Tipton Letter to the Romans, and he felt
(We will be using The Celebration Hymnal) his heart "strangely warmed".
PRELUDE John Hamrick “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise
Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.” _________________________
Bringing the Light of Christ into the Church SCRIPTURE READING: Elizabeth Hamrick Please Check appropriate box:
Acts 2:1-21
CHORAL CALL TO WORSHIP Choir Name: ____________________
“Holy Spirit, Thou Art Welcome” *HYMN OF PREPARATION Insert
“God Give Us Vision” Address: ___________________
WELCOME Rev. Johnson
MEDITATION Rev. Johnson __________________________
*LIFTING OUR PRAISE BEFORE THE LORD ……….. Celebration Hymnal “Alternative Power”
“By His Spirit” Phone : ____________________
Leader: I feel something in this place! SENDING FORTH
Children: Whoosh! Whoosh! The people are sent into Ministry with God’s blessing. □ I am a visitor
People: It feels like fire burning within!
Leader: It feels fresh and exciting! *HYMN OF DEDICATION The Celebration Hymnal # 384-385 □ I would like a visit from
People: It feels like fire burning within! “Spirit Song/Where the Spirit of the Lord Is” the pastor.
Leader: It feels like uncontainable joy!
People: It feels like fire burning within! THE LIGHT OF CHRIST ENTERS THE WORLD The Acolyte □ I would like more
All: It is fire burning within! We are on fire and the world can't put it *BENEDICTION Information on the
out! *POSTLUDE church.
“Spirit of the Living God” (vv. 1 & 3) # 389 *Indicates the Congregation shall stand, as able
“Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart” (vv. 1, 2, & 4) # 390 □ I am interested in
We welcome our visitors today as you worship with us! We hope you will come
again! If you are looking for a church home and want to feel and experience the joining the church.
love of God, Bright Hope Laurel United Methodist Church is the place for you!
A Week In God’s Word CHURCH FAMILY

For those who would like to Joanne Jackson; Klaus Duda (Glenn White’s brother-in-law); Mabel & Ed Ehresman, John
study the Lectionary Texts for Scott (brother of Pat MacLean), Irving Washington, Martha Miles, Benjamin Bailey
(Snider’s grandson), Scott, Martha, Randy; Jurdy Chandler; Dianne; Erica; Carol Del’Omo;
this week they are: Junior; Clint; Margaret Boylston (cancer); Brother Bill; Betty Rose; Heather; and un-
named others.
Day of Pentecost
(Please review the prayer list and advise if you know of someone who should be added or
Acts 2:1-21 or Genesis 11:1-9 removed. Write your information on a piece of paper and place it in the offering plate or
Psalm 104: 24-34, 35b
Romans 8:14-17 or Acts 2:1-21
John 14:8-17 (25-27) If you are not attending adult Sunday School, you don’t know what you are missing.
Come and find out …. 9:30 each Sunday in Fellowship Hall.


Today Next Week

Prayer Concerns Greeters Jenny and Mike Miller Sherry Lesley and Angela
(Please fill out and place in the Fox
offering plate)
Ushers Harold and Dixie Tipton Ed Ponder and Frank
Bright Hope Laurel
Scripture Reader Elizabeth Hamrick Rich Ashley
Children’s Message Dixie Tipton Jenny Miller United Methodist Church
Counters Rich Ashley and Assistant Don Mathis and Assistant
Nursery/Preschool Dot Cody Jenny Miller
_________________________ Rev. Bruce Johnson, Pastor Andrea Bailey, Music Director
Communion Stewards N/A N/A Elizabeth Hamrick, Pianist John Hamrick, Organist
Post Office Box 865 • Mars Hill, North Carolina 28754
_________________________ Audio-Visual Danny Burnette Danny Burnette (828) 689-5486 (Church) • (828) 689-5561 (Parsonage)
Brian Dodge Brian Dodge (828) 380-0158 (Pastor’s Cell Phone)
______________________ __ Refreshments If we are to have If we are to have Church Web Address:
refreshments, we need refreshments, we need E-mail:
Date ___________________ volunteer(s) volunteer(s)

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