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Psychoanalytical Theory this theory was propounded by Sigmund Freud.

Freud has
stressed upon the unconscious part of human brain which determines human behaviour. He
justifies his theory by further stating that personality is the resultant of interaction between
three states of human mind i.e the id, ego and super-ego. Id is the pleasure seeking
element, ego is the compromising element and super-ego is the noble and idealistic

Personality Traits influencing Organizational Behaviour

The various personality traits that influence the behaviour of people in organizations are:
Locus of Control locus of control is of two types: Internal locus of control and external
locus of control. People with internal locus of control believe that what all happens in their life
can be controlled by them and they are the masters of their destiny. Whereas, the people
with external locus of control believe that whatever happens to them is due to their destiny or
luck. They give up everything very easily. Internals are more satisfied than externals as they
establish a link between their efforts and performance. Externals are good for tasks that are
challenging, complex and unstructured; they motivate others and grow in their career very
quickly. Externals handle stresses better than the internals. Internals are good for routinised
and simple tasks. They themselves prefer to be led rather than leading others. Even for
international assignments, it is the internals who perform extremely well and adjust very
readily compared to the the externals.
Authoritarianism it refers to the belief that power and status differences should prevail in
organizations. Such people are fascinated by jobs and positions that demand high status
and a great amount of authority. Authoritarian people give more respect to their seniors who
exercise more control over others. They stick to their beliefs and work with rigidity. Such
people follow autocratic or directive leadership to command others.
Machiavellianism Niccolo Machiavelli proposed a brutal strategy in the early 1500 for
seizing and holding political power. Since then many people followed this strategy for
satisfying their urge of getting power by manipulating others. Such people are known as
high mach people. According to Niccolo if a person wants something, he can get it at the
cost of exploiting and manipulating others. His strategy is based on three approaches- (i)
never show modesty arrogance is needed for dealing with others, (ii) morality and
ethics are for the weak a powerful person should be ready to cheat and mislead others for
achieving his work, (iii) it is better to be disliked than loved. High Mach people have an edge
over those who are moralistic and ethical. High Mach people usually are good for negotiation
processes. On the other hand, low mach people are highly moralistic and care for others.
They never believe in cheating or lying to others and take decisions very thoughtfully so that
others do not get negatively affected by their actions. Low mach people fit well into jobs
where they are ready to follow the directions.
Introversion and Extroversion these terms are associated with an individuals
interpersonal orientation. Extroverts as discussed in section 5.4 are expressive, sociable,
out-going, and friendly in nature, whereas Introverts are shy, submissive, quiet, timid and
retiring. The career patterns of both introverts and extroverts are totally different. Extroverts
are suitable for jobs where frequent interaction with others is required such as in sales,
marketing, Human Resource. On the other hand, introverts can perform the tasks well that
are analytical in nature and require less interaction with others, such as that of a finance
officer, research analyst, quality controller etc.

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