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Unit Planning Template with Design Questions

Title Of Unit: Mastering concepts in plot and theme

Subject/Course/Grade: 6th Grade
Dates of Unit: 10/2510/30

Designer(s): Rachel
Stage 1-Desired Results

o (Literature) Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through
particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or

o (Speaking and listening) Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using
pertinent descriptions, facts and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use
appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.

Big Idea or Concept:

Using personal opinion, judgment, and
evidence to determine the overall theme of
a text.

Essential Questions:
How do you determine the theme of a text?
What is theme?
Why are personal judgments and opinions

Students will understand/know

Supporting details
Importance of opinion
Explanation to classmates

Students will be able to

Determine the theme of a text.
Find supporting details that support the
Provide a summary of the text and the
Express their opinions in an appropriate
Acknowledge that other students might
have different opinions than them.
Present their ideas to the class in large
group, small group, and partnerships.

Stage 2-Assessment Evidence

Monitoring and Feedback:
Students will observe me completing readalouds to the class.
Students will work in groups to find the
theme of short stories using resources that
I provide.
Students will document evidence from the
text supporting their idea of the theme.
Students will read a short story and create
an Exit Ticket stating the theme of the
story individually.

Other Evidence:
Students will think-pair-share about their
opinions of a text.
Students will illustrate the theme using their
interpretation, and they will share their
picture with the class.
Students will get in small groups and will
take turns reading a text, highlighting details
supporting the theme and personal opinions
of the group.
Students will write their own story, the

Students will complete an end of lesson

quiz on theme.
Students will document character
behaviors relating to the theme.

teacher will shuffle the papers, and will hand

them out to each student in the class. The
class will then find the theme in each story.

Stage 3-Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
Day 1: Read aloud, introduction of definitions, theme, supporting details, and personal opinions
Day 2: Expressing the theme of short stories using textual evidence
Day 3: Small and large group activities on finding theme
Day 4: Students create own stories and find themes within
Day 5: Theme activities, game, and review

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