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Corporate Profile

About AnalytiX Data Services

Inside this Issue:

Core Service Offerings

Product Overview
Why AnalytiX Data Services?

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The contents of this presentation are protected under NDA. All rights reserved by AnalytiX DS 2016

About AnalytiX Data Services

Product Overview

AnalytiX Data Services is a pioneering Data Integration

and Da- ta Services provider headquartered in
Chantilly, VA with an off- shore presence in India.
AnalytiX DS specializes in the develop- ment of agile
tools for the data integration industry which
automate manual data mapping and ETL conversion
processes and enable organizations to accelerate
delivery and operate more efficiently.

AnalytiX Mapping Manager (AMM)

AnalytiX DS develops differentiable and value added

technolo- gy products which aim to close capability
and functionality gaps from larger software giants in
the industry such as Mi- crosoft, IBM and Oracle in
order to enable faster delivery and lower costs of
integration projects.

AMM is a part of the Agile Tools Movement for the

data integration industry, enabling customers to
accelerate deliv- ery by automating manual preETL Source to Target Map- ping (STM) processes of
data integration projects. AMM ena- bles
organizations to break free of managing hundreds
to thousands of MS Excel based data mappings
across the or- ganization.

AnalytiX Mapping Manager (AMM)



Core Service Offerings

AnalytiX DS maximizes the power of Data
Warehousing and Business Intelligence, Business
Support System (BSS) Systems Integration, and
Strategic Technology Consulting through world class
methodologies, proprietary models, frameworks,
toolkits, and system integration capabilities. AnalytiX
DS drives SPEEDTO BUSINESS RESULTS by deploying a
combination of value added software, services
reusable toolkits and method- ologies.
AnalytiX DS concentrates its productized solutions
development and consulting services offerings on
three core areas:

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

Metadata Management & Master Data
Services Oriented Architecture & Strategic
Technology Consulting


AMM enables organizations to quickly consolidate

metadata using its built-in scanners, manage data
dictionaries and au- tomates the STM process by
allowing mappings to be creat- ed using drag and
drop techniques and storing mappings in central
data mapping repository. The patented versioning
capabilities allow mapping to be versioned through
the change process and enable auditing and better
management of the end to end Pre-ETL data
mapping process. The out- put is compliant with
leading ETL Tools like Infomatica Power Center, IBM
DataStage, and Microsoft SQL Server SSIS, etc.

A Few of our

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The contents of this presentation are protected under NDA. All rights reserved by AnalytiX DS 2016

AnalytiX Data Services

Corporate Profile
AnalytiX Litespeed Conversion (ALC)
ALC solution runs as Software as a Service (SaaS) and
provides an automated framework that automates the
conversion of ETL Tool Platforms. Enable FAST and
AUTOMATED conversion between one ETL Platform and
another. The ALC SaaS environments makes the entire
conversion process completely, automated and transparent
with built in profiling measures, status reports, lineage and
impact analysis features which are available in ALC and

Reverse Engineer ETL Jobs

Into Mapping Designs

Metadata Repository

AnalytiX LiteSpeed Conversion can quickly help re-platform

ETL Jobs between any of the following ETL platforms;

CATfX Automation Framework Simplifies and

Accelerates Delivery. Created by Experts, published
for the massesCATfX uses Code Automation
Templates (CATs) to abstract away the low-level
complexity of common or routine
integration tasks. This means any novice or
subject matter expert can quickly and easily
generate comprehensive code measured in
minutes - NOT Days, Weeks or Months!
Because the CATS are designed and
developed by your senior experts they are
guaranteed to be in compliance with your
published best practices and design
standards, whether its DDL, ETL, Test or Big
Data integration. Now even your junior level
resources can become as productive as your
most senior level resources.

CATfX: Work SmartSave Big!

Master Data Repository

The ETL XML files from Various data integration (DI) ETL
sources can be imported into ALC and converted into
equivalent formats in the ALC repository which can then be
viewed, modified and customized (if needed) and later
exported out into any other data integration ETL Platform
in the appropriate XML file format. All the legacy ETL tool
transformations are automatically converted into
compatible transformations of the new ETL tool platform.

CATfx (Code Automation


IBM Info Sphere Data Stage 7.5

and greater
Informatica 9.0 and greater
Microsoft SQL Server SSIS 2008
and greater
racle Data Integrator (ODI)

CATfx comes with features like:

Generate Stage DDL from Source metadata
Generate Profiling SQL
Generate Source to target Mappings
Generate ETL Jobs for Informatica PowerCenter
Generate Test SQL
Integrate with Big Data

AnalytiX Data Services

Corporate Profile

Why AnalytiX Data Services?

Unparalleled Data Warehousing Expertise
AnalytiX DS maximizes the power of Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence through world class methodolo- gies,
proprietary models, frameworks, toolkits, and system integration capabilities. The importance of strong and pru- dent
project management begins early in the project pro- cess in the definition of scope and planning. AnalytiX DS recommends
that organizations should start deploying their data warehouse in an architected mart fashion and derive an enterprise
data warehouse as an end result. Once the scope is defined and the data marts (subject are- as) prioritized, project
management knowledge must be focused to define a practical and realistic timeframe for implementation.

Unequivocal BSS Systems Integration Experience

A successful BSS integration solution lies at the intersec- tion of business and technology. AnalytiX DS consultants have
proven industry and applications knowledge to trans- form business processes into business solutions. AnalytiX DS also
understands design considerations for building a flexible, scalable and extendable architectural foundation that can
accommodate change as the client grows. Ensur- ing maximum flexibility and scalability requires a finely tuned engine.
AnalytiX DS program methodologies and holistic approach to evaluating technical and technological alternatives coupled
with an exceptional supporting cast-- the most highly-skilled consultants available in the market- place BSS Systems
Integration--consistently allows to se- cure business with clients.

Cutting Edge Knowledge and Industry Intellectual Capital Strategic Technology Consulting
AnalytiX DS boasts a national and international network of data warehouse and Business Support System (BSS) con- sultants
with experience in data warehousing, systems integration and back office and front office applications architecture and
development -- and a full complement of experienced architects, application engineers, database engi- neers, and web
developers. AnalytiX DS has served Fortune 1000 companies through our partnerships with leading data warehouse, billing,
order management, CRM and ERP vendors for years, and can thereby maximize the potential of business intelligence in
your organization.

For any questions regarding the contents of this documet please contact us at
The contents of this presentation are protected under NDA. All rights reserved by AnalytiX DS 2016

Quick Facts About AnalytiX DS



The AnalytiX toolset is an accelerator for data

integration projects involving metadata and data
mapping. The tool makes a valuable contribution in
managing enterprise metadata and data mappings and
facilitates the efficient turn-over of project deliverables to
our clients. The AnalytiX suite is an important asset to have
in any project involving movement of data.

Headquarters: Chantilly, VA



USA, India (Hyderabad)


>30 years in Data Integration

For further information, please contact AnalytiX Data Services

Market Leader: Enterprise Data Mapping

Corporate HQ
14175 Sullyfield Circle, Suite 500
Chantilly, VA 20151 USA

>1000 Customers

+1 (800) 656-9860


Nearly 50% of Fortune 1000

Global Customer Base
Global Government Install Base


AnalytiX DS
7161 Bishop Rd, Suite 300
Plano, TX 75024

Relation with Top 5 System

Integrators and Off-shore Integrators
20+ Resellers Globally
o HP Global Reseller

For sales please call (800) 617-9620 or email
For technical support please call (800) 617-9620 or email
Support hours of operation: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST

For any questions regarding the contents of this documet please contact us at
The contents of this presentation are protected under NDA. All rights reserved by AnalytiX DS 2016

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