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Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism, and Transnationalism in Korea

Dr. Kim Michael

East Asian Cosmopolitanism
the cosmopolitanism in Korea resulted to the present thoughts in Korea.
Imperialism and Colonialism
During the modernisation of Korea Japanese annexed Korea.
Liberation from Japan after the surrender (1945)
Post liberation of Korea made them stronger.
New historical perspectives
Growing ethnic diversity due to increasing migration.
Need to incorporate gender history
Accounts for weakening of borders and transnational elements
Philosophical considerations.
Choi Mallis Opposition to Hangeul.
Only the barbarians are the only ones that has different scripts === He said that
the Korean, making their own script meant that Korean was becoming barbaric.
Cosmopolitanism was from the Chinese, Indian, and others.
The Cosmopolitanism of Korea can be traced back from the Chinese. Since the
existence of EAWO. Therefore, the cosmopolitanism of Korea is Chinese. During the
transitions of the Chinese dynasties, the Korean dynasty believed that they are the
inheritors of the cosmopolitanism of China. (sole inheritor of the Chinese
Japanese were also contributing with the nation building of Korea.
Even though that the Koreans welcomed the western Ideals, they have to rely to
the Japanese POV of western ideals.
(but then the Japanese POV of the western ideals are different. = Japanization of
different ideals of western ideals.)
(History of Japanese is different because they take the things that they want and

they convert it to their Japan-ness which made their history different from the histories of
China and Korea.)
Colonial historiography
HAN ()
Special Characteristics vs. Universalism
Special Characteristics are the things that made the colonisers want to colonise
Postliberation Korean History
Modernisation / positivist school (Korean Characteristics)
Alternative progressive/ peoples history (dependent Path to modernity was
dominated by the Korean Elites and foreigners)
Attempt to find and autonomous path that located the progressive forces of
change in the korean people rather than outside sources (imperialism_
Importance of Jajuseong (autonomy) and minjok (ethnic nation)
Rejection of tayulseong (external forces)
highly empiricist
Problems of the Korean history
Nationalist historiographical tradition
Elimination of the legacies of Japanese historiography
Narrow borrowing from european historical methodology.
They wanted their own analysis of Korea
Transnational History
Cosmopolitan History
theres no convergence within the divergence
theres a need to contextualise the Korean history
The Korean culture needs to be differentiated and compared from the other

historiography - the difference of the Korean history and Philippine History.
the self realisation of Korean people.
we should use international pov or nationalistic pov

Role of pop culture in Korea (in lieu of Korean History)

the perspectives that is universal came from the western views.
there are things that are Korean that perhaps cannot be foreigner.

Korean backward thinking made them annexed by Japan (Meiji)

specialism of Korea
plurality of history
Confucianism vs Neo confucianism of Korea

North Korean and South Korean Identity

open-ended histories

Myth and Truth of Chinas Economic Power

Kim Kisoo
Institutional Analysis
Financial Analysis
Economic Analysis
Chinese economy will decline within 5 years.
Focused on economic structure based on GDP structure. (what is wrong with the
structure of Chinese economy)
GDP = Consumptions + Govt. Spendings + Investments + Net Exports
Fallacy: Biggest Market = China; but the biggest consumers are USA (72%) while China
is 29%, Chinese focuses on investments
Why Chinese investment is big, why is USAs is low?
Foreign Direct Investments in China from the international companies.
Theres no welfare system in China.
There are no financial institutions in China aside from the banks.
Allocation of things (money, land, etc.) based on the Government decisions.
if this kind of intervention is perpetual, why communist countries fall? (why nations fail?)
in order to make the economy work, they need to spend the money. (credit economic
reducing efficiency of margin capital Chinas Economy
China should reduce their economic expansion.
In this way, they can reduce their debt.
(nobody argued that Chinas economy will be prosperous in the coming years.)
( Chinas Economy )
Traditional = low - rebounds - low - rebound; in china = keeps on declining.

Why do China claim lands?

communistic capitalism

The Role of Religion in Korean Society
Son Woohyun

30% of Christians in Korea, only EACS that has many people.

Theres also a lot of Buddhist
At the night of the SAT the offertory of Christianity and Buddhism are filled with offers.
Koreans are highly religious.
Shamanism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity
Oldest and Native belief in Korea = Shamanism
Dangun Joseon (myth of Korea) = Shaman - King
Shamanism is still existent in Korea
Shamanism has no salvation and morals
Shamanism = grace soliciting religion
Shamanism and Shintoism

Introduced in Goguryeo, then Baekje and Silla.
the three kingdoms are unified by the Greater Silla (emergence of the Korean

State religion of Three Kingdoms

The King = Buddha
East Asian Religions = The Kings / Emperors are descendants of holy entities.
Height of Buddhism = Koryeo Dynasty
Since Tangs state religion is Buddhism too (?)
During the Joseon Dynasty, the Korean Buddhism somewhat declined.
Buddhism has influenced the Korean people, arts, music, culture. Its impossible to
remove Buddhism from the things in Korea. (Past Life)
Wonhyo - Korean Buddhist Scholar
Buddhism architecture and sculpture (seokgatap and dabotap)
Pensive Boddhisttva = the thinker
Dongguk University = Buddhist School

more influence than any other religions
there are confucian traditions dominating Korean society.
Joseon is the most confucian dynasty.
entered in 3 kingdoms period
Joseon = neo confucianism
thought that it is the best way to start the state.
chung - loyalty
hyo - filial piety
three bonds and five cardinal relationships

theres emphasis on education and learning

Confucianism that prevented economic growth in Korea.
Miracle economy of East Asia because of the influence of Confucianism.
Hierarchical order of people, there is order.
Influences in technology and management.
Syngman Rhee envisioned Korea to be Christian nation.
notion of equality.
brought revolutionary ideas in Korea
some scholars thought that catholicism is a western learning that will make Korea
increasing christians makes the confucians threatened
conversion to catholicism is illegal
defending orthodoxy and rejecting heterodoxy is made by the confucian-ruling class.
Daewonggun (the regent) were prosecuted.

brought by american missionaries
Ehwa Womens University = Protestant University
korea govt was forced to recognise religious freedom in 1898


rapid expansion of christianity in Korea when the Japanese colonised Korea.


influenced by the culture = shamanism

because Korean people believed that it brings prosperity and health (protestants)
charismatic pastors = charismatic confucian scholars
they want to attend a church that has a charismatic pastor.

Jesus and the perspective of Korean Christianity

Jesus = Perfect Man; Perfect God
Korean People = Citizens of City of Man and City of God

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