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Ship Repair



Goutham Venkatesh
Roll No.19
Semester VIII

Conversion definition and types

Capacity increasing conversion projects
Stability improvement conversion projects
Tanker Conversions to FPSOs
Conversion - Major Works
Conversions Vs New Building
MARPOL and FPSOs : Appropriate measures
Example of conversion

What is Conversion?
Conversion projects can be referred to as the projects dealing with
processes that vary from an extreme case where a ship`s whole
purpose is changed, as when T2 tankers were converted to become
the first container ships, or wartime corvettes to be the first factory
trawlers, to the jumboisations where the role is unchanged but the
ship is increased in size to enable the quantity of cargo or the
number of passengers carried to be greatly increased. Or even it
could be carried out to correct or increase the stability of the vessel.

Types of Conversion projects

1) Projects dealing after a ship has been in service for years:
-> Projects where ship`s whole purpose is changed.
2) Projects dealing before a ship can enter service:
->Projects concerned with design defects such as stability
The two major factors which seems to apply to all conversions are :
1) Minimise the cost.
2) Minimise the time to carry out project.

Need to meet new rules

When planning any major modification, it should be borne in mind
that the modified ship will almost certainly have to meet the latest
IMO rules which may be much more severe than the rules to which
the ship was originally built and changes may be required in all sorts
of items not in any way affected by the desired modification.

Capacity increasing conversion projects

Quite a large proportion of conversions, whether involving a change
in role or not, require an increase in the displacement or in the
internal volume of the hull.
Some of the types :Adding a length of parallel middle body
Most jumboisations involve this procedure.
Steps in this process can be defined as:
->Splitting the existing ship in two in dry dock.
->One part is floated out of the dock.
->New section floated in or lifted in.
->Removed part floated back in.
->Three sections joined up.
->New ship with increased length but same beam and depth as
original one.

Addition of length of parallel middle body

Depth Increase
This considered to be very bold act in conversion field:
Steps in this procedure can be defined as:

->Ship is split horizontally.

->All the structures above a certain level is raised.
->Insertion of new units that will increase the depth to a desired
->Virtually new ship obtained.

Stability improvement conversion projects

Modifications to improve stability are the next most common
requirement, and once again these may be required either to permit
the addition of top weight in a conversion or as a way of rectifying
inadequate stability found when a ship is inclined on completion.
Sponsons can provide a major improvement in stability and are an
expedient which has been used quite frequently.
->The lower edge of a sponson should be some distance below the
lowest operational waterline at which the gain in stability is required.
->The upper edge of the sponson will be determined by whether it is
being provided to increase the GM at intact operational drafts or at
the drafts after damage and whether it is to increase GZ and /or
range in either of these conditions.
-> The fore and aft length of a sponson on a fine lined ship must be
determined to a large extent by the length of parallel middle body at
the height covered by the sponson.
->The ends of sponsons should be arranged on the bulkheads and
the sponsons should have watertight divisions in line with each
ship's watertight bulkheads.
->Unless there is a limitation on the overall width of the ship to suit
berthing or similar consideration or the required increase in stability
demands a wider sponson, a width of about 800mm is used.

Sponsons fitted to an oilfield support vessel. Sponsons A increase KM,

sponsons B increase GZ and the range.

Tanker Conversions to FPSOs

Floating production, storage, and offloading systems (FPSOs)
receive crude oil from deepwater wells and store it in their hull tanks
until the crude can be pumped into shuttle tankers or oceangoing
barges for transport to shore. They may also process the oil and in
some later FPSOs be used for Gas distribution.
They have become even more important with the push by
the offshore industry into ever deeper waters. Floating production,
storage, and offloading/floating storage and offloading (FPSO/FSO)
systems have now become one of most commercially viable
concepts for remote or deepwater oilfield developments. They also
allow a company to develop offshore resources quickly between
discovery and production.
Although we see a shift towards new-build FPSOs, in
particular for developments in harsh environment conditions,
conversion seems to remain the basis for several projects in areas
where benign environmental conditions are predominant.

Ship - Type Floating Production Units

Newbuild; 30%

Conversion; 70%

F(P)SO Capabilities, Typical Requirements

Water depth
Wave height
Air temp

200,000-2,000,000 barrels
100,000-350,000 tonnes
70-1500 metres
2000-33000 tonnes
1-> 30
benign-> 30 metres
-20oC-> 30oC

What makes an FPSO different from a trading tanker?

Operations and safety requirements

Layout and arrangement
Specified service/location
Rules and regulations
In-situ inspection/maintenance

FPSO consists of: Mooring & Risers

Interface between FPSO & field
Oil, gas and water processing systems
Power generation

Crude oil storage
Offloading system

Main Features considered for selection of an existing

tanker: Storage capacity at peak time
Available deck space
Load bearing capabilities and remaining fatigue life
Deck space should be enough to accommodate top side production
modules, turret and other deck machineries.
Although the top side modules comprise only 13-15% of the total
displacement, they may be very much complicated, especially for
large through put fields.

Conversion - Major Works Existing Hull


Hull steelwork, coatings etc.

propulsion machinery and other machinery
rudder / steering gear
accommodation, deckhouses helideck
piping systems


Marine and topsides control system integration

fire protection systems and their integration
power generation systems and their integration
cargo tank venting arrangement
ballast and cargo oil pumps and valves
inert gas system

utility systems (e.g. water, water, steam, heating)

Conversion - Major Works Hull Additions

Turret or spread mooring system, equipment, etc.

riser porches or fluid transfer system and piping
provision of thrusters
installation of process deck supports
process systems PAUs, piping, flare and piping
blast walls
life saving equipment
fire and gas equipment and systems
evacuation measures
bulwark and breakwater
lifting equipment
loading instrument (computer)
offloading system

Mooring Arrangements

Changes to accommodation system

The no.of crew members are more for an fpso than a trading tanker.
Hence accommodation should be expanded
More crew means more no.of life boats.

Helicopter deck
The sitting of helideck should be near and above the living spaces.
The positioning of helideck should take care of the wind
environment, particularly turbulence, vertical wind velocity and hot
gas plumes from flares or other exhausts.
Layout should allow for parking of a broken down helicopter or
platform cranage should have helideck coverage to permit helicopter

Flare tower arrangement

The poisonous and low quality waste gases that are produced after
the various processes should be burnt off at safe heights
The height and dimensions depend on the design and environmental
They need to have heavy under deck stiffening

Conversions Vs New Building


Shorter lead time to production

Benign environments
Lower capex but higher opex developments
Higher risk of unexpected expenditure


Major fields with known asset base

Longer lead time to production
Higher capex but lower opex
Longer service life
Harsh environments

Many recent changes favours newbuilds.

Main Dimensions Examples- Conversions Vs New Build




New Build







B Mld



D mld











Topsides Weight









MARPOL and FPSOs : Appropriate measures

Double sides in way of supply boat area
Ensure that wing tanks in way of supply boat areas are
dedicated ballast tanks or void spaces
Adding sponsons to the sides of hull
Permanent fenders ( steel frames) in way of supply boat
mooring area
Use of deck cranes with increased boom length and DP supply
vessels which maintain sufficient distance from ship sides to
avoid contact
Collision avoidance measures ( Navigational warnings etc.)

Example of conversion
In October, 2001, the IKDAM FPSO, converted from the former M.T.
Northia, left Malta to take up station at the Isis field off the cost of
Tunisia. This marked the successful completion of the conversion
project that commenced in January 2001.

The work-scope involved:

->Extensive hull modifications for the patented Tripod
Centenary Mooring System (TCMS)
->Installation of new generating capacity
->Fabrication and installation of a helicopter deck, process
deck, flare stack and bow cantilever and gantry
->Full hull blasting and coating
->Upgrading of accommodation, firefighting and lifesaving
->Modifications to the propulsion system


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