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Practicum Data Collection for Direct Services Dana Davidson Spring 2016

Friendship Group Outcomes:

One referral made for psychological evaluation and therapy therapy initiated
Support being shown for group members, by group members outside of group; Observed in

Feedback from participants:

o 100% of participants strongly agree that
they have made a new friend in the Friendship Group
the School Counselor Intern knows me better than she did before the beginning
of the Friendship Group sessions.

100% of participants agree that they

Have gained tools that will help me make friends outside of group
Enjoyed attending the Friendship Group.
Recommend this group to others.

Structured Study Skils Group 1 Outcomes:

Student 1:
o Improved in one class
Reading: from C to a B
Student 2:
o Improved in two classes:
Math: from B to A
Band: from B+ to A
Science: From C to B
Marine Science: From C to B+
Student 3:
o Improved in two classes:
Math: from D to C
Language Arts: from B+ to A
Feedback from Participants:
o 100% of participants strongly agree that
I feel comfortable going to the School Counseling Intern for help with my classes
I have gained tools that will help me in my classes
I have made a new friend in the Study Skills Group
I enjoyed attending the Study Skills Group sessions

Comments from participants:

I will miss you Ms. Davidson
Why cant you stay with us?! Im going to miss you.
By us staying for the rest of the period, and you staying in response to, how
could this group be improved.

Practicum Data Collection for Direct Services Dana Davidson Spring 2016
Unstructured Study Skills Group 2 Outcomes:

Student 1:
o Improved in two classes:
PE: from B to A
Math: from D to C
Student 2:
o Improved in four classes
Math: From F to D
PE: from B+ to A
Science: from D to C
Language Arts: from D+ to C+
*Also participated in Individual Counseling*

Students for Success Classroom Guidance Lessons Outcomes:

Twenty six 6th grade students participated in a 6 week course that addressed the academic and social
domains once a week during their Chess elective class. The statistics below were derived from an exit
survey given by the school counseling candidate.

95% agree or strongly agree that the strategy Calm Place will help them with test anxiety.
o Students learned a strategy to cope with anxiety, stress and anger

95% agree or strongly agree that they will remember Eyes, Ears and Heart when
communicating with friends or classmates.
o Students learned social skills: how to listen empathically

90% agree or strongly agree that the Optimism Cheer can help them stay positive in school.
o Students learned positive self-talk

80% agree or strongly agree that the strategy Chill Tunes will help them with test anxiety.
o Students learned a strategy to cope with anxiety, stress and anger

80% agree or strongly agree that the Kaizen poem will help them stay positive in school.
o Students learned positive self-talk

77% agree or strongly agree that the strategy Story Telling will help them with writing or
reading comprehension.
o Students learned an academic strategy

75% agree or strongly agree that they took away at least one positive thing from the
Students for Success Skills Lessons that will help them with school or friends.

75% agree or strongly agree that the School Counselor Intern knows them better than she
did before beginning the Students for Success Skills Lessons.

70% agree or strongly agree that feel comfortable approaching the School Counselor Intern
for assistance with school, friends or family issues.

Practicum Data Collection for Direct Services Dana Davidson Spring 2016
College Preparedness Classroom Guidance Lessons Outcomes:
Twenty 8th grade students participated in a 6 week course that addressed the college and career readiness
domain, once a week during their History class.
Student feedback:
I enjoyed the degree game and the planning our future activity!
It was cool.
The lessons were very fun and exciting!!
I enjoyed the games we played.
I enjoyed the activities and the discussions we have had during these lessons.
I learned more about colleges and the years that itll take to get a certain degree.
I believe she [the school counselor intern] did great. I enjoyed the interactive activities such as the career
bingo, plus more.
I enjoyed the way she [the school counselor intern] taught me. It was in a way I could understand.
I enjoyed learning about the opportunities available to me.
The statistics below were derived from an exit survey given by the school counseling candidate:

95% of students agree or strongly agree that they feel comfortable going to the school
counseling intern for help with high school and college planning after taking this course.

85% of students agree or strongly agree that they have learned information that will help
them plan for their future.

90% of students agree or strongly agree that they took away at least one resource from the
College Preparedness lessons that will help them plan for high school or college.

90% of students agree or strongly agree that they have learned something new about their
peers regarding their plans after high school.

80% of students agree or strongly agree that the school counselor intern knows them better
than she did before beginning the College Preparedness lessons.

100% of students agree or strongly agree that they understand the different types of colleges
and the different experiences and opportunities offered at each type.

90% of students agree or strongly agree that they enjoyed participating in the College
Preparedness lessons.

Practicum Data Collection for Direct Services Dana Davidson Spring 2016

100% of students agree or strongly agree that they know who to talk to in order to receive
more information and assistance with the college planning process.

100% of students agree or strongly agree that they learned the difference between an
associates degree, bachelors degree and advanced degree.

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