Primera To Be + Present Simple

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rea: Educacin

Asignatura: Ingls Tcnico

Semestre: I
Seccin 5 (fila A)

Carrera: Tcnico en educacin parvularia

Profesor: Claudia San Martn
Prueba Parcial N 1
Puntaje Obtenido:

Instrucciones Generales:
* El puntaje mximo de la prueba parcial es de 40
* El tiempo de duracin de la prueba parcial es de 60
* El nivel de exigencia mnima para la nota 4,0 es el
* Conteste slo con lpiz pasta. No utilice lpiz
*No utilice corrector .Evite corregir

* Evaluar el nivel de comprensin de los alumnos
sobre Tiempo presente en verbo To Be y resto de
verbos (usando entre otros is/are/am y Do/ does)
* Evaluar el nivel de comprensin de vocabulario
bsico unidad I (Family, parts of the body, days of the
week etc)

I Multiple Choice (10 ptos): Circle the best Choice

For each statement (1 point per correct choice, 10
point in total)
1. The Japanese _______ Famous for their
A. are B. is not
C. They

8. Your mothers sister is your:

2. How _____you today?

A. be
B. are not
C. are

9. Your mothers daughter is:

3. I ______ fine, thanks

A. is
B. not now

C. am

B. uncle

C. daughter

A. you
B. your grandmother
C. your son
10. The third month of the year is:

4. _____ He at home right now?

A. arent
B. is going C. is

A. January B. March

5. My parents ________ married

A. am not B. are not C. isnt
6. The word: neck means:
a. Cuello B. nariz C. nuca
7. The word: eyebrow means:
A. ceja
B. parpado

A. aunt

C. ojo

C. May

II) Match the questions form column A with the answers from column B: Note: There
is 2 extra elements, Be careful with your choices! (2 points per correct matching ; 20 Points
in total ).

_____ 25 years old

1. Where do you live?

_____ My name is Silvia

2. What do you do?

_____ No, Im single

3. Why are you learning English?

_____ In Brazil

4. How often do you have English classes?

_____Im student

5. Are you married?

_____playing guitar, Reading

6. Which institute do you go?

_____ Because I need it for my job

7: Whats your name?

_____ by Bus

8. How old are you?

_____ Really interesting!

9. Which are your interests?

_____three times per week

10. How are your classes?

_____ a year ago

_____ Its name is Icel

III ISTVN KIS read the text and answer the questions, remember using full
sentence per question, following the right order in simple present interrogative : 2 points
per correct answer
Istvn is a music professor. He comes from Budapest in Hungary, but he lives in the USA. He works four days a week at the
University of Texas, Austin. He speaks three languages: Hungarian, English and German. He's married to an American and has
a daughter. He likes playing tennis in his free time.

a) What does Istvn do?

b) Where does he come from?
c) What languages does he speak?
d) Is he married?
e) What does he like to do in his free time?

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