mp2 Proposal

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Dr. Mysti | Professor of Liberal Arts- English
Reem Ameen | Mechanical Engineering Student 16
SUBJECT: ENGL 210- Major Project 2 Proposal: Frames Group
9 June 2016
This memo summarizes the proposal for ENGL 210 major project 2 which focuses on
choosing and analyzing a community that the students are interested in and how they can
help them as engineers in a certain aspect.
Frames Group is a new Qatari group that was established year 2013. It started as a beauty
salon, however, now they expanded their activity to fashion designing. The group is
owned by one of the most respectful and well-known woman in Qatar, Hissa Hamed Almarwani. Ms. Hissa was one of the top school principals in Qatar. She was known for
intelligence, commitment and hard work. After dedicating 18 years to education in Qatar,
she decided to quite to do the thing that she loves the most, which is beauty and fashion.
In addition, in the long term plan, the group will even expand their activities in different
areas which are also related to beauty such as textile manufacturing, physical fitness
center, photography studio etc.
Problem Statement
Frames group is a family business that is ran by Ms. Hissa and her three daughters. Being
a part of a business group, I have noticed some issues with administrative affaires in the
group. Some of these issues are the following:

The group does not have a clear organizational structure for both the administration
and employees.
Both the administration and employees do not have clear stated position descriptions.
So they end up doing or interfere someone elses job which causes some problems.

The main purpose of this proposal is to present the idea of helping Frames Group in how
to organize their internal issues by creating a clear organizational structure of the
company as well as creating and identifying a template of position descriptions for all the
available jobs available.
One-to-one interviews will be conducted with the founder/CEO of the company,
administration such as public relation and accountant of the company and finally the
employees of the company. The aim of the interview is to investigate and reveal if there is
any issues related to work and if there is any interference between the employees work.

Also, a defined position description would be helpful and lessen the current issues with
that the employees face at work.
Project Schedule
The following figure illustrates the project timeline.
Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Submit Proposal
Revise proposal
Write interview questions
Get interview questions approved
Conduct interview (videos)
Collect necessary data
Represent data
Final results
Figure 1: Project Timeline


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