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TCS Policies

Employee referral
Bring Your Buddy,
Provide cash bonus according to referred job position

Gift Declaration Form

Employee Development Policies

Employee Assistance Program
It is a professional counselling service. In important life matters such as
personal, relationships, work and parenting concerns that an employee
voluntarily seeks.
Education assistance
This policy is to encourage, facilitate and support a culture of continuous
learning of an employee.
Education scheme- MBA
TCS provides its all employees a discount of about 60% on a fee structure
of selected Institute to persuade MBA and develop themselves.

Performance Appraisal Policies

Earned Vacation
The purpose of earned vacation policy is to grant the employee with a
fixed numbers of days off from work as a benefit he/she has earned on an
account of working for a specific number of days in a particular period.
The earned leave may be availed for personal reason, but it should be
planned sufficiently in advance.
Gift Declaration
Provide monetary gift to employee for his/her extraordinary performance.

Employee Welfare Policies

Company Transport
TCS provides its employees a traveling convenience by pic and drop
Health Insurance Scheme
TCS provides medical insurance for employees and family members and
monthly check-ups.
Food coupons
Food coupons are provided to employees to provide quality food and
increase interaction among the employees.
Holiday Homes
Provide homes located across India to allow employee to spend quality
time with family.
Home Rental Allowances
HRA is a financial help provided by TCS to its employees in order to meet
accommodation costs for rent payments.
Activities like Friday Funday, Quiz competition, Picnics etc. are few
recreational initiatives of TCS.

Talent Acquisition
The Company continues to attract high quality talent and has been able to
successfully scale up the talent acquisition process. The global workforce
plan is structured in alignment with the short, medium and long term
business plans. The consolidated requirements are part-fulfilled by re-

skilling / up-skilling existing unallocated associates and the balance

fulfilled through focused drives by the Talent Acquisition Group.
Experienced professionals are recruited through online jobsites, headhunters, recruitment agencies and through employee reference schemes.
Other sources of experienced talent include strategic initiatives like M&A
and in-sourcing. The Company's talent acquisition strategy is strongly
focused on Campus Recruitment of engineering graduates and has
invested in building relationships with universities across the world, as
well as improving the quality of academic training at engineering colleges.
In FY 2015, TCS (at the consolidated level) recruited 67,123 employees, on
a gross basis (FY 2014: 61,200). Of this, 23,875 i.e. 36% of the hires on a
gross basis were fresh graduates.

The Academic Interface Program (AIP)

It helps build a robust high-quality, long-term relationship between the
Company and Academic Institutions
Faculty Development Programmes: TCS senior associates conduct
training programs for faculty, to keep them abreast with technology
developments and an industry perspective.
Student Workshops: Sessions for students on technical, managerial or
soft-skills topics to enhance competitiveness and workplace-readiness.
Membership in Boards of Studies (BOS) / Curriculum Committees:
TCS helps 37 Boards of institutes across India in revamping curriculum as
per current industry trends.
Project Support and Internships: TCS provides internship opportunities
for students from Indian and overseas institutions.
Student Awards: Sponsors the Best Student and the Best Student
Project awards. Sponsorship of Academic Technical Events in closed
partner institutes.

TCS also plays a role in mentoring and guiding students to explore career
opportunities within the Company by way of experience sharing,
discussions, awareness building on relevant industry trends, engaging
through debates, polls and other engagement practices and pertinent
topics of interest.
CodeVita was launched in 2012 to provide a platform for Coding
Enthusiasts in technical colleges to showcase their programming skills.

Code Vita has also been an opportunity for TCS to spot the brightest
programming talent in the academia and attract them into TCS.
ASPIRE, a mandatory online interactive programme for technical
graduates, aims to prepare students offered jobs at TCS for the ILP, ensure
that they learn the basic concepts of IT, learn about the Company and
sharpen their communication skills. The Aspire modules are deployed
online in an interactive and gamified manner, reaching more than 20,000
Ignite, from Science to Software the Ignite programme is a pioneering
initiative to induct science graduates to TCS. Ignite has trained 1229
associates during FY 2015. The technology-enabled, project based
learning approach at Ignite evolves continuously leading to the
development of innovative digital assets

Learning & Development

TCS' Integrated Competency and Management System enables
systematic tracking of the training roadmap of the Company's large
workforce, while integrating skill assessment and individual development
and providing employees an end-to-end view of their learning and
competency development needs, as well as their progress against the
At the start of the year, every employee in consultation with her/his
supervisor, works out a learning and development plan for the year, based
on their interests and aspirations as well as the needs of the specific
project / Business Unit. Thereafter, the employee goes through various
training sessions and workshops as outlined in the plan. These could be
through e-learning sessions on in-house Learning Management System,
external certifications, classroom sessions conducted by various technical
centres of excellence within TCS or Management Development
Programmes (MDPs). Each associate is assessed biannually on the
progress made against this plan.
The newly launched Virtual ILP uses learning technologies to enhance the
learning experience of trainees, with sessions delivered digitally and each
trainee undergoing a customized learning path based on their baseline
assessment. Trainees are also part of the various dedicated ILP and
Technology related communities that help them interact with senior
leaders, Subject Matter Experts, technologist, scientists and architects.

Average per capita training hours in FY 2015

Senior management
Middle management
Junior management



Talent Retention
TCS views talent retention as another critical success factor as important
as talent acquisition and has invested heavily in building an employeefriendly culture and developing mature people-processes towards
improving it. The Company has been assessed enterprise wide at P-CMM
Level 5 and retention programmes are considered best-in-class in the
industry. Employee retention has been enhanced through a wide range of
competency enhancement and career growth options, role mobility,
challenging assignments, competitive and differential compensation,
flexible working hours, a collaborative work environment, rewards,
recognition and benefits. The outcomes of these retention programmes
have also been best in class. The return to work and retention rates after
parental leave are at 71%. Most parental leave is taken by female
associates. In FY15, 5 out of the 13 employees who opted for adoption
leave were men. In FY 2015, attrition in IT Services was 13.77% (on a LTM
basis) while overall attrition, including BPO, stood at 14.8%. Of this,
attrition caused by departures of new hires within the same year was
3.2%. Of total attrition, female employee attrition was 34 %. Attrition
levels are higher at junior levels at 16.4%.

Career Development
The Career Management Process operates with the philosophy of
facilitating employee's Career Growth in TCS. Career Hub provides a
framework to help employees learn and grow. It operates in a dynamic
manner to provide timely updates to fuel and fast pace employees' career
in the organization. Career development though the Career Hub is divided
into two processes- Inspire: The TCS Hi Potential Programme (HiPo) and
the iConnect process. The 'Inspire Programme' aims at identification,
engagement and building of a robust leadership pipeline, keeping in line
with the organizational growth objectives. Under this programme special
initiatives are taken for hi potential employees (in senior and middle
grades) at the ISU and organizational level to bring about more visibility to
the high potential employee in terms of positioning, allocations, projects
and learning. HiPo's undergo exclusive focused leadership programmes to
help them move into higher roles. The iConnect process is for all other
employees in junior to middle and equivalent grades. It focuses on one on
one discussions in areas ranging from career development to personal

development .This process also allows a mentee to directly reach out to a

mentor of his/her choice. In both these processes mentees have a career
discussion with their chosen mentor and customized Individual
Development Plan is created by mentor post discussion. A guide to the
career paths in TCS as well as mentoring success stories are published on
the Career Hub. At TCS, career processes are online and transparent, with
a holistic view of aspirations, mentoring, and developmental interventions,
as well as an opportunity to share their feedback online. My Career Eureka
is a social media platform for associates to connect for insights and plan
their careers in TCS. In this community, associates have a common ground
to blog, discuss, clarify and develop a better understanding about their
careers as well as to connect with domain experts. Employees can voice
their views and inputs on the career processes through the Career Eureka
community on the internal social networking platform. This community
launched in late 2013, has been successful in responding to associates'
queries in real time, sharing inspirational success stories of mid-level and
senior associates, and also for receiving guidance through a one-to-many
mentoring opportunity. The community is also used to crowd-source ideas
and use this platform to constantly develop and improvise on the
Company's career planning tools.

Competitive Compensation Model

TCS has to attract and retain talent in a highly competitive labour market.
The workforce consists of mainly software engineers who hold engineering
graduate and post-graduate degrees and even entry-level wages of
engineers in any country tend to be several times higher than the
minimum wage in that country. TCS' employee cost over the last three
years is given below:
Employee Costs
in USD Mn

FY 2013

FY 2014

FY 2015




To ensure competitiveness in the pursuit of talent, TCS regularly

benchmarks its compensation plans and benefits with those offered by
peers. There is also a skill-based allowance for employees possessing
niche skills, designed to motivate employees to acquire marketable skills
thereby benefiting themselves as well as the company. Compensation
structures are driven by prevailing practices in the different countries TCS
operates in. But across the enterprise, remuneration is the same for men
and women working at the same location and in the same grade. In
India, in addition to a fixed component of the salary, there is a variable
component linked to the Economic Value Added (EVA). Pay-out of that
component depends on organizational performance as well as individual

performance. This alignment of the Company's interests and the

individual's interests has the effect of strengthening team spirit and
improving collaboration amongst teams.

Reward and Recognition

Subscribing to a performance based culture, TCS has several schemes for
recognizing and rewarding employees. TCS Gems is the formal, global
online employee recognition platform for managing all the rewarding
mechanisms at TCS. Some of the popular awards are Star of the Month
and Quarter Awards, On the Spot Award, Best Programme and Project
Manager Awards, Star Team Award, Beyond Performance Award, Service
Awards, appreciation certificates. Associates can choose their reward from
a variety of redemption options ranging from electronic items, utility
products, gift vouchers, travel accessories, charity and more. Other forms
of rewarding outstanding performance include fast-track promotions,
sponsorship of external training and certification programmes, assignment
to key positions, membership to professional bodies, sponsorship to
international conferences, public announcements of individual/team
achievements on the intranet, internal magazines, town hall meetings and
so on.
Challenging Assignments
The importance of work content and an individual's quest for selfactualization can never be overstated. By virtue of its broad footprint
across geographies, across industries and appetite for executing large
complex projects, TCS offers plenty of opportunities for ambitious
individuals who seek challenging assignments and exposure to different
kinds of roles, technologies and geographies. This has been an important
aspect of TCS' best-in-class ability to retain high performers.

Employee engagement and motivation

Communication within TCS has moved to the next level thanks to Knome,
TCS's internal social networking portal. From the traditional onedimensional mode of communicating to multi-dimensional engagement,
the organization caters to its largely young audience through this social
network. TCS associates across the globe can now post their views,
suggestions and questions at one place, and also expect to get feedback
through comments and answers from other associates. TCS' senior
leadership engage regularly with associates through blogs and live chat
sessions, which has ensured that that the voice of a regular associate is
not just heard, but 'actioned' upon by the top management. Besides, the
simplification journey within TCS will usher in an era where employees will
get their work done faster, in a more efficient way through effective and

easier processes. Employee retention and motivation are greatly

facilitated through closer engagement with employees and by fostering a
spirit of community, through shared activities outside of work. TCS
sponsors picnics and social gatherings at every location so employees and
their families get together under informal settings. Another forum for
employees and their families to participate in and develop sense of
camaraderie is TCS Maitree, which harnesses their energy and enthusiasm
to undertake activities for the betterment of the local communities and
the environment. TCS takes an active interest in the wellbeing of
employees and has actively supported athletic and sporting events at the
national, regional and local level. The company encourages employees to
participate in these activities on a regular basis and stay fit.

Wipro Policies

Get your buddies to join Wipro family

Entry-level program (ELP)
The program covers the junior management employees with the objective
of developing managerial qualities in the employee. The target group is
campus hires and lateral hires at junior level.

New Leaders Program (NLP)

It is popularly known as NLP and aims at developing potential people
managers, who have taken such roles or are likely to get into those roles
in the near future.
Wipro Leaders Program (WLP)
This program is for middle level leader with people, process, and business
development and project management responsibilities. These leaders are
like the flag bearers of Wipro values and Wipro way of doing business.
Business Leaders Program (BLP)
This is for senior leaders with business responsibility. At this level, people
are trained up for revenue generation; and Profit & Loss responsibilities.
The program covers commercial orientation, client relationship
development, and team building and performance management
responsibilities among other things.
Strategic Leaders Program (SLP)
This program covers top management employees. The focus is on Vision,
Values, Strategy, Global Thinking and Acting, Customer Focus and Building
Star Performers. Wipro ties up with leading business schools of
international repute to conduct this program for Wipro leaders.
Custom Content Development (CCD)
As a part of the Custom Content Development Service, Wipro provides
innovative and affordable learning content solutions. This service is
customized specially to meet your requirements and help you get a
competitive edge. Wipros Custom Content Development Service goes
through a rigorous development cycle to ensure Quality and Timely
Delivery of the solution.
Custom Content Development Service includes:
Application Training
Process Training
Compliance and Regulatory Training
Product Training
Rapid Training Solutions

Performance Appraisal
Template of performance review

Employee Welfare
Welfare Activities:
Wipro has its own institute, where the education is given to the
employees children absolutely free. The school has classes from JR. kg to
In English medium. Free transportation facility is also provided to them.
Companys philosophy is Nobody should die without fund. Company
believes its responsibility towards health services to provide to the

employees go beyond the statutory provision. Being the petrochemical

industry and some of their process are considered Hazardous. Company
recognizes the importance of good occupational health services.
Therefore, at the manufacturing sites, they have well equipped, fullfledged medical centre, which are manned round the clock.
Company has its own township at different location in Bangalore. If house
is available, the new employees are allotted the house otherwise the
company can also hire house. All the maintenance in houses provided to
employees by company is done by the company.
The company gives canteen facility under which food is provided to the
employees but it is not compulsory for them. They get the allowance in
their salary. The Contract Cell at Wipro invites tenders and the Contract
cell signs detailed agreement with the contractor. The operation of the
canteen is given on the contract.
To motivate the employees of the company organizes different sports
tournaments i.e. Cricket, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Badminton Etc.
Recreation activities
For the recreation of the employee, company organized gets to gather
once in a year with their family and also arranged short distance picnic.
For picnic they get Rs. 100/- and free transportation once in a year.
Club membership
The purpose of the club membership is to meet the other members of the
industrial community and interact with them for relation personnel leisure.
Insurance Policy
Wipro provides personal accident insurance policy of Rs 100000 for
employees. Premium of the company is half pay by employee and other
will pay by Wipro.
Wings Within
You also have access to various job opportunities within Wipro itself. This
would enable you to pursue careers of your choice in the Organization.
Your career at Wipro is what you make of it. It is a tool that gives you
flexibility to apply for the job of your choice and map your own career.
Very few organisations can match Wipro's capability to offer the kind of
flexibility and opportunity to pursue multiple careers and unhindered
growth, while you continue to work in the same organisation.
Wipro Leaders Program
The program is designed to identify the specific actions and attitudes that
constitute the Wipro leader's qualities. It examines how each manager
rates against these qualities, provide an understanding of how the
required skills and competencies can be developed and plan what each
individual can do to strengthen his or her leadership qualities.
Long Services Award
Recognize contribution of employees through a comprehensive reward
programme - Schemes include holiday packages with special facilities.

Other Benefits
Reimbursement scheme provides tax shelter on quasi-official expenses
Offer stock options to deserving employees (Wipro Employee Stock Option
Plan (WESOP))
Credit cards for all our employees as per the policy

IBM Policies

Thus, IBM recruits employees who are daring, hard-working and have an
urge to learn and excel. They look forward to employees who can add
value to themselves as well to the organization at large.
Annual intakeIt varies according to the business needs. The approximate figures are
around 67 freshers recruited every year and 7-8 laterals. As far as the
recruitment for consulting position is concerned, IBM has a list about 20 BSchools which suit the company requirements and are contacted for
recruitment. IBM also has its recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)
service which provides outsourcing solutions to identify the best talent
available. They help to improve the workforce productivity, make the
internal processes visibly clearer and streamline recruitment services
The selection process for consulting jobs is carried out by partners and not
the HR department. They test for the subject matter, assess behaviour
and check the basic technical skills of candidates. Only if all the required
criteria are met, the job will be offered to the candidate. Selection process
generally remains same over the years.

Job Level
Lateral hires
Campus placements

Interview and Interaction Session
Group discussions and interview

Talent Management
Talent engagement and transformation are top priorities for C-suite
leaders. The practice gives clients access to organizational change

management methods, tools and expertise gained from our external

clients and IBMs own transformation initiatives.
Key areas:
Change Management:
It is responsible for every client's
transformation and enables them to prepare for and successfully
implement change. It is a core component of all IBM's solutions, helping
to accelerate results and drive sustained business impact.
Talent Analytics: Talent is one the top three CEO priorities. As
organizations shift from buying new talent to building existing talent,
CHROs depend on real-time insight and immediate access to the right
resources at the right time. Our solutions integrate leading analytics with
talent management expertise to provide a holistic view.
Employee Experience: Engaged employees drive business results. The
C-Suite understands that the ability to engage, develop, recognize and
support employees will be critical in the battle for customer loyalty The
focus is on employee engagement and collaboration, and improve
workforce productivity and retention through a blended approach of
behavioural sciences, technology and organizational consulting.
HR Transformation (Cloud): They support organizations as they
consider moving their HR systems to the cloud. They provide strategy
support, vendor selection, and implementation of HR Cloud systems. Their
solution also supports the culture and organizational changes that stems
as a result of moving to cloud.
IBM Kenexa Predictive Retention helps organizations boost
employee retention and employee satisfaction rates by providing the
ability to identify and act upon the specific factors that can contribute
to talent attrition and turnover. This includes profiling employees who
are more likely to leave voluntarily, as well as the specific risk factors
that can be used to prevent future attrition.

It helps organizations in:

Increase employee retention rates by identifying and acting upon key
attrition factors.
Leverage employee feedback to optimize your work environment in
near real-time and boost employee satisfaction.
Improve productivity and decrease costs associated with attrition by
proactively addressing attrition risk factors

IBM is one organization as a whole. It does not differentiate between its

business divisions. The selection depends on position which is to be
filled. The particular position is first tried to be filled internally.
Applications are invited for the position from interested candidates
which are then interviewed for it. If the position still remains vacant, it
is filled by inviting applications from outside the organization.
Employer branding- IBM is lagging in this feature and it is working
upon it.

Employee Engagement

No proper on-boarding process is there, only orientation program to

know about company which does not include the wider aspects

No proper networking within the company

Does not take care of employers aspirations

Freshers are paid lower than their peers at the time of joining but
given a hike within a year

New joiners do not immediately get great projects

Very good organization for top management

Work from home facility is provided and work pressure is low

As it is shown the efforts for employee engagement is low, this has

resulted in low level of employee retention. People are leaving frequently.
They leave in 3-4 years majorly. As a result it has led to a gap in middle

Training and Development

Think 40 program: It is an IBM exclusive program where every
employee is required to complete 40 hours of training within a week. This
program can be undertaken any time within a year of joining. It affects the

rating of an employee if missed.

The essence of this training program is Restlessly Reinvent Yourself.
The program aims at upgrading and diversifying the employee skills as
per the market conditions and to stay ahead of competition. It is mutually
beneficial for both the employee as well as the organization. THINK-40
adds on to the CV of an employee and helps the organization to stay

Career planning:

Self-goal setting

Employees visit the portal and see what is required to reach to

the next level

He updates the manager of his aspirations and expectations and

the manager in turn ensures he stretch himself to achieve his

An optional webinar and conference is held three days a week

Internal restrictions are there on classroom training

IBM conducts all its activities without discrimination based on race, colour,








orientation, national origin, disability, age or status. Its inclination to

promote diversity can be seen in its past practices as well. IBM hired its
1st disabled employee in 1914 and its 1st black employee in 1946. The
company is regularly listed as best places to work for employees,
employees of colour, and women to work. Currently, IBM is one of the top
10 companies in 2014 NAFE top 50 companies for Executive Women.
Differently Abled- IBM has special offices for differently abled
Gender- There is no active gender bias although there are more than
50% women.

Work Life Balance

IBM is an organization well known for its employee friendly practices. The
work life balance at IBM is paid a lot of importance.
IBM GBS puts trust in its employees and gives them the liberty to work
from where ever possible and doesnt push them to be available in office
for specific number of hours as long as the employees keep high
productivity and perform better. But to keep a track of their employees
time and on what project he/she has carried out their work so it can be
charge to the client. IBM expects its employees to log the number of hours
worked on each project in their Time Management System ILC
Intranet Labour Claiming.
In case you miss to clock in the required hours for a week, escalation goes
too your manager which is not a favourable case.
Employees are required to complete 40 hours of service in a week with no
fixed number of hours for a day.
In IBM, there are two sets of managers. One is the personal manager who
is responsible for your leaves, ratings and related things. The other is a
project manager whose roles are very different from the personal
manager. He allows leave only if it is possible from the project point of
view. In case the project requirements do not allow, the project manager
will not grant a leave.
The number of leaves as per the policies is listed below.
Privilege leave

22 days in a year

12 days can be carried forward to next year

Sick leave

Maximum 14 days of consecutive sick / casual leave

Paternity leave

Maximum 5 days within 120 days of birth / adoption

Maternity leave

90 days with pay

Post maternity Leave of absence

Additional leave of maximum 6 months without pay

Compensation and benefits

Pay A major part of the salary is fixed(90-92%) with very less variable
which is also
dependent on companys performance

No concept of retention bonus

IBM stock option is very rare, only for top level management

Promotion- No fixed promotion cycle

Performance Appraisal System

It is done yearly and is target driven .33

An excel is floated with weighted parameters called the Career

Framework which is first filled by the employee himself, then
reviewed by the supervisor followed by the project manager

Employees at same career level in the organization are compared

against each other at the project level and then the business unit
level and the performance of each employee is then plotted on a
Bell curve

Then the employees are segregated into different rating scale based
on the competencies they have developed since the last evaluation.

Performance Rating Scale



Among the Top

Above Average

2 : Solid Contributors
3 : Need to improve
4 : Unsatisfactory

Work Culture
Values followed at IBM:
The value system that IBM follows is broadly divided in three categories.
1. Dedication to every clients success

Put the client first

Listen for need, Envision the future

Share expertise

2. Innovation that matters, for our company and for the world

Restlessly reinvent our company and ourselves

Dare to create original ideas

Treasure wild ducks

3. Trust and personal responsibilities in all our relationships

Think, prepare, rehearse

Unite to get it done now

Show personal interest

Working hours:
Working hours are not that stringent as in consulting job employee has to
work according to the need of client.
Peer Interaction:
As the consulting job requires employees to work on client sites, most of
the interaction with immediate superior is through formal channel of emails.

Same is true for the interaction with colleagues. Employees tend to

maintain informal and friendly relations with juniors
Health and safety policy of IBM:
Advancing the health, safety and well-being of our global workforce is an
absolute priority; it's a commitment that encompasses the environments
in which employees work and the communities in which they live."
Martn J. Seplveda, M.D. FACP, IBM Fellow, Vice
President Integrated Health Services
IBM's proud heritage of excellence and long history of leadership and
commitment to employee health, well-being and workplace safety date
back to the very beginnings of the company.
IBM is known for its best healthcare policies for employees, which are
listed below
Regular health checks
Quarterly psychiatrist sessions
Awareness drives
Ergonomic chair design
Induction program for newly joined employees:
Every new IBMer would be a part of the Royal Blue Ambassador Program
(RBA). This is a 30 days program which connects every new IBMer to an
experienced employee who acts as an advisor or buddy helping new
joiners adapt quickly within IBM. This includes everything from finding
accommodation to getting help in understand the work culture of IBM.

Benchmarking with competitors

Ernst & Young

The major HR strategies and structure at EY are as described below:-

Structure of the People Department:

EY has a dedicated and a very active HR department. The company

lists the HR department as Human
organizational structure diagram.





Broadly the human resource department is divided into three

categories: The people strategy department, the performance and
reward department, and the HR consulting department.

The people strategy department looks into HR strategy articulation,

organization design, and job evaluation and grading.

The performance and reward department looks into compensation

and reward, performance management and appraisal, competency
and assessment centres, training development plans, and HR
policies and procedures.

The HR consulting department gives consultancy services to the

clients regarding people issues.

The People department lays a lot of emphasis on changes going on

in the contemporary business environment and actively gets
involved to become the champion of change to achieve all targets
which help the firm realize its vision and mission.

The average age of the workforce is 26-27 years making the

workforce fairly young?
There are 65% women in the organization which makes EY
extremely gender diverse.

People policies:

The leaves policy of the firm is just as any other company in the
industry but the HR department is particularly concerned about the
work-life balance of the employees.

The usual working schedule of the company is from 9:30 am to 7 pm

but almost all the employees have to stretch an hour or two extra
every day.

There is restricted provision to work from home as the work at EY is

usually team oriented wherein the dependency of the team mates
on each other is quite high so it becomes difficult to co-ordinate with

a co-worker who is sitting at home.

The People department sponsors team parties to rejuvenate the

employees and also
organizes team outings.

Performance Management:

The performance management system of EY is quite mature and all

employees have 2 discussions with their line managers in one year.
This gives the employees ample time and opportunities to reflect
upon their scope of improvement.

The HR department conducts regular employee satisfaction surveys

to keep track of any bubbling grievances.

The firm uses 360 degree evaluation and balanced score card
approach to do performance appraisal.

The firm values its human capital a lot and takes every step to
retain it and tries to reduce early employee turnover.

Hiring and Talent Management:

The department tries to keep the process as simple and transparent

as possible. The firm uses an Enterprise Resource Planning enabled
hiring system.

The firm hires both freshers and laterals.

The freshers are usually hired from campus and the number of
freshers hired depends on the attrition rate of the current

While the freshers are hired on a regular basis the laterals are hired
on a need basis only, that is, when there are vacancies.

The average life cycle of an EY employee is two to two-and-a-half


As of now the firm has an approximate composition of 70% freshers

and 30% laterals.

The training program of the freshers lasts for five days after which
the employees are expected to continue learning on-the-job. For
laterals it is 1.5 days.
The HR department also has a provision to provide career
development and counselling to employees of all positions. This is

done only to maintain harmony in teams and increase team

cohesion. Such sessions also reduce interpersonal differences and
motivate the employees to work with enthusiasm.
Compensation Policies:

The compensation system at EY is also structured in such a way that

it facilitates innovation and motivates the employees to that extra
mile to prove themselves and do something extra, something which
is out-of-the-box. For example the HR consulting department has a
starting annual salary of about 11-12 lacs INR, which is the fixed








approximately 30% of the fixed component and varies as per the

performance of the employee.

The firm also gives recruiting incentive to the employees who refer
valuable workforce to the firm if that workforce gets selected.

Recent HR Practices:

Rank harmonization:
1. EY has 5 career ranks for client service employees and these
ranks are primary career milestones.
2. There are subdivisions of ranks that represent the way the
skills and experience of the employees is measured.
3. This provides a greater clarity on the employee career path
and the employees get a fair and equitable basis to be
promoted. Employees get to know what is required of them to
get promoted.
4. EY also encourages employees to take advantage of the
learning and development programs in the firm.
5. Promotion is a movement from one rank to another. A change
in rank means a change in responsibility, competency level,
and authority.
6. There is a grow or go principle at each rank. This practice
ensures that the right people are present at the right time and
in the right role which better defines the core business
services of the firm.

7. Greater clarity around career models helps to retain talent for

a longer time.
8. The benefits of rank harmonization are:
a. Provides seamless, consistent, high quality client service,
b. Mobilizes employees globally
c. Meets increasingly regulatory demands

Competency :
1. In EY, Competency comprises skill, behaviour and knowledge.
2. Skills: includes the consulting and technical skills that are needed
to effectively deliver the Business Advisory Services (BAS) value
proposition to clients and to sustain the BAS business.
3. Behaviours: the way EY delivers to clients and the employees of
EY work together. It is the way clients immediately recognize, and
EY demonstrates that it provides the best BAS consultants.

Accelerated Leadership Plan:

1. The ALP is a firm wide 3 year exclusive program for the
development of leadership.
2. It aims at increasing the diversity and power of the
leadership strength.
3. It is a sum total of aspiration, ability, and engagement of the
4. It has 2 parts skills workshops which form a part of formal
learning and on-the-job-experiences which form a part of
informal learning

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