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One Thousand and One Nights and One Night

a role-playing game campaign design ’zine Vol.: 1, Issue: 18, December 1, 2007
Gamer ADD (not AD&D) That Bright Spot in the Sky
If you haven’t guessed, I’ve got I ran a game for the CMT a few years ago in a
gamer ADD (attention deficit hard SF setting, Albedo (Chessex), based on the
disorder). I keep coming up with Erma Felna EDF stories
more games to run than I can by Steve Gallacci, which
conceivably play anytime soon, so I he published in Albedo
make notes so I can run them at a Anthropomorphics
moments notice. And, yes, you (Thoughts & Images) and
wouldn’t believe the opportunities compiled in Command
that those notes help out with. My Review #1 - #3 (Thoughts
current group, the Corvis Monkey & Images), #4 (Antartic
Troupe, has the next six months or Press). The story takes
so already planned out for games and who’s place across a large
running them. The common joke in the CMT is federation peopled by humanoid versions of
that I’ve got 30 to 40 games ready to run. That’s Earth mammals and birds. Humans do not
really not far from the truth, since all I’ve got to exist in this universe (though there is a story on
do is pick up my copies of this ’zine and go that later in the series).
gaming! I hope that if you are in a similar spot,
In the Erma Felna storyline, a young catgirl
you’ll use these issues the same way! I’d love to
(the title character) is a military pilot who is
hear about any games you might run using this
thrust into dangerous combat situations where
’zine. Drop me an email and let me know!
she kicks some butt and takes names. It’s well
done and I own them all, so the source material
Seven Leagues was all She Wrote is very accessible. The comic begins (issue #1)
A kind of ultimatum note, she with a small outer colony being invaded by an
gave to me. I picked up Seven army from the Independent Lapine Republic
Leagues (Malcontent Games) (yes, rabbits). The Extraplanetary Defense
by Heironymous a month or so Force (EDF), the military arm of the
ago and on a recent trip to Federation, take back the colony, causing lots of
Canada I had the opportunity collateral damage in the process. I started the
to read through part of it while waiting to cross PCs out right before the invasion.
the Border. It seemed appropriate somehow.
MW played Niklas, a Mouse aerodyne pilot,
It’s a faerie tale game packaged into a pretty with PP as Yusev, a Dog soldier and BC as Ziget,
neat concept – Language, rather than a Panda soldier. Niklas was shot
statistics, is the underlying rule for the game. down during the battle while
Each character, PCs (“protagonists”) and NPCs trying to land the PC’s squad.
(“antagonists”), are described by a three word Most of the squad died and the
description called an Aspect, for example “an survivors fought off an assault
Inferno Spider.”From there, three attributes from a rabbit patrol. They
called Virtues (Heart, Hand and Head) are communicated with the base
defined by point values totaling 13. Heart station and were sent into the
represents wisdom, charisma and courage. city to link–up with another
Hand is strength and dexterity, but also unit. They fought another bunch
“resistance to poisoned apples,” very important of rabbits with a light armored vehicle. After
in Faerie Tales. Head is smarts, wit and the battle, Niklas was blamed for getting shot
knowledge. For my Spider example, I chose down and over the course of the game, his
(continued on Page 2, Second Column) career was close to being over.
(continued on Page 2, First Column)
Content © Wooden Leg Named Smith Productions 2007 published in association with the Corvis Babbage Cliological Society
Website: ’zine art is either open source or through fair use of copyrighted works
One Thousand and One Nights and One Night Page 2
a role-playing game campaign design ’zine Vol.: 1, Issue: 18, December 1, 2007
That Bright Spot (cont.) Seven Leagues (cont.)
His only option was to jump on the next Head 3, Heart 4 and Hand 6. Virtue maximum
transport and beat the report back to the local for PCs is 7 and minimum is 1, with average folk
HQ and plead his case. He and Yusef got having 2–3 in each. So my Inferno Spider is
onboard but Ziget was average smarts, but has a pretty good heart (a 4
transferred to another unit. is considered “high”) and very strong (a 6 is
BC quickly made another “extraordinary”).
character named Qin, a
Charms are special abilities of the character,
Goat Engineer who liked to
whether it is fly tirelessly for
dance (BC again made a
Raven or puts you to sleep
memorable PC). The cruiser
for the Sand Merchant (Two
had to detour into a
example characters in the
Sargasso–like area of space
book). Each character is
to investigate strange
initially allowed their lowest
goings–on and got attacked by a pirate vessel.
Virtue number of Charms, so for my Spider
With extreme damage, the PCs lead the vessel
that’s three: Burns with a bright flame, a
to a nearby asteroid field called The Drift where
gigantic beast, and skilled at spinning.
they started to repair the ship.
Opposite of Charms are Taboos, “extraordinary
This was a very difficult game for me to run. As
limitations or supernatural hindrances” that
I mentioned, it’s a hard SF setting. And my
the character must abide. A djinn might have
style, as you’ve probably guessed, is more wild
bound to a bottle or a giant armored dragon
and wahoo! There came a point about four
might have a gap in scales that penetrates his
sessions in that I realized I wasn’t having fun,
defenses. Normally, characters don’t start with
so I pulled the plug. I think it went OK and the
Taboos, but can take two in order to get one
players had a good time, but I felt that I had to
additional Charm. I don’t want two Taboos for
stop myself from throwing in the weird, over
the Spider but think one would be interesting,
and over again. Thoughts like “Hey, I can have
so I chose likes to talk before eating victims.
a psionic … er, nope! Doesn’t fit the setting,”
and “This scene needs a giant space zonko- Then a short Legend is written that describes
hamster!” kept running through my head. So it the character, with keywords that help in his
was probably a good idea that I pulled the plug adventures, and the character is Named. I don’t
before I got too crazy. have space for a Legend for my Spider so I’ll
just name him Fireweb. Can’t wait to play!
Gaming Podcast Review #1
I’ve been listening to several different gaming To Donate or Not Donate
podcasts over the past month and one that I’ve I received an email recently from reader RB in
been enjoying is All Games Considered Maryland who wanted to know about how to
( I’ve only donate to this ’zine. Wow! I hadn’t thought
listened to a few at this point (some of the late about that before. This is a free PDF, doesn’t
60s episodes) but they have a good format, they cost me much of anything to make, and I’m
speak clearly and are definitely excited about happy, nay, compelled to do it.
games. I especially enjoy the “Gaming for That said, I thought hard about it
Cheap Bastards” segment. It’s got a cool song and realized that I would be flattered to receive
and they talk about cheap (or free) games that any sort of donation from fans. So I set up a
I’ve never heard about. I suggest you give them PayPal donation button on my site. Feel free to
a try. I will certainly be listening to their earlier donate or not. I’ll keep doing what I’m doing
episodes. and I hope that you’ll keep reading.

Content © Wooden Leg Named Smith Productions 2007 published in association with the Corvis Babbage Cliological Society
Website: ’zine art is either open source or through fair use of copyrighted works

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