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The usage of electronic equipment should rise at a faster pace as our county is
hoping to become digitalized in upcoming future. The vision 2021 of becoming
"Digital Bangladesh" aims to make our nation stronger through effective use of
modern technology. Here is some viable E-waste management suggestions give
E-waste contain around 1000 types of high level toxins and hazardous chemicals
.Currently in Bangladesh, recycling of electronic products is mainly being handled by
the informal sectors .such as, slums, informal scrap collectors etc. They sell it either
to the informal second hand market or bulk collectors. Due to this condition, Formal
sectors should take the e-waste management responsibility as to reduce the
heinous effect from the ambience sound both for the human and animal.
Government should take necessary steps regarding E-waste management system in
order to reduce the hazardous effect from the environment and campaign about this
through ads and other promotion. They should raise awareness among young
people who use these technologies.
Like European countries, we should take some environmental friendly strategies.
Such as ,WEEE (waste of electrical and electronic equipment) and The WEEE
directive is aimed at reducing the amount of waste of electrical and electronic
equipment that are destined for landfills, whereas the Rosh directive is aimed at
eradicating certain hazardous substances from new electrical and electronic
Thus In order to tackle the huge quantities of e-waste that will accumulate in the
future, it is advisable to enact e-waste regulations at the national level, create
awareness of the issue among all stakeholders and adopt a self-sustaining e-waste
management model for the country.

To sum up, we should understand the scale of population getting affected by ewaste and the risk-measurement scale associated to e-waste and the number of the
population involved in this sector and its scale in the market. In developing country
with such a large population it is really difficult to control the daily waste that is
generated in a systematic manner therefore we need to focus on the waste
collection and disposal or proper recycling system and if we can ensure a proper
waste collection management, we will be able to fix this problem. Law alone cannot
mitigate the environmental impact of e-waste, the NGO have large role to play, the
improvement of the collection process and strong applicable and rational law is
required to meet the challenges of e-waste management.

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