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Running head: IMMIGRATION

Maricruz Estrada
Daliborka Crnkovic Padon
University of Texas at El Paso
June 2, 2016

Running head: IMMIGRATION


Recent research on economic, social, and political perspectives toward immigration prove
the importance of illegal workers. The significant increase in the number of immigrant
population living and working in the United States has improved its economy, therefore also
politically. The illegal immigrants of today are very different in so many ways from those who
came hundred years ago. Todays workers are more productive, innovative, and inventive.
Immigration, most of the time is viewed as a conflict, it has become a significant issue in the
United States. Most of the debate based on undocumented immigrants focuses if these workers
are good for this country. The impact of economic benefit has been recognized and has received
greater attention to immigration opponents. This essay will analyze two genres, a typographic
and iconographic genre. The first one by Daniel T. Griswold where his article, Is Immigration
good for America, explains how immigration gives the United States an economic edge in the
world economy. Patrick Schwerdtfeger, Why Immigration is GOOD for the American Economy,
a video which also states the importance of Immigration in the United States. This essay will
analyze audience and purpose, rhetorical issues, and structure and delivery.
Audience and Purpose

The first genre, Daniel T Griswolds Is Immigration good for America, is an article
created on February 26, 2012. The purpose of this article is to inform society that illegal
immigrants bring benefits to the United States, beginning with its economy. It also informs to
citizens who are worried about the economy, lose jobs, and taxes. As the article explains,
opponents blame immigrants for hurting the economy, but immigrants are not hurting it. The

Running head: IMMIGRATION

economy is strong with the higher total gross domestic product. The population today is 12
percent higher than recent decades. There are more Americans working than ever before. The
second genre, Patrick Schwerdtfegers video, Why Immigration is GOOD for the American
Economy. Its purpose is to inform society how important immigration is to our economy and to
make people understand they blame immigration for things that benefit the United States
economy as a long term. The presenter of this video provides listeners with different examples of
data and percentages comparing some countries dealing with this issue. He also points out a
population growth percentage only if immigrants stay in the United States.
The intended audience of the article is older people, but especially American citizens.
Usually interested in politics and economy. This article has a strong inclination to this audience
because some of them are against immigration. Somehow this society objects because these
citizens are the ones paying taxes. They already know and think immigration is hurting this
country. U.S. citizens want to hear deportation to immigrants from the government. An audience
does not need much time to read this article which is a short one. It only takes a few minutes to
read it and realize the importance of these workers. This article uses a formal language. Neither
immigrants nor American citizens referred with racist nicknames. The vocabulary used in the
article is professional since it is an informative article, it focuses on describing the importance of
immigrant workers. Immigrants are referred as productive and innovative workers.
For Patricks video, the target audience is also American citizens, older people related or
interested in politics. This video focuses on this audience because American citizens are trying to
vote against immigration. They already know immigration can be harmful to the United States at
some point and they also believe that this community problem will change the United States.
What they want to hear from government is immigrants are deported. They say crime, the use of

Running head: IMMIGRATION

services, and use of health care are the very first things American citizens think will affect the
United States. An audience does not need much time to watch this video, maybe a few minutes to
get inform about this issues. The purpose of this video is to inform and persuade American
citizens that immigration brings benefits to the United States, population growth is one of them.
This video uses a formal language; the fact that millions of people can google this video limits
the use of vocabulary that can be used. It uses a professional vocabulary since it is an informative
video. It has visible colors, this help to grab attention and not disturbed viewers.
Rhetorical Issues
This short article helps readers to dont get confuse by overloading them with too may
information. The information presented creates an easy way to read rhetorical appeals.
In the first genre, the writer supports his article by a number of relevant questions
regarding immigration policy in the United States from a dozen experts in the fields of
immigration examining the most controversial aspects of the issue. The article establishes its
credibility by presenting the information via a credible and distinguished source. People believe
this information because it provides information dealing with President Obama by saying he has
been calling on Congress to enact immigration. He also refers to others articles supporting
immigration. In the second genre, the creator of the video made the argument that immigrants
represent 12% of our GDP and if immigrants are deported the United States will have the biggest
recession in American history. The video establishes its credibility by presenting credible
information about immigrants bringing benefits to the U.S. and distinguished sources.

Running head: IMMIGRATION


The articles writer does not demonstrate an exaggerated emotional appeal, but he tried to
write with compassion and humility about the issue. An example of it is that the author shows
compassion stating that immigrants deserve an opportunity for a better life and to fulfill their
dreams. A quote from the writer that express his views regarding immigration, is Immigration is
a subject that touches Americans deeply, for understandable reasons (2012). The video is very
limited in terms of transmitting an excessive amount of emotion due to the fact that is an
informative video. Since this genre needs to be heard, the tone can affect society differently. He
provides an example by saying that if people cant afford a particular lifestyle, they are forced to
lower their lifestyle. But even at the lower level, immigrants still contribute to the economy
because they still buy food, shelter, clothing, and energy.
The first genre used logos through its terminology, as a result, the author maintained the
article professional. The evidence is valid because the author of this article is a reliable journalist.
The types of evidence that were used to support this issue were another articles that examine the
leading objections to a more open immigration policy. Another evidence is that this article
contains some questions to be answered with the purpose to criticize the most controversial
aspects of this issue. In the second genre, the video presents facts about immigration in the
United States. The information is valid, but it is not supported by studies. The presenter of this
genre uses a lot of data and percentages to compare different countries dealing with immigration.

Structure and Delivery

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The information in both genres was organized and precise. In the first genre, the author of
the article began with a question that immediately grabs readers attention by questioning them if
immigration has been good for America. It is a short article and supports the idea of having
immigrants in the United States in 3-4 organized and legible paragraphs. The author is able to
facilitate its purpose by writing it simple, very straightforward and to the point. In the second
genre, the presenter grabs listeners attention by explaining why rejecting deportation will lead
the United States to an increase of population. This video supports the idea of immigration, it is
visually appealing, simple, and understandable. The organized and clean structure of this video
facilitates its purpose.
The article and the video are two different genres of communication that convey the same
idea. The purpose of this essay was to support immigration in the United States. The first genre
was more professional than the second one, but the second one helped listeners to have a better
idea of immigration due of its content and the data provided. Each genre demonstrated a different
side of the issue but both supported that immigration is the truly helpful to the United States
economy. Both genres provide the same purpose to society, but the second genre is more
effective for a certain audience because it needs to hear it. Nowadays society is not interested in
reading articles, so they prefer to watch and hear information. Immigration has been a
community problem of intense debate, but this issue has shown a positive effect in this nation.


Running head: IMMIGRATION

Griswold, D. (2012). Is immigration good for America? Cato Journal, 32(1), 1-4.
Retrieved from



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