Importance of Television

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Television defination

An electronic broadcast system in which special providers transmit a continuous program of video content
to the public orsubscribers by way of antenna, cable, or satellite dish, often on multiple channels.

an electronic system of transmitting transient images of fixed or moving objects together with sound
over a wire or through space by apparatus that converts light and sound into electrical waves and
reconverts them into visible light rays and audible sound

television, transmission and reception of still or moving images by

means of electrical signals, especially by means of electromagnetic
radiation using the techniques of radio and by fiberoptic and coaxial
cables. Television has become a major industry, especially in the
industrialized nations, and a major medium of communication and
source of home entertainment. Television is put to varied use in
industry, example for surveillance in places inaccessible to or
dangerous for human beings in science, and in tissue microscopy
(see microscope) and in education.

Importance of television
Television is one of the most important and reliable means of
communication. It is a medium for everybody whether a person is
old or young. It can help students learn many things. Today in the
modern world it is very necessary for everybody to know about the
outside world and the changes that have come. These days most of
the parents and family dont allow their children to watch
television.they think it is waste of time and money. They just want
their children to spend most of reading. But. Television also helps
students to learn many things. It helps them get knowledge ad
much as the books do. Some people say that only reading make
people dull, they should also be enjoying their life. And television is
the medium that can help students to learn as well as get
entertainment .It helps student know about the latest news of their
countries and others. It can also impart more lessons and create
political awareness. Students can learn about science as well as

geography and many more things. In this way television helps

students learn and get knowledge about many things which they
have not got in books.

Television is important as books if we use it in a correct way. its not

that they should television whole day without reading .they should
watch television as a means of reading .television and books can
make students life easier and successful if they are able to use them

evolution of television

Through out history, television was created by two different types of

systems. The first was called a mechanical system named because a
metal disk was used. The second system was an electronic system;
this system is used today. In the beginning developmental stages of
television, TV was invented in secret. The development of it was
conducted by most radio stations was done in secret because the
radio at that time was an entertainment standard which most
believed TV could never compare to. TV at first was not a big
profiter, so it was not thought of as important invention. It slowly
began to grow with the help of various inventors into something
more. Few began to sense that it would be a greater source than the
radio for information and entertainment. Today it has become an
important part of our lives. It continues to grow. Television is now
more interactive as it is being combined with the Internet and we
are actively involved with it every day of our lives.

Read more: television: Introduction

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